Legally acquiring ROMs

Outside of the Genesis collection of Sega games on Steam, and Nintendo's Virtual Console service, I do not know of any other place that legally sells ROMs of older games (With the, modded, benefit of extracting the games and running them on my own emulators).

I believe you can do the same with any title available for the PSP, but, unfortunately, I only have a Vita at the moment (Though that seems to be coming along, slowly).

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There are some games that are "ported" by releasing them with an emulator wraper on another system. This a case by case basis thing.

Most jailbroken systems can just dump physical cartridges/discs directly, and that's the way you are supposed to do it.

I think after the original devs stop getting money anymore for old titles that's the day you should stop giving a fuck about playing them "legally" or whatever that means. Overall morally why should I give a fuck about some old kikes that get jewgold from games that they didn't even create just swindled the Ip? If you wanna feel all good about legality and everything go extract some roms off the original physical media. Don't know why you'd do that since some of these games have been pirated longer than some poster on here have been alive.

You pirate numerous games, feel guilty about it, and look for a way to justify yourself, don't you?

Unfortunately, aside from CD games, I don't currently have the $200 to buy the system that will let me do that.

This, completely agree. I see no reason for IP holders who did fuckall for a series should be given shekels for it from now until the end of time for more or less holding a series hostage. They do this while either doing nothing with it or (most likely than not) running it into the ground for the sake of milking additional shekels out of normalretards with DLC/Amiibos/other cancer and the like while creating an experience significantly lesser than their predecessors. Do people think that by buying an older game a lot this will make these assholes suddenly gain some self-awareness? That money goes straight into CEO wallets never to see the light of day save for additional "change" towards another yacht.

It sucks that the best actual game coders/designers/etc are probably not even in the industry anymore because of these greedy fucks, but with the divide in those wages I won't fault them for it.

Okay, anyone who isn't anti-corporation, understands that copyright is suppose to encourage competition, and/or know that gaming is a business, do you guys have any advise?

Moreover, some companies hold IP's hostage and do everything in their power to keep people from being able to play them, period. Look at No One Lives Forever for example. They refuse to rerelease it or sell the IP to another company that will or even make a deal on it.

There is nothing immoral about torrenting that game seeing as it's the only feasible way to get ahold of it aside from paying an arm and a leg to some collector cuck on Ebay asking way too much for it.


Nah I think pirates are stupid, but downloading roms of games past a certain shelf life is perfectly fine.

Stop being such a good goy, I'm running out of places to stuff your sheckles and luggage on my trip to Israel has a weight limit.


I recommend lobbying your government to keep copyrights to a reasonable duration, like five years.

Is this a thing now?

Supposedly, yes.
But what we get is corporate people holding on to copyrights on what should've been already on the public domain.

It is supposed to do that, sure. And Abstinence is supposed to stop teenage pregnancies. If you look at both completely unrelated to real world evidence, it makes clear sense that they should accomplish what they are there for. But they don't.

Copyright is all about "if they do some good shit, we should reward them". Which kind of makes sense. But in the capitalistic system that we have and which is a great economical system, the reward is the fact that you survive and make money. You should not need extra rewards like guaranteed protection of your "intellectual property".
All the evidence points in the other direction. That intellectual propery is not beneficial.
There is current evidence for it, for example a comparison between the EU and US database industry, where the EU one enjoyed copyright protection but the US one does not because a compilation of facts cannot be copyrighted. The US one was the much healthier and wealthier industry.
There is also evidence in the past, for example the steam engine. In the years that it was protected by patents it saw no growth at all. Only after patent protection expired did the steam engine get better once again. It also saw growth before the patent, so its not like without a patent it would have never existed.

Copyright is a scam by those at the top to ensure they don't have to face competition.
And if you were to fear that if you made a successfull product, some other company would just steal it, consider the most important problem here. If its already successfull, clearly you already beat the copycats. And the copycats can't just copy everything because only a very small number of products are successfull compared to the number of crap. So you really don't have to fear much copying until you already won.

This is a great book on the subject:

Quite the opposite. Its original intent is for a system of oppression that allowed only certain people to control the reproduction of media.

Retarded marxist thinks everything is opressing him. Thinks he'd be able to even do anything if given "the means of production."

Retarded dick sucker "libertarian" who thinks that if he sucks enough dick and throws enough money at a system that is propped up by meaningless debt slavery that everything will be just like the good old days.

It wont. You're both stupid and wrong but there are more of you than there are of me and so your shitty stupid boomer memes will drown me out and fuck everything up.

Just die.

You should read the history of copyright.

While it is true that in its earliest, copyright was, as the name implies, the right to copy, aka publish, a work. Generally used to prevent items being published that the church didn't like. Modern copyright doesn't really have too much in common with that anymore. While it is still bad, it shouldn't be judged based on what it was at its earliest begining.

Copyright isn't really about the state controlling what is published but rather companies controlling what is published. There isn't too much difference, only that in most of the cases, at least the copanies only want copyright for something they actually publish as well, while the state wanted it to prevent something being published.

It's legal to download ROMs if you have the physical media and sites like emuparadise are technically legal since they assume you're downloading legally and have the physical media.

Honor system just werks

i hope you mail to the old devs some shekels when you pirate old vidya

How about you legally aquire a gun to shoot yourself?

kek I actually did this with RWS.


Jesus. This is digusting. They're milking you for more money without even providing more games.

Proof? Look at the Midway Collection for the PS1, PS2, PS3, PC.

The PS1 version is limited due to well, Midway not knowing what they fuck they were doing.

The PS2 version is the best version, despite being two seperate releases you get over 40 games on two discs.

The PS3 version is shit. You get 25 games, BUT you get new features that you don't care about like leaderboards, trophies and championship mode.

Meanwhile, if you're not above pirating, you can get all the games, on PC without paying a Penny.
Being a loyal midway fan, I bought the PS2 versions and pirated the fuck out of the games on PC.

Another huge offender of this shit is Capcom.
Megaman Collection released back in the 2000s has more content than the Megaman Legacy which doesn't even have the complete enclyopedia.
Then just pirate the original games and play them on an Emulator you mouthbreathing casual.

Capcom also tried to go MegaJew like Microsoft with their Capcom ArcadeBullshit that nobody remembers
Unlike Microsoft, Capcom wasn't dumb enough to actually charge you to play games you bought virtually.

Honestly, speaking. People are poor.
Old games should be given away for free and be used as examples as how to make a fucking videogame.

More children will be inspired to make video games if they play shit like Megaman 8, Grandia , Alundra, Silent Hill.
It's not even nostaliga.

Old games were the result of people working hard with what they had. They had once chance to get the game right otherwise they were out of business, sometimes they still went out of business, but at least it wasn't their game that killed them.

New developers don't know the fear or dedication of Old developers.

I feel sorry for the next generation of children gamers.

Imagine the little scifi nerd who's first space game is Mass Effect Andromeda? That shit is going to be scary when they discover messageboards.

If it's abandonware it's totally legal to pirate where I live
Also old versions of software if it has had an "incremented" version put out

Why would anyone do that? They don't make money like publishers do off of sales generally unless it's some AAA bullshit bonus for however many units pushed at release.

I know in Japan, their copyright holds for 50 years until it becomes public domain. That seems a lot more reasonable than the U.S.' 75+ year mess, but it shouldn't be anywhere below 40 years. Going by what I know about copyright, it should last around 2 generations before copyright ends.

All my money has gone towards buying games I do not own. So, I don't know what you're going on about. Also…
Some companies already do that. And, even then, who are you to decide what someone does with their property?

If that's your country's laws, then all the more power to you.

I would ask how would people not be afraid of being copied since the new idea is usually made by a small force against a giant mega corporation that could mimick your thing and mass produce it since they have multiple engineers, factory/production workers, and marketers to outsell what you originally have?

I feel that I'm just as justified as Cars for Jews. Er. Kars 4 Kids.

I feel that we should be able to take other people's videogames that they're not using, selling or even profiting off of anymore and give them to children.

There is literally nothing to lose.
They're not losing money. They're not losing their rights.

In fact, it can even been seen as goodwill and people love goodwill towards children, especially sick children in hospitals. And people love to reward those companies with cash out of pocket, so again, they've got nothing to lose.

With that same logic, people can take anything you own and have a justified reason for taking it and using it because "Well, you're not using it."

Also, if you did create something, wouldn't you want to profit off of it as long as you can, and use that money for whatever it is that you want to spend it on, not what someone else dictates it should be spent on?

Filthy communist get out. There is a system for this already. It's called the fucking family unit. You inherit the unused goods of your parents of their free will because they want the best for you.

You don't just take thigns from other people because you could use them. It's simple theft and one day you'll be thrown out of a helicopter for espousing such ideas.

You aren't even human.

Because its the mega corporation holding all the IPs. Because they hold all the IPs, there is limited competition in their field. Because there is limited competition in their field and you don't have all the needed means of mass production, you will have to sell your idea to the mega corporations anyway. But once again, I refer you to what I said above. Even if the mega corporation copies you, they would only do such thing if your product is a success. Thus they have to wait at least a little while until after you got to market before they can copy. In which case you have things like first movers advantage working for you.
The fact of the matter is that intellectual property rights protect the big companies, because smaller ones cannot compete agaisnt them by virtue of a better product or being much more agile on the market. They are not allowed to compete against them. So even with the slugishness of a huge corporation, they have nothing to fear, competition is not allowed. seems to take pains to be legally legitimate, and they have huge ROM collections up to play/download.