Iunno, I had a different personality test, gimme link and I'll do that one too
When you enter and it's a Fresh Thread~
Atleast I am not a cold fish.
oh :/
It was more in reference to not being a soulless robototic husk.
Being a good guy sucks.
fresh topic!
Yeah, I got it. Thanks.
gl hf on personality thingy!
It was also a dig at someone else. Not you. Incase you are thinking that.
I was like, damn it's a bit early to have my day ruined lol
Waking up with no neck pain is so great^^
...This is the toughest one so far.
I love doing them.
oh we're doing personality tests again
Just keep that one in the middle since you won't have children :p
what is THAT
Sup ^^?
I mean, I value kindness more than most other things... but I'd feel ashamed if my kid was a dummy.
But I can be patient with people, as long as they're willing to learn.
It's a Lil Wayne/ Nicki Minaj song. They explain it there.
ENFJs define their self-esteem by whether they are able to live up to their ideals, and sometimes ask for criticism more out of insecurity than out of confidence, always wondering what they could do better. If they fail to meet a goal or to help someone they said they'd help, their self-confidence will undoubtedly plummet.
forever a fail ;~;
I like how when browsing further I recognize the weaknesses but don't really the Strengths.
This hits close to home.
But I'd rather have a kind but lovable dummy than an asshat.
Whatcha got?
Describe it
oooh nice
Don't think like that! Limiting yourself to the two choices something or someone gives you is ridiculous. Think outside the box and always include another (or several) possibilities. I'm sure we'd both raise our children to be both kind and smart.
Its too real. Now I have a feel. The feel is a stormy coast.
Too bad the test doesn't allow for creative imput.
I used to, then I "figured it out", so now I don't.
Is that a yes or a no?
dont be so insecure
good people are rare
thank you
Couldn't say. I still think about it, there really isn't a definite answer until we are told.
I don't do feels.
classic PVV
lol I think I have that one on my phone.
me too
I've become more tolerant though, but I haven't gotten tolerance back a lot.
PVV'ers are my enemies, don't kid it
The rappers and the meaning are both disgusting.
Gonna be lazy today?
Probably. I don't get paid to get out of bed, so...
hit the nail on the head
My reasoning is that since we'll never been told, the original intent is moot.
I got the same one as you.
I get a different result every time. I do it once every 2 years or so.
i hate personality tests on the internet usually, i normally disagree with the results and most of the time i get shit like INTP
why is intp shit?
i mostly like my introversion.
feelsgud to just be lazy
I figured you would get one of the diplomat personalities
also who even are you?
pls no
oh, bd
what's with the trip
Not really. I want to go to the mall and shop x_x
2far for walking though
i don't really think it's a shit personality type, i just don't agree with it and i see it pop up a LOT on 4chan threads about personality tests, i also feel like a lot of tests use flattering or colorful language so you can feel better or even empowered accepting whatever result you get, but i'm just being picky
energize with some breakfast mebe
Got ENFP last time, I think.
What is your cause?
ENFP Master Race
I see.
I could try that french place again. haven't been there in an ill minute.
I've nver been there this late in the day so it's probably full of the old French dudes and hipsters though :/
maybe I can challenge one to play cribbage wif me :O
give succ
Not anymore!
I went from INTJ->ENTJ->ENFP->ESTJ
over a 4 year period
so basically went from an introverted thinker to an extroverted people person
it fits, cause I ended up working with kids and doing lots of groupwork over the years
Aw hell naw.
I can't remember my path.
But this INFP is pretty apt.
I always disliked the hippie pic tho
I went to a Philippine fusion place yesterday, it was out of this world. Everything was fresh and organic, and the average dish was about 12 bucks.
idunno what cribbage is, but it sounds pretty interesting to just sit down with a stranger and play a game with them
you should do it
insert joke about grim working with kids here
I may have already freaked myself out of it. Cribbage is the best game there is imo.
So do you go and find a new restaurant like everyday or what? #legit question
better succ like if not then youll need handle bars instead
No such thing.
Well darn. I thought I wasn't the only one here for a second.
different percentages tho
some of mine are close to 50/50
and some of yours.
i was hoping test was around but i guess i'll have to post the chara i picked up later
anything with feeling over thinking is garbage
My I/E thing is within the 60% though. It's close.
I might as well be.
Then what drives you?
Guys with tech skills.
How do I open an .all file?
Shift+Delete will open that bad larry right up
My friends, I suppose.
But not to much.
What happens when all your friends die?
No x:
Maybe every couple months
It's a Cubase file
for audio editing
need Cubase or something
what happens when people on the internet ask really stupid and unnerving questions
You avenge their deaths
I follow.
Make new ones.
Good guys finish last.
pirating that stuff
Hmm, Seems like a cool hobby.
They use question marks.
Usually I'll just start crying and fake quit though.
Would they be worth the effort?
Also, are you Batman?
Don't mind me. Just being Emo at the minute.
I think they both have their ups and downs.
My J/P is literally by 2%
I know what you mean, lol.
I follow, dunno what else there is.
It'd be a strectch to call me extravert, but I'm not very introverted either.
Yes, I saw your answer.
It was meant to be a rhetorical question for you.
Where is TP when you need him...
Why follow them.
Only the ones that have no inner strength.
I think I'm becoming a connoisseur of food x:
Scary yes, but life goes on.
Drop him so fast he won't know the ground just slapped him
If you can call them friends and remember that they died then yes. No I'm just your conscience speaking.
I jest, but yeah that's true. Although letting emotion rule and cloud your judgement will ultimately be your undoing, in any regard.
you explode
That is true.
And lol, let the bodies hit the floor...
Like dead die or move away die?
Life goes on regardless though.
I'm gonna go get brunch x_x Hopefully nobody murders me or something. Text me!
Funfact: I've never attended a funeral.
Is there like a timer or something? I don't want to forfeit my security deposit.
It's a pretty easy answer coming from someone who thinks about dying about twice a day on a good day.
There'd be nothing left for me.
I don't think I have either.
No worry though Forty, many don't really have a cause.
Fucker still won't open, how will I ever retrieve my highschool paintitblack indian remix??
Move away then die.
abloobloo pseudoscientific pile of letters with vague descriptions that anyone can identify with
Wouldn't think so.
I don't see a problem with either as long as a person developed basic social skills.
There is a difference between being emotional and being in touch with your emotions. Emotional Intelligence is very important to a fulfilled life. Otherwise, you can have a noble prize in quantum physics and still off yourself due to not understanding yourself.
blood tests came back normal and I showed no drugs in my system except marijuana.
looks like i'm not dying =\
Bollywood meets the Rolling Stones.
yes things i can hold onto while taking the succ
They're not very fun, especially when they're for young people
Oh I have no idea then
I skip out so I don't have to pretend to have grief about the situation.
anyway, brunch-time11!
Aiite c:
use an older version?
I have no exp with this
take the test, cunt
Very true.
Music class was so rad dude.
I had an 8/10 for that remix, 1 point minus for being two weeks late.
It was that
How should I imagine that?
okaii, I'll pick about some more
Reminds me of when Wrasslin used to be cool. That invasion angle was a pretty dope story.
Only one?!
How ya doing tho?
I am not sure if I did..., But I do remember listening to a decent remix of PiB. I can't remember.
I should reboot up my RS playlist.
Yes, yes we can drop the hyperbole and agree on that. No need for extremes when we've already reached a conclusion. Although, to me, it looks like being emotional is what drives your thought process.
You've never felt any grief whatsoever over the death of a loved one?
Ryuko has a terrible case of retard-face in that picture and it's bothering me
Sssssssh just come.
Not that I know of.
The teacher was way too weak on me lmao
Do it fam
invasion angle?
I remember the Kurt Angle.
He was my hero as a kid.
I feel worse over the decision to keep them on life-support selfishly instead of letting them croak tbh
Does that mean none of your immediate family has died?
As an extreme masochist, I'm sure you get that a lot.
If I was vegetative beyond the point of recovery I would want to be terminated and I feel the same way about others in that condition
Hyperbole is fun if no one is actually being affected by it. Especially in a place like this, I love to take advantage and build absurd pictures.
Emotions do play a large part in my personal life, and to an extent I realize I need to be more pragmatic with how I handle these sort of things.
In my professional life I'm very much by the numbers though, and have seen some success in that area because of that. Time and place for everything.
It's like the artist didn't have a reference for Ryuko's face and decided to go with Ditto's
What counts as immediate family?
Holy fucking shit we agree on something *hugs*
Could be in lighter spirits.
We agree on other stuff too, ya know
Get muh black on... summer = black clothes
Whe WCW/ECW invasion thingy.
Kurt is a damn amazing wrestler.
Shouldn't really be such a suprising thing to say though.
PG era is a disgrace.
Well I'm finally leaving now. I think I'm going to leave a 100% tip today for the lulz
This so much, my grandma is in that vegetable position for around 6 years now, I wish she'd just die already, it's inhumane.
w-wait what?
Why is senpai yelling at forty?
Imperfections and your moralities aside; why exactly are you telling me this? I don't recall asking nor do I believe you're doing this for the sake of conversation. Justification for nothing sounds more like it.
Father, mother, brother, sister, etc.
oh snap
Same here, same here.
I think the term is sarcastic paraphrasing.
You heard me
um well like pigtails and something going down your throat a lot of times, probably some saliva here and there well probably a lot of places
It's solely for the sake of conversation.
I was responding to "it looks like being emotional is what drives your thought process".
D-don't make senpai mad.Sarcasm though is godly.
I haven't run into one of those since the last convention I attended though, so that's nice.
How are you doing, Forty?
I find that hard to believe, what with the recent hostility and my comments? What I said was and is only observation. If you want to converse on anything it would have to be that. The hostility that is. As far as women depraved of rational go, you set the bar pretty high. Do forgive me if I'm wrong or misunderstanding whatever it is or was.
I'll probs feel better after getting this work out of the way
it says different stuff every time I take it which makes sense becauseyou can not just make up 16 categories to describe all peoples personality it does not work
Smiles wasn't being serious. They weren't Paraphrasing me.
Personalities change Neru
Got much to do?
I don't ever meet those in person.
I'm alright. Had some heavy conversation at my education today. Might fail. But there's hope.
How're you?
I just like fair treatment
ohh interesting premise
Neither am I being serious wiith that post. Its unfortunate we do not have a sarcasm button
little finishing up on one project, work towards another project, and studying for a couple of exams
yes but like within a day or an hour
I don't know a whole lot about wrestling but I like that
Not that personality crap again.
i thought so, so what do you say? ill even throw in some wine for you
Maybe. But you're a masochist either way.
There was once an appeal for a sarcasm character, but it wasn't approved of.
Sounds like fun
God damn it.
Do it
It's monday!
Only in bed
why does test have to stop being such a massive weeb when i decide to actually collect some chara pics too
Yeah. Sucks.
I guessed right!
What do you mean?
He's at school, I assume.
What's yours?
One person does it and it's like a snowball effect :c
I stopped watching years ago
Not my fault you change your answers according to your mood.
Isn't it awesome
oh that makes sense, i'll just have to come back and post these later so he can tell me he already has them
Updated list~
I dun beeleev it
I'll take any special undynes you have ^^
Hostility? If that's the case than I should be the one apologizing since I never intended for that interpretation. With all due respect, I don't even know you past the current name you're holding, and so I'm treating you as a new person completely and trying to work off of your tones.
And I forgive you of that comment; people tend to have varied opinions of me at best.
Looking towards a busy day, but enjoying the few minutes of breathing room I have today.
Well at least until I get off. Probably gonna stick around for another 5 and then have to get going.
you can drink the wine whenever, daaaamn like its going to be a daily routine so yeah you in or what bae?
I don't even want to post in the same thread as Grim anymore
I'm perfectly content with this.
that feel when not on grim's list
I have already done it.
because everyone wants to circlejerk over how special they are.
5 Minutes? Alright.
I should make a list.
and here you are
you said yourself a while ago you didn't like to post much here
i'm right beside subtle~
kill me
yey lists!
you went up from last time
entj's are rare.
Naisu naisu.
very true but that's never stopped anyone from posting me in a list before
besides i just wanted to complain
They make the happy
I'm awesome!
Here, does this help? Maybe it'll assist you. My rude comments towards you aside, I don't start anything unprovoked unless I have good reason to. I've known you as long as some have, back from your BITCH days to your current nice days. The various opinions of you are also based on your emotions.
gotta try a little harder to make the high ranks
Awesome might be a bit too far, it's still alright
If I want power and respect irl I gotta have an outlet for the insecurity you know.
oh sweet
nuuuh mondays are not for drinking!
Was it right?
i've been trying to come around more often but i either don't have the time for it or i just get swept up in something else, really it is fun to come by and chat and see everyone now and then
pew pew
i went from INTP to INFP to ISTP to INFP
such a change!
Here I thought you hated how toxic this place was.
ESFJ all day everyday
i saw your post btw but i had to look hard, i think i posted most of my undynes here so you've probably seen anything i could show you that i have
thats why you save it but i guess its just going to have to go to someone else
And how often have you done so?
well i just thought it was a little dangerous how people encouraged the wrong sort of behavior without including any criticism or honest judgement, but what can you expect from the internet, it seems like at least a majority of the people are trying to improve or striving for some sort of goal
Like what kind of behavior
I was recently scolded for picking on someone here, believe it or not.
Well hello there Lenko; I didn't know you viewed me this way. I'm sorry for not recognizing you.
You knew me 4-5 years ago?
Can't help it that I care about people's feelings and take them into consideration before doing anything radical.
woah... mff is S? ._.
I'm curious to what Smiles was like exactly in those days
but fucking tokai cant be bad
Ye. I even have him added on fb and shit
opposite actually, i think a certain degree of bullying is what made the place good sometimes, people often knew where jabbing was acceptable and where to draw the line, and i feel like the lack of fear in giving someone at least a bit of a hard time made them both think about themselves more honestly and be more open to discuss and have interesting conversation
like what does that even mean are you not organized if you are able to quickly adapt
Fuck you then don't talk to me anymore you fuck
no no gimme for friday
I feel you, wait no I think with you
Well that one time was kinda but not really, girls are no good in that.
hi blood-chan, nice day isn't it
yeah all ur stuff is all over the place
not really in an organized fashion?
Even Test can keep up with my name changes. Don't deflect, say it clearly, I know you really do foster those feelings. As I said before, yes.
No that's fine I'm just being a meme, carry on friend.
Love those caps btw, AND NAH IT COULDN'T BE.
Both are desired but I think organization is probably more important
Ah, alright.
Really nice, I just came home from Burger King with my brother
It's like having a full schedule vs being open
it's your belief in what is more important
I was totally wrong then
You said the exact same line last night
such irony in how you keep wanting to be away from me yet you keep saying my name and replying to me
Whelp, it continues. Im outta here.
SD is definitely based as fuck though always posts tunes with me when i show up and post tunes
My best friend watches it so I go along with that
It's actually pretty entertaining
I suppose.
I remember when that was. A bit over a year ago, now?
BD would be based af too if he could stop being so weird all the god damn time.
Do me a favor, and add me on steam.
I have to get going, but I do want to continue this conversation and settle whatever misgiving we have with one another.
so you are in then? good! do you need help with getting your hair done up or can you do that all on your own?
even if it were bad im going to do it and have not a single regret
Wonder how long this will take.
How's Luka?
Been listening to this a few days now.
Don't reply to me you bitch
Fucking die
i guess that's a fun little trip, what did you get from BK?
it's okay, everyone is bound to have there own opinions and problems with the place, it's not really toxic so much, it's just sedentary, like the peaceful retirement home by the river equivalent by comparison to the swing club it used to be, but then again that might be more of a good thing in this case, given the amounts of over-activity sometimes
being weird as fuck is part of my quirks
Take me with you when you go, I've always wanted to visit the Netherlands.
OCD is your crutch.
I got a double whopper with cheese!
i'm not obsessive, or overly compulsive, i'm just atypical and mostly okay with it
lost its charm for me :/
good deal totally will as loooooong as you dont mind the mess
to chill with forty pie and bang tokai, i think my reasons are pretty solid
pie and now some fast food? you better still be eating good in between all that
are you sure
Hell yeah
I'm a specialist
Replace Netherlands with "Amsterdam" and I think you might get some reasons
I mean it's not 100% my thing but I enjoy spending time with him so it works out
I read it twice
Calling hax.
grim needs to make a better list!!
also my response to SD
I'm game.
Never tried since, or just no luck?
That's my guess.
You used to be pretty low when we had that argument and you insulted me
unsure of where to put you now, needs more time
if you count my precise analyzing skill as hax
here's an old one by qt
I wish I could into art, I'd make it extra pretty like that
It is on my list of 'Places to go to' list.
Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Iceland, London, Amsterdam, New Zealand, South Korea and many more I can't recall atm.
bruh you make shit weird af fast but you do you.
what mess? :o
I what?
Did this happen?
I must have said something pretty mean if you still remember it
I'm sorry
do reply to me you dog
fucking live
adorable and skilled, youre just the perfect little bundle arent you
add HK to that list and you good
Ahh, alright. It's a longer list.
So if I get this job I interviewed forthis morning I'll maybe have training in AZ for a couple weeks. I'm coming for you AZ fags
Good times lmao
cum for them hard ytse
Combo of both
sure sure
That reminds me that I need to find more things to kill in DS3.
I am trying to figure out what the analyzing in this thing does.
Hoping for the best colbear
I don't even remember why you were so low
Yes. It was a totally unwarranted shot. Caught me off guard.
Ahh. Sucks.
nigga what have i said to you that was THAT weird, did we talk about your sisters underwear or something? (fyi i don't know if you even have a sister)
....I'm confused by this. The trip makes me feel funny in the pants but the avatar makes me want to hurt people.
I could do something like that for the new one, if you'd like
oh I should add Mandy
it felt like, i tried so hard and got so far
i bet you didnt know i waited for the post wave before actually getting the get!
LMAO only if we take turns yo
Truthfully I'd rather include every country to it.
We gonna make this place LIT.
To what?
having fun happy times in Overwatch
Beats me yo
You can be very temperamental
why :o
I'm sorry
Are you though?
I'm not sure
[Emoji spam]
"But in the end it doesn't even matter."
I think there's easier ways to make an entry post anyways.
I haven't still tried that, probably will once they release the whole game and I'm done with what I'm currently trying to play through.
You went from A to A+
getting over B+ is an accomplishment
also china worst country
To be honest I sing that song every time I get 3 or more enemies out of the game and my team manages to lose.
Awe I feel special. You're an alright guy too, grim. I should post some of my gifs for you when I get home.
what doyou mean selfish
it's time to quit
and reborn as different name
nono, the hardest thing when it comes to posting is the entry post
yay me..
and thanks for being generous!
ah well there's more important stuff anyway
Have you been to any yet?
That is why I don't do entry posts, I just pick a person to talk to.
I don't remember the argument but a low blow out of nowhere sounds like something I might do so I believe you
And whatever it was, I certainly don't still feel that way
So I'm sorry
its totally true babe, if it make you believe it any better we can get you a nice dress a beautiful necklace take you out to dinner aaaaand then proceed to lewd you
like all of us
i think we have got like three involved so far?
this pleases me, you have gone up a few more points good work
i have absolutely no idea what avatar you mean
Nono! Don't do that! To start all over again is to make all your hard work go to waste
grim i'm going to haunt this thread intermittently until you make a new list with me in it
the way you post and the way you act
for me?
oh my
I am generous to the ones I love.
At least link that to him, then.
it's not the name on the person it's the person on the name, a great man can make as many great names as he has time for
Germany, France, Iran, Turkey, and I've made one pit stop in England (once).
You won't be staying at my place if that's what you're thinking.
To be fair, his compliance is not a factor.
and when you link better
brownie points
fuck yeee
I'll take your word for it
Where were we~?
China ain't that bad, I mean, even I got through the passport check whilst hungover.
That's pretty good.
i didn't mean to link at all but this stupid wireless mouse is running out of batteries and i failed to notice it didn't highlight and delete the link i clicked to make the posting window appear
i lack that ability
it's already gone, if you havent noticed.. years of hard work
but it's already the whole game right now...
I swear these days I can't tell if my friends actually want to die or are just using those kill me memes.
Career, education etc
I'm gonna get those soon.
Quite exciting
does anyone else think that running out of batteries is a really dumb turn of phrase, like how did that ever catch on
Time to give up everything and go live in the mountains as a hermit
Just pick a person and then butt in.
It is?
My information must be outdated then.
well unless you enjoy foreign prisons
points to house grimmindor! and none for those darn grufflehuffs, fuckers are just sitting on the sideline all the god damn time
any good places to drink there or just in the hotel room?
yeeeah but that summer time lake visit, thatll be just us gotta have the romance
What, specifically?
"my battery/ies died" is better, yeah.
Nobody will take me alive as long as I have this bad boy right here.
I got rejected from the Marines so I don't care anymore. I still jog everyday though
i catch myself using phrases that are very popular and commonly understood but don't actually make a lot of sense, but there's a lot of that if you look for it
i also hate people who say unthawed
Multiple in Shanghai, but you know when they're serving free beer on the flight it's time to get wasted.
how do you expect to shoot straight with that?
You'd be correct in saying that idioms are weird and that they don't really translate very well even in their native language sometimes :p
my friend got rejected for the marines and went on to do firefighting and Emergency service work, you'd get to see blood and gore and people dying so, but you're actually supposed to be trying to HELP them
good morning
please say hi to me
also im ESTP
"I have exhausted my battery life. :(" lol
outdated :(
talk about a dry way to look at it when i'm just bringing it up for conversation
Bachelor in public management, and either gonna scheme locally for the government or job search Amsterdam until I'm employed.
goodiee, lake is the nicest place
nice job you piece of shit
I dont even watch the series and I still think you're a cock gargler
I took one of those sorting hat quizzes and got slytherin
yes exactly like that, it's to have a laugh at the time and awkward sentences we are spared because of well accepted idioms
meant to link this to this
I think sentences like that are the exact reason idioms were invented bahah
I think your cat has autism
hermit life doesnt suit me, well.. unless there's electricity and silicon chips involved
I'm outta juice
I'm running dry
I thought they were just having the open beta this weekend.
We've solved this time-crime^^
Ahh, alright.
How old are you again?
Speaking of running dry...
Do I look like I want to help people?
maybe idioms are always fun
running out of pot however is rarely fun
that's very pleasant weather.
You coldies and your preference for cold.
fuck man we could take over the country with that!
so what youre saying is you an i need a private jet to fly around an drink in while i stop to do dirty things to tokai? i like the cut of your jib even more bro
whats your favorite flower, ma cherie?
hey at least those guys do shit and like some of them or whatever can talk to snakes, ask any rockstar ever thatll get you laaaaid
if i was an android phone id be at 5% power saver
i think you do what you can
Why conquer when everything that was once worth ruling is now garbage?
semen *
Yeah it came to a shock to me as well.
If I could communicate with any animal, it would be insects
could gain so much knowledge from those little guys
an orange tulip
When I was a kid I used to want to be an entomologist .///.
is that a pun
sleep well
I dissected worms in my backyard as a kid sometimes
It doesn't sound much younger, but that 4 years sure makes an impact at this age.
oh shizzles. The unintentional ones are always the best holy poop
oh that's right you stopped didn't you? for the better
It is hell.
Needs to be around 50F for it to be max comfy.
That's how you've gotta roll.
I was guessing Edelweiss.
Ehh, bye(?)
You can still get electricity in a place like this :3
the final server stress test.
Worms are cool too!
omg I love that monsters inside show so much.
I stopped getting pounds at least.
Kinda only smoke when I'm with friends and they happen to have it or whatnot nowadays.
I do miss the extra cash though, for sure.
me too!
and the infested one too
although that gets nasty at times
jeez. even with a tshirt on?
I can kill people
This is literally my dream home.
Maybe a little nasty. I just find their life-cycle to be amazingly interesting regardless of relative nastiness ^~^
Probably will, but I got no idea whats gonna happen
Thats a beauty too
no you can't
jesus i would never have been smoking through POUNDS by myself. that shit would get ruined before i was a quarter of the way done
also i got an undyney thing for grim
lol I'd only use like an eighth for personal use, dummy.
a what thing?
That too, but I mean I kinda expected you to be at the end of education, like me.
But that makes no sense.
an undyney thing
Well then it's not finished, now is it?
Well that can be managed with a t-shirt, but I guess I'm more of a hoodie guy.
And a pretty nationalistic flower at it too.
You should never stop learning.
I have no clue as to what that is or means.
70 degrees is my sweet spot.
just go out in a tshirt and jeans.
soak up the rays
the fuckin wrinkles
Why do you think I would?
Hmm more alpine though
cause free shit dawg
well if you could like hive mind them maybe, cause like an insects world through one lifetime is probably not insanely large.... altogether though youd be able to know if someone was pissing in a bush in africa in a split second
not bad at all, well now we have something extra for the lake visit too, babe
pick some shit posters and fly to every place that doesnt end in istan so we can shit post in rl and just make a mess of everything
x_x don't remind me
jamba juice is so good i think ill go again today
And you need to start. Learn to let go and open up. If you get hurt it means that you're capable of feeling and you've taken a step forward. This is what I wanted to say last night if you recall.
that's okay
omg you hate 20c weather too!?
it is done.
servers are excluded...... since ya kno... that doesn't change the game, meaning its complete.
nothing is free in this world so long as Jews breathe air
BD, that was really well-drawn
yeah, hive mind is the main thing
situational awareness and stuff like that
ant man stuff
you've played undertale?
the death of pepe
A very lovely night
i think they are just worried about wrinkles
fair statement
fuckin ant man was a great movie, surprisingly considering most shrinking movies ending up shit
yeah cause youll be a part of it, darling
This is what I don't understand. I need like a how-to for that shit.
I do recall and I've been trying. It just happens to be much, much easier said than done.
It goes against every fiber in my being to go against the logic vs emotional dilemma in my noggin. I appreciate where you're coming from but if you can't elaborate on the letting go and opening up part then merely telling me to do so will not help at all.
Besides, over the years posting I feel like I've opened up pretty much everything that haunts me in present day. Unfortunately only in the form of Q&A, but still, I'd consider myself an open book. A fickle, moody book (especially lately), but an open book.
PS Pls halp.
No, but I need a wrinkle cream/mask for my ugly face.
I think it's just the season to get the flannel shirts out again.
It was pretty symbolic in WW2.
What I find funny is that our national flower is highly poisonous.
But first we need a lot of cash for that plan.
I just wish it would be a bit colder, like maybe add a breeze of wind.
Ah well then, maybe I'll have to look into that.
i know ur feelz
and ya just give it a shot.
Where do I start? What do you want, anecdotal references? To me it seems as if you give up on things before there is a chance to be hurt. Most likely because you've only been hurt, that or just misunderstood. IDK
There is no one definite way to fixing everything. But ask and I will accommodate as best I can.
hehe, well maybe that's a warning for invaders.
I'm gonna make it my mission to create assad vaporwave
time to rob some banks
i should probably go now, its been nice putting this together further bae laters
Got to hate a stale weather.
I think it might have been picked for that reason or the fact that it's a very simple flower.
Have some music to play Insurgency to.
too scratchy for me
I didn't see any in the last pic you sent
Phones have those built in selfie photoshop bullshit effects lol
It's how I hide my hideous freckles too ;3
I'm such a fraud.
everyone does it
freckles are cute
or their gf's/bf's do it for them without their consent
I don't
am i doing this attention whore thing wrong
Send help, I've got into S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and now I can't stop squatting everywhere.
Like in the old 1900s ways?
Apus tommy gun.
Got to wear a t-shirt under.
Your legs are squatting on their own now!
I think I drank too much coffee lol
N-not mine x_x
It's like that part in Aliens where he's all like, " THEY'RE COMING OUT OF THE GODDAM WALSLSDfhjadpogihadpfobgh"
i guess thats why i look bad in pics
i like doing that though because its honest, its kinda funny everyone who meets me says i look 200x better irl and scolds me for taking bad pics, which i dont really understand
i think they just didnt realise how tiny i a actually am
im going to have even more coffee some time shortly, but you gotta be careful it makes you gotta shit
lol I know what coffee does.
I usually only have it once every couple of weeks though.
God is dead
Still don't know what to do but here's a little snip bit from my life, do with it what you will or just laugh. Either is fine.
Me being the socially awkward child I was in high school (at least the first two years) I tried my best to make friends. When I finally managed to make some I tried doing or starting things I used to do with my close friends back in my hometown of Atlanta before moving to Arizona. After spending some time with said friends at school and during other activities on campus I was lead to believe that I was alright in their books and finally mustered the courage to ask for phone numbers and facebooks. So I started asking if these friends would like to go out and do fun things like ice skating, skateboarding, football, watching football, etc. All to only never receive a response ever. I figured they were just busy with homework because I always was too. I was naive. So I turned to facebook and decided to message them but before I could I would see a 100 some comment post with all of those "friends" I made in it. You know they say "curiosity killed the cat" right? Well it only kicked me in the stomach. I sat down and read quite a bit about how weird and awkward this kid was (me). After being crushed like that I started to become more self-conscious and aware of the things I would say. Being a cynical, paranoid, shy twat was about all I could do for some time. I started withdrawing myself from people and being really selective about everything. My situation at home and particular problems aside I tried changing and made an effort to do things and be more confident. Since I was already so used to being let down I felt like I had nothing to lose and would force myself out of my comfort zone. That is where my steady incline began.
Had my first mindbattle with mutant.
Found my first scoped gun.
Discovered I can switch auto to single shot.
Can finally now land headshots.
Got my first armored suit by doing a task which I got this artifact and used that artifact to do another task.
It just keeps getting worse and worse.
Ordering vodka and gasmask now.
*hugs coldly* ♥
100% natural, no filter
bai baii
oh that's also a thing
heh nice
It's hard to take full body pics unless you have a big ole mirror.
Everything turns into a thumbnail on the internet either way.
show me the freckles
cold hugs have a negative connotation
That's why I'm here.
Going to fill the vacancy as 'Omnipresent and benevolent being of immense power'
mine are nice
i have a full body mirror
i just dont know how to make my face not look like shit
preeetty sure i posted this already
I don't appreciate cold hugs
I haven't seen it
think of something nice.
That's what I do
Or are you a different scarlet that I'm thinking of?
Oh a controller, you're in for some spooky shit if you think that was bad.
The game truly triggers the slav ptsd within.
That would actually feel pretty good considering that I pulled a muscle earlier.
1st, 2nd and the 5th are my favourite songs from that mix.
Sweet stuff
I should've washed my face lmao
I got hope
time to go do stuff
That's Mayaka, a whole different Scarlet.
Never give up the hope.
Have a good one BD.
I thought running away and shooting from a distance works, big mistake.
Ran up to a ladder, fucking exit blocked.
Had to knife the cunt as my vision bled red.
Never have I felt so spooked and cried so much. Felt like a cornered animal.
And don't get me fucking started on those invisible fingerfaces.
what do u mean
uh,, idk
I ascended hope
Hmm. Well thank you for sharing that.
What I think is the most difficult part is to fake being interested in their hobbies or whatever to break the ice and see what's in their noggin. All people around here (irl, not threads) talk about are movies and comic characters and stuff so it's pretty difficult.
I like math and science and language stuff.
things that make you smile.
Tasty things. Cozy things. People. Money. -shrug-
no but i mean like
i dont know how to take a pic in a full body mirror without it looking goof
Pretty much everyone's first experience with them.
I recommend getting one of those underbarrel mounted grenade launchers and some grenades for it as those are pretty handy in terms of killing Controllers.
You've yet to experience anything major.
I can't see where you'd ascend to.
i do.
I'm the god Holla Forums needs.
Now give me sacrifices. I demand a tribute of instant noodles and cheap energy drinks.
Lager is fine too.
I see, I think I know who mayaka is... I THINK, I don't talk to anyone much.
Is ok, you get pettings regardless.
*pet pet*
Rule of thirds, angle your body to the left or right
Your phone is going to show up in the shot so, make sure it isn't covering any
important assets
what else
be proud of yourself
you'll be surprised how much of what your feeling is reflected on your posture and face
You'll only get toasty ones from me
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