why was it disappointing :(
Where is blood chan
You need to disfigure yourself with horrible implants before you can be attractive
It's a monstar movie about some west coast kids going camping in like
The asshole of America that is the corner of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, and the kill a kid with a dirt bike
did you get the millionth get in your thread?
Why am I so bully tonight
So yours are concave?
i just woke up.
ah, i see
i dont wanna
Then you will always be a disappointment
They're not concave they're just small >.<
Like yea so on the left
Show me ya tiddy
No >~
What a morning
join me friends
I'll get them
my pretty
I can't sleep what's up?
[sudden lack of confidence]
Give me a second it might take a short while to type up
Crap I'm going to get it this time...
I mean try if you want but I think they look dumb on my shouldery swimming frame
If you really are mgd which there is very little doubt in my mind of the validation of this
Then you have proven something to me that no words ever could
By posting as blood chan or ikaros or whatever you identify as for as long as you have, you've proven that, While yes, you lie, manipulate, and are an ostentatiously vapid slut
You aren't the great evil that I had painted you up as for years upon years
Here is my reasoning
I treated both MGD and Bc/Ikaros worse than I have treated anyone else iin my life
I said the most venomous and vile things I culd and I did everything in my power to turn the popular opinion of them negative
I was extremely verbal and constantly harrassed them and anyone who was even barely associated with them
For years
If somebody had treatedme unkindly
for even a minute
for half a minute
fuck even one wrong line with a bad attitude and I would be likeley to hold it against them
In my mind, anybody who is actually malicious would be much worse about this
Which makes me think
Even after everything I had done, you as bc/ikaros found
alllthough be it not alot
some time to listen to me complain about damn near everything on my mind
MGD especially
bullshit in my life or threads
Emotional shit
Not only would you listen but you would provide advice
how good the advice was is debatable
But there was thought behind the advice
I've come to a conclusion that this is my fault
I beleive back then
I misunderstood YourMGD's intentions
If you really arent the evil heartless bastard who doesn't care about others
how could you spend time on not just any person
but somebody who had done everything in there power to make your time unpleasant?
I don't mean this in an offensive way
but maybe you really are just a slut
And because I could never have you I overreacted and rationalized it in my at the time drug addled and paranoia ridden brain
Because I wanted something I could never have, I ended up, almost projecting
After all this time
Am I the real evil
Am I as bad as I painted you out to be
Am I for lack of a better word here the psychopath
I'm not MGD
I don't know what to beleive from anybody And it's tearing me apart
Believe that I was someone who genuinely cared for you until you broke my heart and chose MGD over me even though you had a bad history with him. I came to this worthless community just to be with you, I never cared about anyone here... still don't. Don't worry I'm not MGD, I was just saying that to piss you off
Anyways before you go to sleep
This isn't really easy for me
but Id like to apologize from the bottom of my heart for all the undue bs I gave to you for such childish delusions
thats it thanks for listening and Arrivederci
Your apology can never fix my broken heart
there was an attempt
upgrade to Win 7 then
M-my ears are burning~
I diddddd it made everything go sideways and it crashed when I pressed play
I almost find the coincidence involved in you having been lurking... quite strange.
Not a clue what you are talking about
Look Bard I found a song I like
While I am really tempted to argue that
I won't
I'm going to try to be a little bit nicer
but I can't make any promises
I'm very glad
you can tell alot about a person from the music they listen to
This is a very loveley track
what do you enjoy about it?
I was told i had to introduce myself in this board.
What do you do hear?
I listen to music
and play it I guess
what do you do?
what's your name fellow
I suppose MGD just wanted a reaction out of Bard.
Or maybe it wasn't him at all. Who knows.
We circlejerk 24/7, but you've come in during a rather dead hour.
There's no real topic, rhyme, or reason. You just jump in whenever you want.
Fuck, my english is bad.
Do i have to use an anime name or some shit.
I mean, do i just shit post or do we discuss shit.
Both. Neither. Whatever you like.
Oh cool, circle jerk. Thanks black eyes
You choose him over me because had history with him... it's my fault for being so salty
I enjoy his homesickness and suffering
I like to hear your screams
You can call me Test if you stick around.
rotate display in windows settings and increase size of display then
I feel like that was blood chan
Why would MGD be here at near 3 a.m
Names can be anything
pictures can be wahatever
usually we shoot the shit
talk about our lives
the weather
hat we like or dislike about each other
what is good to eat
what games are fun to play
Fun stories about old times
Alright, i think i understand what the fuck is going on.
You got a fat ass anime women. Would you like a work out plan to lose some weight?
That's why I remarked on the coincidence to him.
But whoever it was didn't appear to want to keep it up.
Ikaros pls
I most certainly never chose MGD after he left me for Flan
You may enjoy this
Sorry black eyes, shits pretty autistic but i have to practice my jerks of circles
Master doesn't want me to lose weight
what are you doing up att this time on a sunday
I'm not MGD
I wish you chose me because I would have done anything for you
It's not good feelings
let's not talk about it anymore
Couldn't sleep. I took a nap today that I'm now regretting, especially since I'm going into finals week and I want to wake up in the morning gracefully.
Master is a bitch, i'm going to give you something where your legs will be pretty tough.
This shit will make you rock hard and lose that fat ass.
Sorry about the 3d piece of shit, but you get the picture,
I don't think you are.
It's totally in character for you to pretend to be him for a shitpost and a laugh, though.
This song is awful... it sounds like this guy woke up one morning and recorded music for money
He has no passion
Ah man now that's a real feel we all know
I hope you can find rest soon
I will reccomend you another song the next time I see you if that is okay
Thank you for giving me your thoughts on it
I would like you to share anything you enjoy too if you find something you enjoy
Are you one of those anons that write too much? >.>
Anyway lets play a game. Bard or MGD?
Now your red eyes, maybe black eyes aint good, how about i call Eyes. Is that a good name.
No, I hate music... ugh...kill me
Most people just call me Test. Or Alchemist.
Why, you want a story, you choose the story, i'll write it.
I'm sorry I just
I can't understand
Because it's something he can say to get a reaction.
I'm sleepy~ Goodnight
I have ASPD, goodnight, love
-hug- don't lie to bard
Eye test it is. If this bothers you a lot, my bad.
Should i get a face avatar to show myself off better, does it have to be anime?
Shit nigger,don't forget to work out
Thank you for at least confirming it
Avatar can be whoever the fuck you want 3d 2d 1d or other my man
Personally I think it's better if it's not anime, actually. More distinctive.
But no, you don't actually NEED an avatar, it's just easier for people to find your posts during fast times if you have one character that you use for reactions.
I have a folder with close to 3k reaction images
No one calls you Alchemist
Hows this, its hot, underage, a loli if you think hard enough, and its not wearing any clothes,
Would you fug it?
Boo still does sometimes.
But otherwise I guess you're right.
Oh and Casper
What kind of Alchemist would he be though?
He would be an eye alchemist, makng eyes and shit.
I wish Magcargo wasn't so shit tbh
...No. No I wouldn't.
I'm sure there's some ridiculous internet personality quiz for shit like this.
Semen alchemist
Honestly, just give macargo a mega where it either loses its shell to become the fire rock sweeper we need or make it bulky and changing its type to fire steel,
For the moment, its only god if you shell smash it but then its still shit.
Its a loli man, its first evole form, its litterally made of lava. Attracts mountain men to catch it.
Its a loli.
If we're counting all our folders I've got 16k images.
You can make semen, from artifical shit?
It needs so much shit man
Better movepool, better typing/ability to compensate for shit typing, all that shit
No one likes Magcargo either so rip my dreams of mega fire snail
all folders you say
Well, technically I guess I can.
It happens in my prostate, slowly over time.
You should get that checked out. Your hormone pills most be not working, or your a dude.
Not a fan of mozart tbh
I mean
I feel where he's coming from but
I dunno
he just doesn't have the same passion as the others that are popular in this kind of stuff
Let me check real quick.
Yes. Still a dude.
I dunno what Pokemon to breed next
Hey, i'm a dude too. We should form a club.
Call it, Men's club,
Sounds good?
Bruh. It's Mozart. He was creating music by the time he was five.
Breed a Finneon
Sounds like an awful club, it would literally accept half the world.
Is that one image folder or?
Nice get
Why do you hate me
ah please don't get me wrong
He was so very talented
I don't know
I suppose I just like Romantic music better than Classical
everything excluding my current downloads folder, I have like another 30-40gb worth on laptop.
Whats wrong with that.
Sometimes men have to get together and enjoy themselves. Women can survive with out us for a couple of hours once a week, its not asking a lot.
I don't, why not breed a grimar,
Its basicly a fairy killer.
I just bred a Sheer Force Nidoking and I recently bred a tank Wheezing so no more poisons for now
We've got 1111111 to look forward to in... 110,000 posts. That'll be a nice get.
Have you listened to Requiem?
I don't really think there's much established common ground between men in a club where the only qualification is have a dick.
Why are you posting edgy pictures?
Do you have any genie killers?
How about breeding a lopunny?
not too loong ago actually maybe a week or so back
I havent listened to alot of his stuff admitedly
It was
it was an enjoyable piece but after discovering Chopin it left me a bit let down
Because I liked this character. But they're an omnicidal maniac if you make a few bad choices in the game, so a lot of their fanart is rather edgy.
The common ground would be that we are men. That we where born men, its a fifty fifty chance, and we won the lottery.
You become what you admire so watch out
A what? And I could do that I guess, but i already have so many megas
I like that
I don't think I'm going to end up destroying the world, so don't worry about me.
I won't defend him to the death, I'm not really a classical music buff myself.
its pretty op, give it fake out and last resort. Can sweep anything. New meta man
No one said anything about destroying the world :x
Do you know any other good pieces of his to share? I tried getting into that kind of music back when I was around 14 or so but I slipped out of it
Now that I have some theoretical knowledge it is an entire new world to me
Sleeper OP tbh
Why you got to show tits man. If you want attention, ask a question.
don't talk to ikaros like that, she's innocent af.
I'm surprised how good its, if it catches on, it could get banned to ubers.
Do you like blood?
-hides behind you for protection-
It's not already?!
I'll protect you.
I can talk to him any way man. I just feel like there has to be a brain behind tits, gives the tits depth.
hn.. i like men like you
No, smogon hasn't told them about it yet.
Nothing that really stands out, Bard. You're better versed in this sort of thing than I.
I did. It's what I meant when I said "omnicidal maniac". They literally kill everyone.
that's fine yo, enjoy your stay here. I'm Lenko btw, don't let the name field currently in use get to you.
T-thanks test
not able to selep yet?
They'll catch on when some bandwagon fucks make it popular
You that same guy who hangs around the 4 am threads in v. If you are, shit man, get a hold of your life man.
If your not, hi, nice to meet you.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, psychopath
-squeezes you never lets you go-
True man,
Honestly, I think they should ban legendaries from ou, it would really widen the scope of mons used and would remove genies,
That nap is still fucking me over.
I don't have to wake up till 9, at least, so I've got that going for me.
What should be bothering me, exactly?
Genies? And that would be neat
My Cloyster just survived a Mega Pinsir's Close Combat without any defense EVs holy shit
my work schedule changes a lot
but yeah my life is in order
I won't leave you love.
now there's a very powerful man
Holla Forums?
You hear about this
yeah quite a while ago, seems hype
I have never pre ordered a game before
but I think I will this one
Good job mods.
they are fucking great at doing jack shit
Wish this site wasnt so shit
They don't really care about us
more dank webms
I've heard this music before
is it
feel the force
I learned the Goat mom song from undertale on the piano
It took me like 5 days
Sunday morning, rain is falling
steal some covers, shed some skin
Howdy pardner
also... overwatch... not sure if worth buying.
might buy just cuz.
like jesus fuck
Why was sci in my personal discord server last night
I need to tighten my invite permissions
Don't tell no one
but I kicked him
That's why he came to mine
You bum
Yo spoilers, you're from Alberta, right?
No one can get into my own discord
It only has me in it
yup, why so curious?
Lol nice
I was talking about a girl I dated from there
Blonde hair
Emerald eyes
Absolute beauty
But she was craaaaazy
Last night anyway
Alberta is a pretty place
Population must be sparse as fuck though
My week of hedonism has come to an end.
Time to dump the toxic.
Bronze plays
3 kawaii
Are you Neru
You should play with Lucy in oce
Way less lag
Playing with 200 ping must be cray
Ich liebe Koalabären
Ich liebe Koalabären
Ich liebe Koalabären
Ich liebe Koalabären
Ich liebe Koalabären
Ich liebe Koalabären
we have a lot of hot but crazy women up here, its really strange but good if you can sneak away from crazy well enough.... otherwise you end up going for the other portion and thats not bad but theres still some crazies in the not so beautiful grouping
this fuckken website Ich liebe Koalabären bombaklassen
Why do people like Grim?
G fucken G
i playeed on JPN
with about 230
and it felt pretty easy
we are living in america
We're not living in america.
I get used it. I like playing with the americans.
I know I am : V ]
It's wonderful
Why are you posting about me if you don't want me talking to you
Why are they so cray cray
Have you ever played with luka or lexi?
Grim got it c:
Not efven
Yes. Luka is trash. lexi is one of the best supports I've had.
So harsh!
the solitude maybe? i don't know, thats like asking why do birds suddenly appear
This is why I dont play games with you guys.
After a long day of hard work sometiems i feel like i might into cry
But then i google up pictures of little tree person
Eats al the dank eacalyptus
I won't judge you if you're bad scoots
Everyone starts bad
People like colbear and Darwin learned though, they're pretty aiite
I'm just telling the truth.
I might into overwatch if others do it.
I am not going to into MOBA though.
play games with me
Luka is not "trash" from my experience ^^
It's like all they do is play mobas
Y'all bitch ass bakas need to stop wasting your time on petty games
koalabären is love
It is. I actually wanted to talk to someone yesterday. But all they did for like 8 hours was play MOBAs.
I am done with that kind of toxicity.
[statement redacted]
Over watch is an fps moba
Be nais
*hugs warmly*
You know what I am referring to.
MOBA mobas.
when all my old friends moved into a place together they wouldnt ever hang out because they just would always play mobas all dayy
I forgot that doing overall nothing in life and then doing a day of heavy gardening makes everything hurt the next day.
Sucks ass man.
Pretty garden worth it
Tokai, would you trim my bush?
Sometimes you fail so hard its fun
True I guess, I'm gonna make it real pretty.
sounds like they were having fun
you shouldnt have been the outsider! Play it with them :)
actually fuck the heavy gardening
it's all about he heavy petting
Lay mow
I had one or two of those kind of games yesterday where I got fukken rekt.
Tracer is my girl at the minute though.
Reminds me of my COD days when I used to SMG up and just run into the mix.
I'm offended
they are offended that you didnt join in.
I have only played McCree and I love how versatile he is
Why? I don't care for luka. And from what I've heard neither do many of the other posters that play.
I'm A-1
so is my koalabären
Widowmaker made me look like a mug xD
Ah reet loves, the cavalreeeeee is ere
Should have some tact about it, tho. Iunno maybe that's just me
Blizzard people are ass people instead of boob people
Luka has been babied enough. Iunno maybe that's just me
Luka has been bullied enough.
That is true. So much booty. I am a booty man myself.
Tiddies for me
Aboo hookups, need to lay my hands on some illigal koalabären
Sadly Overwatch makes my laptop go to nearly 80 degrees lol ;~;
it's fun seeing how some people are afraid of that 4 letters word, and the others are fine with it or maybe even embrace it
Ayyyy I like tiddies, so long as they arent too big... Makes femalés look unbalanced.
I am happy with small boobs/flatter chests... Which obviously throws up some hilarious retorts whenever I say that.
L o v e
Level Of ViolEnce
Refer to your image
Save the world, fill yo Hummer wit bombaklassenKoalabaren
I unload my clip into meis as soon as they get out of their little ice shield
Annoying cunts
What can I say. I am a sucker for androgyny.
meanwhile, i should play some games before do something else
What is something else
To each their own. I could never understand why you're so deep into femdom though
nothing! i play game all the time! ahahah
late dinner, post a bit if there are good people and then sleep
femdom is a sympton of low self esteem
it's disgusting
I'd dom some fems
Because I am a deviant who gerts their thrill on powertrips... Power trips on either side...
w e w
i main mei
I know
My interest is piqued
Who are good people to manaka o:
refer to my list
sexual fetishes are cathartic expressions of personality aspects
being dominated caters to the part of you that says you deserve it
scoots hates himself so it has girls fuck him in the ass
it's pretty straightforward
Where's it @
I should update mine
So if someone is prone to being a switch, what would that say about them?
they're insecure and confident
post it
at the same time?!
do you have one?
I'm more of a switch. But my self loathing is epic.
why not
never got into list making...
i dont think it's a good idea..
All the COOOL kids made lists
dont you wanna be COOL too
cute pic
i wanna see ;~;
i don't want to one of them, i'd rather be myself
I should probably make an acc on that site
How can one feel such opposing emotions at the same time
Send it to me privately then c:
Be a cool cat and make one
your brain has lots of different parts
it's not for everyone's eyes..
i did that some time ago you big dummy
that's scary
Everybody wants to be a cat
Because a cat's the only cat
who knows where it;s at
sorry I didn't see :D
except that colbs is a master piece of shit
I thought you made a new list
I've seen that one
are you neko
or the white kitten
That's neko
The only list i need, is my Friends List
how come grim gets to see ;~; ?
i'm jelly...
with some changes
because he's a big dummy
no fair! >_<
i'm missing out~
well manaka has posted it publicly before
so I can track my personality changes
that's lame as fuck
what's up man
are you a big dummy? you can only see it if you're a big dummy!
You can tell how everyone loves the European Union by the grand celebrations of Today's Europe's Day.
oh wait nobody knows it's Europe Day.
That feel when a big dummy and seen the list.
Fuck off toaki you heshe bendercunt
Horny af
I eat Lexi out
fuck off, grim
Go to sleep bebo
Are you celebrating then?
I laughed when you said I wanted to fuck her when she was there
Okay turning my phone off lmao later
Oh that first post supposed to say I want to*
sleep tight
I am, thank youi very much
Big dummies 4 lyfe.
That hurts, you know?
Why does the truth hurt?
How does one celebrate this continent wide day?
What have you been doing as of recently?
Coffee and raping ethnic minorities.
Sounds fitting
Hitting the snooze button on my alarm.
Otherwise just playing video games, helping out relatives, gym and watching the ice hockey world championship.
Becoming more efficient with my time all the while procrastinating my work. Bunch of birthdays and stuff this month, so I have been busy keeping company. Are you NEETing it up right now?
Thread needs more SCANNER
How does one celebrate?
By flipping a tit and threaten to join the Eastern bank?
here is my [affection]ate post to you, my salty prince. you are willing to look past my worst side, and embrace my thorn. you have given me your priceless time and energy just to talk to me.
may our friendship stay strong
It is not widely known or celebrated, but European Civil Servants have a day off
Does that include Civil Servants in the UK? Then my dad has the day off
i can't remember!
Just remember to do the work before deadline too.
I know that feel, kind of feel like when I'm supposed to do something with my friends during the normal hours something pops-up and I'm too busy again.
Sadly yes, although I've got those shady deals going on where I'm making some cash out of the books.
Probably not but you should ask them.
I think it's more meant for the people in Brussels/Strassbourg.
How shady are we talking?
Drug related?
I thought so do..... mostly to south american or asian
Brexit when
It's ok they are non-binary and prefer they/them pronouns
Same as school times, electronics and motors.
I have never touched any drugs.
If brexit I will bomb the Houses of Parliament.
Pro-eu or not, the parliament are absolute scum, have a look at that royal life. (Eng subs)
The Brownies
Drug brownies
lol we'll see in some months.
Well look at you
Britain in a reformed Europe.
A reformed and stronger Europe.
Stronger Europe to fight the Cossacks.
Those tanlines
brit should secede from the eu
Isn't Ukraine in Europe tho?
I don't mind if others do them, but it's not just my thing.
i want to be dominated by europe
June 24th
Farage suicide live on TV.
Self esteem cuck
Superstate now.
Hence why NATO should go in.
The last time I had weed was last fall
It was nice
lots of laughs and feeling light and happy
good luck making that actually happen
Last time I was around drugs was about a year ago when I went social drinking with a few old friends, I was just drinking the whole time though, but I got a good laugh out of my friends.
Also I have never smoked.
They said that in 1787.
Who knew you could lead the free world simply buy hosting dinner parties and art exhibitions?
I can understand the private jets, for safety, but limos?
Go in where?
Tbf, I don't give two shits about pro-anti EU so long as no one bans my videogames and porn.
I vaporize
gives a nice clean burn
this is 2016
As long as it makes you happy then I guess.
Anyways time to hit the gym, bye Grimmu.
I will ban them both if we leave.
This is Sparta.
*Angry noises*
He's not easy to kill
It's like a permanent holiday, a payed holiday.
Why allow this
have a good workout
[Ich Liebe]
For you...
damn that guy got fucked up
You're a big guy
It was one of many almost fatal accidents, he just keeps on going.
Masketta man
Because they're rich, famous, on the highest rung of society so ner?
I doubt anyone can do anything about it. This dude probably had to convince a whole film crew, spend money on equipment, worm way into press just to HIGHLIGHT the problem; and said dude is probably a super journo or something.
Plus you can always make the case that 'Running a country is stressful, you ever tried reading through 3000 pages of boring bullshit about the declining figures of the warbling buttbird? Damn straight I deserve free champagne'
They're not famous though, but yeah rest is true.
That Journo is from a kinda popular webblog, but in no way mainstream, hell ever seen the voting number of European elections? it's always only >40%
Afterwards he went straight to the pub lmao
What a champion
My mum just sprayed my feet with spray on catnip. I hate this house.
What do they vote for in European Elections?
Tbh, I don't even know what goes on in summits. Takes an attention span.
And glad that dude is doing his bit. Maybe protests could get such people to cut back on spending? Do they have to post their spendings?
technology is amazing
Quite a fine lad
Okay so we vote for Members of the European Parliament, but those members are presented by national political parties. However that is only one executive power.
There's always protests but that never changes anything. Nah one can only estimate
Even after all this time I'm still an ENTJ.
I am just always awesome.
PB and jam in squeezable tube, when?
Eh, doesn't sound democratic.
Actually made the effort to look for recent documents what they all about, server is down. ;-;
Hey Desu
Someone like that is more endearing
Lenko, I am not quite feeling what you say.
That's the biggest problem with the union.
yes but they will toil away in the depths of failure while those who move on rationally succeed.
he said as he posted on animus
fucking nice
Already here
just in seperate tubes
That was my last one.
I don't think you can extrapolate that much
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What does it meme