Yfw I got the get
Yfw I got the get
tfw you gor fucking destroyed by a filthy foreigner
God, I just can't help but love Ikaros
he's so damn annoying actually
Scanner. It is something you can fix. If you trully want to do something, you will be able to achieve it. I believe in you.
don't be a dumbhead
It's a shame we can't be together in the military. Guess they just aren't as good of a liar as I
that is not how I was taught condoms work in school
are you telling me you'd make sexual advances on blood chan if you were both in the military together
She'd probably do something dumb so that I try to save her only to get killed..
I told my counseller I don't know what the fuck I want.
But right now, I think I know what I want.
I want Kirby OST, I want some a house, I want to be a master upon myself and to teach others the way of the SCANNER... I think.
And this starts when I can play Kirby OST on a radio show unironically for educational purposes.
only to get me killed*
bc the kinda nigga to lust after your dick for years then claim rape after its all over
I like killing people
I don't think they'd be so foolish
Got 2 songs for you.
And a bonus song
Here at Evil Show No.9, Kikewheels lets us post us songs for pet class monsters.
If you're near the Baltic, keep your eyes on the sky
I really hate music
-vacant stare-
IS this fake thread?
A shotgun in handheld form.
Load it wiht shotgun shells or your own ammo, vials of semen.
get on steam
are you saying you want me to shotgun myself?
I love that thing dude
Imagine being the guy who came up with the idea and telling other people about it
this gun is aesthetic as fuck
i want one
last night in discord when everyone was in and talking, i recognized your voice. was rockso really the only other name you used back then? i know i've heard it before
So many yous, I don't know how to act under positve attention.
Are you retarded? Trying to cater to your needs.
I guess the only thing you understand is BULLY.
Modern day prometheus.
'I wanna shoot buck shot and wank at the same time, shotgun takes two hands, so I turned a shotgun into a pistol'
speaking of swiss cheese
do you want to hear about desu and mine's relationship
nah but I get it, the sidearm version is 10/10
I hate how the voice chats/tcs tend to die off when I leave
Oh god, you're shacking up with desu?
For an old fag, you're not up with everything, are you?
I'm not retarded, I just hate music
It's a .410 shotgun (which is only used for incredibly small varmints) with a ridiculously short barrel. It's already small pellets and charge have a ridiculous spread added on top of that.
i hate you in general
im only plowing desu's metaphorical boypussy because his bf is a huge cuck
and i must assert my dominance
desu is pretty dank desu yo
Just read the wiki page it will tell you it's meant for personal defense against things like carjackings and shit, gotta be up close and personal with em
your ancestors look down at you in disgust whenever you try to type like a cute little girl as a grown adult man
ive never been to /sftt/
link me there friend
A .410, even with the usually level action form, still will do fuck all to a person.
It's a round for shooting squirrels.
my ancestors are too busy getting high on shrooms and homebrew
Also I don't like guns
Guns are for right wing southerners
IS dead now, ask noun about it. /ssft/, mixed up the words.
Super steam friends thread. Made it's own board and then dispersed, some made their own board /lewd/, some post in /cuteboys/ to keep the dream alive.
It won't kill you unless the person using it is a maniac but it will still get you to fuck off if you're trying to rip open someones door and throw them out, though it kind of looks like one of those guns that someone will own just to own.
Ok, can't handle how difficult you're ironically being. I only have so much attention to give.
Lewds is terrible.
Is mostly on discord now, anyways.
Dilbert today was p good though. Made me laugh a little because I do the same shit to people all the time./
Okay I'll stop...
i love /cuteboys/
Then you probably seen the threads a few months ago, how 'add me on steam', used to be on Holla Forums, they then made their own board before shitposting took hold.
Now a few people keep the dream alive, adding cuteboys amongst another through steam.
And meh, is ok, but /wx/ is better for me, more choice.
he says it as it is
that one too
i just noticed all the sound effects are from ss13
Ah shit nigga, you play ss13 too?
JAnitor best class.
She's really nice to me on Steam but mean to me in threads
clown triggers ptsd
if you tell them they'll all want it
shut the fuck up
Cocoa, do you need someone to talk to?
Not saying this ironically, I need someone to pester before I go to bed,.
Being nice to people you don't at work isn't hard
i dont care about anything related to you tbh
i go lawyer/captain/quartermaster
i am a professional botanist tho
*don't like
i'm about to go to bed myself but we can talk a little bit
Why not?
But it sure as hell makes you avoid them.
What you into?
Ever heard of Samurai Champloo?
What are listening to before you go to bed?
I'm into Blood Chan
i've heard of it but haven't watched it yet
i'm listening to the new Radiohead album
goodnight. good luck with your radio show.
Yeah, true I guess
When I worked as a lifeguard you would spend half your shift with one person, you can't avoid them then ^^'
i think somehow the few stray insults ive thrown at loco manifested into a huge hate for me
From my own experiences I can say that I enjoy working alone better, although it wasn't that bad fixing some old generators and talking with an old lady about her dog for 8 hours straight.
Misato is best Neon Genesis Evangelion girl
When will Kanra wake up?
y da fugg u lyin
Or watching -that- for 5 hours..
You're saying it like I had a choice.
About to watch ReZero and Hero Academia with my lil brother
get hyped nigga
Master is awake now but he's at the gym'
She's awesome, she has her own house and rapes her boss' 14-year-old son on the down low
Is your little brother cute?
Do you know when he will be back? My arms are still sore af from being at the gym earlier today
Just poking fun :c
Enjoy that Hero Academia cliffhanger lol
Kind of thinking you've fucked your brother now tbh.
It is a serious matter.
Uhh... he usually spends about two hours a day there, then he'll jog for a while, he usually sends me texts, I'll ask him now
Eat red meat
When is AX?
July 1st-4th
That's a real good amount of time there, I should stay longer too. thnx
I do, wanna see inside my freezer?
He said he's busy
Calling it now, Grim, Ian, and Test will be the "girls" in the orgy.
It's a guaranteed sausage fest.
Most likely candidates.
I have no idea why I'm a likely candidate in this hypothetical.
If you say it's cause I'm short I'm going to have to call full on horseshit.
I went to go take a picture but everything is all is nice packaging and I'd rather not take it out until it's ready to be eaten oh and there's blood everywhere
that's fine, it can wait
Because you'll be drunk Test.
What the fuck buckets
you write too much
Drunk Test is no more submissive or horny than everyday Test.
But he would certainly be easier to take advantage of. I will guard my ass.
Just make sure to get your own room.
Just to be sure.
I'm better with talking
Damnit. I figured July, but that's damn early.
how was your mother's day?
A door is no match for the sadistic urges of Soto.
That... is the opposite of what I was getting at.
parents are who knows where, called them a while ago but they didn't pick up
Enjoy Boo, Test.
You're welcome.
You would wrap your lips around the nearest "feminine penis" in that kind of situation. Don't talk.
i've been on the cusp of being lazy for days
i'm just gonna be lazy today (night, since nocturnal)
-looks for tacit approval-
I'm the best matchmaker.
I should start a dating service for people.
sorry. I didn't mean to nezipost.
but it was a nezipost.
Time you enjoy wasting is hardly wasted ^^
They're having sex
I hope you know that
I wasn't really an MTV kid.
I've lost my way once today, but I called and got directions.
thank you.
this alleviates the guilt.
i'm going to to be doing the opposite of that.
You're not edgy enough.
You could start a wonderful collection of e-mails demanding refunds.
At least you realize.
How is Iron Maiden "edgy"?
just another sign that they're still feeling just as young as they look and sound
they really do love each other
I'm more worried about how many of them would end in possible (justified) homicides.
I dunno
Stuff inspired by Samuel Taylor Coleridge sure is edgy.
Are you feeling okay, master?
They're going to make you care for the offspring
Tell me more.
Yeah, okay.
I'd hitch you with your dream, fat niggress.
how was your day? talk to mom?
then sober again.
but today i intend to sin.
I'm not sure if you are my fav.
I'm neither of those things.
Try again.
lol i really am shit at text though. talking is much easier because i don't think about what i say half the time, it's all just the truth and straight forward. that and you can convey emotion.
if so then i'll be able to teach them where i went wrong in life and hopefully they can live a better one than all of us
should read the thing i sent on steam
You misread.
I said that was your dream girl.
Twas an okay day, barring the hangover. But next week is finals week for me and I'm guilty of not studying at all.
I've been planting flowers and putting new mulch down as my Mother's Day gift. It's not done, but I didn't think it would be done today.
Please you know I am.
Who's that?
He called you a lezbo.
Do I really need to spell everything out?
How fat are we talking?
They can get pretty big.
way to upstage probably everyone here
i gave my mom the gift of my voice, in the form of a phone call, and the pleasure brought by me by making her a mother.
You cannot sin on the lord's day
That's what good parents do but stupid teenagers never listen
But I have to resist a little bit or you'll get a big head.
hail satan
I'm forgetting who he had given that nickname to, but never mind I remembered .
They would spend all day trying to make me an atheist though.
So I've seen
They'll make a sinner out of you yet.
don't read all of this bs
I feel like they tried experimenting with me and my sister
telling her nothing about sex and not letting her go to that class in middle school all the while telling me about it when i was 10 and saying they wouldn't care if i had sex with a bunch of girls at school, just to wear a condom and shit
though they let her drink before she was 21 and not me
maybe not though since she could actually get pregnant.. lol
Come on man, could have gotten her a card or something, or visited.
tfw no dank kanra (you)s
Yank his chain for me again please.
I'll make sure I text you while you're at work then.
Levels that shouldn't even be reachable.
If anything, she's the one in collars and chains.
i do feel guilty
it was a long call
parents are older, and usually wiser because of it
but in the end they're just human
He'll regret being so vulgar towards me.
Wait, smiles isn't from the island of Lesbos?
i mean they're only barely twice my age so i can't really blame them for anything. dad was angry when i didn't want to be a mechanic or logger right out of the gate like him but he understands that i didn't grow up in the woods like him. loves that i'm into guns and build houses though
mom is just glad i haven't joined the military yet
What, you'll call him a baka?
Wow! that's not fair..
Bad sons.
You forced my hand.
Right, right.
You're just that incorruptible of "white".
I have a "#1 Son" mug to disprove that.
i almost did
that would have been stupid
speaking of not ending up in trade professions
how's your python coming along?
The mug is lying to you.
It was literally "Happy Mother's Day." and nothing else nor any other responses from me.
It's not.
My brother is just worse.
I am the definition of purity.
i'll be a better one next birthday/mothersday/thanksgiving/christmas
awful. just awful.
God I really don't want to read all that
Lord Satan is all
Stop being Zulu time.
Of defilement, maybe.
It's a dumb holiday anyways.
I'm the least ego driven and self centered person in my entire family.
SO is Boo x Kanra canon now?
That's not at all what I hear~
Tell me all about it later.
What if I forced you into thinking I made you force your hand but really I wanted you to force your hand?
i read the first chapter of a new book about it but quickly forgot about it
i'm sure i could fill a few of those professions with things he's taught me over the years
i love my parents
I'm comfy.
I'm white as the untouched snow.
i do.
i respect a good steak.
i like to think the cow wanted itself to be delicious.
It's me and kanra
That's it
Messed up folks.
Best poster has entered the building.
I'm sick.
oh bc
i had no idea
this will be fun
so its; KanraxBooxBlood
Does it actually matter though?
I'm probably just gonna do whatever I feel like anyways.
most are bullshit.
what matters is doing something for the people that buy into it.
but i'm not one to preach.
have you written anything?
Yes, yes. I know. Something about a crush.
You're not even full white.
I'm completely humble and well adjusted in comparison.
Hay kanra~
We havent talked in a bit, yeah?
how's the weekend?
no. the last time i was sat down and seriously did some coding i was making cheats for games, that stopped some time last year.
right here>>1000388 and maybe
Worst poster reporting in.
It's more about just not being a shitty child in general than just trying to redeem it with a shitty card and/or dinner to redeem ignoring them or distancing yourself in general from them.
biked a lot.
now i'm pissing tonight/day away, consciously.
then keep reading. maybe inspiration will strike.
oh fuck. you're right.
i hear stories of parents estranged from their kids for years.
i realize i'm the most likely to do it sometimes. it would be unwise.
I just have to remember to pray for forgiveness for the sin of gossiping. lol
Darn it let me win!
It's heart warming to see you actually show feelings.
Nice linking there Mr. Lenko.
So biking was the secret of keeping that cute form this whole time?
I generally disprove of most of both of my parents' actions and mindsets. I'm generally the only voice of criticism either of them hear routinely. Even then, I would never estrange myself from them because it benefits no one. I just don't get people entirely reliant on their parents' opinions and support, be it financially or emotionally, that they feel estranging themselves from them completely improves them as a self reliant person.
Take some medicine.
I'm white enough.
Apple pie bourbon, regular bourbon, or rum
Maybe I'll let you win at something else later.
I'm gonna go shower.
Latina Jew, how is that white?
Say to that my face irl and not behind a computer you nerd.
Best poster has best linking. You didn't see who I linked?
Dont you fucking hate on the jews you goyim fuck
Dont you fucking hate on the jews you goyim fuck
I didn't mean that racially.
Holla Forums, you are fucking killing me.
the jews did this
I don't do that right?
Not recently.
i already know the language, really just need new ideas or to know of more libraries.
Judgement day will only come after all the Jews die.
i hope this is happymerchant.webm under a more direct name
down, boo.
after a whole bunch of years listening to your parents, some don't break the habit.
some end up hearing their parents' words in their head.
tbh being aloof towards them is a habit i want to break if can.
Gas me baby, one more time.
well fuck it wasn't
that's from the movie The Believer./ good movie
Eh, I guess it's a difference in values thing.
I don't understand people whose self worth is wrapped up entirely in a singular view of them, be it their parents or otherwise.
You dont like me enough for me to be able to cool it down
Im essentially in kanra purgatory right now
Geez, trying to make it that obvious hm?
Well yeah you linked me~
Well duh I had to response you, y'know? Tsuchi best poster tho
SQL. eventually.
think if something you'd like to automate.
i imagine in older societies it was more common.
this one is basically what is going on with my current situation
Attempted flattery gets you nothing.
While successful flattery will?
I mean actual medicine.
Bad habits are bad.
That's pretty white, but obviously I'm just joking.
I'm pure white then.
I would hope you aren't.
It's not a nice habit.
It's still pretty fucking common in anyone with dependency issues.
To the contrary, it will do me more than it will do you.
and this is pretty much my response to it because i don't know what the fuck i'm doing
I kinda know SQL too, I'd rather just not deal with it though.
I mean I could just start writing all of my ideas I had years ago but I have morals, I'd rather not ruin a bunch of peoples lives by putting them out of a job because a machine can do it better.
I still care for my fellow man
Alcohol is a medicine.
It kills bad germs.
lenko's life synopsis is 'attempted flattery' mate
are you the girl
White lilies maybe.
Boo's life synopsis is "Misery Loves Company"
That text was admitting nothing by the way.
Right. Thank you old man.
Yes I do or yes I don't?
Eh he's okay
this makes me miss watching free
Missouri love company.?
Who would have thought.
Didn't you want me to beat him up?
Yes you do. As in have done.
i still read your posts.
we're not missing out~
we all develop dependencies.
but it's all on a case by case basis.
there is no one right answer for dealing with parents. though i'm sure every culture in the world would have something to say otherwise.
mother's day may be commercial, by respecting your famiry is traditional.
and it makes them happy.
So do it. HONK
I believe it.
Yeah, but kissing your parents' asses at any moment looking for approval is weird for any "developed" culture.
here have another
Hey boo, what is it like being in a perpetual state of remorse?
I have it covered now thanks.
What's the drink of choice tonight?
where would the world be if accepted that attitude?
you are supposed to be a part of progress.
for the sake of future generations.
don't halt your own for nobody.
Well ban does live close to tsuchi I think. did the two start dating?
Seems like a reach
Those are pretty flowers. lol
LOL do you know anything about Asia?
Apple pie bourbon, Bourbon, or rum.
That or Nyquil. That one would probably the most beneficial, but worst tasting alcoholic beverage.
I'm tall, I don't have to reach far to get it.
I mean
maybe not for you
But Im still missing time that could be spent learning about you instead of having our shitposting flinging ;_;
Ban is like equidistant from me as Lexi is, ie incredibly far.
It's also the word for "lesbians" in Japanese.
tbh I don't give a shit about gooks.
What a shame, and here I was about to ship you two and draw yaoi fan fic for you guys.
What are you trying to say?
my tummy hurts so much
What is the point in getting rich if everyone hates me for it? Starting to actually wonder why the fuck I care because everyone I care about would rise up with me as I'd share the wealth, fuck all the people who refuse to help themselves.
I don't know
I'm actually trying to find laughingmerchant.webm but it's either been deleted or under a stupid name
Lemonade or bleach work, from my experience.
You'll manage.
not just gooks. but chinks, japs, kimchees, and bindis.
all have a very collectivist, family oriented culture.
you can thank Confucius for that.
He wouldn't wear a skirt so no dice.
I'll be upset if you get drunk.
I'm not a lesbian though, so yeah.
Are you kidding?
Get back to the real world, BB.
Your programming isn't going to topple industries.
And if it does, that means it was better, and future generations will benefit.
Is my inner pol showing?
Here have an actual peaceful non-racist webm for a change. This is a Russian lullaby iirc.
I know a Benjamin and some tequila bottle that would beg to differ.
All slant eyes are equally annoying.
Something, something, threesome.
Who the fuck is Benjamin?
Not if I dont get any of those dank Kanra philosophical text walls
are you tow different peoeple and not the same person
That's how tame Holla Forums is? Fucking hell you better make me the emperor of that board. I've been talking about this kind of shit to my irl friends for years. But you know with events from their respective time frames.
Is Blood chan here I need to talk to them
Oh, he meant is as a bill.
make a blood offering
I doubt I'm your favorite poster.
Once Trump destroys America, there's gonna be a big hole.
And it won't be the poor ass Russians filling it.
You shouldn't gossip, Scoots, It's a sin.
Glad you agree.
Lenko pls.. you put a bad imagine in my head
I still want to try your apple pie stuff.
Post pictures of your mirror.
are you like foolz or lenko or that third person
LEXI. You CANNOT stop TRUE LOVE from happening.
It's easy to make.
You guys are all CYBERBULLIES
I am ban.
Doesn't matter. I am hellbound on a zamboni anyway.
tbh all my favorite posters have vaginas
im bebop btw way
You're all a bunch of FAG-ENABLERS
Tracer Bullet.
Cyberbully my dick
lol, pls dont i am hetero
read a book
well that would be accurate if
I was fat
Sweat profusely in my apartment that didn't have AC
Wore the same thing every day
Hated my job
Literally do nothing else but shitpost about why I hate my job/life 24/7
oh and be fat
Get drunk so you can be homo.
This is not a valid answer.
I am drunk. But don't tell senpai!
Placing a secret on someone sure is rude
But Smiles has Tuschi occupied and I have Ban occupied.
For an old man yeah
I live the rude life.
I forgot who that last person who was a total dik to me that also plays luge was
something on k or g
kiagio or gaigo or kuggjo or sometying
There's only four ingredients.
I prefer to be considerate and practice good personal hygiene.
Is that what you call cybering nowadays
oh okay
Are you trying to tell me that Tsuchi is capable of being domesticated? Please, you'd have an easier time convincing me that Tsuchi and Ban hooked up last night.
I kinda wanna kiss lexi on the tummy
My hygiene levels are ridiculous.
That has nothing to do with my levels or lack of considerations for other people.
Other people just dont matter to me.
you've made that oh so apparent over the years
Man I write some edgy shit. some deja vu shit there too
of course i wouldn't become some ruler of the world but i imagine i'd be fucking over way too many people. but again, why do i really care.
No. We haven't even come across the files that specifically state that they're from pol or only to be posted there.
I know. Its just the way I am fam.
Good boy.
Something, something, something, darkside.
Something, something, something, complete.
Other people just don't matter to me.
what should i get at jamba juice???
not that other derp
What is love?
Grim* ftfy
Nyquil amd Tylenol cocktail it is.
But having poor personal hygiene is rude.
How can you live the rude lyfe if you are squeaky clean?
no you don't
Fuck if I know.
Wait, which part are you replacing?
Other people
Fresh shower feeling is 10/10
I don't get this reference.
Soap on a rope helps.
Love is dying historic on the fury road.
Oh okay good.
What are you going to let me win at?
no no no no
not showering for 8000 days has me feelin' like
Pick one.
It sounds like a really bad combination.
Family Guy.
Welma, we still baking tomorrow?
ELMA IS THERE A BUN IN THE OVEN??????????????????????????????????
Not yet
Nyquil for congestion and throat. Tylenol for headache.
Not exceeding doses by much, not risk for damage to liver. Unless taking for a few days, which hopefully not.
Im gonna buy araragi's school uniform and tease my hair so I can get dat ahoge like a huge faggot
Pretty stoked
He isn't brown though.
Is it for hitting people with?
How about you tell me something you wanna win at and I'll tell you if I'll let it happen or not.
I care about what people think but not too much about the actual person. It's messed up.
Ideas are more valuable than their vessels of origin or something.
Well, first of all that was never set in stone and secondly probably not because I feel like sleeping away my day off probably.
I do not have a uterus ("oven")
You already know how I feel about a lot of things.
tbh wanna go driving through a forestfire like this
I'm gonna assume the rest is "for samus"
This. I am done.
Yes. Mostly Jehovah's witnesses and guide dogs.
You can throw all the baby batter you want in that oven but it won't make a bun
I-I'm not that brown
Yeah, sorry. I don't really like activities much. Big party pooper, etc.
Elma refuses to commit to cooking days. Wanna have a cooking dya with scoot sometime.
Yeah yeah, we know.
I'm sure it would be something that could change your perspective on things. would do/10
And mooslisms?
new thread
i am satsuki