Oh shit niggers, the USA has become an oppressive, racist, omniphobic hellhole...

Oh shit niggers, the USA has become an oppressive, racist, omniphobic hellhole, and now the Conservatives want to make it worse.
Proud wymyn are second class citizens. the poor misguided PoC youth are executed in the street by death squads, and the President is a fucking white male that wants to abolish LGBT rights forever. We've got to do something.
But who are we?

I think we're video games.

>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums

We are the niggest, compromise between B-E answers with a focus on maximal stat points.

Time to bring diversity back to the States.
What shall we call xourzelf?

Shaniqua Liberia.

Tyrone Dinduistan

Shaniqua Liberia is on the scene and ready to beat some cumskin ass.
First order of business, should we

Lets make a slogan
can't recruit cumskins without some flashy instashit slogan


After that, go find some fellow dindus for your gang.

First, we slogan for DINDU. Then, we git cannon fodder. And then we KILL WHITEY.


We head down to the local crackhouse and talk to the proud sex workers, unfortunate Big Pharma victims, and drug enthusiasts.
They are sympathetic to the Right Side Of History(TM) and agree to talk with us more.

ok, what is this?

Liberal Crime Squad

It's Liberal Crime Squad.

Negotiations are going well when we receive word of a group of gun toting fucking white males attacking the abortion clinic, preventing poor pregnant single women from doing with their bodies as they wish.
This is truly America's darkest hour.

Jewish propaganda


The proud sex worker joins our forces.
Unfortunately, being an oppressed genderqueer, we have only $57 to zour name. But we have friends, we have our AK, and we have our Progressive Ideology.
Shall we

we need Benjamin's and lots of 'em


Progressive Squad 1 moves into the homeless shelter and sets out to pull in some desperately needed cash.
In the meantime, Shaniqua recruits more gullible schmucks proud soldiers to do zer bidding.

While the squads pull in mad money asking for gibsmedats, we send our promising little spook to break into homes and liberate them of anything valuables held inside.
He finds one set of nice jewelry before being spotted.


Apply crowbar to skull.

Joel screams WE DINDU NUFFIN at the manager, trying to reach for the liberal hidden deep within.
The janitor answers with hot lead.
The poor boy only broke into homes with a crowbar and stole valuables. He didn't do anything!

He wuz gunna be a doctor.

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you an update on the status quo.
In light of recent events, Shaniqua and crew will have to fight even harder to bring America back to the light. Joel will be remembered as the innocent martyr he was.
Should we

Kill Whitey

Conservatives will rue the day they gunned down Joel Snow.

Wew lad, what a conservative hellhole.

After reacting in an appropriate and not at all irrational manner, our killing spree comes to an end.
Shaniqua has extinguished 4 Conservative lives in exchange for Joel's. Now we can get back to business.

You are doing liberal terrorism wrong user.

They might've been left of center, but they were clearly far too conservative. Just like real life progressive movements, who love to cannibalize their own to fuel their outrage engines

If it was a true vegan co-op, there wouldn't have been disgusting Conservatives there.
It was a cheap appropriation of liberal environmentalist culture.

Shaniqua recruits 3 more soldiers to the cause, keeping two active, and sending the third back to the Co-op as a sleeper agent, who will funnel funds from their Conservative registers.
What next on the agenda?

Oh yeah sorry it's just that when I play this game I want to actually win so I don't do the stupid shit that actual liberals do. Hell the easiest way to win is to not kill anybody and just write a news paper and steal credit cards off of the internet to fund everything. And breaking into government buildings to get incriminating evidence to put in the news paper. Seriously the game is so goddamn easy to win if you just make your main guy a master thief.

is this satire?

It's very much satire.
Liberals kill, sell drugs, kidnap, torture, and vandalize in order to spread the message of peace and love.
Conservatives are Saturday morning cartoon-tier assholes who just want everyone to suffer. Just look at

You convert conservatives into liberals by beating them with dildos while forcing them to watch documentaries on slaughter houses while wearing a Ronald Regan mask. What do you think?

Not at all. This is an unironic depiction of what they actually believe

Acquire chilluns to press into Liberal service.

Shaniqua prepares to liberate poor little bois to press them into another form of slavery give them a better life.
Meanwhile, our friendly neighborhood baker is being hounded by the health inspectors for odd side effects in her brownies. What do?


Our poor little baker is too slow for George Zimmerman, and is unceremoniously executed in the middle of the street.

Get your little nigglets some exercise they can't make you money if they are fat little shits that can't outrun the RWDS.

You should get some people making clothes so that you have some SWAG

We have lost part of our cashflow, but on the other hand, we now have a judge working for us down at the courthouse Halls of Ultimate Judgement.
Here's some Conservative propaganda.

OP here, the power just went out. I'm posting this from mobile.
My desktop is out of action, and we've just lost the save.
Shit is fucked up, and it hadn't even picked up yet. Sorry guys.

Guess the world is doomed to be degeneracy free.

To save you the effort, here's the BAD END screen.

Let me say that playing a game of LCS on "We Didn't Start The Fire" mode is probably the most fun I've ever had with a roguelike game. The guerilla warfare is real.


I used to live there. Pretty awful place.

Not videogames.

It is, though.

Literally pick one


You know what, the simplicity and transparency of the process would have been refreshing for a change.