What is to be done with the childern of the bourgeois?

What is to be done with the childern of the bourgeois?

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sage for shit thread

kill them, or else they'll just grow up to throw a counter revolution

I don't care about harming porky kids. I just want to share out their stuff.

Let them live with their bourgeois parents but give them free compulsory education where they are taught actual economic theory along with all the other subjects.

If the revolution is successful in a systematic way (I don't think it can be successful any other way), then there will be no risk of society reverting back to capitalism. There is no reason not to be compassionate and ethical at that point.

rip the baby

Tbh if you deprive the bourgies of their economic and institutional power then there isn't any way for them to really do anything to threaten the new order.




done fuck you're thread

They can be buried with their parents.

Kill all of them.

socdem classcucks fuck off

This is how we know you're retarded, and your pics only make me want to murder children more.




This, sometimes I think anarchists are just edgelords with power fantasies.


Why though?
Most of them are perfectly salvageable, and have only been taught what their families want them to know.

Same can be said for the vast majority of society - the majority that will be more than glad to kill us should they get $1.50 in exchange.

I say we smash them, it's regrettable but well worth the alternative of fostering our own home-grown counter-revolutionaries.

If their parents are vampires, then they are mosquitoes.

No survivors.

Fair point, but in a perfectly executed communist society revolution is extremely unlikely.



mein gott

Which proves my point all the more – you have to make sure it becomes permanently unlikely by killing the foul spawn of the bourgeoisie wherever it is found.

I'd murder 6 million bourgeois children in a heartbeat if it meant securing a socialist utopia.

fuck off liberal



But that's capitalism user

Communism will win tbh. Children or not.



check em?


/sp/ will never recover from this one.







leave em alone. No point in separating bourg families provided they're not actively fighting against the revolution. We kill those who fight us directly and thus make it necessary to do so, then we move on.

let them become children of the proletariat



In lieu of how we got the millionth get on this thread, might as well spare them porky kids. We can change our minds once we get out of our armchairs

ITT: Edgy teenagers discuss killing people they disagree and murdering their families.

And you wonder why people despise marxists and anarchists. You want to murder innocent people
(yes a manager or small business owner, even a director of a major corporation isn't responsible for starving kids in Africa or sweatshops in China).

First of all yes they are responsible. Second of all, we are not naive enough to believe that some form of repressive apparatus is not necessary to protect our movement. Third of all,

I know that you are bristling for replies and we both know this discussion of who has the "moral" highground here will simply waste everyone's time. Do you think the capitalist shed tears for children workers? Do you think the imperialists cried as they screwed over countries?

I know I won't change your mind. Please fuck off to another board or read "The People's history of the United States" by Howard Zinn to get a glimpse of capitalist atrocities in America.

go be a liberal on reddit

Yeah, pour another shaker of salt into the funnel screwed into your anus.

Why were these banned?

i see what you did there you cheeki cunt

I'm guessing being caught up in the purge of Nazis raiding our board.



Kek what planet do you live on?

This thread is falseflagging. Report and hide.

Is good

I have to reply twice because that feels good

Because rightists never say these things. Get outta here.

all of you are literally bourgeois…fucking white boys.

if these things were the case before
then why were they necessary to be established through revisionist policies?


Something being cute shouldn't be confused for it being innocent. Some are going to die, it would be more difficult to avoid it than just get it over with.

You can't just kill them - How would you be any diffrent than Nazis.

Just take the out of power peacefully.

The material conditions and the capitalist construction around the capitalist caused him to do ut, not the person themselves.
I'd suggest to just take away their MoP's and give them mental help when they can't reintegrate into society. The bourgs are as much shaped by the material conditions, false ideology and capitalist framework as any other unenlightened prole. Killing them just makes people afraid of another murderous totalitarian power ruling them. It really us of no help.
Revenge is a spook

is this bait

It's an anprim flag, so probably.





Shit boy!!
Someone make a screencap!




We're commin buckos

Anyone can play that game, lad.


Marx would be proud

what it means is "it makes the rich look bad >:("


A+ Nazi.

fuck you

+1 buddy points

he did not he never killed a man he was always helping children see the light



