Is objectification of women (or men) an actual problem or just a meme issue?

Is objectification of women (or men) an actual problem or just a meme issue?

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Capitalism commodifies the male and female form and it must be stopped.

also pls no ban this is sfw

The recuperation of relaxing morality around sex creating bad workers/ family men could be effected by tying sexual success to commercial success, and the search for more marketable commodities could make pornography and prostitution more acceptable, yes.
Not really a standalone problem, maybe it intensifies the substitution of fetishism for love, creates alienation, intensify the spectacle and so on.

I think a more exact term would be "commodification". There's nothing wrong with objects.

women do not exist
read Lacan

Porky tells says your body is shit into one ear, and that you should buy his products to fix that in your other one.

I did actually read lacan. The fact that there is no sexual relationship etc does not say anything about this issue

What do you mean by objectification? Men and women are objects. People often view other people as sexual objects for pleasure, although everyone wants to be appreciated as their intelligence or humour and not their attractiveness.

Is it a problem? It would be a problem if people felt that society viewed them as nothing but sexual objects, and that upset them (people being unhappy is generally a bad thing, before someone says 'muh feels'). Do I think it's a problem? In some aspects, yes, since there are industries that revolve around sexual pleasure, but not all, and it's the commodification of our sexual desires and our thoughts on pleasure and the objectification of whomever we choose, that is the problem.

People economically forced to treat themselves as sexual objects rather than full humans is the issue. Capitalism is the issue, and only by getting rid of capitalism will sexual objectification stop being a problem and just be a natural part of our desires.

Nice my lacanian brother
No it is only problem to those who cling to a false human category to the others it is not.

objectification of race, gender etc… is the best cure to stupidity for its show that you are not the whole of that category but something else entirely

How many layers of being wrong are you in comrade ?

None until you can tell me why. Are humans not things that can be seen and touched?

on how many layers of realism are you in comrade ?

It doesn't matter if it's real or not, if you can see it or touch it (false sense of touch and sight counts, since it's just our perception of what touch and sight are) then it's an object. A false object or a real one, it doesn't matter.

Its a symptom of the influence of capitalism on our culture and our ways of interacting with eachother.

Little Quote here from Bookchin

There are several factors that play into the sexual impoverishment we experience in this society. If we look into its origins, of course, the institutions of marriage and the family and the imposition of patriarchal social structures are significant, and their role cannot be ignored. But in the present at least here in the so-called West, the strength of these institutions has greatly diminished over the past several decades. Yet sexual impoverishment has not. If anything, it has become more intense and desperately felt.

The same process that has led to the weakening and gradual disintegration of the family is what now upholds sexual impoverishment: the process of commodification. The commodification of sexuality is, of course, as old as prostitution (and so nearly as old as civilization), but in the past five decades, advertising and the media have commodified the conception of sexuality. Advertisements offer us charismatic sexiness, bound to lead to spontaneous passion in deodorant sticks, toothpaste dispensers, perfume bottles and cars. Movies and TV shows sell us images of the ease with which one can get beautiful people into one’s bed. Of course, if one is gorgeous and charismatic oneself—and so the deodorants, perfumes, gyms, diets and hair gels sell. We are taught to desire plastic images of “beauty” that are unattainable because they are largely fictitious. This creation of unattainable, artificial desires serves the needs of capital perfectly, because it guarantees an ongoing subconscious dissatisfaction that can be played on to keep people buying in the desperate attempt to ease their longing.

The commodification of sexuality has led to a kind of “liberation” within the schema of market relationships. Not only does one frequently see sexual relations between unmarried people on the big screen, but increasingly homosexuality, bisexuality and even a bit of kinkiness are achieving some level of acceptability in society. Of course, in a way that suits with the needs of the market. In fact, these practices are transformed into identities to which one more or less strictly conforms. Thus, they come to require much more than the practice of a particular sexual act. An entire “lifestyle” comes to be associated with them, involving conformity, predictability, specific places to go, specific products to buy. In this way, gay, lesbian, bi, leather, s/m and b/d subcultures develop which function as target markets outside of traditional family and generational contexts.

In fact, the commodification of sexuality places all forms of sexual practice in a context of products for sale at a price. In the sexual marketplace, everyone is trying to sell himself to the highest bidder while trying to purchase those who attract her at the lowest price. Thus, the association of sexuality with conquest, competition, struggles for power. Thus, the absurd games of playing hard to get or of trying to pressure the other into having sex. And thus, the possessiveness that so often develops in ongoing “love” relationships—after all, in the market regime, doesn’t one own what one has purchased?

Have you ever tried being a subject?

Fixed that for him.

What is the most likely family structure that will replace what we have? Clans occupying rented properties that were designed for families of four?

Anyone who thinks that it is is so steeped in idpol that they are beyond hope.

It becomes a problem when you don't accept that men and women's bodies as sexual objects aren't the entirety of their beings, and you don't recognize the subject, their ego, their own self.

commodification of bodies is a real problem

Hi, Hot Wheels.

Sauce on the webm plz

Much as the remarks above regarding the capitalist usage of the human form as a marketing tool are entirely correct, they all miss the fact that this is not' what feminists mean by the term sexual objectification.

The feminist uses the term to mean men look at her only as an object for sexual activity and not as a human being. Insofar as that usage is concerned, the concept is really a pointless tirade against lust and therefore a meme issue.

Nicki Minaj

Objectification causes people to look at others, mainly women, as less than human. It is similar to racism in that way so yeah it's a problem.


Objectification of people is only bad when it affects labour, period. There is no reason why it would be a bad otherwise.


I'm not even sure what feminists mean when they "look at someone as a human being, not an object". Their entire conception of human relationships seems hopelessly idealistic.

TIL Immanuel Kant was a feminist.

I didn't say that.

Yeah I'm gonna need sauce on these webms for… Research purposes

Does a human being have a higher purpose than this?

He was also a real pissant.

What exactly is he saying here? That "woman" as we understand it does not exist because we distinguish women apart from men based on the absence of a phallus, and the phallus is purely symbolic?

What's the difference between the actual penis and the symbolic phallus?

He was saying that, in the absence of timestamped tits, there can be no girls on the internet.

Complete meme issue. People have been "sexualizing" each other since the dawn of humanity. Some of the earliest cave paintings were of naked women. Far beforr capitalism ever existed. Just because capitalism took advantage of it doesn't mean it created it. We're a sexually dimorphic species with no mating period. Of course sex is big part of what we think about in our daily lives. Obviously that's reflected in our media.

OP, pls give sauce. Or at least a name

Why is it less than human to be considered a sexual object? Surely sexuality, desire, and pleasure are all human traits?

'Objectification' doesn't cause us to look at people as sexual objects, since objectification IS when we consider people as sexual objects, and there is nothing inhuman about that, really.

Objectification is the effect of capitalism, and the commodification of our bodies, once the prokies go, other problems attached to it will dissolve as well.

Being sexually attractive to other humans is an inherently human trait you idiot.

Human nature is a spook and does not exist.

Well, it depends what you mean by that. Desire for beauty is not a problem. In fact, it should be encouraged. Today there are too many fatties. Ideally they would be sent to do hard labor until their body fat percentage got under control.

There problem is denying other aspexts of the person or only focusing on one thing like sex appeal. There is also the problem of oversexualization. This is due to sex saturation in media and advertising. Ideally all entertainment media would be illegal and only nature documentaries would be shown on state-owned TV. Ideally advertisement would be illegal.

There are a lot more problems in sex relations though.

meme issue. I work out tbh, so I'll do what I want, when i want.

Still waiting for sauce on that

Sorry guys, I don't have sauce, got it from the porn boards on 4chan.

Forgot to remove shitposting flag lmao

This. To think otherwise is moralism and mystification which is directly contrary to scientific socialism.

Humans don't have any purpose.

Guess i should've expected shit tastes coming from someone who gets them from a cucked site
Remember when you're there type in: ==Benjamin== Fischbein
To unlock the secret cuck code

I want the nihlists to leave.

we should embrace sexuality as a good and fun thing else we'll never make it safe. The repression of sexuality is why there's problems with it.

If people want to be sexual objects that's fine but no one should be forced into anything of the sort.

