Post cute far-left females. I need them for propaganda purposes

Post cute far-left females. I need them for propaganda purposes.

That's not very feminist, comrade.



the faces of meth


I'm sorry, comrade. Feminism is legitimate and needed and so on but ultimately propaganda is more important to me.

Why do you have pictures of black people on your hard drive?

Why not?


Rodina in the 3rd pic?

I meant 4th…

I need some sleep.

Nah, this is Rodina in 3D.


What makes you think pics related aren't being treated as human beings? You need to stop going to >>>/tumblr/ and take stuff less seriously. Anyways, I used to be a regular in the dubtrack room, but it just became too unpleasant. the room has next to nothing to do with leftypol, I think it's mostly run by Holla Forums users who want to troll leftists. I don't know why we allow this thread. One of the regulars in the room is named pepezefrog. no suprise, he identifies with pepe, but the anti-social edgy kind. always tries to act like a toughguy, it's kind of sad the extent of his delusion. now he might be a Holla Forumstard, but what's worse is that he's a literal cuckold. I don't mean that as an insult, everyone has kinks, but he's always bringing it up. One time there was EXTREMELY light banter going on, and he just loses it and flies off the handle: 'cuck this, cuck that', he starts rattling off the elaborate fantasies he has about 'chad' and jocks in highschool. I'm guessing he thinks the absurd spiel he is giving feels damaging, because that's what he's vulnerable to, but all of us are just confused. every day he says something about cuckolding, and it is never related to the discussion. just out of no where "cuck, cuck, cuck" we were all telling him to calm down, but he didn't wouldn't going. eventually I guess he realized how much he was embarressing himself, and his cuck insults weren't having the desired effect, so he ragequit, but the whole situation left a bad taste in my mouth. I hardly go there anymore.

They are being treated as a means of reproduction, not human beings the way men are considered.

Alright look, while I don't necessarily disagree with you, it doesn't seem like anything worth sperging out about. Let them jack off to pretty women that supposedly share thier ideology.

It isn't personal objectification of women that we should worry about. Harping about that is really no different from getting upset at stupid individual thought crimes. Like "omg if only you didn't want to fug all women maybe they'd be treated with respect".

What's wrong with only being interested in someone for sexual reasons?

Come on you don't believe that bullshit do you?

If that propaganda means advancing the communist cause I'm more than happy to make that sacrifice. Sorry, comrade ;_;

If you want to dump sexy dudes I won't stop you.

Don't see how admitting someone's attractive is demoting them to a means of reproduction though.

I don't think appreciating cuteness is wrong, unless you reduce a woman to nothing other than her sexual value


We need more attractive commie fuckboys tbh

I try, but I have no idea how to convince a liberal or lolbert in the time before sex and after sex before I leave to consider looking outsode their ideology.