Women Hold Nearly Two-Thirds Of America’s Student Loan Debt

Women Hold Nearly Two-Thirds Of America’s Student Loan Debt

And it takes them way longer to pay it off.

>Are you a college-educated woman who is being buried under a pile of student loan debt that devours your paychecks and gives you heart palpitations at 2:30 a.m.? Well, take heart — at least you’re not alone! According to a depressing new report released this week by the American Association of University Women, women hold nearly two-thirds of this country’s student debt ― or a whopping $833 billion in outstanding loans. (And that’s probably a low-ball estimate, because the report doesn’t capture women who enroll and take on a whole lot of debt but don’t graduate.)

>Oh, and female graduates also have a significantly harder time paying those loans offf ― making it clear that the student loan crisis is now most definitely a women’s issue. “Time spent in college now sometimes means unmanageable student debt that drags down those seeking greater opportunity, especially low-income women, women of color, and women who drop out before completing a degree or credential,” Patricia Fae Hoe, board chair of the AAUW ― an advocacy and research group ― wrote in a forward to the report.

>So why are women hit hardest by student loan debt? First, it’s because women are simply more likely to go to college. In 2016, 56 percent of people enrolled in colleges and universities were women. But women also tend to take on larger loans to finance that education. “In a given year about 44 percent of women enrolled in undergraduate programs take out loans compared to 39 percent of men,” the report says. “Women enrolled in undergraduate programs take on an average of about $3,100 in student loans per year—about $400 more than the average man. By graduation the typical woman receiving a bachelor’s degree in 2011-12 had an average of about $21,000 in student loans, $1,500 more than the typical man.”


Still think letting women into colleges and universities en masse was a good idea? All that student loan debt is causing women to vote for parties that want to have more government funding (read: male taxpayer funding) for higher education. And by pure coincidence these parties also want to pozz up your country with more 3rd world immigrants. Isn't that just great?

Since it takes them longer to pay off their student loans, it'll also take them about 10-20 years longer than men to actually start financially contributing to state and the economy (if they go into the private sector at all, of course).

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all that debt just to quit their jobs and get pregnant
what kind of man wants to marry a woman with a 21,000 dollar price tag

It's more than that.

more like a million dollar pricetag over their whole lifespan
if you're rich its much, much, much more, easily hundreds of millions

I have no idea why some people willingly go into 50-100k in debt just for a fucking bachelor's degree.

I laffed

And of course they'll look for a nice man with money to marry and pay it off for them. The men in their in-group are baristas at Tarbuck's, though. Little hope there. Real men with money will laugh at them.

inb4 US Govt. goes totally white knight and forgives all vagina held student loans.

If anyone needed more proof that allowing women in academia was a mistake…

See goys, kids are expensive! And even if you have some kids, you will probably divorce anyway so why leave them to be raised by single parents, it harm their careers! Good thing families don't need to raise their children anymore, the (((state))) will, through it's schools and mass-entertainment. Isn't breaking family unity cool? Oyy veyyyyyy!

Ah right, I never thought about it but I guess women would see loans and think of them simply as free money.


I think it was Turd Flinging Monkey who did a video along these lines which showed that women almost NEVER manage to be anything but a financial burden over the course of their lives, no matter what choices they make, because all their choices seek to extract resources from men.

A new question all the young bucks need to be asking before getting serious with some of these women.

What do you do if you're some what wealthy?

They don't even get a real job, because part-time at starbucks doesn't count. It's pretty hard to employ someone with a degree in critical theory and intersectional african American queer feminism. Instead the taxpaying goy ultimately will be on the hook for their delinquent loans.

The same as if you're more than somewhat poor, retard. You wanna know how I know you were given whatever money you seem to be implying you have instead of earning it?

Women were a mistake. Waifu bots when?

You know whats sad? If Cuntary had won and dems took the congress, I could absolutely see this or something similar happen

The "gender expense and tax gap to offset the pay gap" bill. Women are now only charged 75% of the taxes men are, women are only charged 75% of college costs that men are and/or only have to pay back 75% of their student debt, women are now charged only 75% of the cost of an item or service that men are.. and so on

Granted there'd be a LOT of happy married men who start doing taxes under their wife as the main earner, start letting her pay for goods/services, etc. For the rest of us, well, we're fucked, enjoy paying $60 for that game that some cunt gets for $45


That's a good question. I was formerly married and in debt. It took a while - I've been divorced 15 years - but I'm in the black financially, and my money just keeps piling up in the bank. I'm approaching 60 though, and my sex drive is all but non-existent. Don't worry about that; it's not bad. My dick no longer makes decisions for me.

These days I view pussy as a hole to stuff money into. There's no way to avoid draining my savings if I date. Women will at very least expect me to pay for everything, and if I don't pay for everything AND smile about it, I'm a selfish asshole, a "disease," as one women put it.

If you're young and still pussy hungry, it's a conundrum. There are good and decent women, but they're hard to find. Playing the field and fucking around might sound fun, but in the end it's pointless hedonism, and leads to regret.

No easy answers. Make your own decisions. You'll probably regret them, no matter what course you take. That's life.

That would never work, who the fuck wouldn't "identify as a woman" in taxes to get a much cheaper rate? I sure as hell would.

polite sage for double post.

I don't know user. That's more a question you yourself need to answer, even somewhat wealthy with no prenuptial she'll still get half+

The benefits to men, are pretty small. Very rare would you come across a relationship like I have, and I pray to God with my humble thanks all the time. Wife and I have a good number of friends who have gone through fucking disasters as their marriage breaks down or somebody bangs outside the relationship.

I'm of the mindset we should work towards selectively killing off the physical lust men feel towards women (without killing the desire to procreate) rather than just giving us a new object to focus on with those same traits.

Get rid of our lust for TnA(nV), so we focus our resources and time on improving ourselves and our societies, taking time out only to produce an offspring via artificial womb and a vast supply of eggs saved from before females were wiped off the planet (which can be cloned as needed) via production processes that eliminate the chance of an XX pair forming, let a generic "nurse bot" feed and change it at home while we work and spend a few hours a night with him. And one he's able to eat/etc for himself train him right and focus him on self improvement.

If you didn't have lustful feelings for women, you wouldn't want/need a waifu bot.

Oh user, you're implying shitlibs won't hold a double standard over you because they "know you're just abusing" their beloved "system." You'd be denied because you arent "really" trans, and you'd be shouted down and cast out if you fight it and denied the ability to "change genders."

Silly user, thinking liberals wont constantly double standard the shit out of you. (ie: tranny that looks like a man, dresses like a freak, claims to be a woman, but still has a dick and doesnt take hormones? And really just wants to creep on women pissing? totally a woman as long as hes a democrat and calling it a "he" is bigotted and sexist and transphobic. You though? you arent "with her" therefore you're not really "trans" you're just manipulating things! OUT!).

Silly naive user

21000 is jack shit. 60000 is basically the norm

Gee I wonder why it's so bad? Maybe useless degrees don't generate revenue. But lets hire them as diversity consultants. That'll make things great!
I bet Men are working harder jobs while going to school.

I guess women will just have to stop going to college.

Wisely written. Temptation is part of the human condition. The whole "me generation" meme was created mostly by Jews, and pushed through Pop Culture in movies, music, TV, and literature.

"You're only going to live once, Goy; grab all the gusto you can."

In truth keeping one's eyes on the long-term effects of one's actions, and holding to traditions, is surest way to be a happy old man.

tax payer fucked for sure!!!

because they graduate with degree's that mean nothing in the real world! Nobody cares about gender studies, women studies, feminism, anthropology, leisure management and a host of other non subjects.


They immediately start financially contributing to the state. It's called taxes. Honestly, they immediately start contributing to the economy too: they pay their debt to their Jew masters, who do far more meaningful things with the money. (At this point, even bombing Kebab for (((Our Greatest Ally))) is money better spent.)

Well.. strippers make more than construction workers for less time. But then she has to sell what dignity she might have.

Cam whore potentially even more.

More on topic though, that chart… I keep wanting to go back and get into grad school and get my masters in counseling (BS is in psych)… but god damn am I limiting my earning potential

I started out in electrical engineering, I really should go back and get a second bachelors in that or something else. But god damn is it just so boring. Its hard to an extent, takes a lot of focus and memorization, but its not beyond my grasp by any means. I just can't stand how bored I get staring at numbers all day when I'm forced to do it for work. I like fucking around with numbers as a hobby.


I work for one of the largest A/E firms in the world, user. The "fucking around with numbers all day" is a very, very small part of actual electrical engineering. Honestly, maybe one guy on a team has to deal with the calculations of the size of a transformer, the voltage regulators, etc. Even lighting is cook book; plug some numbers into an Excel spreadsheet. Most engineers are able to forget almost everything they learned in college, as little of it is practically useful.

Not a sparky myself, but I've worked with them for nearly 40 years.


So what DO you do then, if you don't do any of the things you learned in college?

and not pay taxes on top of that

that's a bit of an extreme response. if we just simply remove women's rights to vote and work things will be vastly improved, and then we can go from there. and if everyone is white and there is no parasitical influences (jews) we wont really be having many problems at all. no need to just jump straight to the transhumanism shit

Higher education will be revealed as the greatest ponzy scheme of our time

Personally, I would have been just fine with women getting the "right to vote" if they never had the "right to work" (outside the home.)
It's the economics like this that make a real difference in our society collapsing. Yes, in our timeline, women's suffrage was the first stone out of the dam to (((free women))), but that in itself is not the issue.
Just imagine it: women vote and men vote but their gender roles are solidly concrete in society. They all put down their aprons and dish gloves, round the kids up to go check a box.
My point here is that hard economic issues like women having more student loan debt, costing more over their lifetime in healthcare, taking more out of tax payer dollars than they put in and overall not starting as many businesses is the hard evidence that women are made to be homebodies/ family makers. If they did that, it wouldn't be a big deal of they had the right to vote, it's the right to work that has fucked us all.
(But, this only works in an all white society, so women should definitely not have the right to vote in today's America.)
I'll add that it's always the jews.

Always figured this would happen, hoped it wouldn't. My first job out of college isn't much more than reading spreadsheets, filling forms that half-fill themselves, and being told "We do it this way. No it's no in the books." I get paid well above what I thought I would out of college, though, so I'm happy, but good to know it won't really change from here.

You're given an erector set, and asked to build it in a certain way. In college they teach you how to build all the parts and pieces. In real life you put them together. It helps to understand how they were made, but there are many electrical designers who do most of the work, and who never went to college, while engineers are responsible for leading the teams.

But if they can vote they have the power for the rest of that shit.

stop trying to raise my blood pressure

What IS changing is the outsourcing of American jobs to "value engineering offices" in Mexico, the Philippines, and Eastern Europe. We are apparently paid too well, you see. Flips do it cheap enough that the company makes MORE money per hour for the work in spite of paying them pennies on our dollars. It's disgusting. I haven't had a raise in 3 years.

Even then it would've been a slippery slope. With just the right to vote, one could subvert the media etc. to get them to vote a certain way. Eventually the economics would be affected. I.e., if p is the right to vote, and q is influences economics, p implies q always holds.
You can't give an inch, sadly, to those unworthy of looking at the bigger picture (in particular when the bigger picture shows them as a breakpoint in society).

In fairness, what I got into is almost exactly in that same vein. BS in psychology, focused on research and methods and stats, figured I'd get into doing studies or some kind of research and intermingle some ideas I'd picked up in different classes

What do I actually do with my degree? Nothing that would even require it, despite the job requiring it. About the closest I come to using anything I learned, was I actually look a class on psychology of drugs and addiction, and now I work in a rehab group home, so occasionally I get to explain some of the long term effects these kids arent experiencing YET, and I get to watch for behavioral warning signs, but 90% of my job is mostly just basically baby sitting.

Even when I worked evenings where the kids were up for 90% of the shift thats all it boiled down to. I did learn how to cook while I was there though. So thats.. nice? now I'm on overnights and 80% of my night is spent playing 3ds (mostly monster hunter gen), 10% sitting around because the kids are NOT morning people, and 10% at the very ass end actually interacting in any way, but they do very little that requires any even those basic skills mentioned, and ZERO of the things I learned in college

Its all very… depressing. hell I'm going to have to re-read all my textbooks before going to grad school, if I do, just to refresh myself since I've used NONE of that information for the last 4 years

Hello kike socialist filth.


my cousin did that, but at least she married into money (shes a dependapotamus). worked her ass off for 4 years becoming a vet and now just sits a home shitting out kids.

My analysis: To make things more equal, black women should have their loans forgiven and whites and asians should have their taxes raised to pay for black women's fuckups.

t. Sheckelstein and Goldman Accounting Firm

Chris Farley?

This is mostly the case in the US, college/university in Europe and elsewhere is a lot cheaper. In the Netherlands college tuition is only 2K a year.

Whick shocks absolutely no one

At least it was only a seat in vet school, but this is another problem with pushing women into academia that never get analyzed. Considering that women work fewer year, fewer hours, less strenuous, less demanding, and many will take a hiatus if not leave the profession completely to have children, every dollar spent sending a women to med school for example would be better spent sending a man, even if woman has better grades or higher iq. Not only is it a terrible investment which is heavily subsidized by tax payers, but they take up a seat in those classrooms. Every woman who goes through med school is one fewer man.

These fucking boomer dads need to get a clue. Women are just the optimal consumers, that's why marketing targets them.

Make a deal. No less than 8 kids and we'll proceed.

Has nothing to do with IQ at all. Dey be oppressed. Check your chink privilege

Yeah lol, CS is the meme job future generations will hate us for when it finally gets automated. I went to a literally who school and am clearing well over 100k less than 2 years out of college.

Keep in mind that because women are now the majority of doctors and prefer to pick easier specialisations and to work part-time, the UK now has to import up 40% of its doctors.

So for the price of educating two female doctors who work 20 hours per week, you easily could've educated one male doctors who works 40 hours per week, with less than half the student loan debt.

*one male doctor

how to fuck off and not do any work

Wow. I nominate the writer of pic related for Chief meme commander. We have many "shitting on feminists" threads here but we rarely go this deep. We get too caught up with current year hysteria, whether we laugh or rage about it. We need to meme more about the foundation of society (family, not individual) and about all individual-based political views being the foundation of the slippery slope we are sliding down. It would be a grave mistake to just assume everyone is already on the same page. That's (part of) the foundation of our common goals here and we need to spread it everywhere. Edgy natsoc stuff about throwing people from helicopters is fun and catchy but this is what we should be focussing on and I feel we're all wasting our time until we do.

Anthropology is a worthwhile subject to study, but if they didn't accept female applicants, they'd probably still have more students than there are jobs available.

I agree, user. It's easy to make fun of hambeasts when there are many issues that could use more in-depth discussion, like how letting women into the workforce en masse is actually pretty bad for the economy vis-à-vis wages and job shortage.


Same for Computer Engineering here. Soon enough though, once we're at the top, these degrees will become meme degrees.

I'm not so sure, the advanced math weeds out most people

Let me tell you what occurs from experience. The Chinese/Asians will hivemind and share answers. The white women will sucker some guys (maybe mudskins, maybe white guys) to work with them on things. The university will curve generously. (And the pajeets will also do as the Asians do). As a consequence, all the trash will leech of those that know and get the degree. This bypasses the advanced math aspect, however I would state that no math (CS, CE, or EE) is truly advanced.maybe a the upper-graduate level, but as far as undergrad. is concerned, it'll all lower-tier.

I remember once, way back when in high school, some kike math teacher told me that the letter X was a number. That all the letters of the alphabet were actually numbers. I fucking hated math. Now I make more money per annun than her stupid ass ever did by working construction.

Ya know, I'd reasoned out all these different points on my own over time and through rational thought.. but the molecule analogy, I'd never thought of it that way. That makes this whole flow of logic make so much more sense at a very core level.

It takes everything from looking at the cause-and-effect of it and understanding why everything feminism has done is bad from the very start, and gives it a universal explanation that goes outward from there. Rather than just looking at the practical real world detrimental impacts of it, it gives it a fundamental framework to exist in to explain liberalism (and proper conservatism) in a way I had thought of directly, and deconstructs them and analyzes and explains why one is good and ones is bad, why one is so very toxic that it destroys everything it touches and the other is the way in which empires are built.

Thank you user, for adding another level of clarity and understanding to my life

yeah. i picked up that pic pretty recently and was surprised that i had never seen something so concise on those issues and that addresses the main points so well. i've read through it several times and it's helped me more than just about anything else with arguing against feminism. i'm pretty much bulletproof on the subject now that i have a good understanding of those points under my belt

To bad he didn't mention the white feather shit that predated a lot of modern fem. It's so disgusting.

it's an open secret that the chinks are notorious cheaters
I've seen that happen too
i agree, but Fourier and Laplace transforms might as well be magic to most people

I hope you quickly get up to where you don't have to work in the field anymore. I work with construction workers and electricians and I've seen how it affects the bodies of the older ones.


These threads are extremely important and are being slid fucking hard:

That would be such a fucking disaster if all of those were implemented because not only would 75% or whatever number they're claiming now is based on bullshit, having it compound like that would result in men spending three times as much as women per value (but total spending would still be similar of course), not even counting the inflation that would result. I could see them doing that only for student loans or taxes though.

meant for


There's that hierarchy again…surely it's all coincidence and there's totally no reason at all that the exact same ranking shows up in every set of statistics when sorted racially.

A few years ago I pretty much became a full time driver. Middle age is a bitch. I mostly help load and then haul the mats. I can always find that extra space in the truck, could fit so much shit in the back that it makes other guys look bad.

They're liberals and women, they don't think about these things, they only do what "feels" right.. again look at obamacare. You really going to sit there and know all the stupidity they're guilty of, and then tell me they WOULDN'T enact something like this if they could get away with it?


I worked for two years to afford college, then quit after my third semester. Shit really isn't worth the time. It's as easy as high school, and has a lot of the same bullshit practices and people. If you are going into STEM are some really specific field, then I guess you should try, but anything else, don't bother. Learn a trade and keep your money. You'll be better off in the long-haul.

t. former student current blacksmith

That's in every degree. In getting my BSc in psych I had more than one "group" project. In the cases where we got to pick our groups, I, being less than social but always taking notes and such, immediately got surrounded by women who promptly shoved all the work off on me. Naturally I did it because it was my grade as well.

In the one class I had where they assigned groups, the teacher went out of her fucking way to split the white males up as MUCH as she possibly could, basically leaving some groups smaller just to create more groups to have as few as one white male per group.

How did that go you ask? I was completely ignored when I explained why the premise they picked for a research study was terrible for the setup we had available to us. They all ignored me. They rambled and talked a lot and sent REALLY shitty emails with questions for the study and such. Of which no one offered to format them better and simply said "that looks fine," it looked like cold dog shit. So I redid them all, literally not one word of thanks for making them presentable.

The study I FORCED them to conduct most of, they fucked up their lines and premise, they fucked up the actual test, they fucked up the presentation, etc. It was a shitshow, I just sat back and smiled. THEN the biggest part of it all, the actual processing and analyzing all the data? Yup, SOLELY my responsibility.

The best part? I had to explain the results, FIVE FUCKING TIMES. I had charts, I had graphs, I was going over it in EXTREME detail to begin with, then decided after the failed second try to drastically dumb it down for them, and THEY STILL DIDN'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND ONE WORD OF IT. They were in the classes, they could look at the data, I sent them all the spreedsheets and coding in our stats software I used, none of them even bothered to double check it.

Day of presentation we each got assigned a different part to explain, intro, premise, design of study, results, and discussion (ie: psych study point where you bullshit and try to justify "give me more money to do stuff like this more" for grants), oh and "charts and graphs and tables." I, THANK GOD, got the results section so I could explain it. Class got it, teacher got it, my idiot teammates still had no idea wtf I was saying, it was like I was speaking another language.

The bitch who got the charts/graphs, despite me showing them to her 3 times, explaining them to her PERSONALLY more than once, she still stuttered and stammered through it all and barely explained it beyond "oh and h-h-here's some pictures t-t-that… look nice… see?"

I had to field almost all the questions because half of them didnt even understand the premise of the study even at the end, much less any other part of it. The teacher had to call on them SPECIFICALLY to answer questions because I was covering for them to protect my own grade. And of course they flubbed it all horribly.

Hell I was nervous as fuck, I hate public speaking, but I managed it. They're WOMEN, what do they have to fear from being judged by everyone? They can just go to a bar and bang anyone, they're fucking women.

End result? We all got A's because of MY FUCKING WORK.

Those 4 should have failed that class, hands down, and stats to, and be forced to re-take it all. But nope, because I didn't want to also fail, I saved their asses. Now they have the same degree I do, making them all worthless.


**STEM or some really specific field.

Sorry about that

Forgot the last part:

That's a made up major for jews to pathologize normal behavior and women to claim they went to college. Ask any white or latina prospective student what major they want to go into and they will say psychology 90+% of the time (Asian girls usually are either biomed or engineering). You should switch majors before it's too late and you're clumped in with retards one step above "communications" or "business management".

Every person I've talked to that has done group projects in college/uni tell the same basic story as this, myself included. A woman in my group redid our entire presentation the night before and didn't tell anyone. Fun times.

More like 60k. You think it is still 1980 or something?

Rules of Life
1) Don't go in debt.
Drop out of high school. Get your h.s. diploma from a free online school or just get your g.e.d.
Assume that any adult in your life who is in debt is an idiot. The more debt the bigger idiots they are. Everything you need and want in life can be paid for in cash. Everything.
2. Avoid idiots.
If they are telling you you need a degree to "get ahead" they are either (((they))) or an idiot. Tell them your saving up to open a trailer park while working at Dominoes and watch their eyes roll back in their head.
Ten years later your debt free and rolling in all the cash that trailer park is bringing in while they are still working to pay off their student loans.
3. Don't marry an American woman.
Ever. No matter what. Go to Eastern Europe and find the most remote village you can. That's where you find your wife.

This is one of the best arguments I've read for women not entering the workforce at all.

I wish someone taught me this stuff while I was still young.

If they could get away with it sure they would, but something like that would be a bit too extreme that the goyim would catch on quickly. It would have to start smaller that even when people realize how bad it is they can have an easier time using guilt to shout down all criticism and get it passed.

Seems like a bad idea to me.

I have a Bachelor in Computer science and a Master in business administration, I earn about 130K a year,

Nothing wrong with taking an MBA

Isn't Business management just a diploma to get into the B.COM?

In spite of your Hitler dubs (Heil!), the value of an MBA is falling drastically, at least in my field. Back in the 80's everybody was getting them as a path to project management, and bigger bucks, of course. It was wasted money for most, as just a few years later it became all the rage to promote women above their heads into project management positions. Now they take young women 4 years out of college and prep them to be project managers. The director of engineering for my company worked for me in her second assignment out college.

I've noticed a high percentage of female IT managers lately. I thought this was supposed to be a male dominated field. Is this a recent trend?

Because they are mostly terrible technicians. Having females as management is the only way to shoehorn them in. The only decent female tech I know is some 400 pound landwhale that can't get away with being an actual human female.

I graduated yesterday with a law degreen and it's barely 125,000 in loans, I got 75,000 grant from the school over the three years. Undergrad I had no debt when I graduated. I can't fathom spending anywhere near that for an undergrad, no matter where it is.

I see. This sadly makes perfect sense.

It started in the 90's, and has only gotten worse. The first I remember was a project director for our client, a very well known and old company. She made the decision to outsource a big chunk of the engineering to New Delhi. It was a disaster of ebin proportion. They fired her. Her husband was a attorney. She sued for Sexual Discrimination, so they gave her back her job, and a raise, too.

Back then you had to be in your 50's at least, with 25 plus years real experience to manage a project. That only makes a world of sense to me. Of course, there were NO women who met those qualifications, so the standards had to be lowered. It's only been in the last 10 years that it really got out of hand. Now young women START work, and want to be project managers, right out of the gate, with no experience at all. They get put on a path to the role.

There's a project engineer in our task force who's just a joke, really, but I have no doubt I'll be working for her some day.

A project engineer just manages the design process, mostly budget and schedule. A project manager oversees the entire project, engineering, purchasing, and construction.

If I had to guess, probably because they won't have moms who work at the university they went to. So they didn't have any other choice.

NEETS figured out how to do that without debt. Actually a lot of them probably get paid, somehow.

For the most part this is very accurate. I've worked with only a couple of female designers in my time who were really good. Most are just a drag on the budget, and spend most of their time talking to their kids, or talking to someone about their kids. If they're single they spend most of their time talking up guys. They're slow and they do shitty work.

Most blacks are hired for EEOC bonus points, and all they have to do is show up. I've worked with one good black designer in all my years in the business. Black men are typically worse than white women.

I worked with a decent black guy programmer once. But he wasn't American. He was an alright guy. It was too bad that American nigger culture was beginning to influence him more and more over time. The American blacks in my CS courses were mostly shit by comparison.

That's called balkanization. When a nigger is by himself in a foreign place, he may or may not try to adjust to whatever kind of behavior and ethics the common populace does. When a few niggers gather together, they then all show their true unhinged selves and collectively chimpout ever after. Vid related.

Lately, I'm seeing a bunch of old timers (who fucked up planning for retirement) trying to get into IT. We just canned some old ass jew looking bitch since she needed help in doing the simplest of things. She also wouldn't shut up talking about her string of ex-husbands or her drughead NEET son. However, on her resume she was looked like hot shit.
Resumes are nothing but a pack of lies, if you aren't making yourself look like a demi-god you will lose out to those shitheads that do.

Easier is search for alternate means. You have the power of the internet. An investment into a 3d printer and some other things and you could make a business out of certain merchandise.

You're thinking of blackanization or something like that.
Balkanization is pic related

No it's literally the term for when the quality of a person/idea/group degrades analogously to the number of people sharing it/being in it. Doesn't only apply to niggers. I've never heard of the term being used in any other way, and that matters because I'm an actual Balkan.

Kendricks music is about transcending 'gangsta-shit' and finding meaning through God and family. You gotta pick your battles mate

Doing bretty good user, with proper homework a calculated risk pays off and you prosper.

This is sad and pathetic. Lying on resume should be highly stigmatized.

Maybe the term refers to the formation of Yugoslavia rather than its dissolution in Ustashaland?

This is the Merriam-Webster definition

Oy vey!

I don't know how many niggers understand that, judging by the comment section. They see a nigger (actually many niggers) in the White House, whatever their qualities, and all they think about is loudmouthing and chimping even more. And don't tell me Obama got him to play because he cares about God and family.

Formally, the definition is as you say. There's also an informal definition, used for different occasions.

Oh dam, didn't realize that was the white house. I s'pose my comment was a bit beside the point

This definition sounds pretty similar to the other to me. Not that I don't appreciate the concept you exposed, but this one is not the word for it

It's cool, I guess I'll have to use another term next time.

I hate it as much as you do, but it is what it is. Anyways, it's why interviews exist.

How about we just remove the Jews from power and allow White society to form naturally? Historically speaking, White women have always participated in society. Keeping women locked away in the basement is a semitic tradition. Europeans are better than that.

What if you can't? What if you can't deal with them? What if the challenges of life consume you entirely? What then? What happens when you fail? The consequences are permanent.

All your statements prove is that life should have never existed. Ever. The spice is too much, there is no sweet. There is no reward. There is nothing but Eternal Misery.

Ashes and Echoes

If you really believe that then you are free to kill yourself my man.

damn I love being a white man

On the plus side I suppose you could influence her to declare bankruptcy (although I don't think that works on government student loans) and ruin her credit and make her entirely dependent on you. Kind of a way of setting things straight. Although big daddy government would still always be there with the sweet, sweet offers of welfare, child support, and alimony, should she ever want to become a stronk independent woman again.

Oh hey, balkanize, that's the future of the United States.


All it took was keeping races segregated and women out of politics and we would not be having this problem.

post yfw no student loan debt but you have a college degree and work from home

MBA is one thing, having your undergrad in "business" means you're an idiot who goes to school to party aka network with other rich idiots. I'm taking a business leadership course as a technical elective and the people in there are drooling retards, 80% women with tons of makeup who spend class shopping for clothes on their macbook.

No idea what that even means


They're saying 21k because they're including lots of people going to a junior college while living with their parents.

I laughed way too hard at that, user


This whole thread is based on a report from American Association of University Women?

You idiots, this is just a ploy to get twats more invested in the 'muh free college for all' shit. Christ.



Yes, by spinning something that indicates their privileged position in society (not having to make financially sound or future looking decisions about their college education) as oppression.

You're right, thanks for nice share

Feminists yelling muh misogyny in 3…2…1…

inb4 "if you're against student loan forgiveness you're a misogamist"

these a juxtaposed in the same graphic as if there is something nefarious going on. Peoples careers are 30-40 years in a lot of STEM fields. Women have only started being big numbers in STEM schools in the past 10 years. 15 years ago when I graduated my Engineering class had about 10% women.

Fucking saved

Find a former fatty who knows how good she'll have it as your wife and mother to your children.

They need to impose 10,000 fee on the enrolled for filling the enrol form and must have 10,000 dollars in their account so that way it will deny many students that can't pay the student loans.

Assuming you are not a larping faggot you should really be dropping some honest redpills and advice to the younger guys in the thread. It would be appreciated.

Got any other life advice? Experiences worth sharing?


It's a variable you retard.

Perhaps the word you're looking for is stratification?
Although I'm personally more fond of the term "disseverment", meaning "to come apart: disunite". Doesn't carry the same Marxist baggage that "stratification" does.

Women confirmed for dumb holes only good for ejaculating on and in.

just like credit cards.

No shit women hold most of the debt. Most graduates are women. Plus women tend to get degrees that pay less (who'll pay the debt first, the gender studies girl who flips burgers or the electric engineer who actually learnt something for that money?).

MBAs are fine. Business Management undergrads aren't the same as MBAs.

t. Econ and businessfag

Nigger are you retarded?

It's an open secret that women cheat at my university. They literally have a discord server where they exchange answers and are willing to talk about it in front of professors. What can anyone do though? Accuse all the women in the major of cheating? So they basically get away with it because our major is so desperate for women. I hope they crash and burn in the workforce, but I'm sure they will be taken up as someone else's burden to hit a diversity quota. It's disgusting.

They also take 2/3 medical school slots and then practice half as many hours upon graduation, creating the doctor shortage that is contributing to the health care disaster.

Rule -1: Never trust anybody you cannot kill with minimal effort and with impunity.

Rule 0: Never be without a gun.

My electronic engineering degree collects dust on the bookshelf. H1Bs are a disease. They take jobs from you and can't poo in the loo. They would steal the shoes from your feet and drag their ass down Designated Shitting Street.

Mate I'm younger than you and even I can see women are like exotic cars. They're nice to look at, you wish you had one, but the pricetag to care and maintain it just ain't worth it. Not to mention it can be stolen.

Though the car can't leave of it's own accord.

…oh surely she couldn't be…

I got my ass is a lot of trouble in LS by asking the professor if it made any sense to have women in society work, since a women is never going to marry below her social standing (e.g, a guy who makes less than she) and so all that happens is more shekels end up concentrated in the hands of the very, very few. The Jewboy was not happy with me at all.

Funny enough, a few weeks later was watching "jordan Peterson" (yes, I know all that's fucking wrong with him) and he elucidating clearly exactly what I was getting at– women marry across and up social hierarchies, men marry across and down. A male lawyer will marry…a waitress id she's pretty enough. Try getting a female lawyer to marry a waitress.

What the Jews have done with women's rights—they've doubled the workforce, but real wages have remained stagnant since 1972. Add to this, women with high-paying jobs will only marry men with high paying jobs. So the Jews have successfully squeezed the middle class out of existence.

Higher education has failed. You should all push for universal debt forgiveness for education. A lot of social science departments should be shut down for teaching propaganda rather than knowledge.

How to fix it going forward, I don't know. perhaps a one time 3 year voucher for adult education.

Jews will never allow this as they are addicted to the money hoarding.

yeah well it going to get interesting when the golem of brain washed women and blacks realize they were sold an expensive bunch of BS opression and want to break the chains of debt. Maybe they will then see who the real (((enemy))) is.

because of:
shorter careers
lower average salary
more welfare consumption
longer retirement
women are *at best* a net zero on the tax payer.
Only men make a net contribution to the tax base.

If they are smart enough, then it will happen, however too many of them are idiots and it is easier for the Jews to control the idiots because the idiots are useful tools for them. If the debt bubble burst now then they will not survive for long and turn their backs on them. The problem is when? The bubble need to burst now.

I posted the wrong picture.

As someone who changed from Accounting (financial accounting is a bore so I swapped), I understand. In Australia the problem seems to be with kids fresh from high school. So far in Management, every group assignment has fallen on me because they're lazy, whereas in accounting everyone worked for the group. None have any interest in understanding even basic economics, accounting, financing, marketing, 'management', or law. It's not an issue strictly with women, men aren't much better.
Would you guys recommend getting an MBA or starting with a bachelor's and going back for it later?
Sage for not contributing to the thread.

Hello kike!
How's that suppression of hate working out for you?
What about that suppression of curiosity?

We'd be better off bioengineering a series of sphincters and tubes that can be consciously controlled to redirect sperm to the bladder.
The suppression of base human emotions creates broken humans. If continued for generations, you end up with now.

more news at 11

Stronger together.

Soros will happily fund and establish the (((Central American University))) goy; just remembah to send all your brightest shiksas and theah they will get quality (((free education)))

It's a predatory business and these (((people))) should be arrested for ethical misconduct by specifically targeting 17 and 18 year old kids with a lifetime debt slavery. Of course, we both know (((they))) will never face consequences. (((They're))) in bed with the government, of course. It's god damned disgusting.

Oh, what they don't tell you is the compounding interest, the steep charges for default, the fact that the servicers are the Comcast of finance, you need to apply and submit proof to get income based payments, and there are no fucking jobs. Literally the servicers are so bad the federal government is suing them, but they still give them the student loans to handle.

But good job blaming women for being systemically fucked by a crooked system. Yes, those silly women, why did they listen to their teachers, parents, advisors, statisticians, and government? It's clearly their own fault for taking advice from their parents at the ripe old age of 17.

Oy vey, goyim, hate those pesky women and scorn them, reminder don't ever get married and don't breed with them. Yes, goy, your waifu loves you. Let me sell you a daki and a figure.

I mean, I know Holla Forums is retarded, but we've been over this multiple times. Stop falling for kike gender division tactics. They are designed to stop you from breeding and kill your race.

Even god damned engineers are without work, you insufferable autists.

Women are, in and of themselves, not bad. I've been married for 25 years this year. The thing men have to remember is that women are children. They never really grow up. Treat them as such. No need to rub their noses in it and be a dick, just never forget they are emotionally stunted. Shit went off the rails when betas started treating them as dickless men.

Do setoff.


Well, for leafs anyway, I walked away from 150K (((debt))) and they still gave me credit cards and a mortgage. Stupid kikes.

Project management is what they call secretaries now. Feminism turned the girl who typed shit into spreadsheets all day from 30k / year admin to 175k / year "project management". Useless, all of them.

user, as I look back on my life, I keep saying to myself, "What the Hell was I thinking?" As a young man I was driven by my passions. Now that those passions have ebbed, I'm just an old cynic looking back on my life, wishing I had it all to do over again. If I were surrounded by my grandchildren, with a good wife, I wouldn't feel this way. I made bad choices, so here I am.

It wasn't as if I weren't completely surrounded by people who gave me advice I should have listened to, but didn't. My father, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles. My mother died when I was four, so I didn't have her.

I didn't listen to any of them until I turned 21, after 5 years of partying my ass off. Don't do that; that's one piece of advice I can give you. Any other advice I can give you, you probably already got from someone else, someone who loves you and cares about your future far more than you know right now. The rules to follow for a happy and fulfilling life are probably right in front of your face every day.

Don't go in debt, except in certain cases, such as starting a business, which other anons have pointed out, and buying a home, though that's not what it used to be. Save money, don't support the Jewish financial system of fractional banking and debt.

THINK about what you want from a marriage, and choose appropriately. Like is much more important in the beginning than love. Mutual respect and common goals are more important than being head over heels in love with someone. True love grows over time, it doesn't just happen out of thin air.

Love and try to respect your parents as human beings your whole life. This is similar to one of the Ten Commandments, and even though they're Jewish in origin, they are good fucking rules to live by. Unless your parents are leftist cuck filth, and you simply can't respect them. In that case, PRETEND to respect them, avoid fighting about your differences, and love them anyway. They're the only parents you're ever going to have. I love my father with all my heart, even though I disagree with him about quite a lot of things. Overall he's a very good man, and did his best by me.

The stock market is made for insiders, and unless you're an insider, don't play it. Doubtless there are some who can make money in the market, and if you're talented that way, by all means make that money. For most of us, though, it's simply gambling. Invest in real estate, bonds, or mutual funds. Start early, and discipline yourself with all your will to regularly pay yourself first.

Temptation, of all sorts, is part of the human condition. No matter how happy you are with one thing, or one person, you WILL be tempted, sometimes very greatly, to try something or someone else. Denying temptation makes one stronger, while giving into temptation makes one weaker, and ruins lives, in the case of relationships and marriages. I can't stress this enough. No marriage or relationship is perfect, but grass is always greener where it's well tended. If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, work on your grass.

Traditions are traditions for a damn good reason. Follow the traditions of YOUR people,whatever they are. Being a part of something greater than yourself is a necessary part of being a human being. It works best if you belong to what you're born to. This doesn't necessarily mean it's OK to trash the traditions of another, unless they directly threaten your own. An example would be Muslims, which most certainly do threaten Christian and Western Civilization, and the Jew, who threatens everybody who is not Jewish.

The rest is up to you, young man. LIVE your life. Take chances. Sometimes there's nothing to do but roll the dice. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. In most cases it's better to regret the things you did than the things you didn't do. In most cases, in fact. You have only one life, and it is yours to choose. Your life; your rules.

If life has taught me one overarching lesson, it's that some regrets are unavoidable. That's why I wrote what I did about them. At some point you're going to choose to go right, when you should have gone left, but you won't know that until it's too late. There's no such thing as an old man without regret. It just doesn't happen. Some just have fewer than others.

I'll leave this with an important note; the very happiest time in my life was when my children were young. Not even my own boyhood, which was spectacular, IMO, could hold a candle to the time when they were young. It was magic, though it didn't always feel that way at the time. No other part of my life holds so many golden memories, not by a long shot.


Can we all agree here that women's liberation was the biggest mistake of the 20th century? even worse the integration imo

probably in the form of some obscure muh vagina grant that can be applied retroactively

Good post, thank you. But please -

- lay off this stupid meme. There were no Jews after well after Jesus' death (after the Babylonian captivity, to be precise, when Talmudism became a thing). The correct word is "Hebrew", or "Israelitic", although "Judean" will do in a pinch.

INRI - Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum, only that "Iudaeorum" means "Judeans", not "Jews" - a very old and deep (((psy-op))).

Thank you.