The average leftists in Iceland

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did that other thread trigger you that much?

I don't know snowspeak and even I could make out there equivalent of "Green".

To my knowledge, only the Portugese and American Green parties have enacted leftist (anti-capitalist) platforms, in the rest the Green Left is merely a tendency in an overall capitalist party.

In the words of Nobel Prize winner Bob Dylan, "don't criticize what you can't understand".


How are we supposed to get the blessing from our red lord of leftism without the dance of the bloody horse? Are you mad, you don`t want to Stalin raise the wheat this year, that the Che don`t give our warriors victories or Mao let the bourgeois soul without torment. MADNESS. Praise Marx


I swear I can never see something ending with praise x without thinking of spurdo

This is my new favorite video

The autist in your image implies that 'statistical fictions' are not valid or useful

The average Joe has a 5 inch penis. We don't need to point out who has a inch penis to make this a worthwhile statement.

Now by and large, leftists (by their admission) do not believe in anything objective. They do not believe in objective standards in anything, from beauty to morality, and that's what we see reflected in OP's video.


Are you implying that beauty and morality are objective?

They are. For example whites are objectively the most attractive race


Me when shitepoasting on Holla Forums

What manga/anime is that pic from pls?


It's from learn how to use the reverse image search you lazy nigger

Most data shows that Middle Eastern or Asian women are the most sought on dating sites. if Whites were objectively the most attractive, why aren't white women sought out more than sand niggers and gooks?

that's a bad argument because attractiveness is not the only factor when it comes to dating
not like he's aware about that tho

Wait are you the faggot arguing about surrealism not being art in that other thread?


honestly i used to have an aversion to some races but watching porn has basically made me attracted to every major ethnic group.

Under what circumstances would you date someone you didn't find attractive?

masturbating to anime is degenerate
t. moral pro

So many spooked cunts in the comments

Forgot to take off tankie flag

I'm not sure if the video is worse than the comments. Still got cancer



Nah you faggot I think these are Liberals who think they are radicals leftists.

Any way I saved the video cuz it might get taken down for nudity.