Man your battle stations, we must fight off the rapefugees.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/947/499/634.jpg&imgrefurl=http:/https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://21facesinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/god-emperor-trump.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4ao8b7/who_of_you_did_this_trump_is_now_officially_god/&docid=_1TEtkqFqXPZFM&tbnid=VsIj5TuEI85sbM:&vet=10ahUKEwjVzqLe6P3TAhVp74MKHbR0ADQQMwgwKAMwAw..i&w=734&h=950&bih=648&biw=842&q=trump god meme&ved=0ahUKEwjVzqLe6P3TAhVp74MKHbR0ADQQMwgwKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8/knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/adolf-hitler&docid=CB6AXUd4A43NtM&tbnid=irrkcXgERGNTrM:&vet=10ahUKEwicq6DX5_3TAhXq5IMKHZupDS0QMwhMKBYwFg..i&w=1024&h=576&bih=696&biw=1366&q=hitler meme&ved=0ahUKEwicq6DX5_3TAhXq5IMKHZupDS0QMwhMKBYwFg&iact=mrc&uact=8
youtube.com/watch?v=DFrJF-noN7A&ytbChannel=Sleepwalk No More

Redditor here, wherever I go, I must rape


someone there must've dumped some Seth Rich info a few minutes ago.

This is the next step in fully subverting T_D into what the Bernie sub became. SRS / Spez will now slowly turn T_D into an anti Trump pro marxist sub and in the process give Trump and his supporters a bad name

What is going on now is not organic at all, Ohsnap is a shill and this is almost certainly an excuse to fully take over the sub.

Ur fucked

Well, shit.

Send them to /trump/.

Last thread before they went dark. archive.is/EoAsu

It's almost as if they didn't learn their lesson the first time when they made a woman the top mod.

Get ready for this now:

r/politics top post: Even The_Donald is starting to turn on Trump

r/news top post: T_D top mods are in agreement that Trumps Russia ties are enough for impeachment

Do not let these faggots push their Milo-loving bullshit.

Halfchan Holla Forums has already fallen under heavy siege, it's more or less unusable in its current state.

are you trying to say the Bernie subreddit wasn't Marxist bullshit from the beginning?

I am saying that even though Bernie is a communist retard that would have destroyed America the original sub was pro Bernie and anti DNC, anti Hillary. Once it got taken over it became pro DNC/Hillary.

At least they never tackled the JQ otherwise they might have found themselves under attack.

Maybe we can redpill rapefugees.

I have debated posting this but I am Kelsey Murka. Seth was a great boyfriend but we were in a horrible fight that night because I was out with friends drinking out of town and he didnt want me to. He went and got drunk at some other bar and then went home. I was on the phone with him when he was shot. It was pretty loud and he didn't hang up but after that there wasn't any sounds besides the phone being dropped and cries of pain. I dont know if he was leaking to Wikileaks or not but I do know he was a very altruistic person and that he liked to visit the bar Lou's when he had to work because it had good Wireless Internet.

I feel like shit about this, he got super drunk because we were in a huge fight and maybe he did something he shouldnt have that gave him away because he thought our relationship was over and was copiously drinking and depressed.

If you "investigators" want to look somewhere the Wireless Internet at Lou's City Bar is where to look. Might have been destroyed or replaced by now though.

all fronts under assault. wild shills everywhere. sky is literally falling. msm full tilt dmg control with shit stories about nothing new fbi director coming soon special prosecutor selected. . holy hell anons.


All they had to do was not use reddit. How is this so fucking hard?


Why don't they go after leddit admins? Not that I care about E-drama at all.

About 50 people are responsible for the DNC leaks and none of them are Russian.

By Kek, that is absolutely horrifying.

archive or fake

It is as if /the_donald was set up only for election. Now when it is over it has no more use.

Redditor here, where I go, I must



Ya know… If you post your tits, we'd be more convinced its you and probably more-willing to help you.

that's what they're saying on voat. a pinned seth rich post triggered them. Lots of people are having their entire posting history deleted by admins.

plebbitors please go to voat, everyone is there posting right now


I shitposted in T_D once with a throwaway. "Ban this sexist hate-meme!". I was promptly banned, mods ignored my request.

They made their beds, let them lie in it. They can go to voat or halfchan or fuck back off to whatever new trendy thing will grab their attention, they've been vaccinated against liberalism at least. It's almost best if they never find a home and remain a roving band of belligerents. A more modern scapegoat than our ancient homeland

Even though T_D is full of retards it was still a pro Trump / anti muslim invasion sub. Losing a place that gets 10's of millions of visitors a month is not good news.

I've been following CTR and ShareBlue's activity on Reddit over the last year. They use bots to bring their chosen stories to the top, they also use bots to bury and pro-Trump story site-wide.

Honestly if you want to trigger those fuckers make one pro-Trump thread on /r/Politics and have it actually get upvoted and contain a lot of pro-Trump comments. That literally never happens there. It's kinda faggy to ask people here to post on Reddit or brigade a thread though so I'm not suggesting it.

It would be trivially easy for that many people to have founded their own platform where this wouldn't have been a problem. There was no reason to be on reddit.

The reality is they are cucks and know if they had their own platform they couldn't have censored it under the auspices of complying with reddit standards. They would have to have made their own arguments for enforcing politically correct speech codes and been roundly mocked for it.

And btw, you can ban VOAT from google/facebook/twitter but you cant do that to reddit. T_D spread the Seth Rich bombshell to too many people so they've decided to fully take over T_D and risk the massive loss of users.

Since 8ch.pl is what you get when you Google "Holla Forums", they'll probably go over there.

I was a pretty active shitposter on r/The_Donald prior to Trump winning.

Used to cross post stuff from the chans to Reddit during the election frenzy and wracked up 20,000 karma commenting and over 45,000 karma posting.

Then I stopped using it, I mean what the fuck was the point right, after Trump was elected.

It seemed to devolve into a circle-jerk.

Then went in and used it two months after the inauguration and was promptly banned by the Mods on r/The_Donald.

Reddit is a cesspool of conformity.

Now I'll occasionally visit the history or science subs to see whats going on but IMO the whole place sucks.

I am perpetually baffled why businesses destroy their product for the sake of being politically bias.

Reddit was always a place for incredibly those with a tendency to be on the asinine side but some years ago it was interesting enough for a normalfag. There “humour” was intolerable (comparable to that of a todder, repeating the same sound over and over and over and over again and then laughing manically) but the site contained some actual debate. Some useful posters who offered genuine insight, they had an OK thing going.

Now the site is literally just a propaganda front. They handed the keys over to the most horrid of hardline progressive leftists and allowed them to abuse their customer base whilst simultaneously shutting down any attempt at conversation. They sacked popular members of staff and promoted hated ones. The whole site is now just people calling the President a poopy pants.

Why would anyone do that to a business? Aren’t their (((money people))) around making sure that these things don’t get fucked up beyond repair? Or was the whole site bought off to be utilised as a propaganda front?

The Bernie subreddit was taken away from Bernie supporters and given to Hillbots and Share Blue types. But that is what reddit does. It lets groups they don't approve of grow a community, and then they send in their own and subvert the community, in the hopes they will convert people to their side.

Reddit is not a reliable place to build a community. If the admins don't like you, they will just take your community from you and inject their own people who agree with them to change your old community to what they want it to be.

Their treatment of T_D is proof that, if you're a moderator on reddit, if you step out of line, you will be treated unfairly and your community you've built up over years will be taken away from you overnight.

It would be trivially easy to ban a particular subreddit. I guarantee you the software being used doesn't care about domain and is a simple word filter.

Actually, it kind of is.

See, now they have to go someplace else to get their right-wing shitlord fix. They can't just say on the Jew-shithole that is reddit and just go over to some cuckservative forum every so often to shitpost Pepes. They'll have to go elsewhere. Some will end up on places cuckchan. Some will end up on TRS or Stormfront or some other shit. And a very few will find they way here. Unfortunate for us, in that we have to deal with their faggotry, but, in the long run? Worth it, in theory, at least.

And in turn, reddit becomes EVEN MORE of a hugbox - the Donald Trump shit was an area they were maintaining, thus granting them a bit of clout. Without it? They're one step closer to becoming tumblr - a den of weirdos that others look at with utter disdain, filled with increasingly shrill, increasingly insane people: Basically, it becomes the government HQ in a Communist state, where everyone is walking on eggshells out of fear of saying the wrong thing, and, if able, eventually flee in desperation and despair.

There is not a single cuckservative shitstain cuckpile that is worthy of existence - and if we have to deal with the overflow when such a place crashes and burns, good fucking riddance.

Hey, redditor fucksticks: WELCOME TO THE HURTBOX.
Get out while you can.

given the way reddit is designed and how it turns you into a virtue signalling retard who cares more about getting nods and brownie points than telling the truth I have a hard time believing that. they've been conditioned and they've also been convinced they haven't been conditioned, which strengthens the conditioning.


reddit is only a business in terms of formalities.

They're going to try to force an impeachment.

Much like MSNBC and CNN.

I was hoping that being the resident opposition of Reddit would open their minds up at least for entry level cuckchan browsing, or at least voat if they don't like change. If they can tuck tail between their legs and swallow down Reddit after that, they would have been no allies in any circumstance.

But it was purchased by Advanced Publications, a genuine media company (a big one). Surely they can’t have been happy to see their investment turned into what it has become.

Because if we take back America all of those businesses are going to be destroyed anyway and very powerful people who own these types of sites would go to jail. This isn't a business decision, many companies keep going anti Trump even though they are seeing massive loss in profits. These types of moves are a sacrifice by the elites to keep controlling America.

reddit doesn't want to ban subreddits. They want to subvert them. They have a community of their enemies in their own turf, and they have complete control over the rules. You don't ban that, that's throwing it away. You inject your own people into it and slowly shift them toward what you believe.

The admins and ((investors)) want reddit to become a hug box. It gives them control over what happens there, and they can easily argue that what's happening on reddit is what the majority of people want.

Mainstream media is a controlled hug box for leftists. ((They)) want to make reddit just like MSM. A big, controlled hug box with viral and stealth marketing everywhere. Nothing more than "sure you can skip commercials to get to our sponsored content in our main show" and "you can use ad block, doesn't bother us we're getting paid to show you these native advertisements".

They are already pushing for the "dementia" angle to declare Trump mentally unqualified to serve as president. After that poll stating there's not enough demand to impeach Trump, they'll shift tactics and try and make people change their minds that Trump should be impeached. What a super genius evil plan bravo share blue and DNC you are going to control the house and senate in 2018 at this rate!

Get the fuck out


This 100%.

I mean I just had to write ((())) but there you go

I'm saying that other social networks can ban specific subreddits from being linked without banning reddit as a whole. The earlier argument for the value of reddit as a platform was that reddit will not be banned from twitter, facebook, et cetera even though that doesn't logically follow. If reddit were not handling their shitlord problem in house then faceberg would certainly handle it on his end.

Reddit has to keep the lights on somehow goy.


Thanks for the Holla Forums gold kind stranger.

Their avenue is going to be through Comey. They are already setting the stage for him to go in there and confirm his memo.

What we should be doing now is trying to find evidence that the leaked memo is complete bullshit before he goes in to testify.


THIS IS THE ACTIVE THREAD voat.co/v/TheDonald/1872461


The 400K users should spent their time destroying the rest of reddit. Place is a cesspool anyways.

You could at least send them on their way with some redpills. They've been living in a censored safe space without even knowing it.




Trump is about to leave America for the first time very soon and now all this censorship is hitting. Possible happening very soon?

They'll be streaming in all night. Too bad the OP is shit. Surely it's too much to request a (((mod))) to edit the OP so they know where to go.


Good to know that I'm not the only one here who doesn't give a single fuck about what happens on sodomy central. Fuck reddit. and fuck their faggit posters thinking anyone outside their little homo hovel actually cares what goes on there.

With Jews you lose.

Going to fucking Saudi too, selling them nukes. At least Melania won't be covering her head.

when has this fat fuck ever done anything he said he's going to do? fuck his attention whoring ass

That fat sack of shit has to be the biggest attention whore on the net. He's always running his fat fucking mouth like he knows something and it's always nothing but larping.

What? Where did you read that Trump is giving SA nukes?

he's a better gamer than you

cernokike and posobick of course, check their twitters

oh great here come the memetards

Wow. How fucking cool is that. That's like being the coolest guy in your trailerpark. I don't gayme. I have better shit to do with my spare time.

wew he's even got shit taste in vidya

They'll end up on cuckchan, not here.

RIp. T_D served its purpose. It red pilled many. Myself included. I moved on months ago to here and got red pilled about what T_D was/had become Plus many things. It was my gateway drug.

Just signed up for VOAT. Go into TD 'official' Reddit exodus subverse. v/thepedes/. See this as the top post. Top fucking kek

Let's test that.

What is the solution to the jewish problem?

There is nothing on anyones twitter about Trump giving SA nukes.

These comments on VOAT wew I know what I'm doing for the next hour now top kek

are you looking for a fair and balanced answer?

That means you're not red pilled.

It appears you're just culturally appropriating our buzzwords now.

lazy ass kys

Get the fuck out you baby boomer nigger loving faggot

I’m really happy about most of voat’s userbase on the important boards (conspiracy, politics). They’re basically just Holla Forumsacks.

No, this is the perfect time for reddit to do this. Voat is currently having money problems. They fuck with T_D, cause users to migrate to Voat. Voat can't afford to cope, so reddit manages to fracture the T_D community while flooding their largest competitor with users that they can't afford to host.

Not only that, but T_D users are not the types to do well on Voat. Voat is not where you go to post

duh. anywhere real freedom of speech is allowed is fine by me. leddit isn't one of them. fuck them and fuck their stupid sub which bans people for calling out the jews. pic related

This Shoahs the Reddit.


You made the claim and didn't provide any proof. Now you've posted your proof that literally separates nuclear technology and weapons.

And now we're gonna be stuck with them to. The refugees are already coming in full force


It's pretty comfy over there tbh. Holla Forumsidentitarian is good too.

Yeah, that's the old /r/altright we should probably send all the T_D refugees there.

That's run by a TRSodomite. I guess it's a step-up from T_D, but it's still kosher cancer.

It's a step up and it keeps them out of our hair. win/win IMO

meant for

Thats gonna be a fun day. If Comey says the memo was real and he claims the conversation really happened that day that means that he perjured himself when he spoke to congress and said Trump never said anything along those lines. And then those tapes that Trump threatened will get released. They saw that post and they think they understand him, they think that was an instance of him bluffing.

Of course we can trust the Saudis, they're our allies.

You're welcome to


Lets hope Trump's got the goods.

are you fucking kidding me?


Now there will be a turf war between v/thedonald and v/thepedes. Reddit is too stupid to figure out whats going on and will follow kosher ohsnap. I am downvoting all thepede posts. Get the newbies used to seeing the voat sub.

And let me guess the plebs that use this shit arent smart enough to spot these obvious shills?

whats the difference between v/thedonald and v/thepedes?

that's nice of you but check the voat thread. they're being targeted when they post outside of T_D too. They need another site. And they need to sue plebbit.

Thepedes is run by a long standing T_D mod so we know thats a shill. Thedonald could be dormant controlled opposition too but there has been no censorship in the year + it has been on voat.

Who targets them?

Literally every other cuck controlled sub.

Subs like /r/science, /r/offmychest, etc instaban anyone who posts to T_D or KIA

srs and the usual plebbit leftards. see the voat thread I linked upthread, they're talking about it there.

Oh, reddit recently launched a new TOS where mass bans are not allowed. But yeah, that was nothing new, people posting in theredpill, mgtow and any other subs like that get banned from SJW subs.

Do those people don't know how reddit works?

The remaining the_donald mods set the sub private in protest. Once a subreddit goes private, what you posted on that subreddit goes private too. No one deleted anything.

Yeah, just like tumblr, right?

See above.

Your commentary is silly - reddit wants to be a leftist hugbox while maintaining the a non-partisan appearance. With this act, that is all gone.

Just like everything else in the TOS it will be selectively enforced.

They want to be advertiser friendly. If you want to hurt reddit and it's leftist subreddits you must inform the advertisers about the violent/racist/communist & so on content posted on the leftist subreddits.

I mean, the main developer will have a baby with Serena fucking Williams

Let them be advertiser friendly - but attack their shit, as you say.

Point being, they want to be advertiser friendly, and they want to do it while appearing non-partisan. That's a central pillar to what makes something advertiser friendly - if you're widely silencing many people of a specific group, especially if that group is quite large, its not appealing for many advertisers to associate with you. Its just a fact.

There's a reason reddit is viewed as what it is, as opposed to straight-up tumblr-tier, and what is that reason? The appearance of a non-partisan platform. As you degrade that appearance, you get closer and closer to tumblr - and I don't see many advertisers leaping to advertise to the cat lady rejects on tumblr.

Pedes (childfucker terminology) is run by a literal kike. The other one seems fairly legitimate.

I’ve seen that clip before; what video of his is it from? IS he talking about kikes?

That was dumb as fuck name, but it comes from centipede.

Oh, I know. It’s also used by them.

I really miss r/sandersforpresident



Anyone ever worked at a place where this one woman who "hates drama" has HUGE drama with multiple people and the bosses, and quits in a rage-fueled hysteria and expects everyone to quit with her?

And when that doesn't happen, she tries to destroy shit because the workforce didn't "join her in solidarity" because she truly believed the business would fail without her and her "allies"?


That call themselves pedes, which the most obvious association to the general public is pedophiles, in French it's a synonym for faggots.

I bet the retards got tricked into calling themselves that.

It even sounds retarded ignoring other words that it sounds like.

any anons have that "the magapedes" image? I saw it recently but didn't save it

It's "supposed to be" short for centipedes, which makes no sense. centipedes = ..

It's from some shitty video.

They are that fucking stupid and once they get the 100 ccp required to have full voat function there will be massive brigades across the entire site and every topic will be full of WEWLAD and zero room for actual conversation.

That was highly effective propaganda made by anons.

Just remember that Reddit has zero originality and can't do anything on it's own. Literally 100% of all of T_D's memes are stolen from us.

reddit wont find this place. halfchan i think is compromised, they were recruiting janitors during the biggest shill effort ive ever seen there. ive been banned several times now due to minor obscure rule violations that were never enforced in the years past on Holla Forums…im not sure if TD is coming back and if it does im sure its compromised…what happens if this site gets all shitty? deeper down the internet rabbit hole i guess…these sites will keep popping up until they turn off the internet

There is no way sites like reddit or twitter can live up to their investor's valuations running an honest business. The game is to grow as large a user base as possible through unsustainable practices, then cash out to an (((influencer))).

That's how all media works. It's so much more profitable being a whore than it is being honest.

its this. the guy that founded T_D is literally a share blue employee ffs. then he started centipede central. you remember when we got raided after leftypol got btfo by going back up last? you remember the faggot that was running the discord raiding that was full of bots? he was a shareblue employee too and bragged about them both being such. everyone ignores this, this information just got a thread immediately deleted on cuckchan.

I recently got banned for 20 days for posting Piccolo Dick on Holla Forums

Fucking piece of shit. Go back where the fuck you came from. You are useless. There is one single fucking answer to the Jewish problem, as history has demonstrated to almost every culture on the fucking planet.

Is it even profitable?

TV is dying. Twitter operates at a huge loss. Most of the likes/comments are bot farms and advertisers are slowly realizing that their ad views are 80%+ fraudulent.


If I remember right a Holla Forumsack made T_D and then got it stolen from him by faggots.


It's a blue board. Of course you got banned.

I believe it was the vid right after the berkeley rally. Go to the last couple minutes vid related

But for 20 days?


Faggotgaters, should we give Seth Rich an honourary Literally Who number?


No, he's talking about liberals. He's a kike himself, so he's certainly not going to offer that kind of commentary.

You can almost always tell controlled opposition by them giving themselves retarded names.

TRS unironically call themselves "goy"
Plebbitors unironically call themselves "pedes"
Morons, all of them.

proofs are weak cause most of the info came from the vc on that discord server and as I was getting info from sass when there was very few people some faggot here kept larping about being in voice chat and having mod powers while posting pictures here. he wouldn't say shit in vc after that and i hadn't recorded anything.

sass also bragged about being the person that posts all the interracial porn on Holla Forums

I'm not.

I only got 3 from there for posting a pepe. Yeah, 20 days is pretty cancerous. But that's 4chan's mods for you.

why are they called this

They're retarded.

nimble navigator meme see

I got perma banned from t_d for posting an article from Michael Scheuer for anti-semitism, my post was verbatim what Scheuer titled it.

he's getting there. no one here was born 14/88, it takes time to deprogram oneself. Yuri said it would take 2 generations to fix society under the best circumstances

This is good too - timestamped: youtu.be/_3yAulC10qI?t=2069

sure, but what does centipedes refer to


You’re right. Shame it was based on a kikeo fagadopolis video, though.

Nigger, enough of that shit. He hates his mother and disavows his judaic roots.


reminds me of when Louise mensch said the founder of Zionism was anti-semitic for using the word Zionist.

He's still a kike bro.

Nigger, what sort of TRS shithole do you think you're posting in?
There are no good Jews.
You don't disavow being a kike, and being a kike has nothing to do - excluding honorarys - with your beliefs, it has to do with your blood.
And Molyjew is a fucking kike. Deal with it, Jew-lover.

Make sure you subscribe to :


Moly is becoming more Holla Forums by the week. This is how it will happen with most normies, little by little.

They're our footsoldiers.

I got shoahed for explaining that Moloch was a jewish god during the wikileaks.

Apparently the truth is antisemetic. Who knew?

The truth is antisemitic.
Rule of law is racist against non-whites.


Meh. Go to T_D for memes. Lurk here for news. Nothing of value would be lost if T_D just stayed dead, frankly. It was dying a slow death by jew.
Cuckchan got slid into oblivion too, i dont even know what the fuck happened there.

Yeah, it took a while but I figured it out eventually

He also never had a bris or any of that kike shit.

So, here's how it goes.

They all cuckigrate to voat. The ones who go to join voat and are cucks get unadulterated truth from their extremists. They open back up T_D and all the cucks swarm back because they're scared of the truth. T_D is still 'official' and now swarmed with energized cucks/shitskins, creating division. Reddit likes their new divided T_D that attracted all the cucks back

No, the truth is anti-Jew. The truth never had any issues with the Assyrians or the Samaritans as far as I know.

We need to stop using the term 'anti-Semitism' to describe anti-Jewish sentiments, and make note of it to anyone who attempts to accuse of anti-Semitism.


How do you know?

retail in general is dying too. funny that.

Ha, found the article that got me banned from the_donald. non-intervention.com/2435/the-jewish-american-media-elite-intends-to-kill-the-republic/

make a sock and post these kek

I got banned for posting "The only thing Hitler did wrong was not killing 6 million Jews."

Kek speaks - make it so


Profitable from advertising? No. Profitable to whore your userbase out to the kikes? Of course it is.

Well thats because we are sliding into communism and a large percent of people have no fucking money anymore. The biggest damage done when Pepsi / Starbucks etc loses huge revenue in a short period of time is that it shows how powerful we are. Only the mid level players give a shit about profits, all of the Rothschild types know the plug has to be pulled and they are protected.

but I kid, I kid. I hate semites too, Palestinians are shit. ;)

It's our job to pass out the sledgehammers.

Welp my country is fucked. If America falls all of western civilization falls with it. Hope you guys know what to do when the time comes.


T_D was pretty much past it's prime as a propaganda dump, the admins had completely censored it off the front page and it was getting nearly zero outreach outside of it's existing userbase. It also had been getting too headstrong lately and forgetting it's purpose as just a prop dump too, sometimes even turning against us.

I'd say it's not too tremendous of a loss. If anything, 4pol absorbing it's userbase will be advantageous since that place will help complete their red pilling.

We definitely still need a presence on Reddit though. Personally, I think stealing the current strategy of the left is the best; distributing the message all over instead of just one location. There's like a bajillion tiny leftists subs now, and they all regularly make anti-trump submissions on non-political subs that they group upvote and bot to get to /r/all. Adopting a similar strategy may be smart.

I have extra sledgehammers, and you should too.

Yes, them going to 4/pol/ is good in that an idiot cuckservative is better than a shill.

The Seth Rich story leaked all over reddit. T_D still has power.

A Pirate Box at Lou's City Bar?

Had, latest feed on the drama over there is the reddit admins are removing t_d mods during their self imposed shutdown, they're going in for the kill.

Kill yourself you



retard. You're responsible for the kekistan shit to some degree you dumb retard.

for those that still have access to private t_d says all the posts are gone now as well.

Who cares if a dumb subreddit is in its death throes? This is no better than gossiping like women

Massive userbase will kill Voat and then come to Holla Forums.

sorry bud. I made the jump here permanently after how shitty that place is now. I was addicted to how fast the board updates.

I have to say one thing though. It's kinda strange being here. I'm not used to actual discussions. Its just the same shit threads over and over


assimilate or die (banned) redditors are super easy to spot

T_D autists at work.


If you ask me, this isn't a laughing matter. But not for the reason you might first be thinking. I believe that this and the other more significant happenings before it are a sign of the ideological battle for America coming to a head. Shits about to get beyond real. Trump winning the election was just the beginning.

We collectively invoked the will of kek and changed fate. We've had a little chaos, but we haven't seen anything yet.

Now the real chaos is coming. Prepare yourselves.



Lurk for 2 more years, yes?

Which is gonna be ironic to still see leftist on leddit hating it even after that…

No rangebans available, thanks to cuckmonkey.

You wouldnt be able to tell a regular from Voat if they just came here.



Was getting caught part of your plan?

Like I said below that post. (((They))) will use their default subs as advertisement for the "new and improved" T_D where all of the users are now in agreement that Trump needs to be impeached and Hillary is the rightful president.

Hello Holla Forums, I've migrated here now that The_Donald is down.

Don't worry about the influx of Redditors, we're pretty based.

Are there any tips you have on how I should better integrate?

Are liberals really that retarded to still want her in office when they could literally pick anyone else they wanted to..?

Step 1 is putting the gun in your mouth, Step 2 is pulling the trigger, Step 3 is a secret, but Step 4 is that your enter key finds a new home with an owner who will appreciate the difficulties it has experienced as a result of the abuse it faced at your hands.

Its true, once they get fucked on halfchan after they find out they're still censored for wrongthink they'll be near the completion of the metamorphosis.

Just one tip.


Kikes, degenerates, and three letter agencies, and shills cannot stop the pilling. The go back to reddit meme is only partially true. Remember the yid in the video who asked if anyone visited Holla Forums? People like him are being kvetched at and paid to keep normalfag internet users from becoming bad goyim.

oh wow it's fucking nothing

Citation needed, you filthy fucking CHINK.

Hm, who gives a fuck what happens on leddit?

The upvote bots will tell them what to think.

I'm guessing this means a bunch of them will come here now. Welcome to the real deal, faggots. This ain't your daddy's Holla Forums.


Visited halfchan to see if this has had any affect

We do, because ~400k reddit normies are going to be invading soon.

haha tricked u I was false flagging with reddit spacing and everything, I'm actually a halfchan refugee

Go back to reddit is a forced meme that the (((alt-right))) and shills came up with to engineer an offshoot kosher centralized neocon subculture. It was meant to stop bad goyim from questioning narratives on mainstream sites and stop alternative discussions pertaining to current political events. Narratives can only be reinforced in controlled places like reddit/faceberg/and the msm web.

Isnt it fucking crazy? You visit the catalog once in a few months and its literally garbage every time.

even worse

It's like me visiting my mother's and watching TV after having cancelled my own years ago.

Every time I am impressed by how much worse it's gotten.

Reported for being an idiot.

Can you go past a single word without buzzwords? wew lad is this Poe's law or actually retarded redditor?

Knew it would follow that path as soon as I browsed it in early 2016

dont be a faggot, this place has gone so far downhill its almost hard to discern if im not reddit or cuckchan sometimes

I understand the r/the_Donald tactic now, people like you are just trying to stop disenfranchised people from taking real redpills. You're shitty leftist boards are in shambles and all you have are shills and kikes, nobody trusts any of you anymore so now you come on to these places to pollute it with your filth and pull people back into your kosher cesspits.

Why is there a nigger at that party? Nigger?

Even niggers are disgusted by T_D

The mass exodus of mouth breathing, useful idiots will go to halfchan. They've been shitting that place up since the election anyway.

They probably can understand Holla Forums more than T_D since there are a lot of pictures here.

We were most effective when there was no reddit, 2014-2015. We're the ideas, they're the brainfarts, and retarded plebbitors always feel compelled to bend a native user base to its will, disrespecting the culture if not downright infiltrating it so the thread devolves into pointless finger pointing as those filthy newfags never take time to lurk.

We must get even more hostile, lads. Be HOSTILE to those reddit niggers, if they can't stand "meanie" words on Holla Forums they'll never pull through.

Real redpilling/assimilation requires lurking, humility, and determination to find the truth no matter what. I am happy to colonize the web and normiesphere with redpills and initiate those who are willing and able, but that does not change the fact that redditfags who are not assimilated are in fact, fucking cancer. If a reddit fag is going to get booty blistered because the internet hate machine said mean things about them then they actually do need to fuck off. If someone desires truth to the point where they assimilate, lurk, contribute, and learn then they are welcome as another Holla Forumsack. Something given away has no value and if someone gets mad at shitposting/vitriol they absolutely have no place here.


There are nuggets of gold under mountains of stone and dirt. Most will leave, but there will always be a few that stay here to lurk, and those that do shouldn't have packs of kikes/sjws/shills whispering in their ear that they should go back; it is a personal choice to stay or go, but the constant "go back" thing is making it very obvious that there are shills/sjws/useful idiots trying to backpedal growth.

you dont understand, this board is compromised and reddit fags from the cuckhold wont bring a new revival to this shithole.

who was actually here before Holla Forums harbor? no-one, everyone here once posted on 4chan

Those who receive the message must be blatant retards as to out themselves, complete shills, outright newfags, or tards who really do need to go back. Those we are gold nuggets will shut up and assimilate, besides, we call eachother faggot's all the time nothin' personnel.

This user has a point you know. Reddit and cuckchan is welcome here. IF THE DONT POST FOR TWO YEARS AND LEARN THEIR HISTORY.

I was here a couple of times, it was filled with slavs.

Anyone else shitposting all over Holla Forumsthepedes right now?



Only faggots shitpost. Downvote everything from thepedes and move on. Voat isn't even readable anymore. The first 3 pages of every topic is full of bullshit. They successfully took the conversation away from the site.

If you want them to fuck off back to reddit you shitpost their sub until it is completely unbearable for anyone but the most radical. Then they get redpilled and stay.

not how it works faggot, you'll drive them here

Bullshit nigger, if they didn't come here already they aren't gonna come here if they don't like voat

https // voat.co/v/ThePedes/1872681
kek at least they're getting learned

but you see they HAVE come here nigger, why do you think board quality is so god damn low and we have a thread about fucking REDDIT

4200 ppl there right now, don't just shrug it off; kike

Those screenshots werefaked. The "DuckFrumpf" guy (I think, might have been "FuckDrumpf") posted everything, then edited the screenshots so it looked like mods were saying it. I searched the discord myself to verify when the invite link was posted here.

Are you trying to pretend you're from here when you "laugh" saying kek? What kind of faggot are you?

The voat natives have basically taken control of the sub since the_donald mods aren't bothering to moderate it, and the reddit cucks can't downboat. Dropping redpills and shitposts

Are you fucking stupid?

same kind of faggot you are apparently, let's keep going

Most anons here who are not retards are VPN'd up. The silver lining of the shitshow is that Sunshine and the other datamining Jim is doing is mostly going to sweep up a bunch of redditfags with no opsec. A bunch of normalfags are going to be added to a priority watchlist somewhere and it will further obscure actual anons, subverting Sunshine pretty effectively. Jim's faggot masonic ass can stick his data mining where there is no Sunshine.

you really are fucking retarded, they're here and they've been here for months. This shouldnt even be a thread honestly, let redditfags jack each other off in their own cotainment board

(CHECKED)google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/947/499/634.jpg&imgrefurl=http:/https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://21facesinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/god-emperor-trump.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4ao8b7/who_of_you_did_this_trump_is_now_officially_god/&docid=_1TEtkqFqXPZFM&tbnid=VsIj5TuEI85sbM:&vet=10ahUKEwjVzqLe6P3TAhVp74MKHbR0ADQQMwgwKAMwAw..i&w=734&h=950&bih=648&biw=842&q=trump god meme&ved=0ahUKEwjVzqLe6P3TAhVp74MKHbR0ADQQMwgwKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8/knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/adolf-hitler&docid=CB6AXUd4A43NtM&tbnid=irrkcXgERGNTrM:&vet=10ahUKEwicq6DX5_3TAhXq5IMKHZupDS0QMwhMKBYwFg..i&w=1024&h=576&bih=696&biw=1366&q=hitler meme&ved=0ahUKEwicq6DX5_3TAhXq5IMKHZupDS0QMwhMKBYwFg&iact=mrc&uact=8

Then leave, no one is asking you to stay you fucking faggot. But you won't you are just one of those faggots that wants to sit around talking about how shit this place is while doing nothing to improve anything.

funny how you can call molyneux a kike on Holla Forums but not King Jew…

what do you intend to do you fucking faggot? you're not offering any hlepful advice you kike shill. If you werent such a faggot you would understand you cant fix this place

Filtered for being a useless faggot and trying to derail

how can you derail a shill slide thread? because thats exactly what this is nigger. You're the reason this board has gone to shit and you arent fixing it posting about a retarded site like reddit

Apparently I have a shill on this VPN IP. Fucking shills.

Enjoy this IP getting banned too, you fucking piece of shit shill.

"On a list" is bullshit scare tactics from 2008. The government can see through VPN, where did all these idiots come from all at once?

CANT BAN ME YOU KIKE MODS! least we can all see you support these gay shill reddit threads that do nothing but shit up the board. fuck the mods

lurk for 2 years before posting

It's funny cos every other Semite hates Jews, too

strawpoll.me/13002473/r 4cuck Holla Forums make it count lads.

Go there, the shills are being routed, it's a sight to see such a wash of red flow.

Lurk for 2 years before promptly killing yourself because such blatant newfaggery cannot be cured with anything else except buckshot to the brain.

Here's your (You), you baiting fuck.

Obviously bait but for any plebitors shitting the place up here is what you aught to be doing:

It's an old rite of passage: LURK MOAR NEWFAGGOT

This post is satire, right?

More like years.

Eh, would rather have redpilled redditors than pathetic anime posting neckbeards tbh. At least redditors are capable of leaving their mom's basement.

I figure a couple might be able to integrate quickly but to be honest 8/pol/ is so good at spotting outsiders somebody will give the faggot similar advice then and they will more deeply understand that you cannot deceive us.


To clarify, I'm laughing at you.

You having to point that out, clearly makes it funnier

Maybe we can rapepill reddfugees.

I'm still getting (you)s from my shitty false flag despite actually revealing it as such, anyone with half a brain will fly under the radar. Subversion is subtle by nature, if any redditors actually manage make it here without getting stuck by google they'll quickly adapt and spread their brand in formats indistinguishable from regular posters

It was the plan all along. They needed Bernie to transfer the kids to Hillary after he lost. Hillary was so shit at her end of the bargain it all fell apart. Her adviserers in her emails gave her awesome advice. Stupid bitches ignored it all haha

Enjoy the ban you filthy sodomite.

The problem is there are like 2000 Holla Forumsacks max and even fewer oldfags. An influx of even a few thousand would be enough to shit up every single thread beyond repair. Calling out outsiders doesn't do any good when those posts are like one in ten maximum and the rest are reddit cancer. Outgrouping is a serious risk which can undermine the assimilation process.

back to >>>/4pol/

NSA has already compromised everything, Jim only collects ips though and it is always worth trying to obfuscate to them as much as possible.

Same thing happened to me! I just insinuated jews were bad and they banned me. Like a year long poster and wouldnt even respond to my ban

I went there earlier today to see what's going on and it seemed fine. Chaotic and full of trolling as always but it didn't seem to be full of shills or anything.


listen to

Holla Forums would get buried and flooded to the point where it's halfchan quality. Remember HWNDU?

Implying the white man's game isn't Arma and EVE

EVE is for goyim pretending to be kikes

All as planned.

Wanna know how I know you're not from here? It's not even the spacing.

A few will, but by and large most will be easy to spot/
Please stop shitposting. Shitposting has been at an all time high for a couple months now, and it seems to be infectious for some anons, causing a gradual shitpost buildup.

CS:GO is pretty kiked up. Vidya is pretty fucking garbage for a long time since the hollywood and arthouse faggots invaded, that's not even getting into kikes figuring out the profit margin and it giving way to true creative bliss. Worst hobby to have in the current age to be honest. Depressing.

That's only if you can't find good vidya and/or people to play with. But modern videogames are very much fucked in terms of potential, yes.

Modern entertainment media is too fucking depressing with how jewishly commercial it has become, it's the same for music, cinema, literature. I feel that it's a lack of violence or suffering creating these conditions, forming weak people who live to consume and consume alone. The degeneration of media is revealing of the ultimate effects of consumerism, the destruction of humanity. I liked Bloodborne though.

How is CS:GO kiked? The terrorists are antifa and niggers

They did fix a bunch of the BS, but the skin gambling was incredible that it was allowed

cmon man

Man, I gotta get a ps4 just for this fucking game.

Oh the microtransactions? I thought you meant cultural kikery not just profiteering.

kek, which one of yous made this


Creating a network of right-wing subs is something the founder of T_D was about to do before he got doxxed and chased off the site. They stole the idea from him I'm sure of it.
I'm not sure what the best course of action is regarding that site, as I am tempted to just say fuck 'em - let them become irrelevant and die like so many before them, but at the same time I have eyes on 2020 and understand the benefit of something like T_D on something like that site.
But then again, that is 3 years away and a lot could change.

Fugg. Halfchan, Voat… They're fucking flooding all the speech forums with refugees. Wow, it's amazing. it's SO jewish.


They're trying to dump refugees on us.

It's not that bad, they have a redpill thread going for reddfugess you should try dumping info.

Tell them fullchan is full of pedos or something, anything to scare them off.

It's amazing. Why didn't I think of this? It's so obvious. Uncultured retards that want to be edgy and cool. Kek worship and internet culture are cool, and they couldn't control it. so they're going to go to the place they think has the dankest memes. I tip my cap, Ismael. Amazingly Yiddish.






They don't even know how to find this place, we don't show up on google search and they can't link Holla Forums due to the spam filter. Most if not all of those idiots will mistake 8ch.pl for here.

Nigga I ain't clicking that shit

At least then their retarded users might be consistent in there bullshit. All they do is pander to niggers.

wouldn't want the redditers to get triggered

r/The_Donald might be functionally retarded, but is no shill, unlike You!

This our enemy? People under age of 16 shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

pls post more discords. /s XD

With Pic related Lice can be written off seeing as Zyklon B is a pesticide
That is all and also ignores how Hitlers ovens would need to be 120 times more powerful than modern crematoriums to do the job, as well as the funny made up thing about Jews being used as fuel which when you think about how bodies are endothermic it makes no sense

Anime is frowned upon on T_D for a reason. POL should be mindfull of the pizzagate connections to anime. I think some who post it are pedo-shills. So be careful. Gondola is also anime since finland is an asian country.

Many, actually. Me included. Holla Forumsharbour was exodus #2. The first one was around September 17th when moot banned GG.

gondola is redpilled anime

So we need to post smug anime girls?

Fuck off reddit.

Well since this is the reddit thread what do you guys think about r/neoliberal, good self defeating liberal D&C or concerning that the stupid faggots are overtly embracing globalism and all that entails? They've been shilling themselves pretty hard in the anti-Trump subs and have become another semi-popular reddit circlejerk with knock-off chan memes.

Considering how much they sucked 4chan's dick, I wouldn't be too worried

Baby boomers love throwing their lives away watching TV. Niggers.

it's worse than chan addiction, and I think that's really saying something. I'm glad only boomers watch that poison anymore

>actual plebbit floods 4cuck again
The migratory patterns of internet dwellers.

We don't talk about leddit here.

We only welcome right wingers.

once that happens then we level up to 16chan, 32chan and so on

Shoo shoo, site goblin.

I feel globalist propaganda this blatant that's gaining some ground with normies is actually discussion worthy and pretty topical. Can we not do this post Syria missile strike thing again where threads get paralyzed with accusations of reddit and anons get into red pill dick waving competitions?

leddit is a liberal/leftist (there's no goddamn difference) shithole, the more liberal they get, the better for us.

We gain more allies this way.

We don't need normies (i.e. zombie sheep), we need active people.

One job, user.

I have never posted on leddit, but this is how I speak ever since 2007.

Yep, ready to get blue-balled by Kim Dotcom for the upteenth time.

by "we" do you mean "alt-right"? because that's what it's sounding like, fag.

We meaning nazis, libertarians, paleocons, anyone who oppose the left.










you don't have to even touch that shit to play the game


this is not a board for them.

Our ultimate end goal isn't "opposing leftism" as you seem to think but the creation of a white ethnostate with an authoritarian form of rule, specifically National Socialism. Anyone who disagrees with this needs to leave.

Anyone actually identifying on this board as a nazi is a fucking retard
The Nazi is a politically party is Germany from the 1930's
If you identify as a neo-nazi you're even worse, you literally exist to make national socialism look dumb, and you probably take drugs, shave your head bald and tattoo yourself like the true degenerate that you are

The Party is NSDAP
Nazi was a Jewish phrase to mock NatSoc

That The Nazi party is a politically party in Germany from the 1930's*
just cuck my shit up fam

stupid bitch

What you said before made sense
What you just said didn't

The correct english translation was pretty long worded though user
Also it helps to show how many people know their history now days

The that at the start didn't make sense Though I'm tired and I see what you meant afterwards

I'm sorry user, my keyboard is a wireless piece of shit and actively deletes my words and replaces them with space bars
Also when you have more than 800 tabs up palemoon just shits the bed sometimes, For some reason it will just freeze and whilst I'm typing entire words will be missed

This is a very good point, but it also raises questions of how one can try establish a political party expounding on the tenents of national sociliam,if a fucking communist can run for mp In current times representing an ideology responsible for 50 million plus deaths I don't see why a national socialist part couldn't work aside from the masses ignorance, ofcourse all dafties and skinheads would be refused entrance.

I have been thinking of creating a new British Union of fascist chapter locally an attempting to bring the ethos and manifesto of fascism into the mainstream collective mind, espeically since so many get it confused with every other political ideology out there.

top fucking kek

Eh he's probably bullshitting but if Seth Rich is included in the probe then what ever bullshit he's doing then I'm ok with

was T_D infiltrated, divided and subverted? Only a matter of time on reddit.

Because the Communists infest the media just like they did back before WW2, which eventually lead to those 50mil deaths

Maybe not such a great idea user
You'll likely just get covered in so much negative press that you wouldn't even be able to get your message, not to mention antifa have been getting more and more extreme and cowardly by attempting to burn down buildings
Personally i would go for making up a new name that sounds roughly socialist and basically redo what National Socialists
Then i would call literally everyone else on the left Communist Extremists and Antifa = facist terrorists, and as long as the party doesn't stand out as too right-wing the media will have difficulty targeting you
At this point the word fascism is dead to me in everything apart from history, They've turned the meaning into a buzzword through their constant usage for anything they don't like

Oh look, T_D is giving Holla Forums advice.

Cool divide and conquer.

Who gives a crap, we welcome anyone who is anti-left here.

you're ticking all the boxes for yourself here pal

I'm just not going to mention reddit around you guys ever again.

Fuck off faggot, you are literally the biggest weakness of national socialism
You're practically controlled opposition

Now I'm absolutely sure you're from reddit
Not all of the left is hated here, just almost all of it
There are some minor leftist groups that actually still have some control over their reason but aren't particularly talked about as the "Left" that we most commonly are pissed off at, are significantly more active
Then again I'm still not entirely sure Centrists count as part of the left if they have left-leaning tendencies
Not to mention ancaps are anti-left
Are you saying Ancaps are welcome here?
Even the Ancoms sound less retarded then them

That's probably where you're going wrong, because then that allows neocon kikes to be allied with us, which of course will be the death of the white man, but then again everyone knew that already.

The only way to oppose international jewry is to oppose them outright, both the neoliberal left and the neoconservative right, not take one of their sides.

How could we have forgotten? Of course we're just anti-left, why I hope we get some based niggers and nationalist kikes to join us,we'd really be able to show the left who the real racists are then!
Oh and don't worry about that man on the bottom left of your screen, he's not Hitler or anything just a man making the shoo shoo gesture towards the left.


Bottom right*
I deserve to be bullied for that.

This'll sound vague as fuck but I'd appreciate it if someone knows the guy I'm talking about. I seen a video on youtube of a guy that broke down the mathematics of cremating hundreds of thousands of Jews at Auschwitz, his calculations deduced that it was a physical impossibility to cremate that many Jews within the given time frame. I'm pretty sure the guy goes on to explain that it wouldn't matter if there was 4 times the amount of furnaces at Auschwitz because of the amount of time it takes to cremate the human body. The clip was from the 90's I think.

Let's pick this up here.

Are you serious?

How does ancom sound less retarded than ancap?
I like neo-nazis, they are fighting the good fight.

And actual neo-nazis post on Holla Forums, what's the big problem?

You're a good guy user-kun
You're idea of creating such a party with the economic practices and environmental protectionalist nature of national socialism is brilliant and subversion that works against the kikes, I hope it gets some steam user.

As for the whole buf not getting a platform to speak or not having a place to congregate without antifa petrol bombing is on my mind, on one hand my thoughts about it seem petulant in that I want to show that nationalists can be non-drug using, law abiding, placid, cogent ,healthy and decent people after years of skinhead and bnp dis-reputation.
I would try and start a video series divulging on corporationism, fiedism, gentrification etc basic concepts that show fascism isn't mass indiscriminate killings and starvation I'm still 18 though so many could interoperate my as too inexperienced to persuade people to become fascist though

Neocon and neoliberals are the same thing, so it's arguably they are pro or anti-left.

The worst anti-left movement is probably the zionist, but they are neocon anyway.

Well, I have problems with niggers and kikes, but then we have people shilling against neo-nazis in this thread.

I like skinhead girls

What part of the left is liked here?

Fucking national bolshevik?

So there are a lot of retards here?

pic related

If dealing drugs, joining gangs, randomly beating people up on the street, getting tattoos and shaving my head is fighting the good fight I don't want to be fightiung the good fight

Anyone calling themselves a neo-nazi on Holla Forums is generally fucking called the dgenerate that they are
National Socialists on Holla Forums on the other hand actually belong

How about you look up what skin head girls usually look like, as they usually take after their degenerate boyfriend

Fuck if i remember, they're rarely discussed and somewhat obscure

Its not quite subversion user, its just that we use some of their tactics against them and float on their propaganda

how long have you been here
Most people here would like to be "Nazi's", but "Nazi's" have been dead since WW2
Most people here are Natsoc or some variation
Then there are the occasional monarchists and the like

There is no difference between neocon zionist right wing conservatives or neoliberal marxist left.
They are two sides of the same shekel and what got us all in this horrific mess in the first place.
Yet we've see a massive shift lately [the overton window everyone used as an excuse to destroy the movement for the last 2 years] to sidle up to the zionist neocon right.
This is schizophrenic and suicidal.

So why should we identify one side as worse than the other when they are both working to achieve the same jewish instigated goal to destroy the West?

It's almost like nobody has ever heard of the red-pill before.



So, your response to that is to claim Holla Forums welcomes anyone who dislikes the left?


The left should never be tolerated, at most any form of interaction should just be like Mussolini's actions with lenin's Russia, stay isolated away and neutral.

I think now is more important than ever to really crank up the efforts to redpill as many newfags as possible and bully the cucks into submission, turning them into legit national socialists. Bullying, redpill threads, etc on both fullchan and cuckchan.

We have a great risk and opportunity at the same time here. On one hand, it's going to suck dealing with all of them. No doubt about that. But reddit is huge, and if we can turn these "magapedes" into true Holla Forumsacks, that'd be a success. It's really just a question of whether we're going to to suck it up and do our best to keep trying to redpill newfags over and over and over, or if we're just going to give up and run further away.

Also, it's a mighty big coincidence that this Reddit shit just so happens to occur right when we're all trying to investigate and get the word out about Seth Rich. By shutting down T_D, they both got rid of a major website where Seth Rich was being discussed, and by flooding Holla Forums with refugees, it makes it harder for us to continue working on it, because we're busy dealing with them instead. Pure coincidence, goy

I'm sorry what? Are you talking about Touhou? How the fuck is a monarchist character "ancom"?
So what do you want to do? Posting anime girls on Holla Forums? Because a lot of "neo-nazis" actually show up and fight for their white brothers on a bad day.
Nazi is a short hand of national socialism.
Please do go on because there's fucking none.
Been here since the board begins. Like the rest of the board, I'm not triggered by being called a nazi.

Why are we repeating ourselves here?

Didn't I already say this?

Yes? Remember when Holla Forums was part libertarian, part nazi, part monarchist?

It still is.

The only right wing we don't do is zionist/neocon.

Depends in which country you are user
For the west, the left is generally a fucking cancer
However for other countries, the equivalent for what is "left" can rapidly change
Marxism on the other had can never be tolerated, same with Zionism and Communism

Er have you literally just come out of a coma you;ve suffered during the last 2 years?

I think you've maybe been in a parallel dimension for 2 years. Holla Forums changed quite a bit. Whilst I'm a Monarchist I don't think I have seen another one in over 6 months, and the last thread was shut-down by a bunch of Trump-obsessed numpties chanting the jew-merican democracy BS.

Molyjew is still not trusted, and despite the fact that he seems to be waking up a little himself; his constant praise of controlled opposition makes him far less trustworthy. Regardless using his 'memes' marks you out as not belonging here perhaps more than any other single thing that you could do. At least if you said something pro-kike some might take it for sarcasm.

The entirety of the Left is hated here. The left-right dichotomy is a jewish distract which is essentially just 'right = bad goy', 'left = good goy'. The terms have been beyond obsolete for well over a century, it has been about nationalism and globalism ever since.

And finally. Anime images. Just no. This isn't cuckchan. There's like three edgy faggots who repeatedly spam their anime girls and get ignored by the entire board, because if you ever tell them to stop it they shit the place up and never seem to get banned. It probably is imkikey and his friends doing it as anyone with sense would have stopped by now.

Be gone lad.


inb4 national bolshevik

Wait, so you are cool with zionists/neocons?

The exact opposite, I'm one of the few remaining who has been protesting this shift of the movement into neocon kikery.

Any criticism of any neocon zionist political candidate in world politics over the last 2 years incurs a ban.
Or have you been asleep for the last 2 years?

You know right that even hinting that anime images are bad ruins you entire argument seeing as how it's a common tactic of division
If you wanted a stronger argument then don't mention anime images

Nazi is a slur, NatSoc is shorthand. We aren't niggers, we don't call each other slurs.

Lolbergs fucked off ages ago, monarchists occasionally pop their heads in to be either ignored or bullied, I think most fucked off to /brit/.

…uh what?

this board is anti-Trump's intervention in Syria and intervention in general.

So we call each other natsoc, which sounds even worse than nazi?
Even in this thread, there are lolbergs.

We seriously think everyone is a fucking nazi here, it's not.

Anti-criticism of any neocon kike operating in world politics

So what's all the stickied threads sucking Gert Wilders mossad infected cock, or Tommy Robinson or any thread or post critical of globalist kikes in Trumps administration getting a ban for?

Because we are anti divide and conquer.

Not all nationalists are perfect, but that's the point, we take what we get, we don't fight each other in order to get the purest, noblest nationalist available.

posting best grill >.<
Good point user-kun you've taught me allot today

>those for monarchy on Holla Forums
Any fellow absolutists here?

Jesus fuck, stop with the emoticon shit.

Anybody who plays Touhou who's worth a salt know that there's no ancom ideology in Touhou.


The problem in a nutshell



Fullchan does in fact show up on google searches if you know any of the board tags

Because those three faggots shit it up. They are the only defenders of it. Whilst I'm sure we all have our vices, Holla Forums as a collective is entirely puritan in outlook; we do not accept any weakness, entertainment is a waste of time, duty is all. Obviously for each individual this is unlikely to be the case - but as a collective we stand for that because it makes us invulnerable.

… And then for some reason despite rejecting all other distractions, all other things which waste our time, all other things which hamper our ascendance - for some reason we are still okay with jerking off to nip cartoons. Just think about that for a second. Anime girls are not accepted on Holla Forums, people only ignore them because they shit up the board whenever they are pointed out as the idiocy that they are.

… Many apologies if I have now summoned them to this thread. Wish mods would do their jobs for once.

Not happily, but if we get to shit on the left, yes, we should do it.

There's a fucking point why the left cannot do anything, they cannot accept imperfect victories.

Do you know the SA?
They played a major role in bringing Hitler to power. Now do you know what happened to the SA after Hitler rose to power?
Most of them were disposed of because they were tards. But Hitler did defend them until they became useless.
This is how we should proceed.

If you really are from Reddit. Lurk for 2 years before posting.

Also to the shills you haven't changed shit. You think you are changing opinions but you're just agreeing with other shills. Pathetic. We are a tsunami you are Fukushima and you're melting-down.

It's posts like these that really gives a great impression of Holla Forums to anyone looking in…

In fact if you tried to post about Lieberman being Trump's top choice for FBI boss you'd get a slew of posts like these until MODS came along to remove the offending criticism of zog.

To anyone looking in from the outside, it looks like the board is managed by hentai porn obsessed prepubescent neocon cheerleading squad.

/smug anime girl cuddling frog.jpg

Well then I guess you might not even be one one of us
Leisure time is a thing of use as it is something that keeps a man honed for when he must go back to work
We're not Communists who work every single day
And remember that NSDAP Germany had a leisure program

Yes, let's not even accept any kind of victories.

Lift and read lad. Lift and read. Not jerk off to nip cartoons. It's all about making mind more powerful through philosophy and history, and making the body more powerful through working out.

I actually had a pic there, but my browser fucked up again i had to refresh the page, didnt get rid of the text though
Can't fucking find it, but I can surmise,
Ancoms are truer to anarchism than ancaps are, But Ancaps will always go on about how ancaps are actually closer to Anarchism is despite being practically city states, They will also say that ancoms will take away all of your personal and private property, which i somewhat agree with, despite ancoms terms about keeping your personal property
tbh its not a subject i particularly knowledgeable in. Last i really looked into it was before they made the anarchists boards a few years back
I have no idea what you mean by monarchism though

Sometimes its better to be not shown at all in public media than be a sometimes beneficial blister upon national socialism

For the mainstream media it is

and my dad works at Nintendo

I think there are a few in India, like the AAP and other shit third world countries where law is almost none and nothing is regulated
I never even knew that Public toilets were a socialist ideal before until i just looked it up
The problem is that the meaning for the "left" massively deviates between countries, particularly those that happen to be third world shit holes

Do you even understand what we are supposed to be fighting against?

The nazis actually have brothels and shit.

inb4 it's all jew propagandas

I suspect that like the whole "Nazis printed too much money and it caused inflation" thing to actually be more of a Weimar thing

The nazis actually shut down a fuck ton of child brothels who were being paid to work there by food as money was almost literally worthless
From what i heard, a lot of the people involved weren't summarily executed but rather deported to America

Not true, since communism requires a state to destroy all states.
Ancaps just require the abolition of states.
Only leftist makes distinction between personal and private properties.
Do you know what Touhou character you are posting?
You don't do fucking shit, user. You are not even a nazi, you are just an anime shitposter.
The leftists in India are marxists, and they are worse or as bad as the actual indian govt, there's nothing good from India.

We fight against the niggers, kikes, muslims and the leftists.

We are gonna take every victories we are gonna get here.

What do you fight against? The jews all days in your bedroom?

We fight against the kikes
The Niggers, Gommies and Aloha Snackbars are just golems

And they open a lot more, in war time, for the soldiers.

This is actually documented, and hopefully you don't go REEEEEEE jews propaganda and shit.

Nobody is fucking perfect and needs the fucking booty.

Do you have proof and I don't mean some Jew whining about the Holohoax

Yet you're not fighting against them in any way, form or fashion.
Siding with neocon kikes does absolutely nothing to fight against any jewish instigated social decline.
It is supporting the jewish destruction of the West.
Nothing less

Only in the concentration camps did they have brass houses
You really are being slippery


No i meant how do you know shes monarchist?
She serves both Remilia and Flandre right?
You can't have dual leaders in a monarchy can you?
maybe i've read too many doujins

and proud of it

which is why i said despite the ancoms use of terms and why i agree with the ancaps about that

There are marxists in india and yes they are leftists, however that doesnt not make all leftists marxists, some of them are delusion and some of them actually follow true to what the left was meant to represent in a country thats filled with people shitting on the street
They're not bad, But i never said they were the greatest possible party

Yeah in the camps to service the jews contained there

So we just ignore the golems then?

We are fighting to preserve our white fucking culture here, user. We select the lesser evil for the greater good for our race.
So who do you side with?

The Faustian nature of the west has been shrouded with compassion and pop culture, sad days indeed

I'll try but habits and shit when you converse mainly with weebs and Emos mostly

Literal kike propaganda but regardless It's not like the Russian opposition encouraged raping and pillaging or anything : ^ )

Because she serves a monarch. Remi rules the house, Flandre is a sibling but does not have the authority, she does not challenge Remi.
If you agree with ancaps about that, then ancoms make no sense.
Not all leftists are marxists, but save for stuff like nazbol, all leftists and marxists are bad.

So you vote for jews to oppose the jews…
Have you ever heard of the red-pill?
Anyone that opposes the jews

Anyone remember that book that jew wrote about his time in a communist-jew owned concentration camp just before the end of the war?
You know, the one where they regularly raped the German Women?
The one that many holocaust Survivors said never happened despite Holocaust survivors never being a part of it?

Come on, that's fucking retarded.

So nazis make brothels of jewish girls…to serve the jews?

No, I do not vote for jews, do you vote for jews?
No, obviously I don't, redpill me, fellow user. redpill me on how to fight the jews.
Like who in your country?

Well, these camps operate during the war, man.

Sounds like something Solomon morel ran near the end/after the war

I dont know about you guys, but Australians never had any sex camps during the war
Though we did our fair share of removing savages
wanna murder one of out kiwi brothers? We'll fucking murder every man in town, eat shit you sand nigger filth

It's not like the australians fight much in WW2.

I like how you are pointing so many questions to me trying to twist and turn to get me to agree that siding with one jewish side against another jewish side somehow makes it ours, it's not that complicated.
Do not vote for jews, do not cheer for jews or promote them in elections then claim victory when one side of the jewish paradigm gets elected.

If you can explain to me how voting in zionist neocon jews, has somehow done anything for our movement, I'd like it stated here.
So far 100 odd days into the presidency and we have every foul globalist kike dictating all our affairs, more verminous kikes in cabinet than you can shake a shitty stick at and bombs away in Syria all for isreal's sole gain.

The overton window has indeed shifted, the movement is now cheering on zog's destruction of the West, pretending it's all part of our plan


Here are the neo-nazis you hate so much.

inb4 not neo-nazi, he's a fucking biker

Well, for starter, we are having nationalists on the street, fighting for our race and action.

We have actual people working with Russia to solve shit in Syria.

We just demolish the TPP.

And antifas, BLM get massive coverage to show how bad they are.

I would say we are in good shape.

Now back to the question: who do you vote for?

Wow that's one super-bad-assed based motherfucker, right there!

to those newfags learn the board culture before you spew shit about cultural christianity/civic nazism and pro-zog shit

we did a lot more than the Americans
And we also died from British stupidity more
Like take for instance Gallipoli, Literal Australian Holocaust ordered by Churchill
Churchill is also the faggot who first ordered the bombing of german civilians, which then caused the nazis to start bombing britain
If there was ever a war-Criminal in WW2, its fucking Churchill

Uh, Galipoli wasn't in WW2, man.

No, I think the americans did more than ANZAC.

No you really don't, you have Kissinger directing affairs between US and America, that is bad no matter what dimension chess you play
No you haven't, not by a long shot
Bombing Syria, more gibsmedats for isreal, Lieberman about to BTFO kikes by getting the head FBI slot etc
Yeah great…

Ok, so back to the question: who do you vote for?

What do you want to do?

There are countless genuine nationalist, anti-jew/anti-zionist movements across the world, none get promoted on here you'll note, only jewish controlled false opposition.
The idea is to oppose jewry 100%, anything else that involves siding with zog, means you are the enemy.

Well, it's your time, please promote some options you can vote for in the US or the western hemisphere.

Well, the US is ZOG, so does that you mean you shouldn't vote?

There still was Kakoda, as in We held of an Invasion from Japan while you burgers could barely handle them in the Pacific

The americans didnt even come into it until they were sure which side was going to win
Its why they sold weapons to the communists and the british and its why they only actually started fighting when the Japanese attacked
Its literal american propaganda that american won the war for the allies, at most they only dealt with the japanese, who would have been dealt with anyway

Still i keep forgetting that churchill not only fucked us over in one world war, but both of them
He was Fucking over Australians before he was even prime minister, he was well known for using us as canon fodder intentionally because we weren't "british" and a nation of convicts

Fuck him, we did a good fucking job in comparison to the Americans who didnt have Churchill fucking them over

the notion of any such movement nontheless located in murica succeeding through parliamentary democracy is doubtful, Hell even with maga man arn't they trying to impeach him? And he's still delivering kosher policies eg gibs me dat to isreal

So there are organisations in America, Australia and Britain that are Nationalist Anti-Jew and Anti-Zionist but not being Jewish Controlled Opposition to make us look bad like the KKK and the BNP?
If so I want to know who they are

Fucking David Duke and Pat Buchanan were behind Trump.

We are gonna take what we are gonna get.

Purity spiraling gets us nowhere.

You can't hide your allegiances even for a second

And my allegiance is?

The Dickie Spencer school of implicit white identity

Dickie Spencer at least has courage to show his face and speaks about his belief.

Cannot get a movement without a face.


It's somewhat arguable the national front where bereft off Zionist infiltration atleast back in the 70's when they had a semblance of winning, the infiltrations revealed later on though where indicative of (((influence))) though

I still can't believe what became of Martin Webster

Not for any candidate placed there by zog
Otherwise we get circular arguments about voting in this jew because it's slightly less worse than voting fior that jew.
Ever heard of doing something?

Lega Nord/Forza Nuova/Golden Dawn/Jobbik/Nordic Resistance etc
You can even go softer with anti-zionist
The idea is to actyually do something for our people, rather than side witrh jews because you got press ganged into it by lying CIA-paid ecelebs coercing you to voting and cheering for zog.

Anyone suckered into this latest trend for cheering on zog, needs to taker a long hard look at themselves.
There is no Overton window shift to ourside
Ourside just went all zio neocon friendly and now there literally is no movement other than everyone arguing amongst themselves over who is the most super-bad-assed based negro, jew, neocon kike for us to cheer on.

take a look at this Baked Alaska video one more time

That is what this 'movement' is at this present time.
And no smug anime girl jpeg will ever change that

So maybe all those who stopped dropping the red-pills so we can all go MAGA can slowly climb back onboard the resistance, or we continue partying at the poolside as zog sends the West to Hell.

Kokoda is very moving, I'm thinking about writing some fiction based on it

I was asking that the whole time, user, you have yet to show me you do something.
These aren't US parties.

Then get some inspiration from them, because currently you're just cheering on zionist jews who have a slightly different way of destroying America than the marxist jews, pretending they are all part of our plan.
You are simply flies caught in the jews limitless web of lies.

So watch that baked Alaska video once more, then look up those other parties I mentioned and see if you can spot the subtle differences between them.

Uh, but we do? We march out of the streets and we fight for our race.

Now when do you start doing something, user?


The second highest upvoted post on the site is now:


Get in their and dump some red pills! And please upvote this post regarding the USS Liberty.


If everyone spoke up, political correctness would be destroyed.
He's a good guy.

Have you seen that baked Alaska video I posted for you?

I am doing my bit in my country, I am not American.

I also need to try and change the current decline and obedience displayed to zog first before we can do anything productive, right now I'm stuck in a loop trying to explain to people like you that the Red-Pill you've been boasting of chowing down on lately is filled with jewish pus.


Nonsense that is never going to happen.



There's currently more than 1500 users browsing this sub.

don't worry dude. americans are going to be pissed as fuck and we already like killing shitskinns. If we can guide it right, the entire world is going human imperium just to make sure not a single fucking yid survives. But I suggest you stay the fuck out of major cities if you can help it.

There are a ton of redpill threads happening on cuckchan right now. Keep up the good work. Spending time redpilling the newfags is of the utmost importance unless we want everything to collapse under the weight of cancer.

actually Holla Forumsthedonald is our sub and most of the redditors won't go there because it's anti semetic. All the redditors started their own sub called Holla Forumsthepedes I am not kidding it's really called that and are already banneing anyone anti Israel or not pro racemixing

Start with fucking off.

I'm assuming that recent arrivals are viewing both subs. The high number of current users suggests that.

Probably, though it might also be that the original userbase of voat as a whole is up in arms since non of them like the faggots flooding in to their site, especially since the first thing they do is try to sensor anyone who isn't a cuck on race or the JQ all the while claiming that they are the pro free speech ones just like their more left wing counter parts back on their shithole of a site

Ha Ha Ha they're so lame
Completely unlike here where anyone critical of Trump or any of the other kosher clowns like Gert Wilders, Lieberman being made FBI chief or criticising Wesley Clarke get banned

Meanwhile I'm stuck in some parallel universe watching different lines of ZOG attack steamroll every side of the so-called resistance into allying with jewry wondering just what the fuck you all think you are actually doing?

Never change cuckchan.

yeah… this place is clearly been jewed and the mods are actively against us but no one wants to move so there is nothing I can do.

oh come user, I don't want to be blackpilled so early in he morning. You are right though, of all the things I never though could be infiltrated by the Jews a explicitly anti-Semitic movement was one of them.

Back to >>>/4chan/

Cmon user, it may not be an enormous migration like after Holla Forums harbor but it'll keep you sane and more or less happy.

This is a subversion video.

These fools were making a mocking video of us kid. Those are not 'us' or even those whom would be chasing after us in any craze.

Other than the video. Trump's politics are worrisome. But not of any concern. Trump was always the figurhead to which others could rally behind. He keeps doing cuck shit, and still gets burned by the yids and their system, it only strengthens us. Just as them shutting down Holla Forums helped turn Holla Forums into the real final boss of the internet, and shutting down half/pol/ created an even more powerful board here, them bringing down Trump only serves our interests.

We win. No matter the play. Stop being defeatist and start thinking in depth and strategically. Don't think two moves ahead, think two dozen down the line on every possible move. We are the master race, start acting like it. This fight was never going to be easy or over quickly, but there is no reason that we cannot win no matter what happens.

Tell them to fuck off to Voat if they show up


Don't hitch your wagon to that cuck. He used us, we used him. Now is when we break ties since he's going full neo-Cohen.

Getting in street fights with antifa like the altistic retards are isn't an answer, either.

There are alternative sites, but most don't want to leave due to either not being sure of which site is the best, some being too slow for what's going on in the world, or are called shills for even suggesting a move to other sites or listing them because the powers that be of this site don't want people leaving.

Unfortunately, we let our guard down during the election because there was hope that Trump would be the one to shut (((them))) down due to how they fought tooth and nail to keep him from winning. Those who said that he was a stepping stone were right, but too many of us remained in the mentality of him being the "god emperor" and a master of "4D chess" to keep that in mind, and now it's bred a group of faggots here that will defend everything he does and silence and deny all sources and information that goes against their view. We voted for what he was saying, not who he was. The election was to deliver a message that we will not go down without a fight for our rights to sovereignty, freedom, and identity, and we're not any closer of that happening (most if not all of his accomplishments can still be undone when the next president comes in, depending on who it is). If his current actions and the French elections were any indication, we should stop relying on politicians alone in fixing the problems of this world.


Yes. Shitposting for another 12 years is the real answer. Fuck drumpf he no longer has my support.

Careful user, if you make a thread about the latest US attack on Syrian forces you'll get a 7 day ban on our local the_Donald/pol/.

Not what I meant. Altistic fags don't get that antifa is a smokescreen. They're not thinking big at all.

Not surprising, it's why I moved to End/pol/ for a while until it became a war between GLP and Holla Forums

End/pol/ is pretty shit, there are better alternatives out there, without shilling them let's just say that one is pretty close to home.

I know it's shit, I'm a hotpocket there
The other alternatives here are kind of a joke too. Never did like /politics/

Threads about the Jewish threat to society were very common on The_Donald during early 2016, during Trumps campaign. I remember making threads about disproving the holohoax and they were well received and it seemed like most people there were smart enough to see the truth, regarding Jews in general. Most people were anti-Israel too. I made lots of comments and threads about how it's bad to allow women to vote and other redpill subjects as well, and most people there seemed to agree.

Then, in late July 2016 if I remember correctly, all of their moderators were replaced during one day and the new mods turned it into a pro-Israel shillfest. Anyone not being a total cuck would get immediately banned, and still does. Clearly T_D was deemed a threat and was silenced, probably on the orders of Spez the founder of Reddit.

This is the fucking problem, whenever redditors get on here, they blow up information and prematurely act on our research. They ruin everything. Then the faggot youtube personalities ruin shit by being the first to report on our research prematurely.
Redditors, you are hated because you act on our information prematurely.=

I know its become edgy to hate on reddit and TD, but this is sort of a much bigger deal than plebbitors getting shit on…TD was a massive psyops that was more or less babys first redpill and is converting an incredible amount of future voters and adults. Reddit admins purging and locking down the site stops the redpilling of regular folk. While i feel the anti-TD attitude is quite suspicious (ok annoying double spaces and some cringey shit come from reddit) this was a massive blow to the movement. Normalfags are not going to hop on halfchan and stick around, no way in hell are they coming here and posting on a site featuring hitler as the background. While this might keep things edgy as fuck around here, having a massive conversion effort on a major website full of normal sheep the left prey on was far better than losing a place of cringe and alt-lightism. My only hope right now is that TD grew to enough members to really hurt reddit and cause it to go the route of digg. Maybe voat will get a leg up…but again, this was not good for anyone looking to change society for the better, it was the only normie location where non leftist ideas were allowed to spread.

Are they mistaking T_D with Holla Forums?







Upvote these. If you don't have an account register one. It only takes a few seconds and you're not required to verify via email.

Not your personal brigade. I'll be downvoting them, thanks.

Wow, you're such a great goy! Make sure you do everything you can to reinforce the narrative that Israel is our greatest ally!™

Why are we up voting them anyway?
I want screencaps

KC also spaces their posts that way.

I didn't know we didn't operate at brigade level. I thought we stopped at army. What's next, "not your personal battalion"?

Can you spot the difference?

HaHa I first did that comparison on the post about the Nordfront march the other week.

Impossible to tell the difference between the fashy pool party fag loving Star of David wearing super-bad based motherfucker on the left and the genuine nationalists on the right

What were those rules?

Prevented t_d posts from appearing on /r/all, among others.

Not your personal duo.

How could you embrace an anti-Semitic Hitler-love who doesn't like blacks or gays?



What do the reddit admin cares if they make it private?

They hate you anyway, this is such a stupid threat. As if leftypol would suddenly come here demanding we stop harrassing them because otherwise they will shut it down.

That Shlomo is so high quality. Man it needs sound.

Edited version.

That's been going on for months, some new rules were imposed of some kind. Curious what they were

Well it's not so grim we are gonna be innawoods soon anyway. I am fully stockpiled on anime lewds aryan waifus planetchan.life. There are many different boards there, /burger/ , /euro/ , /poland/ , /russia/ , hell those boards have subboards for each of their vicinities. The owner we don't know and he is not quite clear but he refers to himself as "God". He doesn't intervene much though and he is a great shitposter.

Thanks for not counting some of my words you stupid piece of shit keyboard. What i meant is I am fully stockpiled on anime lewds aryan waifus booze and lead, and that our next migration is gonna be on planetchan.life.

Fugging saved

I can't find anything like that online


Hi anti-white shill. Why did you reveal your true agenda that easily?

does anyone have a t_d discord link? I failed to get it before they temporarily went down.

Voat registrations are open.

Go there and redpill, faggots.

from what i can gather reddit told the admins what they can and cant sticky on the forum. Three admins stickied the Seth Rich story and threads and were removed by reddit for doing so. No other forum has such rules against it. Actually TD was host to a whole bunch of very specific rules that no other subreddit had to follow, most of which were aimed at controlling what escaped TD onto the rest of reddit, which again placed a whole bunch of regulations and manipulation on the subreddit that no other subreddit had to worry about. They would ban you for mentioning other subreddits or cross linking, mentioning other admins by name ect. It was a very strange place. I didnt see the appeal of TD except right after the election win, as it was a pretty fun party for a few days. Really dont see the appeal other than it was great for easing normalfags onto redpills.

Lurk for eternity you cum-guzzling niggers, we don't want your kiked out assholes here.

Probably this guy, David Cole, a kike that almost got killed by other kikes for speaking facts. He had to change his name and go into hiding for years until his gf outed him and he lost everything. He writes for TakiMag now, and has somewhat altered his views but not regarding the gas chambers and the camps in general. His story is all over the web, even RI interviewed him. Below is his 1992 doc where he goes to Auschwitz and reveals the lies.

youtube.com/watch?v=DFrJF-noN7A&ytbChannel=Sleepwalk No More

Vid related is Cole being interviewed by a very nice man named Ernst Zundel.


I see you guys with a morning wood and I ask myself what happend?

Oh noes, user, John Podestas minions crushed /r/the_Donald.
God news, user!!!

how far can we take this?

Well at least the mods are better on reddit than halfchan, how sad

Also Holla Forumspizzagate has been talking for several days about the call to donate and that it might be a ruse to delete the pg sub by deleting everything. There have been some good threads the last 2 weeks that seems to connect many dots, better than CIAnigger. T_D refugees need to be corralled over to Holla Forumspg since there is overlap already and we can't let it die. Check this out, it connects the shitty galleries, diplomatic privilege and the sickos voat.co/v/pizzagate/1855938

SEND THE DONALD TO Holla Forumspizzagate


Remember. Anit-Anime is Anti-Chan. Tell redditors and goons to leave, always.


Almost all of them are controlled by ADL or one of their factions. This goes way back. Any attempt to form patriotic nationalist orgs attracts subversive kikes. It is documented.

Did you finally learn voting is mostly a joke? That God Emperor needs his supporters to actually fight and not just shitpost?

Hello, Shariablue.

fixed it. I can't speak for Jobbik and other European orgs, though of course they have undercover infiltrators withing their ranks.

Let's start a irl non-cucked organization that requires DNA tests for leadership.
But seriously. What's stopping us from creating an uncucked organization?

This whole thread is a giant shitpost.

3 acceptable answers to the JQ:
1. No
2. Gas the Kikes, Race War NOW
3. Nuke Israel

Sounds like 3 good options there. Just say no , gas the kikes then DOTR

Do you have a screenshot of that?

Given recent events, I think DNA testing is necessary.

Based niggers and fags, right?

It looks like shills shilling shills.

This is kind of weird. On rare occasion I would take a look at plebbit and be repulsed by the ridiculous amount of cancer and just wanted all those stupid faggots to burn. Just plebbit in general, didn't matter where you went.

But on voat or whatever this is, which seems to just be a kind of reddit clone, they don't sound like plebbitors. Some do, but maybe 2/3 of the people talking there sound exactly like I would a expect a fucking user to sound like. I was expecting a much heavier dose of cancerous faggotry but it essentially appears to be Holla Forums-lite or something.

Not sure. It's not as abominable as I was expecting it to be.

We should set up an imageboard that only approves genetic testing data that proves that you're at least 87.5% European.


First we need a genetic testing company to exist that isn't owned by kikes.

/r/The_Donald has been live for about 30 minutes now…

This thread is now irrelevant


sage btw

I think finno-ugrics deserve their own board, lets call it /int/

So you'll all go back to - what? Shitposting memes from here? The main points I got from the voat refugees are the freedom to express oneself on voat and the fact that REAL CONVERSATIONS AND DEBATE HAPPEN ON VOAT AS OPPOSED TO REDDIT.

I hope some of you stay on voat but if you don't you can't just let bygones be bygones. This is not the last of /u/spez/'s fuckery and srs will target you ceaselessly. Fucking do something about it FFS. The reddit admins are repeatedly breaking their own TOS so get a damn lawyer and start something.


How would they classify Lithuanian? According to my family and what my grandparents were I'm 75% french and 25% Lithuanian. Do they classify that as "northeastern European" or something? "Far western asia" doesn't sound right.

Wasn't expecting that at all


that's the guy thanks man

Yeah it's not an online board believe it or not.

Was a long time poster there. Got banned for commenting on that stickied comment saying fuck that mod for stirring up all this shit after the biggest break through with Seth since his murder. Then messaged to find out why I was banned and got muted from messaging them for 72 hours. If they weren't controlled oppo before, they certainly are now.


Eastern European.

I'm white. I'm good here. If anything I'll go back to lurking and dropping OC thank you.

Voat has had issues with srs infiltrating, face it, they're everywhere. At least there's a process in place to identify and stop that shit. This sub voat.co/v/ProtectVoat is where you can go to address suspected shills including mods, though I think Holla Forumsvoatmods works too. There are others but those are the main ones. Action has been taken as you'll see when you go there but it depends on users reporting them. And they don't ban you for complaining.

I thought we were supposed to be better then halfchan

Also is there someone that can make vid related into a decent sized webm? Mine is too large to post. It's fucking beautiful.

It's real. I went to T_D last night, they're all like that user.

fuck all of you.

where? It was probably a centipede or a shill

He made replacements for his MegaUpload service a couple times.

Fix your shit or go back to reddit.

Good. Degenerate.

Get out.

Oh look, here's the megooka/goonchan/pl shill.
Sunshine is already gone. Jim Datamining is nothing but a meme, there is zero proof it's happening here beyond baseless claims shills make while telling people to MUH EXODUS to some honeypot.

Fix your shit.

Let me guess, your complaints involve MUH BOOKS and MUH EMPTY AIRFIELD?
Hello, shareblue.

r/the_donald is back up, you can all go home now.

/r/thedonald is like Holla Forumss embarrassing autistic brother you want everyone to forget about

*autistic little brother


oh my god they really all do talk like that jesus fucking Christ

So embarrassing. The subreddit should be shut down and redirected to /cringe

we've been saying go back to reddit way before the election nigger.

They think with shitposting and reposting stale imageboards meme they will change shit



go back to reddit is atleast as old as 2011 when all the rage comic stealing started going on

how fast does shit like this get deleted on the_donald?

the one good thing you can say about that place is they deliver minor redpills to a large audience of people and that can lead them down the road to halfchan and then here.

On Holla ForumsTheDonald context like that seems to be tolerated.

On /r/the_donald it wouldn't last very long at all and would result in a ban.


Just like back during the Boston bombings. That was a major fuckup.

Redditcucks talking about how voat and Holla Forums are way too extreme in this thread:
You would think after being called fascists by the rest of reddit no matter how much they virtue signal their love of niggers and faggots, they would realize being PRcucks doesn't work. Nope. They go to voat, and they are the SJWs they claim to hate so much. The ones that went back to reddit are far beyond saving from the looks of it.

from that thread

GUYS, muslims are invading Europe and commiting mass rape and replacing whites but I just want to poke fun not hate them! thats mean and racist!!


It's the brainwashing. Deprogramming from that shit is difficult but not impossible. They used to have to kidnap people to deprogram them but that doesn't fly these days if they're adult age.

Search "cult deprogramming" on YT there are some good ideas out there. Though kidnapping and forced deprogramming is the best.

They are basically just slightly edgier leftists. They love to virtue signal and nothing more.

it's funny as fuck to me that they call out liberals for virtue signaling when them posting "CHECK OUT THIS ==BASED== BLACK GUY IN A MAGA HAT HAHAHA WE'RE NOT RACIST" is literally that

vid related is a Ted Talk so send me to the ovens but she's an ex-Moonie and talks about how cults rewire the brain. This is what we're dealing with.

For those unaware.

Holla Forums is so based they no longer target attention to the kikes and instead now want to kill for isreal because of 911, even though it's the jews that are doing this to them and laughing in their Yank faces as they rape America and drink her dry before spitting it out as society decays irreparably.

Holla Forums bans any criticism of jews in any kosher conservative movement being pumped for by the mods, anyone critical of their agents like Gert Wilders or Tommy Robinson, let alone their precious kike-puppet Trump.
Why do you want red-pilled anons to come here to only get antagonised when they get sick of the jew mods here and get banned for criticising kikes subverting our movements?

Note that it's the same black guy in all three images.

Half the comments in that thread are about how happy they are to be back to their safe space.


blah blah blah Trump is a kike shill blah blah

LOL if you think there are only 2000 people browsing this website daily.

Remember that people that actually post at all are only a tiny fraction of the daily viewers.

For 4chan pol I'd say the viewer base is in the tens of millions daily and for Holla Forums pol maybe +million.

You syphilitic riddled jew cunt

Not that many. The usual breakdown is 90/9/1

90% never post only lurk
9% post occasionally
1% post often

Probaly 100k visit 8/pol/ significantly less than T_D


I don't really care so much what happens there. I personally rather have small quantity with higher quality which is why I lurk and post here (pol and v), so yeah backtoreddit.jpeg in this case.

But in having a very large user base on 4chan, just having people exposed to ideas, and even redpills, is enough to make it a Greater Good.

Contrary to reddit, which IMHO is terrible with its non-anonymous format and reputation voting system, it is a better platform for freedom of speech. Sure the place is filled with bots, normals and shills, but just by exposing people to facts and the harsh reality of the world, their points of views can only go one way once they start down that path.

I would agree that The_Donald is a better exposure method for normies because it is so toned down, but ultimately attracting the attention of the Normals is counter productive because the animals just can't handle the truth. I am of the opinion that exposing and converting elites and higher functioning individuals is a more efficient means to effect real world change, in whatever format it may happen.

/r/The_Donald proves how reddit they truly are lol

Gas thyself shill.


So basically…

The purity spiral of hate knows no ends. What comes next has me nervous. Whose going to come along next and want to gas us? Gen Z pls.

meme responsibly



Wise men do not turn up their noses at potential allies, regardless of their genetic curse. You don't see the Jews acting that stupid. I wonder (((who))) wants us to?

this nigger

It's not so much that we're dismissing potential allies, but mocking t_d tendency to fawn over black Trump supporters simply because they're black.

The useful idiots can do what they want, but calling them out for being faggots behind the scenes is invaluable. They need to know their place just like every single non-jew puppet knows his place on the hierarchy.

The message is strong enough. The truth does not lie. Reality will find everyone. The day we compromise with individuals propping their message up at our expense is the day we lose.

I'd rather people like T_D know we don't give a fuck about token minorities or supporting any faggot agenda just to gain a bigger audience. Leading people on first off makes you a dishonest lying fuck. Secondly it corrupts your own image.

If they want help throw the left into Olympic sized pools of gasoline while we throw the match in and watch them burn fine. Just don't tell them its not water. The useless idiot wants to remain ignorant and guilt free so just give them that.

I'd doubt most halfchan even knows voat exists Please keep it that way. Voat is like 8pol lite with more goats, buttplugs, and hatred towards fat people.

Or, ally with none, kill every single one.

It's amazing how much people don't see this. It's why I think the whites trying to separate in Brazil is a fucking stupid idea. Without clear racial intent you're just buying time to repeat the same nonsense. Same with that white sharia TRS nonsense. It was funny until they started thinking its a good idea to just impregnate our enemies and create more colored bastards. Spain/Portugal created a new race in 150 years doing this.

I swear sometimes I feel like our version of a jewish curse is to continue repeating the same goddamn mistakes until we're literally no more.

Or genetically engineer the survivors and their children to be what you want. Race becomes meaningless.

National Review comment sections are closer to Holla Forums than this shithole
super cucks

That sort of "genetic engineering" already exists, non-STEMfag; it's called adoption or a bullet, and I wouldn't wish the former on a White child.


Within 20 years it will be trivial to edit the genes of ova, later on of living people. What would it matter if they were animals now if they can be made into whatever?

Not advocating turning the subhuman hordes into whites but just saying that as long as political, economic and military power is under control, it would be irrelevant.

Also "nonstem fag", lol at your presumption.


I don't think it's possible for anyone to make progress until the (((media and banking))) problem is taken care of.

What is the point of developing the tools to go through a genetic sequence allele by allele to change a subhuman's code into a corresponding White one? You seem to still be suffering from the internalized Leftism of believing that science is a "fix" for these problems, and that one way or another race will finally cease to matter, but it both overestimates the tech and doesn't actually address why it should be done. The reason why you want it done is because ultimately due to your pathological altruism, and you are endlessly constructing arguments backwards from the response of your lizard brain rather than forwards from evidence.

If you are in STEM, it's something really shit. Either way, unless you've studied or at least read about molecular biology and population genetics, you probably shouldn't feel confident enough to open your mouth on the topic.

Target and Starbucks have been falling since they took hard stances in 2015.


there's liberals less triggered by Hitler than these cuckolds
wtf even are they?

The semen stains on the cuck's bedsheets after his wife's romp with Jamal and Co.

I don't see how anyone can consider themselves a veteran of any imageboard if they are triggered by that. After years on imageboards you should have seen the worst humanity can offer you.


i agree somewhat. at this point i feel as though the masses T_D has acquired would be be used to purposely subvert reddit rules perhaps. the combined effort of the people there could probably destroy another subreddit easily.

the only other current use i feel is keeping a large supporter base together, especially so information can be spread to them somewhat efficiently

Cucks, the whole lot of them.
And with an even weaker constitution at that, how they even manage to survive on the internet is a mystery.

Looks like Voat was too edgy for them; I'm starting to have more respect for the site.
credit to user in the gg thread for finding this ebin thread and cap

Let it be known, T_D do not believe the 14 words and get triggered when they encounter those who do.

What REALLY matters in the end is behavior. Why are niggers and other subhumans bad? Because their nature and cultural heritage makes them to behave like animals… to be animals.

I am not a molecular biologist but I have some knowledge about the tools being developed right now for commercial use. I have no doubt that the use of this technology for the benefit of people through actual gene editing will be banned by the FDA, but the tech will exist and it will happen somewhere.

Now consider that if a small group of 130+ IQ educated scientists and engineers (many who are asians btw) enable troglodites to have smarter children than them that will behave like actual humans then the entire argument of race issues becomes moot.

It would be meaningless to argue about race differences if they were irrelevant, but not in the brown underclass common denominator that jews envision, but of an increasing % of the population of whatever original genetic stock being as smart or smarter as current high achievers and with the intellectual capability to decide upon and observe productive and good behavior.

I say this because not only is a race war unwinnable at this point, but physical elimination of masses of people in any matter for any motive is also politically unfeasible and also even IF it were possible, it would be a colossal waste of resources.

I understand the genetic realities of the human family as well as anyone, and on the premise that "if things remains as they are" I would even agree with you.

But to answer your question:
"What is the point of developing the tools to go through a genetic sequence allele by allele to change a subhuman's code into a corresponding White one?"

The point is to not have to genocide billions of people. Would you cause suffering to animals for no reason? Subhumans are just like animals. If trained properly would probably be OK. But you wouldn't go out and make animals suffer/die for no reason right?

Besides, its not about turning blacks into whites, its about improving everyone. The color of our skin is not what makes us superior, its the totality of our nature and culture that enables us to behave as we do and accomplish the things we do. If that can be improved in quality and quantity w/o debasing ourselves, isn't that something to strive for?

I was on voat helping to make sure the redditors felt completely unwelcome unless they were willing to accept the redpill, it was a lot of fun. The voat natives are a lot more similar to anons here than reddit. Some redditors will stay on voat, but the ones that do stay are the ones that can be redpilled.

(((They))) are terrified.

tbh i dont like that hitler either, when I browse the board on my phone I am always worried someone would spot that and think I am a nazi.

I am, but I survive here because that fact is not apparent at face value.

Kek Voats alright in my book.

Go back to reddit

wasted dubs. leave

fuck off shill, I was never anywhere else. I was here since the 1st exodus and on pol for almost 10 years. Thats probably before your balls dropped.

You can add the background image to your adblock filter list in order to block it.

Fuck off redditor

kek when redditards are called out they suddenly are oldfags. 10 years of being uncomfortable around nazi imagery. Double down more faggot.



Sounds like a cuckchanner to me.

I wasn't paying attention back then. Why the fuck would tumblr have ever been worth a billion?


But nothing bad will happen, since the left already calls everyone that's not them nazis anyway…

Yeah you are definitely from reddit.

No I live in SoCal, deep undercover in the empire of Zog.

Why don't you try going to work wearing a hitler shirt. Wait do you have a job…?

whatever, what is CSS and how to change it, and how to change it on a phone?

money laundering disguised as "potential advertising vector".

lurk for 2 years before posting, newfag

Its such a sad joke really that idiots like you continue with the bullshit. I have been here since the split, and on 4chan before for longer. Since I don't save gore to spam here i'll spam webms instead.

Disingenuous. The reason is to prevent our extinction via introgression. I enjoy you bringing up the topic of how we would/should treat other animals as an argument against extermination, because it's the exact opposite of reality.


The dispassionate ecologist response to this exact situation for any other species is "kill them all, and the crossbreeds too". Again, I'm going to appeal to your conscious rational mind by pointing out exactly what you are doing, which is endlessly generating arguments to satisfy an emotional response you have against killing, not for any practical or logical reasons. Break free, and actually study the problem and its solutions.

You don't have to convince me of how genetics works and how mixing people just muddies the water so to speak.

I'll just say that if there is no genetic engineering way to fix the problem, we are doomed, and I say this as a supporter of eugenics to the max.

I am aware of many possible solutions to this and other problems, but you must be aware that preventing hybridization, preventing reproduction of unfit individuals and wholesale elimination of populations is not going to happen. I say this because politically it is a fringe POV.

Additionally, economically and militarily it is also impossible given that chinks, jews, mudslimes and poos all have nukes and CAN be just as smart so "kill them all, and the crossbreeds too" is not a viable solution.

I don't see the point in pushing for impossible solutions. What are you arguing for anyway?




This is why newfags are cancer and need to fuck off back to reddit.

Just for you nigger


Deep sea song pls










what level of redpill is voat at? like a 4/pol/ level or below?

first post I saw in read first t_d thread was "first things first, israel is not our ally"

Above 4chan. Check out:



Katie Jane Garside - Darkangel

T_D shills:

Know how to spot them.

Ok t_d your home is back online you can go home now


Fuck off reddit pleb


Are you sure? Source? If so I'm unsubbing, I fucking hate those kike shills. But I need proof first.

"reactionarytree" runs it, and ran /r/altright before that.


does that redditor think making jokes is going to convince them to abandon thier retard sand religion?

There's a bunch of posts saying they'd rather be called a nigger faggot than a sexist cis whatever sjw buzzword. Upvoted and most responders agreed. Looking good.


What's his particular degeneracy? Any pics or vid?


Wow, what's the source on that?

New rules at plebbit. You better behave. Or else.

Never a bad time to post Dr. WLP.
They all die in a fire of course.

Already saved on multiple hard drives.

this is what the owner of reddit looks like just incase you had any doubts that redditors are all faggots

Blaire Cotrell the Australian roider egotist

Dude seemed pretty egotistical but he has some great points. If he had included the destruction of the family unit he would have been fully on point. At least in terms of the destruction of a people.


You remember those old days of shitty box computers? The ones that, whenever you would load a page, would commence to making metallic clicking and whirring sounds as it tried to process the flow of information? I feel like that sometimes. The gears are still moving, and I know what I'm looking at, but it's still a chore to digest it sometimes. I look at posts like this and the clicking and whirring happens. For a moment I'm arguing with myself, trying to decide how people can be so damned dumb as to say shit like that, and then to believe it, but then I'm immediately reminded that this is CURRENT YEAR +2 and that anything is possible.

I really do hate this fucking world.

that's why I don't like him, he makes some good points but discredits everything he's associated with because he's just some self righteous, roiding, former convict dickhead. Now that I think about it, not a bad representation of Australia

Damn, you clearly hate Australia. As far as the roiding I can't say shit, most of the U.S. water supply is purposefully estrogenized, I would take HGH as well if that's the case over there. The convict shit, what was he in for? Saying GTAIV Isn't sexist? It is Australia.

I am Australian and I hate what we have become
I suppose I'm giving Blair a bit of shit, he's an easy target. I think he's standing for the right cause, he actually staged an anti mosque protest with a mock beheading and everything around my town. He used to traffic T, burnt down a guy's house and chased him with a tomahawk because he was with his ex gf. He's a bit of a fuckwit

these fucks should see the levels of autism that top WoW guilds go to if they think that's impressive

Well that's all you had to say. Dude sounds like a real cunt.

I know this is bait but are you even trying anymore?

Nice caps directly from Talmud. It's hard to find english copies. Can you post caps for where it talks about goy being animals and raping goy women? I have them in other formats but I think yours looks more directly sourced and credible.

Norwegian cucks man. It's a genetic flaw in their genepool that must be purged.

Fortunately they'll come and not the real 8ch.. :'^)



>talking to the 4channer who isn't even here that's sending the reddifugees here instead there yes I said 4channer because that 4channer is smarter than you'll ever be you retarded faggot :'^)

of course the ones still on reddit didnt go to voat, this is a biased sampling, you are literally only sampling the ones that stayed when you browse reddit


It was a lot of fun. I don't even understand why T_D did this, all they did was direct traffic away from their indoctrinated shit hole. They didn't even get anything from the Reddit admins, I think they just missed having power over people and broke down. They couldn't even wait for the deadline they set themselves.


I know you're joking but…




It's you have too you quintuple nigger, and you're going back with them.

good goy
Now get >>>/out/ and スドクコミット

Always remember your weapon when charging an enemy position.


Kek. 数独をして

This is why we need to keep them on a leash while remaining in the shadow.
These tards have absolutely no idea about anything.


Somewhere between 4/pol/ and here.

Honestly, I see some potential if we can develop it further.

Man you practically smell and taste their fucking mentality and manner of thinking. How do you do fellow channers, when did you join le ebin 4chan? I myself have been a devoted member for like a year now, I wish I had karma to show off my oldfag status!
Fucking cancer.
I'll take Lies On The Internet for a thousand, Alex. That sounds like a shill trying to keep people from coming here because it's oooh so scary. Who would actually freak out just from a picture of Hitler? kikes would

You can't be a kike shill if you are a kike retard

its not a death cult

Newfags lurking; get used to seeing pic related.

Instead of being faggots about it, learn why people would associate with such a 'horrific lie'

Voat has sub called v/niggers, it's also where pedogate migrated centralised research to and where fatpeoplehate moved to after the first shoah. You can openly call out kikes and kushner on there. Mods DGAF
Enough said.

I spent 12 years on the chans and reddit. Within 24 hours of going to v/TheDonald I accepted EthnoNationalism and 14 88.

Where do I find a qt Aryan?


This is a true but disgusting post. We don't need them to GIVE us a damn thing. We should be taking from them, whether by force or not doesn't matter.

They didn't know what they were expecting. At least some of the users seen the light that T_D was a cancer designed to keep users in 'muh PR' censoring containment.


Friendly reminder that we have almost 10k people on Holla Forumsthedonald and it's openly mentioning the JQ.

fucking kill me

I'm pleasantly surprised by the new T_D on voat.
New voaters, be sure to see pics of the voat monthly meetup, you won't be sorry! voat.co/v/whatever/1877140

Holla Forumswhatever is like shitposting here but with less crap

Compromised wtf


Still want to fuck Haruhi.

I need some context for this image, I have no idea how reddit works

only 2 mods are more than a month old, none more than 3 months.

Not hard to figure out

Oy vey

wtf I love voat now lol. Fucking ruthless.


I don't identify as a "nazi" I just don't cower over being branded the label.

Why DnC kike.

it is literally a historical "victory dance" in their shithole country, with Trump partaking, and it should worry everyone, you dumb illiterate kike, which is why I called it "crazy." Fucking eat a bullet.

some of the most laughably bad OC I've seen in a long time and of fucking course there is only 1 post by this ID

At least the did one thing right.



I want to fuck her so bad

looks like a fucking dyke in that 2nd picture.

his fashion sense reflects his IQ perfectly

That's pretty impressive. I don't lurk there so much but they have three mods enough said!

If you can't find one (they're sorta rare) you make them. I know one who is qt aryan and descended from someone who was in the bunker in Berlin, other is red pill in progress aryan red head.
Know of others but don't know them so well.
Gotta find the based AF CT/redpill loving ones with head switched on still. Start on other topics, never reveal true power level.

good riddance sub filled with autistic 12 year olds