Hey Holla Forums, got a story for you. And yes, this is vidya related, a mod would have to be incredibly autistic to assert this was not vidya related. I'm asking here because it pertains to a certain video game's community, and I thought someone here might have heard of this person before and can tell me what specifically the scam is, because this sounds sketchy as fuck and way too good to be true.
I won't give her name because if this is legit I'm not giving some other user the chance to swoop in before I can get her, but here's how it goes.
I go to certain sketchy websites where certain taboo websites are discussed. In particular I talk to a lot of girls looking to get kidnapped or run away from home.
I was talking to one a bit earlier claiming to be 19 and wanting a place to stay because she needed to get away from her abusive family. That's a red flag already, but all the girls I chat up are basically walking red flags so I press on and add her on skype. Her story gets more suspect right away.
Her skype quote says "Seeking adoption on ffxiv. buy me gametime and own me as a pet for as long as that time lasts. :D"
So naturally I ask about that right away, in what capacity she means, and she says petplay, sexually, and in whatever sense they like. Now, I've played FFXI, but I never got into FFXIV and I'm thinking "It can't be that expensive." and she says it's 30 bucks for 60 days. Anyone know of this girl?
Her profile pictures shows her as relatively cute, she claims it is her. Maybe a 7 by my taste. Attractive face, blue eyes, skinny, dyed hair. I figure this has to be some kind of scam so I come to you asking if you've heard about someone like this in the community.
Crazy or not, a live in pet who's agreeing to be kept in a cage and brought out for sex for the low price of 15 bucks a month sounds downright affordable to me. Plus I could get a subscription and play through with her.