Info on fag and dyke acceptance in the ancient world

Specfically these:

-Ancient Greeks (especially for Sappho and whether she was a dyke or not)
-Ancient Romans

I've seen all of them trotted out as examples of pre-modern societies that accepted fags, dykes, and trannys. I'm doubting such claims and suspect it's just We Wuz. But I'm not really a scholar here. So, does anybody know any recommended sources on this?

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Before Christcucks took over the world to serve the Jews, no one really cared if there were a few perverts lying around. Fags are the least of our problems.

So Germanics and Celts just didn't exist? If you live in the Anglosphere, and chances are that you do, then you'd be living in a culture that traditionally shamed and often killed faggots even without "christcucks".
Wrong, you fucking shill. Fags are the first of our problems. This recent kike trend of the destruction of sexuality all starts at faggots, who have become a bigger sacred cow than the fucking niggers ever were. Finding solid arguments against fags is a to-tier priority if you're serious about attacking the kikes, because it's the fucking fags that normalfags always get hung up on.

Sure is aut-kike in here.

OP, if a normalfag tells you that fags are good because "muh Greeks," try explaining that hellenistic homosexuality looked nothing like the friendly gay families you see on the talmudvision, and instead looked a lot more like rich fucks having underaged boy sex slaves on the side. Ask them if they think that pederasty and sex slavery are cool too because that's what the ancient Romans were doing.

Go away tumblr.

Modern "history" is 50% guessing and 50% Jew.

The idea of Sappho as a dyke doesn't seem to show up until several centuries after her death. She supposedly founded an all-female school for poets, but none of her contemporaries mention anything unnatural occurring there, which is some of the clearest evidence that nothing actually was happening, in my opinion. Her contemporaries almost certainly would not have passed up a chance to write about something as fantastic as a school full of homosexual female poets, if such a thing actually existed. It wasn't until the late 19th century that the meme of Sappho as a dyke really took off, spearheaded by various French (((academics.))) As for Greece in general, homosexuality was generally either frowned upon or simply ignored. Plato very famously denounced men who fucked little boys, and all men were expected to eventually marry a woman and produce children. Any man who couldn't do this was an abject failure.
The Romans generally had a very negative attitude towards homosexuality. Family was everything in Roman society, and the Romans detested any sort of degeneracy that might threaten the traditional family structure. Cato the Elder is a great example of a Roman who was very, very suspicious of foreign cultures and their "unmanly" ways corrupting the moral fabric of Roman society. Most of the allegations about Roman orgies and rampant homosexuality stem from early Christcucks who had an interest in portraying the Roman ruling class as hopelessly decadent in order to more easily push Jesus on the middle and lower classes. Fags did exist in Roman society, but they were generally confined to the fringes of it, especially if they were the ones taking it up the ass. A man could still be somewhat manly if he fucked a boy or another man, but anyone who took cock was a bitch.

The Greeks accepted it as opposed to deflowering virgins or sleeping with other men's wives, kind of like the Afghans do. You are correct that they were expected to marry and sire children, but that left them plenty of time for fudge-packing. Mining for turds didnt affect the Greek's big for power like it did with the Romans.

The Romans definitely frowned on it, and accusations of being a rump-wrangler would hurt a man's political career. It wasnt allowed in the legions from Gaius Marius' time onwards, although there were rumors about previous armies being degenerate. Please note, though, that these previous armies were not standing armies like Marius'. Sulla was said to have been a secret bum-puncher, but if it's true, he kept it secret until after he resigned from public life.

There was a steady flow of sexual tourism between Rome and Greece during the Republican era. During the Imperial era, Emperors did what they wanted in regards to sexual degeneracy, so all of Rome was tarred with the same brush that was soiled by a few bad Emperors. It would be incorrect to think that all of Rome embraced this behavior though.

Every society that allowed Gays in the open collapsed about 20-40 years after that.

Same with Women running things, longest lasting women run society lasted 40 years. This does not count Queens as they normally have male advisors and courts.

See the pattern?

We dont really can compare ancient faggotry to modern faggotry. For example: Spartans had a homosexual society, but at the same time they had wives, bred progeny, and faggotry was some sort of war enhancer, since they fought harder to keep their loved ones alive.
Today's faggotry is a degenerate lifestyle that promotes the bareback AIDs sex game as if it was something cool, its also infested with sadomasochism and all sorts of perversely evil stuff.

Well, it's worth noting that homosexuality itself is a very modern concept. No one before now even considered the idea of men fucking men exclusively. When they talked about faggots, they talked about the acts of faggots i.e. sodomy. It was self-evident in the ancient world that if you never reproduced you were a fucking moron. Beyond that, there were varying levels of acceptance of fucking other men, ranging from "death if you do it" to "only if you're the top." And even then most people still didn't like it around.


I would hazard a guess that the faggotry arrived in greece and rome around the same time the jews did.
Much like we are seeing in our societies in the last 100 years.

Fuck off, jewish golem.

Just throw them into bog tbh fam. Oh look there's one now

If the fag disease is planted back into the Earth it will grow, the longer they live the more they will spread it. They must be put down as quickly as possible in a place where their soul will not return to the Earth.

And what happened with those societies?
Where are they?


t. PaGAYn

I feel my noggin joggin


Aka why I am not a conservative/traditionalist

I don't know much about the bog mummies apart from their being mummies found in bogs that appear to be ritually killed, but what's the indication that they bog'd homosexuals?

Sappho wasn't a homo though. She had a major crush for a person with a penis and just liked to fool around with fellow cunts at times.

There is no 'good faggotry', faggot. The worst fags of all are the ones who think they are butch alphas, running around like some hybrid of niggers and trannies thinking they have a right to fuck boys to prove something.

Also penetrative sex was forbidden by death.

In Rome, Hermaphrodites, if found, would be murdered as it was taken as an omen.

I'll just leave this here, faggot-lovers.

Athenians and those who eventually became the epirots (Thebes and the such) were certainly accepting towards homosexuality, with the exception of some periods in Athens when it was frowned upon. Macedonians and Spartans and other peloponnese heavily frowned upon these practices for most of history, the latter having only one source whose name I forgot that the men simply ignored a general who liked to fuck boys. But even then he was in a position of power and a regular man most likely wouldn't be unpunished.

Note that even when homosexual behavior was acccepted in the ancient world, gay marriage wasn't even a widespread concept. Regardless of extracurricular activities a man was expected to father children and raise a family.

The big difference between today and the ancient world is that homosexuality today is very much in the context of a failing patriarchal society (Patriarchy being absolutely necessarily for a healthy society), and homosexuality in the ancient world occurred in the context of a vibrant and powerful patriarchal society. Whats really killing us right right now is allowing women too much freedom to meddle in politics and not properly sheltering their easily-molded minds from the jew.

True. Homos in the ancient world still did things that were demanded of every other man. The kind of degeneracy that modern homos fall into would have been a death sentence back then no matter what.

The greeks and romans accepted faggotry like afghans use young boys. Just for sick pleasure, If you wanted lasting romantic relations with the same sex you would be viewed as degenerate. Most of those fags actually had wives but fucked an apprentice or something on the side. Women being fags was not really cared for since they'd still be married out anyways and their husband would fuck them and conceive children, so a woman being a dyke was a weird concept.

Not just homosexuals but all traitors to the folk. Tacitus is the main account but the German did the same to Roman land owners who fitted the description as well.

In the Germanic religion punishing is never seen as doing bad but keeping the good. For instance when the Germanics would ritually sacrifice prisoners from battle they viewed it as restoring honor to the captured, or throwing a person into the bog is removing that defect from the middle earth.

A great invention Christians adopted was allowing Germanics to use Gaut in their language as that was a deity from the old ways they could not give up. You can even find a depiction of him and other Germanic deities few know of in Olaus Magnus's works. Such as Cedar which is what Saturday is named after, the Roman gods never got a day in the sacred week.

That brings up another important belief in the unbroken tradition that in all the time that has passed the old heart beats with ancient blood. So nothing has changed if your heart beats with their blood, you are them and why it is so important to keep the blood at all costs. Even beyond what you believe or your lack of belief.

Charlemagne had to institute the death penalty for burning of faggots and witches on his pagan subjects so they stopped doing it without the magistrate's approval.

Sodomy(the modern definition involving teh buttsex rather than the Middle Ages which includes bestiality ect) was punishable by death in most of the city states of Greece. Though others such as Athens did grudgingly allow homosexual activity in the military and in a few instances openly admitted it like in the Sacred Band of Thebes. Pederasty was institutional in some cases (Sparta and Thebes) but penetrative sex was not. And in Athens the openly homosexual could not own property, and by extension vote or serve in a public office. Sparta and its proponents vehmentlly denied all charges that homoshit was going on, while critics used the charge to denigrate them. Whether covert boyfucking was happening or not the fact that this was considered shameful and insulting tells you that the culture didn't approve of it. Greece was not socially liberal, it even had strong having taboos against eating in public. It was a few philosophers that had positive views on homosexuality, but the legal system and the society at large did not like it.

In Rome homosexuality was considered a vice. You were technically allowed to sodomize a male slave but doing so would be looked at as a "decadent Greek practice". Though the openly homosexual could own property they could not hold office or military rank. Homosexual activity of any type with a fellow citizen meant that you would be cast out of social circles. Receiving sodomy was a crime punished by revocation of property, and by extension rights of citizenship. In some Providences it was punished by death or exile.

Now lets compare that the Middle Ages Europe. The punishment for sodomy? A fine, or a five year sentence if you were unable to pay the fine. Sodomy was not punished by death, though you could be cast out of the priesthood for it. They could not revoke property or noble status for the discovery of homosexual activity. This had to do with the philosophy of the time. Homosexuality and sodomy(homosexual or otherwise) was seen as the logical extension of uncontrolled lust, the desire for sex without reproductive function. By their philosophy anyone had the potential to become a sodomite. As such the punishments were lenient compared to Rome or Greece.

Nazi Germany didn't even kill faggots in the common "muh six gorillion" version history, rather they put them in camps and tried to reform them because they held a similar philosophy to the Europeans of the middle ages.

That said in the past people did hold wrong ideas, though we rightly cling to traditions which have proven themselves successful rather than foolishly engage in every shit behavior that comes down the pipe like liberals do that doesn't mean we need to perfectly replicate the culture of the past.

I will continue by explaining why all faggots need to die in another post.

The hell am I reading? Cedar? Saturn is what inspired Saturday you numpty. And outside of English and the other Nordic countries which obviously have Germanic roots, the names of the week elsewhere ARE named after the Roman Pantheon.

Mardi (Mars' day), Mecredi (Mercury's day), Jeudi (Jupiter's day), etc. It is dependent on whether they have Latin or Germanic heritage that defines whether or not their week has the Germanic or Roman pantheon for the days of the week.
Everyone who is not an exclusive heterosexual makes up about 2.1-2.7% of the population. With about 1% being homosexual. So the number of dudes that fuck dudes would be around 1.3% at most. So if they account for 56% of new infections they are 43 times more likely to be infected.

The total number of these dude-fuckers shall we call them who are infected each year is 28,200. Given that sexual activity occurs between 15 and 45 that means that in that time 846,000 of the sexually active dude fuckers will be infected. Their total population is about 4.095 million at the most. Of which 55% will be within that 15-45 age group. So about 2.25 million of them are sexually active in a given 30 year period of which 846,000 will be infected. So about 37.5% of their sexually active population will be infected in their lifetimes. Now before you say “but that is just niggers and spics”, look at the data, even when only accounting for whites the rate of infection is still 31%. Which is admittedly better than 37% but still not great.

Homosexual Men Have 50 Times Higher Rate of AIDS

One in Five Gay, Bisexual Men in U.S. Cities Has HIV

Report Finds Black Gay Males in US Worst Hit By HIV-AIDS

STD Facts - Syphilis & MSM

Viral Hepatitis Populations - Men Who Have Sex with Men
“Didn't your study reveal that 40 percent of the homosexual men claimed to have had more than 500 partners?


According to the DoJ 30% of child molesters are homosexual despite them accounting for approximately 1% of the population, so that means a given faggot is 30 times more likely to rape a child than a normal person. If we account for those who fuck anything or fuck of youth of the same sex but not an adult that number jumps to 68%.

Suffer not the buttplugger to live.

GRIDS Greg Johnson, get out

What about the dyke?

A lot of the idea of Greek and Roman “acceptance” of homosexuality has been blown out of proportion by A. early Christians who wanted to make the Greeks look degenerate by their standards, and B. 20th century theorists who see two naked figures on a pot and describe it as eroticism even if they are fighting. The pots which did represent actual gay sex–censored by intercrucial depictions–are few. And does the existence of homosexual pornography tell us the society as a whole generally thought homosexuality was natural and good? Of course not. Then there’s the whole term pederasty and what we translate as “lover.” If pederasty was about sex, then why was admiring boys in a sexual way frowned upon? We know there were prohibitions of this. It seems that what we translate as “lover” should more likely be translated as “teacher.” There’s also no real evidence that Alexander the Great was gay. All we have is his extremely close friendship with Hephaestion and one event where he kissed a eunuch, whom the crowd shouted for him to kiss. And there’s also another account of people lining up to be kissed by Alexander, so this may have been a tribute thing.

Here is the account: Plutarch’s Life of Alexander 67.4

“We are told, too, that he was once viewing some contests in singing and dancing, being well heated with wine, and that his favorite, Bagoas, won the prize for song and dance, and then, all in his festal array, passed through the theater and took his seat by Alexander’s side; at sight of which the Macedonians clapped their hands and loudly bade the king kiss the victor, until at last he threw his arms about him and kissed him tenderly.”

So, yeah, probably not a gay thing anymore than a European noble kissing the king’s finger or French and Italians kissing each other’s cheeks. We also know that Alexander’s parents feared for his sexuality early on. Among hundreds of quotes that could be presented, one of the most interesting comes from Athenaeus of Naucratis and his “The Deipnosophists” (X. 45). “And Hieronymus, in his “Letters”, says that Theophrastus says that Alexander was not open to ‘bodily pleasures’; and accordingly, when Olympian had given him Callixene, a Thessaian courtesan, for a mistress , who was a most beautiful woman, and all this was done with the concept of Philip, [for they were afraid that he would become effeminate], she was constantly obliged to ask him herself to do his duty by her.”

I “wonder” what the context of “effeminate” might be in a passage in which his parents, worried about his lack of desire, are hiring a female prostitute for him. Alexander would later go on to have recorded sexual relationships with women, yet the only proof of any with men is that he had a really really close friend, and that a crowd told him to kiss a eunuch once. That’s it. Time and again, that’s how Greek life is reinterpreted. Early Christians made the Greeks gay to shame the pagans and later intellectuals enthusiastically embraced this narrative by cherrypicking sources.


Sodomy–the modern definition of anal sex rather than the Middle Ages’ of bestiality, et. al.–was punishable by death in most of the city-states of Greece. Pederasty was institutional in some cases (Sparta and Thebes), but penetrative sex was not. And in Athens, the openly homosexual could not own property, and, by extension, vote or serve in a public office.

In Rome, homosexuality was considered a vice. You were technically allowed to sodomize a male slave, but doing so would be looked at as a “decadent Greek practice.” Though the openly homosexual could own property, they could not hold office or military rank. Homosexual activity of any type with a fellow citizen meant that you would be cast out of social circles. Receiving sodomy was a crime punished by revocation of property, and, by extension, rights of citizenship. In some Providences, it was punished by death or exile.

Now let’s compare that to Middle Ages Europe. The punishment for sodomy? A fine, or a five year sentence if you were unable to pay the fine. Sodomy was not punished by death, though you could be cast out of the priesthood for it. They could not revoke property or noble status for the discovery of homosexual activity. This had to do with the philosophy of the time. Homosexuality and sodomy (homosexual or otherwise) was seen as the logical extension of uncontrolled lust–the desire for sex without reproductive function. By their philosophy, anyone had the potential to become a sodomite. As such, the punishments were lenient compared to Rome or Greece. Only certain groups within society–like certain nobles who under Roman law were literately above the common law–could do this without consequences.

In fact, I would argue that the only reason the christians used the claim of sodomy against Rome was because Roman culture was so against it, making the smear effective propaganda.

Which Roman god does Mitwoch describe? I won't deny the days of the week is a great thorn to the church and they have had some successes in certain versions of Germanic languages over the centuries but Saturday is named after the deity Cedar and the Germanic week has always been 7 days. Also historically Thor was the center not his mother or father but the new generation rules.

The Roman week was 9 days long.

Ayy lmao, you got some of my copypasta texts son! Good for you.

Well though they don't spread disease in the same way that male faggots do they don't live any longer

Mean age of death for male faggots in the US is 47 and for dykes it is 48, as compared to the entire population is is 78. Dykes have the highest rates of obesity(worse than even niggers), domestic abuse, suicide, substance abuse, and self injury in the country.

We know that the brains of faggots are androgynous, that they display structures more typical of the opposite sex. Is it any suprise that a deformity of the brain results in maladaptive behaviors which are expressed in more ways than merely engaging in worthless sexual behaviors with those incapable of reproducing together? They all engage in self destructive behavior despite the American Psychological Association which is pro-faggot and pushed for the depathologization of faggot admitting that these high suicide rates and irresponsibility appear to have nothing to so with social acceptance or faggots being abused by the public.

TLDR: dykes are only less shit in terms of epidemiology because they don't stick dicks in asses and as a result spread blood, shit, and cum about simultaneously

But that's my pasta, I made back when we were all on cuckchan, it get your own!

Wow. I noticed dykes were repulsive but didn't know about how long they last. Have the sources for all of that?

none of those cultures embraced homosexuality, it would've spelled instant death for their civilizations. rich people within those cultures practiced a lot of strange behaviors, i think the wealthy romans ate until they were stuffed, vomited the food, then continued eating more, they only drunk wine so majority of people were always buzzed or drunk.

since these empires often spanned many centuries, people had time to reflect on what mattered, change their opinions and develop a complex set of rules about accepted social behavior.

male to male love is not sexual, it is the love of brothers in arms.
female to female love is not sexual, it is the love of the female form, youthful beauty.

fags were mocked and ridiculed at all points in history, because they are cowardly men who exhibit feminine love towards other men. the "exceptions" to this, say achilles and patroclus are not framed in the correct context. in the mycenean greek tradition of 800 BC, the greatest thing you could do was die gloriously in battle. men were trained from an early age on how to kill and avoid being killed. at night they slept together for warmth, and developed a form of bonding which transcends modern ideas about sex.

in the phalanx shield wall the guy to your right is protecting you with his shield. he holds your life in his hands, and you hold the life of the man to your left in your hands. women, children, your farm, your slaves, everything becomes irrelevant when you are in combat, it's the person to your right and the person to your left, shoulder to shoulder. after many years the bond that develops is unique, and a male male pairing occurs, which has nothing to do with physical pleasure or penis in asshole, it is more of an appreciation for humanity, and a deep understanding of brotherhood, loyalty, courage, sacrifice. you serve together for 20-25 years, the same people to your left and right, until they die. hundreds of campaigns, thousands of nights and days together on the field, in camp, drinking, gambling, fighting, eating.

there is something there, like when women gossip together or hug each other taking photos or talk about their feelings. you wouldn't call it lesbianism, it's the essence of being women, they display love and affection for each other in a feminine way.

as an aside, rape was not seen as sex, and men raped each other for sadomasochistic pleasure. it was very uncommon, but it should be noted, that we've had rapists, cannibals, serial killers, child molesters since the beginning of civilisation. no advanced peoples have ever accepted them or built a society accommodating to their violent delights, even the wealthiest man could not beat his slave and get away with it. the law (in principle) was above all men. the greeks felt the laws of man were important for stability, tradition and cultural cohesion, they did NOT see themselves as greeks, they were athenians, macedonians, spartans, cretians, corinthians, thebans, ithacans, etc.

romans invented the identity politics we still use today, and citizenship was eventually rewarded to those worthy, meaning they believed a roman mean what you did not in what position you were born, but this was a 800 year struggle between the patrician class and the plebian class, there were 3 slaves revolts, history here is very long.

i hope that explains it a little bit to you. male love was the idea of glory in combat, female love was the idea of worshipping the beauty of the female form. this is why the male statues had strong muscular development and emphasised movement and action, and the female statues were soft, curvy and more stationary or prone. women are more sedentary, carry more fatty tissue, are generally weaker, smaller, more beautiful. men must be active, strong, athletic, physically symmetrical and well conditioned (low body fat).

i think there is like one or two fat male statues of the ancient world? egyptian ones. so fat acceptance/ fat shaming is harder to rewrite into ancient history. it's a common marxist tactic to rewrite history, we revise history all the time, but to say ancient people held gay pride parades is extreme historical illiteracy.

the present anglo-american culture is the gayest that has ever been in human history.

Then how did the Spartans reproduce then? Did they just try to aim their cum shots such that it would perfectly enter a woman's vagina, thereby weeding out the bad aimers (archers)?

Tangent: Greek women actually smeared the semen of important warriors over their vagoos when the men went off to war. Early form of eugenics.

Very interesting.

I know a pizzapasta who would be furious with you, user.

In my school we were taught that patrician and plebeian became increasingly irrelevant sort of like Anglos vs. Italians and irish in 1900s NYC.

men fuck other men
get over it

Maybe. But did ancient homos pozz each others negholes for fun? No. That's the issue with modern homos.

This is literally no different than how kikes always bring up Bobby Fischer. Muh based fags. Muh based kikes.
No, fuck off with that shit. They all get the oven.

It wasn't just Rohm. All the SA brass were homos and/or misogynists. Fascist movements need fags to get anywhere.

But no, pussywhipped Holla Forums "neo"fascists still hate fags and worship women, aka nationwrecking adult children, which is why your retard movement will forever be safely cuntained and nestled in the cozy grip of the roasthole.


Yeah man, let's kill LITERALLY EVERYONE!

Fuck off schlomo

I think the OP was challenging this idea, or asking if it is true. Nowadays (((scholars))) say this is how things were, or that all the Greek philosophers had catamites so it was normal. But I've questioned this narrative for a while as well.

D&C kikes, get the fuck out!
Both Christians and pagans hated sodomites.
There's no room in this thread for "Christcuck vs Paganlarper" quarrels that just go around in circles.

The ancient Greeks and Romans didn't make an identity out of fucking dudes, they just did it because it made them look "dominant"

did you notice that in the background of that gif the sign on the store says Jew/Juwl Vampire?


Getting awfully implicit itt

Depends on which historian you trust. Some like Xenophon were pretty clear in stating that Spartan law did not look kindly upon men fucking boys, while others like Plutarch imply it's common practice. I would personally much rather trust the former, as he lived and wrote during Sparta's ascendancy and no doubt interacted with them a lot, unlike Plutarch who was writing a full 500 years later the ancient world was around for a long fucking time. I'm not a historian and haven't looked into it, but if this discussion on plebbit is any indication, it seems to be a contentious topic, full of WE WUZ. the guy defending Sparta from homo accusations seems to be Iranian, judging by the name. Ironic
I heard we no longer need to break links, testing
I found this discussion by googling "spartans homophobic

Gays are fucking WOMEN and they must be controlled for the sake of all GOOD!!

Women are required for breeding, so we let them live…… but gays? Fuck off or die fags!!

YES, first we must be good husbands to our wives and support them!

I'm a manly man and if I'm not pleasing her, well then, what SHE SAYS GOES!

Fucking shills. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Go back to reddit fag-lover.

Discounting the point that nearly every other society 'frowned' upon faggot degeneracy as immoral, even your so-called "tolerant" Romans also knew that this type of behavior was obscene and not conducive to a properly well-run society.

Arguably the greatest Roman ever, Emperor Augustus Ceasar, made it a huge part of his reign to "bring back the family values of the traditional Roman family" —- a policy that records show he was insanely popular for. In those series of laws/decrees, faggotry was not penalized any more than BDSM is today —- but marriage (and subsequently hereditary rights, a MAJOR consideration back then) was explicitly spelled out to be 1 man and 1 woman.

Faggotry was a perversion that was tolerated until the overall degeneracy started having cumulative effects and then was fucking squashed when Augustus came to power.

This idea that male:male ass-fucking was some sort of socially embraced dynamic (at the levels they imply) is flat-out wrong and is a product of the highest order of kikery and faggot-loving agendas.


Ridiculous lie. Christcucks tolerated homos a lot more than pagans did. The most common punishment for homosexuality among all European tribes was being buried alive. Very few areas did not consider homosexuality a crime in the ancient world.

Stop blatantly suggesting slavery for men you fucking kike. Fucks like you are a real danger and you should be brutally murdered.

Women should be reduced to the position of the slaves/subhumans that they are for the sake of all good…………….. The nature of women has always been known and necessary steps have been taken to keep them in check!

Neither was the man created for the woman………….. but the woman for the man

Interestingly, or not, the Swedish slang for a homosexual man is bog.

Most smaller communities like villages would pretty much murder the faggot on the spot. In the entirety of europe, asia and africa.
Smaller communities cannot tolerate that shit because it means said member will not have kids, as such he is not useful for procreation at all and tries to corrupt others.

The Emergence of Fags in any ancient civilization is a symptom of a Cyclic pattern that destroys said nation.

Homosexuality and sexual deviancy are symptoms of decadence; Once a nation becomes decadent, a large percentage of those who reaped its benefits refuse to change their ways.

Take a wild guess how the "fix" happens.

I'm not all that familiar with Sappho, but my understanding is that the association of her with female homosexuality was a later addition and her contemporaries seem not to have thought she was a dyke.
One source I highly recommend on ancient Greek attitudes toward homosexuality is Plato's Symposium. On the surface it can look like there's a modern, accepting attitude toward homosexual behavior (especially in Aristophanes' speech, which superficially appears to endorse the idea of an innate sexual orientation), but for those who know how to read Plato there's more going on there. You get a couple of other speakers praising pederasty and Alcibiades wanting to fuck Socrates, but Socrates ends up presenting the highest form of love as distinctly heterosexual. You're left with the sense that the guys promoting sodomy are all kind of fucked up, tending towards immaturity, intemperance, and all sorts of other vices.

This is completely false, and it comes from sloppy defining of the word "Spartan". To prove that the Spartans were fags, their helots are completely ignored, but they made up the majority of the population of Sparta.
This was not a Spartan thing. You're thinking of the Sacred Band of Thebes, which got fucking rekt by Alexander the Great's dad.

Funnily enough, I am left with this sense whenever I encounter a fag in real life too

As has been demonstrated, the Left does not actually consider helots people.

I use the romans as proof that faggotry is a choice.

There's biological faggots and cultural faggots. But I also think that biological faggots are INCREDIBLY rare and the vast majority of them likely just have some sort of hormone deficiency.

All of the other faggots are cultural faggots or people that were abused as children. These faggots know what they are doing. They are making an active choice. It goes the same for trannies. I'd say that 95% of todays trannies are cultural trannies. Just like the romans had cultural trannies. They existed not because of some mystical force but because it was easier for them to fulfill a submissive role in society.

Now we see a society that praises women and hates men. Of course you're going to get a bunch of men becoming fags and trannies when men are already treated like subhumans because of their lack of inherent biological value. Coupled with the death of god and the technological revolution making labour irrelevant it's just a question of when, not if or why.

Well, if a church printed it in a circular graphic, it must be scientific.

That's a myth caused by people seeing vomitorium and assuming it meant "room to vomit in". It's just a passage that lets people out of the stadium faster. Guarantee the kikes are why it's such a common myth

Dykes are also overrepresented as Shitskins. Who are also overrepresented as fatties. Shitskin are unattractive beyond some exception.


I've read many first hand sources that commented on Celts not freaking out over homosexuality.
Good goy.

One of the main factors in the collapse of the Roman Empire was not the accusations of degeneracy. Every Roman historian of note claimed his current era was degenerate compared to the previous era. What destroyed Rome was the acceptance of multiculturalism. Allowing hoards of culturally incompatible "minorities" to first flood into the Empire (causing chaos) and then allowing them to be promoted to running the empire. Eventually, "Roman" generals had more loyalty to their tribe than Rome. Some things never change.

As for Greece… um… what do you mean by "Greece collapsed?" Was Greece a country? When did it collapse? What does that even mean?

I believe you are referring to the fact that Greek city states declined. Of course they declined not due to decadence but due to the debilitating "world war" of the Peloponnesian war between the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League. However even this didn't kill off the Greeks because the Macedonians soon entered the vacuum left by the decline and went on to expand Greek influence further than ever before. And ironically it was a homosexual who did this. Alexander the Great. No one stoned him to death.

BTW, the Macedonian Empire also declined not due to decadence but due to infighting at first and then geography and who would have guessed!* multiculturalism. They were Greeks ruling a disgustingly multi-ethnic empire of non-Greeks. Guess how well that worked.

Anyway, if you study history you will find that the single most debilitating and destructive thing for any nation or state is not gays or women but multiculturalism. It is staggeringly destructive and it is precisely for this reason that the Jews promote it. Even the ancient Greeks noted the subversive nature of the Jews but they couldn't do anything about it.



Not all pedos are fags but all fags are pedos.

Multiculturalism may not be decadence but it certainly is degeneracy. And yes that is why the first thing that kikes push for is multiculturalism.



Even if we found every single homosexual and brutally tortured them to death, there would still be homosexuals. Just like if we found every single person with mental disorders and tortured them to death, it wouldn't stop another mental disorders from existing.

I wouldn't call multiculturalism "degeneracy"
What is degenerate is ethnomasochism. The Roman Empire was very multicultural but the Romans were by en large not degenerates. They were proud of their race and heritage.

This, you're never going to get rid of all them, best case scenario is shoving them back into the damn closet. It might be too late for that however.

Look if you think Alexander was a faggot because he loved his friend perhaps you should recall that he named 7 cities after his fucking horse. The man cherished personal connections.

Once we retake control of our society from the Jews, all manner of degeneracy will disappear. Jews are the main problem. Every single major problem in our society stems from the alien domination of our media and political institutions.

Also, the thing I feel I need to point out is that gays should not be compelled to have sex with women. Why? Because homosexuality is a mental disorder. Would you want to force people with down syndrome to have children? No. Gays should be allowed to be gay so long as they are not harming society. I suspect that the probably unnatural number of gays in our society is a result of Christians forcing gays to procreate with normal people, thus propagating the genes that cause this behavior. This was a terrible mistake. We should avoid anything that causes gays to procreate with normal people.

I cannot recall where but I read somewhere that Alexander had sexual acts with his friend Hephaestion. I suppose I should differentiate homosexuality from bisexuality as I guess they're different but generally I don't. My apologies.

And what happened not long after the Roman Empire became very multicultural extending beyond European peoples.

>all fags must now choose back in closet and lock door or >>>/bog/

Absolutely fucking implicit.

Forgot to actually respond to this one. No there isn't a difference.

The Roman Empire became multicultural in 200 BC or even earlier depending on your strictness of racial and cultural distinctiveness. The WESTERN Roman Empire collapsed more than 700 years later. That's a long fucking time. Now, there was a massive upsurge of foreigners that caused the collapse but they were European (Some might have been Asian). The Eastern Empire on the otherhand lasted a full 1000 years after the Western Empire collapsed. And they also had non-European people. Obviously multiculturalism did cause the collapse of the empires as the religious, linguistic, cultural, & ethnic differences made things less efficient and more prone to failures, but I think it is ridiculous to imply that the Romans were degenerate just because they ruled a multicultural empire.

Homosexuality is a mental disorder. Mental disorders are caused by defective genes. Simple.

Not uniformly.

We've been over this.

I actually thought someone had posted a past of it.
Pics related also this

Dubs seem to confirm.

Hadrian was well known for being gay as hell. Too bad he fucked a man, I would've personally fucked that Egyptian chick on the right. XD

Gee… I wonder how that might be…

This doesn't disprove the fact that mental disorders are caused by defective genes. Pedophilia is itself a sickness. So my point stands, they're mentally deranged.

Name a mental disorder not caused by defective genes. Whenever the question of nature vs nurture comes up, I tend to err on the side of nature. Never underestimate nature.

Ah. Good points. I retract my statement about Alexander. Very well written. However I have not seen or been able to verify the claim that there was a death penalty for sodomy in ancient Greece. I will continue searching though.

All faggotry for both sexes is down to the following:

1. Undesirable men and women settling for it.

2. Some disorder in the body.

3. Actual misogyny and misandry.

4. Abuse.

Humans evolved to bond wjth the opposite to mate and oversee offspring in the case of Whites and East Asians. A man or woman spurning this to fuck another man or woman in a sterile mockery of a pairing is the act of a damaged individual.


I suspect that many if not most sociopaths (and I mean extreme sociopaths, not people called sociopaths as an insult) have mental disorders. It is like aspergers. A mental disorder caused by defective genes. Humans are naturally social animals.

What I'm basically getting at here though, is while whatever defect causes pedos to be made is initially the prime cause of the spread of abomination. The high prevalence of faggotry in modern society is more than likely due to abuse and perversion of said society in the first place rather than a high dispersal of "gay genes" as one user suggested.

He said name a mental disorder

Also while you can call pedophilia a sickness, it's not one that can be cured by modern medicine. Pedophilia is caused by "poor wiring" of the brain. The "wiring" to the areas governing lust/love for adults and platonic feelings for children are "swapped". There was a webm floating around that properly explained it but like a retard I didn't save it. And yes I'm well aware they're fucked up in the head. I'm also more aware than I want to be of just how fucked in the head they are. Which is why I don't abide by the stance of "let fags be fags so long as they aren't harming society". You may as well say let kikes be kikes so long as they aren't harming society.

Calling a gene defective is Niggerish unless you can demonstrate it impairs one's reproductive success. One can call mud skin defective in a multiethnic society since it's not attractive.

They don't talk about it because homosexuality and pagan religion are closely correlated throughout history. Homosexuality is an integral part of satanism.

Read tacitus germania

Reminder that faggotry is a mental illness that spreads through child molestation

Hey there Christcuck.

Name one that is. Current theories suggest that muh chemicals is complete bullshit and mental illness is caused by irregularities in the flora and fauna of your gut. orthomolecular medicine will be the future of psychiatry, read

Homossexual practice in Ancient Greece was deliberately exagerated by Christians after they converted the Roman Empire, trying to portray the old paganism as degenerate to prevent people from turning back to it. Christian priesthood were the only ones allowed to write history during the late roman empire and they destroyed the records of the pagans, like the Library of Alexandria.

Leftist in the 20th century used these deliberately false narratives to push their agendas.

Paganism had strong family values and honour, not just greek, but even africans and, mostly, germanics. Christians were extremely averse to homossexuality but muslims weren't as much, with rampant stories of homossexual caliphs, gay bathouses and tranvestites like "Bachas". Lots of leftists like to blame "Victorian Britain" for the widespread persecution of homossexuals in africa and the middle east today, but that is to ignore reinvigorated islamic messages and blame them on "dem whitey"…

Homosexuals are cancer, Pagans are cancer. The only solution for Europe is Positive Christianity.


/r/ing those images of bug chasers. I didn't save any cause it made me sick

Also the romans, who had pejorative views on homossexuality, often described barbarian peoples or rival emperors, as engaged in homossexuality. Notably the "Heruli" people, is brought up as an example of a homossexual ridden tribe. However, not only is this false, the Heruli aren't even a people, the word coming from the roman description of gothic "earls", warrior nobles, before they were landed.

No d&c


For once you're right

Kill the fags

But what about fags and dykes?

Not a brain-disorder but a reaction to molestation.
They get molested and seek to emulate that molestation.

Same with pedos, most of them get molested and regress to an infantile state where they are still attracted to children.

Also remember Marcus Aurelius greatly admired his emperor father for abolishing degenerate acts like using young boys by men in the government.

There's not really a single answer to any of this for any single civilization. Generally though, whenever you hear homosexuality was "accepted" in an ancient society, what they really mean is that homosexuality wasn't really prohibited per se, as in, not mentioned or penalized in whatever code of law we know of that belonged to that civilization.

There were some generally negative attitudes though. There's a Babylonian manual for divining the future called Summa alu that communicates homosexuality as good in some situations and bad in others.

I've heard people say the Code of Hammurabi permits homosexuality between women, but I don't know if this is true. The sexual laws written on there are pretty cool to read though. Those who performed incest with their daughters were rounded up and exiled, and women who got caught cheating on their husbands with other men were thrown into rivers, unless the husband decided her life to be spared.

Egypt was kinda degenerate sexually. If you were single, you could mingle all you wanted. I'm not sure if anyone cared if you were a fag or not. That might change according to the dynasty and the era we're talking about. Though, this was counterbalanced by the fact that married men and women that bore children and maintained a healthy family structure were more accepted in society. Above all, Egyptians valued fertility in a woman, and her ability as a mother to bring up those children. Men expressed their manhood by doing their part as well. I guess that's a good enough balance.

Women in ancient China weren't prohibited from homosexual acts either. I'm not sure how common it was, but female sexuality was prioritized over male sexuality in accordance with the Yin/Yang concept. Generally, this meant the woman had to experience an orgasm before her male partner. Women were encouraged to masturbate to their heart's content but men were forbidden from the act. I don't think that really stopped anyone from ignoring any of those rules.

Speaking of which, anyone know that name of that Chinese emperor who was generally incompetent and almost fucking insane? I know that's vague for Chinese history, but this guy forced his sister or cousin into having sex with him constantly and couldn't control his alcoholic tendencies. I read about him on a list of history's most mentally unsound rulers.

Greece is a mixed bag. It depends which city-state you're talking about. I'm certain all of them had fags, but attitudes about them were different depending on where you go. The Athenians had a much more lax attitude about it than the Spartans, for instance. I have no idea if the rumors about Alexander the Great drilling boipussy during his campaigns is true or not. I did read he was able to abstain from carnal pleasure for a long time, something his men admired him for.

I can't help you with Rome. I only know it was fairly prevalent to have a young, male, often enslaved concubinus, and there was generally no shame attached to it unless you were the bottom. Male or female, prioritization of a concubine over your marriage or religious integrity was something you could lose everything over. But if we're talking about straight up homosexual relationships with two people of equal social standing, I don't know. My guess is that it wasn't allowed. The only thing that made the concubine shit acceptable was that they were of lower status, so their lives practically belonged to their owner.

I could go on but you probably get the idea. Almost every instance I've seen of someone saying homosex was accepted in X society is because X society didn't specifically say it was banned, but they also didn't say it was specifically allowed either. Especially when it comes to civilizations that persisted through the ages, you'll get different answers depending on which era you're talking about. I highly doubt China had such favorable attitudes about female sexuality all throughout its history.

Bullshit. Julius fucked men all the time.

Tip: What Greco-Romans meant by boy companion wasn't fuck wife.

This is not quite true. In many primitive tribes, it's simply unheard of. It's very hard to explain to them what the hell you're talking about, and when you manage to, they don't condemn it–they find it hard to believe. Greg Cochran talks about this a lot.

You really thought you'd sneak that one by Holla Forums, Shlomo?

Some of it might go down to disorders in the body.

Someone may have posted it already but what the fuck, good anyways amirite?

the myth that homosexuality was at all common or accepted in ancient Greece.

I would highly suggest you read the whole thing. Here is a quick take-down of slaves being used for homosexual intercourse.

Aeschines, Against Timarchus 16:

In this second law, we must note the verb "insult" which has also the meaning of "being lustful to someone".

Demosthenes, Against Meidias, 4 7, I

Kill yourself filthy vile sodomite abomination

Homosexuality was looked down upon by society in Classical Athens. The idea that is was acceptable and wide spread is modern sodomite revisionism. They are trying to pervert the idea of male comradership and bonding by reducing everything to anal sex and shit.

If any Athenian shall have 'Etairese'(same sex companionship) he shall not be permited to:

1. Become one of the nine archons.
2. Nor discharge the office of priest.
3. Nor to act as an advocate for the state.
4. Nor shall he hold any office whatsoever at home or abroad, whether filled by lot or by el ection.He shall not be sent as herald.
5. He shall not take part in debate, not take part in public sacrifices.
6.And he shall not enter within the limits of the place that has been purified for the assembling of the people.If any man has been convicted of these sexual acts contrary to these prohibitions , shall be put to death.

Spartans were warriors but they were butt-fucking faggots.

Yeah, Sparta declared war annually on themselves. Gas yourself retard.

Ritual hunting of peasants is war in name only. The difference between helots and Spartans was not the difference between two nations, but the difference between a peasant class and a noble class.

Nice try Jamal you fag.

You could say the same thing about any crime. Wouldn't mean people shouldn't be punished for it, though.

None, it means "middle of the week". The Germans probably censored it from a day named after Odin (like English Wednesday = "Woden's day") derived from Mecredi via interpretatio germanica..

Can I get some source data on this? I'm asking out of interest, not doubt.

XXXVI. [Caius Caesar] never had the least regard either to the chastity of his own person, or that of others. He is said to have been inflamed with an unnatural passion for Marcus Lepidus Mnester, an actor in pantomimes, and for certain hostages; and to have engaged with them in the practice of mutual pollution. Valerius Catullus, a young man of a consular family, bawled aloud in public that he had been exhausted by him in that abominable act. Besides his incest with his sisters, and his notorious passion for Pyrallis, the prostitute, there was hardly any lady of distinction with whom he did not make free.
-The Lives of the 12 Great Caesars by Suetonius Tranquilus 119 AD

Note that this was about two centuries before Constantine and Christianity and "muh Judeo-Christian values" were highly fringe at the time of its writing.

Does this sound like approval to you? Suetonius' histories were written as a largely objective record of events as opposed to personal commentary or strictly private opinions.

Your history teacher lied to you. Notable faggots and pederasts of antiquity were tolerated because their power and rank allowed such behavior to go without reproach rather than public approval or ambivalence (if as your read this, you recognize an analog between Caius' situation and Jeff Epstein in modernity, then you get it)

Literate anons restore my faith in humanity.

Thanks for all the help.

Now to spam it all at tumblr.

And 50% of that guessing is Jew-approved

https:/ /

The actual paper behind the article goes into much, much more detail.


The meta is that we never really learn from the past. Every generation takes the same 'rebellious' and 'natural' steps from the previous generation throughout every great civilization of man until it eventually collapses. The last stage is upon America, where women and gays gain equal rights and power. Youth rebel against their parents and grandparents, thinking they are just out of touch and not progressive enough, but it is their kids and grandkids that pay the price, so no lesson is ever learned. Then generations upon generations later, things are so good again, people live so lavishly and so easily, that it is taken for granted, and what could it hurt to let women and degenerate faggots have some say is public discourse?

Empires rise when women are kept under then, and then fall when men forget why they were under thumb in the first place.

Women are still completely controlled by men. Men invented feminism. They just traded a singular master for a collective. They have become spiritual whores.

Yes, but white women got manipulated by jews disguised as white people into bitching until they gained the vote, and white men were just like 'whatever, we got a pretty good thing going, just let the harpies get what they want to shut up. How much damage can they do? lol'. But they did it because they knew all they have to do from then out is manipulate women's fee fees to affect our voting public. Women are still controlled by men. The problem is the men that control them are the kikes in charge of Hollywood and the MSM, and they are doing it while giving women the illusion that they control themselves and their secret to happiness is a 9 to 5 work week, no kids and shitloads of immigrants.

Ancient faggots did indeed fuck boys, it's just that they fucked their lubed up, CLENCHED thighs not their assholes.

That shit only happens after they age out and suffer Gay Death As in nobody wants their used up asshole anymore and they prey on innocents because of how easy it is.
Second thing that should be known, is the faggots are starting their slut careers earlier and earlier, and they're all becoming tweakers as young as 14 or in some cases 10 because the older men they're fucking introduced them to make it easier to control them. These kids are fresh meat for the grinder that is the fag community, they go in fresh and young and cute and they come out bitter, used up, ground up, addicted and with the seed of a regiment or larger of men up their holes. Gallons of cum leaking out of them like a slowly draining abcess, so fucking unclean. So GODDAMN UNCLEAN! IT NEEDS NAPALM MIXED WITH MINT CONCENTRATE SO WE CAN MR. CLEAN THESE FILTH OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!


Additional info [taken from a much older thread]
An overwhelming amount of them are (willingly) riddled with HIV
Note the similar preface between both of "these are real stats but let's not be homophobic or racist"

I do not advocate promiscuity in any person, man or woman, no matter what their carnal hungers, and even between a married (man and woman) couple I do not advocate anal sex.

Anal sex is damaging:
>Unlike the vagina, the tissues of the anus are not stretchy. This means that the anus can easily tear, which puts the receiving partner in danger of anal abscesses, hemorrhoids, or fissures (a very large tear).
>Anal sex can weaken your muscles down there, which makes it hard to hold feces.
That's not even talking about STDs or the issues of promiscuity. That's just between a loving married couple, and if that's what they get, what makes you think the sexually promiscuous, let alone homosexuals (who HAVE to have anal sex because there's no other oraphace but the face to put it in), would fair any better? GROW UP!
Also, "gay" means happy and rainbows are a beautiful symbol of God promise with Noah; stop equating them with rectal obsession.

Except that Christianity is built on the Bible, which outlines specificly the theology, ideology, methodology and behavior a real Christian (aka "a true follower of Christ") is beholden to.

Homosexuality, like all sin, has no sound doctrine of any kind to rely on for proper definition and thus is amorphous, just like anyone claiming any sin as their identity (apart from false doctrine ie Muslim, Judaist, etc.)

Like one who claims to be a Homosexual, Bisexual, etc.
All their behavior and worldview is built into that perversion and thus they are literally taking perversion as their defining trait of existence and the lens through which they view all people and things. Sexual Identity is code word for "my morality is built on a patchwork ideology that kneels before my carnal desires", hence why "CONSENT" is the secularist's greatest moral definer.

Yes, because raising a child outside of wedlock, raising a child as some hoodrat single mother, and raising a child with two same-sex adopters is the same: in a situation where the child who NEEDS a MOTHER and FATHER will be condemned to only having ONE DYSFUNCTIONAL VERSION OF A PARENT

Also there are growing cases of child abuse by homosexuals, and many homo/bisexual identifiers had their first time by a predatory older figure. Again, homosexuality is incredibly predatory.

Stop blinding yourself to reality to excuse your guilt-ridden orgasms

Everything says otherwise



Nero did nothing wrong.

Hey user, I need sources, got any?