Boat filled with Whites heading to Burgerland sinks

My time in Holla Forums has taught me to never take things at face value, and the videos attempt to brush this off as just another way the tragedy was totally an accident seems to just be a front. I'm wondering if maybe (((someone))) planned on having this massive ship, on it's whites-only maiden voyage, sink on purpose.

Other urls found in this thread:

I thought everyone knew the Titanic was really the already damaged Olympic and this was a (((typical tricks))) insurance scam.

Oh, fuck, I actually remember a bit about that.
Polite sage for irrelevant thread.

whenever there's a big budget hollywood movie about any historical event, you can bet your ass it's in order to hide kikery and rewrite history.

the synagogue of satan disguised as Jews did titanic

It was full of rich pople OP… rich white people. The jewish bankers of the time took out the competition.

A lot of said people on that ship were influential at the time and very against the Federal Reserve.

Checking these trips.

Okay, so, Jews did Titanic. That settles it.



If you're interested, this is one of the best resources on the topic.

this actually makes a lot of sense. checking dubs checking trips

I realise a stopped clock is right twice a day, but a heads-up, regardless.
Polite sage


Google this book, it got released 14 years before the actual sinking and tells a story that is very similar. Like all those shows that "predicted" 9/11. Talmud kikes believe that if they somehow "tell" you in advance what they're going to, that no evil comes upon them

This is old news (saw it several years ago on half-Holla Forums.) The Titanic was carrying every member of a board voting on the establishment of the Federal Reserve who opposed it's creation. Everyone on the board was scheduled for the maiden voyage, but everyone who was in favor of establishing the Federal Reserve canceled their trip immediately before it left. That's really all the evidence needed to say it was sunk on purpose, given what we know today.

watch then.

It was also an insurence scam, one wich inflation made even bigger.


This is Lucifer betraying them. Did you think he wouldn't do that? He hates anyone and everyone with a free will, even the Rothschilds. Do you think Lucifer will be sent to hell but let his power be freely used by a bunch of pasty dingbats who have nothing to their credit but funny money? Puhlease, he'll destroy them for fun after he uses them for fun. They don't get to go on without him.

Well wait a second
Hmm… You might be onto something.

This board is not for religious discussion It calls the trolls

You can bet that the crew working the lower decks would NOT be on the priority list to get off the ship, so it would not be too expensive to bribe the few that did escape to keep quiet (if any).



Fucking Jews. Every fucking time. I just wanted to play video games.

Not surprising.

I believe Holla Forums should have a blog where it posts it's findings every month for the normie redditor.
We already knew this.
The thing is, the plebs have to know.

Morgan sinked RMS titanic, and also sinked RMS lusitania getting the US into WW1

Those are kikes, user.

The similarities are creepy.
In both occasions this asshole was involved and benefited.

Beacuse of their first name?

Plot twist, the ship was sank by a rich Jew by the name of Iceberg.
Joking aside, I actually remember seeing some years ago lots of evidence that crashing into the iceberg was intentional and that someone powerful may have ordered it done. It was a thread on here.

Don't bring your christcuck myths into this. We are looking for logical explanations not fantasy.

Isa Strauss seems like a kike name in every way, but the other two not

nvm they where. I just tought there were old schoold christian names.

Don't derail this thread you fucking pice of shit!

Shut up moron, you and the retard talking about Lucifer are derailing, not me.
Also, Jacob Astor was White it seems, but Guggenheim and Strauss Jews

check my previous post
if you didn't want to talk about religions you would have just ignored him like I did.

Nah, they need to be ridiculed. You're the one who is derailing by having such a problem with it.



WHY? so you can derail?
I have a problem with OT unwarranted opinons.
Why don't you point out how bad is his grammar too? I'm sure we need that.


…..both ships were built side by side. Both were Olympic Class ships, the Titanic was an Olympic never "The Olympic". Before the Titanic sank the Olympic got all the press because it was the namesake of the class and was completed first. The Olympic continued operation until the 1930s. It was never unaccounted for.

There was a third Olympic class ship, the Britannic. Hit a mine and sank 4 years after the Titanic.

While what you're driving at is true, most of the victims were poor white people.

get out shill

That's right, I tought this guys were white

118 of 175 first class males died… that's a pretty large proportion.

I don't dispute that, but to say the ship was "full of" rich people isn't really true. Rich people were a small portion of the total number of people on the ship.

Nice slide, Moishe.

What? Also, what does your pic have to do with anything?

it is only relevant to the fact that the jews are behind all evil.

Checking these dub checking dubs

Yep, they were plotting to crash everything with the Federal Reserve.

Two out of the three guys are kikes. Astor is not Jewish.

What does Holla Forums think about the fact that a novel was written 14 years before the Titanic sank describing the same disaster for a fictional ship called "Titan"?

From wiki:

Is this an early example of meme magic, like baneposting leading to a real plane crash in Germany?

There cannot be evil in nature.
They are unnatural. Niggers, spics, etc., are all just base animals used against us as a sword by the kikes. You cannot call a predator evil because it kills its prey, and there is nothing evil about us getting rid of these sub-animals who only serve to collectively drag us down. Kikes themselves are unnatural, as nature cannot be evil. Because of this, they MUST be the source of all evil in this world. They should be killed.

LA Times article from 1986 reporting a diver expedition and their failure to find the iceberg gash:

Yeah, we had a thread a year and a half ago or so on this matter. It was pretty compelling, one user went through a bunch of the casualties and showed how they were vocally against the Fed. Wish I'd saved the thread as an archive now.

Possibly. It really depends on whether the book had a cult following or not.


The Federal Reserve was installed as part of the Federal Reserve Act in December of 1913, roughly one year and eight months after the Titanic tragedy.

In 1898, a man named Morgan Robertson penned a book titled Futility, or Wreck of the Titan about a luxury liner deemed unsinkable that was going too fast in the North Atlantic in April and hit an iceberg, killing almost everyone on board due to the lack of lifeboats. 14 years later, this fictional book played out in real life–down to the name–with the wreck of the Titanic. But this time it had major political implications.
Some of the wealthiest men in the world were on the Titanic and some were opposed to the Federal Reserve and central banks. J. P. Morgan funded and built the Titanic. J. P. Morgan was booked on the voyage but canceled at the last second. A friend of J. P. Morgan, Milton Hershey, also canceled at the last moment and survived to build the Hershey food empire. There were no red flares on board to signal to any boats for rescue, only white flares that signal a party and that everything is okay. It was the first ship of its kind with the ability to seal decks electromagnetically, which could also seal people below deck. The captain, Edward Smith, was one of the most decorated of his time and would have been totally out of character by avoiding precautions. The author of Futility, or Wreck of the Titan was poisoned to death a couple years after the Titanic sank. The Federal Reserve was formed the very next year.
The Astor family was one of the richest families in the world, and John Astor III opposed the Federal Reserve. John Jacob Astor IV–the richest man in the world at the time, a friend of Nikola Tesla, and an outspoken opponent of the creation of the Federal Reserve–died on the Titanic. Other prominent Federal Reserve detractors–such as Benjamin Guggenheim and Isa Strauss–also died on board.

Literally kike fungus.

It kinda makes sense too
They do like to tell a lot of stories of their schemes.
Just like the holocaust, everything catastrophe they're involved with becomes a movie made in Hollywood

How about you shut up

Come on user, reality is the best video game ever invented.
God is very obviously the best programmer to ever exist.
I mean, look at the jews, could you imagine a human game coder inventing a more disgusting and dangerous enemy?

I bet there were many who were instrumental at keeping it at bay until their untimely death aboard the Titatnic. Once those obstacles were drowned, nothing was in (((their))) way. A cross reference of listed lost at sea and influential or prominent members involved in anti-fed activity would be a start.

kikes specialize on aryans
they are literally designed by nature to prevent us from ruling this planet for the good of the other races
It all makes senses now

Been on Holla Forums for many years and I am just now learning about the boat jew?



I think you're grasping at straws here. The rich were very few in number, and two big Jews (Guggenheim and Straus) died, if they had survived it would be more questionable. Also
There was a Japanese man (honorary Aryan I know) on board. He survived. Probably a few other non-whites too.

Did you read the parts above about the major federal reserve opponents dying in the wreck?

And two out of three were Jews.

Jew fighting within their clan. Pro-reserve jews killing off the anti-reserve ones.

Hyperborean digits of truth confirm for absolute truth. Kikes sunk the Titanic.


Very similar to Larry Silverstein.


no the titanic was the titanic. the olympic was very clearly still there afterwards but it definitely was an insurance scam. intentionally sank the titanic to recoup the losses from uninsured damage to the olympic. the titanic was insured for more than the actual cost of the ship, maybe 1.5x

Leading it to be at belfast need elaborate repairs. Also on the hook for massive naval lawsuit over the ship it hit.
Within months it's identical sister ship leaves the same port and crashes it's first run with a massive dent already in the side.
Olympic which seemed within doubt of repairing now suddenly is undamaged and goes on to have years of service. Company money problems gone.

Yeah, totally checks out.

The Olympic was already sailing again once the titanic struck an iceberg. Pic is the Olympic getting repaired on the left with the Titanic on the right still getting built. I think the Titanic was just made with cheaper materials, claimed it was "unsinkable", and racked up the insurance on it