Overwatch Thread: Kancerous Korean Kid Edition

Wanna complain about your idiot team mates? Weave tales about the "sick playz" that totally happened? Maybe you found a hilarious post on the official forums that you just have to share with the rest of the class. Or perhaps you'd like to tell us why they should buff your main. This is the Overwatch thread, and if you find another one, you should point them here and call them names.

Other urls found in this thread:



As I was saying in the other thread, random competitive is so much better than random casual. Sure I still lose more often than not, but people at least take things a little more seriously and something like 4 out of 5 games they even use the mic.

Oh. So basically play the ninja like an actual ninja instead of movie/anime ninja?


we should enjoy it while its still young, before its swallowed up by bozos screaming about tier lists and demanding you play a certain role when they cant pull their own weight

Finnaly. Should have chosen a Umaru shoop instead so Mark would sticky the thread. :^)

And here's the video.

That's great to hear, actually. If Casual remains for testing new heroes and just fucking around and everyone knows that, it will just be a fun place to do weird shit and not take it seriously while Competitive is the "actually try to win this time" mode.

It might also have to do with your Skill Level. I'm sure (almost) everyone will eventually hit the 50% winrate when he's surrounded by people at the same skill level as he is, but what will be interesting is knowing what their skill level is when that happens.
Personnaly, I'm expecting a 60-70 but we'll see.

Yes. You try to do fancy jutsus or you think that your wakizashi can cut through barriers, you're gonna get your shit kicked in. But if you pick your targets carefully and actually suprise people instead of rushing in like all the bad Reapers, you'll get tons of kills.
Also beware of Mei, Zarya, McCree, Junkrat and Symetra. 3 of those, you can't reflect their gun's primary fire and they'll fuck you up if you go near (I make it a personal hobby to chase Genji's as Mei or Symetra) while McCree and Junkrat can deny you your mobility and kill you easily if you're not carefull.
Also to some extent Hanzo. If you pop your reflect, he'll wait it out and throw a Scatter Arrow beneath you for instant kill and he's likely to see you coming with his wallhacks.

Just have fun exploring the map with his mobility and being a dick with the shurikens.

Back in the containment shower, you tasteless fruits

theres no way you didnt see this coming

Fuck Junkrat

Hes like the demoman with no negatives his bombs dont have a damage drop off if they hit walls/the floor and the broken hitboxes makes him even dangerous CQC not to mention he has an escape that doesnt damage him but can nuke enemies.

I wonder what the all chat was like after that.

His grenades do 120 damage on a direct hit, 80 otherwise.

Reported, you have a thread.

I assume that from team fortress?

It's dead user, just let it go.

Which allows to use them from corners and other angles, as they are intended. Why do you think they have such a long fuse time?

And unlike Demo-"no skill needed"-man, he can't backstrafe while dropping stickies and blow them up along with anyone standing on them, preventing any chase at all. Or worse, throw them at anyone at medium range and have them explode the second they hit the grenade as if they were contact grenades, denying the purpose of his main gun and making stickys incredibly ridiculous.

His escape mechanism is also balanced with the cooldown (you use it offensively, you can't escape) and the fact that it doesn't require health to use means it's always an option, instead of being something that forces you to drop a fight when you are at 50% or you won't have enough HP for a stickyjump.

His trap is more usefull anyway and it's short range prevents it from being OP as fuck. He's the Demo-"actually usefull"-man.

Probably everyone just suddendly realizing how they came to decide on how tall dwarves have to be in-universe.

The other thread ain't cyclical and we ain't restricted to a single thread anymore. Cry more, bitch niggas. :^)


It's certainly good for all the butt hurt. People who take games too seriously are hilarious. I'm gonna be pissing off these guys all season till I get enough points for my golden gun.

You're restricted to this thread now.

None of that matters. GTFO back to reddit

Well, considering the text is itallian, it was probably full of a bunch of dudes laughing knowingly to themselves or complimenting that guy on his choice of character and sentry location.

ffs why is kots still to 3 wins? This shit takes forever and then some.

At least I got a shutdown PotM because enemy Genji stepped into my trap the moment he ulted and I shot a nade into his face.

i wish genki took damage from concussion mines he reflected but was still detonated in his face. ninjas are assholes.

and widowmaker is what every sniper in another video game wishes they were. i absolutely despise her, but ill admit she kind of needs a kit like that to survive against dozens of other ridiculous assholes. tf2 didnt have a 500 hit point pyro that could leap across the map for instance. equivalent characters from tf2 need these upgrades to contend with the ridiculous shit in this game.

speaking of tf2 equivalents, does anyone think whoever designed roadhog looked at "fat scout" heavy loadouts and thought "what if"?

No it was more along the lines of "How do I put Pudge in a shooter?"

im fine with overwatch but this guy is such a bitch. oh now it's ok for overwatch threads to be made cause he caved in liked a bitch

Mark is a fag huge surprise.

Overwatch isn't competitive, it never will be. No matter what Blizzard does, it will never be balanced. But other than that I still think it's fun.

I like payload
I like Bastion

yeah hes a tax dodging hook nosed cheat but isnt this an instance of him actually doing his job? i dont think the cyclical was to bully overwatch players, but more to minimize global butthurt
the real reason he softened up to it is the dva meme reminds him of his hamster waifu

It's fun being satan. Well, untill the enemy pickes Pharah.

Just pick Mei or Symetra and make that little bitch scream. That's what I consistently do and let me tell you: there's no better confirmation you're doing a good work then when they actually start running in the oposite direction the moment they see you.
I once, playing Reaper, scared a Mei so much she insta-LShift everytime she saw me.

Well, vaping is basically the sandvich and he does have a shotgun. I guess the hook is the answer to his mobility problems (he makes the target come to him, not the other way around) but it's also fairly good at medium range with RMB.

It's most likely that but also what the other poster said. They probably started with a fat scout and where gonna give it a projectile or something equally shitty but then the character reminded someone of Pudge and they gave him the hook instead.

I don't actually apreciate the bias some people show sometimes, the game should have been handled like every other game. A single thread that wasn't even cyclical, just renewed when the previous one went 404, and all the others deleted. Worst offender was probably the unrelated image for the OP though.

I still maintain the idea that the thread was made to contain spergs that were just looking for another excuse to spam the board with threads after threads complaining about a videogame or to porn dump.

Symetra vs Genji is fun.
They always try to deflect…

Pharah? Haha, no, she's a complete joke, even more so when she Ults and leaves herself completely open. I've never had a problem with Pharah as Bastion, even with other characters I've never seen a competent one.

Roadhog, Genji, Widowmaker, and Reaper are pains when I play as Bastion.

Bastion + Reinhardt + Mercy is dream team.

This game's a fucking joke

The fuck are you even talking about?

Are you so new you think Overwatch was the first one that got this treatment?
Big game releases are often contained to a cyclical because the threads move so fast new ones would have to be made every few hours.

problem solved

Ohh, I remember wen I was Basion and had a Mercy and a Reinhardt keeping my ass safe.
It was golden.

It's nice vs flankers, but I usually just go Symmetra and make the payload's back a deathzone

I won a ranked game in temple of anus on attack with 5 torbs and one lucio.
We kept pushing in until the first point was covered in scrap and from then on we were unkillable swedish juggernauts.

This. Mei's wall is useful for so much and all I ever see it used for is getting on my nerves.

So what's everyone rank? Just finished my placement matches with 7 wins and 3 losses. I feel 51 is too high for me, I expect to get destroyed and be knocked down into a more appropriate rank.

Which one's the cutest?


Tracer. Widowmaker's purple skin bothers me for some reason, and D.Va is just an annoying kid normalfags ruined.

Mercy isn't too cute (both Tracer and D.Va top her), but Mercy is wife material

Says you faggot

come at me bro

What's wrong with her skin?
I've always wanted to fuck a purple girl.

how about tracer and dva? tomboys for life

Even if she had normal skin she'd still be French.


She'd have a cold vagina

mercy is best overwatch

Her skin is blue because in the process of mindfucking her from plain old sleeper agent, to full on assassin her body was augmented, dramatically lowering her heartrate. She's basically as close to dead as possible without being there. She'd probably be ice-cold, too.


meant to be in response to as well.



I don't see the problem.
Could be like fucking a cute robo girl

You didn't mean a robo girl with skin and humanoid shape, right? Surely we aren't that casual, right?

If there's so much other quality content on this board then why are you here crying like a bitch?


Because you shouldnt ignore cancer, you are cancer.

The real lewd is in the game user.

Stare into the abyss with me, user! We have such sights to show you!

Well they probably added more to her to keep her from not dying, of course. On a related note why are there so many dead/near dead characters, or alternate skins with death/destruction themes.

At least when Overwatch finally dies, most of the characters will already be there.


It'd be so easy, too.

No dubs for you.

Now check 'em.

You can't reroll twice you doubles nigger.


It will not stop me from shitposting this thread into oblivion(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

enjoy your ban, newfag. :^)

That's not a port you fuckin degenerate it's some kind of joint.

>Implying i'm a newfag
>Implying i don't know the rules or when Mark got out with his one roll idea
>Implying i will let myself be beaten by a bunch of Cucklizzard


Does anyone else think, that overtime is a complete cancer mechanic. They could at least make it like Dirty bomb where the losing team gets 30 seconds overtime max when they are near the last objective. But this constant resetting of the timer every time when someone jumps near the objective is so fucking retarded.

If you guys are looking for people to play with reply to this post. Add your Battle.net name and number, what hours you normally play, what heroes you're good with, and how you communicate.

I just got done playing with another user. Good games Mustang

Aren't you cute, user.

you really don't know how to shitpost, do you newfag?

You have no right to call people newfags


Better not be mustang from /dg/

anything can be a port if your not a fucking pussy

Yeah dude just make your own port. Don't be a faggot

1. I never bought Overwatch

2. I don't like Blizzard, I don't even think Overwatch is particularly that fun by itself.

3. Dota 2 and League are ASSFAGGOTS, Overwatch is not.

Meant for

Yep. Just a slight adjustment and things are good.


I didn't think it was possible to not like the superior goblin form.

I didn't think it was possible to not like all her forms and her mech


It was fun, m8.

Im shit, but add me if you'd like DijonMustang#1256

Should be the wish of every parent: Children in mecha usually end well.

I've been playing this game for over 40 hours now but I have no idea where everyone gets the lore from

item descriptions
the website

Character bio in wiki's, their own site. There's also a few short videos on their channel in youtube and comics in their blog.
Check here if you want to see or read some of that stuff. It's fairly cliche but still amusing.

I fucking love you so fucking much…

I have 1k. Which Mercy skin is the best?

Imp and Devil are disgusting, before you even suggest it.

Post it.
For fuck's sake

cause blonde cute norwegian

valkyrie is the best, and it sounds like you already know that

It's too bad the only red colored skin is the Devil. Valkyrie is alright though.

Valkryrie is pretty nice, although Singundr or what's it called actually makes her blonde.
Imp and Devil are terrible but they give her a tail and change her voice. "Heroes never die! … for a price."
Doesn't matter, you'll get buyer's remorse either way.

Gee what a surprise.

Sigrund makes her redhead

Looking for People for competitive games
post battle tags


Gonna go sleep now though

That lovely Egyptian goddess has saved my life like many times. Thank you, you glorious armored woman



It's funny that people got so used to seeing mccree being played like a faggot that they think that if they see you before you're in flashbang range you're not a threat.


I miss the days when edgelords actually posted that stuff.
Also, if that purple bunny is supposed to be the mother of the other ones then it should properly look like a milf instead of like a kid. Yeah, they have posted that shit before, 2 buns/1 fox is the new daily dose but we rarely get it.

Pharah main here. "Leave your security in my hands" if you ever feel like you would be more helpful clinging to the Raptorian suit all game, you probably will. I know I will annihilate their team with Swiss angel mom on my back

That head hitbox needs to be D.va's actual head, not the dam glass. Every other tank has a small head relative to their body and D.va has the added downside of slow movement and turning making her a bigger target.

It also doesn't help that her 'head' is basically in the center of her body. If you shoot Roadhog's head and have a near miss, you've probably uselessly hit the air around his head. If you're somehow clumsy enough to miss D.Va's critbox, you'll still hit her body.

I ain't putting up with this shit today, wish you could set it to filter out maps you'd rather not play on. I'd totally forgo the consecutive match bonus if it meant I didn't have to deal with Hanamura and shit


It was just a matter of time i suppose.

Reminder: If you dont want this shit u gay nigguh.

So, how is competitive play so far? You guys think its a massive improvement over what it was before? Does it still need work?

her umaru-esque form is fucking adorable

We won boys. Overwatch confirmed best game.

That healslut better've been sucking your dick for days after that save

Reminder: If you dont want this shit u gay nigguh.

This pleases me.

That video is from reddit my friend. That wasn't an user

That looks like shit. Who the fuck thought those proportions are right?

Of course it was from reddit. This game is for reddit.


I'm a supreme gentleman, you lowly kike-enabler.


I'll have you know that you may be a gentleman, but I'm the dude.

Dude, gentleman is not the preferred nomenclature. speed weed, please.



Which Doomfist?

I hate the retards that go "gg ez" when they won by overtime at the last checkpoint.
If it was easy then you should have won by a landslide you mongoloid, not because you managed to win by a hair at the last second.

They do that to piss you off user, it's called banter.

I get the reference but that's like one level of abstraction too far to be funny.


Just tell them to eat your ass and lick it clean smh

People will get the joke next month.

"Bantz" is codeword for "I was only pretending to be retarded", though.

If people pretending to be retarded is enough to piss you off, then people will pretend to be retarded.

The whole point is to piss you off, regardless if they are retarded or not. Don't get mad at retarded people user.


Truly my only argument is "But it's fucking pretty."

Obviously I feel like I'm playing a first person shooter with gameplay designed by fischer price, but I cant stop because it looks like they hired fucking pixar to do the character design.

as long as it hurtz your feelings and gets you emotionally upset they win though.

Some teams designate somebody to be the shit talker, when my friends forced me to play league of legends. I shit talked the other team and got our guys a lot of feed because the retards would sit there and type instead of mute me.

Top fucking kek

Holy shit, my sides are in orbit

Thanks for the pape. Only have this to trade sorry. It's not very good.

I hate this game, but for some reason D'Va and Mercy are growing on me (maybe it's because of the gremlin comics).

wait, tracer's a ghost?

I fucking love those comics








Wheres that fucking cyclical?

Its ogre, the shills went home.

Or back to pushing another game that launched more recently.

Like mighty No.9 :^P


bump, also
01e83d is an underaged faggot confirmed

Why are you posting?

You fuck off to >>>Holla Forums

I wonder, when he´ll realize, that you can filter on Holla Forums.


your actual dubs only partially excuse your false check, you clod.


I'd count XYXY numbers as doubles as well. They actually have a lower chance of occurring.

that's not dubs. 7755, 5577, but not 7575 or 5757.

No, but you do, Mr. I browse 8ch on a smart phone cause I'm a giant normalfag

8ch doesn't have mods, you giant fucking newfag.

Gotta shitpost while im slaving away at work somehow.

Why not just not shitpost, wageslave?

Holy fuck i knew we had another 4chan influx but christ dont they have any shame anymore?

But I play Daytona USA at an arcade and Overwatch when I'm at home.

i recently learned that you can force pharrah to suicide if you put a shield up in front of her while she ults (or maybe d.vas specifically). you don't get a kill but it's a good laugh

jesus christ.

No, they aren't mods, mods imply they have global power. This is a legal issue. There is a difference, you lose.

You know i'm a different poster, right? Never said anything about the mods; We have ID's here. You really should go back.

Figure of speech; and I like the physical activity so it's not entirely slavery.

But I do, reddit. I'm sorry you're so jealous.

Well you're not playing the video games you're posting and you're just shitposting. So you're the loser here.

I didn't buy it, though

Who´s best overwatch and why is it Tracer


Tracer is easily the worst by a long shot.

MY FAVORITE, is Mercy but that probably has something to do with me playing Pharah all the time


Who do people like dva? Korea bigger Jews than pig Chinese people. Big heads and stupid language too.

she's not the worst though, cuz worst is symettra

How are video games a cancer?

Sorry that took so long

was about to fall asleep.

Anyway Overwatch threads are good now.


Because rocketing into people and punching them with a giant robot feels cool as fuck. Less cool when they casually walk away with half their health left while you try to finish them with your nerf blasters and wait on the rocket cooldown but it's a great opener.


Stop namefagging you insufferable faggot.

i'll be spamming rockets as pharrah in my type-94 skin the fuck you gonna do about it

People probably forgot it was the same guy since most of them haven't actually seen his posts in four weeks.

Who doesn't want a snooty perfectionist talking down to them though

make me, nerd

symettra comes off more like autistic than a snooty perfectionist because like lucio, they were afraid to write the dark skinned characters with any actual personality

What is going on here? Did these fucking threads get taken off cycling threads or something? Had this cancer hidden.

Yes, shit died down so we decided to uncycle.

Not going to lie, Tracer is pretty cute

Please kill yourself

i only like the mechs and the betas, the story itself is nonsense


But the mechs are shit and the beta are shit

betas are strange and unique i like them.

She's got a tight runner's butt.

I'm rather sick of the super huge butt trend. If I wanted to fuck the ass end of a horse I would have been a horse fucker.

There is nothing there, you blind fuck.


Except Blue Gender did the betas and did them better years before hand. And the mecha are shit because some of them are supposed to be based on real fighter jets but they don't look a thing like them.

i thought they just transferred the names of the jets on to the mechs because jets have no role in muvluv universe.

i'll have to watch blue gender though it's on my list but haven't got to it yet, if the enemies in it are like betas that will be cool

Go away niggers.
You're not welcomed here.

you're all retards kill yourselves tbh

How is this game? It sounds like a fun time especially if you're tired of TF2. Worth 40 bucks?

Also why does Blizzard to everything to make you pay for the origins edition instead?

I want it

they want that 20 extra dollars something fierce

But it just seems to include content nobody cares about.

You don't care about the content but they care about your shekels. That's all it takes.

its just a handful of skins and none of them are even good

If they sold the $40 version on any service they don't own, then they'd make less money. And if you're buying it from their website, then they might as well try and get you to buy the more expensive version anyway.

I mean I like the Bastion skin and kinda like the Dad 76 and Reaper skins, but ultimately I wouldn't have paid $60 for it if I had realized at the time that the base game was $40.

No u

Yeah the Bastion skin looks great but definitely not worth an extra $20.

I want Mercy to hug me.

Feels great.
Having a fun time.

While you lament in your little autistic hole.

I'm starting to come to the conclusion that autists don't actually experience fun. But more so they try to relate the experience to something akin to whatever it is they feel when all their little autistic triggers are put to rest. Like when they fold a piece of paper and the corners and edges match up perfectly.

Oh my, looks like he either deleted his comment or a moderator is actually doing their job and removing true cancer.

maybe /topv/ isn't needed after all.

How's it feel to be the most obvious symptom of the cancer that killed this board? Have any of you ever played a decent shooter before? Just wondering, enjoy your microtransactions in a game you payed for!

ok so I just tried my first "competitive" play.

3 minutes into the match, someone quits, and the game itself quits.

What the fuck?

nice downvote, I'm sure most of you have reddit accounts though, right?

I want Mercy to damage boost me.
I want my carrying capacity to increase

Finally had Roadhogg click for me in a match.

That was disgusting, I honestly felt bad but holy shit did I have fun.


like in the way eating a fast food cheeseburger is? cuz sure.

i love lurking in the alleys of the temple as roadhog when defending, so many runners trying to be sneaky only to get a mouthful of pig dick

are people this retarded?

holy fuck the errors

Yea it felt so wrong hooking people and killing them in one blow or in that temple map, just hooking someone at random and letting them drop, shutting down supers to.


this meme needs to stop, its 40 you dip

i'm sure lots of people got tricked into buying the 60 dollar version because of blizzards fucked up marketing

its $80

I don't like OW, but it's got some nice robots.

got into 51

Five consecutive losses later i'm 47. one of which i had four gold medals but that doesn't count for shit when you still lose because why would it when you're playing the best on your team in every category. i feel betrayed by the coin flip putting me on defence every time and i've decided this season is a practice season and a total write off.

how can you get tricked by this?

On the website they usually have a huge banner saying "BUY THE ORIGINS EDITION"

If someone rages or disconnects he has a set period to rejoin before the match itself is voided

Yes I know, it's retarded

the average consumer is a fucking imbecile. oh and on sites like amazona and gamestop they don't let you get the standard edition digital codes

That's some top tier jewery.

what microtransactions?

or is it evidence of why the PC master race is truly the master race.


Who's Golden weapon should I aim for?
D.va, Mercy, or Lucio?


Lucio's looks the least shit of the three I guess

D.VA looks terrible in my opinion.

i fucking hate mei so much



As much as I hate her character design/personality, she is the ultimate salt miner.

I played mei for the first time today on a KOH and came out with gold elims, objective time and objective elims.

Also why the fuck do all defensive characters build ult so damn fast, tone that shit down.

There are mei-ny reasons to play Mei

Every fucking time.

Mei isn't even broken, she's just Mind-numbingly annoying.
Every time a mccree flashbanged me I'd pop cryo, heal for a bit, jump around and freeze him and teabag after I got the headshot.

You can buy loot boxes with cash if you're a massive faggot or YouTube nigger doing an unboxing video.

I don't know why anyone would pay for that, I mean not removing things you have from the possible rolls is just behind jew to me, never mind the fact that you're not even guaranteed to get what you might want.

That's exactly why they're up for sale though.


Or you could just play the game.

Son I went to new trier highschool which had the Ackerman twins in it. they were the top 2 runners in the state and they did not have flat butts

But her ass isn't flat at all. You've been tricked.

Where the ass stops and the thighs begin there is no ridge or curvature. The ass is flat.

Well that's enough Overwatch for one night I guess


I bet the accident that requires that thing to be strapped to her chest stole her ass.

Sounds like someone's a fan


no no, its a slight curve. Again, a very athletic butt but its not flat.

You're going to tell me something that cleaves this deep is on a flat ass?
I would have included this with the other pictures but apparently Holla Forums can't handle 3 screen shots from this game.

One day you will wake up to understand that Holla Forums Holla Forums is infested with the same mindset that the faggots on tumblr have.
When you do, you will learn to hate this place.
You will also want to oust this cancer.

Gamergate brought me here. But gamergate is cancer now.

not bad I suppose
ended up at 56

also there is so much more killing and deaths in ranks compared to normal games its as fast as splatoon

wow he mad

here is how competitive play works goys



at least you got some neat skins

Isn't it just a widowmaker one

I guess I have no fucking choice BUT to play Zayra since every fucking team i'm on is an incompetent piece of shit without it.

it's several, Tracer, Soldier 76, Bastion, Pharah I think? and a John Freeman skin for Reaper


It's an awkward feel. I really digged Zenyatta's 1k Stargate skins, but he's apparently the worst piece of shit in the game right now.

And I feel so bad for our species that the character designs have to be so immensely bland and 'I'm the grimdark guy for mature gamers such as yourselves' or 'i'm Pudge!' or 'I'm the angelic healer - did you see my fucking angel wings?' shitty.

Are the toothless troggs who comprise the majority of the vaunted 18-25 demographic really this goddamn retarded that they need everything spelled out in crayon?


Fast? It seemed far slower to me, almost MOBA-like to a degree - everyone hangs around corners, waiting for their ults to charge before bumrushing in for a single big teamfight.

I know that feel. I ended up using Genji/Pharah whenever I need offensive, Bastion__ when I need defensive, Roadhog when I need tank, and Lucio for support. Yet, I don't feel like I like any of these enough. Pharah is about as close as I get character-wise, but Genji is more fun mechanic-wise. I don't know what to do.

I'm starting to believe in forced 50, the game should absolutely under no circumstances be dropping people with 0-1 games into matches with people who've got hundreds. The community can't possibly be so small already that there is any reason at all for beginners to not have their own pool to match with and that game was not enjoyable for anyone at all involved. The other team got a nearly effortless 6v4 win handed to them, I and the 3 experienced teammates got a match we had no real hope of accomplishing anything in, and the two beginners got nothing but walking to the front lines to be instantly vaporized over and over.

"Fuck you, buy boxes!"

Yeah zenyatta needs something because he just isn't worth playing. I really like zarya's concept but her godawful tumblrdyke hair made me wait until I got one of her legendary skins to cover it. The game keeps throwing legendary hanzo skins at me, but I don't like how he plays. Lucio is nice, but he needs a skin that's not frog or hockey related.
Though Reaper's cartoonishly bad "I'm so evil!" act is part of his charm. Like Jack Splicer from Xiaolin Showdown in that he wants to be a villian but overcompensates fo rit. Even winston and 76 shit on him for it.

It's an athletic ass.
But a cute athletic ass

Play him anyway.

Zenyatta is fine you fucking pussy. Don't listen to reddit and their dumb tier list, play what you want and if anyone bitchs tell them to kill themselves for taking a video game seriously.

Personally I like the designs. They're nice and simple. I don't want a whole bunch of super serious characters with deep back stories in a simple multiplayer only team game with 10 minute long matches. The dumb simple cartoonie characters work fine for that in my opinion.

pretty much this for the most part
but well in competitive play something that will work, dont go picking a third fucking hanzomaker while on attack

always fun

Post Steven Universe one more time. I dare you.

Zenyatta is difficult to play right, and your team to be not as retarded as usual. Hang back and look for enemies to debuff and direct your team to focus fire on him. What he does need is a new fucking hitbox though. Hanzo spam if fucking brutal for Zenyatta.

What would you do to fix the designs then?

Feels like I wandered into a different board/website, who the fuck are you people and why are you here?

It's summer. The Redditfags and edgy Teens come on during this season.

sage is not a downvote :DDDDDDDD

You're right, it's not.
My post isn't related to the topic, so I didn't want to bump the thread. You should have sage'd yourself, as your post isn't related to the topic.

I'm not downvoting Redditfag. I'm saging for my post had nothing to do with the topic, so I wasn't going to bump the thread unless I actually had something to contribute.

latest loot, nothing put sprays.

Oh i'm sorry, is it because people aren't blindly hating a game for no real fucking reason at all?

Go fuck yourself you cancerous piece of shit.

your game is bad and you should feel bad

My problem with Zen is that his design seems to be schizophrenic. He has piss poor health but no mobility or escape mechanics. His abilities require LoS, which means he needs to be near the action; but the action is usually fatal. His ult requires clumping, but none of his other abilities operate in that fashion.

Apparently Blizz is actively looking at him for buffs/fixes.

Nothing, because Overwatch is a lowest common denominator game. Actually, I think I'd change the art style for a lot of them. They seem really uninspired and student game-y.


WoW was always shit and WC3 is mediocre so I have no real reason to shit on Blizzard due to those things. So in other words, I can enjoy Overwatch a bit, especially when I didn't pay a cent for it.

You're a casual, my man


Just wondering, why don't you guys go hang out on tumblr where you fit in?

You're not from around here, it's obvious.

Hot tip: Its a lot harder to push the summer posting meme when all the users can see the numbers.

Perhaps tumblr would be more your speed, I hear you can make your own community for anything.

Seriously do you guys realize how much YOU sound like tumblr? You're demanding the site and board to the see things you want to see and nothing else.

Its you're the cancer.

This is some staggeringly powerful cognitive dissonance.

epic downvote friend XD

Epic, Downvoted

But what would that change be exactly?

Good, because you "hardcore gamers" are supreme faggots.
I've only been playing video games for 30 years but what the fuck do I know, right? I must be a casual piece of shit.

two years or so. But who the fuck is counting?
ALl I know is this place started out pretty cool but quickly devolved into the most shitty aspects of gaming "culture" ever.

The way most of you faggots conduct yourselves I would swear you're nothing but SJWs with a different set of buzzwords.

You know what? A new hugbox was made just for you faggots. /vgrevolt/ I think its called, or something like that.
Where faggots like you can have only your "Holla Forums culture" approved games talked about.

It's just a Blizzdrone, for fuck's sake.


It's not what you're talking about, it's how you're talking. I'm not talking shit about Overwatch, I'm talking shit about you.

You're 40 and playing Overwatch? I hope I don't end like you… I hope you get your life turned around on day I guess, it's probably not too late

3 decades was a bit of an over step. It just sounds nicer than saying 23 years.

u gay lol

Something more subtle, user.

Having a guy in a skull mask named 'Reaper' who talks about death is about as heavy-handed as you can get.

But like I said, so long as Overwatch is Overwatch, these brainless designs are all the game needs.

Thinking more about it, I'd say pre-MannCo TF2 was a great way to have distinct classes with subtle design elements that spoke to their characters. The only thing overt about them was their names, but that was more a gameplay decision than anything.

You're right. People should stop enjoying certain hobbies once they hit a given age.

Hang yourself, mutant.

yeah but why go for subtle? Sometimes you just need to go full ham. He's not even taken seriously in-universe aside from that one cinematic.


I don't have any pictures in any of my folders that accurately depict how utterly miserable that experience was, sitting there knowing no matter how well I played I just didn't have the capabilities to beat a bunch of stationary objects and middling skill midgets because my teammates couldn't quite figure out how the paper they were playing was supposed to cover the rocks.

Maybe this?

I mentioned that, if teammates don't stand in it you're basically just removing yourself from the game.

holy fucking shit
compedative its so good not having retards picking 5 genjis every game
I just wish every mercy we got wasnt kinda shit, I told a instant lock mercy to change and let me do it because he never used his ult and seem to just be saving it

Who knew?

except tumblr who thinks she is obese

I really hope this was a one time thing and I'm not going to keep running into children insisting everyone follow their favorite youtuber's tier lists.

That is some youtube comment shit.

But to be fair they're pretty obvious compared to the rest of the TF2 class.

I think the same case for lucio awhile ago when everyone was instant locking him
I had to assume it was some dumbass youtuber telling them to do it

When will we get a cute loli to Overwatch?


woops, they didn't have the pharah, we did.

Is there continuation to this image or is this the full version?
Is there something on the opposing side, as in, more heroes or something or is this the only one?

This would make really good looking poster but I want to know if there's more to it

what happened

probably forgot to spoil porn so deleted to repost

Replace the existing cast with lolis.

You got it.

the others are trash but god damn that mercy
would plant my seed in her

Somehow I managed to get a POTM on Mercy without resing or killing anybody. I didn't really even "save" anyone.

its like its point based or something
I hardly ever get good ones and never with any ults

I have the "highlight" recorded. I'll webm and post it when I have the time, not now though.

thanks for explaining this one to me, steven universe user. i was wondering why it didnt say "chomp" or something like that. i look forward to learning more about this cute looking cartoon from talkative fans such as yourself.
tell me, who is your gemsona?
{click here to feed my dragons!}
[My element is saltwater] [You are Sasuke]

Did all you guys from halfchan /vg/ leave? I mean this looks EXACTLY like a halfchan /vg/ thread, so I'm assuming you all came from there. What happened? Can't post lewds anymore?

Here we go.

The single res was after the round end and doesn't count for anything. This game went into sudden death, there had to have been better plays than this.

If I recall correctly, a junkrat killed at least 3 of us on the cart with his ult when they were attacking, and then won the round. THAT should have been POTG, or something like it.

do any of you still play mcre? hes fun for sport, but i cant really justify playing him over reaper or soldier. hell, i could hardly find the time to play him even before they nerfed fan the hammer.

in addition to different actions counting for a better chance at play of the game, i think theres some randomness to it. and during steamrolls 'boring' potgs seem more common too. did your team just push their shit in?

Thanks enemy Roadhog, have a face full of scrap cannon for your effort too!.

what is the best counter for tracer up in your teams ass?

if you both have a good connection roadhogs hook and a face blast will obliterate her, but otherwise she will recall before youre able to fire or fly off to the side of you. story of my life.
if your team is paying any attention at all, mei will slow her down enough for teammates to kill her in fractions of a second, but otherwise is a mediocre counter.
mid range hit scans like mcree or soldier, are my go to ninja and tracer counters, whoever youre more comfortable with at the moment.

So turns out, if someone leaves your competitive game and you leave as well, THEN you rejoin and win the game, you still take a loss

I've played McCree for far longer than any other character in the game. I'm not great at aiming, but I just like cowboy characters, and his playstyle doesn't clash with me much. I wouldn't mind if Fan the Hammer was unnerfed a tiny bit. D.VA needs a buff before that'll happen, however.

I get the feeling that Reinhardt players don't fear McCree's Deadeye enough, considering the number of times I've seen Reinhardts use charges, fire strikes, or even turn around. This POTG would not have happened if Reinhardt just kept his shield up.

I tired playing as Mcree, but gave up because I kept fucking up his ult. Any tips?

Use high ground and be sneaky
Use it mid team fight when you are not near main combat

expect the enemy to either scatter or gun for you when using your ult, youre a prime target for pig hook or a few shots and a helix rocket for soldier 76. its almost a suicide button if the enemy knows where you are.
but you can use that, even if you dont pick up a kill, sometimes making the enemy scatter can give your teammate time to position better. consider cancelling it if you can only get 1 low priority target since you will get a lot of charge back.
its a very opportunistic ult, its best used in the middle of a fight rather than hoping to just kill off 3 or 4 people, when the enemy is already engaged with chaotic opponents like reaper, tracer, mei or reinhardt since they will have to now focus on escaping. also, deadeye will lock on faster on opponents with less health. im not intimately familiar with that mechanic, what happens if they are healed after a full lock on? lucios ult seems to betray the skull icons.

you might feel like youre wasting it when you arent killing 5 full health roadhogs with it, but you are not, and choosing whether or not to actually pull the trigger or retain some charge to spook them again sooner is something that only starts to make sense as youre able to read the situation better. not just learning each characters capabilities, but how the fight will likely play out based on the competence of your allies and enemies.

Not much I can say that doesn't sound like a self-help book. When it comes to ulting as McCree, you need a good combination of timing, positioning, patience, and balls. Especially balls.

Patience is the most important since everyone will react when they hear "IT'S HIGH NOOOON". You don't necessarily need to kill people with it to make Deadeye useful, since it forces people to take cover or play a guessing game of who to prioritize, you or the nearby Reaper/Mei. Some people are gutsy enough to not take cover, and either that or forcing the enemy team to run out of cover is when it's good to fire. That said, I usually only get 1-2 Deadeye kills on average, which is okay considering that if you're not bad, you can get his ult back fairly quickly, doubly so since not firing brings your meter down to 50%.

You don't even really need to use his ult whenever it's available, it's more of a playmaker move that punishes people or counters their playmaker attempts. If an enemy Lucio hears your ult and reacts with his, you have just enough time to oneshot him before he even lands to activate his Sonic Barrier. A Zenyatta during his Transcendance can't do anything besides bodyblock his teammates, which is difficult considering that most other characters are wider or taller than him, and his healing still can't stop instant kills.

Genji, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Bastion, D.VA, Zarya and Winston are all characters you need to keep an eye out when wanting to pop off a Deadeye, since they can either ruin your ult by just plain killing you quickly, or blocking your shots. It is possible to fully lock onto a Zarya before her shields run out, and if she activates them early, you have nothing to worry about. D.VA's mech is only trouble if she's near her teammates, and if you're wanting to piss her off a bit more, you can activate your ult as soon as you can take down her mech, giving her zero time to run away. Winston is easy pickings considering his size and limited range. Only his barrier is trouble, but you can always get a good feeling for how long they last, like in webm related. Besides Genji's deflect, it pretty much just comes down to pressuring the Hanzo and Widowmaker players however you can, since they have the ability to prioritize ulting McCrees at any time and range.

Using teammates as meatshields is reccommended, since you can lock onto enemies through them, and they can't as immediately see or hit you. You can also begin his ult in the air, allowing you to get those weird angle Deadeyes that nobody is able to predict, especially if an enemy Junkrat happens to launch you upwards. Most Junkrat players aren't good at quickly following a mine launch with a direct hit grenade.

There's probably more concise, better advice out there, but that's my two cents.

what the fuck? Why is this story here?
I've never felt so let down by the story side of a video game in my life

same reason anything has a story. so fans can find more reasons to ship characters

What is this feeling? I've never been so satisfied playing Zarya before!

I'm at level 40 and people still won't dive the point when we're about to lose. They fundamentally misunderstand the mechanics of the game by doing this.

This happening once is worse than 20 amazing games.


new bread?

i can whip one up again, unless someone else would rather

New bread

spooky, thats the image i was going to use for the group/party anchor

don't play as d.va then idiot