We Wuzn't Kangz

Mummy DNA shows that the ancients don’t have much in common with modern Egyptians. the mummies didn’t have any DNA from sub-Saharan Africa, whereas about 20 percent of today’s Egyptians have sub-Saharan genes.


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Why is it a suprise to anyone that a middle eastern country had middle eastern people living in it thousands of years ago

Which is completely obvious if you look at any of the colored art they have of themselves. They clearly drew darker people with darker shades, and most of the time they were in subservience to the lighter shaded people. Most of the people who claim that Ancient Egyptians were black are dumb niggers who don't know anything about any other African history, so they latch on to a culture that's not theirs.
And there's a lot of evidence that suggests that the shitskins that lived in Egypt during the dynastic period weren't even the ones that made the most impressive architecture. For example, the Sphinx having erosion around its base that can only be attributed to amounts of water that haven't been present in the area for 12k years. With ancient Aryans bringing technology and civilization around the world at the end of the Younger-Dryas period and probably creating all of the megaliths, there's nothing there for any Africans to be proud about except mutilating the face of the Sphinx, building a few half assed pyramids, and a few thousand years of trying to copy white legacy.

See this is your fuck up user. Let them believe We Wuz Kangz. Kangz (Egyptian Pharaohs) often times Enslaved Jews. Hence if nogs were Kangz they'd owe reparations to Jews. Imagine owing Kikes reparations or anything for that matter. Meme it.

they also don't know what a map looks like or any type of geography. It's amazing that they think because Eygpt is in Africa AWWW SHEEIT MAIN, I WUZ JUST LIK DEM when west africa where they are from is on the other side of the continent

But, the akkadians and sumerians were black.

They'll always believe they wuz, and any evidence that comes out stating otherwise is just white devil sophistry to them. You could take them back in time to show them ancient Egypt, and they'd call the time machine racist.

Everything I've read about mummy DNA indicates that they are closely related to modern-day wolfmans and frankensteins

Someone complained that "studying DNA is racist".

I wonder if the hierogylphs for that image, are explaining the scene as.

>ask if his name is tobi hit again.

[spoiler]2000 years later, nigger still needs the stick.
What does Nairaland think about this?[/spoiler]

This supports all the theories of where Egyptian civilisation came from. Migrants from the first civilisations in the world ever set up another on the Nile.

It fucking is


No Kangz post is complete without:

You neither know your geography nor your demography.



Hey for those of you passing that one off as a joke, it is not. That is actual recruitment material that (((ISIS))) spreads.

No, no I was sure the first time. That's a man dying. Fucking disgusting.

There's no way ISIS isn't a fake organization. This shit is ridiculous.

They are, all these are just so you agree with sending a kid to fight the "bad guys" in the middle east to protect the "greatest allies" and forgive any faux pas like those sweet golan heights that were just asking to be part of the holy land.

The Copts are the true descendants of the original Egyptians.

lol, they're niggers now


Anyone that has worked with niggers knows they'd never be able to study, much less understand history. Pic related, this was in my mail when I came into work tonight. This woman is the same one that complained when we picked her white male co-worker over her to do a report/assessment on a natural disaster we had last month. She's a good gaurd too, damn shame she can't do the paper work. Everytime we offer to teach her she throws a fit about us begin racist.

What did they write on the wall?

Leftists are just dogmatic group think morons that have as much moral courage as a wet rag that cover that weakness with self-righteous bigotry.

thats fake as fuck…,the blood drips up at the end and the gun doesnt have a mag in it

Barely legible. Poor Chen.

It is theorised that Frankensteins interbred with mummies for several hundred years, before the mummy race died out.
On recently excavated Frankensteins, up to 3% of mummy dna is still present in the Frankenstein genome.

This explains why later frankensteins had traces of wrappings around their limbs, and sometimes a slightly dessicated appearance - whereas earlier Frankensteins were more watery.

There is still the case of draculas, and why so many draculas have pale skin. Is the nocturnal myth founded in truth, or were Draculas descended from vikings.

No, nigger.
We're gonna nip your retarded nigger shit in the bud now.

As you can see here in the third picture, James D(Dracula) Watson mentions the Frankenstein bug.
An insect that lives in the wrappings of mummies usually, but has migrated to those of frankensteins with mummy dna.

Guess this is what happens when you bring in millions of nigger slaves to do your work…

They also accused him of stealing the work of his female collaborator. The geneticist I've met have always asserted that Watson wasn't the brains behind the discovery and is just a racist old man who lucked into the science.

Catalog nigger.

Reminder in this thread and the other
if you see anyone saying we should perpetuate the idea that niggers were ancient Egypt, chances are good it's a nigger or communist trying to damage control. Do not capitulate.

Also the Muslims certainly did their toll.

Actually just came here to post this. Don't expect to see it in the Jew Snake Crimes or any of the other (((Media))). It tells us what every sane person knew: more or less, the depictions from the HBO show "Rome" (only good show those motherfuckers ever made…well, maybe Sopranos too) were spot on. If you consider that "modern Egyptians" have a 20% negro admixture, that essentially makes them White.

In thinking about it, for all the fucking history I know and used to stay in the libra in college on Fri and Sat night reading when I had nothing else to do, I truly haven't a fucking clue what happened to Egyptians between the fall of Rome and Napoleon's conquest of the Marmalukes. Here and there I can add in "muslim conquest" and "burning of Alexandria Library" (which the fucking cultural marxist jews STILL try to pin on Christians despite the direct quote from the fucker who set fire to it "all knowledge men need in already in the Koran."

Anyone know of a good book on the history of Egypt from about 500 A.D. to 1900 A.D.?

After researching further
thought the eunich thing was true
this is a scene depicting ritualistic circumcision or 13y/o boys, initiates, into the priestly class.
the darker people are just older.
the whole point is not show pain
left = how to take it like a bitch
right = how to take it like a man

Archive: archive.fo/lq9tY

So all those hieroglyphs are cartoon swear-words…

Makes sense.

Lil nig is speed loading. He just dumped the first mag and is getting ready to plant a second.


'Several modern genetic studies of Chadic speaking groups in the northern Cameroon region have observed high frequencies of the Y-Chromosome Haplogroup R1b in these populations (specifically, of R1b's R-V88 variant). This paternal marker is common in parts of West Eurasia, but otherwise rare in Africa. Cruciani et al. (2010) thus propose that the Proto-Chadic speakers during the mid-Holocene (~7,000 years ago) migrated from the Levant to the Central Sahara, and from there settled in the Lake Chad Basin.[3]'

Said the burger.

what have we memed

This is a better map.
Essentially these niggers believe that they somehow, thousands of years ago, made the equivalent trek from the Mexican border, to the fucking Maine/Canadian border, in some of the most dense and impassable terrain on earth, and rose to be Kangz, yet left behind low IQ niggers who thousands of years later still chop each others tits off with machetes.

samefagging to also mention that if one were to WALK from the gulf of Guinea near Nigeria, to Cairo, it would be 6200km, and if I walked at Google's pace of 24/7, it would only take me 62.5 days of walking through the Saharan Desert. Seems doable, right?

The Nile goes through the Sahara, really.

It was possible to do, but not practical enough. It was MUCH more rewarding to try to move Northward towards Greece, which had actual human beings to trade with.

This bullshit again. Rosalind Franklin was a research fellow under Maurice Wilkins. Her technical work was undeniably vital to solving the structure of DNA. Watson and Crick were the ones who figured it out. If she hadn't died of cancer before the Nobel was awarded, she certainly would have received it along with Watson, Crick, and Wilkins.

That they somehow "stole" her technical work is pure bullshit. This is just how science works.


so we iz kangs?

You iz a washin muh dik, njigga…

It's BC and AD. Stop using the kike terms BCE and CE. They invented these terms to avoid acknowledging the existence of Jesus.

Jews were never slaves in Egypt. Another hoax invented to gain sympathy of dumb goys and increase racist solidarity in their community.

We wuz Marshans!

Marsh had a black civilization with kilometers-high statues an sheeit, fook ejjept!

I feel bad. Here's your (You)

I'd rather convince blacks of the truth, which is that Jews have been enslaving blacks for thousands of years.

This is true. Around 1500 BC, a group of rootless Semites trickled into the Nile Delta region and asked for shelter from famine in Canaan. The Egyptians took pity and let them have some land for themselves. Within 100 years, the Hyksos (which may have been Egyptian for Hebrews) had toppled the government and taken over the country. They then sucked all of the blood out of the people for 100 years more.

Around 1275 BC, the Egyptians had had more than enough of the Semites' shit. The Holohoax hadn't been invented yet, so the native Egyptians didn't self-censor for naming the Jew. A revolt toppled the Hyksos, who looted the treasures of Egypt and hotfooted it into the Sinai.

When they got back to Canaan, they murdered and looted their way across the river Jordan and onto the highlands. They probably destroyed Jericho. They fought against the Philistines and the Amalekites. They eventually conquered from Gaza to Golan.

Fifty years after their conquest was complete, around 1177 BC, all of the local civilizations collapsed. Everybody who was trading with or had any contact with these proto-Jews – the Mycenaeans, the Hittites, the Trojans (twice), the Cypriots, the Amorites and Ugarites, the Arameans and Phrygians. . . they were all wiped out or vastly reduced.

All, that is, except for the Egyptians, who had wisely expelled the kikes a century before and went on to enjoy a kind of renaissance without them. Egypt, having driven out the Jews, was the only major civilization to survive the Bronze Age collapse, apart from Assyria, which would get its medicine when it tried to incorporate a bunch of Jews.

dumb niggers

Egypt, Greek, Rome. Every civilization Jews ever appeared in, strife, downfall and a massive change of the racial structure followed sooner or later. A perfect example of how they've been using biological warfare for ages.

So a people built a great civilization, then it got infested with dependent, stupid brown people, and they were bred out of existence. The same is happening now. Will we learn before it's too late?