For fucks sake this is now happening
It already is getting out of hand
For fucks sake this is now happening
It already is getting out of hand
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It's uhh not a shiny pidgey? Are there even shinies in go?
It got out of hand a while ago
Shiny pidgey is a crusty ass meme.
This is the reason why Iwata was reluctant to bring Pokemons to mobile.
It'd be extremely profitable, but decimate society.
Imagine 8/v/. Imagine how autistic your generation is now.
This, this, a thousand times this!
This is precisely why you advocate for eugenics.
Hey Holla Forums, I have a very serious problem. I’m fucking crying because of how stupid I am.
Okay, so my girlfriend was supposed to come over to my house today because I was going to go take her to a movie. She lives about 20 minutes away, and the movie we were supposed to see started at 4:15, which was in about 40 minutes. I figured “cool, I’ll just play Pokemon while I wait”.
So I’m playing Pokemon, and having a pretty damn good time. Anyway, she finally does show up, except she’s crying as she walks into my room. Instead of doing the right thing by comforting her, I half-focus on my game and her. She starts telling me her cat died, and just as she was getting into it, I get into a random encounter in my game.
A shiny pidgey. Holy shit. (For those of you who don’t know/care, shiny Pokemon have less than a 1/1,000 chance of appearing; 1/8192 to be exact.). I stare into my screen in amazement, yelling “holy shit, YES”, interrupting her mid-story. She sobs more, and she starts to yell “You don’t even fucking care! YOU JUST WANT TO PLAY YOUR FUCKING GAME!” I’m still looking at my screen, still focusing on catching my shiny Pidgey, when she walks over, and tosses the game against the wall. I run over and pick up my DS hoping that nothing has changed on screen, and quickly noticed that she broke it. My system and my shiny Pidgey, gone forever.
I start screaming every obscenity I know, and started flailing my arms around. I didn’t know she was behind me, and apparently I backhanded her in the face while I was being a dumbass and swinging my fists around. She yells out “FUCK YOU”, and runs out of my house in tears.
What have I done? I’ve fucked up so badly, and I need to know how to approach her. I don’t want a game of Pokemon to be responsible for ruining my best relationship ever. Help me, Holla Forums.
This is why you're supposed to have more than 2 kids. A few of them are going to be screwy.
Wait, why is he playing on his phone while his wife is giving birth
like nigga what the fuck, that's a once in a lifetime moment. Over a fucking microtransaction ridden AR game that nobody will remember in a few weeks.
That's the stuff.
Weak copypasta
Wrong board
I remember this guy on the guild i used to be in Ragnarok Online. Playing the game like 5 minutes before getting married. I thought that was stupid back then. Good times.
You literally can't go lower than the current generation went. Anything else is just up from here.
What if people do somehow go lower?
A paradigm shift into depths of autism unknown to minds today.
Where do you think you are, user?
At first I thought this was fake or a guy just wanting to fuck with his wife, but then I saw the flipflops.
Is Minecraft porn seriously arousing to some people?
What's going on with the last image? Why am I worried about the answer?
Just what the fuck man.
Hell doesn't have a floor. Nothing can stop the upcoming apocalypse.
Did you think that sonic leading you to fake furry porn sites that wanted credit card info as a kid was bad, user?
Minecraft is one of Pornhub's top searches.
Minecraft porn is better than furry porn
come at me
I'd take a generation of furries raised on Zootopia and the like than have a generation of inbreds clamoring for Minecraft porn.
i think ive heard that before but it still has me worried
probably almost all of those searches are from kids and teenagers who shouldn't be thereeven when they're adults
1. Who the fuck cares?
2. Stop direct linking to click-bait you dumb faggot.
Hell hath no furry when the sun hs been dicked in half.
Furry is a fucking nightmare. don't go there.
At least a third of Holla Forums regulars are also /furry/ regulars as well
This is the next generation of perverts, anons.
I hope you're ready.
I don't get this. I can rationalize a lot of weird fetishes, but the fact that people get off of square humanoids scapes my understanding.
I'm not sure which I'm more excited for: The retraction of the game which causes massive cash loss for Nintendo and gives mobile shit a bad rap while pissing off normalfags who wanted their pokeymans, or this madness being allowed to escalate until we hit a death count per day that exceeds the total number of existing pokemon put into the games over the years. Either one is going to be a massive fucking shitshow thanks to mass retardation, and it's going to be glorious.
The world's already dead and has been for quite a while, having died a quiet and unceremonious death in its sleep, and now it's just a shambling corpse shuffling forever onward into the horizon. Technological development seems to be at a standstill compared to the past century, culture is down the shitter because it wasn't diverse or progressive enough as-is, and government has become a warped mockery of itself no matter where you go. You'll have an easier time counting examples of things not being fucked up than you will trying to catalog the vast sea of trash and rot that society has become the world over.
At this point, I'm personally just waiting for the legs of this abomination to finally rot to the point where they can't support its weight, causing it to fall face-first into the dirt and die from the impact. It's all that's really left to look forward to, short of ayys coming down and trying to kill us, thereby forcing us to get our shit together and fight to survive. Of course, Rome 2: Autism Boogaloo burning down just like version 1.0 is the far more likely option, but it should help in the long run regardless.
People can fap to anything user
I fapped to anime pixel art, what's the difference
Thank god the approval rating is low.
Pixel art looks nice.
This actually horrifies me.
Please tell me that "cuckold" isn't number two
please, at least give me this.
The autism and shizos around town playing this is frightening. You guys should see it, it's crazy. People and their phones looking for what isn't really there. They aren't even talking to each other, just phone in front of them and viewing the entire world through their smartphone.
This is the future we chose.
pixel art at least has the excuse of being so small that your brain has to subconsciously add in details.
this has
You don't even have to have the camera open user, I haven't used AR since I started playing.
Don't be so assblasted, I doubt everybody uses AR.
We thought we were the end of the line. But we're only the prototypes. The next generation will be fully integrated.
Saw a couple people walking past where I work today, obviously looking for pokemon.
Faggots didn't know I'd already cleared the area the moment I got on break
I laughed so much at that, holy shit.
This is basically just fapping to a cuboid. Is Jimmy Autismo going to start getting boners every time he opens his text book on shapes?
But the vast majority do.
I'll just wait for sun and moon like a bad goy.
Holy fuck
I'm just imagining the person who wasted hours doing that, and the amount of retards getting a hard on.
I want to write a story using this.
Absolutely depraved.
Have there been actual deaths over this shitty game?
Because that would be hilarious.
You missed the point. People are shuffling around like zombies to different real world locations just to catch virtual creatures in a barely interactive game.
Jesus christ user, that is some sick filth.
No deaths yet, but it lead someone to a dead body.
It's causing people to trip over and injure themselves though, and apparently it's resulting in people getting mugged since they get lured.
Fucking faggot
Spoiler that shit you degenerate!
yeah some niggers in St Louis set a lure module in a secluded location, waited for pokemon players to show up, and robbed them. the article didn't mention the criminals' race, but it's fucking st louis
All modern furries came from the talking animal cartoons of the 80s and 90s. It's the exact same shit except this time it's pig disgusting 3DCG instead of drawn.
It was taken down but reuploaded.
It had 10M+ views.
I wonder how much farther it'll go from here, when is the first death or kidnapping happening?
I'm just sitting here baffled, wondering how the fuck this is happening over a shitty mobile cash in.
I wonder how Notch feels about this.
this is going to far user stop.
This is amazing.
As frightened as I am of this shit taking a firm hold on people and zombifying them even more by keeping them glued to their smartphone screens, I am also eagerly awaiting to hear about newest incidents caused by this game.
You guys should get some taste.
I just skipped straight to guro.
Some enticing material for those into blockfu bullying.
Im tempted to masturbate to this
Not becuase I want to
But to prove that I can
But they won't mentally be adults :3
Its a shame the devs abandoned development of it. Shit was fun as fuck.
Someone intercepted the location data for pokemon
There's one geocoded for the moon.
It's one of the most searched porn terms
Thought some kid in Mexico walked off a bridge and died a few days ago while playing.
nigga that's what happens with mobile phones all the time, it's not like there's gonna be a much bigger change in statistics
I heard it was fake, though I cant be sure.
make it so
Geolocation hacks when?
do you think someone could geocode a bunch overseas as a tourism thing?
Nigger what the fuck does that even mean? You sound like a CSI script.
The points of interest in Pokemon Go are exactly the same as the ones from Ingress, and Ingress had a map you can view online. The data's been available since before Go dropped.
I would not be suprised as they add every pokemon generation you would not be able to get all ~600 pokemon in one country.
Perhaps one continent? Depends on if they make certain legendaries only appear in one place on the planet. Groudon could only appear near the active volcanos in hawaii for example.
2/10, this isn't Holla Forums.
>It's a Weedle
Digimon and Pokemon were and still are massive gateways into all things furry.
Oh yeah, the moon, that makes sense - remind me again how many GPS satellites are orbiting the moon, again?
Fucking retards, the lot of you.
I don't know why you guys are freaking out over this.
This is on the same level of autism as sonic porn. It's just that you are already more than used to sonic smut.
At least those are technically human.
Fuck you I'm on my way to get a Mewtwo
It's probably a normalfag meme. They heard it exists, so they were curios.
ahahahaahhah oh wow
Team Rocket is on the moon.
You're retarded
Get out of here with your science and logic buddy, this here is shitposting town and we don't take kindly to that kinda' stuff.
at least try to be believable
Fucking Borg, I swear
Get out of here with your humor and good vibes buddy, this here is cynicism town and we don't take kindly to that kinda' stuff.
It was a shitty joke.
If you're autistic, maybe.
This is actually brilliant.
Japan is desperate for some tourism to inject capital into their local economies and if they encode some special pokemon or event only in Japan, there's no doubt there will be a ton of Nintendopes autistic enough to fly there just for it.
You ever heard of lunar orbital probes, dingus? The moon has high speed internet.
Ever heard of a thermometer? the chicken in my oven hosts a talk show. That means it tastes like cow!
Is this available anywhere to download
I'm not even mad, they deserve all the money they got.
Alpha and Omega should be in place of Zootopia.
and that's my one and only pokemon story. Deleted the game right after that.
are you a nigger or something?
You're joking, right?
I find it more surprising that someone made porn of characters specifically from one of the mods.
Can't blame him; fairies are cute.
Don't you go to the Moon to take pics of Mew on Snap?
Do you have a problem with me or my wifes son sexual choices? Fuck off shitlord #cuckoldandproud
Sort of.
This might be for some future bullshit event, like point your cameras to the moon to find mew or something.
I smell opportunity. To anyone who needs more shekels, consider downloading Minecraft, a player animation mod, and a couple skins, and start making in game "porn" ala Skyrim. Write down a simple template of each "video", make them en masse, start a patreon, and you'll be set, as long as autists see your patreon the shekels will keep flowing in.
Well, we thought no one could get any lower than Burch, and then Jake Rapp was found. It wouldn't shock me if we as a whole haven't found rock bottom yet. Or that there's something lower than rock bottom.
why did i open that
He is providing context to the "crusty ass old meme" of "shiny pidgey" you fucking mongoloids.
Have you tried talking to them? Like I have?
each day we grow further and further away from the light of jesus christ.jpg
This has been said about every generation that has ever existed. For as long as we have had writing we have records of this. I'm sure one day someone will dig up a cave painting of how Ugg's children were so degenerate Ugg not love them anymore and fear for future.
To add to this, the entire concept of "it can't get worse" is generally used to justify an action that will inevitably make things worse. There is no such thing as a situation that cannot and will not get worse. When the Dinka and Nuer and that guy with the cowboy hat from Bush and (rather implausibly) George Clooney got the idea of South Sudan rammed through they (not George Clooney the other ones) were being fucking exterminated and they managed to create a situation that made literal genocide look good. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in response to an oil embargo they thought they were at rock bottom. When we bombed Libya and Iraq and Aghanistan and the tribal bits of Pakistan and etc the same concept was at work.
In short, "anything else is just up from here" is code for "I'm going to go full retard and would rather not think of the consequences." I also notice that most of the people who say this are relatively well off and in fact have everything to lose.
You cannot conceive of the horrors out there.
None of those besides Mewtwo are in the game atm.
Catching a pokemon doesn't clear it from the area, multiple people can catch the 'same' pokemon.
Fuck, I wish I had that fucked up webm.
The one that is like an extended vaporwave movie, with the distorted music and disturbing imagery.
I think I need a new phone
LCD doing LCD things. More news at 11.
Can't run it on that toaster of a phone?
Shouldn't be too hard. Otherwise I recommend Sony's phones, slick and waterproof.
Fucking collectorfags
feels good.
just grab drastic and play it on your phone
Is that a fucking horse
Nope. It literally behaves like a toaster when I turn on my GPS. Burns through battery life too.
Could barely run fucking tetris at this point.
Maybe I'll just get an unlocked $200 phone of some sort and slap a tracfone sim on it.
Hell that works. If you got a sim card you'll be fine. Might wanna find someone who has a sim card press since you'll need to get a microsim with newer phones.
You mean like THIS?
he tried to warn us but we didn't listen So what did they name the kid? Did they name him "Shiny Pidgey" or something because that would be hilarious
Evidence that everything started to suck when Otto Eduard Leopold kicked the bucket.
A coworker who I WOULD NOT loan one of my guns to told me that he got questioned by a cop who wanted to know why so many weird fucks were hanging around in front of the police station at three in the fucking morning. Turns out it was designated a pokemon center or some shit.
Saw a news article about the Darwin Police Station issuing a statement telling people playing GO to stop walking inside the station and to stay outside.
you two disgust me.
But I am the generation everyone hates. The ones who take selfies and do stupid shit, and are just becoming old enough to vote. I hate being in any way related to them
Now imagine what their kids will be like
i have and am still using an xperia z1. it's waterproof, feels good in the hand, and it's not the fastest anymore but it's got a banging camera (pic related was taken with mine). runs pokemon go just fine. battery life is an issue for every phone if you plan to play more than a few hours at a time, but with that said i walked around for literally four and a half hours yesterday with my friend before my phone died - but bear in mind that was from 100% to 0%.
tl;dr sony's phones are a lot better than they have any right to be, and you can find them for pretty cheap nowadays
The joke just write themselves.
Shh, no one show tile user this
It still doesn't run well, from what I've heard.
Holla Forums why haven't you found a way to screw with people who fell for the Pokeyman GO meme yet? It's a fucking freemium app, no way it's gonna be hard to tinker with it to destroy a few autists' dreams
This offends me.
I have already begun to see it. Young parents who walk away from their kids in a public place, where they cannot even fucking see the kid, to take out their selfie stixk and take a picture. I am starting to think this the god's way of killing the human race, by making each new generation even dumber then the last.
Could you imagine what would happen if these idiots lived in the Old West?
They can have more kids
there would be less water shortages, because dead people don't need food, and food requires water
that would be alright
broke mine again the other week, all the exterior buttons and charging port died. not bad for three years worth though, still can get better brand new phones for cheaper now. I do miss that camera still
The satellites don't need to be around the moon. All they do is form a network of several different satellites that know exactly how far away you are from each of them separately, which then is used to triangulate where you are in relation to those satellites.
It's not impossible for them to receive signal from the moon, and solve that a signal is on the moon.
it's not like theres any realtime events or anything, it should run fine unless your phone is a literal potato.
soulsilver is better
I got one used with pokewalker for 40€ four years ago. It was working, I got my share of fun with it. Don't know if it still works.
Giving birth takes up to 24 hours, you saying you wouldn't get fucking bored doing nothing in a hospital room?
She's clearly not giving birth, you fucking idiot. She's in labor. There's a difference. Learn it.
it still just isn't right user
Pokemon Go players target of Armed Robberies by dindus nuffins in Shitcago, MO, NYC, and other places. Now clickbait free!
Why? And more importantly why is this newsworthy?
Don't have a fucking babby, then.
Nice, Darwinism at work.
It's an unaware, crying, shitting snowcone made of flesh. Not like it's a plant that you've got to talk to yet.
spotted the mexican
Probably his wife's boyfriend's child. So not that important.
I guess suddenly it's hip to be square.
Now you're making it seem like a goal
well it could be but not the way theyre doing it
Minecraft - where you can get laid and still be cockblocked. Or is it blockcocked?
thank you, carlos
Did he died?
It was extremely painful
This sums up this thread perfectly, the minecraft and furry porn part.
Guess the internet and all this technology helped to enable and refine the levels of autism and insanity, the society was already enabling this shit with entry level crap.
Can't wait for the headlines calling to ban pokemon because a GO player pulled his CC on a dindu trying to du nuffin to him and his valuable smartphone
I don't see the problem with this. Birth is a process that takes HOURS, sometimes as much as 24-36 hours. Labor is a long process. Is he just supposed to be like "ah man, I should sit here like a good little boy and do nothing while she gives birth?" Fuck that, people who criticize him for doing this have clearly never considered just how long labor is, or they weren't there for the birth of their own kid.
Sitting for 4-8 hours doing nothing while she pushes out a new work caste wage slave who will take 18 years to train to be a good goy is stupid. "DO YOU WANT A DIVORCE?" Maybe you should get married and then you'd know that divorces don't come that fucking easily, faggot. If you'd divorce someone over 2 minutes of time on the phone, then you shouldn't get married in the first place, you're mentally ill and you'll just cause emotional harm to your spouse.
See what's weird about that to me is that you can just walk, and the game will vibrate/growl when you encounter a mon. You don't have to watch the fucking screen. It makes more sense to NOT watch your screen, cause it just drains the fuck out of your battery to have it on all the time (that OpenGL ES) and you'll miss nothing by not staring at ugly as fuck 32x32 textures.
Underrated post