He's livingstreaming right now on Periscope, trying to get to a meet-up with Jerome Corsi before SEIU goons put a bullet in his head:

He had his hotel room ransacked overnight, deep state running scared, he's being followed, and posting proof of life videos daily.

Alpha Jollah

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucked up the title, sheeit. Should be: "George Webb solves Seth Rich murder"

Any more details or key information given within the livestream?

Yeah he's giving a run-down of the evidence on the livestream as they're driving. Interesting to listen to.

What hes saying currently is follow the papertrails of cars sold by Imran Awan since they were used by Dem operatives for black operations

Is this guy legit or a schizo?
Sometimes schizos can be extremely convincing.

Everything seems to check out so far as correct

He's legit, and being heavily censored EVERYWHERE, even on T_D and those guys are Seth Rich crazy.

Also Jerome Crosi is live right now:

Could you give continuous updates?
Periscope doesn't work for me.
Unless he's broadcasting somewhere else, of course.

This guy seems kind of flakey tbh. Who is he?
Been too many ruse cruises lately like that fake as fuck FBI document.

So who was gun? This rando-negro? cause nigga I ain't clicking that shit

That brave fucker, survive damnit!

I don't think Holla Forums realizes just how fucking close we are to ripping the deep state wide open, we're closer than we've ever been and they know it.

I'm not sure if it's really wise or really dumb to be broadcasting himself live like this.

It's more interesting for us this way.

It makes it harder to kill him outright. Video evidence being seen by several people who can piece together clues. Remember Berkley.

Him and Goodman are off periscope for a while. Check out his youtube videos if you want to get in the loop. The speed of things in the last week has been insane. He had several sit downs with congressmen.

Also, Webb is ex dutch intelligence and jewish.

Get ready Holla Forums.

With that in mind, I hope somebody is recording locally just in case. I wouldn't trust data retention to the internet. You know how they love to SHUDDID DOWN

Need pics, videos of that. It will be another fairytale else.

Seems to be live

follow the money

Reminds me of this guy. I wonder if Tory Smith was just a schizo who got aids or if he was killed.


Not sure how to record live, but saved broadcasts can be pulled via

They were talking about shutting it off the periscope to avoid revealing location, then George started fiddling with his phone and mumbled something about "killed that guy" and "if I had fucking figured it out sooner I could of-" and then it went off. Last few seconds of

Hmm, F to pay respects?

Georg Webb is the epitome of conspiracy theorist.
Seriously listen to this guy. He's a LARPing nutcase. Actually I believe he believes the nonsense he spews

Interesting theory

Webb seems all over the place. He's dropping all sorts of information and inserting agencies and names to make it sound credible.

and the shills have arrived…

So form a team instead of going solo.

If you can prove he's trustworthy go right ahead.

Reminder to filter the kikes.

Hes just some crazy bum



Look away

yes goyim, ignore this, nothing to see

Make a thread once he stops making Proof of Life vids.


Move along, just another conspiratard, nothing worth seeing.

Shills are shitting their pants. Go watch George's videos, the whole thing is going to hell.

Don't acknowledge this shit thread

shills are crazy scared
come here now faggots

The 'live streaming' is actually him sending multiple videos one after another rather than actual live streaming, but it's close enough

Nothing more suspicious than a door than an unexpectedly locked door, yet the shills think that trying to repeatedly slam the door won't attract even more attention.

I don't get your analogy user

Live again :

my leaks are firer

someone save these
im quitting activism cuz nobody shares memes they are all sheeple

Jesus fuck. If a door that is normally open is suddenly locked and closed, you're not going to ignore it. If someone SLAMS a door shut, you're going to go check it out.

Call me :racist" but I see him as a nigger looking for a way to make shekels off this. I think Rich may well have been in contact with wikileaks's, but if he was, this fucking nigger would be among the last to fucking know…

normally that happens to me when my brother is using the bathroom, so I usually wait for him to leave before I go in.
Your analogy is not very good. most people don't like intruding in other people's homes either.
It just don't happen on day to day life, or are you CIA?

I suspect that you have autism so severe that the concept of a colloquialism may as well be Gaelic to you.

Martin Blank killed Seth Rich


as usual, mods not sticking important threads

I wasn't able to hear a damn thing

So far there hasn't been any solid proof posted. The entire thread is just autistic shrieking.

SEIU goons following George around, now is the time for NYCanon to give him some backup and crack some skulls.

what if this is a data collection psyop

Was going to watch until you posted this, thanks for the advice user. You truly are my greatest ally.

what kind of fucking data collection? it's a youtube channel, what do you expect they will collect?

what if the whole internet was a data collection psyop and we never figured it out until today?

Alpha Jalloh was one of the first names brought to light when people were trying to find out who shot Seth Rich.
Alpha Jalloh was arrested just days after Seth Rich's shooting in a chase and shooting with officers - the capitol was even shut down.
Some Russian conspiracy blog said that he was chased down by officers because he was one of Hillary's hitmen. Something about diplomats being kicked out of countries and stuff too. Anyways his name is connected to the case whether you like it or not. Definitely not something to write off. We dug his name up a long time ago but were never able to take the connection further.

He ran the high-end car theft ring for the Awan 'brothers'/ISI in NYC. It would be interesting to run the VIN #'s of every car registered to the DNC.

Not that familiar but just watched several and i agree>>10001072

This, also /o/ usually can find services for free VIN reports and regularly has threads for them

Wait are you all taking this nigger seriously?

Huh was that the same guy? I thought the ages didn't match up so I wrote that connection off. There was even a picture of him and his car stealing crew but I don't remember the faces looking the same.

Thanks for that breakdown user, OP was a faggot as usual.

Is there evidence of this?


C'mon you lazy shills, where's the kitchen sink? Earn your money, lowlife scum

For fuck's sake, come on man, there's randoms on jewtube saying all sorts of wacky shit.
Post details and corroboration of what the guy is saying instead of this jidf shill shit. Because what jidf would really want is to send the Seth Rich case off into the weeds.

Is this the Jew's true form?

Live stream ended an hour ago. Any updates?

Doesn't look like the same guy to me.

Enemy of the Deep State starring George Webb

He's a schizo jew. He has a youtube channel that gets low-thousands of views, yet expects us to believe that he's getting leaks from the intelligence community? Not fucking likely, leakers go for maximum exposure, they wouldn't go to a nobody like him.

I suspect he's been creating these threads, trying to "viral market" himself to Holla Forums.

Yeah, you dumb fucks are being led along by a spook. Have fun.

More likely a schizo with delusions of grandeur.

So a spook?


This shit is retarded. KYS.

Sage for off topic derailing shill.

0/10 put some effort into it

JewTube already deleted his videos once, back around day 75? Somewhere around there.




Its on fucking youtube, you absolutely terrified commie fuck.

hi kike

oh filtered btw chaim

This is some bottom rung shilling. Im amazed at the fact that shill companies can only get inexperienced people to shill. I have a feeling its because those greentexts about most of the shills coming here getting redpilled is true.

@3:40 in the embed he claims to have ties with Israel.

But I'm sure he's one of those "good jews" that we all hear so much about.

Even if he is the kikiest kike.. If his kike antics result in our enemies getting blown the fuck out, which in turns mean we will gain massive amounts of proverbial ground and by then influenced enough plebs to see something fishy with the jews that he would eventually get his… then what exactly is the problem with that?

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

Our enemies are the jews, he isn't going to blow any of his co-racialists the fuck out.

just be wary when the power shift comes around
especially of Kushner


They use extreme nepotism to get to where they are. But that nepotism sometimes evolves into 'warring factions of jews' that do shit to the detriment of the plans of the others. Do not think for a fucking second that a kike wouldnt see another kike about to get btfo and devise a way to be one of the more instrumental in that btfo so that he can make a ton of money off books, movies and speeches.


either lurk more or go ask your boss for a knew schtick.

Thats a given. When shit starts going bananas as far as investigations being concluded and arrests made and kikes fucking up even more.. We are going to have a wide open window of opportunity to red pill our asses off. It wont be an infinite amount of time it will be between their downfall and the time the next kikes move up. By the time we have that window I really hope every last one of you fuckers has multiple sock puppets set up so all of Holla Forums can be giving brute force red pill suppositories at the same time to all the plebs whose minds have will have been overloaded with so much information that shines a light on the world not being how they see it.. Their minds would be primed for intake of new information sets, i.e. the red pill.

He's a kike who brags about his ties to Israel, he's not going to be exposing anything that matters. The most likely outcome of this is that he's bullshitting, but if

Fug, accidentally deleted part of my post.

The most likely outcome of this is that he's bullshitting, but if by some miracle he's telling the truth, then that confirms that Seth Rich is the Vince Foster of 2000s, and nothing of consequence will come of it, other than keeping the good goyim stuck in the jew-party system.

if you really wanna redpill people, try to make them lose faith in the good of humanity while also telling them to be open-minded

Moloch. But you knew that didnt you, Chaim?

That is where you are wrong. The walls are collapsing on them. Read both the DWS thread and the Dead Prosecutor Nigger thread. They wont enter the summer unscathed.


Nope. There is nothing wrong with Whites and humanity begins and ends with the white species. The rest are hominids and there is everything wrong with them.

Be honest Schlomo at this point you're just saying that to comfort yourself, aren't you?

If he ends up martyring himself over this then I feel comfortable posthumously granting him the title of Honorary Aryan. Seth Rich himself was a kike too for that matter. The reality is that no group including the kikes is a truly unified entity.

Shareblue detected

You know, mossad acts suspiciously like the soviets used to.

Don't take me for a sympathizer for saying this, but the kikes as we know them were created by an older race that were the Cohen Gadol of israel, and they created these parasites through racemixing with semitic peoples and subjecting them to all of the same abuses that they now push against us. They raped, racemixed, and enslaved them until paranoia and schizophrenia was bred into them, with constant inbreeding and sexual torture as well. Their goal, them being the 'royal families' of the kikes, like the rothschilds and cohen, is to turn the world into kikes and maybe another underclass of niggers, with us extinct. We must cut off the head of the beast (the families) and burn their heart (the kikes) if we are to ever defeat them.

have a bump OP, you came unto some serious shit

Bumping for OP

Who got ?

Beware those who would deny you information, for in their hearts they dream themselves your masters.


he admitted yesterday on periscope he deleted his first 50 videos himself. i also thought youtube deleted his shit because he had mentioned that previously, but he 'set the record straight' or something, when he was driving in the car.

He is certainly convincing in his narrative, but I continue to be skeptical until we see some real data dumps to allow anons to fact check and verify his assertions. With teeth that good, I have to suspect he is a self promoting LARPer trying to get his own Alex Kike show or an intelligence agent himself.

Ask him about Natalee Holloway

The local hospital was a money laundry in my ol town.

What if the "deepstate" is really just mossad plus the DNC and their infilitrators?


(((Russian Hackers)))

DNC and Israel = ISIS

did it ever occur to you that even terrorists have to work mundane jobs?
did it ever occur to you that even jihadists have bills to pay and mouths to feed?
dont be so paranoid goy


Take off the tin foil hat, conspiracy theorists. Everything is ok. When people like me tell you to not look into things, stop and go back to your normal life. Just stop looking into things. When you see someone getting made fun of for their weird post, it's because they are always wrong. The CIA was created so that you don't have to worry about hurting your brain by thinking too much. There are certain areas of your brain you just aren't ready to explorr yet. 3, 2, 1, your mind is now turned off. Enjoy your slumber!

How to investigate anything .
Step 1. Look at everything. Don't limit yourself at all. People always act suprised when someone they know commits a crime, because the blended in very well and did good things like donate to charity.

Step 2. If someone makes an observation, and you see someone post "lol libtard", "lol conspiracy theorist", "lol take your meds", "lol are you serious no that's not true", then their observation is wrong. If someone if laughing, it's because they are right. Don't you want to laugh too? Join them and remind the person that their observation is dumb and they aren't welcome on the internet.

Step 3. Congratulations! Looks like you just might make it in the United States Of Israel!

why are there so many obvious shills ITT?


a mortar, godspeed.


see 11:30 on in
He was being watched by the Russian SVR and other images do match
pic related

New Seth Rich OC

Individuals whose primary occupation is "terrorist" tend to be so invested in that task that they don't have much time for other enterprises. If they were really concerned with raising money to feed their children, they wouldn't engage in the risky behavior of making war against infidels.

No, it's ZOG, which includes both jew-controlled political parties, and Israel.

Shit got real.

panda is code word for cocaine…..

Have to agree with this. Mods should lock this thread.

Why not both? Just because someone is a schizo doesn't make them wrong. Look at Terry Davis, for example. He's absolutely right about the CIA being niggers. All the "crazy, schizo, tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists" that tried to warn us for so long? Snowden proved them right.

Maybe we should start paying more attention to schizos.

Snowden is a nigger. I can't even look at his face


Disinfo shills

wow the amount of kikery going on in this thread. anyone around for pizzagate should recognize the shit George Webb is talking about. He has been nailing it for months. One thing though is that he does not name the jew. he might be controlled like alex jonestein, kind of telling that he has not been "suicided" yet. Good stuff but take it with a grain of salt.

Also we should be archiving his stuff because jewtube will probably nuke his channel if shit goes down.


So I hear ol' George is still alive