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When leftists grow up, they become fascists. This is common knowledge.

It's like when your charmander levels up and evolves into a charizard, to put it in an analogy you would understand.

you think someone would do that ?

go on the internet and tell lies ?

Those people were always around, it's just becoming safe for them to reveal their ideologies on Holla Forums again. The trumpites and the fascists are all newfags.

They're so obviously lying lol.

"I used to be a communist, but then I realised it doesn't work because you can't have the state own everything and everyone getting paid the same"

Such obvious bullshit if they can't even give a simple definition of socialism

I got news for you kid… liberals were never leftists so this isn't a hard conversion.

As much as I sympathize with Green Party IN THEORY… the reality is the green party neither gives a flying fuck about the environment or about radical veganism.

Instead the green party is poopdick and cucks licking Amy Schumer pussy in a polymarous relationship. I'd love to just have a mass shooting killing all five of them at a local event.

If people took environmentalism or animal rights that seriously, it'd be almost indistinguishable from a third-wordlist party. Because it's clearly bourgeois imperial countries outputting the most carbon emissions, it's clearly the ultra consumerism making things worse… now people might think I'm confusing green party for anarcho-primitivists but than why the fuck are you the green party?

And here's a kicker… the green party would not have a clearcut view on social issues if they conflict with other factors. For example on an individual basis I have no qualms about birth control, however I HATE what it's doing to the environment… so realistically, I'd like for abortions to be far less regulated but birth control medications hard to come by. Codoms are okay I guess if disposed of properly, but if abortion was easy peasy I could go in raw dog without much worry.

But see if I said that at a "green party" convention Jill 🍀🍀🍀Stein🍀🍀🍀 would claim I'm d'eh woman hater and just want women to have unwanted pregnancies and am secretly a Christian spy looking to undo what's been the fucking norm for like seventy years.

Mussolini was a socialist.

An example from current year is Kai Murros, a Finnish ethno-nationalist and former Maotist.

They're lying.

Most of them were never Leftists to begin with, they were edgy meme liberals at best, if that. It's just claiming that you once held an opposing viewpoint makes your own viewpoint seem more valid. Most of these fucks that "used to be leftists" can't recount even the most basic left theory.


Cunts piss out estrogen into the water supply and it fucks with wildlife. Fish will be born defective because they are swimming in some worthless slut's estrogen piss.

Mussolini was always a nationalist, he just learned some "gubbermand owning everything" meme "socialism" through osmosis.

that's fucking crazy

*tips stahlhelm*


that's what gulags are for

Pretty much that. All of leftist ideology is autistic at its core (this includes shit like liberal capitalism as well). If you gain a neurotypical understanding, then you move to fascism.



not to piss on your argument, but aren't a lot of people who view themselves as mainstream leftists completely unaware of any real literature on the subject? in that situation, one would pretty much be correct when they say they used to be leftists. of course, they wouldn't be true leftist to begin with, but they would be if you used the mainstream/pleb-definition of 'left'

If you were actually a leftist you'd understand why 'human nature' is a bullshit argument though.

Thank you for correcting the record!

Yes yes, I know. Biology and science are spooks. Only autistic theories from the 19th century are correct et cetera.

That was not the point. Believing left wing nonsense requires an autistic mind. Not saying the people composing a hypothetical left wing society would be autistic, but that believing in the hypothetical left wing society as something within the realm of possibility requires autism.

But you are somewhat correct. "Human nature" is excellent because it does not account for the variation within the human species. But it is correct on some generalities.

literally the worst argument ever attempted

Holla Forums does the same shit.

That's because in the lowest level of political dialogue, which unfortunately is where we're at, cliches like "I used to think like you but I matured/gained knowledge" are still taken to be an epic demoralizing insult at your opponent.

Behind every fascism is a failed revolution.

How does it feel to hold a view of biology not shared by actual biologists going all the way back to darwin? Read Mutual Aid and The Selfish Gene.

Alright then, glad I helped you understand why you weren't previously a leftist.

It's because they were spooked the whole time and they just changed the type of spook. It would be pretty easy to go from identifying with a class to identifying with a nation.


I'm a leftist who posts on Holla Forums and supports Trump. I wanted to be able to vote for B████ but I can't endorse the corruption that the DNC is right now by voting for Clinton. I became disillusioned with the Dem party in general after the bank bailouts. I also didn't like how the Libyan situation played out. (I don't like the trend of hawks masquerading as doves.) Everyone on Holla Forums I talk to wants to purge the jews but I'd be happy if we just hung the international banking clique that's making all of our lives miserable, I think they are mostly jews though so that kinda works.

See, the funny thing here is that you can incredibly easily proof whether they really were by simply asking them what they mean when they were a leftist (what their beliefs were, what ideology or thinker they identified with, and most importantly what these ideologies or thinkers were about). 95% of the time they'll blurt out utter nonsense that, at best, matches with progressivism (or similar centre left/left liberal ideologies) and will be incapable of properly defining or talking about something like syndicalism without you easily being able to see them copy/paste a Google search definition.


Pretty sure most biologists believe that biology affects behavior.

And logical conclusion of "selfish gene" is tribalism.

Probably not lies. Both left and right are radical positions these days. And right in more attainable.

OP is an idiot.

Fascist is associated with nazi. Nazi means "national socialist"

National socialism embraces the idea that the means of production of the state belongs to the betterment of that state.

That means the agents and actors that empower the state control the distribution of goods, services, and assets to ensure those agents and actors can act in ways to persist the state. Anything the state produces the state is entitled to. That is the basics of Not Socialism.

INTERnational socialism, which is the polar opposite of Not Socialism, means anything a state produces belongs to the mechanism of international distribution according to the whims of whatever that mechanism decides. The most efficient means of international socialism has always been and will always be international finance. Thus, supporting international socialism, which all leftists do, means you believe your labor belongs to the distribution schemes of international banking as long as they can pay your favorite propaganda sources to tell you your labor is being used to help some random brown person to give you SanFran-tier erections.

To sum it up, at some point, the nazi-hating liberal will be forced to come to an observation. International socialists automatically default to the idea that they'll never meet and will never know deserve their the fruits of their efforts even if that means their neighbor and family will starve.

And for the most part, this is an easy decision to make because your neighbors can rely on credit or loans or other means of delaying their inevitable poverty.

But when the day comes that their poverty can no longer be delayed, those rendered impoverished by your altruism will take a very long and vengeful stare at your altruism and they will find excitement in ratifying your mass extermination.

Those who gave brainless and costless support for international socialism jump to Not Socialism when they find their livelihoods threatened by forces they have no influence over.


There has been a large shill campaign to downplay this, like here


that concludes

Despite the evidence to the contrary.

From my experience I can guess that most weren't left wing edgelords like gommies or anarkiddies, but just socdems, greens and so on, basically people without a clearly defined ideology



Then why pay taxes to support some fuck in alaska instead of keeping it for your family? Nazism is an indefensible ideology.

My day has just begun and you're already trying to fuck it up by saying retarded shit.

Some actually were, some actually want to be

Why? Most of them are not real fascists, just kids who claim to be. Still dangerous though.

Second. Because you are a Soros extension. The left is dead.
Instead of charge against the right as you always do, clean your own side or face reallity, you are not going to be taken seriously ever.

You obviously have zero understanding about foreign currency exchange and the role that has on import/export, diplomacy, and industrial production.


what the fuck do you think socialism is? There are no markets (unless you are a titoist) but there certainly are no financial markets.

Can you define "true" leftism and how we differ from it?

You really thing the mighty and morally righteously socialist(iucally) organization of Country A automatically dictates the domestic concerns and import/export requirements of Country B?

lol? For real nigga?


Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, it's only international socialism when every single border, trade agreement, and tariff has been eliminated thoroughly.

So how much does the IMF benefit from your revenge fantasy?

"The left" is seen as a hole, if you are a leftist you must be progresive. At least here in Europe

You are SJW, PC, Hillary Clinton, Soros and the face of corruption, masive inmigration, Sweeden etc.

Nobody is supporting the left as long as the left cares more about being progresive more than helping people in the countries they live in.


Nothing at all, because it will be dissolved.

The left lost all relevance with the fall of the USSR, I do support mass immigration though because I don't care about your shitty boring life and views.


What a sad life you must lead.

great comeback



Yes, international banking interests that determine foreign exchange rates will magically be dissolved because you loved enough brown people.

Meanwhile, in order for us to have this conversation, copper, coal, and oil has to be dredged up from the earth under the regime determined by the IMF and the BIS.

So when you say you aren't paid by the IMF, that's a complete lie. You are paid in comfort.

You have no plan to dismantle the fundamental purpose of currency. Even your great hero Lenin understood how to exploit currency via hyperinflation… and he never had a plan to replace it.

Sorry, fucko, you just can't replace time value just because you have a raging hard-on to protect whatever subhuman MSNBC told you to protect.

what did he mean by this

Anime is shit tbh

this tbh

Do you know what a fucking revolution is?

Yes, I am aware my lifestyle is made possible by third world exploitation.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

He watches Alex Jones unironically.

Go read

This post is how the left works here

Is not me how puts you in the same group, is how progresive you two equally are, and how they own you just as they own the nazis in Ucraine.

We don't want corruption and billionares taking everything from us… Look the comunists say that muslims did nothing grown, that is just our fault…

Ok, but the political parties and the left outside Holla Forums are like that

A religion where other people are supposed to solve your problems for you.

The map is not the territory. Knowledge is not action, and worse, "third world" is a cold war demarcation. Even calling them "developing nations" is incorrect. Even calling them "post-colonials" is wrong. They are humans who have survived thousands of years of civilizational challenges… challenges you cannot even mentally comprehend. They can't special because of their melanin content. They are special because they have endured countless cycles of civilizational expression. You say they are exploited because your Marxist faith deems it as such… but in reality, Iraq has been invaded by foreign powers 23 times since Sargon of Akkad. They are a people whose entire culture depends upon invasion. This rigorously offends you, but the reality is that pre-Western cultures adapted unique meta-survival methods that offend your very being.

You think Asia is a shining pinnacle of participatory governance? What part of 5,000 years of disruptive upstarts do you not comprehend?

There is no Marxist conclusions in parts of the world that didn't even get thought the Iron Age. Your faith is scientifically incomplete.

I knew that before I even started this conversation.


remove the sarcasm and this sounds like a really nice life tbh

kek, everytime.

Because they grew up.

heh… you fool
you still think i'm one of those leftists…
little do you know that i have long since surpassed that pit of ressentiment and organisationalism

small minds, small hearts, small dreams

If I called your reich or day of the rope a masturbatory fantasy where you get to prove your worth to your big Other while sucking the cock of your fuhrer would that be an argument?

literally a bunch of bullshit rambling that means nothing and does not address the argument.

maybe try not spewing bullshit then.

So because conflicts existed before communism was discovered, somehow makes communism "false"?

This reads like a weird fascist appropriation of the Art of War. And human beings have survived the Ice Age, volcanic eruptions, natural disasters, the Roman Empire,etc.
What's your point?
That conflict is the heart of human history?
I don't care if a region was invaded multiple times, doesn't change the fact that exploitation existed since the origin of kings, priests, merchants, hierarchies. Slaves in Ancient Greece and Rome were exploited, so were Sargon of Akkad's people.

"just girly things" tier

The original fascists were syndicalists who supported Italian irredentism. Most of Holla Forums are not fascists in the classical sense though.

I harbor no fantasies of a grand racial reckoning. The fact you think I do confirms you are nothing more than an IMF pawn, blinded by your passions for the sake of political expedience.

You are disposable. A combination of carbon that will alter our collective destiny in no measurable way. I was once a Marxist. A real one. The mathematical kind that understands Gresham's Law. You fuck-tier plebs has no idea what the fuck I'm talking about despite Marx citing such important ideas in Das Kapital. You are fair-weather "rebels". The moment your ideals cost you, you'll flee into obscurity.

You are useful idiots. Your hero Lenin dubbed you as such over 100 years ago. That's how predictable you are.

Any religion that doesn't account for the entirety of the human condition isn't a valid religion. Socialism, then, is a false religion.

Which means humans have a unique capacity to endure and supersede capitalism as well.


Conflict is not the heart of human history. humans solved their problems by running away from each other. Only when all land was controlled by nuclear-wielding assholes did running away fail to be a solution.

If exploitation existed since the dawn of civilization, then exploitation existed since the dawn of man. You can jerk yourself off to some anarcho-primativst paradise (The Jews and pre-Christians called it Eden, btw, you unoriginal fucks) but the fact remains humans will always find shortcuts and if you disagree with that, please send your reply via fair-trade carrier pigeon instead of conventioneer coal-powered electronic exploitation.

[citation needed]

Explain to me how the French Revolutions never happened.

Actually, as a point of fact, the only time in history that I can think of when people ran away from their problems was during the colonial era, very recent history. It is, in fact, you who is ignoring vast swathes of history.


The first 5,000 years of our civilization.

because we grew up ;)

t. someone with very poor familiy relations

They used to be the self-hating liberal faggots that they straw man all of us as.

In other words, they went from being one kind of retard to being a different kind, but at the end of the day they are still retards.

Mostly, though, they just want to be constantly reaffirmed of their beliefs to stave off the creeping realization that their political clique is frighteningly stupid.

No nazi is derived from Ashkenazi and is a Jewish slur for Germans.

You really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?

No? Humanity has been spread across the globe for tens, if not hundreds of thousands of years. Aside from the colonial period, there's no written history of people "running" from their problems and you've hardly provided any evidence for your claim or examples of what you mean by "running from problems" .

Considering their knowledge of what "leftism" is, they were probably just filthy liberal faggots.

It requires a comeback? Just an observation. The guy I replied to is clearly apathetic at best about life in the west. Actively supporting mass migration serves no purpose except amplifying the suffering of those who will lost their jobs and see their culture changed, often by law.

Who cares? Jobs are going to be lost regardless because capitalism's contradictions are mounting and "culture" is a completely meaningless buzzword.

You keep saying this. Life in the USA =/= life in south america =/= life in the middle east. Even the rich ME nations are a world away from what we have today. And culture travels with migrants. Bring enough of culture X to a country with culture Y and they ghettoise, segregate and ultimately build their own micro-culture. When enough of culture X move to nation Y then X becomes the dominant culture, replacing Y. Do you want me to point to some of distinguishing differences between western culture and islamic culture?

Essentially, you're wrong. Supporting mass migration will drive down wages (accelerate the decline in wages already occurring due to automation). It also brings in alien, incompatible cultures leading to twice the suffering of the natives.

think about what you are saying you fucking champaign socialist college cuntbucket

What more proof do you need that Holla Forums doesn't actually give a shit about the lower classes and is really just a bunch of limousine liberals?

Did lefties ever recover?

Do you really think someone would do that? Just write for the press and tell lies?

Life in New York =/= life in Alabama =/= life in Alaska

Fuck, life in my apartment =/= life in the apartment next door

It's a meaningless buzzword.

And, yes, there's a tendency to ghettoize, but that's typically because of economic constraints, not choice.

"Muh culture" is just a way of saying "associate your favorite part of the status quo with the greater edifice" as a way of garnering loyalty to the status quo.

Until the left completely denounces Soros (which you can't because he won't let you) you are rendered a joke.

No one can take you seriously

Former leftists are one of the most valuable commodities for right-wing parties and news outlets in Europe.
t. 1968



Seen as you have such a hangup over culture, for the rest of this thread I will instead refer to it as NLV (normative localised values)

Way to dismiss an idea you don't like. I just explained to you how NLV manifest. But I'm happy to go further.

True. But you can bet that the populations of these places have more in common with each other than people from Doha or Mecca. The difference between the NLV is result of personal belief. Belifs that guide these values tend to stay with people. In fact it appears that the more there is an attempt to actively change these values, the harder people hold on to them.

This isn't true. The muslims in the UK tend to be pretty well off. And third gen are more likely to 'keep to their own' than their parents.

Noiw going back to the point,

Most people should care that the values they hold important will be changed and replaced with values that appear backwards to them. That you don't strongly suggests misanthropy, which was essentially what I meant

But you. You actually seem to dislike some western NLV. Which ones and how come? What would you like t see them replaced with and how does third world immigration help do this?

Mesmeric Marxism when?

Hitchens is a fucking hypocrite. A posh kid who messed with lefty politics for a bit in the 60s and peddled everything he hates about the left until he wanted to be a romantic yuppie who complains about how poor people don't actually need money they need to have traditional values.

He's just a cunt with a posh accent who takes a condescending tone and gives off an air of impenetrable superiority and gets away with it because he's from a country in love with class.

So your typical Holla Forums poster then?


Apostates, don't you hate them?

Zizek is your answer:

Basically they're fetishists in the Freudian sense i.e. they transfer their true feeling towards a subject into another subject towards which it is easier to feel in that way. It's just easier to blame the Jews or muh fun for everything then it is to think about the power structures of capitalism, and on a certain level they know they're just fooling themselves but they love it so just pointing it out to them won't work.

Really fires up my synapses.

No, changing the word doesn't help.

And it's you faggots that have a hangup over culture. We don't give a shit about it here.

Actually, other than language, probably not.

[citation needed]

No, it suggests that I don't give a shit about apparent values associated with some location.


Unlikely, since capitalism will collapse before we can all collectively gargle Murdoch's balls and suckle at the teat of neoliberal media by going on TV to try and stutter out a load of shit we only believe for the burger bux.

Totally unknown outside 20's Italy

Yeah, no.

Really? So you don't think there may be differences over the following issues (list is not exhaustive)

No. Your anecdotal experience was enough to form the crux of your argument here.

So just to clarify, you have no issue with equal rights being wound back or with religion being placed front and center of education?

A universal claim can be disproved by a single counterexample, thus a personal anecdote would be relevant. "The muslims in the UK tend to be pretty well off. And third gen are more likely to 'keep to their own' than their parents" is a claim about an entire population that would need data to support it, although, if you bothered to look it up, you'd find that Muslims are not in fact "pretty well off" in the UK.

You're talking about this right?


Lets take a closer look.

Sounds impartial…

Sounds like a direct result of not allowing women to work

Sounds like ghettoisation. But then ask yourself, why are they so keen to move to inner city slums when they could live much cheaper in the country?

Anyway, again you seem to gloss over the points about 'culture', dismissing it when I've given you concrete manifestation of culture.

In part. There were a variety of studies that came up, including that one, demonstrating that your claim was incorrect.

You've merely started speculating with the "sounds like" formulations, and, regardless, you've already moved from your original claim ("muslims in the UK tend to be pretty well off. And third gen are more likely to 'keep to their own' than their parents") to something else.

I'm not the same person, although, looking back at the other parts of the conversation, your speculation at is wrong historically. It isn't necessarily the case that "When enough of culture X move to nation Y then X becomes the dominant culture, replacing Y" as hybrid cultures also form (e.g. the ancient Greco-Bactrian Kingdom).

Countries in Central and South America and even the United States could have been used as recent and well-known examples, but I can already predict the answer since the phrasing is vague enough that the argument can be extricated from nearly any attack.

Thats what all liberals and anarchists are, they become anclaps or fashies.

Because leftism is either for the mentally ill or children? How is this hard to grasp, kiddo.

fucking lmao

It just werks

So many classcucks ITT

This denial is painful to witness, friendo.

Unfortunately, much like trying to solve a math question of which the formula you do not know by shoving numbers together and seeing if they work, making increasingly complicated attempts to justify your logic means you're probably wrong.

Hence faggots on this board who say shit like:

So yes, there are many, MANY people who quickly realize that pseudo-intellectual masturbation about the means of production and spooks isn't the right way to go forward.

t. former Marxist-Leninist

"Hello fellow leftists"

I'm not a leftist, you daft fuckwit. What part of "former" doesn't penetrate your thick-skull?

You were never a leftists faggot, dont kid yourself


This guy knows what's up.

Just because your shitposting flag is similar doesn't mean you have to ape the worst of polyps. At least you know about the Hibernian menace :^)

[citation needed]

hello pic related


nope. I believed and advocated for a few years.

I'm now going to be a little less aggressive, because I would like to have some genuine dialogue instead of the shit flinging that we usually summon when our two groups converse.

Again, I cannot stress enough that I was a communist, I considered myself a communist, and I advocated for communist policy.
And you know, I grant that I probably wasn't as devoted and entrenched in it as you guys.
This is true. This is also perhaps why I managed to leave, because I wasn't as emotionally invested in it. It was painful to let go of egalitarian principles; this much is true. I'm simply saying that as I traveled along the internet, exposing myself to ideologies both left and right, I slowly amassed ideas from every group that I was a part of. Before my journey I was a basic bitch liberal, I started getting exposed to some wacky conspiracy theories (muh bilderbergs and all that jazz), then I picked up communism (Marxism-Leninism), and was browsing more leftwing forums. Fuck if I remember the name… revleft or something? A quick google search just confirmed, yeah it was revleft. One problem that started to emerge for me was noticing that my Asian (mostly Chinese) peers were developing a sense of racial identity, and at this stage they didn't really understand how to control it.
This was what really woke me up. I was all for equality and jazz. The Asians would start going on about muh azn invasion and shit like that. It felt… off. I started to feel almost threatened, as if they were going to go after ME and my parents or something. Whatever clicked, I'm still not quite sure. Regardless, I mostly ignored it, but the issue once again sprung up when it came to "racial pride".
Now, I'm sure you guys think that having pride in your race is a spook (correct me if I'm wrong or whatever but I think that's pretty well established here), so this is where shit got kooky.

At the time, I was still very naive and trusting of humans in general. I thought a one world communist system would work 100% and I even believed that race was actually super irrelevant and we would become one race, the human race. Again, forgive me but this was a while ago and lots of things have happened so my memory of this is bits and pieces. Anyways, what really slapped me in the face was the double standard about racial pride. I wanted to be proud of my ancestors (I still had white guilt and all that jazz so this fucked with my ability to process things) just like all the other people at my school. But I was almost threatened into silence by my peers, especially the white ones. One day I stumbled upon halfchan and Holla Forums. I was still Communist so at first their rants amused me. A few weeks in, I remembered one thread, along the lines of "You guys would be OK with communism/socialism if the country was all white" and I started to find myself nodding in agreement, almost excited. Holla Forums was teaching me things, both truths and half truths (obviously not everything is true).

I'm going to end off this blog-tier post. I'm well aware you guys will most likely write me off in derision, but I don't really care. I wrote this for myself, to reflect on my journey so far. For my own ego, if you will. If you even vaguely care, I will point out I left out some forces that definitely had an impact on me when I was more open to suggestion (like spirit science which is kinda shit but struck a few chords for me and pulled me out of depression.)

Anyways, I actually don't hate you guys, I just think you're too emotionally invested in your ideology to be willing to experiment with other ideas. If you feel a similar way to the most of Holla Forums, I get it. I'm just not the most of Holla Forums.

Please stop. Your abstract, moralistic delusions and shitposting is not welcome.


Is revleft shit? I wouldn't really have known; I did not have a frame of reference.

They got sick of intersectionality, just like us.

Its basically reddit.


top kek what kind of cuck actually adds a Rated PG Parental Guidance into his posts

You sound like me tbh. I was so frustrated with "leftists" pushing me out for being white that I probably would have gone Holla Forums at some point if it weren't for this place.

So what exactly do you mean by you abandoned your egalitarian values, did you feel you had to abandon them to fit in with Holla Forums?

Also, what exactly was the thing that made you ok with capitalism?


It's more nuanced than that, but yes. Also they were 2nd generation and always going on and on about asian superiority in academia and all that (not technically wrong but that only reinforced the pain I guess)

I didn't want to hurt your feefees brother, but seeing how you're responding I've already failed.

I realized that egalitarianism is an admirable goal; it still is, but I simply believe there are people better than others. Maybe not even in regards to race, per say.
I'm actually not in favor of capitalism. I'll be honest, I think it's more effective at managing resources than socialist ideologies, but I think profit as a goal also ultimately hurts the common man.

Again my ideology is a mish-mash of various previous ideologies I've held from all across the spectrum. I believe that we could all be equal one day, but it would require a genetic uplifting of sorts. I have yet to truly organize my thoughts as to what to call this new "special snowflake" ideology, but I think it has promise and merit.

I'm glad you are actually interested in discussion.

Why do you suggest Holla Forums maintained your values, if I may ask? It's not very often that we see civil discussion on the chans, especially between ideologically conflicted boards. But, truth be told, it's nice. It's comfy.

I appreciate your post.

I think you're quite frankly as silly as those asians concerning racial pride. It's all fucking stupid ancestor worship.

The only thing Holla Forums taught me was that just because something is politically incorrect, doesn't mean it's true.

Damn son where do you live?

Probably they just pick whatever side they think is winning.

Well, most of the supposed ideological comrades I've met, and I mean well-read people that would be at home here, have genuinely disgusted me as human beans.
As for all the attacks, either on a ideological or personal level, fuck them, they actually invigorate me.

wew lad

the only offending thing in your posts is your ignorance

I agree with you to an extent. I actually don't associate racial pride with ancestors; that's something related (to me) but different. Racial pride in my view is just not being ashamed of who you are, genetically. Probably not the most popular interpretation but whatever. On the topic of ancestor worship, as you call it. Is it not fair to take pride in the accomplishments of people you consider family? Like siblings or children. In this sense, having racial pride is to consider people of your ethnic lineage a part of your family. Since I already considered all of humanity to be my cousins, it wasn't that far of a stretch. I think the idea has some merit, even if only for your own self-interest/dopamine whatever. However I do believe that in theory, a nation that has, as a fundamental idea, that people of your race are members of your family and you should treat them as such, could have some serious ramifications with regards to how people handle society.

Of course we then have questions of values slowly being changed over time, that racial love being turned into irrational hate for other races, etc.

Toronto. It's what happens when you have multiple chinatowns in one city.

You can disagree with me, but it seems historically free markets have responded better. I'm actually certain you have some valid counter-arguments, but that's not really the focus of what we're talking about today.

stay mad

I should add something,

Again, I was a lot more naive back in those days.

Sounds hilarious tbh.

Still not as bad as Vancouver.

In some other places it's some sort of collective action or extinction, that's pretty much the only point of participating in a political process left when the knife cuts to the bone.

So in the end you felt bad because the brown people boo boo'd your idealism and think that your skin is in the racial game.

Do whatever you want fam, I won't try to convince you, I'm just pointing out what I assume were your processes.

I consider other people family not on a racial or ethnic level, but one on common interests. I will always, always identify more strongly with and be more comfortable around a non-white that shares more of my interests and beliefs than a white person with whom the only thing I share is nationality/race/ethnicity whatever.

What it boils down to is my reference point for identification, and it's not race or nationality. I don't consider people of my race my "family" solely on that basis, if at all. I can't help but feel that your sort of tribalism is just ridiculous.

Also, "being proud of" is different from "taking pride in." For example, I'm proud of my family for going to college, but I don't *take pride in* that.


Because thinking your positions through and carefully considering them is for cucks right Holla Forums?

I'm sure you're correct to an extent. My memory is murky enough that I can't find enough to suggest otherwise.

I agree with you, perhaps for different reasons.

For example, I have a liberal friend who's always talking about police brutality on blacks. One thing I always ask him is along those lines: "Imagine you run a convenience store. A black man who's low-riding and wearing a hoodie shuffles in. At another moment, a white man who's fairly well-dressed walks in. Who are you going to feel more uneasy towards?" Most people respond, " the black man." Then I say, "OK, now let's say a white man who's low-riding and wearing a hoodie shuffles in. At another moment, a black man who's fairly well-dressed walks in. Who are you going to feel more uneasy towards?" Now this time most people respond the white man. I usually use this argument when people suggest cops shoot black people because muh systemic racism.

My main problem, that my personal unnamed ideology attempts to solve, is the theory of conflict. All conflict emerges from difference. People don't fight each other because they have the same goal. All conflict emerges from a difference, be it religion, race, ethnicity, or even non-existent perceived differences (which you might be willing to argue are things like race). The only solutions to this conflict are to either let it happen, eliminate the difference, or put difference between the differences (I'm still refining my terminology and arguments with this ideology).

In essence, I believe that race as it stands is a point of conflict, and holding myself to the moral standard that since allowing the races to fight will lead to elimination regardless, and picking one race over another to eliminate is a decision that I cannot make, it leaves me only with separation. So in the CURRENT geopolitical landscape, I believe races should work together, but from a distance. This is where phase 2 of the plan kicks in. Instead of eliminating 1 race, why not eliminate ALL the races, and engineering a new breed of people who are objectively superior in all aspects, perhaps the only differences being enough genetic diversity to resist disease and variables for climate.

I'm still working out the kinks in my ideas, and again I'm sure you have plenty you disagree on.


I did not dismiss the "entire concept of political theory", if anything, I reinforced it. The more rules you have to add and extra conditions you have to account for due to your base (whether it be math, politics, or computer programming) the more likely it will be a shitshow, because it's ultimately flawed somewhere in your logical thinking process.

But sure, throw out a muh cucks and muh Holla Forums and even a porky and bamo it's like you have an argument.

(check em)

That's real fucking posadist m8. Meanwhile even peripheral yurop is getting its first taste of SEZ, just as a preview, and the world is burning up like a trashcan.

There literally isn't a most trenchant difference than class though. You're getting cucked by the most spooky shit imaginable. Re-evaluate your experiences and read more.

Good luck anyway.

I briefly looked up this Posadism you talked about. I don't see how it relates, but maybe I'm wrong.

And I gotta say, a lower-class Brit has very little in common with a lower-class, say, Ethiopian. I think OUR conflict (read, you and I) is emerging from our different perception of the world. From what I gather, you believe that people of a similar class have more in common than people of a similar race/culture. I believe this was my original lens, and along the way that's where I changed, which changed everything else.

Anyways, it's been fun talking to you guys (mostly). It's been a good opportunity to get different viewpoints and I wish you all a safe life.

I do not feel like that picture accurately represents me.

Name and describe one major concept from Marx's LTV

please stop bumping this shit thread

They KNOW they're autistic. They fucking flaunt it.

Holla Forums is even more autistic

I should have saged


I don't think you're going to reach them, user. However, I find your rhetorical method fascinating. E-mail me if you have a moment.

Because genetic composition means nothing, right?