Do you feel like "part of the Left" where you live?

Do you feel like "part of the Left" where you live?

I mean, do you tend to connect with them as people? Do you like their tactics? Do you organize and agitate on a local level?

I'm asking because I feel so miserable, alone and alienated whenever I partake in irl activism and organizing.

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No wonder you cucks never get anything done.

I don't even know any other leftists. I want to get involved and meet people but my social anxiety keeps me from attempting it.

I feel miserable, alone, and alienated no matter what I do. Last night I fucked some girl I met through Tinder and it was close to masturbation for me, no connection at all and I felt more lonely with her than I do when I'm alone. I feel like I can't connect to most people and just want somone I can talk to about books and all these thoughts I got spinning around.

You can try, and I think you should. I've been a part of three lefty orgs, all of which were completely ineffective. There isn't much we can do, just converse with people you know, read, and think, and wait.

I don't advocate withdraw at all. If you want to fix something, you need to understand why it's broke in the first place.

No. I'm a communist.

I don't want to connect with the left. I want the left to cease being left and become communist. I don't like its tactics and do not agitate on any level because there is no revolutionary potential in our times.

No and no.

Then stop partaking in activism; it's a form of interpassivity that has no revolutionary purpose whatsoever and will always be recuperated by capital.

I honestly can't tell a real Leftcom from a Leftcom caricature at this point.

I'm not a left communist.

You sure enjoy playing semantics like them.

If it sounds like an anime villian it's a caricature.

What semantics?

You know, being against fruitless and proven pointless political activism and strategies is not exclusive to left communism.

Haven't you heard? The left is dead, while its ghost is still haunting some places on the internet…

My mistake.

You just advocated doing absolutely nothing and looked down on others who choose to do something, so it seemed like you were a Leftcom.

People can participate in activism to improve the living conditions of the working class within the capitalist system without deluding themselves into believing they are ushering in the revolution.

I'm not a reformist idpoller who just want to have capitalism with a human face, so I don't fit in the "left" where I live.

Something that declares itself "Left" is still alive and well in my country and city, but it had to adapt in order to survive.

It's now not about any of that dorky Marxism, that pesky class struggle or that unfashionable unionizing. It's now part of student life, of pothead subculture, it's an excuse for partying masked as political action, it's about dancing and women showing their tits in protest while our governments systematically erase our labour rights, our welfare and our public enterprises.

Sometimes it feels like that Titanic scene where the ship is going down and the band starts playing again, but as if the band was completely unaware that the ship is sinking.

Thinking about what might actually be worth doing and critiquing others is doing nothing? I love this meme.

If Marx were around today, many leftists would hate him. He literally spent his life writing and ruthlessly criticising everything. It's ironic how modern day 'Marxists' and 'revolutionaries' would hate him and probably call him a 'sectarian armchair revolutionary' for using his brain instead of jumping to the first possible thing to do because lol why not.

Theodor Adorno got shit from his students over doing the same thing (engaging in critique, which is the kernel of Marxism.)

The infantile post-war left even went as far as to say, in chant: 'capitalism cannot cease while Adorno is left in peace!', because he did not believe that adventurist efforts by guerillas could succeed in toppling capitalism in any structural way. (See his famous line from Dreams of Revolution: 'It is ridiculous to build barricades against those who administer the bomb').

As long as the basis of such a movement lies in only solving an illness of capitalism with a band-aid solution, it is in fact only delaying any actual potential situations in which emancipatory and revolutionary potential could exist. Because reform embodies the ceding of proletarian interests to capital directly. The only way to reliably utilize reformism is by establishing internationalist organizations and making clear, universal demands against capital. Anything else is not even worth considering incrementalist or a functional step towards a post-capitalist society.

That Adorno story always pisses me off. I can so easily project some of the most annoying Leftists I've met into those students.

Considering that the 'left' in rural areas like where i am can be reduced down to "blue party lol" (Conservative/Lolbertarian majority region), there's no fucking way I'd find any shred of skepticism of Capitalism (let alone Socialist/Communist beliefs) outside of actively moving into an urban city.


So what are you doing to accomplish this? What's the first move somebody should take to set this plan in motion?

Not at all.

I go college in one of the most capitalist cities in America, where about 15% of students are the children of foreign millionaires. There's no socialist organization on campus or in the surrounding city, and about 40% of the student body are registered Republicans.

I don't even feel like part of humanity to be honest. I'm just an observer waiting to see what a mess your species makes of things. I'll probably die at some point, but that's okay.

I do understand, but that understanding also comes with a realization that one's individual participation in fixing it is just fucking pointless

Yeah, there's some pretty good stuff going on. It's mostly Anarchists and Trots, so we don't agree on everything obviously, but I do what I can. I work with the Seattle Solidarity Network a few times a month, and go to a lot of demonstrations (May Day, workers' rights, BLM, etc.) Also Kshama Sawant is pretty based, so there's that.

The one thing we all agree on though is making fun of the RCP. They always come to events with t-shirts and shitty literature and generally be as annoying as possible.

Take off that flag right now. The SAlt is fucking garbage, even by Trotskyist standards. Almost worse than the CP 'Vote Hillary' USA.

Based WSWS exposes yet another fraud.

There are exactly 4 groups of people where I live:

90% chance they have never touched a book by Marx and are mostly just interested in acts of petty terrorism and "beating up nazis".

Mostly made up of old fucks who think it's still 1917 and who are too busy wanking over Lenin's literary works to get anything done.
Also they're slowly dying out.

Usually found near universities, where they congregate to scoff at the unwashed masses who haven't even read Hegel

Only group that actually does something productive.
Mostly sitting around in their communes, only leaving for the occasional protests.
Pretty chill people, great weed and by some miracle they have managed to not become subverted by idpol.

All in all it's looking pretty bleak here in Germany.

Marx was an active revolutionary, who engaged with the fourth international, remember? The communist manifesto was a pamphlet for 1848 revolutionaries.
The bourgeoisie dictatorship relies upon defeatist attitudes like yours. Leftists like you are the reason why porky can sleep soundly these days.

This is not a Marxist analysis, but is accelerationist. Marx says class consciousness will be the prerequisite for proletarian revolution. Beating down the working class with a stick does not necessarily raise their class consciousness. The French general strike of 1968 was actually during a period of relative economic growth and stability.

Sawant is unfortunately not the dictator of Seattle, so obviously she does not get to make all the laws.
Criticizing her for the faults of the 15$ minimum wage loopholes is idiotic because she had nothing to do with the pro-business loopholes. Those were added in by a committee of business reps tasked with drafting the ordinance, by the authority of the mayor.
I worked on the campaign and from day 1, Sawant was constantly denouncing these pro-business attempts to sabotage the 15$ minimum wage law. She was even collecting signatures to make the better version of the ordinance to be put on the ballot, to subvert the pro-business loopholes.

enjoy your stds fam

Also in Germany. Here's my leftist groups.

Indeed. I wont get into a full contextual explanation of the leftist groups and the Left in my country, because i would need several hours and a different thread for that; but my party is fully into the politics, the stundents movement and the workers movement of my country, both locally and on the general context.

You dont do politics to "connect" with people, this isnt a social club. Of course, it is inevitable to end up having personal relationships with people when you are engaged in politics; specially in my case, the university context; but a person should get into politcs because it has a need, a desire, to change the way his/her reality works. We are here to make a better world for ourselves and our people, this is serious stuff, not some hobby or some posse you get into to brag about how "radical" you were in your college years.

I personally know people that get into political parties and/or organizations in spite of social integration, and those who get into it because they want to feel good about themselves (usually these have a petite-bourgoise profile and dont really have a need or a desire to change the system). I loathe both groups, they sicken me and they make the work of the people like me and my comrades in my party, who are serious about our political demands, worse and slower.

Im not here to make friends, im here to change the world. If friends come they will be welcomed, and if enemies ocme they will be fought.

Oh no, dear god, no. In fact, our party long-term strategy on the stundent's movement -which my natural front right now, since im a collge student- is to destroy today's ineffective and infantile, and in general not very serious tactics, and transform the movement into a serious threat for the right wing government we have right now. We et a lot of insults thrown arround because of this, but that just confirms our ideas about their infantilism and their lack of seriousness.

Yes, we do. In fact, I would say a good planning for local agitation is basic and fundamental to create and make the communist movement grow. Without a healthy base of organized workers and opressed clases, you cant do shit. Is very important that every cell tries to organize, integrate and get to know the local workers as much as it cans.

I feel the same way though, im pretty sure almost everyone who goes on this site is this way

Participated in theory discussions with youth members of the local (mostly Stalinist) Communist Party, voted for them in every election, put up some posters and helped occupy the university back when I was a student.

Even then, it's all hopeless. Become bourgy, keep vacillating or go full Nechayev-kun.

I live in Louisiana. It's quite the red state and not the good kind of red


fucking normie

y lv?

You're literally living my dream right now, if nothing else. All that I want to do is launch polemics against fucking clownshoes "leftists" and actually make some headway. Sadly however, I'm a socially retarded fucking white male.

I'm a card-carrying member of the only viable left-wing party in the state, so, yeah, I'm as much "part of the Left" as one could possibly be around here.

I admit I feel alienated by their idpol-infested culture. I admit I'm skeptical of many of their tactics. But it's not like I could think of anything better myself. Or be as efficient and outspoken as some of them are.

We're making stuff up as we go and I mostly treat it as a lesson in doing anything at all. Because if we keep doing things, we'll learn to do things better and more efficiently, and there's always that small chance of finally doing something right. If we do nothing at all, there's 100% chance of achieving nothing and becoming a plaything of history. That's what keeps me going.

Everybody in Alberta is classcucked

The libruls in the cities fell for the ethical capitalism/veganism meme

Same thing with Vancouver man.