What's that user?

What's that user?
You have a video game idea?
Let's hear it!

Other urls found in this thread:


You fucks might steal it


Adventure Island 7

a new silent hill game that's actually good


Fishing rpg. You have to eat, drink and sleep. Fish every day. Make morr money, buy better equipment. Gain xp from catching fish and put skill points in throwing, reeling etc.

Kinda like legend of the river king but modern and more autistic.

Any stealth game where the enemy camp won't immediately know where I am when I shoot my gun because they somehow know it's mine. But sure, idle animations where the enemy tries to shoot birds have no alarms.

You play as a space pirate conqueror

don't make it a shitty VR game or I'll be mad

Kill Niggers.

Oh yeah. Have a house wich you can upgrade and decorate. Maybe have an aquarium to keep fish in and add dating in the game so its harvest moon but with more fishing. Maybe have the abolity to buy a boat so you can go fish in the ocean.

Fund it

It is like Might and Magic 6 but new.

Kill niggers and kikes as the leader of the KKK, a man named Gen Barrison.

DOOM did it

Prison Rape Online.

The game is an online game where everyone is a prisoner. The goal is to rape other prisoners and make everyone your bitch, but if you get raped then you lose your ability to rape. Then all of your bitches will go to who raped you.

Do all these greentext threads really tell you nothing?

Lets make the worst game possible, dragging in as many other companies and whatnot and crash the industry into the ground.

the brief ideas are usually the most popular, essays just make you look autistic

i am legend: the game

you're the only living human left in a huge, sprawling metropolis. you would be options to play super-duper hardcore survival mode - necessitating growing/hunting food, crafting/maintaining warm clothing in winter, purifying water etc. or a less grindy setting with no cold/food management, etc

i think at its core i would want it to feel expansive, and too big to explore, and make you feel small. i would want an interactive, wall-size map in your base of operations, where you could manually mark off good stashes of supplies, cars you've left lying around, fuel sources, buildings that are unsafe to enter due to monsters, whatever. when nighttime rolls around your diligence in covering your tracks (remember that pointless little scene in the movie where will smith pours alcohol on his steps as he's entering his house to hide his scent?) and your base fortifications would affect whether or not the monsters can find you, and if they find you they'll keep coming in huge numbers until you move.

you'd have the freedom to play a more investigation/adventure style game if you wanted to work in a lab and cure the virus, gathering/synthesizing critical ingredients, conducting potentially dangerous experiments, tracking down sophisticated lab equipment to improve/speed up your results, etc. or if you're into shooters, go full rambo and start clearing the monsters out one building at a time by purging them with fire and lead, then mark those buildings off on your map as "safe". don't feel like working? steal a car and do jumps, play yakuza-esque minigames like golf, fishing, solitaire, arcade games, etc

you had me at >fishing rpg

That sounds like every incremental flash game on Kongregate.

The KKK sucks, lemme make my own damn guild


Get rid of DRM so the consumer can mod the game that they purchased and so they won't need to be connected to the internet to do so.


OP here. I have an idea too.

The idea is a Duke Nukem style FPS where you play as a policewoman in a 90s Tokyo. You learn that a yakuza has been orchestrating crime all over the city, against the chief's orders you go in to get the bastards.

The main character would have a sassy troublemaker personality like Natsumi from You're Under Arrest, but still be fun and lovable.

Levels would range in design from arcades, to malls, to even a level on a series of luxury yachts.

Combat would be a fusion of modern elements like ADS, with mainly Duke Nukem style combat. Besides gunplay, you can also do hand to hand combat, so you can chain combos from shooting and kicking.

Enemies would be mobsters with real guns, then crazy weapons. Boss fights would be mob members with crazy tech, or other colorful characters like a superhero who doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

Anyone got that "your Dream Game" template? The one with the "It's like this, mixed with this, with a bit of this" thing? It seems like it would be useful for this thread

A puzzle game that revolves around rocket jumping.



Run Anne, Run!
>Team Jew children: Two players are small girls, the other assists them with a complete view and voice chat
>Team Gestapo secret police: All three must capture the children
That one shitty horror game sort of stole my idea so unfortunately it sounds a bit stale.

Memes. We add more memes. We base the entire game around memes. Guaranteed success.


it exists, its called Borderlands 2

Go and take an arrow in the knee!

An adventure game without rpg elements would be nice.

An adventure game were Jews are the bad guys would be nice.

A new mario power tennis like the one on the gba with rpg elements, stats and a story without nintendo characters they only apear in vs mode or arcade or some mode like that


Not videogames.

This is very obviously video games, you dumb kike.

Turn based strategy game set in a fantasy setting, featuring 4 races with their own campaigns, Generals would affect their units in some way, like COs in Advance Wars.
Humans would be based off of France in the middle ages, One's social status is easily identifiable in the culture as the puffier one's shirt is the higher rank they hold.
Military rank is ascertained by the size of the soldier's pauldrons. The king has the puffiest shirt, and comically huge pauldrons.
The prologue would feature the king being forced to chase after a pair of goblins who stole one of his pauldrons.
The human Campaign would follow the story of a young woman(inspired by joan of arc and robin hood) who leads a rebellion against the king(who is known to find commoners gross) as many of their towns and cities are raided by elves, goblins, and undead and the king refuses to send help. She struggles with fighting for justice, as she wants nothing more than to kill the king herself for the rape of her mother. The campaign ends with the main character confronting the king, where she discovers that he is her father, and her mother was an elven lady who vanished without a trace, his disgust for commoners is due to him being a germophobe, and their army is literally unable to hold their borders effectively. during the exchange the spirit of the woman's mother floods out of her body, and possesses the king. Unable to fight against her own mother, the woman flees.

Elves would be based largely on asian culture, with arabic elements. These elves are always born as twins, one being a high elf, and the other a dark elf, one half good, and one half evil. Much of their culture is built around the significance of yin and yang. High elves rule the night, and Dark elves rule the day. Other cultures have a difficult time understanding elves, and have grown wary of them, as most people cannot tell the difference between high elves and dark elves. High elves are kindhearted and generous, while dark elves are malicious and greedy.

The elves' campaign would follow the story of the twin princesses' as they go on a spirit quest. Since elves live so long, the only way to ascend to the throne is to defeat the current rulers in combat. At the end of the journey, the dark elf princess murders her sister, and steals her body, trapping her soul in a dark gemstone. She then pretends that they can switch between who is in control of the body, and challenges her parents for both thrones. she emerges victorious, as the lone empress of the elves

The goblins are more like imps than goblins, small and round, with stubby arms and legs and massive jaws. They are actually plants, similar to killer eggplants, and are weak, simple, cunning, and come in great numbers. They reside in "peaceful" co-existence with the trolls, who are mostly big, stupid, and strong, as trolls dont like to eat vegetables, and goblins arent very filling.

The troll/goblin campaign follows the story of the surprising level headed troll king, and the ambitious goblin head shaman, as they repel the forces of the elves from their lands. It turns out that the elves who were trying to invade the troll lands were looking for ancient artifacts which could tune in to daemonic energy. After raiding the elven city that attacked them, they raid the city's treasury and find a staff. the Goblin shaman claims it and is immediately possessed by demonic energy and causes every goblin in the warband to explode, killing most of the trolls in the process. The troll King tries to kill the shaman but is overwhelmed by his magic, and barely survives the encounter.

The undead campaign follows several vampire lords investigating the cause of rabid undead, and attempting to stage a coup against the Lich that brought them back to life. It turns out that there were actually 2 liches, bonded, that brought the undead hordes to life. In their youth, the two liches believed that by making each other their phylactery they could become immortal, many many homosexual misunderstandings later, one of the liches delved into daemonic magicks and goes mad. The other lich managed to lock him up where he cannot do any damage, but they are in a constant battle for control over the undead hordes, which is why the lich needed sentient creatures(vampires) to which he could bind his undead legions to in order to save them from the madness

A VR game where you shoot yourself in the head over and over again while flashing bright lights blind you and your eardrums are pounded by industrial sounds and white noise.
I call it vidya industry simulator 2016

"Go fuck yourselves, you kikes."

>Setting based on early modern era. Arsenal includes primitive firearms, late medieval-era weaponry, magic, and fists I've always been into the idea of a Spanish-inspired fantasy land, because you can have some regular fantasy and sneak in some Islamic stuff, too

"Your employee contract states we own all your ideas & get 100% of any profit made from them."

This is the exact game I'm making, user.

minus everything with party members

A good game.

Sounds awesome. Good luck to you.

Burch pls go

a game where you build up your criminal career
start as a nigger stealing bikes and robbing homes, progress onto robbing/killing/raping, and eventually robbing banks and crashing planes

No. Because some hipster will steal it and underdevelop the ideas I put out.
Who on earth would actually give ideas in this thread? Who's that stupid?

people who want to play said ideas and not wait a decade to make them themselves

Do you possess the capacity to make games, or intend to?

Who would get ideas from this thread? If someone wants to make a game, it's someone already with a vision, or a suit who'll just reboot/sequelize something to meet the status quo.

Would you rather have make your dream game, or have it never be made in fear that someone might steal it?

Yeah, and who can guarantee that the ideas they take from this thread would be the same way you imagine it. It's not like you can say "hey I thought of this and posted it anonymously on an imageboard and think you should do this idea like that instead." It'll be a disappointing result regardless.

Nobody here does, but I'd rather put the muscle into making it myself than see some cuck fuck it up.

Exactly. Anyone that has promise is already developing. It's only the creatively bankrupt that would fuck the game up anyways that'd take ideas from these threads. And I'd rather a dream stay a dream than have it be another MN9.

in fairness, yandev was "inspired" by basically just asking halfchan what kind of game they wanted to play, then decided to make exactly that.

Dirty Pair co-op acrobatic TPS/brawler with an absurdly huge amount of IWBTG-style bullshit traps, except the traps cause enormous collateral damage instead of player death.

but will YOU bother to make the damn game yourself regardless? if not, then i don't think you have much of an argument to not just giving your idea away

Kek. I'm working on a game at this moment.

Yeah sure. If that's what it takes to make sure it isn't fucked over by someone else I'd gladly take the reigns. And, again, I'd rather have an idea be that instead of a disappointment like Spore turned out to be.

Of course he’s a kike. Why would I ever be surprised?

And would you rather see that idea in someone else's hands? Would you trust them to get it right?

Same here, other user needs to stop making assumptions.

Of course not, but saying that nobody here can make a game is outright false.

Me too

To be fair, i have no reason to believe you. That said you understand why I think giving your ideas away in this thread is stupid, right?

Are you brain damaged?

Could have sworn that was its own board instead of just a thread…I'm just saying that it's easy to say you're working on a game without showing anything of it. I mean I get why you wouldn't; shit's messy or not quite where you want it to be on a presentable level. But still…

See inside pic related.
Only if you're actively intending to make it, but yeah.

It's both.
You got it.

Welp, when I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Also a faget.
Alright. Truth of the matter is that I'm sort of perpetually locked in the status of "idea guy". I want to take a campaign setting I had somewhat fleshed out and turn it into a fluffy, fairy-tale flavored fantasy adventure game that would basically end in Animating the world to fight giant space snakes. But trying to get everything I've written down into something even remotely resembling a "bible", along with learning code, 3d modeling, and translating a couple dozen notebooks to a proper visual representation gives me headaches just thinking about it.

It's reasonable to think it stupid if you have a plan, or aspirations to make a game; especially so if you're working on a game with said idea as your vision. Although vagueness makes it less so.
However, if you have no aspiration/goal to make the game idea, or interesting mechanics, then it's quite reasonable, and even an intelligent move to release it to be potentially developed… to this community.
As imo, releasing an idea that I'm sure you hold dear (it is your brainchild after all) elsewhere is a dumb move, even if you don't plan on developing it, as we all know most communities aren't as widely aware of the current state of the industry or even care; nor do they even have a level near to the median of passion for games as Holla Forums does.

I might make it one day.



This is referred to as a design doc, and it's absolutely mandatory for a game of any appreciable size. Writing it might not seem fun or rewarding, but it'll definitely get your ideas organized, give you new ideas, and let you finally see how everything will fit together, and/or if parts need to be modified/changed to work.
That's why you start somewhere. As long as you're working one part of it with a clear goal in mind, you will eventually have it done. You can chip-damage progress. The alternative is to worry about not being able to do it for so long that you die before you do it.

I recommend learning a little bit of code first, since how you respond to it will tell you if you actually want to make games, or just be a storyteller/movie maker.

Here's mine, based on an actual dream I had to boot.
>terrorists are a team of unique characters think Payday 2 only with actual gameplay effects that have to complete objectives based on the level to win

There's already text adventure games like that, it gets boring after the 20th or so rape session when you ambush someone and now your just sitting there blue balled ejaculating blood because now you either have to rape them harder until they're arbitrarily raped enough or rape the entire guild you just pissed off.

Alright. I'll try to compile everything.

What giving out a test build of your game?

i mean like group everything up into a version of itself that makes sense, not compile as in coding.

my video game idea is that you play as a sad motherfucker posting the same thread on a chinese cartoon image board over and over and over again and then some guy comes to the thread and gets dubs and then the twist is that the OP kills himself

It is called "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time".
It is a working title because I think there may already be a game called that.

The game has like a cast of NPCs with personality to them.
The game is focused on exploration and puzzle elements with action bits in between.
The sword in the game is actually incredibly robust in the number of ways you can attack, but only an idiot wouldn't realize.
You get like an arsenal of neat items and magical abilities that can do neat things.
You go inside the mouth of a giant talking tree.
You sneak into a castle and talk to a princess.
You blow open a cave in the side of a mountain.
You go into a place behind a waterfall.
You get eaten by giant whale.
You navigate this crazy wood area.
You go into the mouth of a volcano.
You go into a place hidden under an island in a lake.
You go to the bottom of this one spooky well and then a spooky grave yard.
You steal a horse from an asshole.
You jump that horse over a canyon.
You rescue some guys.
You go to this giant statue in the desert.
You fight a wide variety of neat enemies and bosses.
Finally you go to this big evil flying castle.
The castle crashes to the ground and you have this nice climactic battle.
The music is incredible.
There are around 4 girls in the game who want your dick.

Personally I think this could be the greatest game ever made even if the graphics are all blocky and stuff.

It would take a lot of work though so I don't think it is financially responsible to do that kind of thing in this day and age.
Casuals hate puzzles a lot and they definitely hate exploration, they require waypoints.
The game eventually unlocks fast travel but it wouldn't be to every place on the map.
The combat itself would ask the player to experiment and that is just too much work for the average player, they are really really dumb.

If I can't make a game at least kind of like what I want because the market doesn't exist than what is the point?
If I don't feel passionate about what I'm working on than it is just a soulless product that I won't care about and that lack of care will be reflected in it.
People don't want to solve puzzles, they want to look up the solutions and then go "what a shitty puzzle, what a shitty game" because they can't even rationalize the purpose of a puzzle.
Every game I'd want to make would have some kind of puzzle as a central theme, but if you can just be a shitfuck who looks things up than puzzles are pointless.
It isn't a hundred+ hour experience so few would really think it would be worth that much.

May as well just look at game of the year winners from the past 5 years, look for common themes and use those.
Outdoor busywork bullshit in a fantasy setting you can play for hundreds of hours and fool yourself into thinking you got your money's worth.
It could be wildly fun, but it isn't the game I would want to make.

Are you saying your dream game has already been made? Ever thought of shooting higher?

The truth is Nintendo games just aren't that great…

I'm a nigger-ish shitskin and these repeating Arabic numerals arouse me.

A fire fighter simulator. Now hear me out.

You'll have to re-create house fires and building fires, with several degrees of difficulty, ranging from a room on fire, to a whole floor.

There should be highly detailed fire and water physics, along with accurate smoke effects, that could basically make you blind.

And your objective is to safely retrieve as many victims as possible, in the shortest amount of time – basically, the same thing real firefighters do.

Now we have tons of "heist simulator", "military simulators", "driving simulators", but no fire fighter simulators.

For a good reference, just watch the movie "Backdraft".

Is my idea shit? Is it impossible?

There are things similar to this, but no one has really done it right.

You could just take your main character and have him crossdress with 2 of his friends. Apparently that sells well.

This sounds fucking great.
SWAT 4 was fantastic, something similar but with firefighters would be amazing.

I could imagine that working with something like a SWAT 4 setup

YES, that's what I have in mind, something along the lines of the old SWAT or Rainbow Six games.

The whole idea came up one day after making a BBQ.

I may or may not have a penchant for seeing things on fire, and considering how much of an original idea it is, I'd like to see it one day.

All kinds of buildings should be on fire: churches, buildings, trailers, wrecked cars, with various difficulty levels.

You gain XP and use it in an RPG-ish way, to get better gear and improve your abilities. Think the Payday 2 skill tree.

It's entirely possible, but to have accurate "real life tier" water/smoke/volumetric effects would require a bit of doing to make it fast.
Although… for water simulation Unreal has a branch with support for nVidia's FleX system, which would make real life tier water a whole lot easier.

Sounds like it could be a lot of fun with a team of friends.

30XX, it is the future

Alien life and civilizations have been discovered and their ways have found themselves into our daily lives. Humanity has adopted the ways of the Woohs, an ancient race of warriors whose leaders were the strongest. And now the entire world is run by people who have been proven the strongest in the ring. The victors get the title of the losers, as well as their women.

Enter you. Who are you? A big guy UUUU who can lift people like a toy? An agile man who backflips out of his bed daily? You're the wrestler you want to be. You start off fighting in local tournaments to be the mayor of your city or village or whatever, then you go bigger until you're the president of your country, earning fame, money, power and hot women to "wrestle" until you finally show your true manliness to the world by beating the every president in a wrestling match.

But that's not enough, being the president of Earth means you have to prove yourself to the president of other planets. And what other way is better than INTERGALACTIC WRESTLING MATCHES. ZERO G FIGHTS, LASER CHAIRS, ALIEN RINGS(PROBABLY WITH 10 SIDES OR SOMETHING THE FOREIGN FUCKS), BIG GUYS, CYBORGS, LARGE SLIMES, SHAPESHIFTERS, ALL TYPES OF ALIEN FIGHTERS and alien women to also "wrestle"

Also I had some other idea on a TPS and a necromancy RTS but I'm too tired to talk about also those are the two I'm actually hoping I can manage to do eventually, like 5 or 10 or whatever years from now once I stop procrastinating and start learning how to make vidya

Glad to know that.

But water, fire and smoke physics and effects would be one thing, there's also wooden floors/walls collapsing, doors, windows and glass has to shatter with explosions, there would be a lot of effects, I think.

Teamwork would have to be a must. Very little room to fuck around, I think it should be serious-ish, like the SWAT or Rainbow Six games.

Might as well.


Have you posted what you're working on on /agdg/ by any chance?

This fire looks pretty cool.

How GPU intensive would it be to recreate a house fire in UE4?

If you get a crossfire RX 280 you can create a house fire without using Unreal Engine at all. It is, however, very GPU intensive to do so.

it will need 4 980s SLI'd together with an extra GT9800 as auxillary power

So it's not impossible, but very GPU "expensive".

Mind you, you wouldn't be watching only flames, usually a room would be engulfed by thick smoke too.

Imagine this "The Legend of Zelda" game actually existed.
Imagine it was some kind of long running franchise.
Shouldn't it get better over time?
Imagine if the music, characters, puzzles, exploration and just everything that made that game fun were just watered down with each iteration.
Less dungeons, Less items, the works.
Wouldn't that be fucked up?
Thankfully that never happened and making a game like that wouldn't be ripping anything off.
Could you imagine if this game idea was some how regarded as one of the best games ever made.
That would inspire others to make similar games right?
There are all these profitable games.
Mario Kart had Mario Kart clones.
WoW had WoW clones.
LoL had LoL clones.
TF2 had TF2 clones.
GTA had GTA clones.
CoD had CoD clones.
Nothing like my Ocarina of Time idea exist or if anything did it wouldn't be a very profitable video game for one reason or another.
Maybe something about it's gameplay would make it hard to emulate?
Who knows.
There has to be some game out there that won more "best of" awards than any other game in the history of the medium, but I just don't know what it is?

I was joking that the RX 280 gets very hot and would set your house on fire.

You got me good, user

Also entirely possible, unreal also has nVidia's APEX system which makes the destructibility of objects available out of the box.

You'd also probably need a fire propagation system (I believe an example of this in a game… is from farcry 2); though you'd need some type of durability system which interacts with the APEX destructibility system to trigger collapsing/etc.
Now that I think about it, Unreal essentially has everything that would normally be very time consuming available to you out of the box.

You should start making progress towards making it, as it sounds like it's a very reasonably scaled game, and imo would be fun to code.
Grab the book "learning python the hard way" (you can read it online for free) if you want to be eased into programming from a high level; which is the language I started with when I started a few years ago.
Or you could go with C as this user says
Which would be better considering unreal uses C++.

I don't use UE so I'm not sure on the performance requirements, and haven't used their particle system.
I use unity, but I'm actually going to give UE a try soon… after years of using unity.
When it comes to if you could do it using particle systems with vector fields, in my native engine, and have it be at the scale of a house fire while being performant; most definitely.
I'm sure you could do the same in UE, but alas I don't use that engine so I can't say for sure.

Good to know it's not out of the realm of possibility.

Bad news is, I can't code for shit so I'll basically have to learn from scratch and I'll probably have a semi-decent alpha 10 years from now.

I could certainly give it a shot, tho.


my 980 post was just a shit joke m8
and a 9800gt is borderline ancient at this point

The book I recommended, and the post I linked recommending a C book are both great resources to start from.
All it takes is dedication, and a strong will to push through the initial learning curve.

But do you kill him anyways?

I'll give it a shot when I find the motivation. No promises, though.

you switch sides and go back in time and kill your father, or nuke boston realising that the power wasn't in the hats, but you all along

You are a lizard
And you go on a lunch
And you eat food.


Damn I had a idea that was pretty much this after people started talking about xcom mixed with a mech game. I might as well put the ideas I had for that too.


In all honesty, it's not about motivation.
It's all about dedication.
Motivation is nice, but the will gained from dedication overcomes any fleeting motivation.

Shia Labeouf is right, you have to: "JUST DO IT".

god it sounds fun as shit user, too bad I can't do anything pertaining to game design and creativity doesn't sell games. Oh well, I can dream.

You're quite right. I'll keep that in mind, thanks user! :')

It's boring after the first 2 levels, unoptimised as shit, constantly crashes, has "RPG" systems stuffed in but hey, it has cute girls.

Game's not so much about the sensation of rape as much as the social experiment behind it. It's about the competition to be the top. Who, when, and where you rape will determine how far your anal virginity will take you.

At first I expect servers to be full of mass orgies. But once players organize themselves and establish their own rules things will become more interesting. It becomes a game of what players are willing to do to not get raped. Do they follow the rules of other convicts or do they take the risk of rebellion and taking on the most powerful?


Didn't mean to quote.

GAMEPLAY: Thanks to her role as a hare, the protagonist is fast and agile. Hare may outrun many of her enemies, but she (and those chasing her) require a moment to build up their maximal momentum. As such, the player may want to carefully look for potential escape routes while moving through the complex, or else Hare will bump into too many walls or other obstacles that prevent her from reaching sufficient momentum to escape her attackers. Much like a real hare, the protagonist may also side-step enemies charging at her, using their own momentum against them. This can be used to temporarily incapacitate enemies by having them crash into walls, or, if the player feels like it, more dangerous things.


What a coincidence.

smart smart smart

what if this is EA or ubisoft or activision or bethesda or microsoft

zoey mercy hospital all day every day.

only regret is that L4D and L4D2 weren't more like red faction guerilla (physics destruction engine) and counterstrike's zombie mod, (zm_spacestation_escape), shooting couches and soda machines up against office building room doors, hearing the zombie players knifing at the barricade and trying to get in. good memories… too bad counterstrike source was literally a virus and killed every single computer I ever installed it on.

I also also regret that Left 4 Dead never had a "normal zombies only mode" perhaps a type of infected somewhere in between 28 days later infected, and shaun of the dead zombies. overwhelming numbers, fast shuffle but slow overall movement, easy to incapacitate them but nearly impossible to totally kill one without serious effort.

would have made an excellent game. Zombie U almost got this right, but missed way off by far.

seriously, why hasn't the red faction guerilla physics destruction engine been used in every single game in the world by now yet? go look up that game, it even ran on the xbox360. It didn't need much power by today's standards. imaging the entire game world being destructible like that. I dream of video games being like this every day. Imagine a starwars game:

>fully customize your character clothes/ gender (or futa character) / lightsaber exterior looks and internal hardware

what if there was a game about the life of a normal girl, Girl Life simulator, but with Penis DLC?

when customizing your character in the beginning (or anytime-customization in options??) you could pick what you would like and not-like about the aspects of your simulated girls life.

for example she would be 18 years old but still doing everything school related, and you can choose all sorts of settings to play around in, even college and summer camp/some kind of scouts/water parks/ and more just to include every girl thing possible.
game has a slightly japanese anime girl vibe, but nothing like that bad stereotypical anime style type that gets made constantly and has no watching value. (what's the name for this?)

forgot to mention you could enable/disable the DLC whenever you want in the options and freak out the NPC's in the game
can you bring it back…?

what if the girl is one of those cool girls that goes on Holla Forums or something? she has mild autism but isn't really geeky or nerdy, but she doesn't absolutely just quite fit in with everyone so every social interaction has the possibility to be extremely awkward.

basically dick girl spaghetti pocket overflow simulator. also a videogame store in the game called shamestop

cursed mode:

You've been cursed with a penis that grows slightly bigger day after day. The larger your dick the lower the cameo index of different articles of clothing and the more dangerous/deadly your boners become. Like fainting in the middle of the hallway from lack of blood or accidentally knocking someone over the rail of the second floor. Of course with ways to hide/temporarily slow the growth.

you can tailor different social encounters for a better school experience with the boner being a randomized element of suprise so each playthrough isn't the same.

During free periods in school and after school you can hunt down a way to remove/reverse the curse placed on you. Which could involve some more video game elements to complement the school stealth.

Here's my pitch. There's some minor details about the gameplay that isn't fleshed out yet but overall it should be fairly obvious.

A chill game where you are a necromancer creating undeads.

There wouldn't be much fighting or action, it would simply be you, gathering resources, playing minigames and solving puzzles.
After you're done with that you retreat in your sanctum and begin creating all sort of abominations, with actual combinations you have to find to make the undeads, such as

Etc etc etc.

Maybe you could also put challenges to gather new resources based on minions you have to create, for example to harvest the chitin of sword spiders you would need an undead that looks like a spider, otherwise they would just get wrecked.

A comfy mmorpg without leveling and with interesting, non-trivial gameplay. The only way to get stronger is to git gud. All gear is purely cosmetic, all the content is immediately available to you and cannot be "outleveled". There are no arbitrary power gaps between you and other players, you can group up with anyone for any content. The are no drops other than simple area-specific tokens which are bound to you and can be traded for area-specific cosmetics or for improving your guild's castle etc. There is no universal currency, no auction house, no trading whatsoever.

Most mmos are 99% fluff and bullshit. It's used to mask the fact that the core gameplay is shit. I want an mmorpg that is designed from the ground up on good, interesting gameplay with no bullshit.

im keeping my own ideas. theyd just fuck it up anyways

I doubt this shitty point'n'click survival idea will work, but whatever.
>Reading documents reveals that ship decided to went through Bermuda Triangle. Can be seen as lazy reason to have deserted ship… And not only.
>Plot twist: It's not deserted. There's at least three creatures on board: Synthetic with wolf head, large robot hound and creature with head of xenomorph.I bet this is shit taste of mine. Survival adds horror element.
>Double plot twist: whole "hide'n'seek" was obsolete, since they have no plans to kill you. Robot hound, however, will push you out from some restricted areas.
>Interaction with creatures is also possible in many ways. They can't talk, however, and instead of subtitles you can only see images. Something what machinarium did.
>Clang and Xenophilia. MC is Male.
>Yes, you can fuck them. 3rd creature will be probably common reason, why you started to play hide'n'seek. Now continue first sentence.
>You may escape from deserted ship. Alone or with acquired waifus.
TL;DR - A point'n'click survival-horror game, set on almost deserted ship, later becomes Xenophilic game.

Pretty fucked up idea, isn't it?


This is probably the least interesting of my ideas, so it's the one I'll give you guys.
>Halfway to two-thirds into the campaign, two random factions will merge into one, resulting in zombie aliens, cyborg insects et al


A action oriented Mahou Shoujo where you take control of a lesbian Mahou shoujo that lives a double life fighting demons and spirits.
It will have a VN element where you can romance various girls in her only girls academy and then it will have action elements where you fight abominations
pics related

I really want to watch more Meggu Chan, got any sources?

That fight was surprisingly violent for a 70s shoujo anime.


Thank you. Have this in return

An extremely autistic resource gathering game where you manage a company mining asteroids for industrial and precious metals.


Lovecraft meet megaman.

At least three or four underwater stages.

I want to make a point-and-click spooky puzzle game with pre-rendered graphics.

I want to capture the feel of playing a weird, obscure PC horror game from like 2002 that you've never heard of before.
I've been considering learning 3D modelling so I can make backgrounds and stuff.

Shit man, I still remember those threads. Good times.

This, I got such a fucking great for a game. I aint gonna share shit.

Space Station 13's autismo atmos and construction, MGSV's autismo open world and attention to detail, and a bit of Deadnauts, mainly in the objectives.

Your goal is to piss around in a shite banged-up spaceship, salvaging from space husks and possibly repairing some to functioning states to sell.

When you go into airless spaces, there is no sound whatsoever. The only lights in any of the ships are what you bring, and the sun if you're close enough. The distances and physics are realistic - if you fuck up and slip, or if you forget to switch your magboots on, or if you get thrown overboard, you get to drift away unless you brought an (expensive and bulky) jetpack.

I already posted this in another thread god knows how long ago but I'll try to improve on the idea.

You play as a Detective who is sent in to solve various murders, however, you're able to jump into the minds of the suspects and witnesses and explore the world they saw during the time of the crime, however, the person's mentality interferes with what you can see when in someone's mind, for example, an egotistical person would see their name on all the street signs and such or someone who has depression will only be in black and white making it hard to differentiate blood to other liquids like oil. Using the information that you're able to pick up from delving into other people's minds and finding where the overlaps and the inconsistencies lie you solve who committed the crime.

The last mission starts off with you going into a drunken haze after the last murderer gets let free due to expensive lawyers and corruption. You black out and wake up the next morning with no recollection of the night prior. You're phoned up by the boss to investigate a murder, they claim that the only Witness is a child of about 9 years old. At first you're sent to the crime scene to examine the area for clues but can't find much outside of the victim's blood and a bit of damage on a wall.
The first part of the mission is to go into the minds of your workers to find out where the child was sent under the witness protection
Upon finding the child, you're unable to enter their mind, this child being the first person to be able to refuse you entry to their mind. You have to enter the minds of the child's friends and family to find out what they like and set up a scenario where you can distract the child for you to enter their mind.
In the end, you're in the child's room watching the scene play out from the child's perspective. You hear an argument coming from the other room but with various words being muffled out due to the child not understanding what the words mean, With everything you've seen and heard, you piece together who the murderer is.
The Murderer is you, who broke into the house and tried to rape the victim but after initial resistance, you shove a spike up her nose and impale her brain, killing her instantly. You're left with one last choice, to hand yourself in or to fake the child's suicide to protect yourself.

Holocaust simulator.

Using only factual information (like corpse burn speed in an oven, max number of jews on train) to try and simulate the auschwitz. Kind of like prison simulator but holocaust.

Make it monster hunter-like and you got me hooked
I would love fishing crazy fishes and then use some for better gear, so I can get skills and stamina, and sell the rest so I can eat and do shit.
Then eventually you'd get to fish the emperor of the sea.

I loved it all up until the part where it turns out you're the killer. It's such a copout to have the player commit the crime and shows a bit of writer's block to have such an obvious setup like your character getting drunk then going off to rape someone unrelated to anything that happened. Taking the account of "lol alcohol does make you do things you normally wouldn't do." Have it link to the last case you worked so that the person who got off the hook was the rapist and murderer, THEN the criminal is put into the death sentence.

It would have been even better if the killer was the kid. You can get a tweest without going full "you are the demons".

City management and Trade in the Hanseatic league.
Think mixing Patrician III with Anno 1404 and a tad of Banished and Dwarf Fortress.

The player has to look after the major hanseatic cities and connect them via trade routes, via both land and sea. They determine space in the city where the citizens will build houses and shops, determined by what raw materials the city posses and/or imports. An iron ore producing city with access to wood would produce charcoal and iron, a city with agriculture food and beer and so on.
Cities may rise and fall, depending on what they produce and what people in other cities demand. The Citizens also live relatively independet, they will come to a city if it promises work or trade and can leave. Wars in the region may affect cities.

That would be even better. The reason you have to do all the shit to set up the scenario to go into the kid's memory is because the kid is the killer and he just doesn't understand what he did. You can even try to conceal evidence to try to get the kid off the hook after you realize what happened.

So like there's this planet full of aliens right? and your a sub species of aliens who like freedom and wants to live in peace in the mountains. Then these faggots from this sprawling metropolis with this hard on for wanting you all to be subjects to their rule are like "You're a bunch of savages now get in this nation of mine!" Your people are like "Yeah fuck you, you faggot, we are free and you're gay!" So like the city fags invade and your people are getting wiped out because they are technologically superior. Your name is gukoro and you are the last of your people and have to defeat the city fags for revenge. The end.

Alright listen. There's this guy

It's a social MMO, there's no real gameplay to be had, it's more like a glorified chatroom with shitty 3D assets.

Best part is, you have to pay for EVERYTHING. Pay for clothes, pay for custom icons, pay for your avatar, you even have to pay to talk

does that not salivate your glands? there's a stamina system in place, so you can only talk so much per hour, you refill your stamina by paying even more money, and if that's too much effort, you can pay to have your conversations procedurally generated for triple rate, and for even less money on advertising just throw banners on all the porn sites with stolen gifs from other games, and be sure to pack in as much malware in the installer as possible

Man, I should be CEO of my own company

Finger slipped
Alright listen. There's this guy, right, he's not that large but pretty confident, he thinks he's at the top of the world, right?
Are you listening?
Now this guy has a plane, okay, and he really likes taking a certain man on his plane, right, bu he only takes one person on his plane, ever.

Now's where the game begins. Turns out, said person has met a guy who is of extraordinarily large stature, and he wants to take him with you on your plane. Do you take him on? Yes or no? Betray your tradition or open up to change, right?
Now if you do take him on your plane, you'll start being really intrigued because that large man always wears something to obscure his face, right, so you start asking him question, inquiring about that strange device he wears.
After some going back an forth he tells you that his identity is unimportant, but strangely, since he has started wearing the veil, people everywhere want to know about him. Strange, right? Sounds like this guy has some self esteem problems.
Now I haven't worked out the rest of the story, but the first half seems pretty solid and I'm sure such a game would take off.

I like the idea of fantasy fishes. The Anime/manga "Toriko" have many fantasy creatures that you hunt for culinary purposes.

A historically accurate game about nazis.

A good game.

Underrates as fuck folklore tbh famalams

Reposting from /ideaguy/

Third Person Action RPG with Kingdom Hearts's basic combo system, but with a bit more weight to the combat, similar to how Dark Souls did it, just without the stamina bar, and Dungeon Siege's squad based combat. Weapons consist of swords, spears, axes, guns, and cool shit you salvage from the old world and repair. Main mode of travel in the world is a mech that you can upgrade and repair as you go on your journey to do stuff.

Story consists of you being the apprentice of a legendary mechanic, who knows a lot about technology before the bombs fell and everything devolved back into the feudal system. One day, he just disappears out of nowhere, leaving you to go look for him. Magical Science and radiation has mutated the land so that the mutations resemble fantasy creatures like elves, fairies, mermaids, dwarfs and shit.
You can play as either the master or the apprentice, each with their own storyline and combat style. The master's style is more heavy, using a huge wrench that doubles as a warhammer, while the apprentice is more based on agility and stealth, along with the utilization of gadgets. Throughout both storylines you meet and recruit a myriad of companions who modify your mech, adding their own flare to it, ex. Sharpshooter adding a tower that can be used both as a vantage point and a means of reaching higher ground.

Elves are for the most part disfigured, with long and thin limbs in proportion, along with their distinctive ears. They're especially adept at tree climbing and dwell in the forests, in a network of houses in the trees with bridges and walkways strewn about. Their skills are with long ranged weaponry, due to their advanced, albeit somewhat sensitive eyes, making the ones that walk in the day wear welding goggles in order to see in the sunlight without their eyes melting out of their skulls.
Dwarfs are natural tunnelers, and due to their small stature, and tendency to reproduce about a dozen at a time, they often do well together and learn to cooperate and dig/crawl from a very young age. Whenever a dwarf is in your party, there will be at least 3, with a leader dwarf commanding the others. Their skills are specialties with mining, and operating a downsized mech that they can pilot themselves.
Trolls are a mutation that sprouts from moss that grows in dark, damp areas, usually with a source of water nearby. These conditions are usually found under bridges, where trolls grow on the underside before sprouting off. They have no parents or sense of brotherhood with other trolls, and are loners from the outset. They possess incredible strength and agility, but lack intelligence and direction, leading them to either wander alone, or join up with whatever will pay them in food.

Anyone's got the image with >>9936072's template that basically goes "Lovecraft mythos mixed with The Naked Gun and L.A. Noire" and in the bottom there's Frank Drebin with button prompts on how to question a Shoggoth?

It's not enough we need more

We will put this meme in the game too

Grimdark, weapon based, stamina based, 2.5D medieval fighting game and characters generally don't obey traditional rules, one character might not be able to crouch but still blocks lows with down back, or a character that blocks both overheads and lows but is easier to guard break or takes more block damage.

so medieval bushido blade?

You play as a mech pilot who joins a mobile attack unit on Mars to serve a military. As you progress, you find out shadier things about the higher ups (such as them cloning mutant Golems), until they go full on genocide and start destroying other planets. Your division splits off as a rebelion against them.

In the game, you start off with a standard issue mech which you can upgrade with legal and illegal parts (with the illegal parts being more expensive and rare, but are miles better than the legal ones). You're issued missions that you can partake with up to 2 other squad members (out of 9). It plays out like Shogo Mobile Division and Custom Robo, but in a third person with the ability to switch to other team members like a tag team game. Later on, your squad grows to a maximum of 20 (30 if you decide to hire optional members) and you can bring along up to 5.
Your mech can be customized to your liking. Glass cannons, tanks, speed demons, any kind of play style is possible as long as you have the part. All kinds of play styles are compatible for every mission, so you don't have to switch your entire build in order to take on a certain mission.

Missions progress like Assault from Unreal Tournament, but with a lot more optional objectives that give you more rewards such as parts. However, team members can die (including core ones) permanently, requiring you to hire more. You can go on missions on your own as well. If you fail any primary objectives, it may be possible to move on depending on what you failed.

Certain missions have very open levels in which you can find sub-missions with their own set of objectives. Even hidden bosses can be found within levels.

Enemies and bosses include various militias, Golems (which in the game's universe are like space Kaiju), G.E.M (Galactic Empire Military) Mecha and even your own squadmates.

It's like Prototype, but in the Jet Set Radio universe with turfwars and online multiplayer.

I'd like my Billion Dollars in cash and chocolate pudding.

It's a furry, but she almost looks like an anime girl. My dick is confused.

Well furry is adjacent territory to 2d on the autism spectrum, so it makes sense.

But the game though user, what do you think of the game?

A chessboxing game, it plays like a standard fighter but at specific intervals it switches to a chess-themed competitive puzzler with each fighter having their own array of pieces (some have a small number of specialized units, some have a bunch of pawns, etc)

The fighting portion is set to music and attacks aligned with the beat do extra damage


I have a similar idea, but instead of roller skates, you have ice skates. And instead of shooting out spray paint, you shoot out ice beams. And instead of making graffiti, you freeze your opponents and try to smash them to bits before they break out. So really it's nothing alike.

Yeah but everyone is even more special snowflake, maybe literally everything about one character could work differently from another, that sort of thing.

Has there ever been a good multiplayer game based on hide and seek? Think cockroaching at the end of an RTS game but it starts that way from the beginning. Your objective is to find the person hiding. The seeker can use traps, radar, and familiars. The hider can use camo, smoke, and decoys. Would it be fun?

Closest thing I can think of is Prop Hunt on Garry's Mod. It's okay, but it's easily cheesed with tiny props and fast movement.

And autism. This is Garry's Mod.



What did you expect from ideagoyim threads?

I wrote to much for me to check grammar and typos. There must be few of them 'cause I'm typing from mobile.
This is the only "new stuff" i can thing about, all other shit has already been done. This industry is saturated.