goodnight sweet prince, lets have one last red pill thread like the good ol' days
Goodbye pol
Other urls found in this thread:
goodbye forever
see you next week
not sure where else you're going to go but cuckchan or some fringe board with low activity and little attention.
can't fight a meme war if no one sees the memes
Thread deleted in 3…2…1…
If you want high quality discussion check out magic a Holla Forums, it's the best alternative that I know of.
Stay there.
im not actually leaving, unless the mods ban me for this post
Where will you go?
we need a new board, like a board that allows redpill threads and politics
One wonders about the process for deposing a BO.
Given hotwheels is MIA, who is running this place anyway?
honestly i have no idea, i miss hotwheels though
The same guy running the pro-trump website that is always linked. I don't know much about him but I remember reading that he I a mason who used to work for a government agency. I'm sure somebody here has more details than me.
I've never been banned for saying "nigger" on Holla Forums, I have been on that site.
They don't even know anything about this site beyond Holla Forums, anyway. They probably think every BO is like Imkikey.
There are several, just go to them.
It's not like you're being bound here or anything, just check the index for "politics" and you'll find a fair amount of other boards.
The majority of Holla Forums's users are still here simply because most people don't care enough to leave.
I don't know shit, but what I do know is that some nigger mod handed over a shitposter's data to ASIO for FREE
The BO has to have done one of three things
As far as I know Imkikey hasn't done any of these things.
Consistent numbers don't mean it's the same people that are here, remember that those numbers remained consistent during the hotpocket banning spree a few months back. The drop in board quality and speed make me think that those numbers are being artificially boosted.
Endchan is run by the same kikes running this place. Meguca is the only high quality alternative.
Browse all of them though, I'm just saying meguca is the best alternative.
what is meguca and why are you shilling it, I expect it is an ultra low PPH garbage circle, 8ch has its porblems but it is active enough to have a conversation, albeit shilltastic at times, but a conversation nonetheless. Shit offshoot boards you wait hours for responses, that's not exactly an engaging discourse
That's complete bullshit and a meme imkikey pushed
Jim Watkins owns 8ch.
Odilitime is in charge of EndChan.
Ones a Jewish Merchant
Ones a codefag
If there's a busy thread with 200 replies 150 are cuckchan tier PRAISE KEK and digit chasing faggots
30 are shills
There might be 20 decent informative replies here in a big thread
Let's be realistic
Quality beats quantity everytime. Meguca is much better than trump/pol/ and they ban retards and shills there so it will stay good for the foreseeable future. If you don't see the issues with this board you aren't wanted on any of the alternative sites.
There just seems to be a lot of d&c posts there, also the board moves ridiculously slow. I check it regularly but it's always the same threads that are up.
Everyone but you cucks can see the drop in quality.
So this is the new shill tactic? Make a bunch of shitty threads, then say you're leaving forever because board quality has dropped?
what's wrong with praising kek
I enjoy chaos, may as well deify it and praise it when the alternative is the Jew World Order, I choose chaos over that "order" every time
Exactly, we have to face the fact neither Holla Forums is good anymore. Cuck/pol/ is still worse
I don't think it's even a change in the userbase that caused this, I think people just stopped holding themselves to any kind of standard.
I came here around late 2014, and I absolutely despised shitposting, now nearly three years later I find myself shitposting from time to time. But there's no point to leave, this cycle will just continue again.
I didn't leave cuck/pol/ solely because of quality, other big factors included Moot fucking around with the board and the mods clearly being newfags. Imkikey isn't great but he's not a fucking cuckchan mod. Check that board out, their mods are full hotpocket tier.
yep, my thoughts as well, I am very hesitant to go anywhere because if we keep moving and don't take a stand and cultivate quality we are going to filter ourselves down and splinter into smaller and smaller factions - the move to 8ch was legitimately justified with Moot's fuckery and the waste that cuckchan has become, I literally cannot return there given what has happened and despite the recent and very fervent attempts to shill other sites and demoralize I have seen no such cataclysm here
Ok the Trumpcucks are about to swarm the thread, I'm out. Debating retards irritates me.
Final reminder:
Meguca is an explicitly nat-soc board with an active userbase, shills, retards and those who refuse to lurk are immediately banned and the Holla Forums board has a relatively active userbase. Redpill, book, self improvement and philosophy threads are all welcome there. If you are looking for a high quality Holla Forums check it out.
what is your stance on jews
homosexuality, transexuals etc
lol stay (((butthurt))
Those "d&c" post kind of drew me there. The hivemind wrongthink bullshit here shuts down any conversation. You're less likely to be banned for shit posting than if you point out the fact that drumpf is a retarded monkey puppet who has flipped on nearly everything. I would bet mods here took money from his campaign, or would hope so, because otherwise you faggots really are just this retarded.
See ya
Come and see for yourself. You will be banned if you are a cancerous shitposter.
answer my fucking question
I mean really now.
You are correct actually, completely open discussion is better than controlled kosher narratives. It's just way too slow for my liking. I check it regularly though.
It's not new. It's just the kikes' usual incompetent attempt at consensus cracking.
some people took the "le god emperor" maymay a tad too seriously.
Try harder, Goon. A lot harder.
I already did:
Check I out if you want to get a feel for it beyond that.
That's because we don't create new threads for zero reason like they do here. I use both Meguca and EndChan. Not every bullshit news story deserves its own thread. We just keep participating in the current ones unless there's a happening or a decent news story.
I disagree with that sentiment although I get your point. I go to all the boards and participate now. The decentralized ideal gives us a chance to drop actual redpills and spread info to anons who may not know it
no you did not
TRS and shitfests like that claim to be WN and in reality are degenerate cesspits - you came here to shill your board, give me YOUR stance, in words
Isn't it funny how the Trumpcucks never mention JIDF? Guess those based Jews would never defame "le G-y King".
I will never understand what would compel someone to unironically use a leftist meme , especially one based on poor, incorrect, and biased information that only John Oliver and company could provide. It is literally disgusting.
One things for sure this board has lost half its users and the thread quality is ten times worse after the election. What the fuck is up with all the cuckchan slide threads and shit
Trump is a crypto kike you low IQ trumpnigger.
It's not my board. My stance is that it is degenerate behaviour that should be discouraged. There is zero faggotry on the board so I'm assuming that the BO's policy is to ban and delete it on sight.
Dude nobody here gives a fuck about TRS you can drop that faggot shit imkikey manipulated into your pea brains
Do you really want me to mention your employer?
Don't kikes realize that none of their shenanigans change the fact that we HATE THEM? Shitpost away if you like, it only makes us stronger. Mods found to be working for Jews will be murdered one day the same as any other traitor.
Could you try to pretend not to be a kike for two seconds? it's not even fun if you give up this soon
Am I a chessmaster now?
Kek is a CIA meme. You should know this. It helped the Kikes elect Trump. Remember wikileaks dumped that the CIA spent millions on memetics? Well there you have it.
This. Lurk everywhere, take part in the worthwhile conversations wherever they appear.
Chill out, man. Take some covfefe.
Nah, just an exceedingly incompetent yid.
You take being an obvious shill to a whole new level
See you Trumpniggers who came from Plebbit around the time of the election will NEVER be national socialists and you killed 8ch. Period. It used to be a board about hunting down every last kike and exposing them and you've been brainwashed by the Kushner meme. It's right in front of your face but your too stupid to figure it out. Or you're an actual kike.
Kek. All those fucking shills getting out of the woodwork again. Every fucking goddamn time.
Any intelligent user that sees this conversation knows this board is lost
Wtf, I love Jews now!
See you Trumpniggers who came from Plebbit around the time of the election will NEVER be national socialists and you killed 8ch. Period. It used to be a board about hunting down every last kike and exposing them and you've been brainwashed by the Kushner meme. It's right in front of your face but your too stupid to figure it out. Or you're an actual kike.
So jewboy, on a scale of 10/10 how mad are you that your 6 billionth attempt at this shitty consensus cracking thread is yet another failure? lelelel
Maybe it'd work better if you weren't such a sperging kosher retard but I guess there's no helping that
Stay shitter shoah'd, my hebrew friends
The consensus has already been cracked (and yiu are fully aware of it) I'm just pointing it out for anybody who hasn't realised yet.
And I'm out. This board is a joke
before winning the primary he spoke positive of israel, praised netanyahu and married his daughter off to a kike. trump was never meant to be the savior of the white race but rather a stepping stone. i don't give a fuck about him or his cabinet. i care about those children on twitter & voat openly discussing white genocide.
"Holla Forums fails to realise something is wrong with its collective dissonant niggerbrain" the thread.
Remember when Holla Forums got hacked and you were positively sure it was finally your chance to kill Holla Forums and trick everybody into migrating to your jewish controlled opposition chans? Then after Holla Forums came back online after several days of downtime, you watched in horror as nobody fell for it and Holla Forums filled back up with 2800+ active users?
Those were fun times
Bye bye, oniichan. See you next time you try this retarded consensus cracking thread again. So tomorrow night probably lel
Remember when pointing out a politicians kikery and status as a Jewish puppet wasn't a bannable offense? Remember when Holla Forums had actual discussions? Those were even better times.
Remember when you had a foreskin? Actually no, you probably don't
Users spiked (mostly from reddit) after the election up till Trump's syrian missile strike…
…after which Holla Forums exploited the situation with endless FUD threads that mods weren't in a position to lock or delete anymore. Took a break myself after that, imo was for the best though since wrongthink bans (at least related to Trump) have eased up a lot since then and actual debate seems to be making a comeback.
That's what happens when you choose the Chaos Candidate. Jeb Bush tried to warn us. He obviously knows what's going on better than anyone else and should've been who Holla Forums voted for.
Ad hom, The bread and butter of nu/pol/.
How long is this continuing now? 1 year or 2 years?
Every choice you had was a kike puppet so your point is null. Do you actually believe in democracy?
And nothing of value was lost.
If Trump officially declared America a vassal state to Israel and deep-throated a dreidel on live television, even then nobody would fall for your shitty shill work. It's not the message you're conveying that's the actual problem, it's your sheer ineptitude at it
This. Not sure about Meguca since I haven't lurked but I guess it has thematically an inherent immunity to goons.
We get it, you don't have any actual arguments.
mods pls ban
meguca is run by lat, who isnt connected to any other chan moderation
he made meguca as a place for r/a/dio to stay
and endchan staff isnt bad either, it is just a meme made up by (((somebody)))
endchan boards are pure, but slower than evolution.
It has high quality discussion and isn't filled with delusional cuckservatives, that's what matters. It is explicitly Nat-Soc and as long as it keeps its current mod team shills and retards will be banned. It is the superior Chan at this point, 4cuck is best for quantity, meguca is best for quality. 8/pol/ is just a kosher circlejerk at this point.
I've been to endchan when Holla Forums was down. It's just a cesspool of the same shills constantly trying to ruin this board with demoralization and consensus crack by autistically repeating unfounded accusations.
Absolutely nothing of value goes on at Meguca. It's wall to wall shitposting and movie discussion. Its main purpose appears to be to keep the ebil nazis occupied with trivial bullshit so they never actually accomplish anything.
Sorry if I hurt your feelings, (((user))). I guess I was a little bit rough :^(
Care you endniggers explain how full/pol/ is kosher when you literally blame us that we are too obsessed about "JOOS" the very moment the only kike you constantly bitch about is Kushner?
Interesting. Whenever people were promoting meguca they never left a link or anything. When I look on search engines I find nothing. Is meguca already removed from the jewgle search index?
That's actually kinda nostalgic.
thats /a/. and they came from 4chan. what did you expect?
What game is that from? I want to play it!
You need to start shitposting on Holla Forums
This thread only highlights why smugposters are the literal niggers of the internet. All of whom should and will be gassed when the time is right.
didn't mean to reply tbh
Thanks, and,
what does that message imply? Was that just an UKistan version?
honestly, I've never been banned from here and I've been here since GG. Why am I constantly being told everyone being banned for no good reason? The only reason I can think of is that you are politically opposed to this site and want to split us up and by proxy reduce whatever power we have.
If a bunch of people ARE being banned, I would assume there's no shortage of retarded teenage shitposters included in that group.
If it's the first reason, just know that the good posters here are smart enough to see through your shit.
imkampfy range bans, in fact he did it so much entire countries were banned.
endchan is run by the same sneaky fuckers that ban everyone for no reason. is where it's at.
you realize that czzaks, aka. "ruda kurwa" stands behind destruction of all polish chans that arent controled by him?
he is imageboard equivalent of daiz
Notice how every potential ally, any individual or group even remotely identified with white nationalism or history revision without exception is labeled shill here. Spencer's a clown but still a good example: mention him and it's an instant dogpile/anchor because he said something vaguely pro-faggot once but mollyjew can say the holohoax should be treated as real even if it didn't happen but is still acceptable because he's gotten more redpilled since then. Then comes the "all ecelebs are cancer" argument which really just translates into "anyone in a position to get a message out should be targeted or ignored." And ops? Sure, just as soon as a single shill can't derail an entire thread by mentioning TRS I'm sure that'll happen someday, also as long as it's not anti-israel in any way since that would make it MIDF and rustle too many jimmies. Not saying this board isn't better than most but that's not saying much, still kosher af.
This. Any e-celeb shifting the overton window to our side should either be ignored or supported. Attacking them is counter-productive at best.
If Hitler had a vlog you'd call him an e-celeb cuck siding with north africans and being too mild on the jews. is the only Holla Forums where I can actually post a good thread without being banned and the thread being deleted for literally no fucking reason at all.
any other Holla Forums I have been on including endchan and 8/pol/ always ban for no reason.
1. the only good jew is a dead jew
2. it's treason to you race, especially when a woman does it since hers is a finite resource while the mans sex is a dime a dozen (still oven worthy though)
3.only if they're white
4. mental disorders that have to treated or otherwise purged from society
Who is behind Meguca? I'm legitimately curious.
gib url fggt
What countries? They don't happen to be middle eastern, do they? Why are there people advocating all of us leaving and not just you guys then? Has imkampfy said anything about it?
You do realize this makes people suspicious when the majority of users are in the US and are unaffected I hope.
My personal view on e-celebs is always to keep them at a distance and only provide them relevant information while they are favorable to Holla Forums interests. So pretty much coordinating direct lines of information to the right people at the right time to maximize redpilling potential.
That post autocorrected it is
good goddamn that amount of damage control you faggots are doing over there for trs is sicking.
That place has nothing but general cancer might as well unironically shill for >>>/cuckchan/
general thread cancer sage for double posting and clarifying
Lead the way if you genuinely consider this the correct path right now. Make all the purchases, go rogue and take out some politicians while making it clear that more will die until a visible change occurs in their policy. Until then, back to 4chinks, endchan MAT or wherever you're from. You won't be missed.
Alternatively, stick around, lurk, browse some redpill threads (there were two, just in the course of the last week) and go to the archives to get yourself some literature. The reason your little student brochure advertising for shilling on 8/pol includes instruction to take safety breaks is because it's author knows it's true and being exposed to redpills for too long runs the risk of the bubble bursting.
It's really annoying how (((you))) kikes are now using this sort of reply to any pol/ack proving you're shilling for kikes.
You are the reason for the death of these boards, which is evidently what you are paid to do. Every single genuine user here can see this, only you jews seem to think by calling others kike shills you somehow are undetectable yet all you do is cheer on jews in politics and terrorists like Crypto-kike Breivik and pretty much everything else that makes you so objectionable to us humans.
We don;t dislike you jews because it's a funny MeMe, it's because everything you want, desire and wish for is entirely alien to what we want in life.
the best way to lurk here its to evade trump threads like the plague except if they are happening related. let the shill and retards fight for their wasteland
like another user pointed out. this shill tactic has been happening for like 2 years now. the difference its that now it appears that ctr/jidf/whatever got new hires so apart form this shill stance they are flooding the threads and catalogs with shit so its actually appears that they are regular. i really wonder if many of the active threads are just shill responding to shills }
meguca its a desolate wasteland, i really wonder why shills are obsessed to send us there
the only dick move i´ve experienced in 3 years of posting here its that some generals tend to be deleted or anchored without reason, yesterday a natsoc thread got deleted, maybe by a mod or maybe by a shill to create screenshots, who knows. sometimes some good threads get anchored out of nowhere. dick move. if they would be more transparent about their decisions, shill wold have a much more hard time shilling here, but polmeta its also a shill infested place
e-celeb tend to be 90% shit. the problem its the shilling and autistic fanbase that they bring, they dont belong here, we are in a weird way, our own e-celebs
If I can´t simply accuse everyone who disagree with me of being TRS and that WN yankee brunette, how am I supposed to make an argument?!!
Does TRS have anything against Renegade and IronMarch or is that just D/C shilling?
Pretty much this. The only time I got banned since 2014 was for an Australian-tier shitpost and because of a similar shitpost some torfag made with my IP.
Depending on the countries that can be a good thing.
We hardly cared about TRS before they started constantly shilling their gay zoophile board in our turf to the point of derailing the discussion with their based faglover rhetoric and their perpetual attempts to subvert us out of "purity spiraling" and into moderate views.
We don't need allies. Allies need us, and they should really think twice before they try to preach PEE ARE to the original internet hate machine.
kek please D:
For some reason TRSodomites were particularly polemic towards IronMarch and according to them IM shills were the reason we did not like their homotolerant ways and not the fact that they were obnoxious faggots and in bed with the jew in the literal sense.
I just want you b& for being a faggot.
Where are the swastikas?
They are. They never leave their own threads empty.
Just like this thread. They use extremist strawmen to argue with themselves and never use pol vocab correctly. Anime attached to their posts because research says it attracts more attention.
The cure is always gore. They can never post gore from their corp/gov computers.
Fuggin capped.
please change the color scheme or at least make it selectable, other than that I am interested
except for that one thread that moves at 2000 replies/day
Funny how there's been all these attempts at rehabilitating TRS now that they're launching their subscription service.
The other threads are almost all high quality too.
This place really has gone downhill.
The only thing worse then kampfy are 4chan screen caps.
This is our home. We must fight back.
They are literally shills, they're advocating for themselves and what they believe.
You totally misunderstand the purpose of all this then. Holla Forums's attacks aren't generally on the offense but a defense mechanism against the slow death of centrism. People come to US, we don't go to THEM. TRS needed to be exposed, all of our jew senses began tingling the more information came out. You don't wait for diseases to spread, you excise them. Most attacks have been against kosher targets, I don't want any allies, I want brothers. The right has allowed itself to be poisoned for too long, there needs to be a counter. We're virulent as hell, 'allies' water that down. There's a purity to this place that should never be forfeited.
Note that all those people you mentioned have become much better because the anons here constantly push. The right is supposed to thrive on two things, a commitment to making a destiny for our people, and not being conflict averse. PR is faggotry, we're not some secret club, but there should never be a compromising position for us. In real life folks are subjected to social pressures and groupthink. Anyone is susceptible to that as an individual. We're anons, the only thing with more mental agency than an individual.
TRS has spent its entire lifespan """countersignaling""" literally every single white nationalist outlet that's not affiliated with them. It works just like a cult, in that its leaders/users browbeat each other and use struggle session bullshit to prevent anyone from using any other outlets besides their own. Just like how a cult will force you to defoo anyone not in the cult.
It's just like the old saying goes: "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you." TRS is constantly starting drama with every other non-affiliated group under the sun, whether it's Holla Forums or renegade or ironmarch or matt forney, etc. I don't even care about any of these other groups, but the shit TRS does is so goddamn disingenuous.
That said, I think there's no longer any real point in going on about this. We spent far too much time and energy shitting on TRS and related faggots like Richard Spencer. It's just a waste, and decent threads end up devolving into shitflinging just because some retard so much as mentions Implicit Dick or Kike Enoch.
Also, what's this about a paywall? Topkek if true. Glad the shekel-grubbing kikes are making themselves more obvious, at the very least.
Let's all go back to 4chan then.