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We can only hope
This is the stupidest thing I have ever read.
They can't even put a believable name for their cause.
Is this because going outside your house in a black neighborhood is the leading cause of death for black people?
Is this fucking real
This straight up reads like parody article HOLY SHIT
Man, this is fun. What other innocuous subjects are actually hurting minorities?
I have flowers in my garden. Does that mean I am using them to secretly act out my desire to dominate things that are differently colored than myself? Or what about the fact that I brush my teeth, is it insensitive because some black people can't do so because they're poor?
They are not a minority if you look at the global population. Don't use SJW phrases.
Also this reminds me of the article claiming to review a prison game, and then degenerating into a 6th grade level review of prison development from the 19th century on. I can only conclude that these articles are spawned by people writing about something else, having it rejected, and then getting it into a game site by inserting games into the first sentence.
I don't know what's worse, niggers or people who play this garbage.
Top Vey
Honestly he looks pretty white for a nigger
just buy a costume
Cops ain't gonna shoot a dumb cosplayer, it's not Liberia over here/
is Liberia known for shooting cosplayers?
wew, what a leftist shithole
Nig nogs are such hypocrites, we all know the ones who would fucking kill them for playing pokeymans would be niggers after their iphones, they know the ones they are scared of are not the cops, why the fuck they lyin?
Wow, this isn't even meme autism.
This is actual, literal autism.
Liberia shoots degenerates.
Jesus fuck, I'm triggered. How am biology work?
Some people reproduce asexually via binary fission.
It's 2016, how can you be so fucking privileged?
identity politics have taken on a new meaning
This piece of shit isn't even black. He's like fucking Drake. He'd be shot by darker niggers if he actually lived near any instead of whatever overpriced hipster wonderland he actually inhabits.
And he hasn't even HAD a confrontation with ANYONE, much less the police, before coming to this conclusion and writing the article. Need to call the cops on him with an anonymous tip about drug dealing so he knows what being profiled actually feels like. Write an article about that, fuckboy.
if dubs I'll do it
Free will is impossible if you are black. Or at least that is what they media makes it seem. Bullets kill people like lighting or other forces of nature. And the company that makes Pokemon Go will eventually be called "racist" because faggot tards cannot think for themselves. I hope the company just tell them to go shove it up their tard assholes.
How is anyone suppose to know that they should run into on coming traffic. There isn't a sign every 5 feet telling you not to. If I try to drink bleach the bottle wont stop me so it must be ok. Let tards reduce the population by getting themselves killed.
Well I've heard that trees are antisemitic and national parks are racist against blacks.
Dark types are weak to the bug types they would encounter outside after all
That cuck site has it all wrong.
Resisting arrest and charging at an officer Like a BLM supporter is a death sentence.
If they stop a black dude for going around with his pokymen then all he has to do comply.
Sir, you have just cracked the code. That is what "game journalism" is. That's what the "Game journalists" are.
Failed people but because video games are such a low fucking pit of shit, they can get their shitty writing and retarded opinions validated because its video games.
The only people that are to blame for the journalistic side of the video games industry are the consumers themselves. Because the consumers don't have any fucking standards.
The shitty thing about pokemon GO is that the servers go down all the fucking time.
There is also a bug that doesn't let you complete gym battles (at least on android).
Unless its a complete wash out. A gym battle will fucking HANG on the last bits of life for both pokemon and stay there. No resolution except but to close the app and restart it.
I got like 4 gyms near me i'm trying to take over and can't because of a fucking BUG.
Statistics are to be ignored as bullshit until they support my claim.
People who play Pokemon Go should be shot.
oh fuck off.
It's worse than that.
Kotaku is literally reprinting posts from Medium now.
am I fitting in
I have no idea what Medium is. But this is a sign of them dying off then GOOD.
Please drink bleach.
Not surprised, also
I wonder if this visibly disturbed white woman was reacting to the sight of a grown man playing a gameboy in public instead of his race. I mean, like it or not, normalfags tend to give you weird stares when you do that.
Anyways, if this article is not a parody it's obvious racebait that's grasping at straws.
I hope that one day the race baiting by the media will be seen for what it is.
Its weird, white people seem to have always been the first to point this shit out but I think, given time, others will come to the same conclusion.
Yeah, the media is favoring the narrative of the "poor innocent minority" but eventually those minorities are going to wise up to what sort of game they're being played on. They're going to realize that they keep getting put into a fervor over actual fucking criminals.
You'd really think everyone would have figured this out by now, what with natural selection and all.
Video games are serious business.
Chris Rock doesn't get enough credit for what he says and does.
Years ago he's had comedy routines that addressed this shit and people call him an "Uncle Tom" and other bullshit like that.
My favorite is when he's talking about wealth vs being rich. A nice clear view as to why black people are never wealthy but they are often rich in today's society.
He has a lot of good insights when it comes to race relations and problems in the united states and how black people can stop being victims.
barely anybody listens though.
there is no recess in middle school
what the hell am i fucking reading
Pokemon Go is a mobile game though, meaning on phones, meaning falling under what would supposedly be considered acceptable out in public.
Medium is a liberal propaganda clickbait site like Salon
you mean others who directly benefit from all that jewish chutzpah? sure thing m9
My middle school had recess. We were allowed to roam around during lunch as well. What kind of school did you go to?
public school in the early 2ks
Fuck Chris Rock! That racist unfunny nigger supports BLM and has always been for the entitled victim complex so prevailent in black culture. He's a piece of shit!
My middle school years were 2002 to 2004, public school as well. Both it and high school followed the same type of schedule;
Third and fourth*
You get what I mean.
Reminder that Stephen Totilo actually got butthurt that people thought those fake Kotaku screencaps were real. I don't think that was even a month ago.
Why doesn't Nintendo want me to play Pokemon Go just because I'm a Canadacuck?
My only consolation is that every single one of these people will burn on Earth before they burn in Hell.
Not sure if legit
You forgot the user calling it beforehand.
It's good to have the archive, otherwise sleeping burgers would not get to see it.
All those fruity fucking genders and they still manage to leave out mine.
Pic related, I'm a proud Stug III-sexual.
This should come as a surprise to no one.
By the end of the year he'll have a mental breakdown and start wearing dresses.
Days like this make me glad Twitch is a massive faggot organization and doesn't let his shit tier game run.
I've been saying this exact shit for the past couple of months. 4chan and Holla Forums Holla Forums is full of nothing but hipster faggots who hate everything no matter what it is.
The hilarious bit is that you faggots think that any fucking company would spend any amount of time trying to advertise to you faggots.
They won't
they don't
and any "evidence" you have that they do is likely bullshit produced by some dedicated trolls.
Here is the real truth.
You autists have gone and cucked yourselves out of your own fucking hobby/passtime/passion.
So . . . is "she" admitting they are a MtF tranny?
Yeah, that entire post had to have been rehearsed. I refuse to believe someone would go in, misrepresent everyone's arguments, and then deliver three paragraphs of "FUCK YOU GUYS, I'M GOING HOME!"
Next up, we have an exclusive interview with two Pokemon Go developers!
Why does every image board dev have to be such a colossal fucking faggot? At this point I'm willing to bet He's gonna pull a Phil Fish.
nah its simple. Basically it boils down to someone trying to appease a certain audience and waking up to the fact that the audience never wanted them at all.
That's the truth of the matter. To be successful you have to ignore the "fans". because they suck. They always suck. They never have anything good to say and they honestly don't really know what they want.
If I were to make a game, right now, for Holla Forums, it would be a steaming pile of shit.
You guys are fucking retarded.
Don't know what this has to do with me.
Minecraft is shitty and I prefer Terraria.
And while I might want to fuck Beyonce I certainly don't give a fuck about her music.
No shit, damn near every good game has been made by someone or a group who set out to make their own vision and said fuck off to everyone elses opinion. Why do you think AAA focus tested games are so shit? Too many cooks and all that nonsense.
pure faggotry
the "fake geek girl" insult has obviously not rolled off her back. i wonder why.
Nah, to be successful, you need to not be a total fucking sperg, and actually seem like you give a shit about looking professional. If you manage to do that, then you can ignore the fans and do whatever the fuck you want, because at the end of the day, people only care if you're courteous to them or not. Seriously, it boggles my fucking mind that all these developers, modders, and indie hipsters fail to understand that.
I don't remember Notch outright going "FUCK YOU ALL" on halfchan.
lol he sounds like DSP "ok i'm gonna be 100% honest, it is what it is, here's the bottom line" shuttup faggot
why do people say this?
lol, this arrogant self-aggrandizing. he is deffo a jew
he didn't have to. In a way, that was smarter too.
he stayed away. Disregarded all but the most pressing matters and let everyone just roll away.
listen, for all you faggots that think you know what makes video games good..most of you are just eternally salty faggots. I would NEVER market a game towards you faggots, ever, at all.
Hey, isn't the background ambiance from Rayman?
Holla Forums is bretty bad all big boards get garbage, 8ch and 4ch cucked, but anons had good thoughts for that fagget
You know, I think it might be. It definitely sounds familiar.
I can't tell if these are parody or not
Ah, I found it.
Phil Fish 2.0
Phil Fish 2.0
Phil Fish 2.0
Phil Fish 2.0
Phil Fish 2.0
If you can't handle the heat stay the fuck out of the kitchen you thin-skinned limp wrist faggot
I wish they were parodies.
I think this place is a bit more like a sauna.
First off, there's no women here, and secondly, the atmosphere is kinda gay.
with the sheer amount of text and whining you would think just writing a blog would be easier.
God, this fucking gender dysphoria bug daemon is everywhere.
At the same time, the suggestion of not just doing everything fans and followers suggest is just as important as not flipping your tits on the internet.
Fact is, a LOT of people have utterly retarded ideas. As a developer, it's good to take in the ideas and consider them, but making yourself beholden to everything the fans come up with is a recipe for horrible failure.
But you're right, if you can't avoid spazzing out and pulling a pissfit because a few people in the internet were dicks, it doesn't really matter how good the game is, people will realize you're retarded and hate you. And generally for good reason.
Let me break this down for you.
These people believe there is a difference between gender and sex. Sex is the biological stuff, the chromosomes.
The gender stuff is purely aesthetic, a masculine/feminine scale.
Now, I can buy that, there is a little bit of logic to it that makes at least SOME sense.
But where I get lost is this genderfluid and agender and non-binary shit. Those concepts seem to spit in the face of the idea of gender being a spectrum of masculine and feminine.
What happened to Gawker getting fucked? Why is Kotaku still in business?
Math is racist because niggers are dumb.
There is no such thing. Gender is a concept that was invented by a (((doctor))) who drove a young boy to suicide by forcing sex reassignment on him. John Money is his name, he invented the idea of gender and is responsible for the death of a perfectly healthy boy. That is, perfectly healthy BEFORE John Money got to him. Check the link to see where SJWs get their gender fluidity nonsense from. It's a wild ride.
Tranny comics always seem to have bad art, but I can't explain specifically why
Didn't he come here in the first place to get real criticism, not just to get his dick sucked?
Look no further than zika, for that.
The whole "gender is mental, sex is physical" stuff generally tries to cover overall masculine and feminine qualities.
Rather than considering it a spectrum, you should consider it categories. Some qualities are masculine, others are feminine.
Rather than going "oh, so masculine/feminine is just a rough description to describe behavior", special snowflakes make it their identity. Rather than just saying "oh I like to do , but occasionally I do ", they need their own label, GENDERFLUID.
The reality is that literally every fucking person on the planet does both masculine and feminine things every now and then. But this is apparently beyond these people.
Either way it doesn't really matter. People who engage in this identity bullshit usually have zero fucking understanding as to how others can perceive them.
First image of is a perfect example here. Look how the transfag accuses someone of being a bigot, and when the coworkers disagree, tears are shed and the piece of shit runs off. Not once has the thought passed "GEE, MAYBE ACCUSING SOMEONE OF FIRING ME BASED ON DISCRIMINATION WHICH IS ILLEGAL ISN'T SOMETHING I SHOULD DO WITHOUT OWNING UP TO IT?".
Oh yeah, the person introducing the concept was indeed a fucking idiot. People on the internet only parrot it because they want to have special snowflake identities. Everybody else in the general populace considers gender and sex the same thing.
However, for a more fun perspective: If gender is mental, then why can't these people just embrace the qualities from the opposite gender WITHOUT trying to pose as the opposite sex? Effeminate and tomboys have existed for a very long time. Why is it that, all of the sudden, they now also need to be accepted as a member of the opposite sex?
Because they are broken males (mostly men, can be applied to the occational woman too). You can put some blame on their upbringing, some blame on society as a whole (muh Western decay) etc.
It's a fetish, making the shame they have into something sexual. Externalize the blame, if you want. You see it in furries, otherkin and trannies. A fetishized idea of what they believe themself to be. You see this hyperfeminine behavior in trannies. Everything is about how they are female, and that is all they can think about.
You could see it on the speedrunning event too, a tranny speedrunning is thinking more about being perceived feminine rather then play the game. Either through how he sits, or how he talks.
It's roleplay taken way to fucking far. And of course, it's on everyone else when they are unhappy.
As an anecdote, you see the same behavior in celeberties and public figures. Every excuse they have, when caught in shit, is how the audience isn't accepting the apology. Chris Evans, from Top Gear did the same.
Blame the consumer for not liking him, refusing to admit he may be wrong, or may not be a good person.
If he believes having his wallet in that pocket is going to get him shot, why doesn't he just put it in another pocket?
shit tier edit
That's a trap, isn't it
Do these people ever feel weird that they're basically having a one sided conversation with themselves? I mean I have an inner dialogue, but this is something else.
What is the final deletion of video games?
Take a wild guess. It's actually not.
Black man in white neighborhood playing smartphone games => Minor chance of getting questioned by an officer.
White man in black neighborhood playing smartphone games => Major chance of getting stabbed and mugged.
Jesus christ, if the faggot wants a hugbox so bad, he can go fellate himself with the countless other retards on reddit where he belongs. Only a colossal fucking moron would come here and expect nothing but praise. When I finish up my game, I fucking WANT you cucks to despise it, because I can salvage some construction out of that.
hey good news i got no idea what ti is and i already think its a flaming pile of shit
Thanks! Stick a pole up your butt you faggot!
Jesus christ, yandere dev is a cuck.
I dunno, if I made a game for 8ch I would probably just make a stalker clone and I think it would go over pretty well
It seems like he just want to be good with the "winning" side. I hate this type of people.
Really good sound memory user.
Disgusting. But the doujin itself is b/w so I can just imagine it's a regular lucario.
Lusty Lucario Maid
White people can be niggers, just look at shaun king.
I fucking called it
Yes it does.
You don't get to redefine what a male or female is.
Male is XY, female is XX. There's a plethora of things attached to this too.
Now, if you want, we can redefine it so it fits with the new information we manage now.
That worked great for Pluto when the whole world realized that all the asteroids in the asteroid field would be planets too.
"I was assigned planet at birth, but I actually am a dwarf-planet"
The oven could not be any more warmed up.
I feel physically ill.
X-Gender sounds like a penis-destroying eroge manga.
Way better than being mentally ill
And nothing of value was lost.
i've fund it
Well, that's a shame. YanDev seemed like an okay guy a few months ago.. now he's going to go the full memegame route and destroy his aurtistic vision for the sake of upboats and squealing weeaboos at conventions.
Do you think he actually believes there are no shills here or is he one himself? Why would a shill enter a LOL thread? This guy must be retarded
But can police officers safely play Pokemon Go in black neighbourhoods?
niggers have not earned the right to play autism GO, white men put a man on the moon, constructed roads and buildings, invented the internet and modern medicine, white man has earned the privilege- no, the RIGHT to have a little entertainment.
meanwhile black home continent is a shithole of poverty and chaos, maybe niggers should go back to said shithole, improve it to white-civilization levels, and then they can invent their own entertainment and play with it safely with their own kind.
If I met a person named "Jesska" in real life, I'd hate them immediately based solely on the spelling of the name. Then the tranny whining would only cement my hatred.
is gore allowed in Holla Forums? at least it's a jew
To be fair, Pokemon Go is Japanese. But hell they managed too.
wow a fuckking hitpiece against a child's video game because the writer has a fucking unwarrented persecution complex.
BLM is just feminism for niggers. why can't these retards just grow up and learn to take care of themselves instead of begging for attention.
How can these people operate on real life? She literally complains about every single minute detail and demands that everyone caters to her demands 100% just like a three year old. There is an actual serious mental disorder going on here. Does this person has any other interests or life outside of this trans bullshit and rubbing it on everyone's face? I would drop a friend like this inmediatly.
Even simpler than that. If it has a Y chromosome it's male, otherwise female. This rule covers the anomalous sex chromosome combinations.
They don't. Most of them are shut-ins with nothing resembling a social life. Nearly all interactions are filtered through tumblr or twitter and nothing else.
There are faggots on /r9k/ who have their shit together better than these hysterical cunts.
This guy mutilates his body, takes hormones and dresses like a woman but then if someone doesn't want to date him it's due to "trans - mysoginy"? Then when some one do wants to date him it's no good because then it's a fetish and not for his real feels or whatever? What?
yesterday a bunch of niggers were throwing fireworks at the cops and they just stood there doing nothing.
and I'm I supposed to believe that those are the same guys that want to murder black people?
Well yeah, he made that comment in this very thread
Or maybe I missed the joke, fuckit
Yes but only if they are black and not in uniform.
Actually no it isn't, the kid that was made into a tranny was adopted.
These ads are brilliant.
I refuse to believe the Sweden and Germany one wasn't intentional.
the fuck are those ads doing
How are these ads allowed
do people actually read this shit past the headline? it's filled with spelling errors and it's written like a high school book report. does he hope his audience is too stupid to realize he's completely full of shit
His audience IS too stupid to notice
he's just black/muslim
it's genetic
Children, these are ads warning against the dangers of std's, in particular, aids, and their potential mass spreading during the congregation of multiple countries during world cup soccer events.
I'm sorry I had to spell it out for you.
It's kotaku.
This is beyond autism.
The niggers won
Thanks for explaining
One of the first things any faggot needs to know if they actually want to be part of this place rather than a passer-through is that anonymity makes all arguments and insults inherently-painless, unless you're stupid enough to take blind-shitflinging to heart or retarded enough to give others personal info as ammo. Without knowing each others' identities and natures, all we can go off of is post content, which means that all insults and arguing lack any real sting on account of being between faceless shadows with no distinct characteristics aside from what they say.
If you some one calls you a nigger, a retard, an autist, a cocksucker or pretty much anything else around here, it means jack-shit except that the person saying it is aggravated, since they have no way of knowing what or who you are except a faceless individual who posted something they don't like. You'll routinely be called every single slur and curse in human language because no one can really nail down which ones apply unless you explicitly say which, and the equal lack of pain regardless of which are used means that switching it up as much as possible is needed to avoid tedious repetition.
When you've shitposted in this kind of chaotic environment for long enough, your brain actually has ample time and opportunity to analyze and break down these words being flung at you randomly, and this has the same effect as saying a word out loud over and over so many times that it starts sounding like just a random sound. You might take offense to being called a faggot or whatnot the first few times, but eventually all the curses and slurs start to blend together due to their constant use and lack of harm, all boiling down to the same painless meaning in your mind of "I'm mad at you/I disagree with you" regardless of a given word's severity. Everything from "meanie" to "cock-juggling thundercunt" mashes into a consistent slurry of generic angry human noises at some point, and you stop giving a shit about what anyone yells at you in terms of offense, instead seeing "[person] is displeased" and reacting appropriately with adjustments to appease them if they have good reason to be pissed, or laughing at them if they're retarded as is the case most of the time.
The fact that most fucking idiots from across the safer plains of the internet don't comprehend this behavior or have the built-up immunity means they treat it just like the rare scenario of it happening in real life with verifiable identities, and thus they sperg out and run for the hills the moment someone casually calls them a faggot here the same way a person in reality might call them a dork. We're used to being called everything in the book and thereby can withstand any verbal abuse imaginable, but these thin-skinned fucks have never had that kind of slow vaccination, and fucking crumble the moment someone starts insulting them out of mild annoyance as is typical here.
It's both sad and hilarious to see this happening live, as with yandev. He wandered in here thinking it'd be sanitized like halfchan and his ass would be kissed forever if he pandered for a bit at the start, only to be given the shock of his life when people actually told him he was fucking up to his face and mocked him for it, rather than mildly-protesting and being instantly-banned like with the typical forum. And so he ran far, far away, to the safer places like reddit and typical forums, where his stupid ass would be coddled and kissed for all time because he made a thing, and he pretends to give a shit about his audience just long enough to fool them into giving money.
I often find myself pondering how such weak excuses for human beings made it past birth, and how we survived this long as a species through massive amounts of hardship, only for to culminate in this age of frailty and weakness. The distant ancestors of these fragile little pansies must be fucking livid in whatever afterlife they've retired to. I know I would be, if I survived the harsh weather, dangerous predators, endless types of diseases and the machinations of my fellow man in centuries past for long enough to make a healthy family, only for my descendants to turn out a bunch of limp-wristed faggots who shriek and curl into fetal position the moment someone truthfully calls them weak retards.
I figured it was an STD ad but i was confused one what the fuck it was
Fucking. Exactly. I mean I act pretty goddamn fruity; I hate getting my hands dirty, I sew, crotchet and do other 'female' handicrafts, I have long hair and my voice is unusually high. I'm still absolutely sure I'm a man, however, and I'm secure in that. All of this identity politics BS only sprung up because social media reduced everyone down to labels, and everyone is so socially retarded they don't know how to stand out any more. I had a period where I was trying to figure out what the fuck my identity was, and just enjoying what I enjoy without overcomplicating everything or going out of my way to make myself uncomfortable was the most simple and safe choice, and I'm glad I didn't get caught up in this transtrenderism.
Hard to believe he made this almost 20 years ago
French ads
You seen those threads? There's equal proportions people pissing and moaning the guy exists and people actually talking about the game, and that was months ago. Might've ramped up since I haven't really paid attention since then and don't get me wrong he is a complete retard at the best of times, but it's not a lie that he comes here and immediately has 20-40 people shitting up the thread, saging as if it does anything but show they're huffy and calling anybody who thinks the game looks decent a SJW camwhore Youtuber sellout asslicker cuck cuckity cuck cuck cuck go back to reddit go back to reddit GO BACK TO REDDIT GO BACK TO REDDIT REEEEEEEEEEE
So now he did I guess.
Just admit you're gay.
I know how you feel b0ss
Tomboys are cute af, but i'm sure you'll find some nice girl if you look hard enough
Who are you and what did you do to user?
pic related
mother fucking right next door. Dis gon b gud
Here, I'll do it for you, you lazy fuck.
sorry bro, local news site, wasnt thinking. I usually only do it for vidya news sites
What is going to be the body count because of this game? Can ninty be sued over shit like this?
I can already tell pokemon GO isnt going to last long. Its going to be squelched for the same reasons swapnote was.
Either it happens like that, or people develop homosexual tendencies from being called faggots daily. It would make sense on a subconscious level at least.
Also, I haven't followed Yandev at all or participated in his threads, but I highly doubt the criticism he received was that bad or unjustified. The way he talks in his post, he makes it sound like he wasn't developing the game with his own vision at all. It looks like he just kept adding features that people suggested to please them, and didn't think about making the product coherent or enjoyable. You can't just mash suggestions like that together and expect it to be what everyone wants. Sure, these features might seem great individually, but together they might conflict and end up harming the game overall.
In a place like reddit, people wouldn't notice how a pandering dev ruins development or offer any kind of constructive criticism; because that's what people wanted and going against that means downvotes. So in the end, a game developed using reddit feedback would almost undoubtedly be shit, but receive praise by people who know no better.
Now, on 8ch (or any other imageboard) this pandering development style would be handled differently. People aren't afraid to speak their minds, so criticism happens constantly. And unfortunately, pandering to the whims of people without a solid vision in mind leads to a lot of criticism. Devs who are smart know this, and only take in suggestions that would benefit the game, handle criticism professionally, and lead development with a vision in mind.
You're a faggot post feminine penis
this stupid "game" is just a way to get autists to do recon and 3d mapping and let them pay for the privilege
Dis. Post benis fug xDD
Filthy Frank tracked down a pedophile using it. This is madness. 3:02 if you wanna skip the rant.
The only recon that's going to be done is the one SWAT teams are going to have to do to free the autistic kids who got themselves kidnapped trying to catch the Mew under the candy van.
That was just some old dude, not necessarily a pedophile. Pokemon's pretty all-age friendly and there's autists even among the geriatrics.
Sounds legit.
holy shit
Vinny from vinesauce was in that area too
There's a pun about them being incompetent from the word go in there, but I'm too autistic to phrase it well.
I thought eroge basically meant "hentai game"
Fuck you and your clickbait.
Yeah. At the park, in the rain, at midnight, with his car parked and off, with a lure. No problems here, nope.
What kind of kid would be at the park in the situation?
Shit like that happens all the time in Ingress.
being old is suffering
iunno aboot you but I hear 12-year-olds stomping around outside well past midnight.
Pedophiles don't want niglets. Move to a better city.
I wish I could user.
If you look up the etymology of gender in english, it was brought over during the 50's and EVEN THEN, the definition was "being of a sex."
when i was 14 i was eating at restaurants then walking away before getting a bill and hanging out in packs at 2am with people from my class in school. lost my virginity like that even
Your parents clearly failed.
too cute. I wish that artist did one of a female Zoroark.
That kid is gonna turn out so fucked up. I'd bet he/"she" will commit suicide at some point.
surprisingly that's not the reason why but yesd
Generally you are correct but there some oddities that are exceptions to the rule. Not to mention hard to classify situations like chimeral individuals where potentially some cell in their body can be XX while other cell are XY. If you want to be absolutely correct about sex determination (all across the board even, not just humans) look at the gonads. Gonads are your sex/gender.
1)If an organism has functioning ovaries then it's female.
2)If it has functioning testes then it's male.
3)Non functioning gonads mean it's neuter.
4)Having both functioning testis and ovaries means it is an hermaphrodite.
That's it. Virtually every sexually reproducing organism on Earth follows this pattern. The exception being some of the fungi, but fungi are weird as fuck anyway.
don't fungi have like 20something genders or some shit
I completely agree with YandereDev here.
This board is filled with obnoxious faggots.
Every place is filled with obnoxious faggots. Most humans are obnoxious faggots.
It's all about the ratio.
pretty accurate anonon
Such as yourself
From my knowledge most fungi use what's call +/- sex determination. Fungal spores (which are very different from moss/fern spores) after ther germinate form a mycelium with a single nucleus per cell and they grow around until they meet another immature mycelium of the same species. If they are opposite sexes they will fuse and give rise to a mycelium with cells with two nuclei each. This mycelium can the when conditions are right will sprout mushrooms which are the reproductive structure it's only then the nuclei combine to produce more spores. In one sense you could say that all fungi are male and their sperm (spores) get each other pregnant. Fungi are weird.
>TFW Black user
Black Lives Matter was probably the worst thing to happen to the black community because it gave it such a nice excuse for their own failures.
And reddit is much better? At least here he would have gotten the criticism and help he needed.
truly unfortunate
Black Lives Matter was started thanks to a dumb ass criminal anyways. It is no way different than the KKK, a side from the fact that the KKK is honest in what they want.
Hope that shit blows over though, it only makes for more hatred between whites and blacks, a race war sounds all fun and dandy but it will be fucking bloody.
truly unfortunate
This guy should draw porn. I like his style.
America will never have an all out race war but fucked in the head BLM members will probably continue doing terrorist attacks like they did in Dallas. These niggers are going to become the new ISIS.
its straight up organized by jews too, this isn't just some Holla Forums "its always the jews" excuse i mean its always the fucking jews, at the rally where the shooting took place the organizer some how managed to get onto some news network while the shooting was still fucking on going for an interview . jeff hood this guy right here
BLM is straight up controlled by white jews, shows how little the people showing up to these events even know about it
the ideal tomboy cuts out the most undesirable feminine traits while retaining the female body, its too perfect thus they were assimilated into dykes in reality
Perfectly summed up. the Ideal tomboy isn't petty or a bitch who feeds off of causing drama and bullshit petty arguments while still very cute and effeminate.
Tomboys are love. Tomboys are life.
Ah yes the full time non managerial positions at coffee houses.
Especially one that seems to be staffed entirely by 4 people
What the fuck does this have to do with videogames?
this always pretains to video games
Welcome to Holla Forums. Now get out.
You're at a loss?
I'm a nigger and I hope BLM gets exterminated like the animals they are.
if only white people didn't set such unreasonable standards for civility black people wouldn't be so excluded from society
I actually met Sophie Labelle irl. She had bright pink hair and she was stuttering like a little bitch when giving her presentation of her shitty webcomic.
its like watching white people turn into cavemonkeys.
What is it with those fuckin regressive genetical traits, you can clearly fucking tell that subhuman is goddamn ugly.
- nappy hair
- disgusting nose features
- cranial structure looks malformed
- lips look mishaped
- mouth area looks even worse than a normal nigger
- ears that look like helipads
Why do people make this shit? Why do people watch this shit?
Maybe if you hadnt been such a shitlord and emitted your aura of patriarchy she wouldve been fine.
What the fuck is wrong with the person that wrote that article. Black people walk around my neighborhood all the time and I don't get scared because they aren't rabid dindus. Nobody gets scared of anybody unless they make themselves appear fucking unstable by their appearance. Was he fucking wearing a wife-beater while he was out?
Go on.
Wew lad, that's a lot of salt.
First image isn't that far off
Wow that dude sounds angry.
when you see a faggot crying about Holla Forums on Holla Forums, this is the kind of person you're talking to
It sounds more like he doesn't know how to filter posts/threads he doesn't like.
that's a nice post number
he sounds like a SJW whining about all the forced diversity hate that gets flung around here.
He would have to filter the entire site so he stopped getting triggered.
This guy literally has no concept about what makes imageboards great.
His point still stands.
I just created a leddit account to interact with this fine chap. I know you are reading this faggot.
But firstā¦how do you even use this site.
kill yourself
I can only hope he kicks the bucket soon and his descendants aren't nearly as scummy as their father.
You just know that someone who has the same agenda has already been prepared to take his place.
Fucking crossposters man.
George Soros looks uncannily like the Emperor from Star Wars.
Old people all look like other old people.
My aunt looks like Trump, in the face.
You can't be saying that he isn't dumb or not a criminal
so he isn't an ass? he sure is a dick.
You faggots have become the new Holla Forums cancer.
Despite being a reddit spoon feeding faggot he isn't wrong. Holla Forums has become complete cancer hell bent on ruining every board and Holla Forums gets worse each month. On top of that the retarded neonazis have started going full hugbox mode banning people who disagree on their respective boards.
2nd exodus fucking ruined Holla Forums.
Hello reddit.
Reminder to ID+ filter retards like this. And to clarify, I'm not saying this at anybody who criticizes Holla Forums I don't use it because the mods are shit and it's filled to the brim with shitposters, but you can clearly tell this fag has no desire other than to start shit.
You're missing all the fun, you faggot. Especially in a LOL thread of all places.
Kek, good job showing everyone you are a faggot.
Sorry I decided to stop lurking to post something you didn't like.
This nigger is the biggest newfag i've ever seen. I hope he kills himself. I've been on chans for literally 10 years and they were ALWAYS hostile counterculture shitholes until the reddit normalfags invaded in the recent years. Anyone that says differently has zero idea what the fuck they're talking about, and has just been around chans since leddit took over.
We shit on bush and his ideals/policies when he was president, we shit on king nigger and his ideals/policies when he was president, and we'll shit on whoever is the next president too. Holla Forums has ALWAYS been against what is popular. If you are unaware of this and take their bantz to heart you are the biggest newfag and should just choke on a dick like youre used to.
Stop using words you don't understand.
Has she made baking great again?
Yeah he even went with the usual
And every other buzzword he could throw in there without even arguing his point as usual.
Same old shit.
just go back to reddit will you?
Here's another (1) for you to filter then. Saw this shit on the front page and the guy you're responding to is objectively right. They're like missionaries with this shit, shitting up every board to spread the good word of le redpill. Fuck.
No, but she has made constantly downing whiskey great again.
And being a disgusting blob of a person.
Did I trigger you?
I bet you werent even around when we used to use emoticon unironically. you'd probably blow a blood vessel ;3
What? Did turul migrate during the second exodus?
Also I have been here since the most popular board on Holla Forums was /legion/. Sorry I am not apart of the modern cancer.
Holy shit you are an idiot. By that logic you shouldn't even have left halfchan to come here then. Sorry I may not like that many of the most popular boards on this site will actually ban you for disagreeing with mod opinion.
It's called imageboard. Not a single person refered to them as "chans". You either referred to it as 4chan or an imageboard.
What's there to argue? Holla Forums has gone full hugbox mode, and nowadays you better hope a game doesn't have anything to do with anything related to leftism or, well, pretty much anything politics that isn't calling for RWDS and another holocaust, because a Holla Forumsack can and one of them will make a fuss out of it and shit on every thread possible because of it.
Imageboards are very serious, user. There's no time to have fun and bait.
They could always do something original.
Yeah it's almost like there's some sort of organized plan for that.
You almost figured it out user. It as if I don't want Holla Forums to become 4chan.
No you want it to be reddit where the evil nazis can't keep offending your sensibilities.
Just like the faggot we are talking about in the first place, which is why you agreed with him.
Really? Where did I say that? By not wanting hugboxes and banning of different opinions I want it to be reddit? Are you serious?
Fuck off, it's clear you are new.
Not wanting Holla Forums to become reddit is reddit? Are you pretending to be retarded? Also nice 4chan meme image.
It was all going to go to shit, eventually. Just like how any general thread turns into circlejerking and shitposting.
However, this is Holla Forums; we can make new boards to replace the useless shit boards we don't like. The problem, of course, is that boards like >>>/svidya/ and >>>/topv/ are dead as fuck. The best anyone can do is keep spamming them on Holla Forums and pray people actually go there to post like not-retards.
Seriously, that's it? That guy said that there's a conspiracy and he's getting paid to disrupt our weeaboo tapestry sharing and discussion site so it must be true?
Holy shit, aren't you one stupid fuck, he's royally taking the piss out of you and you're gullible enough to believe him, he even posts shit like "I'm sitting here drinking some wine and eating some lamb in the middle of the G-d night lying to you people and because and because I am doing so you will not even trust your own thoughts". You're fucking lolcow material.
I am apart of the NISA and I am datalogging all of your internet history. Have fun in jail faggot.
Does your dad work for Nintendo as well? :^)
Jokes on you, I'm CIA
You know, the people most likely to give cops shit are rich white kids and the guilty. Blacks who get stopped for driving the wrong car in the wrong neighborhood are always agreeable because they have a legitimate fear of being Amadou'd. If you're white you'll never hear of any real accounts of prejudice from blacks unless you have a close friend. Most blacks who experience this sort of thing don't actually speak about it to non-blacks because they don't expect anyone else to believe it or understand.
Most non-military white people I've dealt with either go full white guilt, don't believe shit like that could happen, or don't care.
That being said, anyone whining about race issues probably never experienced any.
Remember when men didn't feel like real men, they worked hard to become a man? But then I suppose tweeting hashtags on twitter and dying your hair a funny colour is less effort.
I guess this is just human nature. You see hugboxing on any decently sized website with a community based on something.
Haha this place
Someone keep tabs on this.
people without jobs don't buy games
What are parents?
hopefully people who don't buy their kid multiple games a month for no reason.
I want to say that most parents aren't that retarded, but I know that's a lie.
Yes there is?
there sure as shit wasn't in my area. you had recess in elementary and that was it
What kind of special ed bullshit middle school did you go to?
If we're being honest though, it's obvous that Shaun King has a lot of negroid blood, at least 15% of his DNA must be Sub Saharan to look like that. He has negroidic facial features.
So we certainly can not let him be considered a white, that requires 100% purity.
No, what kind of middle school did YOU guys go into, North Korean? I fucking guarantee you that middle school in 99% of western countries has recess between classes.
Like 15 minutes of break every 2 hours or so.
At this point, anyone who doesn't think the holocaust should be made real is evil.
No they fucking aren't you retard, they're literal race mixing propaganda, homo propaganda and open borders propaganda all in one package.
Mine had 10 minute break between each hour, with one 15 mins which was a "breakfast" break, and after 2pm they were 5 mins each. It was and still is the official system in my country.
Yes and you're fucking mentally damaged if you think ads like that should exist. Its propaganda, and you've already fallen for it.
We had like an hour for lunch, but you could just do whatever if you didn't want to eat, so I guess that was our recess.
I guess everything looks like a nail when you're fucking retarded.
Jews are not white. DNA tests show that Ashkenazim are at least 50% Semitic genetically.
Yes, that means that since almost all the Jews in the world are descendants of the very small group of Jews that came to Europe in the 800's, they have been inbreeding a LOT for the past 1200 years.
You'll be delighted to know what his son is up to.
It's clearly you who is fucking retarded. Holy shit you actually need to be mentally deficient to not be able to tell race mixing and homo propaganda these days. Those ads literally have a negro as Germany, and Sweden is a woman with red color from the niggers crotch, and the nigger has blue from her mouth around his crotch.
Apparently the Portuguese are niggers too.
Belgium and Iceland are homos fucking each other in the ass.
What is he up to?
What do you think? He's doing the same things as his dad and will probably take over for him one day.
Casca is best (Golden Age of course). She's just HNNNNNNNNNNG/10
It's just in propaganda, like Hollywood movies and shows mostly. Advertisement too. Any fiction Jews have control of.
But IRL, actually 95% of American whites are genetically still purely 100% European. For European countries (that have not been conquered by nonwhites in history, RIP Greece), the rate of purity is so high it's rounded up to 100%.
There was a research about this released by 23AndMe just a couple weeks ago. Whites almost never race mix in reality, even though all the propaganda is certainly trying to make us do that, actually less than a couple percent does it.
My white mother fell for the race-mixing meme
Thankfully after she had me
Just keep in mind that statistically she is in the extreme minority of only a few percent of whites who do that.
Is the anime good? I'm about current with the manga and I've heard mixed things about the anime.
Its good enough and has a great soundtrack. No reason to skip it if you like berserk
It was pretty good, just not as good as the manga.
Do you mean the new anime? The old 1997 anime is decent, the soundtrack is 10/10 and yes I would say, it's worth watching just for the soundtrack even.
The new anime, I will watch it entirely because it's Berserk, but some scenes look pretty awful. Some scenes on the other hand are completely hand drawn and look very good. There was a lot in episode 2 that was very well drawn and animated hand drawn Golden Age flashbacks.
The new anime is airing already? I completely missed it, all I heard is that they are finally going past the golden age arc
Arn't the Golden Age flashbacks largely just reused material from the recent movies?
I can only guess they had a lot more budget going if you compare Advent to the fucking shitshow that's the first episode.
Sounds like it's good enough for me, thanks nerds.
Yes episode 2 came last friday.
Hell no. Not even a single frame was from the movies. It was all new animation.
The ads are also depicting all of these people giving each other AIDS. The people you hate now have a lethal disease because they were too stupid to protect themselves. Why are you angry again?
Because you massive autist, it's still depicting white countries as foreigners. Germany according to these ads is a negro blacker than the night. Fuck off back to Reddit already.
Mateā¦ homos are even willingly TRYING to get HIV, it's the most common fetish among homosexuals, to get "pozzed", made into HIV positive, since the disease has 0% kill rate.
I don't think that counts bro. Casca was the first time Guts put his dick inside anyone.
A 0% kill rate? The kill rate is declining thanks to less instances of infection and antiretroviral therapy, but WHO reported 1.2 million AIDS deaths globally in 2014.
I still don't see the reason to get mad. You don't like these fictional characters, and the fictional situation depicts bad things happening to them. An SJW, when confronted with a fictional story where a character is a rapist, will accuse the author of being supportive of rape even if that character is punished at the end. I don't really see any difference between that mindset and yours.
I was only counting 1st world countries. Yeah, no shit niggers in Africa die from AIDS. They die from the flu also. Does that make the flu a lethal disease?
Because you are an apathetic cuck who doesn't care about his people being indoctrinated and genocided.
He's not wrong.
It's not the subjects that make the site shit, its the amount of shitposting and low quality post that are starting to make up the majority of posts. Save specific threads that don't get derailed.
half truths
the inverse tumblr comment is right to an extent. I've seen on Holla Forums this one guy who called this game SJW for having a black guy, even though it was a jap game from the 90s. but that was just one guy and people with strong stances have been around much longer than yandev
to simply break it down
tumblr=feminine losers
imageboards=masculine losers
and some inbetween, but you do notice the clear patterns after some time.
The one thing they could legitimately steal from the movies too, especially the second and third looked far better then the new show.
First they skip the Lost Children and Black Swordsman arcs and now we get reanimations of something they did a few years ago?
I have no idea what these japs are doing anymore.
Did you see episode 2? The flashbacks were definitely better looking than the parts in the movies, since those had CGI.
He's not completely wrong. You can argue about the exact reason all you want, but it's obvious that the quality of Holla Forums Holla Forums has been steadily going down ever since the first exodus.
For a few beautiful months we could actually talk about video games, but then everything started going wrong.
Ok, there were 27,000 AIDS-related deaths in the region of North America and Europe. That's still not 0%.
Yes. Since the definition of "lethal" is "able to kill", the flu is a lethal disease if it's able to kill someone.
If this ad wants to indoctrinate anyone, it's objective is to get them to use a condom.
There's a difference between an anti-SJW, and someone who adopts their tactics and just becomes a right-wing reflection of them. Both the right and the left want to restrict what media you can and can't make and consume.
Yes but what I am saying is, the definition of a word can change depending on country. Flu doesn't kill anyone in Sweden, so it's not a lethal disease and should not be called that there. Doesn't matter if its a lethal disease elsewhere.
There is no such thing. There are no right wing SJWs, it's exclusively a leftist way of thinking.
It sounds like you're just retarded because you don't understand why free capitalism is bad and why the promotion of morality and intolerance of immorality is important for the survival and prosperity of any culture and nation.
It might not be 0% but it certainly is 0.0%
Are you counting the H1N1 flu of 2009, which killed 20 people in Sweden? Other countries got it harder: 299 deaths in the UK, 232 deaths for Spain, 196 deaths for Italy, 122 for Germany. Even the flu is still lethal in Europe.
Both the left and right have adopted a collectivist way of thinking, referring to people as members of a group rather than individuals. SJWs berate random white people for events that happened before they were born. Holla Forumslacks berate the entire black community because a higher percentage of them are criminally violent than other races. There's no real difference there, in both cases you're pre-judging someone you don't know for the actions of others.
The ad is promoting morality, the message is to use a condom or just not slut around so you don't get AIDS. You disapprove of race mixing and homosexuality, but can you prove that the ad thinks these things are moral? It could just be portraying the truth, that HIV infects homosexuals and Africans disproportionately.
1.17%, actually. There were 2.3 million cases, we're calculating rate of deaths/infected. And that's only for the year of 2013, everyone with AIDS will eventually die from complications at different times.
The best treatment that the world has right now for AIDS is antiretroviral therapy, which only delays the effects of the disease, not cure it. This study finds that with ART, people infected with HIV at age 20 are able to extend their lifespan, on average, from 36 to 49.
For that matter, everyone alive will die eventually. AIDS certainly increases your chances of that happening sooner though, I imagine.
Absolutely, having your immune system slowly fail does speed up the process.