How hard you gonna kill yourself when the update fails to comes out, Holla Forums?

How hard you gonna kill yourself when the update fails to comes out, Holla Forums?

"TF2 is gonna die because of Overwatch just you see" wishful-thinkers need not apply


Can't kill what's already dead, OP.

But if there are more awful cosmetic skins then that faggot Geel will just land on a big pile of them when he tries to kill himself by jumping off a cliff.

Tf2 has been my guilty pleasure for years. I just love the game to death despite the cancer that manifests within. I still think the mere concept of competitive TF2 is fucking ludicrous. Now keep in mind competitive Team Fortress if done right would probably be the best fucking competitive FPS ever but Team Fortress 2 in it's current state cannot be taken seriously. A balanced QWTF with some of TF2s better mechanics would be baller as fuck. They'd have to take it back to 2007 and develop the game from there with competitive play IN MIND, not tack it on 8 years later. Esports is such a great idea but absolutely nothing does it properly and it's pure cancer. All the popular games are MOBAS which require being a braindead Korean instead of anything that actually takes skill. Fighting games are okayish but they're a very separate community. I want a proper Team Fortress 3 that plays like a cross between TF and TF2 with good competitive play that requires actual skill and skill based movement but that will never happen. TF2 has a much lower skill ceiling than it should but a much higher skill ceiling than most games, but it still doesn't compensate.


I wish TF2Classic was still alive. I want to play TF2 but I don't want to download 3 GB of hats and play with retards that are effortless to beat, plus I'm missing all the new weapons that came out since late 2014-ish.

I use stock almost everything with a few changes. You really don't need them.

Half of those things in the bingo are guaranteed to happen

Please user, don't. The wounds haven't healed yet.

I still love the game to death, and I'll probably never fully quit it, but this competitive update is a real mess considering Valve used to be such a good studio
Valve is killing TF2 more than Overwatch is

God dammit, wrong video

This one is what I meant to post

He's right and it pisses me off. Overwatfhis shit and all these awful MOBAs that are coming out make me fucking sick. It's crazy that TF2, a 9 year old game still has the player base that it does, but nobody can take it seriously and valve doesn't manage the game for shit.

What happened to it? No more players?
Used to see those threads month.

* months back.

It's been completely irrelevant for like 5 years now, user. Not that it matters. It was a completely unremarkable game in every way. Just another extremely boring, painfully mediocre shooter.

This guy is unironically calling Overwatch casual and simple. While playing TF2.


sucks to be you

Sad thing is that overwatch is casual and simple compared to TF2. Overwatch makes TF2 look complex
Tf2 still a shit though

they should just pull off L4D2 and stop updating the game before they go full retard

Wait what happened to TFC?

TFC has about 2 populated servers on an exceptionally good day.

They should've stopped updating like 4 years ago. Unfortunately they need to make sure the F2P whales will always have more shit to buy. And a new game is just FAR too much work.

all video games are casual and simple

Except that isn't true in the slightest



No, not really.

If you meant TF2C the devs and server owners mishandled everything. The game was really only a FoTM sort of thing.