Orlando City Council Votes To Remove Confederate Soldier Monument From Downtown Park

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer said Monday he will move a Confederate statue from Lake Eola Park to Greenwood Cemetery, amid renewed outcry from those who argue the century-old memorial is a symbol of racism.

Dyer’s plan emerged during a sometimes-contentious hearing at the conclusion of the City Council meeting. Supporters, some waving Confederate battle flags, and opponents of the statue flooded the council chambers and staged competing protests outside City Hall.

“I believe this proposal balances the inclusive morals of our community today, while carefully preserving historic artifacts from our past that can be used to further educate and serve as important lessons in today’s society,” Dyer said.

The question of what to do with the statue wasn’t on the council’s agenda, but after journalist David Porter posted on social media last week that he planned to call on the city to remove it, people on both sides of the debate turned out in droves.

Many argued the statue should stay where it stands, on the east side of the downtown park near North Eola Drive. Supporters argued the statue doesn’t glorify racism but rather honors soldiers who died.

“They were all Americans, whether they fought for the North or the South,” said Bill Krause, a retired American history teacher for Orange County Public Schools. “They didn’t choose where they were born and lived.”

However, Porter and others argued the statue is a symbol of slavery, white supremacy and a dark era of Orlando’s past. Porter noted the monument was moved to the park just three years before the 1920 lynching of July Perry, a black man killed after attempting to vote in Ocoee.

“This is not ancient history,” said Porter, a former member of the Orlando Sentinel's Editorial Board.

Dyer said Monday he views the statue and others like it as “historical markers,” but acknowledged that some people find them offensive. Moving the statue to an area of Greenwood Cemetery already set aside for Confederate dead is a “totally appropriate” solution, he said.

The marble statue, known as “Johnny Reb,” was commissioned by a local chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. It was first erected on Main Street — now Magnolia Avenue — in 1911, before being moved to Lake Eola Park in 1917.

Dyer’s decision to move the statue doesn’t require the council’s approval. Even so, three city commissioners voiced support for the plan, giving Dyer a majority. Commissioners Jim Gray and Tony Ortiz opposed moving the statue, while Robert Stuart said he was torn.

The mayor said the city’s initial estimates suggested moving the statue would cost about $120,000, though its need of repairs could drive up the price. Dyer did not commit to a timetable for moving it.

During the meeting, many in the council chambers wore shirts or hats featuring the Confederate flag. One man, Benjamin Mills of Bartow, attended the meeting in full Civil War-era military attire. He said two of his great grandfathers fought for the South, but not for slavery.

“My grandfather never owned a slave. He didn’t own shoes until he went and joined the army,” Mills said.

Among those who spoke at Monday’s meeting were several current members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, including the chapter that commissioned the statue. Most argued the keep the statue at the park, but one local chapter president sided with Dyer’s plan.

In 2015, Organize Now launched a petition drive asking for the statue to be moved to a museum, in the wake of the racially motivated massacre of nine people at a church in Charleston, S.C. Counter-petitions to keep the statue in place at the downtown park also garnered support.

The Lake Eola statue is a local flashpoint in an ongoing nationwide debate about whether to preserve monuments to the Civil War South. On Saturday, torch-carrying demonstrators reportedly marched in Charlottesville, Va., to protest a vote to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee.

In February, the Orange County School Board voted to rename Lee Middle School, which had been named after the Confederate general prior to opening in 1956. Officials also moved a Confederate cannon that had been in the school’s courtyard to Greenwood Cemetery.

http: //www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-confederate-statue-lake-eola-park-20170515-story.html

Trump could sign a national history monument presevation EO at any time.

How difficult would it be to get these liberals to go all ISIS on the statues with sludge hammers?

We could trigger people hard that way.

Could it be memed?

Literally who?
Never heard of him.
t. 2117

Is accelerationism worth destroying our monuments for?

Destroy one or two statues would be worth to have the normies flip out. You'll get the fence sitters to be outraged along with the republicans. You probably could get a monument & historical building protection act passed over the anger.

What is a monument worth when the history has been so convoluted and falsified that the original intent of the civil war is lost on the masses? Do I want the statues gone? No. But anything short of an act of congress or the president will see their end, be it relocation or destruction at the hands of marxists and anti whites. Id rather it be decreed that monuments are to be preserved and any person caught defacing or destroying federal property be shot on sight or imprisoned for felony destruction of property if caught after the incident. Monuments can be repaired and replaced. Its the history that we're losing.

The answer you are looking for is

"NO" is not an argument and I never said I wanted the statues destroyed, quite the opposite. But what good is a monument when the history is lost?

The statue is practically already destroyed, that has been decided. With its removal and the falsification of its historical significance, its already gone.

You can always rebuild statues. I hate to break it to you but there is very little that has long-term historical value in the U.S. compared to that which was lost in WW2 in Europe. Most of the value is tied up in architecture, what little hasn't been converted thanks to the managerial age where buildings are only valuable so long as they're functional.

The statues aren't themselves all that valuable or irreplaceable. It's the disdain that you're being spat in the fucking face that's the problem. Karma is a bitch and the left continues failing when it comes to knowing the repetitions of history.

So in a nutshell it doesn't matter what you think of accelerationism. It's going to play out regardless of how the fuck you feel about it, PERIOD. Ride the tiger brah.


I want the equivalent of this image burnt into every American's mind.

People everywhere would say that was over the line,and there was no need to destroy the statue.

Lets be honest here, these nonstop threads about monuments coming down do absolutely nothing but shit up the catalog. Youre better off making a cancerous general so we dont have to have a thread on every single one that comes down. No one has stopped a single one from being taken down by making these threads.
Yea i can say the same about OP for making shit tier threads which solve absolutely nothing. Go protest it live rather than sitting on your ass doing absolutely nothing to stop it faggot.

Trump could do a lot of things he won't, like repeal DACA. Face it, we're on our own preserving American heritage and people.

This is. . . not a bad idea. How much would that cost? I hear property is cheap in nigger-heavy neighborhoods. Bonus points if the niggly bear who tries to steal the pic-a-nic baskets is on his second strike.

Yeah, let's just agree this is the new normal and ignore the happenings.

Why aren't there posts on /r/the_donald encouraging him to do that? Are those cucks good for anything?

Actually, it's a great idea. Do we have any mulattoes on here who will pull a false flag and destroy the statue?


come on.

plant the idea on reddit or some other forum.

The statue is not the point, it's the symbolic transition from European people to muds and niggers. They never dreamed of pulling this shit even 10 years ago, now every single statue and rock commemorating White history as something to be honored is under attack and it's done with glee. If you let it happen even for the smallest rock it's a defeat of far more consequence than a monument being moved. There is no accelerationism in total defeat, especially the ease at which they defeated white history and nobody gave a shit.

Instead, why dont midwesterners and yanks fuck off out of threads that dont concern them?

DACA is about to expire and ICE is picking them up indiscriminately at this point. Not much of an issue tbh, theyre going back.

Orlando is the most nigger infested shithole in all of Florida. Miami would be better than orlando if it had less kikes, because there the cubans stab and shoot the niggers.

You asshole, we have to demand just that! Start a petition and let's meme it to victory. It could easily have well over 100,000 signatures in a fucking day!

Make one faggot.

This never gets old.
Have a bump, O.P.

Maybe Southerners should have listened to the Colonisation Societies of New Jersey to remove all the blacks instead of forming a Confederacy and trying to keep the blacks under their control in a white country.

Deportation, repatriation or "colonisation" is never not the right answer when it comes to non-whites, user.

If they get rid of this maybe someone should get rid of the gay alter that is pulse night club

tfw Richard Spencer brings back the KKK to save Southern monuments

Meme that democrats want these gone as well….

Doesn't work because Jews / negroes don't live in Egypt any more that I know of.
The Taj Mahal was built by slaves though

Why don't these fucktards realize that they're destroying American history not just Confederate history, which should also be protected regardless.

It's time.

Eventually they will call for any memorial to any Confederate to be destroyed. Eventually they will call for Confederate soldiers to be interned in mass unmarked graves.

Maybe the irony of all the underage miscegenation going on was too much.

I sometimes fear for the safety of this people, it really cant be that hard to spy on Buddy Dyer for a couple days and shoot him in the face and drive away mafia style.

No, because the DEMS ARE THE REAL RACISTS!!!
Meanwhile say anything about anti white racism and its a swift permaban.

Thread theme.

Short answer: no