ITT overrated shit

ITT overrated shit

Other urls found in this thread:

After thousands of hours.
This game is shit.

This thread


That channel. Vid related.

Playing through EYE right now, I am on the 5th mission. I really dont get it and the Source engine is terrible.




I think most people bought it when it would go on sale for a dollar. For that price I can see why some would enjoy it, but yeah EYE is pretty broken.

Yeah, I just dont get it. Like the atmosphere is awesome, but the rest is boring as shit. The enemies are also Fascist, which is also really boring.

I assume op was trying to have a legitimate thread but the valvecucks are going to complain that he insulted their precious half life game.

Dude maybe young, but he is pretty dead on.

These objectively good games are also overrated shit, because I too, have shit taste


Id like to start out by saying, that i think all you people who play tumblrtale suck a big fat goat dick.

now, to move on

I think TUMBLRCUCKS are pathetic. all they do is sit around with their big lips and collect welfare. and if they're not doing that, theyre robbing, raping, stealing, murdering, or in jail. So id like to give a big fuck you to all you tumblrites out there. By the way, im not really racist, i have a tumblrite NIGGER in my family tree. Hes been hanging there about 20 years (badumdum!)

Now on to SJWTALE cucks. they are like a mixture of tumblrcucks and bunnies. they also sit around and collect welfare, but they have a different method. They all reproduce at an amazing rate, and then the welfare collection moves on into the next generation. They really all should be lined up and shot, with their goy clothes and their nigger skeleton flags. And, like tumblrcucks, they go out robbing, raping, mugging, stealing, murdering, and end up in jail.


Jews. Hitler was right. They are nothing but money grubbing little fucks. like that guy toby fox, look at him. He makes a pointless game, sells a million some copies, AND THAT ISNT ENOUGH. now he has to make a movie too. That movie is going to suck, just like him, and just like all his fans. Hes a self centered piece of shit, just like every other jew ive met. And whats this deal with jews whining about the holocaust?!?! they gotta make movies, books, whatever. Its all about money with them. they cant spend their own money and get on a public access channel and whine about it, no they gotta set up a holocaust memorial, bug that faggot jew steven spielberg to make a movie that sold out, and a bunch of other shit. fuck jews.

Undertalefags. Well, Undertalefags are their own category. It seems they just dont get it. WE DONT CARE THAT YOU LIKE TUMBLRTALE! GET OUT OF MY Holla Forums! I know if i had kids i wouldnt want em to be seein a bunch of cum guzzlin tumblrtales walkin down the street with their womanly manhood dangling around screamin we want videogame discussion….


All they do is fuck like bunnies and spread the tumblrcuck virus. I hope they kill themselves off soon.

Tumblrtales are out to ruin the economy. Look at em with their piece of shit meme games. Why do they have to evade our economy? I mean, i dont see anything wrong with them sellin shit over here, but they practically SHOVE IT DOWN OUR THROATS! and YOU FUCKERS keep buying the shit. I say we send a couple more sage-bombs over there, take care of their tumblr asses.

Goat molesters make me sick, but they keep popping up! Whats this world coming to when these guys can peddle their goatkiddy porn over the internet! ITS SICK! All those goatkiddy porn fuckers should be castrated with plastic forks and burned at the stake.

Tumblrtales. God i fucking hate Tumblrtales. LEAVE ME ALONE! All they do is whine about how people are going to go to hell and try and convert people! GET A LIFE! god damn sexually dysfunctional little fucks! You should all be burned at the stake like you did to the pagans! I fucking hate you all!

i feel alot better after doing this. And im not going to hide behind a fake email address and name. email me, i dont give a fuck. all you losers are pathetic. go out and get a fucking life, quit sittin around masturbating to goats behind your computer screen you little scrawny fucks. Im so drunk right now i dont give a fuck if you fags fuckin email me. Hell, i'll give you my fucking fone number too while im at it, feel free to call me, or are you afraid to? afraid i might humiliate you over the phone? 717 867 1292, if its busy 717 867 1679, ask for FUCK OFF TUMBLRTALE, i'll be waiting for all your calls.

oh, and one more thing.



Yeah, thats right you fuck, i hate you too.

Those are mostly shit, Super Metroid was okay.

Generic FPS bullshit.

Its not the game, its the mod

Try-hard "depth" trash, overly-convoluted RPGs

More FPS's

Furry Game, psedo-furry flash movie, Nitendo's TF2

Platformer with shooting, "stealth game" generic adventure game, generic horror game.

TL;DR All over done and hyped.


nah m8

Fuck off, weeb

I wish I could enjoy EYE but the Source Engine is just god awful and none of the guns are fun because of it.

Dark Souls is good but it's second half is mediocre compared to the first.

this seems longwinded but i'm on this guys side despite his dweeby demeanor only after watching a little bit of it.

half life 2 was full of dull shit and padding and popularized horrendous in-game exposition int he form of watching people fucking talk while you wait for them to open doors

Exactly what it wants.

It also doesn't help that enemies respawn, the English translation is shit, and the game is overall unpolished (like the button for bringing up the hacking menu isn't assigned in the default controls)

Yeah, like I get it, and how it COULD be a good game. But it falls short. I will finish it though. Just probably will never come back to it.

Fuck it


How is it not?



My turn


Nigga, that game literally blew everything away when it came out. And to this day is still one of the best 2d games ever.

If you were talking about Prime you would be completely right tough


Read my post again

his hl2/hl1 video is retarded, but I'm curious about this:

because serious sam is fucking terrible as a series.

I hope I get 74. again

Spice up my life

Anyone who believed moot when he said imageboards don't increase in traffic during summer is an idiot
HL2 is overrated but the kid in the video is a faggot

How can one of the objectively best game of its kind be overrated?
Do you have brain problems?

Kill me

He's incredibly autistic, long-winded, and has a blatant superiority complex. It's a chore to watch his video.

Multiplayer can be massive fun. SP will always get boring.


after watching it, i won't deny he's autistic as fuck but he's spot on, if some one else edited his work it would be a lot better

heaven let your light shine down

Totori pls

Kirby is secretly a radical national socialist.

Oh lordy, what am I about to do

Every game you like is shit and every game you dislike is liked by more than one person out there

Hex Maniac please.



i came to this thread to see what games people think are overrated

No furry shit

The Witcher is severely overrated by the poles. They think it put their country on the top of the world.


tell me what I want


What's wrong with Dark Souls?
It's an RPG that provides a freedom of customization, including most weapons have unique differences in attack patterns rather than just stats (though most have that too). The mechanics are simple enough for anyone to grasp and start playing and the mechanics are built in a way that someone new to the game and the genre can learn as they play until they know the trick to handle each foe. It had replayability in the quest lines of each of the characters, plenty of secrets to find and a few things that a first-time player won't get until newgame+.

I really enjoyed it, but yeah. I wouldn't pay the $10 it normally goes for.

But the broken English is one of the best parts of the game.
It makes things more mysterious.

Seriously, why doesn't Valve off it for free with every download of Steam? They could at least do this with the HL1 trilogy.


Not when people explain important information to you.

No, it means your development team should have hired someone who can speak fucking English to translate the game.

By your dumb-ass logic the original SNES translations of FFIV and Breaht of Fire 2 are good because their broken Engrish transrations make the games more obtuse and nonsensical. I know you want to justify your 2 dollar purchase, but EYE is a broken game.

I cannot think of a single good Sonic game, yet people pretend that several of them (mostly 2D) are actually really good.

Anyone who thinks these games are good only does so because of muh gwafix (the 2D ones look amazing for their time), music, and of course marketing.


Thank god, I never understood the hype for Liru. The animation quality is good but there is really nothing special to the whole thing. She's just a normal looking anime waifu in an extremely barebones VN.

Agreed, I like all of those games but people make them out to be the greatest things to ever grace their genres but they certainly aren't.

Maybe it's overrated here but outside of Holla Forums I'd say that it's super underrated given how popular other action RPGs that are equal or worse to it are.

By the power of Kek please give me a rabbit


Rollan, bout' to go to bed anyway.

This is not what I wanted.



H-ere, h-ere, here we go!


ITT shit taste


all of them

That video is shit. Kill yourself OP


here i go


Here goes nothing, I guess.







fred durst

please no male or furry please no male or furry please no male or furry

I didn't want cartoony loli either but it probably wont be hard to find an inkling with the face/body of an adult woman


Bring it

dark souls


Vile harpy.


go go go


Why not.




let's go

why am i even doing this

Most of those aren't fappable at all. Furryshit and gayshit included. Where are the hottest vidya characters, ffs?
No DoA girls in the list means it's trash.

Scratch that, at least Marie Rose is present.

The Paper Mario series and Metal Gear Solid series are extremely overrated.

The rest of these three games are overrated and don't deserve the praise the internet bestows upon it.

Nice work "Cyan". Can't even recognize a thinly-veiled unpopular opinions thread when he sees one.



Splatoon may be overrated but it's still fun I'll fucking fight people on that.
I just wish I had money to buy it when it was still going strong. Final splatfest just means they're gonna shut it down in a year or two to make way for the NX sequel
