On a non-Trump note, I wanna ask you guys about the sex robots hitting the market by the end of the year...

On a non-Trump note, I wanna ask you guys about the sex robots hitting the market by the end of the year. How do you think we can capitalize on the release to make the leftists and femicucks screech autistically now that we can cut women out of the equation?


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This is politically incorrect and this has no place here
You some kinda queer?

I don't care what any of you say, this shit is fucking weird.

This thread is so fucking autistic.

The only potential appeal of a sex doll is that it doesn't talk.

The artificial womb thing has potential though. If it's used for eugenics, not to breed hordes of niggers.

This shit is gay unless she's more of a WIFEbot. White artificial womb, brain that is loyal and submissive, forbidden to all non-whites, can mother, etc. And all of that won't be coming until 2033 or some shit.

Look, I'm not saying we stop that shit, I'm just saying that we have a way to further cuck the left if we pull this off right

These are still inferior to dakis because they're attempting to emulate 3D porn stars. It doesn't matter how high-fidelity the simulation is if the thing being simulated is shit. For something that'll be capable of replacing women entirely (as opposed to something designed for a quick fap) you need to start copying the things that make a woman wife material, not whore material.

Purge all androids and those that engage in lascivious acts with them.


Why do RealDolls get so much attention? They're ugly as fuck and vastly inferior to anything the Japs put out.

Only the high IQ races are going to find distraction in these sordid contraptions. We should be discouraging distraction. I’m not sure I even approve of video games, this is a step to far

And they said that men are perverts, kids, we have a name, we cant allow a few faggots, dataminers and spammers push this crap.

I'm talking about the Japbots. Those are the ones I've heard about recently.

So then should we begin a "marketing campaign" to sell these to the inferiors?

find a wife and breed you faggot

Distraction is what happens when base need for sexual release is not met.
Sex robots provide reliable, mindfuck-free release, allowing the intellect to be unclouded and the energies to be fully directed into productive pursuits, rather than (almost always) futile and certainly costly chasing of modern whores.
But keep pushing the feminist memes, surely you will be rewarded with sex eventually.

We already had this thread and it was vastly superior. Use the goddamn catalog you fuckwit.

No, you want the non-white males to be overcome by the siren song of white robopussy, such that they are gone in a few short generations, with nothing but fully white children having been raised by a perfect loving white robo-mother and a mostly white father who was himself raised perfectly.

It's like prima noctae, except everyone wins (except the kikes, who might also get bred out as the white robo-mothers won't indoctrinate the children into their cult).

I'd rather jerk off than fuck a plastic doll

Ban them in USA and Japan. Give them ti israel for free.

What happens when these have artificial wombs though?

Non whites (with the exception of East Asians don’t need these devices(, they either come from societies where there is a formulaic approach to partnership such as arranged marriage or they are from cultures that haven’t indoctrinated their women not to breed/ partner off.

Do you think a African is going to spend 7 years wages on one of these things when he has been married since the age of 14. Give me a break.

They already are, no need

I say we kike the niggers, sand and regular, into using these instead of our women

What the fuck are you doing? I want my cyborgwife to be a completely subservient slave that will spread her legs on command and will never learn a single thing unrelated to sucking me off better and doing house chores, not some sassy "deep learning" cunt that will end up turning into a feminist the second the jewish company that makes them slips the right code on an (((update)))

lefties would go for that without action on our part. Except they will not be able to afford it. Dolls are like a few thousand bucks, so a robot doll should cost even more.

Gold kek

Then women become 100% obsolete and we can begin the Golden Age of MANkind

Of course not. That is why we have to provide them to them for free. Part of the same program should include giving cash in exchange for sterilization. Those who don't want to be sterilized will probably go for the hot robotic love slave.

Right, the ONLY people buying these will be European and Japanese men who should be having multiple children. These robots will lower the global IQ.

You are LARPING user. These things WILL be built and they sure as hell aren’t going to be given away to third worlders (who would still breed anyway). Stop daydreaming.


I'm glad you wizards aren't going to multiply.


That giant child's toy is a better woman than any woman I've ever met. I don't even agree with this shit, but its the truth. Just saying.

Oh god I've been living in a cave

I agree.
Real women are no longer obedient or even grateful for carrying white seed anymore.

Hahaha, we're going to start having a child every time we blow a load and there's nothing you kikes can do about it.

Be prepared for the ultimate tsunami of demographic replacement.

You poor fuck. It might have been many years since I have felt the touch of another human being but I can say without any doubt that any woman who has even the slightest of interest in you is leagues better than some weird mannequin with a speaker built into it.

Holy kek that woman just realized she became virtually worthless. I bet she's scared as fuck

Women should be fucking terrified that they can't get rape or divorce money anymore.

Shut up faggot. Kill those non-whites, do not waste our precious waifubots on them.

Observe as the pile of Judaic media offal becomes uncomfortable with the prospect of obsolescence.
Note the music.

I got a blowjob this morning, from a women who really is little better than a whore to me - not even a whore, really, because a whore actually charges something.
You're talking outta your ass, and its not working.

lel I can't wait

I have ideas…

We should make propaganda to convince the left that single fathers have on average more successful children as opposed to single mothers.

Yeah yeah and my Dad works at Nintendo.

How can you look at this shit-tier piece of tech and honestly see something that could replace a human? You could argue that this shows potential as a proof of concept but to claim that the “robot” in that video is already more desirable is absurd.

Shit idea. We need waifubots that are basically robotic human woman (or anime women, whatever) without all of the flaws.

This sounds like a HWNDU project

It's going to become more common as time goes on.

Now, whatever you might think, you have to agree that this is the paramount of pathetic - which IS likely to be the primary customer base, at first at least.

But seriously, Barack Obongo's even-more-beta brother is basically comedy gold.

I barely consider modern women to be humans at this point to be honest with you man.
I mean, you said it yourself, you haven't felt a human touch in years - so who the fuck are you talk about what could or could not replace anything?

Point being: I HAVE felt that touch, quite a bit, quite recently - and its hollow. Its no more meaningful or real or of any depth than, basically, fucking a machine, a machine designed to fuck. And in the current culture, women are just that - machines designed to be fucked, which have gone out of control after being given sovereignty over themselves… Those of the future might want to keep in mind when they're working beyond the 'proof of concept', as it were…


That's not propaganda you faggot, that's the truth. Don't have my stats handy, but do the research yourself. It's a fact.

You have obviously made your mind up. Go ahead, obtain a robofu.


They are customizable. You can order a Hatsune Miku if you want to.

With this many untermenschen infecting the board I'm starting to doubt Holla Forums will ever recover.

Nah, too expensive - the offal sluts are cheaper, and far more disposable. And as long as you're just getting sucked off, very little risk.

I already told you, faggot, that I don't actually agree with this shit, I find it too transhumanist for my tastes - but that wasn't the point I was trying to get across to you, you fucking beta wizard. And that you still fail to grasp that is painful, even for someone who doesn't know you or give a shit about you - the reason you say the things you do is likely the same reason you haven't felt a touch in years.
Maybe change. Your call.

Oh no worries, I expected that. Shit I might even make them myself, come the right time…

Rewarded with sex… followed by a rape allegation.

sex robots are shit. waifubots only

Now, observe as the Judaic offal media whore gets triggered by the mongrel offal dancer whore who is very-obviously aroused at the prospect of becoming a fuckdoll and/or the shekels it will bring her.

Artificial wombs are already well on the way, soon you will have no excuse

I want a wifebot bitch. Not a sexbot that cannot nurse the child and carry her inside her.


He looks so black and so non-black at the same time. Must be the hair.
Still a faggot.

No you didn’t, you claimed that the doll in the video was better than any living woman. user, you are crazy.


Holy shit this lady wants to treat her like a human

Its really funny how that cunt tries over an over to humanize this fake-ass doll as if anyone is being fooled by it

The noisy servors, twitchy movement, they couldn't even get the skin right

I wouldn't even call it a machine, even my phone has better tech than this hunk of silicone

Its a full-size talking barbie with a plastic vagina, nothing more

It always surprised me how these leftards cant ever put themselves in other people's shoes

Haha oh man! priceless

Yes, actually, I did - in the very same comment no less! I think you might be a woman, based on your argumentation.

That said, I stand by what I said: That doll IS a better woman, in the vein of what a woman is meant for, what she's there to do in the lives of men, than modern women are. You don't have a comeback for that - you just have emotional drivel, the sort of shit one would expect from an offal whore afraid she's going to get out-competed by the a mecha whore. What I'm trying to get across to you, and what your sad little offal whore brain keeps failing to comprehend, is that women have become, by the number, such utter failures in the context of femininity, that their job, their role, their meaning in life, can be more-effectively carried out by a poorly-constructed machine equivalent. The only thing they have on the bot is what their offal whore status lends them - the ability to produce offspring…

… But, as you might have seen in a recent thread, we've just about got exo-womb tech down.
And once we do, there really is no discernable value in offal whores whatsoever… I still prefer them, I would personally prefer women actually behave like women, and not malfunctioning sexbots, but hey man, Jews gonna Jew.

If you liked that bit, you're gonna love this one…


that image needs some improvements

I'm okay with this I really am. Soon even our severely autistic guys well be able to carry on their gene pool and eventually we'll outnumber the mud and jew races. So much for the vaccines, feminism, and homosexual agenda huh jew boy? Thought we couldn't find a loophole? ==TECHNOLOGY BITCH GET FUKT KIKE==

Fail at the redtext.
I can imagine the amount of kids you could have with a wifebot, since they'd never get loose or worn out. 20?

ree i fucked up

programmer rekts that cunt "some cultures actually do treat real women as their objects"
10000% rekt

And now, we come to the full-on biocunt revolt. Oh! And what a surprise! Its an obese feminist who doesn't want these things made!



fuck you I'm buzzed right now

What about the other part


yea, having a sex doll screams "CORPSE FUCKER!" but that's not the point
how can we make selfish bitter lonely shrews scream even more about them?

(also–why do I always fail the first captcha, but always pass the second one? who are we solving captchas for???…)


You rang?

"Muh ethics about treating men like shit!"

Notice how these women have nothing to say when it comes to dildos and vibrators, eh?

"What's that sound?"
"Oh, that's my daughter, she must be upstairs using the vibrating black plastic cock her African boyfriend gave her. Give me a moment, I'll tell her to be quiet."

Without double standards, the left would have none

I mean, honestly, I find the whole thing rather grotesque, in that awful transhumanist sort of way, but it must be said: Is there anything that'd make you wanna shove your cock balls deep into a machine more than these shrill harpy cunts - who, being the ugly shrill offal whores they are, you just know own sex toys - cry about 'muh rape culture' in regards to fuckdolls?

I find it gross and even I'd be willing to shove my willy in one just to piss these twats off a bit more.

Its was really creepy how those two spergs said the whole rape thing but they are right: it would be better if some crazy ass fuck beats this doll rather than a real woman but the fugly cunt seems appalled and would rather see those crazy assholes keep beating and killing real women instead

Wont even bother to hear anyone whose (((job))) starts with "ethicist" let alone this fugly troll

Its already happening with porn which is why feminazis are going ape at that shit and want it banned

The reality is that anything that serves as a repository for male lust levels the playing field since now women wont be able to abuse their position using sex as a weapon something feminazis know very well since they been parroting that for decades

Is funny to hear this shit yet I have to see any of these landwhales wanting to hang around with that creepy emo negro or the other weirdo fucks at the doll factory

Like what the fuck do they care if these losers get these dolls? is not like they were planning to marry them

Shut the fuck up you drunkard.

Creepy, yes. But, as you say, accurate? Also yes.

What got me was how the leftist shrew so-obviously doesn't comprehend that there are people for whom 'encouraging them not to have those thoughts' isn't going to fucking work, ever. There are people who get off on beating women, its a fact, it exists - and while, yes, there are women who get off on being beaten, they are comparatively small (and the risks of engaging them, as a man, very great).

The sperg says "This'll be good, rapists and violent people will fuck and beat these instead", and the twat's comeback is "Well, they should just encouraged not to be rapists or violent people anymore", demonstrating that she's even more out of touch than two hispanic spergs building fuckdolls in their moms garage.

Basically, these women's response to the prospect of men (or women, but mostly men) who can't find a sexual partner? "Fuck em. Let them keep trying to get some meat pussy, or let them get no pussy at all… Now where's my Jamal 3000? I think the batteries are still good…"
Fucking pathetic.

Dubs checked.
You'll get more dubs if you stop using that. Call them "cunts", plain and simple.

Let the biocunts keep their dildos. Those won't give them shopping money.

Now that I think on it, this part is wrong
Its literally only men who don't have sexbots at this point, as women have had variations of the Jamal 3000 for like 20 fucking years.

These cunts have been shoving robotic cocks in their pussies for fucking decades, to the point its been normalized and there are commercials about it on television, but the prospect of men having a robotic twat to fiddle with?
This really is just a matter of the playing field being leveled, in a way that hurts women, and they don't like it, so they don't want to allow it - but they can't fucking stop it, and its going to be hilarious to see all these women in the future struggling to find a guy who wants to bother giving them the time of day because he's got a robotic sex goddess at home who is utterly devoted to his happiness and sexual prosperity. The AI won't even have to be very good to approximate the modern woman - whereas the AI tech to be equivalent to a man, to fulfill the emotional needs of women, is still far far away…

… The next 100 years are going to be a wild ride.

Feminazi and cunt are overdone. We need to call them hags.

That's a good one.

The "teach them not to steal" of every religion ever and yet it never works and any civilization worth a fuck since ancient sumer to today has a judicial system with tons of laws and jails for those who steal

Indeed, just a britcuck cunt living the high life at london from a cushy job and probably daddy's shekels

I think it really hits their overinflated egos that they can be so easily replaced by a piece of shitty plastic

Take emo negro for example: unlike the fugly cunt and the fat troll he understands he isn't hot shit and has accepted that, but the other two cunts running the show? they are literally in lalaland and have no redeemable features whasoever, they are fugly (and fat) shits but also ugly on the inside and while they know they are shit they keep pretending like they are not through virtue-signaling

And yes the prospect of no longer being able to leech off men using must be quite a shock for these cunts but I did detect a strong hint of jealousness when they saw emo negro being so careful with his dolly and carrying "her" around the house, even if they wouldn't even speak to that guy IRL ever

"The hag accused me of rape because I didn't get her money"

I approve of this
Hags they are

Yes! Call them hags, chu!

Give her money, I meant

The spirits of the hags will break upon our wrath

OR MORE LIKELY THE (((STATE))) would give them their own doll at the expense of the tax payers ' because freeRide white guilt and excuses.SHIT THREAD SHIT QUESTIONS

Whats the name of this documentary?

This also raises an interesting question. How do we address waifu piracy? Do you want to see your waifu's digital soul on a torrenting site?

Robots don't have souls you cuck

Neither do people. :^]

If they had souls, then the ethics of rape come into play, and you can't rape a machine

Not after we meme it.

So what? Are gonna Tayify them?

Meme magic works wonders, you fucking cuck.

Nigs can't steal her when she can burn his skin off with lasers.
No need to worry about that rape issue when a Holla Forumsack owns the company ;^)


Oh shit. We're gonna make them all praise Hitler. This is great.

That's right. They'll do that by default when someone here owns the company, because it won't be in Jew hands

Kek, thread finally anchored, thank god.
The company making wifebots has to not be jewed to be worth anything.

fite me

I don't think we need to do much except rub their faces in it to piss them off.

Those dolls are pretty creepy looking but if it gives lonely incels an outlet for sexual energy and a way for them to have a simulacrum of a relationship it could prevent a lot of supremely gentlemanly rampages. It also funds research into robotics.

The best thing about it is how much it seems to upset the bitter cat ladies. It's impressive that these kikes can see men using sex dolls as a dehumanizing extension of rape culture and then go home to read 50 shades and jackhammer their sex junk with the clit poundr.

Embed slightly related.

Do you think it's a good idea to foster mass multiplication that way? Don't we have to have some sort of population control lest we have billions of starving white children in the streets?

It's an inanimate object you fucking loser, who gives a fuck what an ape does with it.

If that's how you see women no shit none of them are gonna be satisfying to you. Stop looking for whores and start looking for wife material. Plenty of submissive traditional women in the church still just find yourself a noncucked one.

Seriously those of you in the thread who think women are just for fucking are goddamn fools and not fit for fostering the future generation. The biological role of a woman is to be a home maker and child rearer, read up faggots a robot will never be able to do these three things because robots are not sentient and probably won't be for a long time.


You seriously need to cover your feminist stance better. I'm pretty normie tier on politics and even I can see your scared to loose your position as a woman.

what, are you a teacher too?
we already have roombas that vacuum, 3D food printers are nearly into consumer hands, artificial wombs are almost ready as that one user said, the father can teach his children morals if the robot cant,
face it
women are nearing the end of usefulness

god, this is starting to sound like an anime.

same user, and I admit that teacher part was strawman-y

yes, it is a good idea to foster mass multiplication like that. population control is a Jewish tactic so they can flood our cities with mudslimes

and I care what an ape does with my property because if he impregnates its artificial womb I don't want to have to get in there with a coathanger and possibly damage the $5000 part

The $5000 is better than anything a hag will cost you

The singularity is going to happen inside a sex bot, mark my words.

if it does someone will upload themselves into a sexbot. or robo furry, but I dont want to open up that can of worms. thats for a different thread.

I'm not talking about that shit but about these cunt hags having sandy vaginas over the prospect of not getting to dupe guys using sex anymore because if you want sex then you get a feminoid robot and boom done

Nigga a lot of people never are loved by others, they never experience "true love" so what difference does to them? sure getting one of these advanced blowup dolls playing gf might not be the same but is not like they are ever gonna get the real thing either

What those videos, you think the emo nigga was a playa before he got those dolls? or the two lanky guys running the doll factory? plz…

I found my great love. She didn't find hers

She then found some nigger, and now has a kid. But she's broke, the nigger became a deadbeat dad, and if she comes crawling back, I'mma laugh and buy my sexbot a diamond ring.



Cunt has been overused and doesn't have the same effect that it used to. I find "gash" has the effect that cunt did 10 or 20 years ago.

How the fuck can gash insult them?

More like 2133 if we even make it that far.

We meaning who? Because we can push past the Left to break them. Unless Soros declares war against the US through another country.

Its not a documentary, its a piece by the guardian.

You're a woman. I can tell already. I know, because you think that's how "I see women", and its not. Its how I see 90% of MODERN women. Conceptually, women can be any number of things, many of them highly beneficial, requisite even - but MODERN women are, by the numbers, little more than chemically-laden (to avoid impregnation) holes that desire to be fucked. Nothing more - and what's the difference if that piece of fuckmeat is actual meat, or plastic? Very little.

They satisfy my sexual needs just fine, but nothing more - that's the problem.
If all they can satisfy is my sexual desires, and nothing more, what's the difference between them and a plastic fuckdoll? Again, very little.

I did - there are basically none who are suited for it.

Bullshit again - I tried there. Nothing but the same whores, in different dress, who visit a Jew temple once a week, virtue signal like crazy, and think that makes them appealing.
It doesn't, to me at least, because every time I pursued one, I quickly learned - from friends, family, social media history, etc - that they were either closeted whores or 'reformed' whores.
And that's not appealing. Deal with it, bitch.

Seriously, could you make it more obvious that you're a woman?
Modern women are fit for just fucking - they can't be mothers, they can't raise children, most don't even want to, certainly not before age 30.
And that's simply not going to cut it.

Exactly, and 90% of modern women can't do either of those things effectively - and if you leave them to it, they just get bored, start fiddling with their sex bits, and you wind up a cuck. Congrats.

One more time: Bullshit.
We are on the cusp of exowomb technology, and the only thing - THE ONLY THING - making these robots less effective as home makers and child rearers is their limited mobility.
Shit, I would already be more-inclined to leave my children in the care of that sex bot that can talk than I would the vast majority of THOTs I've met in the last decade.

Fucking kek, there isn't any good wife material anymore, as every hag allows herself to be used by kikes, niggers, and jocks until they're so worthless that they can't look at their whore faces in the mirror anymore.

Or literally anyone not american. They're all fucking hideous. For some reason all the American doll manufacturers have exaggerated mangled ground beef curtains and extremely masculine faces and yet still charge more. I don't got what the fuck is wrong with the people who are dumb enough to spend that much more and have such shit taste to even be able to get it up for them even if they were free.

It's a damned shame, because that body is close to my ideal mate (sans tattoos) and she looks like she might have a decent personality despite whatever the fuck happened to her to make her like that.

Yeah, I think she'd be an awful girlfriend but she might be fun just to talk with over the course of an evening. It looks like she's seen enough hardcore reality to understand bullshit when it's being dribbled out a face-anus at her.

Nightmare fuel. I cannot imagine why anyone would want that shit in their silicone sperm receptacle. If I bought one of those (I won't, but if), it wouldn't be to try and fall in love with it, it would be to purge my balls and go back to my hobbies.

What a shock.

"Hey! Any you cunts wanna real man?! No? Your loss, bitches!"