Diablo 3

So does Holla Forums play Diablo 3? Was wondering if any of you decided to buy this. I bought it a while ago for pretty cheap and so far I have had *fun*

So does Holla Forums even have a group in game?

Let me get this out of the way…

Yes, yes. I know. Some of you autists dislike this game. I am just looking for people that play this and want to see if there is a Holla Forums group on here.

I did do a search for an Holla Forums group and found nothing. So I just made one for us. If you want to join, look for the Holla Forums group/clan


i still play it from time to time, usually when the new season starts.

don't think there would be enough people here to start a big group. d3g was pretty active years ago but i think it ded now.

the game is alright, if you can stomach getting disconnected every 3-4 times every hour and being teleported back to your starting point

They make quinty eyed baby dolls? LOL

nice flag faggot

this. when a new season starts i invariably start another character, but i've only really been able to actually have fun with a witch doctor so it's getting super stale for me. i always drop it after about three days.

This too. I get my character to max level, get the seasonal set, then invariably get bored and stop playing after a couple of days.

Nope. But I did play it, on consoles, the actual superior version for once, without the forced "always online" thing is a great couch co-op.
It's a little tedious since inventory management pause the game for everyone else, but it's not like you need to do a lot of that. Once in town is ok.

Play Grim Dawn instead you faggot.

All signs point to you being a huge faggot, and if you're this late and wondering if it's worth your time, then you doing probably just hang yourself and get it over with. In the case that you're still adamant to play that mindless tripe, we can't stop you.
In any case, fuck off.
sage because fuck you

i'll join. i still play but i have no idea why.

Literally the best thing about the game.

I'd have given up long ago if I couldn't play it with my girlfriend.

I don't play it and never have, but it seems to be a common opinion this year that the game is as unfucked as it's ever been (and probably ever going to get) compared to its horrible launch. You're not going to find anybody to play anything with here though, no matter the game.

Nice dubs faggot.

I bet you thought it was dubsman.

I'll bully retards as much as I want faggot

I have yet to have that problem.

Well, post your bnet. I just had the group but didn't see a response here and deleted it. I'll just reform it when I get back home. This is the op.

Let me know when you get fed up with the bullshit meta (3 supports and one dps), the lack of any social interation with the few people who play it, and how you're forced to use builds, gear, and classes Blizzard wants you to use.

This. Grim Dawn really puts Diablow 3 to shame, but sadly the mod tool they release probably ruined the online mode.