>tfw im trying to get my deeply religious catholic friend into socialism

Is distributism going to do it?


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Hit em with some Tolstoy.


"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need."

Acts 2:42-45

There's a couple sayings from Jesus about how you can't serve two masters: God and money as well.

that's really fucking spooky mate

So should I just tell him money is root of all evil and we should get rid of it trough communism?

some people are just spooked this way, he's a very nice guy tho just a bit of a christian moralist :)

First you talk about Pope Francis, then you talk about the role of the Catholic Church in Latin America, then you talk about the theology of liberation.

christianity has revolutionary potential. There will be many who would be willing to fight capitalism if only they can be convinced that's what Jesus wanted. The same cannot be said about an obscure meme philosopher.

That's true as well, but there are plenty of christian writers who have taken christianity to it's logical anticapitalist conclusion, Tolstoy being one of the most famous. If you really want to convince him, the resources are there.

(liberation theology is also dope I've heard though admittedly I'm not that familiar with it)

In fact, if you read the Gospels in the New Testament you'll find plenty of lefty shit.



What's Wrong with the World by G K Chesterton is going to do very well, specially the chapter about the enemies of property.
But still after that it'll take your friend a while to become class concious, just don't go full fedora and allow him to be a religious socialist.

How much more convincing does he need when the Pope comes right out and says that Capitalism is an immoral system?

yeah but he is not sure what to replace it with
he doesn't like that there are so many atheist socialist who are acting amoral (according to him)

also Wilde's essay on socialism draws a connection between socialism and the teachings of Jesus.

And Rebel made a decent video on christianity and socialism. Both of those should be pretty quick to get through if you're not interested in investing a lot of time christian anticapitalist lit at the moment.

bless you Papa Francis

Tried Not Socialism?

Just woke up, meant Not Socialism

Tell your friend to read Eagleton and MacIntyre.

then make him an atheist first

Catholics tend to be Socialists already.

what if I have the same issue except the friend is a Muslim?

Never heard of this work before? Is it a short essay or something? I dont support his ideas but his writing is so fucking amazing that you just cant hate that guy. Like a comfy fat uncle that bullshits around but in an super artistic way.

No reason to. The teachings of Christ are inherently socialist. There's a reason the early church banned usury.

Its a book and each chapter adresses a different issue, its sort of a distributist manifesto but lots of leftist stuff can be lift off it specially that chapter I mentioned about the enemies of property.
He argues that if private property is a natural right then hoarding wealth and the MoP is against natural law.


Start by asking how do communities of Muslims work, how does inheritance work according to Islamic law, how tithes are collected and redistributed, what does Islam teach on work and solidarity, etc.

Then you talk about capitalism as seen from Muslim's eyes.

Tell him about Sultan Galiev.

Look up Liberation Theology.