Jesus. This is digusting. They're milking you for more money without even providing more games.
Proof? Look at the Midway Collection for the PS1, PS2, PS3, PC.
The PS1 version is limited due to well, Midway not knowing what they fuck they were doing.
The PS2 version is the best version, despite being two seperate releases you get over 40 games on two discs.
The PS3 version is shit. You get 25 games, BUT you get new features that you don't care about like leaderboards, trophies and championship mode.
Meanwhile, if you're not above pirating, you can get all the games, on PC without paying a Penny.
Being a loyal midway fan, I bought the PS2 versions and pirated the fuck out of the games on PC.
Another huge offender of this shit is Capcom.
Megaman Collection released back in the 2000s has more content than the Megaman Legacy which doesn't even have the complete enclyopedia.
Then just pirate the original games and play them on an Emulator you mouthbreathing casual.
Capcom also tried to go MegaJew like Microsoft with their Capcom ArcadeBullshit that nobody remembers
Unlike Microsoft, Capcom wasn't dumb enough to actually charge you to play games you bought virtually.
Honestly, speaking. People are poor.
Old games should be given away for free and be used as examples as how to make a fucking videogame.
More children will be inspired to make video games if they play shit like Megaman 8, Grandia , Alundra, Silent Hill.
It's not even nostaliga.
Old games were the result of people working hard with what they had. They had once chance to get the game right otherwise they were out of business, sometimes they still went out of business, but at least it wasn't their game that killed them.
New developers don't know the fear or dedication of Old developers.
I feel sorry for the next generation of children gamers.
Imagine the little scifi nerd who's first space game is Mass Effect Andromeda? That shit is going to be scary when they discover messageboards.