Just so there's a consensus here…
There's three kinds of Pokémon Go players out there.
Ash Ketchums-
These are probably the most flagrantly autistic people alive. They are almost always either unemployed neets or socially awkward man children that run around outside with their arms behind themselves like sonic. They usually range from DarkSidePhil to chris chan in their autism levels and are often very degenerate. These are the same losers who play the Nintendo DS in public. They are almost assuredly kissless virgins.
These players almost exclusively play on foot or on bike either because they lack a car or want the "true" pokémon experience. Occasionally you'll find some /fit/ normalfags who play for "dat cardio" but they're definitely the outliers.
Gary Oaks-
This category is where semi-autistic too cool for school players typically fall into. They play almost exclusively behind the wheel of their car while only leaving to interact with pokémarts and special event areas. You will see these assholes driving very slowly around parking lots or rural backroads as this is truly the only safe way to play as Gary Oak. Dumber Gary oaks who don't understand basic traffic laws will end up getting in wrecks on highways and busy intersections killing themselves and others. A nice way to inject some Darwin's evolution theory in with your pokémon.
While these players are no Ash Ketchums they are indeed autistic and while they may be slightly less socially awkward they're definitely weirdos for sure. The thing that separates most normalfags who play this way from Gary Oaks is that Gary Oaks get genuinely excited about the game and actively try to get better and out pace other Garys and assorted Ashes. In their own way they're more pitiful than Ashes but at least they're marginally less autistic.
The MissingNo.s
Dirty cheaters all around. Basically, these are any players that use hacks or glitches to teleport to the congo to catch that elusive Mew or Articuno type pokémon. Almost assuredly the obese manchild type. normalfags will use hacks as well but as previously mentioned they're just having fun and don't particularly care about the game. Missingnos at illegitimately trying to out play others. Rest assured if you're over the age of 14 and you're playing this game you have some autism but Missingnos are truly sad and pathetic individuals a whole different level.
They are literally cheating at a child's game. These people are complete sociopaths. Think Tomoko Kuroki from Watamote except worse.
Also I guess this is the general if you Holla Forumsirgins want to talk about your pokémans here.