Other urls found in this thread:

The only legacy king nigger must be allowed to have is of the first president executed for treason.

Mama Merkal's reaction to this will be priceless.

Maybe if they voted for Le Pen, they'd be treated like a serious world leader instead of another cuck hovel.


Great. More "sources'. I'll wait to get excited until after he walks away from it.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck king nigger, he signed the paris treaty as an executive order, Trump can kill it just as easily. If it can get through senate approval, then we abide.


We were only provisional members in the first place, we weren't obligated to do anything. This just surrenders any shred of world leadership we might have salvaged to China and Germany. For a purely aesthetic domestic policy move that weebs like you fags will lap up.

Link to the story? Or are they just reporting on a report that someone is reporting?


News is reporting some details soon from the White house. May not be a total pullout, not saying it is conformed yet. The Salt is already flowing from the enviro faggots.

White House Official: Trump plans to pull US from Paris deal

This is why I wait.





Why are you even here, furshit?


When Trump pouts "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" in a tweet it is a sign he is doing something for America 1st.

Yeah, if people haven't figured it out already Trump is the "leaker" in the White House. Or I should say that John Miller is the leaker in the White House.

This better be a complete pull out especially after Merkel decided to run her pig-mouth.


Good. This isn't the Fox News comments' section, you tard

get back to us when he accually does it, until then this is a nothingburger

Reported for intl. Thanks for outing yourself, kike.

And to think

Here's your answer:

How is it possible for you all to be so incredibly unintelligent and sensitive? You guys need jobs.

You're gay.


Are you even trying?



Aw does baby need a safespace?

King nigger BTFO


She already threw a bitch fit about it and CNN covered it extensively. We have lost the trust of Sweden and Germany apparently.

Yeah it's bullshit. Again. Literally fake news.

I must admit, I really like the way they handled propaganda back in the day, they're pretty catchy even if they're obviously false. I wonder if there was a way we could appropriate them without sounding too cheesy.

Naturally, nothing can come close to these. So simple, yet so effective.

by false I meant for a false cause

it's almost as if you think the mods here aren't compromised shitskins doing what the fat kike jim wants

I love you trump

hey shill.
le floofy hug

hey it's the spammer shill, hi bitch!


hilarious imkampfy rage thread

read the old one first and then the new link because they delete a bunch of posts that don't show up as the thread continues on.

(most recent)


crazy religion thread imkampfy ban spree

For some reason GG still triggers the fuck out of shills, though, which makes it a useful tool for making them expose themselves. It's fucking hilarious too.

I just don't find it logical why a corrupt shillmod (supposedly) would come to a thread to shillspam it because they hate a really really good shill awareness image that exposes shills really bad and teaches people how to handle them.


thread archive that shows shillmods on Holla Forums spamming the shit out of the thread for going too deep:


shillspam5 Holla Forums thread

shillspam6 Holla Forums shill warning posts, and GET thread (get here) (thread created here to show the get also GETS) notice the spammer.
all posts deleted. get thread deleted.

Who do you think made the threads and aggregated the data on that other board?

get fucked Merkel.

Sort your life out, Chaim






I guess there`s no reason to come to this board anymore, is it now?

I can't pierce this level of rationalization, what are you saying I am here? A frequent arguer here? Nah I just frequent Holla Forums, I like the webm threads. I like that you're all melting down from the mildest trolling in history, though.

You are disturbing

Hi CIA agent.
Can I ask a few questions, like why are you here? Why do you side with people trying to destroy the United States? Why do you allow pedos like Jeffrey Epstein to compromise U.S officials and blackmail them?

I think you're lost, tumblr.

It's going to be fun to watch Merkel and the EU as a whole squirm to this. These incremental regulatory ways of dealing with environmental issues are horseshit and reek of bureaucratic decadence. The best way forward is to use government resources and incentives such as tax breaks and stipends for individuals and organizations who wish to innovate cheaper, cleaner, easily reproduceable energy sources. One day we're going to need to get off the liquid jew called oil and it's not going to happen with incremental bullshit.

I am a Mayflower Descendant. 3 Times over. Why would you even think that?

Watching this thread get derailed by Gore enviro paid faggots is great. The levels of salt in the coming days about the Paris pullout is starting.

Checked. The obvious ass-pained shills in the thread indicates it has already begun. They type like boomers. I'm curious where they're coming from today.

I heard we were handing this rock to the kikes and colonizing the stars? Fuck the climate.

Because your actions are proving just that.
My lineage can be traced back to the mayflower as well, there are multiple military installations with my surname as a result of the blood my family shed for this Nation.

And dual-israeli nationals along with communists from China, and la-raza shitskins from Mexico and niggers who just hate everything are trying to destroy it.

Meanwhile you are here, on an imageboard, filled with people trying desperately to figure out the truth whinging about some mean verbiage.

You do know the CIA and DHS has literally tortured us for years right? Just because we're a threat to their criminal operations. I've known anons that have killed themselves, literally, because of the shit they've endured on here. All the CP is posted by Feds ffs trying to turn people into pedophiles so they can be more easily controlled.

Easy guess where they are coming from.


Get the fuck out

Do you follow Trumps posts?b What a scary joke!

I'm tired user. Sleep sounds so nice right now, doesn't it?


Francis Cooke, Richard Warren and especially John Cooke! You have no clue!

No, you’re not. You will be killed with the niggers you love.

I have the Trivium and Quadrivium, what of you? A lineage? Aristocracy comes from the mind not from the blood.

user Sleep….Clueless!

Last Mayflower descendent I met was a liberal Hillary supporter

So, inbred as fuck?

Behold! A man who claims to know all and reveals none. An occulter of knowledge that only arrives to sow discord and claim you foul. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

user Wake up and debate me, punk!

Debate you on what, fool.

I easily go back to the Revolution. Northerners. As well with the Civil War

You two retarded LARPers are doing a good job of derailing the thread.

Have you heard of King Philips War?

You ever heard of swallowing a fucking bullet?

user apparently not!

And what is your point? For all it matters you could be a descendant of Plato and it would not make a difference.

You claim to have knowledge, you claim to be a child of a Puritan, do you not read your own bible? "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law".

Yet you continue to deceive like a coward. You have brought nothing to debate in any event.

Now I know you're a nigger.


Holy fuckarooni m80

It should be noticed that smartphones don't come with smart people included in the delivery.

Do these meaningless little games (for public consumption) help solve the problems of $65 trillion total debt, $200 trillion of unfunded liabilities and $500 trillion of derivatives in any way, shape, or form?

bro, do you even covfefe?

Anyone here know actually what the Paris accord is about and what it entails for first and third world countries? Is it simply gibs for third world countries?

Yes. Just another wealth redistribution scheme that the commies love so much.

Taxing "Global Warming/Climate Change", I'm amazed at how straight -faced the EU and other globalists kikes that China is all aboard on this, top fucking kek.

are the specs clear or simply more vagary about reducing global temperatures and what not.

That's just it, unless those climate change faggots have an accurate model/system measurement of how much a country contributes on climate change, they'll just make shit up and tax you for farting. And China and the India, wonder who's gonna enforce this shit unless they stop their factories, you know, where the cheap labor for goods are located.

so being desensitized to gore leaves your heart vulnerable to adorable


I know he has done it before but I dont think he is the only leaker.

China and India were building one coal fired power station per week last time I looked.

And over here we have these silly little renewable schemes which are dreamed up by rich politicians but paid for by poor people just trying to get by.

I've seen you desperate before, but this is a new low.

what does this mean?

No idea, but in his recent TED interview, he stated that he advised the president on the 'positives of immigration'.

Musk is a fucking crook.

Means he'll give up trying to influence Trump.

Probably the economic councils Trump invited those business kikes to.

so his only role was lobbying for gibs for Tesla?

Can't tell if that, or if he is just misguided and bluepilled, or if he is just trying to keep up a good PR image among his liberal base of cocksucking latte injectors.

Hence why we got Trump elected.
Best goy

Who cares, kikes are so ass shattered over this that the sodium level in this very thread increased 500 fold

You're from SE mass aren't you? Only people here have heard of that. So who killed john sassamon, asshole?


go figure

It means Musk is cucked and won't do anything

Also to the people ITT who actually care about the environment, the only way meaningful and effective environmental protection would ever be instituted would be through fascism. Democracy is too beholden to Jewish industries who rely on a disdain for caring about the planet to survive. No like sweatshop or publishing company could survive in an environmentally conscious place.

Also the niggers and pajeets need to be exterminated wholesale along with the chinks to defuckulate the ocean's pH levels and that ain't happening with an elected government.

kike sweatshop*

That's what I always try to bring up. Is there only going to be ozone over the US and western Europe? Because nobody else gives a fuck about the environment, they just pollute it without any sense of foresight.

now would be a good time to post that pic of the border in South America somewhere showing the dead environment immediately on the communist side of the fence.

It means Elon Musk is a climatecuck whose made a career out of peddling woo.

So Trump didn't say it?

Top Kek.

Didn't you out your self as being a shill last night?


More gay

I miss shills that weren't shit

He's not bluepilled. He came over from South Africa. He at least knows what niggers are.
Which means this
is the most likely case and makes him a cocksucking piece of shit that needs some rope.

Who knows there were a bunch of bargain bin shills last night.

Do you even know the history of our Northern Colonies

How salient.

user sleep on that

This is certainly one of the positives to come from his presidency thus far. Very wonderful news for all those who understand this absurdity of The Paris Agreement, somebody has to point out the Emperor has no clothes and I am glad it is a significant nation doing so.

I would love for America to remove itself from the UN at some point as well, another total scam. Hell may as well go to war with the IMF as well, really clean up the world.

Jej is it just for the shekels or what?

Anons I am so proud of my 5th Great Grandfather Benjamin Slade and his brother Israell Slade sending slaves up to Canada to freedom! Benjamin had access to ferry boats

cool story
So you're actually just a cuck who believes in the shit he's peddling. This is pathetic.

Hilariously enough the niggers turn against you in the end anyways. Also you are a bastard of the Khazar Empire and the true Israelites are the Ethiopians ;^)

All of you faggots that derailed the thread need to go.

Can we actually talk about this (((paris agreement))) for once? I'm looking for all hard evidence of the scam and the negative impact it does for the US. Normies are still overly concerned over the climate change, which makes sense that climate change has been shilled for the past 20 years as if it wasnt up for any debate.

If you got a pastebin of all scientic research, economic research, and whose gaining from raping the us taxpayer for 2 trillion dollars a year please share it. Thanks.

this user right here.


Grab your anti-man made climate change memes and put it here, to unshill this infested thread.

Pic: What i was taught in ecology.
Worst case scenario: in 100 years there will be an increase in 4°C average
Best case scenario: in 100 years there will be an increase in 2°C average

So, even under the hypothesis that we control the climate, the average temperature will still rise even in the most "positive" case were we all agree to not waste an ounce of carbon.

The most effective way of reducing pollution as i see, is killing africans and chinese, and producing the same goods with european technology and care for environment.




This is a classic Barium meal.
So many from Trump.
This official was not authorised to speak - ie. it was a leak.
The official was fed a spiked meal of information, in this case the use of the word "caveats", which uniquely identifies the person. I think it is no co-incident that a senior staff member just resigned. They were fingered as a canary.

yeah, natsco is christian, Hitler was christian. nice try, kike.

Need moar, loading up my meme creator. We must prepare, and let the kikes know we arent backing down from pulling out of paris agreement. This shit is level 5 kikery that must be stopped.

bump for real news



Bump again.

I love how the EUs response to Trump pulling out is to bunker down on their fucking corrupt bureaucracy. I'd say let them. The more the EU does to fuck over countries citizens the more the layman will begin to resent them. the fucking kikes like Merkel think they are being voices of EU solidarity, I'd say let them think that, it'll make it all the better when their fucking world comes tumbling down on them while America maintains its principles

Are you fucking blind?

Read it first as Noses for Nazis. Much more suitable if you think about it.

In other news, Elon Musk is threatening to quit being a corporate shill if Trump pulls out of the Paris Deal.

Fuck Elon Musk.

Musk assblasted he wont be getting dem government subsidies fo dem programs
Now we just need to drop subsidies on the oil industry too so the energy sector has any semblance of a free market again

anyone got some infographics / images on (((climate change))) for the imminent shitstorm tomorrow?



I need preparation, CNN bots will be in full force on twitter. I can sense it, I already shilled out paris agreement redpills on kikebook but we need to be ready for the wonderful shitstorm of liberal ocean of tears. What a time to be alive.

Yeah he's withdrawing.

Didn't know that he could even do that unilaterally.


Honestly my vision of the future is Western Europe completely collapsing and hordes of white refugees fleeing to America and Eastern Europe.


I dont have much, this is some of it. Fuck this paris agreement anons.

Haha, your board owner is a tranny.

Shills shilling shills in this thread… God this place is cancer now. Get over it, JIDF wont hire you faggots.

It's almost as if they're desperate to prove time and again how fucking retarded they are.

Need moar…



Obama skipped over the Senate to do it, so you bet your ass he can do it.

Not surprising. I'd be amazed if Musk ever worked a day of manual labor in his life.

He makes his money selling cars that hinge on the climate hysteria, of course he doesn't like this.



Why do I feel like that's one of the better futures.

Because it's a three-in-one deal. Survivors move into safer countries. White populations in those countries become stronger. The West gets an excuse to liberate the shit out of Western Europe and kill lots of muds. Trump continuing to shitpost the EU to death is also acceptable. It's a win-win.

I hope his neck doesn't break so we get to see him slowly strangle.



Oceans will rise of liberal tears.


This is massively important, and needs to be stickied immediately. Trump just averted a crisis, and saved the U.S. millions of dollars. This agreement was a purely "bullying" process; using (((climate change))) to cripple the American economy/way of life.

Cheer, Mr. Trump

I wish you neocon faggots would get that we are not like you fucking niggers

Nigger lover.

Neo-Cons are commies, it's just that they need to subvert their opposition and require a population majority of bottom feeding non-whites to have their communist revolution.

What do you guys think of the theory that carbon trading is good for the west, because it prevents African nations from ever advancing. Since their carbon credits are bought up by larger world powers, African nations can never fully industrialize themselves. Certainly they are given monetary compensation for those credits, but what will they do with a US dollar? They'll trade it for American goods. Thus being both unable to develop domestic industry and being perpetually dependent on the first world to function.

Carbon trading is kike bullshit.

Ponzi scheme.

When Musk was a kid in South Africa he frequently got beat up by niggers and he liked it.

This isn't just a meme kids, this is literal truth.

Al Gore on suicide watch right now. The roses at the white house are growing with all the globalists shitting themselves.

"Carbon credits" is a marxist wealth redistribution scheme. Shitskin 3rd world nations would be allotted more carbon credits than their industry requires, forcing industrialized nations to purchase those credits. Carbon credits is a scheme to make industrialized nations give money to unindustrialized countries in exchange for neither goods nor services, but merely because they're unindustrialized.

It's marxism, plain and simple



If you read what I wrote, the argument is that these unindustrialized nations never advance.

Your argument is
You're either a shill or a moron. Niggers will be niggers, it's in their blood. We don't need to drain industrialized nations of their wealth to make them continue being niggers.

I criticize if/when necessary but this is a great decision and he deserves credit for it.

China having no restrictions for 13 years?
India demanding billions of foreign aid in exchange?

Fuck that. Even better if it destroys what little legacy Hollande & Obama had in the eyes of some globalists.

IF island countries end up underwater due to this weather cycle, efforts should taken to transport their populations to Australia (I hear they have great NK-tier prisons nowadays).

It's actually the Imperialist system the British employed to great effect. Arabs have a pretty low IQ, but because we allowed them to develop an export industry, they've gained vast amounts of wealth and power they should not otherwise have. Thankfully they are stupid enough to fight all the time, so they will inject their wealth back into the US economy for more bombs, and any tech they wish to own.

Its the oroville dam meme again. They'll warn upon the imminent incoming danger but will never prepare anyway.


I hope that when I wake up, I hear Trump dropping the 400 trillion carbon tax.

lol, he actually did it


Another blow to the blackpilled faggots that refused to believe he'd do it.

Scott Pruit is a manlet!!! I never thought. He looked regular sized from headshots. Turned out he's got a big head on a small body lol

. Something

i tried

Reposting in more relevant thread:

How long until liberals realize they've been duped into embracing less government regulation?

I see lots of trolling in this thread, but no environmental redpill infographics to dump ? Come on.
I went here to find some, since I don't have any.







Thank God for Trump for dodging this shit

These commies sure are clever at what they are doing. Cancer though.

This is why the salt levels are so high. The kvetching so far has been off the scale.

Yeah, the reason I "deny" global warming, is because there is a huge agenda attached to it. I can agree that pollution is bad, and enviroment should be protected, but it would require me to buy the "whole package".

Seriously, I would be branded insane speaking about this, too much info, they want us to live in multicultural micro-apertments, ride bike no cars, socialise energy branch, by creating an energy crisis where the government steps in, and provides for it. Too many redpills overfloweth.

t. stockbroker seeing how obama killed a 100 year old company known as Peabody Coal, in just 8 years of beauracratic hitmen making up shit rules, and soros taking 1.5 mill shares.

Atleast I enjoyed the salt on reddit "Buhuhu my brother works for the EPA and racist anti-environment, anti-science dumb druomhf got him fired :,(((("

Too much redpills over the years has sent my mind into a type of insanity making it hard to deliver information to people.

user have you ever had your IQ professionally tested? Are you physically bigger/ than most people?

I am genuinely curious not making jests

According to one of the articles of the Paris Agreement, parties would have to withdraw on a set timetable.

What method of enforcement do they have? What's to stop us from going "Yeah, nah." to europe and the rest of the globalists?

I'm actually a pretty hardcore eco-fag and this deal was garbage. It's nothing but a wealth transfer to China and India that will de-industrialize the west, industrialize the third world and in all honestly will make the problem worse.

I am 195 cm, and professionally tested shown 115-120 IQ. Curiousity peaked. Why do you ask?

Goldman Sachs, who were very supportive of the deal (this should clue you in), and who are currently in charge of the US Treasury and Federal Reserve, crash the economy with no survivors.

I've been saying this since before the election and was actually banned on cuckchan for saying it.
Trump is a fall guy. The globalists are about to tank the US economy and want someone to blame. They can't have a globalist neo-con or neo-lib in office when it happens.

>Critique of Trump is gay!
If anyone shows even circumstantial evidence that the Paris Accord was about anything other than protecting the environment, I'm all ears, but this reeks of cognitive from people who can't even handle mild criticism of Trump. Personally, I haven't made up my mind about this yet, I just don't but Trump on a pedestal, as seems mandatory on this board.

That would be more believable if their bought-and-paid-for political establishment hadn't tried their very hardest during the election to prevent him from gaining the presidency and instead offered only token resistance. And if the globalist-controlled DNC hadn't pulled out all the stops to prevent every single thing he's tried to do while in office.

Their actions don't fit this outcome. He wasn't supposed to win. This wasn't part of the plan. Are you suggesting their original plan was to have Hillary be the fall guy?


To be honest, it does seem a bit of a contradiction.

I think the goal is to have someone in office that can be painted as evil and incompetent at every turn. The opposition is an astro-turf campaign to forment the "#resistance' for when shit hits the fan, and convince people to embrace total globalization with open arms as it will be presented as a solution to the "problems".

The pre-election media campaign does seem to contradict that idea though. On the other hand, the media bosses must see the survey results showing that absolutely nobody trusts them anymore. Maybe the best way to get someone into office is to strongly oppose them. Or, frankly, maybe elections haven't been real for decades.

Regardless of these thought experiments or whatever fucking mind-game fuckery ZOG is trying to pull, the rational choice is still to stand by Trump for now. A change for the better is still a change for the better. Standing strong and not cucking when shit goes south will be the only way we can really fight back anyways, even if this is a plot to destroy us.

Shill harder.

what if he isnt shilling but just presenting you with the possibility that your cognitive bias is misleading you?

What was the Paris Climate Treaty supposed to accomplish ?

Reduce CO2 emissions in developed countries, but place no regulations on developing countries. Provide no incentives for developed countries, but force developed countries to provide no-strings attached money to developing countries for 'green tech' (with no oversight or enforcement of spending).

Just using the most basic fundamental economic principles, tell me what you think will happen in this scenario.

He’s spamming unrelated garbage in the thread to stop people from discussing the topic. He’s shilling. Fuck off, retard.

he asked for evidence to some shit, and pointed out hoe biased and inconsiderate some new posters are on this board.
i wouldnt call that spam or unrelated garbage.

also, telling me to fuck off and calling me a retard isnt very productive, it just makes you look like some emotional newfag that cant handle differenting opinions

posting capslock and ellipses in greentext doesn't make you look productive either shill.

You're a kike


I like it.

Every kid in design school looks at the WWII era of propaganda posters and tries to mimic them. Soviet posters by the deconstructionist El Lissitsky are often a design students first taste of this period's propaganda.

The thing is, modern art schools, especially design schools, are taught by incompetant, low skilled, professors who barely know the software they teach.

More traditional art schools focus more on the basics but never make the transition to modern modes of media.

So, learn to draw and learn design. Too many who go to school for it only learn one or the other.

he was implying things. if youre too retarded to understand sarcasm and second hand theses you shouldnt be on here.
also why are you calling me a shill?
do you think calling people names will just magically make them go away?
how old are you?

You made me think about the "termites" of Lewis Terman.

Unless you've been living in a cave you should know what the Paris Accord is all about

it's basically a bunch of know-nothing elitists trying to control the heavens, a modern day emperor's new clothes

It began with the Copehagen accord in 2009 which fizzled because the climategate emails, showing massive corruption in the climate science community, were leaked right beforehand.

Why do you hate Africa?
Would you prefer them not attaining a certain level of civility, so they can keep on migrating and raping other countries?

Africa for Africans, Europe and America for whites. Not that hard.

I propose you should even deport your african americans back to africa.

He wasn't supposed to win, yes.
But he was and is still a zionist, who will work for Israel First. That's why, although ((( they ))) don't like him one bit, he's still one of them and will help fulfill Greater Israel.

They will (or already did) bribe him or threathen him to follow a script so as to make America collapse, then point to you and the rest of the world, how it was all racist Trump fault. Donald might be into it, as he's a zionist, he will probably live happily ever after, with his family moving to Israel, to which his daughter and son-in-law are so comfortable with.

The point here is that he could already be bought by them, and he might have been threatened to make America fall, to which he will obey or they will pull the plug anyway (crashing the Federal bank etc)

Try to think in many possible scenarios. We, non burgers, have seen your "political" tricks too many times, we have seen time after time the same tactics (muh 9/11, muh Irak, muh evil Assad) that this wouldn't surprise me at all. It's a matter of finding the evidence and seeing if it correlates with this theory.

Maybe I'm just a child but i love that pic user. saved

Just found out about this guy. Quite insightful. Thanks user.

I agree with this user.

This is the most loaded questions I have ever seen on Holla Forums and someone who has no fucking clue how Africans work.

Fuck you and people like you.

Do you even understand what that means?

In this instance I used people to collectively refer to liberals, lefties and other people who used their utter lack of knowledge of Africa to defend Africa. If anything got lost in translation ask and let me clear it up for you.



I think he was meant to be a fall guy and he rebelled.

nothing he did till now points to that. on the contrary

The MSM is shitting its pants over this on all the weekend news talk shows btw, it's all they're talking about.

you were, shill. we have IDs.

Shills in the thread are late to hope on this. Must have been busy shilling on Reddit.

listen newfag, you obviously dont know what IDs are, because if you did, youd notice that the only situation you could use this argument is if me and that guy had the same ID.
lurk you autistic newfag before you wanna boast about big words.

so far the only one that could be considered a shill is you, youve done nothing but complain and call other people names

I'm referring to your first post, shill.
You're really bad at your job but at least you're diligent.


if i would be payed to make fun of bluepilled burgers that would make my day.
anyway, how about you stop calling people names like a underage newfag you are and try to debunk my post here

That’s an earthquake/tsunami impact map, dipshit.

Go back to Reddit, newfag.


Rub a cheese grater on your dick, faggot. You were blown the fuck out and your feelings were hurt. No one cares.