Let's stop flinging shit at each other for a while and have a conversation

Let's stop flinging shit at each other for a while and have a conversation.

Did you ever notice that games can fall into two big categories:
Ones that open up during playthrough.
And ones the don't, once you played them for 10-20 minutes, you basically saw all of it.

What games do you think go in each category? Mind I'm not saying that either of these categories is bad or worse than the other, in both there are plenty of great games that can be played for prolonged periods of time.

Lemme give you an example for each other, franchises that I love equally and played shitton of.

Also known as Musou. You played it for 15 minutes - you know what the game has to offer. If you play it long enough you will unlock some new moves, cooler looking weapons, sometimes even different mounts like in Samurai Warriors 3, game doesn't change, your movesets and mounts don't affect the gameplay much at any point.

It's especially true with recent games, as quantity of enemies on screen increased dramatically but their thread dropped down.
If in Dynasty Warriors 5 you had some sense of progression, then in DW8 it's all the same through and through.

Also known as "what do you mean Fromsoft made something else?"
In these games you constantly keep finding something new and exciting, always potentially able to change your play style and approach to the entire game.
You found a weapon that you like! Now you start optimizing around it, sacrificing something. Sometimes this weapon is used drastically different from what you had before, so you learn and adapt new play style.
And then there are spells and different armors.
And then new areas bring new enemies and new environmental challenges, that force you to adapt and play differently. And depending on your initial play style your adaptation would be different to.
So game opens up and always keeps you wondering what's next.
And then you can complete earlier areas differently based on your new experience, gear and tactics.

So there you go folks, what do you think? Do you prefer one type of games to the other, or like both equally. Maybe there a genres or specific games the fall in neither of those, I'd like you to talk about those too.
Tell me about games you played and how they did or did not open up along the way.

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Its called mechanical and gameplay depth, and most modern games have none of it and they cant even turn that around with unlockable/sizeable content since they paywall it.

I had this problem with FPSRPG games. Borderlands 2 and Payday 2 were really just disappointing. Once you learned how to point and shoot at weak points, that was it. There was nothing else to learn.

Your fault for playing these games in the first place. Play STALKER instead.

Y'know how it is. Friends.

Fair enough. Still can't see how you can't get them to play something more fun. There are so many coop games that have more variation and/or depth than this lousy memegame.
Bully them into playing SWAT4 with you.

STALKER is too good to be called an FPSRPG game. It must be called "FPSVODKA" game.

After all it doesn't even have stats/leveling up and shit like that. Its just a shooter with an inventory. Like chrome specforce.



I-i don't.

I'll need er…the source on that, please

I am going to have to stop you for a minute.

What Musou games are you talking about particularly? Because to me it sounds like you have only played Dynasty Warriors.

One piece Warriors 1 is a 3rd person Adventure game with musou combat.

Dynasty Warriors NEXT is a Risk style rexource management game that is also. a warriors combat game.

Empires is a basic Grand strat.
Gundam is a risk style take over game
as is Hyrule Warriors.

Berserk Warriors is going to be a Musou with RPG elements just like Dragon Quest Heroes.

You can't classify all Musou games as just hack and slash games with no depth, it depends on the game you are talking about.

What in the fuck is with my formatting???
sage for off topic


It is mostly a mechanical/gameplay depth/balance issue, as stated.

I wouldn't say Souls franchise as a whole fits very well into the equation. Dark Souls 1 did a reasonably decent job at, aside from ranged/magic being relatively overpowered, especially lategame.

Dark Souls 2 went full retard by introducing regeneration items. Suddenly there's no reason to save good spells for the right opponents when you can just munch on some farmable consumables and faceroll your way through the boss by casting resonant soul. On top of that weapon scaling in DaS2 was godawful in general, level design was shit, etc. etc. you've heard it a thousand times.

Dark Souls 3 did a pretty decent job with slowly introducing more and different types of enhancement throughout your playthrough with each their own unique effects, but the lack of a proper poise system makes the game a fucking joke. The balance of "heavy vs lightweight" doesn't exist at all because of it. And then there's also the hyperarmor shit fucking everywhere.

Anyway OP, games that properly build up mechanics and customization are very rare. Most games can't even properly build up difficulty through mechanics, let alone provide meaningful customization.

thanks, looks like I'll finally have to complete the procedure I've been postponing for years

Every JRPG, Mad Max(literally 5 minutes of the game and you already saw everything you are going to do), Every Ubisoft game

Dead Space did this through the trilogy but bandwagon fags were to dumb to understand. This is why developers are afraid of making anything but rehashes of the same shit. They know gamers are dumb as fuck.

since i pity you faggot go nhentai and search for azakawa red cosplay hump

But your opening sentence flung shit, faggot.

Dwarf Fortress opens never stops opening up.

So basically, 2 categories:
1- Have all the content in the game available to you 5 minutes in, the rest of the time is for unlocking trophys and similar stuff or fucking around with the content you have in new ways.

2-Have to progressively unlock the content as you play, you'll often start with a very limited amount of things to do\use but it increases as the game goes on.

The first aproach is great for simple casual games but also for games that are all about the combinations you can do with everything in the game. I'd argue that Simcity and similar games actually fall in this category since you'll often have everything you need from the start and it's about how well you can use it to "win" the game. Same for most RTS that give you all the content in Skirmish or most shooters.

The second has a sense of progression to it and it can be fun working to unlock new content, especially if it makes the game easier and allows you to focus on greater goals now.
However it often has the side effect of limiting your possibilities until a certain amount of time has passed as well as making multiple playthroughs quite similar.

A good example is Deus Ex 1 and 2. While the first one is considered the best of both (and I agree), the way augmentations are handled is quite linear. You'll always start with the Strength augmentation and progress in the way that pickups are made available to you. A specific augmentation will never be used in earlier levels because it's never present before.

On the other hand, Deus Ex 2 gave you the possibility of unlocking and upgrading any augmentation with the same canisters and shortly at the end of the tutorial it gives you several, including an illegal one. From that point forward, you can have chosen any augmentation at any level (and a single level in an illegal one), which means you can play the first levels with the augmentations you want, not the ones the game decided to give you.

The first one is still an interesting way to do things, it allowed level design to take into account recently acquired augmentations. This is why shortly after that Strength upgrade, you'll find routes you can take if you took it but not before.
However, I'd say the second did it in a more fun way, since you can play how you want, provided you know how to actually use the augmentations you chose and leads to more diverse playstyles.

all of them are the same