First Ever Mural Painted Under The Eiffel Tower, France

What more is there to say really? C'mon Frenchie, grab your sack and protect whats yours.

Other urls found in this thread:

called endless fucking sleep, black on top of the whites - jesus christ

Quite appropriate title for the French.

Fuck this makes my blood boil.

Good. Hope the muslim vermin take an arc welder to the foundation and knock it down. Fuck 'em.

Color me surprised. RIP France.


Fucking frogs had one job. One fucking job. FUCKING. FROGS.

Just invert the colors

It could have been worse.

Oh wait, this is old news.

Cleon Peterson

No, no no no no no.
Not that I don't wanna see the penis of Paris toppled, but no to the whole "arc welder" thing.
Oxy acetylene or plasma torches would be the tools for the job.
You could use an arc welder to do it, sort of, but you'd need a lot of them to coordinate and dump electricity and heat into one or two of the legs to weaken them.

More like endless nightmare
Thanks granny fucker

Followup: Large amounts of electrical current can do what jet fuel cannot, namely melt steel beams.

explosives also work, ala WTC


Coulda been the user that dropped 80 grand on le pen

Did he ever reply?


Kinda hard to reply when you're dead.



well his art for wanting to kill white people. his most shilled piece right now is one called "lightbringer" which is lucifer



The niggers appear to universally be the bad guys in this exhibit tbh.

some people need to be disappeared.

I'd like to take a machine gun to that.


Fuck that, I'd take a MOAB.

I think it's great! People get exactly what the deserve. Cultures can be rebuilt. Land can be retaken. We must remember to pull our own weeds in the future, so they don't allow this to happen again through their "democracy".

you don't get the same satisfaction with a moab. plus then you're down one moab that should've been used for mecca, israeli positions, muslim neighborhoods in europe, etc.


It's not worth visiting regardless, unless you want to be harassed by muslims and scammed by gypsies. Tokyo Tower, on the other hand, was a fabulous place to eat lunch, cost half the price, and was completely devoid of shitskins.

What? Fuck that, those things cost good money. Put a few 5 inch rounds into it and let them sink. Cheap and effective.

What about salting the paris penis? That would make that shitty wrought iron corrode pretty quick.


why is never a white dude with a black chick?!

I think you know exactly why.

genetics can't be repaired so easily user. and what all you tactically retarded anons don't seem to understand is that now the EU is emboldened. they're going to cripple the UK if they let them leave at all, and then they're going to accelerate genocide.

its like no one fucking got what was at stake here. fuck france, no one gives a shit about the surrender monkeys, this was europe.

you don't fucking get it. europe is not america, they can't revolt, there are no weapons with which to do so. this was the only option. this was the only path left to ensure a future.

can we please start a campaign showing how these paintings make niggers look barbaric?

i mean, if we do this right people will boycott it, it does promote black violence

You don't understand kikes. This is them celebrating our genocide.


I'm on board user. #blacklivesmatter #racist

Yeah, he's evil.

It's so fitting it hurts, especially after this election. Gotta be honest I'm regarding France as a thoroughly hostile state now. The people have demonstrated they don't know or care about their own survival, there is no helping them. Any French nationalists left should emigrate to somewhere else in the West where their patriotism might be put to use.

Trips confirm


At this point they are not even hiding it, are they?

Europe endured centuries of this shit before and came back stronger. The U.S. will be worse off in the long run.

Didn't the shills pull some "you feel sleepy" shit over on cuckchan a while back?

hey anaons, wasnt a 14 year old girl raped and killed beneath the eiffel tower after being lured on facebook by some algerians a few months ago?

should we abuse this information to make this seem like blatant "we will rape your women" propaganda ?

It's not about repairing the genetics. Those who die or are mixed will be those who lacked the tools needed to survive this natural pressure. Our race will become strong because of it. France is not Europe. If the people residing in Europe are foolish enough to follow suit without a fight then they get exactly what they deserve and are not worth saving. The smart will survive and avoid the enrichment. The weeds will chewed up by the ravenous hoard they allowed in.

Why would they hide it? They've more or less won everywhere but the USA, and they think the next economic collapse will kill the USA. They really truly think they've won.


black men with white women isnt a popular optic, this is why movies rarely have black male on white female, and more often have black females with white men, this is also why any time (((art))) is trying to be provocative, its black men on white women, because they know that nobody wants it, and are hoping to force it.

Their cult beliefs include displaying their power in plain sight as a means of gaining tacit approval from the masses.

Well first off, this is old news.
Second off, vid related.

F' France! I'll never go back. A bunch of faggots; not real Men!

More like endless nightmare



What neighborhoods in paris are safe? I heard the west and south are okay.


Much more of this and it's going to be whites chimping out rather than niggers and muzzies

and it would be about fucking time!

In Canada, this is actually very common and I'm rather tired of it. Race-mixing is a sin.


It's because nigger women are objectively the uglier race besides abbos.

Also it rustles my jimmies when people on Holla Forums think that white men'ing black women is somehow better than the other way around.

Racemixing is still bad, regardless of coalburning vs oildrilling. Either way, it's normalizing further racemixing, leading to mulatto shitskins, and most importantly, it means more whites NOT HAVING WHITE BABIES. Regardless of whether its the man or the woman doing it.

this is not fucking darwinism, this is, they put shit in the water, they put shit in the food, they put shit in the air, they take your kids and educate them to be useful idiots, then rape and kill them until there is no one that even remembers who they are… and then they genocide you.

as someone, that has fucked around with satanic motherfuckers let me assure you, you do not understand what they want to do to you and what they have already done. you are vastly underestimating the situation.

So when do we start treating this as the declaration of war against whites that it is?

We're not entirely fucked. We still have our spirits. When the time is right the tides will change.

what if we desecrate this symbol, a long with other symbols?

I heard about a "gang rape" but no murder. And I put that in quotation marks because I can't believe that she went there not expecting to get fucked by Algerians.

The U.S. is an empire that uses the threat of violence to keep its vassal nations in line. It was never going to last. Let the jews crash it. Preferably while the baby boomers are still alive. I want them to watch every second of the bedlam.

Jesus Fucking Christ

And yet there are people who resist, so yes it's darwinism.
And I'm done with you.

that is probably with the jews made the symbol there

All the US needs to do is ally with Russia and actually use the combined military capability if the MIC wants to keep the empire going. That and purge the kikes worldwide.


Extinction is one result of natural selection. Keep that in mind.

you're a dumb nigger aren't you? I mean as someone that has actually dealt with satanists. as someone that has actually met these evil ass people we talk about here. and these were just some people that weren't connected but followed the ideology.

dude you have no fucking idea. you're bringing a bat to a demon fight and you're feeling all fucking invincible cause white people could never lose right? you're a fucking tactically retarded fool.

None. Fuck Paris anyway. City of traitors


Made a pic for sharing to normies, and to redpilled friends. get this info out there. this propaaganda is fucking blatant

155mm Air Burst Fragmentation

Isn't Paris built on top of levels of catacombs and unexhumed remains? No wonder the jews love and other dregs love it so much.

Well then smartarse, if you know so much about these fucks then perhaps you can tell us how to fight them

not magic you retard, sadistic sick motherfuckers that believe in magic.

how fucking new are you that you don't know the kikes are satanists that practice blood magic?

been trying for months but no one seems to actually do anything here anymore.

Can confirm. What's hilarious is how obvious it is but no one even questions it. Shit, there are probably more Asians in BC than there are blacks in all of Canada, yet the latter gets pushed to racemix with. And what's even funnier is that the Asians then get pissed off at whites over it when the blacks are cucking the Asians even harder in a way.

Interesting how the downward pointing triangle(symbol for the woman principle in esoterics) encompasses the skirt and the womb while the male upwards pointing triangle has the black characters gripping them by the genitalia.
The white characters dancing around are also grasping the black womb, pulling the shitkid out.
Fascinating how they invert every symbol and destroy it's true meaning.

That guy's really twisted according to the rest of the pictures and this

how have i never seen this documentary? Is this one of those films everyone says i have to watch but i never do because i dont have time for it?

Still haven't answered my question, seeing as you know so much about them, what do you suggest we do to fight them?

People should print those out and hand them out / post them all around the mural with links to the artist + his works in those QR codes so people can look it up on the spot on their phones.

Sauce on qt sad gril? Plz no bully no make go to /a/, /rec/

first, stop disregarding tactical moves because they don't give you everything you want right now. all the faggots saying le pen was garbage? there was no other option, if there was another option go for all the shilling and presenting why one is better than the other. the hating trump to the point of being obstructionist because he didn't give you space hitler in the first 100 days and pointing to anything that isn't absolutely reich as proof that he's a kike? that's tactically retarded. there are no other options right now. put the full force of your support into the trump admin both to encourage promises to be kept and to discourage all things kikey.

oh and the hate of the "alt-right" and anyone that puts themselves in that group. yeah, they're retarded but you know what, it's like the foot soldiers to the ss, they are useful as a base and we can redpill them. do you know why they accept fags and ecelebs? because they've been pushed right into the arms of kike leaders installed as controlled opposition, by us. same with cuckchan though their leaders are harder to depose.

basically, redpill anyone and everyone you can, don't push interested people away, don't fall for the d&c shill.

and yes, I get that some of the people I'm talking about were actually shills, but unfortunately a lot of legit posters have actually believed the shilling.

White genocide. Once the white race is extinct it will be gone forever, thus "endless".

Sometimes I wonder how they dare be so obvious, but then I remember that normies simply can't see these things.

You sound like a fag. And an alt-right shill.
Very subtle.

It looks like a guerilla. Top kek.

most FB/normie friendly version

if she didnt get catfished, she fucking deserves it.

Whats really fucked up is that 100% of muslim men could be proven rapists, and 100% of black men could be proven rapists and murderers, and women would STILL go on dates with them, saying shit like "I can change him!"

You've played waaaaaay too much Dragon Age.

The thing in the middle with the most attractive and human looking of the white people

add this user

Nice. But include in one.

at least 1/4 of this board are shills masquerading as pro-white, as you'll come to learn they don't act in a manner that is logically productive, or towards any kind of victory. they want to blame and attack the wrong people, misdirect, conflate, and sometimes demoralize. they are unhinged.

see Holla Forums's evalion reaction. case in point.

it will be a fine day when the middle east is engulfed in nuclear hellfire and the (((remaining))) are purged from white lands.

Can frogs put big noses on the h'white characters?

evalion went full leftypol with her bf, and sinhead was retarded enough to write shit for her.

ecelebs are mercs and they do it for money/self preservation.

luciferian kikery

a bunch of niggers killing and raping white people

what the fuck france

youre ==FUCKED==

That's a screenshot from 4chan though

Blacks ontop of whites on the outside
On the inside, the only expression of 'white over black' is when there's a white woman kissing a nigger.

Not only is it an expression of racial cuckolding, but also matriarchal 'power'

They are so fucking dedicated sometimes I actually get gaslit over this.

One month everyone is fine with the alt-right because even if they aren't as hardcore as Holla Forums would like, at least they're pro-white.

Leave for a month and come back: TRS is shill, Sven is a racemixer, Enoch is jew, Ghoul is trannyfucker, Anglin is a quadroon, Red Ice is shill, MillennialWoes is shill, Golden One is a closet homosexual, Spencer is CIA and gay, Identity Evropa is FBI, weev is jew shill/FBI, the only people who can be trusted are the ones who tell you how to blow up a federal building, Steve King is cuck because he didn't use his MSM time to throw the Roman salute and sire 200 aryan children on live television.

-Evalion is a mentally defective whore.
-TRS is shill.
-Sven is a dumpster-diver not a race mixer.
-Enoch is (probably) a jew, and he's married to one.
-Ghoul is a tranny-fucker.
-Red Ice fucked up bringing on a kike.
-Anglin is a goofball.
-Woes is a faggot (pic related)
-Golden One loves some attention.
-Spencer is VERY implicit.
-Identity Evropa should be watched along with any other groups that take names.
-Weev is something.
-Holla Forums regularly tells FBI to blow themselves.
-Steve King did cuck.
Try lurking.

I wonder why there's been and uptick of pro-TRS posts. Couldn't possibly trying to drum up some business could they? Shekels drying up?

Stay ass blasted, boy-lover.

The next few years will show If the same blood from which Napoleon arose still slumbers in France.

Godspeed to all froganons reading this.

you should get gaslit, that's /8chef/ doing its job.

kikes and niggers are white?

Now that is degenerate!

What happened to Pol? I'm gone for a month and all of these evidence shills show up.

I haven't found anything saying so yet, but this Cleon Peterson guy has to be a homosexual. Gays and jews are the only ones with this kind of psychotic violence fetishism and grotesque representations of reality. It's like all the Weimar degenerate art. Pics related of Cleon himself.

visit at night too, the lights are fantastic!

Between this an Macaroni, I guess the white flag meme is real after all.
I guess the French are a bunch of surrender-monkey cuckboys after all.

Why doesn't someone just go write on it?


Why the fuck is it always blacks killing whites? This guy gets a fucking piece under the fucking national monument of France?
Jesus christ they aren't even trying to hide their plans anymore.

Who the fuck drinks while laying sideways? That's like 90% chance to spill the drink on your bed, it's near impossible.

Literally a fucking mark of white genocide.

You're a retard, the guy isn't saying their magic works, just that the kikes believe in it and practice it. Which is a fact, they do.

You must be fucking new as fuck because Alt Lite was never fine here. Never.

best version so far

toynbee tiles

alt-kike. alt lite is a term alt-right idiots use

Thermite ftw. It would take twenty guys with plasma cutters a week of 24/7 work to get through even one of those legs. A good number of strategically placed thermite packs would do the trick in seconds or minutes. Because of the way the tower is designed, even if two legs were compromised, it still probably wouldn't come down - you'd have to hit three of them. If you're doing three, you might as well do all four, just to be sure. All theoretically and hypothetically, of course.

Personally, I'd rather just see the Franks expel and/or guillotine shitskins and traitors than topple their greatest monument in protest. That would be like coming home to see your old lady didn't do the dishes, so you shit in the middle of the living room floor to teach her a lesson.

Invert the colors first and pass them out (no words). Make whites look barbaric and make the artist explain it.
Appropriate for first impression.

Fuck off.

normies really need to see this shit

if they have at least one electron powering their cognition they should be instantly filled with undying rage

if not they deserve to killed by the rabbi approved shabbos migrants commanded by lucifer


What else is new? The fascists are going to have to march in and fix the mess that the Frenchie virtue-signaling voters made.

nice kike star made by black invaders, they are indeed their trojan horse

You know what that means right?

I hate jews

what the fuck is wrong with these kikes? seriously why are they hellbent on destruction of everything pure and beautiful in the world?

It's in their nature.

I believe that the kikes we're dealing with aren't legitimately human, spiritually.

I mean, at least with the average black guy, they don't want to destroy anything. They may chimp out, but they usually don't actively plan out and set out to destroy something.

With these kikes however? It's just way too much. Even the mongols had standards. The mongols just simply wanted lands and more power. But the kikes just like the destruction too much. They don't have any boundaries. They're like junkies for this shit.

I think something really happened to them in the past. I don't know what, but maybe, truly, some malevolent force infected their race's genes with some sort of demonic genes and caused them to be like this.

is this true or just an overstatement? he acts pretty

… gay sometimes but i always assume it's part of the whole narcistic thing
fucked up posting


Here's a question: Why don't we just get someone to trash it?

Two cans of White paints ought to do it, or red even. Sneak in there at night, dump em, get out. Easy.

Hand in your fucking Holla Forums card. That sort of thing is unbecoming of a real professional.

>Endless Sleep

I think I hate (((them))) most when they're gloating and sending messages like that to those of us who know exactly what they're doing.


"Hey, ma, remember when you said you'd be willing to help me with my homework?"
"That was ten years ago."
"Just shut up and put on this lingerie, slut."

How can anyone be that rich and still not be able to afford a good plastic surgeon?


you didn't even post the best one.


oh boy. edgy.

Every time I see the thumbnail on pic two, I'm reminded of Bruce Jenner's cover shot.

This is the most "degenerate".
NSFW obviously

is it a star of david under the eifiel tower?

almost as if they placed an alchemy symbol under it. gee I wonder

Looks like the art from "Le Sacre du printemps", a degenerate work made by a 20th century jew.

user is right, this is the kike writing his history, a record of conquest.
Wake up white man, this is a war and you're fighting, time to fight.

looks like there's two threads now

too messy

I wish Holla Forums was wrong from time to time.

Looks pretty redpilled to me, that Peterson guy. Drawing scenes from the slaughtering of whites in Africa.

They know the population is so demoralized they can shove it in their face and get away with it.

It's also something the elite "illuminati" factions have been doing for centuries: Revelation of the method.

Matisse wasn't a jew. Happy to be proven wrong, but I've tried to research backgrounds for most of the big artist names.
I go against the grain but theres alot of beauty in impressionism amd relatively few of the true impressionists were jews, but people like Degas, Renoir were true antisemites.

I know your post was about eiffel tower mural, but just wanted to defend some of the early 1900s art, because theres alot of highly non-kike beauty there and not all of should be thrown away.
Degenerate stuff should be erased from history books yes, but those that actually portray something beautiful, sublime or spiritually uplifting can stay, provided they come from untainted person.

Fuck off, FBI.

Daily reminder that "Hey FBI" posts are effectively "Big Brother" reminders. Live in fear, and you will never fight. The boots on, folks, and it is down.