Download tf2 to try the matchmaking

Wow can't believe this actually worked
you guys playing too?


Isn't that what you wanted? Now community can go back to being good.

No Gaben I'm not gonna play your stupid hat simulator.

You had a better chance of finding some Brony/furfag RP/social server than one where people actually played the fucking game back then. And even if you did find a server where people played you had about 2 hours of play before you got permabanned by a powertripping faggot.

>It works and we manage to tie up the game
>Win the third round since more of Red just left since play destruction takes way too fucking long the third time around
>Didn't get any exp for some damn reason

Anyone else getting stacked team situations?

Yup. Seems to me a lot of people get disconnected while trying to load the game.

Though yeah its at least nice to play without people standing around doing taunts or being LE FRIENDLY



I never wanted any of this shit. I just wanted competitive as an option if I wanted more serious gameplay.

well it is, now you have server browser and matchmaking

valve realizes to keep the game alive they have to apply massive kemo

honestly I am mad they removed the abandonment penalty because reddit complained. At least those matches still count as losses so fags can feel bad about leaving/losing.

Yeah, but that was an abandonment penalty for *casual* play. Casual play in TF2 has always been drop in, drop out. Introducing penalties for leaving for whatever reason is just bullshit.

Keep the penalties in for actual competitive matchmaking, by all means.

Yeah, a server browser with barely any decent servers to play on. Try finding a vanilla payload server with no ads, no insta-respawn and no 32 player limit with

Give it some time, they just remade them relevant.

Valve thought it was a brilliant decision to not award XP if you join mid-game.

Hold the fucking phone.
I should have known better than to think I could escape this cancer in 2016. Not once have I ever thought that a multiplayer game with small teams could ever benefit from JiP. Who the fuck actually likes joining half-way through a game? It's always just an empty slot from someone rage-quitting from a stacked match.

The day they stop adding this shit to games is the day I become moderately happy for a very short amount of time.

Yeah, so make do with their shitty casual matchmaking system that takes forever to find a game and refuses to let you pick specific maps on top of being competitive lite without any of the commitment or coordination? No thanks.
And competitive is still fucked up, seeing as how there are payload maps, a lack of weapon bans and class limits. The update was supposed to
and instead it

No, join-in-progress only applies to the unranked casual mode that uses a matchmaking system. Actual competitive matchmaking (6v6) does not allow you to join a game in progress.

Nigger they just released it, what do you expect? They're updating a 10 year old game, not everyting will be perfect from the first release

spotted the clueless shill


Fuck off




Of course there'll be hitches, but when people spend upwards of 30 minutes searching for a game only to get steamrolled in unranked or for someone to abandon in ranked, that's when shit is fucked. I mean for fucks sake, they can't even get the balance changes done right.

Take for example, the quickfix. The one thing that needed to be fixed was the fact that the uber build rate never decreased because you couldn't overheal players to 142.5% of their health. As a result you'd have medics having uber every 32 seconds. But no, instead valve decreases the build rate (still doesn't fix the problem) and moves the speed matching thing to all other medi guns (buffing scout in the process)

Yeah I liked it when you could just click a gamemode and play a semi-balanced free critluck shooter.

I could see class limits to prevent a fucking all-sniper team but what would banning weapons do in the long run? How would Valve officially enforce bans on weapons or even decide which weapons are banned? Everybody wants different weapons banned for different reasons and if you get enough retards or le ebin trolls you could see a lot of votes to get stock weapons banned. Better to not ban anything and let a meta figure itself out from there since it won't have the hideous stagnation problem TF2's comp scene in general does and they'll be forced to learn how to use new weapons just to keep up with a meta that doesn't care about the actual competitive scene outside of matchmaking.

The only fun thing about modern TF2 was being able to fuck about with the different toys or partaking in pubstomping. Now they took that away and are hoping the community to pick up the slack there.

Here's your meta: soldier and demoman are far superior to any other class, pyro is practically useless. It's been like that since launch and the problem has only been exaggerated with each subsequent update. Culling everything but the stock items in comp play would at least draw attention to that quicker instead of having people hopelessly experiment with different builds before they discover that imbalance.

I wouldn't mind stock-only but that guy was talking about weapon bans ie specific unlocks or drops are verboten and others are fine. I'd much prefer stock only to seeing the same four or five loadouts every time I play because some setup is "comp proven".

Now hold on there friend while I agree with everything else you've stated but medic is the greatest class in the game, without em any team gets steamrolled.

That match took about 30-40 minutes with the wait time and I get nothing? Fuck.

tf2 without medic is ez. Just play soldier with the magic cuntconch thingy

Servers in TF2 being full of friendly hoovies and 9-year-olds is just a stupid meme. You only find that shit when you go on the most obviously cancerous servers, like ones labelled furry or brony right in the server name.

I saw that shit all the time in valve servers, more than a couple times I had votes started against me by ass-ravaged friendlies for daring to kill them or even shoot at them.

You see it quite a lot on pubs, you get kicked if you dare attack.


I'm a conga-after-backstab man myself

I used to be like that. But both the Carlton and the Square dance move your hitbox enough to dodge bullets.
Yes really
It makes snipers fucking pissed

Shit, need to get my hands on those then. I used to roll caber and sticky jumper to infuriate 2fort snipers until the caber got nerfed, there's nothing like fucking divebombing a tunnel-vision sniper who doesn't learn to make you feel good about life.

man I'm doing good!

42/173 KDR

So is the old quickplay of just select the game type you want to play gone now?


I have 300 hours in TF2. And I don't ever remember seeing a hacker in that time.

In 2 hours of playing last night, I ran into 4 hackers.


Get ready to see that a lot more, the higher up you go in competitive circles the more hackers there are when it comes to Valve shooters. Authenticator didn't work as a hacking deterrent and so it remains that there's more hackers than legitimate players the higher up you go, I remember boatloads of high-level comp players turned out to be subtly aimbotting with recent VAC bans.

I've been playing only Scout since I never played him before
I suck, I know

Call me crazy but I actually like how long matchmaking takes. For the first time ever in TF2 there's enough time between games for me to get another drink

M8 I can run downstairs run to the kitchen, and grab a Dewpsi before running all the way back up. What takes you do long?

Just keep in mind that Scout's a glass cannon but he's the most mobile class in the game if you ignore 360-leet b0mbjump$ that let soldiers fly around the fucking map. Run in, get point-blank scattergun shots, do your best to dodge, remember that you can double-jump. Pistol's excellent as a finish-off weapon or for mid-long range harassment.

Trips confirm.

Holy shit, Valve actually fixed TF2

This is a thing?
I haven't experienced it yet

how did they do this? i havent even been able to get in any games everytime ive tried

I haven't had any trouble today though

i try and it says there are zero players online worldwide and no servers available, in US

other times i try and it says ? ? ? ? ? then after 10 minutes says it cant connect

one time it finally said there were players, a shitload even, hundreds nearby also searching not ingame, several hundred empty servers, 30 minutes later still nothing

when it works what does it say?

I have never played TF2 or most PC games released past 2006 for that matter. I also can post this picture unspoilered because it's censored.

wish this faggot didnt focus entirely on assholes. his vaginas are literally a flat line 90 percent of the time while you can see every fold of the anus in bold lines

What the fuck?

Anyway, how do I deal with these godtier sollys who bounce around the map in moments and perfectly predict my movement. I'm just a poor scout who gets decked everytime.


I wonder why they haven't asked me for sunflower seeds or cigarettes as well.


Blame people like this little faggot
who bitched and moaned until Volvo removed penalty

Solo queuers can join mid game you just have to try and keep the other team at bay long enough for it to happen. I just finished a game but about an hour ago on badlands my team started off 3 men down and we still won.

You can get XP when you lose though

Valve really shouldn't listen to pub shitters
They don't know what they want, they don't understand how the game works, and always respond with kneejerk reactions and throwing tantrums. These idiots are the ones who killed the fucking game in the first place.

For real I know the community servers are hurting because of the bullshit of quick-play. But it finally gets removed and every whiny little bitch doesn't seem to understand or know how we used to have to connect to servers OH WAIT THEY JOINED AFTER THE QUICK-PLAY UPDATE GO FIGURE


Why would you do that?

Would you rather have the freedom to leave a shit game or be forced to eat shit until the other team is done forcing you to eat shit?

And don't tell me "get gud" because team fortress is a game about teamwork, there is only so much you can control in a game.

Just like freaking Dota, don't even have the decency to let you surrender, a damned game that last an hour but ehy, you're forced to remain there and actually get xp otherwise LOL hope you enjoy single draft!

I played 15 matches in casual after the penalties were removed, and almost nobody ever left. It's just pointless to have them there.


Was medic ever nerfed?