Non-linear warfare & russian politics, an adam curtis hypothesis. Has trump adopted the ideas

A few yrs back, adam curtis put out a short film investigating the emergence of non linear warfare in the realm of politics, a technique that he attributes with the Russian political scientist vladislav cerkov. (Vid related)

At the time it was a very interesting hypothesis, the fact that a technique for getting things done politically could revolve around creating as much discord as possible in order to more easily push an agenda, stemming from the fact that in this chaotic environment, the public would become factually overwhelmed as true discernment of correct narratives approaches an impossibility.
This isnt really a completely novel concept as many who have lurked here long enough will be able to see the similarities between what curtis calls non linear warfare and other functioning interest groups.

But what resonated with me the last time i watched the curtis short on non linear warfare, is how similar it is to politics in 2016-2017 america. American politics have always been very hectic, but anyone paying attention can see that we have seemingly entered into a time of exponentially increasing chaos, as every other day there is some new bombshell breaking news. To the average american, they are simply overwhelmed and have begun to check out.

My question to Holla Forums is, has this been by design? Or is this newfound chaos purely organic in nature. If the chaos is not organic, who is benefitting the most if it really is the case that its causing the majority of Americans to "check out" politically.

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First post every time.

If by my stupid theory you mean the hypothesis of an adam curtis documentary then yeah sure. Watch the video its only 4 mins, but its a pretty interesting theory.

There was a thread last week discussing what legislation was getting passed amid all this chaos. If trump really is using these non linear techniques, then that really is what we should be doing every now and then as the more people check out amid the overwhelming chaos, the easier a time trump will have passing controversial bills.

fifth generation warfare bro

do you even realize you're just part of a cell structure that's been carefully crafted over years?

Probably a bit of both. Hedge funds and institutional investors, for example, are well positioned to take advantage of chaotic situations.

On the other hand, the managerial class seems to be spending a lot of its political capital going after Trump.

You are giving Trump far too much credit. You can't have non-linear warfare when you hand power back over to those you are suppose to be fighting against. The key difference with what Cerkov did was that while while creating confusion and seemingly making all kinds of contradictory decisions the power was never exchanging to different groups or people and was always with Putin.

Trump had a chance in theory to do this, but it only works if the power is is weakened from the current "deep state" and consolidated to Trump and the new power structure he was suppose to represent. If anything it would be easier to make an argument for Trump muddying the waters by pretending to be against the deep state, clinton, jews etc. which im sure isn't what you want to make. so the answer is NO.

As far as increasing chaos it's been this way for a while now. Do you just not understand that the media chooses what chaos to report on when and if it fits their agenda? There is no difference between organic and inorganic chaos unless you want to argue another alien species coming to earth and creating manufactured events and chaos. What you have is simply groups that build up rhetoric, subversion, and then create problems to push their own agendas. How much reporting was being done on South Korea and impeached pres park? What kind of reporting is being done on The growing crisis of south africa that is sure to blow up? The reporting is being filtered.

The average american is an idiot. The vast majority hasn't checked out they are just stupid and don't know what to do or where to turn and simply decide that it's not important. It's easier for the media to blast depressing and confusing news of all kinds from every direction until the average person decides it is too much work to check their sources and judge things for themselves and instead relegate judgement to the media. That is the entire point of propaganda and non-linear warfare.

Yes when the Democrats say "Trump is working with the russians" that is what they mean, the "trump people" are using that algorithm.

Speaking of journalism. The BuzzFeed style of interjecting politics in between minutia top 10 articles about cats to normalize radical politics has been cooked up in some Jewish alphabet laboratory but a whole generation of people has internalized it and second generation BuzzFeeds have been created like Cracked and whatever dime a dozen leftard rags exist. BuzzFeed probably isn't the originator of this style but you get my point.

Aye, one that is still being crafted and molded. Why else have the many exodus, why else have it dispersed across many platforms, why else do it on the lion king generation who were told to "remember who they are!" Why else attack the video games, one of the few things that could have kept us docile and unaware for generations, why else sell the media to the jews, why else glorify hitlers germany, why else do all of those things that developed and brought each of us here?

Part of one plan and a warning is outlined in the lion king.


Its been years since I've seen the lion king, do you mind expanding a bit?

The Lion King is a retelling of Hamlet with anthropomorphized animals, so I guess the conspiracy goes back to Shakespeare.

This will not be a full discourse on it since one could spend hours on it.
The lion king starts with paradise of each animal together only with its kind and separate from the others under the domain of the lion with the support of the eastern religion represented by the monkey, he has the real power since the king handed him his newborn son to present under the sun to the segregated animals.

Then his jealous brother of the darker races tricks him with mind tricks and his son into dying under the scared masses. Only his son gets away and goes into exile.

The darker brother and his dark dumb allies live high on the hog from the previous work of all the animals which have now been mixed together and are miserable under the dark rule.

The light child is off in exile and grows up alone with other rejects and until he gains his understanding, pride, and female.

The now adult light lion challenges the dark and scared leader and restore the golden age where each animal is together with its own type.

This is a story told in different ways through history. Even Hamlet is another version. Hope someone finds this interesting enough to dig into too. Lots of ways it could go but this is one.

You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes user.

Yes it is, there are other groups that go back that far which exist today and are openly acting against us.

Yes, it is a multi layered story with significant depth that can be exceptionally illuminating. All told to a generation of children and subliminally implanted ideas which they will later think are their own.

Why are all the animals in groups of 3-4?

divide and conquer
perfectly valid tactic
worked for Julius Caesar

Yeah, there are some aspect of this tactic to Trump's approach.
But you have to understand that the media are downright idiotic due to nespotism and mental sickness preference in the apparatchiks.
He doesn't have to use advanced tactics like these when he can just bait them on shit that he released himself. Maybe in the next elections when the left regroups.
Currently, he's just picking off the rout.

Well fug.

Mother, Father, Son, Daughter?

IDK lad I seem to see 4 bucks together male deer


here you go OP

Top meme, and dubs to boot. Well done.

Disney stolen Lion King's story from japanese cartoon called Kimba the white lion.


Lion King is literally Hamlet

I think we have our answer; pic related.

it's not chess

Im sorry but i just cant buy into the theory that all of this is staged in order to bring about some nth order reaction down the line. Creating chaos in order to act unopposed, yes, i mean isnt that the jews game for the past 1000 yrs? I can believe that.

But to believe that the entire progression of the past 20 yrs was in some way crafted by people who are on our side, or even ideologically close, is just too much. I could never believe that short of seeing the evidence first hand.

Either propaganda or inexcusable stupidity. 100% disregarded.

not on our side, for sure.

And "crafted" is too strong a word. Socially engineered would be more like it.

This explains the incestuous relationship between Burning Man (which is admittedly a socially engineered experience), Silicon Valley / Technocracy / Military PSYOPS.

Society is being engineered, not for the good of the people. Farm animals aren't prodded and sterilized for their own good.

The video just spreads more non-linear crap it claims others spread.