73.5% of single white women oppose the border wall, compared to 46.9% of married white women

Trump's wall of opposition


Other urls found in this thread:


I'd like to see the breakdown for other races.
From all the Hispanics I've met, they either love the idea of the wall or hate it. I've also noticed the ones who want the wall tend to either be married or have had a partner for several years.


Eventually, all women come to love the BBW (Big Border Wall).

Yeah they're good goyls who do what they are told in school. We need to do something about these schools.

What is the breakdown in age here though? We can assume pretty safely that the average woman who is married here is 30+, but do we know the average age of the single women who were asked? If they're a bunch of 19 year old college kids, we already can assume how they'd answer; the 27 year old single women may -as they mature- begin to skew towards being pro-wall.

The ones who are pro-wall and tend to be married/committed are more likely to be legal immigrants. Were I an immigrant who went through the process, I'd be pretty pissed off that any dipshit who just wants gibs could come over with no repercussions

Dubs confirm. "Big Border Wall: Healthy at Any Size".

Suffrage for women was a mistake.

Married are more likely Trump voters or agree with protecting the country. Singles are likely college liberals or cat ladies bitter at life and the feminist hoax.

Impregnate the 26.5%.

Its almost like having children gives women protective instincts that over-ride their white guilt brainwashing.

I find this hard to believe. Every white girl I know is all for it.

Are these the same pollers who claimed Hillary had a 95% chance of winning and everyone was going to vote for her?

Where do you live though? For all we know, the people polled were all from (or mainly from) some really liberal place. This is all incredibly raw data. We could do this same sort of poll in Pittsburgh and we'd find out that most American women are huge Steelers fans.

Actually use OP's link. You can read the entire thing in 30 seconds or less. There really is just as much info there as there is in OP's greentext.

Married couples with kids have the potential to become redpilled if they aren't already. Smart parents will realize the world is out to get their kids. For instance, my normie non-political friend got married and had 2 sons and a daughter. After his first son was born, he started getting a little bit political and right leaning. Now, after the SJW craze and researching, he's full blown right wing with his wife, as they realized the (((world))) will try to push their kids in the direction of pedophilia, sex changes, and degenerate lifestyles. The family unit is so important.

Its simple, theyre libtards youtu.be/9XVCOMctVJQ

Good point, there is a good chance that these "polls" are just astroturf shilling that dictates to the normies how women SHOULD think in order to be "normal".


Women aren't the problem; the role and influence of women are problems. Women should not vote and most should not have serious careers.

I love bbws

You will never change the mind of an ideological feminist. They're not afflicted with a curable sickness, they're like zombies, you can only contain the rot by keeping them away from your unaffected loved ones.

Yeah, 48% White men opposed shows it bullshit, two thirds White males voted Trump.

They possible polled in ((Seattle)) and ((New York))

This is not true. Remember the "die cis scum" girl? She got turned around and she was one of the worse versions of these things back in the day. Moralization is very possible, it only requires proper mind games and approach. Women are not men in terms of brain, they often follow the strongest man in their surroundings, consciously or not. If properly raised that figure is their father, ergo daddy problems girls are to be avoided unless you can and want to act like her father and lover at the same time.

Just get them in a place where there isn't a crowd or internet for them to rally themselves with and just sit them down and say shut up bitch you're wrong and here's why and they'll try to use emotions to counter so be ready with pictures from the boston bombing and paris attacks and ask how those mothers feel that their little babies will never come back.

Also if they're not too far gone and want children one day ask them "How would you feel if your children were killed by an illegal immigrant after you helped to stop the wall?"

The biggest thing is women are mortally ahead of the "I told you so" they are so sure of themselves it's like molten iron under their skin when they have to acknowledge that they fucked up after a man told them not to do something.

I knew some dumb fuck was going to cite that, nope that's BS could have just as easily been somebody making that meme to trick simpletons like you into spreading it to fill idiots with false hope.

Once a woman gets into her early 20s if she's invested her ego solidly into a position like that, she's not going to embarrass herself by backing down. The modern female is beyond narcissistic once those traits have been instilled in their 20s.

The corporate/government daddy/boyfriend influence in most of those types of women is virtually insurmountable once a woman has been inducted into that lifestyle and way of thinking.

You'd literally have to compete on a financial scale that I guarantee you would not be worth it simply due to the low quality nature of women who get coopted by that meme. You're literally better off just looking for one who isn't fucked.

I actually flat out told a relative of mine that her daughter not being raised in a feminist society was not the greatest threat to her kid, but being assaulted and raped by 3rd world mohammedans as is the case in europe.

She literally had no argument and immediately sought to pivot and commence virtue signalling. Have pity for the father, he fucked up badly, you do NOT want to be that guy.

Any career bitch, especially if she works in the public sector is beyond saving.

If they are smart enough to get married young when they are pretty and have value, then they are smart enough to like the wall. 90% of the single women are fat dull man hating cunts.

I would say the overwhelming majority of shills who try to play the "you're not man enough for the post-feminist thrall" - meme are either shills or ugly, dysgenic faggots whose sanity is one broken thread away from tumbling into full on r9k tier disillusionment.

Some women based on their inherent quality and level of brainwashing simply aren't worth the effort to "save", many simply can't be.

One thing that really seems to hurt them is comparing them to their mothers and grandmothers. By the time your mother and grandmother where in their late 20s they had 2 children and providing husband and all you got is a useless diploma, debt, anxiety, and a cat you fucked up.

The problem is, you don't need to convince the ones you can steer away from that. That is to say you don't need to use chiding, persuasive language like that.

Whereas all that statement is good for otherwise is to turn an irrevocable train wreck beet red with outrage that you would point out how selfish and irrelevant she is.

Then you can film it put it on youtube and prove to her that everyone thinks she's a fool.

Women like that simply double down, and every woman like her is only being given a reason to do the same, which I would concede is good for making sure you know which ones to shovel over and avoid.

I've never seen anything like it, the level of vindictive narcissism in women like that, they respond to that kind of persuasion with an increased resolve to destroy themselves because their ego was bruised.

So does this pretty much confirm that being childless means a woman is 50% more likely to be mentally ill?

Pretty much. And I don't know which way the causation goes. It's possible that not having kids causes a woman's brain to fuck up and rewire itself to turn that motherly instinct pathologic by feeling the need the "nurture the 3rd world" and play babysitter with 3rd world shitskins.
On the other hand, it's also possible that these women who don't have kids have always been fucked up, and the fact that they reject the most important role a woman can have is just an effect of their underlying mental illness that they've always had.

Because women want to be raped. It doesnt matter how disgusting the guy is, or how tiny his dick is, that just makes the violation better.

So get off your fat ass Holla Forums and preggo some white girls eggo.

t. woman

You've been reading Bernie Sander's writings about women loving to be gangraped? Naughty naughty.



Single white women are presently amongst the highest centers of degeneracy anywhere on the planet.

I agree, but it doesn't change the fact that at present white women are a huge source of degeneracy, regardless of how it came to that state.

Women don't believe anything and can be reprogrammed very easily. The problem with women is that the reprogramming can be undone just as easily.


Wait a sec… Where the fuck is this data coming from?

The archive gives a link to a Reuters poll, but when you click it, it doesn't actually show up, and once on the actual Reuters site - the archive doesn't allow any further exploration of the site - I don't see anything about a wall.

Glad you posted this.

Women emulate their husbands political views, because they are WOMEN. They FOLLOW the line, and if the official line is that the extinction of white people is good, they will follow that. However, if a strong white man presents himself as the better alternative, women will follow that.

But where is the data from?

Hillary did have a 98% of winning… The popular vote.

Common sense. Women are social creatures that follow whatever the zeitgeist is because they are evolutionarily adapted to view ostracism as a fate worse than death, for obvious reasons.

In a liberal society, women are very liberal.
In a traditional society, women are very traditional.
Women always uphold whatever they view as socially acceptable. And when they're married, this means adopting the man's views.

The ONLY group of people this doesn't seem to apply to is jews. Jewesses are like harpies. In fact, the jewish gender roles are basically flipped. It's the women who are the "outgoing" ones - the active hunters. The men are just meek and passive and mostly go with the flow. The only relationships I've seen where the man adopts the woman's ideology are jewish relationships, personally speaking.

That doesn't answer my question, its just nonsense.

The OP presents a link to a graph, but the link to that graph's supposed data set does not contain the supposed data to present that outcome.

So where's the data?

If you can't find it, it is being hidden so jews can manipulate the data.

That's similarly stupid.
If someone can't clarify this, I'm inclined to suggest OP's link is full of shit and just linked to a Reuter's polling site to make it seem vaguely legit, because the site it links to has no such data that I can see.

Go look up voter trends from before the 1960s. Women voted for the more social conservative candidates, because social conservatism was the zeitgeist.

Still has nothing to fucking do with what I'm talking about here dude.

This is not about some vague concept, this is about the fucking dataset that OP used to present this data. The data doesn't exist, as far as I can see. That's the point.

So a majority of the only people who matter support it. Nothing else needs to be said.

Looking at it again, I really fucked that up.

[Data Note Found]



it's not that they oppose it because they're not married.

they're not married because they're fucking foul human beings, the result of spoiling them for generations.

the married ones and about 25% of the unmarried ones are actually sane

And at the same time hope some illegal will put up with them for a green card.

The eternal spinster strikes again

Can confirm.
>qt is in her early 20s redpilled on the jq
She voted for Trump for demographic reasons and strongly believes that women's suffrage was a mistake.

All the women you know is a respectable sample size?

Speaking of the wall, what's the status on its building?

Now riddle me this: How many of those whites are (((whites))) ??

Grotesque that no one checked these quads

How the FUCK did these quads go unchecked.
This poll is raising the numbers for all the important demographics.

Okay, Holla Forums, the kikes aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

Archive link links further to a Reuters poll, typical Trump approve-disapprove shit you see a lot these days. Take a look at this shit. Typically, you see "approve" in green and "disapprove" in red, right?


Could backfire tbh. Anyone looking at this without reading too carefully might think that most people approve just based on the colors.

It's not a huge hope, because the normies who might make that kind of mistake rarely actually look at the data, but I keep waiting for the jews to outjew themselves.

obviously not more than 5%

The minorities are getting all antsy keeping ebil white wimmins in their oppression party, after being burned by their Trump vote.
Maybe the kikes are trying to reinforce that white women are still part of the "struggle".

Women literally don't grow up until they have babies: greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/why_mom_brain_is_good_for_mothers_and_babies

Why do nogs want the wall?

Most single white women over twenty are fat, lazy, entitled and useless. The only thing they can do to sleep at night is buy into the diversity bullshit and hope some darkie will want a casual fuck often enough to be a 'boyfriend.'

The last woman I met that seemed like a suitable partner wasn't even white. Half irish, half japanese.

Nogs and spics hate each other.

Literally more than spics. This is disgraceful. We must take our women back from the kike.

Incorrect. A women's brain goes through massive change, a second puberty, upon birth of her child. A stong man can literally reprogram a woman through childbirth which is exactly why only 40% of married women are pro immigration. Their men and child birth has forced their brains to develop fully.

Read more here and put the pieces together: greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/why_mom_brain_is_good_for_mothers_and_babies

This is just another reason why marriage needs to be fixed.

Of course I doubt the "divorce for cash and prizes" genie is going back to its bottle.

This is the exact reason why 10,000 years of civilized men have had the sense to disregard unmarried women's opinions. They don't live in the world of grownup consequences, so they have no judgment. They don't know what's going on, because they're not the ones who have to chase down the criminals and lift the heavy things. That's why they never vote against criminals and heavy things.

True. I married a loose and irresponsible whore. After the baby, she started going to church and wearing dresses. Radical change in attitude too.

Who have children, and have had to grow up in order to raise those children.

Whatever liberal views I had left vanished 17 years ago when I first held my son in my arms. His mother still doesn't get it, yet, for some sick reason. Nor does he because he's 17 and thinks he knows everything, but one day he'll hold his first child in his arms and realize that anyone who tries to touch that child will be pulling back a stump instead of an arm.

I hate this fucking waiting game we're playing. We can't act openly because we know we'll be arrested for fighting for what's ours by our own people, so we have to let things break down to the point where it's open warfare rather than preventative measures.

In every disaster, there exists an early period when minor interventions would correct the problem with very little fuss. Unfortunately, the problem is so minor at that point that virtually nobody knows or cares, and those who do aren't numerous enough to do anything constructive.

When the problem proceeds to extremis, everybody knows about the issue and agrees that it must be fixed, but now the required effort is enormous; maybe too enormous for society to enact.

/Our/ job is to push one curve toward the other, so that we reach the necessary critical mass before the fix is too extreme to be enacted. Hence memes.

You sir are a lazy shill.
You have to train your woman, user. Single women are incapable of fully grasping all sides of a situation. The married ones have a better statistic due to the redpills dropped by their men.


New question; how do we remove from women, the privilege of voting?

Typical Tricks, Schlomo

that's actually false, women change their minds every few minutes and on top of it they're usually lying, if not just to you, then themselves, because they're naturally insecure

It's actually not false, because if what you say were true then they wouldn't end up like crazy cat ladies.

This stats are kinda of misleading, since it compares women to man and women of other races,

men are always more conservative than women and a fair comparison would be white women vs asian women, not all asians

Trump's Wall is just a stand-in for when these terrible tubs of women prematurely hit the wall in their mid to late 20s. Many such cases.

I'm so sick of seeing this "womenz r mindless drones who just follow men and arent responsible for anything!" Give some damn proof for these stupid claims that women are entirely incapable of critical or rational thought to any extent whatsoever.

You know I've noticed lately, after becoming more aware of the "white face" disguise of the Jew, intentional or not, that most "white people" who mimic nigger culture/behavior intentionally tend to have hooked noses. It's odd. Jews seem to have an instinctive desire to mimic others, whether there's malicious intent or not. Ever since I independently coined the term "white face" for Jewish behavior (others may have said it, but I coined it through observation on my own) in regards to them claiming to be loosely affiliated with us, I've been noticing more and more that all the extroverted, horrid, loud-mouthed filth of our race are actually white face Jews. Well, not always, but a large amount of the time. We're talking ground level, no money or influence, middle class and sometimes below. So I don't believe there's always malicious motive geared toward harming our race, but some sick, fucked up genetic trait that needs to be rid from the gene pool.

If your personal experiences were enough to disregard sweeping trends, then NAXALT would be a legitimate counterargument to every position Holla Forums has.

But it's not. Because your personal experiences don't mean jack diddly to the big picture.

Don't they classify Mexicans and Arabs as White in the US? If so, there's the answer.

B-b-but, m-muh Aryan princesses!!!
If it wasn't for kikes, they'd be just like us!!! Right, guys?



Oh geez.

Please don't shitpost so hard
You're gonna give yourself autism

No worries.

t. Australian

Also because of literal dramatic brain changes triggered by childbirth. see


Truer statement than people realize. People don't realize how much the "concept" of racism is reliant on a person with the capacity for reason and intelligence, that they can only fall for such a sham that racism is - inventing reasons to believe in it because of circular reasoning, i.e. racism is real because it must be real. Meanwhile spics and niggers don't believe in racism even though they cry it. Their animal brains don't see the truth, they just don't see the lie.

Don't get me fucking started. All that time and money killed into learning English/immigrating/living like a fucking povo for years before scraping together to get a house and these fucking uneducated, unwashed cunts get government aid and housing because oh no those poor illegals how sad.
Fuck em. They should be shot as soon as they try to touch the wall.


Typical Tricks, Schlomo


Single white women in their 30s have ruined their lives with feminism and are complete believers in the left, since they can't exactly go back in time turn those abortions into children, unfuck those 15 guys in college or manage to lose that last 90 pounds, they have nothing else left but to believe in this horseshit, that it is the evil patriarchy and not their own retarded decisions that wrecked the shell of their life.

Men have the luxury of being able to fuck up their 20s and still turn their life around, women don't.

This is why we have to fight feminism tooth and nail, it ruins our women, and then they vote against their own self interest and that of our daughters.

The funny thing is that nearly 50% of even the married ones are still against it, yet the White knights are applauding them for being not quite as awful and racially genocidal as their unmarried sisters.
Polls of women are virtually worthless to begin with. A married woman may claim she is for the wall, in order to mirror her husband's position, but it's a different matter when she gets into the privacy of the voting booth.
Once she divorces him, which is almost inevitable, she will revert to her radical feminism and fund left-wing causes with his money.

Right, because people are never called "Racist!" and told to stop advocating for themselves… user., you're so smart.