Daily reminder that under socialism you would only need to work 3 hours a day and you wouldn't be suffering sunday...

Daily reminder that under socialism you would only need to work 3 hours a day and you wouldn't be suffering sunday depression.

Whereas under capitalism I work zero hours, and suffer depression erry day.

I already work very little. Capitalism has done what communism never could.

This is why we need gulags

I had the most beautiful dream where I died and then I didn't have to work any more.

I work less than the average worker in any socialist state in history. And the work is easier too. There is really no need to work a lot in modern capitalist society. People just choose to do it because they are consumerist whores who want to status signal with luxury items.

Less work is basically the only reason I support socialism. Fuck work

We need to emphasize this more often in propaganda,

You have to be baiting

Never work.

t. drunk french philosopher Guy

Some of us don't have a choice

It isn't bait. There is literally no reason to work a full time job today. You can get by on part time easy as long as you don't waste all your money in dragon dildos or whatever crap you like to buy.

There are plenty of problems with capitalism, but having to work too much isn't one of them.

We should be capping weekly working hours imo.

As it is I work 12 hour shifts and I'm very happy to do my 36 hours in 3 days with the rest of the week off, rather than doing 36 hours over 4 days or 35 hours (7 hour shifts) over 5 days.

Is there a reason why most people (in the UK anyway) want to work 9-5 or 8 hours a day even?

and that is why syndicalism will win. Join a union right now and strike untill the workday is 6 hours

And if you really don't want to work:

You're wrong. My 60 year old dad has to work full time as a teacher and won't ever be able to retire because we lost all our money in the great recession.

God you're a moron.

I like your optimism.

I work part time at a gas station, the rent at a local apartment is like 450………….I made 140 in 2 weeks.

More like he wastes his money on unnecessary luxury goods.

Don't live in an apartment then. Or get roommates. I lived in the national park in a tent for very cheap.

So people not living frugal lives justifies their value being stolen from them by a porquine exploiter?

Seems legit.

How low are you setting your lifestyle standards mate?

I guess I could work part-time too (let's assume minimum wage because most part-time work barely pays more than that if it does) if I ate bulk dry vegetarian foods and grew my own pot instead of buying from dealers and buying alcohol.

Oh and I certainly couldn't afford my own apartment, as it is I house-share on the crap side of town, I could do worse, but that's one reason alone why I have to work full time. I'm sharing one toilet with 4 other people, I don't need to discuss the other amenities.

this bait is too obvious

Labor theory of value is false.

And there is nothing wrong with theft either way. Morality isn't real.

you arent real

Obviously alcohol and weed are unnecessary luxury items.

and there's nothing wrong with the majority acting in there own self interest (seizing dat MOP)

You're seriously denying that if workers owned their own business instead of working for someone else they wouldnt make more? That is provably false. Look up co-ops. Look up self employment.

Also it doesnt fucking matter if theft is wrong or not, it's just that it benefits a larger ammount of people if it doesn't happen. Also, if everyone had better living conditions due to removing this exploitation then there would be a lot more scientific advancement. Not to mention, in a socialist society, there would be much less work per person in general because there would be no reason for artificial unemployment to exist. That means everyone would have more free time and thus there would be way less uneducated people.

I'd also have genetically engineered cat girls at my disposal too. Fuck this shit.

Which doesn't matter. Your belief that it matters is a moral stance. That I ought to care about what "benefits a larger amount of people." But again, Morality isn't real and I don't care if some people I don't know or care about benefit from something.

Correct. But they never will. It is a fantasy.

And this doesn't follow. It just means there would be more obese people watching tv and smoking weed erryday. People won't just spontaneously decide to educate themselves for no reason, especially if all their needs are already met. Only a very small handful of autists would do that.

I laid out material benefits that it grants tho. Its not about morals, its about creating a more technologically advanced society. Also, as an anarchist, I think it also creates a more free society.

The bottom line is it would have benefits for your class, therefore, if you dont support it, you are a traitor to your class or have a delusion that you can escape your class.

I don't benefit from it. My life is already good. I have no desire for further goods or technology.

Enjoy your state crackdown


It only makes sense to become bourgeois if you want to not work and have the ability to do so. Being a poorfag proletariat because you want to maintain your commie street cred while simultaneously complaining about how much you need to work is dumb.

They don't do that anymore. They just ship in a bunch of Somalians to replace you.

not everyone is an antisocial basementdweller that has a mommy bringing him doritos and mountain dew downstairs

some people have friends and family and want to actually live life


not him, but I need money to things like practice martial arts, maybe go kayaking or something. Since when does consumerism = doing fun things?

There is a zone between watching the latest capeshit movie buying all the merch and using that as the basis of one's social life and eating potatoes in a $300/month basement, and spending your glorious free time strolling the streets when not shitposting on chinese claymation forums. Both are lifestylism tbh.


I work like 21 hours a week for a charity shop just to have something to do and I don't even get paid a cent. End my life.

Damn, yet another wonderful achievement of capitalism! How will Holla Forums ever recover?

luckily we have the useful ideotites from Holla Forums

But I enjoy working, it fulfills my needs and has taught me the value of labor. I have become a lot more patient and simply see it as another part of my everyday life.


Your spirit has been broken and you have been taught to enjoy your slavery. I am truly sorry for you.