/leftyk/ thread. Post and discuss your tools of the revolution comr8s...

/leftyk/ thread. Post and discuss your tools of the revolution comr8s. I'm in the early stages of easing the other people in my local commie group to begin survival and weapons training to form a ragtag militia. Partially for LARPing purposes, partially for morale, and partially because these are useful skills and may one day be necessary to topple porky.

Also picked up a new shotty today, pic related, Mossberg Maverick 88.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/details/wwIIarchive?sort=titleSorter&and[]=mediatype:"texts"&and[]=subject:"Field Manual"&and[]=subject:"Technical Manual"

Those are some mighty fine skses comrade. I don't have that much disposable income working a part time job so the best I could do is a .38 revolver to fufill the self-defense meme and that's about it.

Yeah I'm fucked m8.


Relax, triple dubs. You and a buddy can always use it to ambush a heavily armed two man patrol.

Kek i'm glad someone delivered the oc i asked

At least it doesn't jam famalam

Made myself a molotov slingshot. You put the bottle in the pouch, wind up, and sling it accurately at speeds of up to 110 mph. Thing's a fucking flaming glass bullet.

I'm too afraid I'd blow my arm off to play with explosives personally…


Okay. Burning my hand off then, you know what I meant.


Don't hurt yourself.

I have a SKS, a 10/22, and a 1895 Mauser. I would have more (and better) guns, but I have to prioritize saving for college someday over that.


Start a private security firm

I live in a noguns country, or more accurately it is unreasonably expensive and difficult to obtain and hold even a basic gun.

All I have is a Moist Nugget and a 10/22 ruger.

2 AKs 'one is in chrome and the other is wood"
1 long barrel shotgun
1 air pressure hunting rifle
1 old single shot hunting rifle
1 magnum 44


Get a crossbow m8.

You just need to kill one of the dirty capitalists and take his weapon.

There's always the black markets but it's not like any of you nerds would knew were to find them.



Just reminding British posters here that guns aren't illegal except for handguns.

A firearms license is £50 per annum and all you need to provide is a letter from your GP confirming that you are of sane mind and a "valid" reason to the police for as to why you want to own a firearm.

Most likely valid reasons would be shotguns and hunting rifles for hunting, but I'm sure you could become a sports enthusiast and claim under those grounds for an assault rifle.

I've seen Poles and Finns on youtube competing with military grade weaponry, I'm sure Brits could do the same.

I'm in UK, people get air guns converted etc

I only have a two barelled Cal.12 rifle for hunting. Not going far with that…


I've got a 12 ga. with a shorty barrel, a K31, a Mosin, an SVT, an SKS, a 10/22 and a sweet ass sword.

I've been planning to pick up some handguns soon, either a modern-ish 9mm or a TT since it's dirt cheap, along with maybe a .22 or something.

I feel like I should really get a modern rifle at some point, but I'm plenty happy with my SKS as is, to be honest.

I like you black flag but you can be really retarded sometimes.

*pirate flag

Learn how to make explosives

this shit again. AR-15 is functionally indistinguishable from an assault rifle. The only thing it's missing is full auto/burst, and soldiers almost always use semi auto when they actually want to hit something anyway. It's almost identical to a military weapon.

That said, I don't think you can get a non-bolt action rifle in the UK (could be wrong) so it's moot anyway.



Posting mine now; Kel-Tec Sub-2000, .40 S&W

Also I want to remind everyone to please delete their EXIF data from your images before you post them.

It's like you hate fun or something.

Some reading material for future revolutionaries.

"The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them." - Lenin

neat, how does the barrel lock into the receiver?



Yeah, Stalin's a very interesting figure. I enjoy reading about him, but then again, he is a serious contender for most important person in history, so It shouldn't be that strange.
His most unforgivable mistake was gassing all his officers, but while I am an anarchist at heart, sometimes I wonder if what Stalin did otherwise wasn't necessary, when you think about the immense material forces he had to contend with.

I have no guns but have decent explosives knowledge and plenty of materials (KNO3, Ali powder, Sulphur things like that). Not sure how useful it'd be but it's a start

I'm happy.

we fallout now

Umm… can you make explosives in Fallout?


This might explain it. You press a lever on the stock that detaches the hold of the barrel, and the barrel attaches to the receiver via the pastic lock, once in place you press the trigger guard forward-upward to unlock it so it can be folded.
If you have any resources or e-books, that'd be just fine.

To be fair making the explosive compounds is easy, making reliable detonators is the difficult build

neat. does the barrel move backwards, or does it just press flat up against the breach, kind of like a nagant?

In New Vegas, yeah.

Do you know anything about that, detonators?

I'm not so sure what you mean, so I drew an example, does this answer your question?

For what it's worth, here's the latest released An-Cookbook. The shit about "banadine" is bullshit though, don't bother. Here's some other stuff too.

I did this today.

Can /leftyol/ suggest a gun for someone whose never owned one that's easy to use, reliable, cheap, and has easily available ammo? I know lots of gun nuts laugh at .22's but I don't want to blow someone's insides out, just scare them off should the need ever arise.

I haven't really made all that many detonators tbh, suburban east England isn't really a place you can set off explosives. Most of the time I've done it have been with fuses. The one time I used a spark plug it took 3 or 4 tries to get it to work. I might just be shit at building detonators Idk

I thought about putting the same quote on my gun, nice work comr8.

The way I was taught is that 9mm is the "dividing line" between calibers; anything below 9mm is unfit for suburban/military combat. Guns aren't for scaring people, if you pull a gun just to scare someone off they could file assault charges on you, even if they're the instigator. Normally you only use guns to protect your life, but since this thread is about possible insurrection-style suburban combat, I'd recommend getting whatever caliber the police use. You should probably go ask /k/. Don't mention anything about being lefty tho, Holla Forumsfags are starting to infiltrate and spread the "commies wunt ur gunz" bullshit.

What country do you live in? That will limit what your options are.

As for .22s it's something that every gun owner should have. They are good for beginners because ammo is insanely cheap, they have no recoil, and they are relatively safe so they are great for learning the basics of gun safety. They are also a must for any survivalist since a .22 is an excellent small game rifle. A tiger 10-22 is probably the best bet since they are semi auto, relatively inexpensive, and are highly customizable.

However outside of plinking, practice, and as a survival rifle they aren't much use. It really depends on what you want the gun for.

Preparing Nitroglycerin (This article was banned from wikipedia because "kids might find it." lel).


*HNO3 (nitric acid)
*H2SO4 (sulphuric acid)
*Salt-ice bath
*1000 mL beaker
*Jug of ice water
*Glass burette
*Separatory funnel
*Glass rod
*Safety equipment, minimally including heavy leather gloves, impact-resistant goggles,
hearing protection, and face shield.


(NOTE: The following describes an extremely dangerous process. The risk of explosion during the
production process is one of the reasons even skilled professionals purchase their nitroglycerin
rather than make it themselves. Do not attempt without having received the necessary training.)
Nitroglycerine is prepared by nitration of glycerol (also known as glycerin).

-First, you must create a nitrating solution. Slowly mix 200 ml of 98 to 100% nitric acid with
300 ml of 98-100% sulphuric acid into a 1000 ml beaker which is submersed in a salt-ice bath.
Make sure to cool down the mixture to 10 °C before the next step.

-Next, add 112 ml of glycerol, which has previously been cooled to 15 °C, very slowly
(i.e. drop by drop using a burette suspended over the beaker) to the nitrating solution.
Slowly stir it, with extreme care not to tap the stirring device against the side of the beaker,
as the impact of the stirring rod against the container has been known to create enough pressure
to detonate the nitroglycerin. Carefully monitor the temperature while adding the glycerol; the
temperature should never rise above 20 °C and should be kept below 15 °C as a safety precaution.
If the temperature starts rising, stop adding glycerol and stir slowly until the temperature goes
back down.

(CAUTION: Keep a jug of ice water nearby and if at any time the temperature rises above 20 °C or
red fumes are noticed, carefully dump the solution into the ice water immediately.)

-Once all of the glycerol has been added, let the mixture cool down to 15 °C and let it stand for
15 minutes. Then pour this mixture into a large container containing an equal amount of water at
room temperature. Add this mixture to a separatory funnel. The nitroglycerine will settle onto
the bottom of the funnel.

-Drain out the nitroglycerine layer and then add to a clean funnel, with plenty of water at
approximately 38 to 45 °C and wait for it to separate. Then, drain out the nitroglycerine layer
again. Repeat the washing process above with a 4% sodium carbonate solution instead of water.
Then wash with water again three more times. Give it one more wash with a concentrated sodium
chloride solution and then test with litmus for acidity. It should be neutral or it will explode.
Keep washing until it tests neutral with litmus.


I'd definitely advise you to get a .22 of some sort because there's really no reason not to buy one. For a centerfire rifle, I'd suggest an SKS or some AK variant depending on where you live. 7.62x39 is ridiculously and will probably continue to be made right up until the point when humanity finally goes extinct.

If you want a full-power bolt-action that embodies all the qualities you describe, the Mosin-Nagant fits the bill perfectly.

12 gauge shotguns of all sorts also fit the bill, and make prized self-defense weapons for a very good reason.

But really, the best option is all of the above.

*ridiculously cheap and

I currently own:

CZ P-09 9mm
Sig P250 9mm
CZ Scorpion 9mm w/ folding brace
BCM AR-15 5.56 16" midlength w/ Aimpoint Comp M4s
PTR91FR .308

This stuff is mostly for fun, but I wish I could own an M240. I was king of the MG.

You need to learn to adapt and overcome.

Full auto is useful when you need it. Sometimes you need to gtfo of somewhere and that's when you dump rounds.

unless you practice for months youll hit nothing

prole uprising.png

From what I know, anything it says about thermite is non-practical knowledge. Sure, thermite burns hot, but it's also fucking slow.

Thermate is a little more violent but as with thermite, you need a fucktonne of it to actually burn through anything significant.
It's not going to melt though steel beams or any of that bullshit.




you a lainanon?

put storm/wind matches on your molotovs

1) its less easy to see and avoid
2) you can hold the botte by the neck and throw it farther


You don't really need the .22lr stuff. It's nice to have, but not an absolute necessity.

how are you going to train for cheap?
also survivalist hunting.

Define "train". Most 9mm is cheap enough that you don't really need to worry about it. As for survivalist stuff, that's pure fantasy. Get people. People are your most valuable asset.

well, Suppressed 22 can still be extremely valuable for low level ambushes and assassinations. bringing single vehicles to a stop is a good use for .22

Eh, I'm not willing to say that's not an apt application. I've never used .22lr to that capacity, nor seen it used, so that's beyond my expertise.

What's the difference in failure rate between a semi-auto and a revolver?


Gunna post some gear now, it's second-class but eh, I'll get better. r8 me comr8s. Sorry if cam and light isn't best quality.

Also the latex gloves are to prevent getting fingerprints on anything, I'm wearing rubberbands on them on my wrists to hold em in place and reduce any flapping by the open end; I'd like to have them in black tho.

I've been to lainchan a few times but I'm not a regular.

Sorry couldn't tell ya, don't know.


n such


why wont that "cluster bomb" blow up immediately, in your hand, when you trigger it?

nice man

yeah you should put a switch on that


Also, if you have mild or serious depression, you're likely to not be able to get a gun lisence in the UK.

Entirely depends on how fast you can shoot it, however, you'll get slowed down for reloads on a revolver unless you're really adept at it.

An alternative to trying to be good with the speed loader is the New York reload; just carry a second revolver.


There's a reason why basically every military and police force in the world uses semi auto pistols.

Revolvers will last longer, they have less moving parts so they may be better in cold weather or something. But you can look up mud and torture tests on Glocks, 1911s, Lugers, etc and you'll find that they are plenty tough enough to stand up to just about anything you'll actually have to deal with.

Get a semi.

They're actually more mechanically complex. It's clockwork type shit. Semi-auto handguns of today are actually less mechanically complex. Sure, they look high-tech, but they're based on simple physical principles. A good semi-auto handgun just requires a bit of lube and new springs every once in a while. A revolver requires you baby it and make sure that it doesn't get out of timing and other stuff.

Anybody here ever had the balls to go to a gun show with a commie shirt?

I wouldn't. You do yourself no favors by doing this. However, I will advice you to head over to /k/, and to look at a podcast called the War Room. I haven't had the time to listen to it, but they claim a lot of them are vets. They are trying to teach tactics and shit. Some could be useful knowledge as long as you ignore their stormfaggotry. Remember, good info is good, no matter who says it.

does anyone know if hezbollah accepts non-muslims, and, if they do, how to go about joining? or if there's another well-organised, well-funded anti-US/israel paramilitary that i could join?

I would tbh. Maybe not an obvious one, but I have a camo jacket I'm going to put a commie patch on, I might wear that.

Hezbollah are Islamists friendo, they're reactionary as fuck. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend.

Join the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), the're actual communists.

There is no reason for anyone to do this. Nice try, FBI man.

For those of you thinking of getting a combat rifle:

I also advice you watch the sniper 101 videos, however that is not all there is to it. Get to know an actual sniper if you want to learn.

does any one has info about making a remote controlled electronic fuse?

hey retard, the pflp cooperates with hezbollah.

Updated my journal.


And the Americans co-operated with the Soviets, doesn't mean they are the same ideologically.



Like the first page in the anarchist cookbook is 'don't blame us if you maim yourself trying this, explosives are dangerous'. That was enough to put me off.

Most of the explosive info is actually pretty accurate; the book itself is excerpts taken from old military munition manuals. The book was compiled by some guy who later renounced anarchism and fucked off to South Africa to teach english to starving niggers and was never seen again.

Anyone willing to write an manifesto for the Anarcho-Stalinists?

Right now I'm living on welfare but I'm studying communications and hoping to be a building bridge.

Run a marxist club at college, anti-gun protest, tear down trump signs wherever I see them.


A lot of that image is plain wrong and full of LARP pandering. You niggas need information.

You need to kill yourself, you stupid faggot.


Explain now. NOW.

It would take a while, but a lot of that info is the firearms equivalent of bro-science. Let me type it up in a bit.

Also, I have some podcasts I want to share with you guys, recorded by someone else. What is a good way to make an anonymous yt account? For my own reasons, I can't let my browsing of this board or subject get back to me.

I suppose what you can create new account and bullshit all of the information. Don't connect it with any of your other accounts or use a public area like a library or something to upload or manage the channel. Probably throw the use of VPNs or proxies for a good measure.

That's what I was guessing. My only task is to make some images to go with the videos.

That's what I was guessing. My only task is to make some images to go with the videos.

post link when you're done
or post the username you'll be using so I can find it all later by myself

Daily reminder that AKs and moist nuggets are the only respectable leftist weapons

y tho

Unironically infiltrated by Mossad

They're cheap af surplus weapons, they work reasonably well and they are Russian.

Daily reminder that you're a larping faggot.

Guns are racist, mkay. Go back to Holla Forums.

Holla Forums is noguns as fuck, and they trust /k/ to help them when muh day of da rope comes. /k/ is also an empty as fuck board right now. Seriously, there is fucking nobody there.

I highly recommend this man's channel.


This is filled with more practical advice that doesn't get into tacticool territory.

Why is this FBI thread still around?


Sorry that I'm not a redneck.

No, but you are a troll.

Hey, does anyone here know if a SAR-48 is metric-pattern or imperial pattern FAL? I'd ask on good ol' half/k/ but I'm lazy.

I believe that they are available in both.

You could always head over to our /k/. They have a battle rifle thread and they were discussing the differences between inch and metric FAL. A quick google search suggests metric, though.

How does it feel to know your political beliefs have been twisted into keeping the proles in check?

they're liberals who at best want socdem policies and would tell people that voting is a revolutionary act
over the next few years i expect proper leftism to get a bump though, militant leftists are needed in the US

The worst part is that some people actually think this maymay is true.

I'll do it willingly.

lol I was even asked to apologize to the asian-american community for supporting Mao by some shitty imperialist liberal.

I've never met a commie that didn't want to arm the proles.

You can stop shitposting any time.

archive.org/details/wwIIarchive?sort=titleSorter&and[]=mediatype:"texts"&and[]=subject:"Field Manual"&and[]=subject:"Technical Manual"

Acid Man sperg rantings (before he was glorious leader of GG, he was a crazy prepper bastard)
If anyone can dig up more threads by this guy, they're great stuff but he's a nutter.

Why do you amerifags care so much about guns if you don't even use it?
Guns are made to ice fools when they do stupid shit not to be a home decoration, or toy, or wearing accessory to parade outside or whatever.

Somebody already tried to kill Trump, though rather incompetently.

>>>Holla Forums

People have different views. Boo hoo storm weenie.

How bout you go to >>>/liberalpol/

Umm…So let me get this straight.
You guys support the creation of things PURELY designed to kill other human beings?

Others of your own kind? Others with hearts and minds just like yourselves?

You…really are just as bad as the heartless Holla Forums….


10/10 i laughed


Given the broscience tier parts about thermite, I would not be inclined to trust the rest of the information.

Pic related
How exactly the fuck do you expect a revolution to succeed without arms? Are we supposed ask thebourgeoisie kindly to surrender the means of production.
Fuck - look at how bourgies are responding to the dakota pipeline peaceful protests. They cant handle any disruption to their bottom line non violently - let alone a revolution.


Certainly I support the right to bear arms and the people to form militias, but I think fetishism of the gun is a dangerous tendency. If guns were sufficient for revolution, the United States as a nation with more guns than people would be living the socialist dream by now. Disoriented inclination to violence makes one a target for state provocation and does nothing to advance the interests of the proletariat. A small band of heroically inclined partisans with guns cannot replace the class consciousness of the proletariat.

I just wanted to raise this point, because there might be agents on this forum trying to bait you into saying something "seditious" or "treasonous" to stick a trumped up terrorism charge on you.

Nobody has argued otherwise. People like guns because they're fun too. These people will still exist after communism. At the very least, the ownership of firearms means that the brown shirts of the future won't come after you without resistance.

I like practicing mar(x)manship too, and I think there should be no squeamishness about arms in the hands of ordinary people. My concern is more about the possibility that federal agents could try to entrap inexperienced radicalized youth into certain criminal activity, as is known to be a common provocation. Class terror has its place in the revolution; individual terror is counterproductive. Being clear on that is the best way to defend against the type of provocation I am talking about.


Ah, I totally understand. Even though Holla Forums is more paranoid than us, it's usually leftist groups getting entrapped.

What's the difference between class terror and individual terror? Doesn't class terror have to be carried out by individuals?

That's some rather vulgar social atomism, in my opinion. Class terror is suppression of competing class interests on behalf of the needs of another class. Though at some point this involves the actions of an individual, the action doesn't originate with them but with a state organized by the class for that purpose. Read Lenin, the State and Revolution.

They arrrnt Leftists Bucko they are just pampered Liberals.

I don't like guns but i want military tranning

what do?

Get a dildo you faggot.

I could train you. I'm on my fourth group, for a total of 32. You'd have to spend more than a couple of weeks with me, though.

is it the same person using this word every time? i've seen it like 3 times in the few days

/fit/ is class conscious.

Broscience is a good word, really. It denotes what's accepted as knowledge but has no real scientific backing. Like, for example, the infalliability of the free market.

We're not on the same hemisphere

We can be. It's called rendition.