Why all the hate for trots?

Why all the hate for trots?

What do they really stand for?

They're just stalinists with a different label. They are hated because stalinists are hated.

They split so much we'll never know.

They have mostly degenerated into being liberal college students, see

Theyre just less centralized Stalinists

This shit is worse than putting ketchup on your steak's

wtf i hate muke now

There's a ton of them at my uni, and from personal experience a lot of them are cringy id-polers. Like the other day I saw someone in the computer lab with a baggy shirt with a big red star on it, and a buddy of mine told me they were printing out fliers about trans/queer revolution or something that mentioned Trotsky.

Not to mention the whole "everything I don't like is Stalinism xd" thing. This one Trot girl I talked to told me both Maoist and modern China were Stalinist, and the USSR was still Stalinist even after Stalin's death. Trots put way too much time and effort into finding new ways to whine about Stalin.

MLs hate Trots because Trotsky shittalked Stalin, anarchists hate them because of Kronstadt and Makhno. That's like 90% of communists right there.

They're arch-sectarian. I'm voting for a Trot party this year but I understand how the constant overblown attacks on every other party as psuedo-left alienate other socialists.

Even when (as is sadly way too often the case) they're correct on a particular party or political line, they don't have an ounce of tact about it and wind up alienating half the people they'd otherwise pick off.

Trots talk shit on the Soviet Union much more than I feel any leftist should. More than anarchists, even. That's why I personally dislike them. Their influence in this regard has also been very damaging to the leftist cause in general. UK trots are a screaming example of this.

The're reputation as sectarians, a deserved one, also reflects how misguided and/or uncaring they are concerning and towards global leftism. Coming from a group who has as a central tenet the support of "world communism", the irony and hypocrisy of it becomes highlighted.

trots and anarchists, both never accomplishing anything, ever, whine over ML, which created the greates achievements of socialism in all of history and carried on for 40 more years through demontage by social democrats.

makes you think.

They get in my fucking nerves when they start blabing about the ""stalinist"" burocracy(without an actual argument of course) and spreading literally Nazi/Liberal propaganda about the USSR and actually existing socialist countries(even the ones that not even Trotsky thought tha would stick), in the end most of then are a bunch of anti communists/liberals that do more damage to revolutionary left than good.

they are lower tier, but it could be worse

What uni?

I don't know any other socialists at my school except this one autistic Maoist.

Trots are like Holla Forumstards. They endlessly complain about the thing they constantly take part in while not offering any serious position as to what they want differently.

Trotskism advocated for a perpetual revolution, basically the precursor to the critical theory.

Feminism, special snowflakery and oppression olympics was endorsed by Trotsky.

That's why he got the icepick.

Which was more less nothing.

Not even a trot but this is pathetic tbqh

The problem with trots is that they fall into exactly the same kind of "great man theory" as MLs (i.e. Stalinists).

"Everything worked great until dear leader went away."

Here's the kicker: it's not even a question if Lenin/Trotsky/Stalin/Mao/Hohxa whomever, "planned" (because our party have some great insight into the wondrous mind of these living gods) to establish socialism, or if it really was socialism but was then taken over by the bureaucracy/revisionists/ultra-leftists/Stalinists whatever.

A dictatorship of the proletariat can, by it's very definition, not be overtaken by any shadowy minority, as it's very purpose is to tear down the domination of means of production by an elite.

If your "dictatorship of the proletariat" could be subverted in this manner, it never existed, the theory has proven itself a failure. It's not more complicated than that.

The ones that belive this shit are actually anti-communist. We defend Stalin for the ideas that he represented about socialism/transition to communism and the the evidences don't support the narratives of the crimes that he supposedly commited(a trots love to keep spread lies to push their agenda).

You're and idealist/ignorant in history if you belive that. The party members were the first voluntaries to fight and die agaist the Nazi, consequently leaving a great number of positions to fill, and after the war most of the new members were very weak in theory, and had let themself get persuaded by the revisionists(mainly Bukarins works), even with Stalin's last efforts to dissuade them(Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR).

Stopped reading there

It's true. Did you ever read the works of Trotsky?

Actually, if you talk about the letter of the communism, there is nothing wrong with a Marxist being publicly fucked by a donkey for recreation.
Since the family is to be abolished and the children should be raised by the commune, there is literally nothing wrong with that.

So Trotsky actually took that to the extremes and advocated promiscuity (glass of water theory) and propagated the oppression Olympics to the lesser nations of Russian Empire (Latvians, Jews, Ukrainians etc).

Is literally the basis of anti-Stalinism. Stop projecting.

No. Why would you even think that? There is no magic involved in Marxism. That's Popper level of Historical Materialism.

Didn't know there was Nazis in fucking Siberia.
Yeah well, actually believing in communism was kind of harmful to your health in those days.

Neither is a bureaucratic elite supported by a personality cult. My critique is against the very fact that the centralisation of power into the nomenclature made any "dictatorship of the proletariat" stillborn. You're continued propagation of re-doing it will be the fucking farce of the tragedy that was the USSR (had you even the slightest political influence enough to impact anything in the first place, that is).

Good job, not even a single argument, only empty shit trowing(like a true Trot).

I'm not even a Stalinist or Maoist, but 90% of the arguments I see against it are so lame.


Trotsky wasn't terrible, and I like some of his writings, like Literature and Revolution and In Defense of Marxism. Most hate probably comes from after his exile - some of it unfounded (criticisms of stalin) and some of it justified (Lenin's testament).

Trotskyites tend to take one of the biggest problems of the left, sectarianism, and put it in overdrive. There's a reason there are so many splitter groups that adhere to trotskyism.

The personality cult is fucking weird. From what I've read, both Lenin and Stalin knew about and hated their cult like following. Similar shit with Breshnev, but to a much lesser degree.

You just have to remember that quote.

"That Stalin guy is pretty based, fam."
- MARX, Karl & ENGELS, Friedrich, The Communist Manifesto

I think we must ponderate things, and have a balanced view of Stalin. Because he did some things right, but others must be criticized.

For example, during his time abortions became illegal. That was okay. The problem is that only the doctor who made the procedure was jailed. While the mother should go to jail as well.

Homossexuals received a sentence of 5 years in jail. Although homossexuals really should be jailed, the sentence should be longer.