Russian President Vladimir Putin rejected the insinuation by NBC News correspondent Megyn Kelly that the Syrian government was behind the April chemical attack, putting the blame on terrorists who orchestrated a provocation. Using terrorists as proxies is a bad idea, Putin said, pointing out how the US created Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan to fight the USSR, only to end up with 9/11.
Putin Schools Megyn Kelly on Syria, Chemical Weapons & Terrorism
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Stop making these shit pointless threads you fucking faggot.
every time
This shit is heartwrenching
Paid shill kelly btfo.
Here you go lads, fresh off the grill.
This shit is even more retarded then the time that Putin said that Hitler was going to gas all the slavs.
I want summer to leave
Seems pretty relevant to me.
So what did you get on your report card, champ?
In her next interview, Alex Jones explains the hidden messages in the Putin interview.
What? Are you fucking retarded or what?
The jewish press sure loves promoting Jonestein.
Its a bot
Or some boomer from reddit (same thing)
The US supporting fundamentalists to fight the USSR during the cold war is no secret, faggot. In fact it's quite well documented and accepted by both sides.
Don't bother, its a bot or a tard.
Probably doesn't even know american foreign policy MO for the last 5 decades.
>>>Holla Forums is down the hall and to the left.
Who gives one fuck about that.
I doubt there's anything Putin can say that you won't consider retarded for completely unfounded (((reasons))).
Nice implications there. Neither of the user's you quoted said that at all.
the more important point is she looks like total shit, see that haggard face? holy fuc has she been hitting the meth pipe of what? who is going to take that face seriously??? I get it, some media executive wanted to hit it once it was kicked to the curb but come on…. how long is that expected to last?? sloppy seconds are just that
I doubt there's anything Putin can say that you will consider retarded for completely unfounded (((reasons))).
If you want to bait like an expert, give a well thought out argument instead of using meme's to get your point across.
none of what that user said was promoting the USSR.
and the US supporting Al-Queada to combat communism (like how the Chinese and Russians were supporting the Vietnamese and Koreans to combat the US) is well known.
If you want to kill commies so bad go to your local university. The concentration there is higher than russia.
How about them based faggot Communists, right TRS?
Again it's just some kike whining with another kike.
too fucking many
pic (and its title) related
wait a min
I hate to triple-reply but I just noticed
15% of 5000 is 750
nigger bot you can't even do math right
Way too fucking many.
This is what you get for living in burgerstan. Enjoy your poz loads and your based Zionist president.
If I truly loved kikes I would be a Russian shill.
was there a name for these memes? I have a folder of them somewhere and I miss them
I am personally going to string you up on the day of the rope, you filthy kike faggot.
Been watching a few more videos of that event. You can clearly see just about everyone (including other foreign journalists and politicians) are laughing at her and the rest of the US MSM.
They must be getting used to it. When Trump went on his foreign trip there certainly was quite a few exchanges between US & other reporters wondering how long they'd have to deal with this bullshit. Unfortunately, with the special prosecutor investigation taking months if not years and the constant leaks it's not going to end soon.
Catch me if you can, Shlomo.
niggerbot you lame
OMG its the "Russia is behind the refugee crisis" guy
who gives a shit you normie faggot
What did he mean by this?
i'm not the one with reddit-tier posts
Yes it's very likely.
Several Russian nationalists boards on the internet link directly to this site.
Believe it or not, not every country is Burgerland.
Of course they're kikes on this board. I wonder if Ricky Dicky's """gf""" goes on this board to tell how bad the ebil Ukrainian fascists are.
Where? Africa?
If you're anywhere in NA, SA, Europe there's antifa/commies at your local uni
So the russians are kikes, but you are supporting ukraine (UN/US/kike)
lol you're fucking retarded
I support the nationalists in Ukraine which not part of the government and actively protest the kikes. If you didn't know that the separatists are kike controlled by now then you're a newfag.
Tell me, how large is Antifa in Lativa compared to the United States?
separatists are russian controlled
Your nationalists are in bed with the UN you dumb faggot
what is google?
The point was: you said there were no antifa in Lativa
moving the goalposts
changing the subject
inbf reddit/kike name calling projection
Yes that's what I said, kike controlled.
I didn't say there was no antifa, I implied there was barely any.
The amount of useless redtext and low-quality posts has motivated me to report you. Stop being retarded and make an argument.
yes yes russia is all kikes, someone's still upset over crimea I see
==nigger wtf was this
Are you sure that I'm the one triggered?
How the fuck do you fail at redtexting, dumbass?
The post
link to another post in your redtext line dumbass and see for yourself
lol what a hypocrite
As he said massively butthurt.
>>10018939 is a kike
I can understand a typo, but how the fuck do you fuck up redtexting? It's literally just two of these;
Hey user, i don't believe they go around houses asking who is nationalist, and expect a honest answer. So calm down on (((statistics))).
Although i do believe that the future for russia can only lead to communism. Putin makes same mistakes Nikolai II did (orthodox totalitarity, lots of useless laws on religion, general opression of people having fun, awful education system that leads to massive amount of illiteral people, poor class being a majority and so on). Might as well repeat history.
yeah your link doesn't work faggot
mine does
you = FAIL
So tell us again how Putin (((not the US))) is prolonging the syrian civil war, to escalate the refugee crisis, to flood europe with dindus & nasheeds, to destroy europe and the west.
maybe you're not THAT guy but you sure sound like him
dear god I hope not
You're gonna get a lot of shit for that answer, as it's pretty left-leaning, but as long as it triggers anons, it alright. ::^^))
Majority of refugees are actually Turkish, not Syrian. Russia has taken in 6 million undocumented refugees and has 20 million shitskins in total. Why can't you be more deserve like Russia, comrade?
Yeah I know the "syrian" refugee crisis isn't even syrians
Thanks for the tip from 2015.
It must take a lot of (((motivation))) to spend 20 hours a day doing this. Please go on.
I'm not putting all my time in resources into this, I'm saying it's fucking bad idea/ You can totally ignore me, that's fine, but when you get fucked over by a country that cares nothing about whites, prefers Communism, and hates Fascism, you're gonna have a rude awakening when a Bolshevik shoots in the neck and you shit your pants crying.
Do you want a reminder where you at?
yeah okay bro
I think we have to worry about dindus/antifa/deep state shooting us in the neck before we worry about bolsheviks
Wasn't the cunt supposed to grill Jones?
I have pictures exactly for such an ocasion.
The guy/bot is obviously retarded
I kinda already know that?
Antifa are bolshevieks you retard. And last time I checked they're pro-Russian.
RIDF is in full form tonight.
Its funny i know another latvian guy with exactly the same arguments who shits on other imageboard. People use to make fun of him, hence the images of pissing on latvian flag came from.
Probably every board has their own hired shills, or its the same guy, whatever.
antifa are stupid children and don't know what the fuck they are or whom they support
They've always been around here. You just have to deal with it I guess.
Kelly is growing her hair back out.
I'm not mad, if people respond to me I just reply back.
Maybe you take a look at
I'm betting veritas got the drop on Kelly in advanced and they are giving her rope…lots of it.
That was nice, though you know the media and fags will just go
As if saying that suddenly makes everything Putin said wrong.
How in the fuck did that hoser get that gig?
This is subversion and not true. These old people now worked as they were expected,in a system that the politicians set-up at the behest of (((Jews))). You will be old one day too. We are we we are at today in part due to (Senators Russ Feingold (D-WI) and John McCain) Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act laws passed in the 90's (they were debated all through the 1980's) this is one of the methods of how we got to 100 senators supporting Israel today.
Will this meme ever not be true?
Wait… You weren't aware? Going to be a rough wake up.
Its kinda sad, a Latvian began my redpill, telling me how much better the nazis were during Russian occupation
She looks scared shitless of Putin. It's embarassing to see Megyn Kelly up there interviewing him. There has to be better talent out there.
Megyn better get used to the idea of a polonium-210 tampon in her future
This clip was even better. He absolutely unloads on her. Start at 2:10.
You're missing a lot more but that's pretty much it. Fucking neocons and their kike tactics.
She looks like a dried banana left out on the counter too long. What does that to a persons face? Acid?
Lol he annihilated her. He kept asking for sources and she babbled like a tard.
How did she even get this gig? She sucks, literally
He should straight tell the truth that it was jews.
She does, it's the look of a woman who knows she's speaking out of turn.
inb4 she cuts it again after this interview
So Megyn Kelly is now defending Donald Trump's actions in Syria and against Putin's defence of Syria.
Just shows you how the jewish dialectic is forever shifting sands depending on the audience it is intended for.
Weirdly the cognitive dissonance amongst Trump's supporters is tweaking their nips a little by maintaining their hatred of Megyn Kelly as jewish media talking head, who they don't seem to have realised is now defending Trump in this interview.
Holding completely conflicting contradictory opinions isn't new in normie-ville only I thought Holla Forums was better than this.
What a fucking awful translator.
Купить мои фильтры сука
Go back to the T_D if you're going to offer no arguments whatsoever.
I don't think you understand us.
hard to be a nazi when you are decomposing in Donbass Meatgrinder you mongoloid, also ukrops are so viciously retarded they actually have commies and facists fighting together against them, its kind of like how chocolate rambo united the niggers and the spics for a brief window(glad that passed amirite, wew)
anyhow erhäng dich nigger
Critical thinking says Assad would have nothing to gain from this strategically and especially not PR wise, while (((ISIS))) would have everything to gain such as foreign intervention against Assad. Assad explains this in nearly all his interviews, but sadly the average normalfag would refuse to watch because "muh evil Assad is literally hitler". Also the same false flag was done in 2013, and everyone conveniently forgets it was bullshit, and Assad even gave up his chemical arsenal in 2013 because of it. You would have to be a drooling retard who eats their own shit to believe Assad gassed muh childrun in 2017, especially after the outrage in 2013. There is LITERALLY no proof that Assad ordered his people to be gassed, and I'm not one to misuse the word "literally".
This anti-Assad narrative is one of the biggest propaganda operations of all time.
She's mostly cherrypicking what she wants out of it, she'll defend impressions that support the Hillary narrative at least.
Yes, of course, based commie faggot my bro. Whatever kills more white people. Stupid goyim.
Fuck off, CIAnigger
Fuck off, jewkrainian
Yes goy! Fight against your white fascist brethren! Support the Communists!
I bet half of you niggers have never watched an Assad interview.
Most the leaders of donbas are corpses most the civilians are starving and Russia is in a recession. Sure was some victory huh ya crypto commie niggers.
you're mostly a retarded nigger. all of us here realize that Trump only controls one of three branches of government, and that doesn't even count the 7th floor bureaucracy types. Out of that ONE branch, we also recognize that he's being heavily subverted by his kike family led by his traitor (((climate change))) and (((gender gap))) shit.
At this point, Trump is simply the bringer of change. Our Pepe incarnate; led by General CHAOS Mattis - stacking the supreme court for the rest of our lives so we will be able to rebuild a conservative nation from the ashes.
Putin knows the USA is this way. He is ex-KGB. Go watch all of Yuri Bezmenov. Putin knows the damage kikes can do to a country (Russia post Bolshevism) and he knows that if we got rid of things like the (((petrodollar))) and brought back things like nationalism and sovereignty, that we could ascend the Kali Yuga as dominant leaders; or we can keep on and burn DC to ashes (pedogate, Ronald Bernard, NWO) once the truth hits the masses.
(((Ivanka))) was the one who wanted the MOAB in response to the (((chemical attacks))).
You TRSfags would suck a cock if it was labeled "Trump" on it.
shut the fuck you downsie nigger, you dont know what the fuck you are talking about, you should volunteer, put your money where your mouth is, im sure VICE can provide you with contact details you fucking retard
as opposed to the bountiful lands of western ukraine where everything is peachy
they just signed a big ass oil deal with the kurds, russia is battening down the hatches you goofy western liberal dicksuck, keynesian bullshit barely applies in the present geopolitical climate, global markets are a scam floating on derivatives, a ticking timebomb, and the ivans are slowly isolating themselves from it at least to some extent, the only thing they cant produce right now is pharmaceuticals and thats really just a matter of patent law
le mao, you fucking children, do you really believe the movers and shakers give a rats ass about your isms, they are useful to control and sideline idiots, nothing more. welcome to 4gw bitch
Whenever a sexual connotation is used, small penis, little hands, tweaking ones own nips……. it's always, every single time a fucking kike saying it. It's part of their mental illness.
Lay off the vodka and poz loads before you type, Anglin.
No really it's just a term of expression in identifying the retarded nu-generation who cheer on kikes in government and defend everything their jew controlled puppet does because they invested so much time and energy in another ZOPG puppet.
I'm the one here against jews, especially voting for these said jews.
It's you that supports jews and defends them, I'm the counter to that.
of course you cant understand things unless they are in illustrated you phonics nigger, the claim that the jews are backing eastern ukraine is so hilariously stupid, one of the most prominent ukrop figures is a massive jewish oligarch you melonhead, you are literally not worth the time.
If youd said the kikes were backing both sides, well then wed have more to argue about, but as it stands now you should be discarded
amazing how much retardation you can pack in a few words, funny how "defending" involves trying to repeatedly take the same tiny stretch of land and failing miserably despite all those tasty ATO IMF shekels.
read a book nigger, lurk more, do something you trichromosom, your understanding of the world is below that of many a child, I can tell from one fucking sentence
Her mouth is drawn tightly at the edges and curves down. She is not enjoying herself.
Literally no argument was presented. It's amazing how you can fill whole sentences with just pure garbage and have it not mean one single thing. How you can deep-throat the biggest Russian kike oligarchs at the same time and say that-
-truly makes me believe that you are no ordinary retard. A true tool of the kikes standing before my eyes, what a fool! You are hilarious, I'm looking forward to your next (((reply))), Moshe.
Gas yourself disgusting yid.
CIA kikes inbound
They've always been here, or didn't you notice how mossad operatives like Gert Wilders, Anders (((Behring))) Breivik Tommy Robinson and most notably Trump's neocon cabinet were shilled for so hard here?
They should really stop shilling for Putin to be honest.
Putin has his fair share of Chabad Lubavitch messianic kikes running shit in Russia, the same Chabad Lubavitch kikes that Trump has surrounding him.
He's absolutely right. We should get the fuck out of Europe. We did enough damage. I hate it.
did the Latvia shill switch ips
I find it strange that Putin even agreed to be interviewed by this Zionist whore. He did a good job though.
No, you retard. We can't even MAGA yet. So wtf are we doing in Europe? We should get out and let them handle their shit themselves.
ZH has a good article about this.
> zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-02/putin-blames-election-hacking-politically-minded-russian-patriots
Putin kinda outed himself as a shabbos goy, comments are Holla Forums lite as usual. Interesting framing going on there from Putin's perspective, not quite sure what to think other than the obvious.
Why would LSD do that to a person? Are you retarded?
Fucking delusional chochołs
It's rather funny how ridf always gets such a spasm seeing the word "Ukraine".
Give back Lwów and get out of my country, all of it, chochoł.
The only thing unifying Russia is their hatred of Nazis for WW2 who they see as traitors as well as their hatred of commies for, you know, everything else.
Not shilling for Putin, don't know the guy, don't really follow Rus politik too much because I literally don't give a fuck; but it's only natural he'd push what little Nationalism they have muh we defeated the nazis! to keep his country from going batshit crazyer.
As for cozying up to kikes, any nation that is a threat to Israel is immediately bombed into the stone age by the U.S.; it's easy as fuck to see why any politician anywhere would (((work with))) the kikes.
Just a couple of rational explanations.