How do we fix NoA?

How do we fix NoA?

with lots of bullets and maybe a bomb or two

Stalk from office to office with an Armalite AR-10 carbine gas-powered semi-automatic weapon, pumping round after round into Treehouse staff and their corporate enablers.

Bad localizations in games are a symptom of politics being pushed into games by people promoting an agenda. So what needs to be done is to remove political extremists from videogames because they dont seem to understand that nobodu gives a shit about their views on anything.

Elect Hillary Clinton.
Then she'll start WWIII. At which point the US including NoA, will be cleansed with nuclear fire.
Therefore, NoA will be fixed.

Stop buying anything localized and just learn moon

They're too far gone.
Leave them be.

Stop playing any of their shitty fucking games, period. Play something that isn't bland, sanitized anime trash/games dumbed down since children/weebs are their target audience.

Where do you think the first image came from?

Most weebs play imported boring jrpgs far as i know


If you can already read the original then why do you care about any translations?

Get rid of Treehouse.

Learn how the specific demographics of your games and market towards them like any other company does instead of trying to appeal to everyone and their money in a game with shit like bikini idols.

Get rid of Reggie.

Don't you have a game to be ruining Amtower?

You can't and never will fix NOA. I'm with and the only option we have is to just let NOA & Nintendo go out of business for good.

Dubs is right.

Just remember; you can't


what do you think these games are, user-kun?

Because English is easier than Nipponese.

Also who got


Fire everybody, and hire only white men, over 35, and with industry experience in games, toys, and retail.

Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure


I could imagine that NoJ just stop trying to understand the west.

Localize a shit game that nobody cares about. Then watch everyone closely, but they don't see you doing it. Find all the memers and fags and fire them after the shitty project is over. Then hire people and raise the standards.
-No memes
-Translating to the best of your ability and try to keep the meaning closest to the original
-No censoring
Keep standards high, and fire fags instantly and without a second thought.

What the fuck do you suggest, then? PC is console ports and a rare good title, PS4 and Vita are weeb machines themselves and there's no reason to go Xbone whatsoever, even less than nothing since they're trying to merge it with PC to recoup from their failure.

You mean like liberals and muslims?

Wait a second. Why do I get the feeling this is some fad from the Japanese thread that people post all the time? To me this sounds like bullshit, even though I know it's a joke. Japanese is easy as shit to learn. It's like algebra if anything. I mean I'm absolutely not fluent but I'm better than those fedora tipping faggots on Tumblr.


Summon a meteor to destroy SF and Washington.

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hotweels pls

theres thousands upon thousands of good games you can play on the PC if you're not autistically attached to the CURRENT YEAR. modding/mapping communities shit out content for some games as well.

you can also play games on older consoles if you can't emulate them/emulate them well enough.

maybe buy a Wii U and/or PS4 when this gen ends and the prices drop like a rock, provided enough good games came out for them to be worth it by then.

A Nipponese one I hope.


I doubt they'll ever go out of business. Stop making consoles maybe.

The real question is how will we do it?

You can't fix whats already fucked.

On top of double-checking the translation work of previous games, just interview employees with an innocuous question regarding translation/localization. If they make any indication whatsoever that they would alter a work's meaning to "better fit American audiences," give them the boot.

Alternately, what this user said:

Realistically what needs to happen is for another company to compete directly with Nintendo like Sega did back when. As in competing for the exact same niche and not merely be another console/game distribution system. Sony, MS, and PC aren't in the same niche so they don't apply enough market pressure on Nintendo.

日本語の勉強を頑張ってね ^_^;


wait seriously? I stopped paying attention after team A threw a hissyfit when they're stuff was used to insult noa and team b took over.

肝心なのは諦めないことだ。まだ希望はあるぞ、例えこっちを参考にね…。 >>>9799140

fucked that up
