Artist creates urinating dog statue mocking "Fearless Girl"

Wall Street is going to the dogs — or at least it did for a few hours on Monday.

That's when artist Alex Gardega installed a pug statue called "Sketchy Dog," which appeared to be urinating on the "Fearless Girl" statue's leg.

"Most people were amused or perplexed by it," Gardega told NBC News. "Kids petted it, people were taking pictures with it. A few were upset and kicked it."

Gardega said he created his clay and faux bronze "Sketchy Dog" as an act of solidarity with guerilla artist Arturo Di Modica, who created Wall Street's iconic "Charging Bull" statue.

"I have a lot of empathy for the creator of the bull, Arturo. He is very upset," Gardega said.

Di Modica finished "Charging Bull" after the 1987 stock market collapse, and placed it in front of the New York Stock Exchange as a symbol of American resilience. The city initially removed it, but later re-installed it in its current location near Wall Street in the Financial District.

Conversely, the "Fearless Girl" statue, was commissioned by one of the world's largest banks — State Street Global Advisors — as a way to call attention to the gender pay gap and a lack of women on corporate financial sector boards, according to the company.

State Street is also the creator of the Gender Diversity Index SHE, which tracks gender diversity in companies. An inscription at the feet of "Fearless Girl" reads, "Know the Power of Leadership, SHE makes a difference."

"That piece, ['Fearless Girl'] was not made by some individual artist making a statement," Gardega said. "It was made by a billion dollar financial firm trying to promote an index fund. It is advertising/promotion in the guise of art. That was my only point."

But Gardega said there is some value in the "Fearless Girl" sculpture. He said it's clear that it makes children happy, and "art is supposed to make kids happy."

After approximately three hours, Gardega took his "Sketchy Dog" down.

"I didn't want to leave it to be taken and certainly had no rights [sic] to bolt it to the ground," he said.

In response to the "Sketchy Dog" statue, State Street Global Advisors said it was proud of what "Fearless Girl" represented.

"We continue to be grateful to the countless people around the world who continue to responded so enthusiastically to what the Fearless Girl represents — the power and potential of having more women in leadership," a State Street spokeswoman wrote in an email to NBC News. "Fearless Girl was created to stand as a reminder that having more women in leadership positions positively contributes to overall performance and strengthens our economy."

Gardega said that there's nothing inherently wrong with the "Fearless Girl," and he created "Sketchy Dog" with a sense of humor, but he said neither piece should interfere with Di Modica's work.

"I'm a pretty happy person, not seething or angry and certainly not anti-feminist. My piece is not without a sense of humor but I do feel for Arturo and the integrity of his art," Gardega said. "There is plenty of room for 'Fearless Girl.' It just interferes with another artist's work/vision."

Who gives a fuck, some kike dispute down on wall street because someone dared deface the precious visage of their kiked up golden calf.


Jews Jewing Jews Jewing Jews. What a time to be alive.

Wouldn't it have been easier to just put a puddle of piss shit and blood under fearless girl, maybe write Gaza in it too?
Sketchy dog doesn't even look like a dog.

How Jewish are you?

I'm honestly surprised that thing is still standing, and without having been defaced.
I mean, is it solid? If not, one would think a few good sledgehammer hits could take the head off or break off one of the legs/arms, which would be hugely amusing.

There is countless data to disprove this assertion, but, who cares about truth?

yep jews jewing jews same like the annual outcry by kikes with crocodile tears claiming they don't like the jew establishment and support a 2 state Palestine solution yet not one of those virtue signaling cunts would give up their homes in illegal occupied territory.They do this shit like clockwork to make you entertain the not all jews are bad trope.Not falling for it.All Jews must die,or be expelled from white nations so they can be where they belong with their mudslime cousins in their holy barren desert waste land.

There are no good Jews.


Er not at all? My intention would be that the world would see how revolting that situation is because of the presence of the jew, but I can see how you thought I meant it.






dog looks retarded as fuck, cant artists do anything right?

Under-rated post.

Yeah buddy
Vagina is our strength

tfw, based user brings blow torch and melts that SJW statue into the ground

i don't care hay i head NORIAGA DIED TODAY Pol was he good or bad ?

isn't hee a commie?


If you damage the statue you can get slapped with a vandalism charge. I'd say put a statue of some cigar smoking businessman with his cock out in front of the her face.

Just project images onto it. Light is not a punishable medium.

what about quick doodles with an acid pen?

It's New York City, there's tons of people there 24/7.
Probably cops too considering they seem to be on half the street corners.

That's damage

Doesn't that only work on flat surfaces? I still think a statue of a dude splooging on her face would be better.

That Panama raid was really about pizza and blackmail. There was a movie about the guy who had a script that somehow ended up dead.

Can you look down the skirt of the statue? Is there anything there? Asking for a friend

Top fucking kek, capped for posterity.


Beat me to it I was going to install a small shit statue underneath the girl showing she is acting brave but shit her pants.


Buddy, there are more jews in a 2000 foot radius of that statue than anywhere else on Earth…


Companies aren't fucking stupid and if they were then their shareholders would soon disabuse them of it.
If cunts really cost $.78 on the dollar in wages for the same productivity then all men would be on the breadline,



We meme war with jpegs, kikes meme war with metal statues.



That's not funny, even ironically.

Trips don't lie I suppose. I'll just fuck off now.

It's also a monument to the fact women get in the way and fuck up industry and the economy



Retro irony brah

What if, hear me out here what if we brought old memes back to life and appropiated them turning them right wing?

The thing that didn't help was that way back then, the whole hostility over reddit started because of those memes. While 4chan/ebaumsworld had the lolcats and other shit, reddit was using black and white vectors of actors. Then one day they not only claimed those memes on 4chan was "theirs" but also claimed that "4chan stole their memes". Not to mention the repeated and excessive incorrect use and timing of the punch line of many memes. And thus many hostilities between 4chan/imageboards and reddit began.
Then Moot the cuck one day decided to bring over reddit users over to 4chan, showing up on Holla Forums and shit. While met with resentment, it didn't help that the new reddit users coming over were immediately demanding special treatment like the faggots they are without properly adjusting or taking the time to lurk and etc.
But if old memes could be revived and used again and hated by libs because they "contribute to sexism, racism, etc. then I'd be down for it.

A bull market represents economic progress.

The girl is standing in the way of it.

Caturday (and impact font goonshit in general) was a shit meme.

Statler & Waldorf are primed for nazi revivalism, tbh.

Even though I own several sledge hammers how many people in that part of NYC would own 1 or even know how to use it?
Let alone anything to do actually physical work with.


Or maybe the charging bull represents Moloch, the jewish bull-god of child sacrifice, and the girl being placed opposite a jewish god in the center of the jewish capital is a strong message of conviction against pedophilia and the worship of ancient gods you idiots :^)

someone needs to use glass etching creme or some other acidic/caustic agent to etch a few choice phrases into the sissy statue

you know the way their gaff always went
could do so much with this on most any Holla Forums topic

Regarding the OP, they stuck their little girl statue in front of a market bull (bullish indicates upward market). The unintentional symbolism behind this is beautiful, infantilized women standing in the way of progress. They make our memes for us.


cough -female yahoo ceo that tanked the entire company after buying tumblr for 2 billion dollars- cough

Cough- HP CEO that tanked the company, and two presidential campaigns- Cough

Their egos are weak shit, but their inabilities… You are the one suffering from.

Feminist smile, on empty background. "The queen of nothing".

But there are Dead jews are good
:^) Asio no bully plz it's just a joke

Yahoo is getting bought by Verizon now I believe. After femitard ran it into the ground.

Objectively false just like the "wage" gap.

Art means nothing more than skilled. This is why we should make a concious effort to purge all Latin and Greek root words from English. When you have three different words that mean the same thing, it becomes easier to dilute the true meaning.

Any time you see someone use the word "art", replace it with "skill" and note how retarded they sound.

That's pretty good. Throwing their own bullshit right back at them.

You'd think that until you find out everyone's a kike anyway. All of wallstreet should be firebombed.



Much more logical protest would be to show a strong bear about to land a mortal blow implying that a "cooler economy" with the common man saving and more long-term investments that result in sustained growth opposed to a "hot economy" of people living as prisoners to credit/debt with speculation trading and bailouts when the (((banks))) fail.

But noooooo that would be too much thinking and subtlety, let's just put a girl for muh leadership who's about to gored to death by a 2,500 lb beast of raging muscle.

Bro, calm down, that's just the origin of the word. It takes on a new meaning in the English language.

Chill and covfefe.


What breed of dog? Looks like a hairy nigger.

It's a bull. Make a fucking phoenix if you want to represent rebirth, not some jewish god. If you actually believe that pizzagate touched on a very dark subject still true in our world today, then you'd be an idiot to think the very people implicated wouldn't boast of their perversions in the center of their fucking capital like the Babylonian hedonists they are.

ITT: niggers unaware that jews spent thousands of years building furnaces around the Mediterranean made of BRONZE in the shape of a BULL in order to incinerate their children as offering to Moloch/Baal/demon god of choice. The charging bull represents nothing but the devil, and this is a memetic masterpiece. This is the thread they're sliding.

Fart noises make kids happy. Is making them with your hands fucking art?

what a queer, just leave the dog there.

besides, fuck both of the statues. one is clearly Moloch, sitting where you would absolutely expect him to be: Jewish Wall Street. the other is just "muh feminism" drivel.

Translation: We wuz pandering and sheeeit. Also please tell our wives to give us our balls back.

That's not even a pug

Exactly. People tend to overlook this and I have no clue how this isn't brought up more often. It's not even fucking subtle!

a talented artist should make a large bronze statue of goatse and place it in front of fearless girl as though she's gazing into the void.

MemeGhosts I calls em', The dead returning. Like pepe was almost stolen and gone for good and peepeepoopoo was our only way to take the meme back till Hillary un-hinged all the nails at once and made it a racist meme right before the last nail of the meme's coffin was pounded down by blog posts on kikebook. Trollface however, non normie outsiders got bored and put it into the trash once they saw normies using it. Chan culture lost that face to the normies in 2011-12. I don't mind it coming back, I respect my roots. When pepe was considered a racist it worried the normies or made them laugh at the gesture of a meme being racist but most importantly it made them think. "Could i be racist if i use this meme, what exactly is a racist, what is nationalism?" That dead meme cancer face lurking around here makes me wonder are the normies coming, willingly interacting with national socialists? or are you just a huge fucking faggot.

Blitzkreig the fuck outa this someone.

Bump and saving thread.



Christ, I swear I have learned more about history on pol than in all the years in school I have been in. Thank user this was an interesting read about all those demon gods.

We've really gone back to Antiquity, huh?

Why do they keep apologizing?

Uh oh, fascists on the right are starting to infiltrate the minds of artists across the country! We must defend this multi-billion dollar statue of a brave little girl from a tiny faux bronze doge!

What could be done to trigger a lot of people at once, is make a statue of a man crouching a bit, ready to take the girl in his arm to protect her and leave, and a gun in the other hand pointing at the bull.
What you have is a father figure protecting his daughter from a foolish decision, also guns.

Polite sage since there's other stuff going on and it's old news.
If there's an artist around that want to do it, feel free to steal the idea.