Its not irrational for humans to want sex from the most attractive person possible. Don't mistake me for saying otherwise. What IS irrational is having experience with, or knowledge of, how this ends up playing out in reality, and still choosing to engage in it anyway.
What I mean is, we crave sex because we're biologically driven to reproduce, but "sex" now doesnt actually produce children, its widely engaged in for momentary satisfaction. Further, it degrades your value for future possible mates you COULD have children with, making you less desirable as you've been with more men and reduces your choices for mates. FURTHER its a lifestyle that is often chosen for their younger and better years for reproducing, wherein they lose sexual value over that time, and then end up with fewer choices for the long term afterwards, limiting their options to lesser men for a long time, harming their ability to reproduce, and in general just having a negative effect on their life overall.
It is irrational because it ignores biological drives to reproduce, and it ignores the long term loss for temporary short term benefit, AND THEY KNOW THIS, THEY'VE SEEN IT IN ACTION, WE HAVE THE RESEARCH SHOWING ITS TRUE, WE HAVE WOMEN WHO TESTIFY TO THIS BEING THE CASE. Its not the choice that a sane person would make given all of that information.
I mean, let me ask you, as a rational and sane person, I give you a choice. That choice is,
1) I can magically cause your dick to be the perfect size for any female to get off on, and attracting any female for sex will be incredibly easy, however you will be unable to reproduce during this time and cannot get married, and the effect will last only from age 18 to about age 28 over that time your dick will become weaker and continue to get weaker over time the more you used it during those 10 years, less able to remain fully erect, less able to provide satisfaction, you will have a much harder time bonding with a female, and only the uglier or fatter women will still want you at all, it will also become harder to produce offspring as the effect of reproduction suppression will have a negative impact on your lasting ability to reproduce. But during those first 10 years you can bang attractive bitches till your heart explodes.
2) I can provide you, starting at age 18, with financial security so you do not have to work, with a woman who will be at least moderately attractive, will be a suitable companion to you and you will have fun together and enjoy each others presence, will marry you and be faithful to you, she will provide you with children, and you can have sex on a regular basis with her which will be great sex for the first 2-3 years, good for the next 5-8, and MAY become simply routine (if YOU put in little effort) at 10 years and beyond (but can remain good if you put in effort).
As a rational, logical person, who can think about long term lasting benefits and weigh them against only temporary (and shallow) benefits, which do you choose?
Women by the majority have chosen option one. Which is an irrational choice to make, its less beneficial, provides only temporary perks, and has a lasting and increasingly negative effect on their lives. But because they've chosen it, men responded by taking advantage of it, because its rational to want to have sex with an attractive person of the opposite sex and if they're offering it so easily, why reject it?
Women could turn this whole thing around if they simply, by majority, chose option two. Stopped sleeping around, stopped hoping on every dick they see, stopped wasting the peak years of their sexuality, etc. What they would end up with is men once again bettering themselves and competing to get the best female possible, and females would have their pick of the litter in most cases, with far more quality in the options they have to choose from. Instead, they've chosen to turn the sexual market place into a free for all.
Here, just, watch this ignoring that the guy making the video is an admitted homo, he raises very valid points about how women are ruining themselves, and if they behaved rationally things would be far far better for them. Instead, they behave irrationally.