Why I Am Not A White Nationalist - Jack Donovan
What a fucking faggot. I have his Way of Men book and a lot of what he said is right, but he seems to be acting contrarian for the sake of it. Fucking lolbergs and anarchists, they all need to be hung. Just because we have various cultures, hair colors, and facial features after spreading out over tens of thousands of years doesn't mean we shouldn't stand together against a world that smells blood in the water.
l a d
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Don't care, fuck off
Well, if a tribe gets big enough it's not really a tribe anymore, is it?
Then how come every other race is doing pretty damn well at uniting based on their race?
What this literal faggot fails to understand is that there is still an underlying brotherhood. We still share a certain way of thinking and a predisposition towards certain cultures. You don't have to want to flood Austria with Russians to still care about their racial homogeneity.
His kind of thinking is one step away from "based Somalians can come to America as long as they play baseball and eat apple pies".
He's not completly wrong
Race alone obviously can't, but a community that has shared morals and ideals bounded by race and nationality can.
Checking those glorious dubs.
The point is, if a German mixes with a Russian it's not a fucking loss because they didn't mix with a nigger or a spic. For fucks sake, the beaners have hundreds of different cultures but they all band together under 'hispanic' to push their own plans through, why, dumb fuck, do you believe whites doing that would be bad?
I agree that white nationalism seems to have a shaky cohesion "glue", like it wouldn't last long enough. Just gotta read most of Europe's history. Predominatly white and wars all the time.
Except he doesn't like nonwhite people, so that's a strawman.
The faggot is right, face it autists. The only thing the ugly losers promoting alt-right garbage now are doing for white nationalism is causing people to cringe. Maybe if all white people in the US went through a transformational experience in the forming of a national myth, then we could join together to form a nation and a people. Until then, our culture is jewish garbage and most "white nationalists" are consumers of it. Video games and hollyjew. What a joke, enjoy your Xbox. I look to the culture of my ancestors for my pursuits and take from that. I learn skills that my ancestors learned. This is the type of culture and movement I want to be behind.
It's not about racemixing being bad, it's about the dissolution of national identity through culture.
It becomes a nation then.
Is that a desirable state? What happened in the past isn't always correct or desirable just because it's old. Mistakes have been made in the past.
asking to get your thread spammed tbh
Of course not. War is terrible even if it's necessary some times.
Your identity is linked to the threat you face you silent farting faggot. United in a common goal, white identity can be divided into two categories. For or Against. National Socialism had common identity from Berlin to Pretoria because they had the same enemy. Culture is formed around the threat or lack thereof. The enemy went global so did we.
Dense shit-dick doesn't know about American ethno-genesis, who could have guessed? Why is it so accepted to call all American cultureless barbarians in order to denounce White Nationalism? With each state roughly the size of a country and populated by Whites from anywhere between 200-500 years having separate and distinct identities is a given.
That actually sounds like a good idea. Guerrilla warfare. A decentralized enemy with different systems is harder to take down.
So your argument is then that white nationalism is bad because too many white people = white people killing each other. And you seriously expect me to not call you out for the kike that you are? Getting rid of the CURRENT SHARED THREAT between our cultures is a fuckload more important than petty rivalries.
You are mentally retarded.
>don't call me white goyim
we did go through transformational experiences such as colonizing north america, fighting the war for independence, wars of foreign conquest, and a civil war against each other. where are your ancestors from, are you perhaps a recent immigrant or mongrel to where you can't identify with our history? and why are you projecting that everyone is glued to xbox and hollywood movies?
I only works if it has a larger ideology. Boers basically created guerrilla warfare against the Brits every Boer had the same goal: The Boers.
Forming different "Tribes" with different goals is useless even though it would be extremely hard to take down 40 000 different groups all fighting the same enemy but for different reasons.
Lots of different groups with conflicting belief systems hate the New Left and post-modernists in general.
Does Jack Donnovan consider Arab Muslims with German citizenship to be ethnic Germans?
Being white is central to whatever European national identity you have. If you don't think so your enemies sure as shit do.
Doesn't matter comes back to the same point fractured defeat also means fractured victory. Black Nationalists also hate the "new left" if they win I still lose.
Yes it is. War is good and it is what made Europe great.
Back in the day, Francis Yockey drew a clear line between petty nationalism and imperial nationalism. Petty nationalism is what resulted in endless European wars in the 19th century, when everyone fought against everyone. Imperial nationalism is what led Hitler to try and unite all Germanics under one flag.
I tend to support this outlook.
Yeah, we definitely need white unity today. Our enemies attack us all as a group, so we need to stand together as a group to defeat them. But wr still need war too, just against shitskins and kikes this time instead of between Europeans.
He's a white racialist, just using attacking the straw man that white nationalism favors blending all whites in the world together and erasing national differences, which nobody ever has supported. It is a common straw man.
I don't care about the preservation of our culture. I want to create something superior. Furthermore we can't research our past when billions and billions of lies are everywhere around us. For an institution like Ahnenerbe we would need a huge amount of resources.
Isn't this guy an eceleb who swallows jizz? If so… why doesn't he say he isn't a White nationalist because he would never be accepted by them?
Jack is fighting for the right to have unlimited homo sex. Very Weimar era shit.