Other urls found in this thread:
too burning hot :(
oh im aware but Im a fuckboy what do I know
be ready or get toasted
Foot loose.
That's the thing though. Faking an interest in other's interests is bad and in no means worthy of being an ice breaker. The facade that is. Yes, it would help tremendously if you find common ground to stand on but you can always attract people with just your personality. You don't need to know what is in another person's head to make a connection. And if you really want to know what is in there then let them slowly tell you. This is usually done over time and watching how they react to things. Words, actions, events, passing of time and other things alike. I learned these things a tad bit too late but I use them daily.
This is how you art losers
bbl dinner
Yeah, Flan's pretty much gonerino nowadays.
My art is better
Gonna play more STALKER.
Lord help me.
Tokai's photo/picture looks almost like a discoloured photo from the albums of a 1970s Jihadi/Islamist family. You know. The kind of photo they show on those reconstruction documentaries. The documentaries they USED to show on the History channel. Before History channel did an MTV and decided not to show content that their name FUCKING implies.
Just remember to cheeki the enemy's breeki and you'll be all fine.
I miss old history/discovery ;~;
i took 10 fullbody pics and looked stupid as fuck in every pic so i just put the camera over my face
doesnt even look good
at least this one looks good
I used to devour hours of those programmes. World at war was a favourite.
Father used to love the 'Nam documentaries.
He did say it was because that was all the news covered when he was a youngster.
I see. Well, this is a lot to digest. I mean friends and co-workers seem to think I'm rad but I don't see it that way so I think that's more the wall than anything with what you're saying to me.
Sharing is caring.
Then why filename?
is the bulge supposed to be part of the charm of the image
oh man
There's that too. Take it for face value, people are capable of being genuine. But always look out for the bad, just don't immediately expect it from everyone.
[ buzzing ]
what do u mean
idk is it?
someone called me fat
it was supposed to be ironic
See, that's a whole 'nother thing. Sometimes I don't want to even bother with people for their sake too. Like I want to make sure I'm gonna be genuine before getting them wrapped up with my fucked up shit too, ya'know? It's not always about me watching out for getting hurt. I don't really want to hurt other people either. That karma thing is real.
nah just bf3
it looks like you wanted it to be
Share more and make america great again.
i didnt think that hard about it
thats what it always looks like
this is the only other mirror pic i have
BF_One hype
I don't walk around in my boxers at home
feels too nekkid
it's all pre-rendered in the trailer.
i walk around with a shirt on and panties or no panties
i prefer panties on but sometimes im lazy
tfw tru neet
Looks shittier than my Skyrim.
Yeah I understand that all too well. It just needs to be balanced out tbh. IMO I think you should only vent the problems around your closest and most personal friends. The ones who you could trust your life with. That being said if you can't get those types of friends or have yet to find any suitable enough to fit the role then you need to vent it out somewhere. Be it out loud in your room when nobody is around or just online. Don't let your stress bottle up for too long but at the same time you should not be bombarding your friends who can't handle it with the bad feels 24/7. Hell, even forgetting about it for a while will be enough to make you want to fix it or even try to alleviate some of it afterwards. At least that was the case with me. I know you're different but we're both human. We are both capable of anything so long as we try.
step up
Doesn't seem so "oink".
what's so special about yours
I was going through songs wondering which I should send to you.
wait what
i want to be a video game tester
Dreadnoughts get me hard.
Every. God. Damn. Time.
All about those battleships.
I was referencing the prior images filename. Apologies.
Also, doesn't steam allow you to beta? I dunno. I am just too alpha to really know.
Yeah I found a good one, also found new mods and stuff.
Never knew Skyrim trees could look so amazing and dense.
rifk bf3 buzz tho
Epic arms race that was.
So many beasty ships!
Fugg carriers and the shit.
Dreadnoughts uguuuuuuuu
it isn't fun for most
at all
gets super repetitive
bad pay
bad hours
i was just kiddin cus of the image
i did say that when i was a kid
i was like
"dude i play games ALLLLLLL the time id be great for his job"
little did i know........
That your dreams would become memes....
Hope next one is going to make sense again.
Yeah, something like BF2142 Wake Island would be neat though.
I'll keep that in mind... I'm taking that as a hint to change the subject for today^^
Sorry again for this shit for the last few days. You're right, I don't really open up and vent to people irl cause I'm usually the one that listens to their shit so I don't get the chance to :/
Anyway, wanna shit post now? I'll follow your lead cause I have to learn how to do that properly too I guess.
This is the video that made me notice the BF series as a whole
I was like
lmao there is no right or wrong, just DO things yo
Kinda wanna 1942's though.
Like the proper doot doot.
Let's hope we can strap mines and grenades to our horses to continue the tradition of jihad jeeps.
[channeling my inner shia lebeouf intensifies]
la illah allah mohammadur rasallah
allahu ackbar
where are those two piercings coming out from
this brings me really really weird nostalgia
i guess i missed it here
no one on tc's to keep everything interesting.
My tongue!
good memories
fuckin marie tried to whore herself out to a bunch of us
tfw no tc to go on
metal af
No one wants to TC any more. They just rather get salty about the support from MOBA in thread.
aww yiss
this chick I work with wants to go get our nipples done together. Iunno x_x
i wan to tc
I'm support
you two are gonna fugg right? at least touch her boobs
next you'll get a tattoo
Ink is so rad. I should get an appointment booked soon.
Meh, I dunno. I could if I wanted to
She seems rad, DO IT. ice your nips together lmao. I'm not making fun of the piercing but rather giving you ideas for fun times.
I know all too well of that. It was always about the money. Now she claims she's working and behind on rent so she has no time to talk anymore.
You'll just have to give everyone a show :-D
M-maybe I will.
I kinda put her off last night cause I was having a meltdowny thing, but like she's leaving to Germany for a month soon. Gotta get it in before that ;3
im a good conservative girl
id never get a tat or a piercing
Well, I think honestly the status quo remains then.
go at it you glorious bastard and tell me about the results
on another note what else is new?
Y-yes I can
tfw nobody will go on tc ever
I find it scary that I just got back from my shower to make a post and only now you reply.
We have them occasionally on fridays and weekends
he knows
TP turns into a cunt sometimes so just go to scoots or mine when they happen
Good on you then^^
Was that me @ Test iirc?
Upon a little FB research she leaves tomorrow so woopsies. fml
Perhaps in July then^^ I've waited 7 years, one more month won't hurt me lol
Uhh, I guess boobie growth. It's hard to find a good position to sleep in nowadays. That's kinda it cause I don't do much besides work and sleep. Anything new, fun or exciting on your end?
Maybe we TC tonight.
Maybe we don't.
What is dead may never die.
Why not just TC now?
Wait, no. I gotta find weeed first if I'm to participate.
Ask her out tonight before she leaves. I'm learning things about people and I like it.
I'm in for that
Excuse me Ikaros is a girl
m-monday afternoon mother fuckers
This gives good chills
:O what kinda stuff?!
Oh, she lives like a couple towns over and neither of us do the car thing so that probably wouldn't work.
I shouldawouldacoulda talked to her last night I guess. Sigh. I probably would have been a nervous wreck anyway.
Things I want to leave between said person and I they're nice though. Well then wait for your next chance but keep in contact and let her know in a subtle manner.
you at fortune.
watch the video!
as much as you're a girl
oh cool.
I might or might not. Figuratively shitting where you eat is usually not a good decision.
ok im on the tinychat
lets go boys
shit's gonna fly left and right
it's monday afternoon, fuck that
wow mean..
Oh... i seee now,
Battleborn is just some Borderlands re-hash for $60
at least Overwatch is kewl new and cheaper.
Like, fucking coworkers I mean.
It's been not so good historically at my work. Not with me personally, but it creates a whole lot of unneeded work drama which.
... It's like hearing your own voice on your answering machine.
Are answering machines even still a thing?
yeah it might end up with drama but just try to stay casual about it
You suggest all these things that are so much easier said than done ;~;
You can't go from 0-100 on the sexual endeavors thing and try and stay casual about it. I don't even know how to go about it. My virginity has practically grown back, diggy lol
I was waiting for you to shut the water off to post
Is it really?
I like my voice.
So do other people.
Yeah. And then on top of that my horse face is there for the viewing. Double whammy no wombo combo, m9.
I saw 450 miles of run-down ghetto houses on my way to my sister's house a year ago. America is falling apart
your face is normal as hell
which one? but Im a fuckboy what do I know
and nah it's not that easy, I was just lucky.
anyways gotta run now byeeeeeeeeeeee
That's not what I heard.
The regular one! I haven't used the other one yet either x_x
Have a good one. Nice chatting today btw
I forbid you from spying on me
I regret nothing
saw your post about going on a run
I was only curious...
of what?
So you're gonna let some bullies dictate how you feel about yourself?
When they hit insecurities right on the head, yes.
your gender
Everyone is unique in their own way.
mentally and physically.
I know it's tough to see sometimes, but you as a whole person, are perfectly fine.
Self esteem is something that is built over time. You're making progress. Look in the mirror and be proud of it. All of it. The wrinkles, the flabs, the flat tummy, the cute freckles, that's all you. And that you is awesome.
um um um
f-fine, you win this round >///
Was it because *.bmp~?
what'd you find out?
are you a trap?
it was too steamy to see anything
Underrated anime
why would anyone bitmap anything these days?
ugh. yeah, I still hate my freckles tho
Because skifree.exe
post ikaros full frontal
Bitmap files may be easily created from existing pixel data stored in an array in memory.
Retrieving pixel data stored in a bitmap file may often be accomplished by using a set of coordinates that allows the data to be conceptualized as a grid.
Pixel values may be modified individually or as large groups by altering a palette if present.
Bitmap files may translate well to dot-format output devices such as CRTs and printers
I still hate you too, I hate you more than Grim
And that's saying something
I'll just have to spy harder next time
I've changed
my tughra
idk am i?
memeface in text form
allahu ackbar
i know what they're for
just don't know why you would save anything as that anymore as a normal person
thanks. it means a lot
I forbid
damn it tell me
allahu akbar
as a normal person?
if you want to rape your hard drive
[insert 3 1/2 floppy joke]
m-more liek 5 1/4 amirite
my 10 inch NOT floppy
one day
I'll find out what you are soon enough
I think those dogs are ugly as fuck
frenchies too
1:03, bottom left bebo
just name a time and palce
i think they're kinda cute
I showed Lenko those vids a week or two ago, he said he hada never seen those "be there in 30minutes" threads
my internet is broken i can do this rn
i need to call comcast
idk what do you think
Sorry for that exit toki :S didnt realise you were aobut to say something
Everyone's internet sucked, I know the jews are behind this
hell no
nah its fine, I was just saying I'd walk my dog lmao
Is Grim still here?
the fuck was that webm
they make fart noises
I'll be back later.....
Your house right now~
I think you're a girl... not even a trap
I love it when they resist
I've decided to retry my hand at art.
Thoughts, ideas? I'm going to use the inside panels of my old tv box as my first canvas with the art set my mother got me.
I'm not sure where this surge of inspiration is coming from but I'm just gonna go with it and see what happens ^~^
:3 cats
i did nothing yesterday
didn't even pwn any league matches
what am i doing with my life
iunno though
nother time
You are now Luka.
I need paint. Somebody buy me paint.
don't joke like that
U have been tricked
thank fucking god its a boo thread
ive been waiting all day
How about an afternoon sky.
those tits ;a;
idk but i want to do it
Your only option is to go out back like Ol' Yeller and be put to pasture.
I mean I'll use the other things, but I want paint.
I should have specified.
Shh. I got it. Don't interrupt my process.
I'm gonna be sick tomorrow, I can feel it.
Pray for me
Too small for you?
delete this
yes. lol.
sometimes I frequently feel that way. I'm sure a few people wouldn't mind me disappearing.
I pray to allah the merciful.
i should have known you'd have upgraded to huffing already
what kinda music u like scoots
I like just the basic acrylic paint. You can't really huff that.
U have been tricked
I have a penis
oh lol
rekt af
das cute
I like them on the bigger side c:
Mostly anything.
But my main jams are punk/punk-rock/metal.
I highly regret that gin, gonna be even more sick
wat do u think about clutch
I need a girlfriend
whty is my thread so fucking dead
I'm watching anime with someone
now make her korean or japanese
looks like everyones getting a turn with manaka
young lesbian couples are so cute
make sure you make vlogs
sounds aite
if i dont talk to a girl face to face for a bit in the day i get depressed
they're actually so special and cute to look at it drives me crazy
Boo. That is so autistic.
ah well
that is cute
but dude
tone it down
i had to get this feel off my chest
hey so i was thinking
i own a dress
so like
i could be your gf?
welp thats enough arts and crafts for one day^^
post dress pics
i'm bluffing I don't actually own a dress
when i want to feel cute and girly i wear an oversized sweater
I understand dude, its okay
I dont work that way
I could mail you one of mine...
that's just so you dont look fat tho
I'm not girl enough for you because I have a cock and short hair
you fucking pig
send me it instead
i could swapsies it for this set of acrylic paint
The offer was for Loco.
I bet you don't even transition
wow aren't i self-absorbed
manaka's asleep
im watching with your waifu
those choco chip nips tho
how do u know this
and how did you get soto's little brother to watch anime with you
lol I can buy my own :p
what? Why?!?
I only have so many dresses...
Transition is just for growing boobs. I don't need those. I can just grow my hair out and wear pretty clothes.
We can make it work, tokai.
oh shit. I forgot abot that anime.
that one was p good
Well i can buy my own dresses
Also I think wearing a dress you sent me would sort of make me your ho wouldn't it?
I don't want to be someone's ho.
because I tucked him in myself
I don't think bebo's waifu is a little kid
i could literally write an essay about how that post made enemies with me babe
the music isnt, just your girl thing
so if its not manaka or soto's little brother then who is it
still not enough
how dense are you boo?
as well
im so dense my nickname is diamond
i feel like you're bullying me into taking hormones and cutting my dick off.
try ur throat instead of ur dick
how can you cut your throat off
that would be a plus
find out for me
I mean I was slightly aroused at the idea which is why I offered .///.
Please write an essay about why we should be friends.
Grim, you will be pleased to know that I am going grocery shopping shortly.
It's really cute but tbh my mam asks about what I get in the mail way too often.
Also I don't have anywhere to hide it
sigh. i forgot about those sort of living with parent issues.
oh well
it sucks
This thread is so boring
That shit's 2scary.
The gods did not favour it
bbl storessssssssssssssss
oh fuck
grim you are
son of a bitch
The gods favour few
The worst part about having shoulder length hair was literally every fucking person thought they were being clever when they would call me "Cobain".
whats happening
pls tell
the worst part about having shoulder length hair is having shoulder length hair actually
Or you know, maybe it was a compliment
Possibly. But it was always said with some retarded smug smile like they thought themselves clever for making the parallel.
I'd say that's a pretty normal thing to do but I really hate that too. obvious references aren't clever.
i certainly do
neru's preferred length of hair
who dis
You're no god
just a random trap comp
whos your waifu
The only person to ever talk about how it was similar was some really weird lady talking about how I had the same "jaw" as him and it really creeped me out.
People see what they wanna see I think
*trolls u*
I knew it was fucking Ken M before I played the video
you're right im an angel
she posted that publicly on her fb?
never heard of em.
I don't believe it
nah, just to me. IM has the same type of name.
hey look he pretends to be retarded on the internet
like luka
Do I want to ask if you paid and how much or nah
of course luka's pretending you fucking moron
$20. These are the non newds.
youre right
he literally grovels for money to feed his league addictions
for the lulz
how could i not have known
thank you loco for your insight
I'd never pay for nudes.
But hey ho. Your cash.
but Im a fuckboy what do I know
you offered to pay me all those times
I was in character. Jesus.
fine... i'm a human v.v
Thank god I wasn't born in the south
when drunk every music becomes good somehow
hah! knew it
Not the beatles.
I liked that musical though, where others sing it
I'm not posting the good vid and images.
dont tell master..
I will, and you can't stop me
don't tell me what
Good night folks.
Not even resistance, bore
Perfect time to post new graphic of list
I really like how you put so much nice things in it.
it's really sweet of you
nice get
like the 15th one i've evaded in a row
lol'd at Chii's rank
It's weird bebo, I don't really see you as a poster
more of a friend
thats why I didn't put you on there
subtle made it actually
I just like that format and he helped me bring it to life
"just sort of there"
you're not the first or last the first person to say that shit to me left me broken for a year
kudos to both then
there's way too many B's. indecisive af
Is it bad that I saw that album cover and instantly knew it was dat Yahari S2 OP
The Porter Robinson was a nice surprise
Did you ever do a list?
y-you won't tell master?
SUBTLE WHERES THE "Watashi wa choudo nani ga juuyou ka"
The song also goes well with nigger music
I-Its not like Im a weeaboo piece of shit or anything, baka
I have not
My list would be 2real for all you to handle
I think it's cool but your grandma probably wouldn't :3
Well why wouldn't I?
Yes, yes you are.
if you really want a ranking, I might update in July
Yea, probs.
I have a good reason for not making a list too.
I'm listening to this rn
She doesn't really care anymore
Shes pretty happy too cause I gave her like 600 dollars, apparently I'm buying a Honda Civic
B's are average
The ending is pretty intense
Watch it rn dude
Well its alot of work too
Might aswell listen to weeb music amirite?
Yea, probs.
I have a good reason for not making a list too.
Sure, but there's also the fact that I really don't know that many people here, and it's no fun reading a list from someone who dislikes no one.
Advice for self improvement?
Pretty fuckin nice
Be less of a butt.
there's so many questions i got for a list tho
whats the score based on?
is irl also a factor or just posting?
actually those are th ewtwo
dudes he wants to fuck clearly get higher rankings
Look who's atop that list.
Would you really want to be up there with them?
Not calling others a baka
now that's a fucking joke
It's worthless opinion.
talking about every lisy
what opinion has worth?
Honestly, I'm completely happy with a B, but I feel the need to ask with what I can do better in order to receive a higher "grade".
If nothing else it outlines a person's misgivings with me.
That's my favorite pastime though.
Stop being Zulu time.
are you drinking again?
You're doing that thing that really annoys me again.
I thought the tc would last so I went with something yeah.
not that bad though.
good girl
don't act like you should change for someone, be yourself and those who like you for who you are will. you're a great person, don't worry about it.
but try drinking less
Vaping dabs is literally a high that I would compare to like oxy or heroin
10/10 time to nap forever
It's subjective, but on an absolute level, none do.
Lists are just a poor attempt at imposing false structure.
Too much work.
Sorry. I'll step aside.
Well thank you, user.
Um, I'll be sure to avoid it.
Bring work over, then.
Can I make that B+ an A if i give you a hug?
I'm not ordering you to leave, just stop that particular thing.
The user is Bebop.
Oh god, its that nostalgia drunk
Let's be only our self then.
Could be
for a hug he'd buy you a car
i've never seen them do anyone wrong and they're quite nice. has a life too so they're doing good in my book.
needs more "nini"s same for me tbh
My misgiving with you is that you care.
I could've changed it for you with a bribe like that
you have extremely low standards
terrible quality pic
Be right back
Can't just do that. You know that, love.
I know you're not. I'm gonna put something to download and disappear for a bit in a second anyway.
Just my way of saying "okay".
Seems like a few people agree with that sentiment. LOL
This was a great person.
miss you everyday
I am not clicking whatever this is.
I see.
Hm hm hmm.
remember to post pics of your mirror when you get back, yo.
you gonna get the new cod and battlefield when they come out?
this mr donald, this indeed
rip evil carlos santana
Battlefield 1, yeah.
you would think dictators would try to downplay the stereotypical dictator look
not biting the bullet and paying for cod4 remastered?
A man with the greatest rhetoric of all arab leaders.
a visionary who knew his fate.
That is just invented by western media
NATO is outright scum
Hey look, a US puppet.
His actions were the support of the US
That's the spirit.
Just be yourself and stop worrying about it; you're fine.
They're so biased in how they report things. He said that because shit got worse after they were taken out of power and the US shouldn't have intervened in shit that wasn't its business in the first place.
It's one of those factual no-brainer things that people just jump on because they're programmed to. Like when he said McCain shouldn't be considered a special war hero because he got caught.
Why should someone who was caught be considered more heroic than someone who wasn't? Getting caught is a bad thing that should be avoided.
an endorsement from the donald isn't really an endorsement
Whats so funny? That was a legit offer.
You want more ninis?
Where am I on Subtle's list then?
He's the nominee. Clearly a large percentage of Americans agree with what he says. It's a bit too late to be playing the "lol no one takes him seriously" card.
I'm not sarcastic, I love Gaddafi, dictatorships are not inherently bad and both the overthrow of Saddam and Gaddafi were NATO strategy.
They functioned under this structure and would've liberalized if it weren't for intervention.
ad hominem
Soliciting hugs for favor is bad, morally.
obligatory list
rejoice if your name has been chosen
If I had a list, I think you'd be an A, but then again so would most posters
Actually I meant I made that image for Grim!
Lament if otherwise?
That or just remind me of your name. I've missed plenty and this was half-assed. You're tracer right?
mhm, they're nice to at least know when you're gone or just not responding
Oh my god I'm honored
Well I'm too lazy to edit it and post another link, just consider yourself on the good part.
actually the entire middle east would've liberalized without western military intervention
yes, a lot of americans take him seriously.
doesn't make him any less of a demagogue and a liar.
but so is hillary.
the man says a lot of dumb pandering stuff. this is true.
he says some smart pandering stuff once in a while. this is true.
but i don't think his reasons for praising Ghadaffi are from a place of understanding. i think they're from a place of parroting what he heard from someone this one time. like when he retweeted those crime stats.
tl;dr he's still an idiot
But its just a hug.. Don't make me feel bad
uh, the people in power would just step down?
stop making Islamic law the law of the land?
they'd stop fighting and being ultra-conservative?
believe in individual freedoms and rights, regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion?
That's still only assuming things.
I'm just grumpy that I'm still sick enough to not drink. Ignore me.
Grab a beer and lets watch something good.
Wow, I dont feel special now.
/Ninis your face.
oh my god does kanra actually support military intervention in the middle east
like is this for real
it's a much safer assuming that lines up with a lot more things he's said,
the caliber of his ability to repeat facts and tell the truth seems bad.
than assuming his understanding and personal curiosity lead him to that conclusion.
He PROMISES he saw the thousands of Muslims celebrating the collapse of the towers, though.
.///. Alexis pls
Democracy definitely looks less appealing to me the more I pay attention to America politics. People are mostly uninformed retards who are easily manipulated.
People taking him seriously is all that's necessary for an endorsement to have impact.
Maybe you just meant "I think he is bad, therefore his endorsement doesn't count."
-huggu- ♥
People in power were liberal, even Assad.
He allowed parties bit by bit to participate and loosened many restrictions.
Even if not, a popular uprising would've succeeded, and if hijacked by islamists as in Syria crushed.
Islamic law in many countries is not real, Syria-Iraq had/have secular law, same as Christian countries once had.
Fighting was only initiated by islamists with support of foreign powers like the US/Turkey and the Gulf States.
Belief in tolerance only comes after slow integration of liberalism, like the West. it would only be a matter of time
I think a coalition needs to stop ISIS, yes.
Don't you?
Same goes for gaddafi btw
This comment upsets me, because my first five gallons of beer is finally done fermenting, and in the fridge, but I'm still sick as shit. So sick I put in four commas in that first sentence.
someone post perfect striped pantsu
also I'm going to make real list dw
what does gadafi have to do with isis
I meant, "That mans seems to parrot stuff without regard for nuance or actual understanding, and panders a lot. He stirs dissent, doubt, and fear."
So maybe he's right about Evil Carlos Santana, but even a broken watch is right twice a day.
Okay, so maybe dictators DO like sharing their power. Letting other people have say in how their military state is run.
Maybe dictators DO secretly want their people to be happy, and don't do crazy things like order executions.
I had no idea Gadaffi and Sadam were so beneficial to their people.
Why would his wrong things be far less than his right things? Why would he not fear Islam and still respect secular governments in the East?
That's what my dad said lmao
I still believe in a democracy, but a radical direct democracy. Since here people are forced to discuss as in referenda, they're dumb but they can learn.
Ahh, okay, A+, I can't take the guilt
Probably something.
damn that sucks man, I wish you a speedy recovery so we can drink together one night in tinychat.
Wont alcohol work like hand sanitizer in your insides? Drink anyway
Dictator does not mean wanting to hold on to power forever, the people with this power know they will die and know that eventually democracy will ensue. This is why when they are older like Gaddafi-Assad-Saddam, they will share power and teach their people how to rule.
Executions were a western thing until only recently, we cannot judge the world by just our humanized standards. and under dictarorships Iraq and Libya were very great and powerful nations, with big support from their people.
I don't have a webcam, nor a microphone.
It won't, no.
Me drinking while sick would upset someone, anyway.
It's more like how he approaches the things he says.
It's not, "I understand what's going on, and here is my informed opinion."
It sounds more like, and based on other things he says, "I heard this once, and people liked it when I said it, so I'll say it again."
I could probably make a list of stuff that falls in line with this mentality that he's said.
Point being, he may tell like it is, but he's said a lot of things that aren't actually how it is. He avoids details whenever possible.
Like when Chris Matthews finally pegged him on the 'punish mothers that try to get abortions' thing.
Then he tried to explain it away with, "It was theoretical." He's as slippery and full of bullshit as the next politician.
I thought leaders in the Middle-East frequently ordered or tacitly allowed executions and meting out of justice in unlawful means. But maybe I read that somewhere in the lamestream media.
But that goes to show I clearly know nothing about these dictators, and I honestly assumed that they acted in the interest of their own party, and their own military, and many times against the rights, dignity, and freedoms of its people.
But I guess I'm wrong. Sorry, Tokai.
Defending the middle east would label me a socialist these days.
If he really was as slippery he would not be so radical in his statements. We cannot analyze these people on every viewpoint as we can't do it on ourselves either. Who are we to defy his mentality or to know who he really is? It's all theories without insurance, so the best way to support or hate him is to see where your interest lies.
unlawful? if executions are old western standard then those laws are too. hell even the US executes people regularly. In Syria and Egypt for example they execute primarily islamists, since they know the danger of radicalism like ISIS, the secular states of the middle east do everything in their power to halt factions like ISIS or the muslim brotherhood. but since a large amount of muslims/population would prefer that statehood of course they must be authoritarian. Even if it is in their own interest the destruction of radicalism and the promotion of Secularization and nationalism will lead to liberalization. something that would never happen under islamic law.
Um, that's the job of reporters, the media.
At least, it was supposed to be. They've gotten way off track, and nobody trusts them anymore. They've slowly degenerated into this awful cycle of needing ratings and popularity, parroting the people, and caring less about conveying the truth to the masses.
We need to ask, "What do we really know about Trump?"
I say with confidence he's a slippery politician that espouses bullshit during interviews, parrots what he thinks will gain him favours, and is a demagogue that capitalizes on fear, paranoia, and misrepresenting facts.
Maybe demagogues that lie, parrot falsehoods, pander,, and bullshit make good leaders. I'd much rather a leader that stands, and has always stood by his views and morals.
I love Israel, am i socialist now?
If you distrust media this much why trust their reports on this guy?
And shit, >I'd much rather a leader that stands, and has always stood by his views and morals.
I can guarantee you no such leader exists, it can all trace back to Machiavelli. This is the nature of politics.
no no, that's conservative.
Isn't that illegal?
Casper you should meet up with Mordin and use him as your personal cum dumpster
I heard he used to fuck with snow too
Well, if they're executing the bad guys, then that's all good. People hurting other people, and not just threats to the Regime.
I thought they executed dissenters and good people, or people practicing freedom of speech, and told everyone they were doing good. Clearly the media I've used to compile my views are misleading.
But maybe they were objectively doing good, and not just their version of it.
I don't trust what they say. At least, unless they're sharing factual information.
I pretty much only trust Rachel Maddow as reliable source, that I can listen to.
Though I try to listen to the words straight from the horses' mouths, whenever possible. So I listen to Trump, and I hear how he talks, and what he says. I listen to Bernie, Hilary, and even Cruz. I listen to what other Republicans say about him, I try to listen to what his supporters say about him, I try to listen to what moderates have to say about him. So when I make these conclusions about him being slippery, full of bullshit, dodging and evading, pandering, and parroting, I get that from The Donald himself.
okay I've gathered 60 active posters to make this list with
should be done soon
He got a Secret Service visit.
Now they're claiming he was actually just talking about someone else, lol.
may or may not be torrenting photoshop as I type this
Don't include me in it
I'm not a poster Im an irl person
So edgy
too late
Soto help I'm so upset
It was fun, though.
because it would ruin me?
What's up buttercup?
Man that shit is more outdated than my GBA
What a nigger
I lost like 1000 ranks in osu 'cause I got a better score with a mod on a map I had already got SS on..
It's from a time when it was more necessary.
Free speech isn't even common in the west, an Islamist threat that is a threat to the regime is a threat to all people who don't agree with it. It is in our best interest to support secular governments who suppress religious and political fundamentalism. And in the best interest in the progress of everyone in middle eastern countries. So the Executions of islamists like the muslim brotherhood or affiliaties is justified within their context. trust msnbc? the leftist equivalent of Fox?
Where do you see these opinions of supporters and interviews?
hope the law gets it right
Why would that bother me?
Kinda miss NGGG tbh
It wouldn't... v.v
So, then convince me
How about you get a job?
I saw some stupid thing on fb about how all the kids in ed edd and eddy are dead or in purgatory or whatever
It was never necessary
fuck you on about?
Non German German Guy was so cool
I miss that nigga
I miss Non German German guy
it would be the most logical explanation for the show
What. That's nonsense. Utter nonsense.
And not MSNBC; Rachel Maddow. Joe Scarborough is awful.
I didn't know the sort of secularism Iraq and Egypt wanted to practice were run by good dictatorships. Again, I thought they killed people that expressed their freedom of speech, dissenters of their party, and arrested and persecuted for political reasons. I thought they stepped on the freedoms, dignity, and rights of others.
Right? Posted Nazis and didn't afraid of anything
I hear back from the company I did that phone interview with if I got the irl interview tomorrow or Wednesday, super hype about that
Back to work
I'm useless
You're like the cute klutz type
Really aren't useful at all other than looking at
thats good
I might buy a '99 Honda Civic apparently for like 1600
Donald said he wanted to do worse than waterboarding.
Even though it's proven it doesn't work.
People don't seem to find this a problem.
I've seen plenty of tits.
please, look at these rules, we may think we have a great deal of freedom but it is never a full freedom to say whatever.
I just googled some titles, watched little footage of her and I can't tell the difference between the tone of bringing news of Fox and her. It is denigrating towards opponents.
You're really missing the point of the aim of parties in power in dictatorships, because by that logic we are justified to invade any dictatorship worldwide just because they do not uphold our standards. If for example Assad would step down, or El-Sisi. You know what would happen? The majority of Islamic fundamentalist organisations would take over, they would undo all these western styled reforms and go back to their ways of old. And if it were not for Islamists perhaps it would be fascists like the Syrian Social nationalist party, only second after the Ba'athists. or hell the Communist party. Civil rights are never good in these areas according to our western standards, but to advance these countries we too, must play by the rules of their land. To force such things like in Afghanistan will only lead to disaster.
Don't you see how what you typed doesn't really imply doing worse wouldn't work?
It could mean that worse is exactly what's needed.
were not hitlerite guys!!
I'd fight for an army looking like that
hot damn that's a good looking military
What a nice thing to say, thank you
Make it.
Yeah no if he actually said that I'd gut him
Well I hear Syria's popular now, go ahead.
They fight mostly in Latakia and Lebanon so it's not too dangerous too.
Okay, Glenn.
She's fact based, doesn't fear monger, doesn't imply greater danger and evil like EVERY Fox show does.
She's a reporter, who talks about things going on, and shows her justification as strongly as possible, with a crack team of researchers.
Fox are talking heads that repeat trivial information to push an agenda.
MSNBC as a whole may be owned, and Maddow may have to listen to them, but she is NOT a corporate entity, and she tries to be even handed. There's a reason I trust her.
Of course not. But that's a useless statement.
But fuck, they have a LOT of free speech. Freedom to make fun of, parody, humour, criticize, brutalize, flatter ANYONE. Racist or not, nice or not.
I thought people got KILLED for this stuff in Gaddaffi's and Sadam's regimes
Sorry if I trust people that have actually tortured people and military leaders,
over a posturing, egocentric businessman.
BUT SURE THING, ERIO. Maybe Trump knows what he's talking about.