What are some good political horror games?

What are some good political horror games?

You mean political thriller.

The Australian Election

I'd say the games I posted were closer to a horror than a thriller, but I may be wrong.




too fucking right

At least we got pauline :^)

I kind of need to poop

When everything it prophesied has slowly come true?
That's terror.

If a game is going to have politics in it then it has a slim chance of actually being good because it's too busy jerking off whatever demographic it's trying to appeal to.

I don't see what any of you like in MGS.

Why is it miscolored

t. hasn't played maplestory since 2007

Pauline and to a lesser extent the JUSTice Party and Lambie is basically going there to nullify everything the Greens do

Fuck if I know. I just saw a cute mushroom and saved it so I could shitpost about needing to shit

MGS 2 in particular was pretty damn accurate with predicting what has been going on the last couple of years. It also gave multiple political views but didn't really paint any of them as right or wrong and left that up to the player to decide (which I feel and work of political fiction should do). It's why I like Solidus so much. His views were right and what he wanted to achieve was right, but the way he went about achieving it was wrong.

No I meant about the actual game itself.

The game of life nigga


best game


Did any of you remember that thread about some user playing some shitty Twine game about superheroes with snowflake-genders that had laws that basically amounted to

>superheroes get paid for saving the day, however only one super can be credited for saving the day and there is only so much crime in the city, meaning supers can and do fight each other over who gets to "save the day" like wild dogs fighting over a carcass, the screaming person in the burning building be fucked
>if you are born with superhuman powers, you must become a superhero. Any other career paths or NEETdom are strictly verboten (ironically due to them having "unfair advantages")
>if a super were to royally fuck up due to incompetence, negligence, or even straight up malice, he will not be reprimanded or punished. Apparently not getting paid for saving the day is punishment enough
>if a super causes a crime or disaster, he can still get paid for "saving the day" by fixing his own fuckup

Keep in mind, none of this shit was called for being a horrible clusterfuck of a "super-apartheid" government it is. All of this was played perfectly straight, as if it were the ideal world to be living in. The actual story bits were even worse, given that one of your super peers outright rapes you (but you wound liking it, so it's ok. I'm not fucking kidding) and nothing comes of it. The thread quickly went from laughing at the shitty plot and snowflake characters to imagining what a horrible experience it would be to live in that world.



What's the game called?

That sounds bananas fam. What the name of it i wanna play it

That game deserves a whole book analyzing it

I don't remember. I was hoping someone in this thread would. Some kind user made a thread ripping it apart a few months ago. I am currently scouring the VN tag on Steam looking for it.

This one

I remember this, I think user said it was on steam published by some tumblrite

All I can remember from it is that it had no graphics, instead using what I'm believe is the default Twine background, and it was possibly in Early Access. Hunting down this game would be great. Shit has potential to be hilarious like Uncommon Time or Anonymous Agony.

Pretty sure it was either Heroes Rise: The Prodigy or Heroes Rise: The Hero Project.

It was one of those 'choice of' games anyway

Actually it might have been Heroes Rise: Herofall since the description of that one mentions 'poltical activism for powered rights' or whatever

Yeah, I suppose there were some pretty horrific moments. The beginning of the game was legitimately scary.