Tfw new to Holla Forums


Other urls found in this thread:

don't worry fam, just ask questions

try reading commiefesto, and what is property? by proudhon

Just being here and observing you'll be surprised how much you'll learn. I'm new to theory, etc, too. So you're not alone.

I think we've been getting a lot of new users lately, too.

Also, side question to others lurking: "e0001" - Did I get banned from a thread? If yes then WHY ;~;

that's Holla Forums's shitty software fucking up

It's the American Elections General thread, btw. Other threads are loading and working fine, so it made me think I'm banned from it.

Start with novels, like 1984 and farenheit 451

Ah, thanks user

Read basic text and help contribute solemnly. Do not let your ego escape your breath.

As we get more popular, we do not want to become another /po/, so have some humility and self-reflection

That's not what we mean when we say start with the Greeks user

Try these videos

If you're a lazy fuck like me, you can get the audio versions of these books, too. I believe the communist manifesto is available on YT.

Thanks fam

try listening to RD Wolff Economic Update and Global Capitalism series for marxist analysis of current events.

They don't.

When you put in a little effort and start educating yourself a little you'll realize just how completely illiterate and even more just how pretentious most of Holla Forums is. Because the fact of the matter is, most of Holla Forums just knows how to appear educated by using the proper buzzwords, trendy modes of arguing and having a jpeg folder with enough Zizek and Stirner memes.

I learned this the hard way and circlejerked here with them for a few months before realizing I was going nowhere and really did know very little. I then forced myself to start reading. You can skip the inner circle phase and start reading at your leisure right away, so I suggest you do it before looking back at how much time you've wasted.

This: and PDF related are great places to start for economics and philosophy respectively.

Oops, forgot to take off shitposting flag.

wew lad, that's for black belts

Start with this first

If that's too much for you, start with the Communist Manifesto.

These books should also help you in your quest.

Here are some other books you might find useful.

Don't feel like you need to read them all right away.

Thanks anons

If you want a total babby version you could read this

It's a short manga that'll introduce you to some concepts of Marx

A babby version of capital isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Watch youtube videos for beginners to leftism at first, they will explain the basic basics.

it just so happens I have one:

fuck off muke

Holy shit muke, the last thing we need is youtube-watching "leftists".
Fuck off already, didn't you learn your lesson?

You have nothing to add or educate on. You're just a little teenage prick in his "socialist" phase.

Fuck off, "libertarian Leninist"

Which languages can you read?

Don't read long books and texts,read short ones for for example Socialism: Utopian and Scientific or even the Manifesto.

Blue-collar worker here, was looking for a philosophy for proles book, cheers mate


If recommend you reading this, it's quite short and not very technical

I started lurking here in early 2015 and had a very loose understanding of radical leftism as well. The internet is endless and has many resources that you can use to learn economics, philosophy, and so on (sniff). You just have to find your own path on it.

It's licensed tho. Got any pdfs of it?

oh god that shameless plug in
Some of these might be helpful, just take those list with a grain of salt

Just do your best! =)
You'll learn by sticking around, partially.

Do you wanna get into philosophy and politics and economics? I can help give ya some introductory texts.

THE most important introductory leftist text in the world is undoubtedly "The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists" by Robert Tressell.

Lenin is easy to read, and he makes a lot of sense to someone who only knows what working for a living is like. It is no wonder that the Bolsheviks lined up behind him. Stirner is easy mode if you are curious about basic concepts of anarchism and materialism. There is a reason why he is such a good meme philosopher. Richard Wolf's videos are fine for an introduction, but he really skews towards the syndicalist camp which is fine. Zizek is very accessable for an idealist philosopher, but frankly you will not learn much from him apart from how society expresses the capitalist reality.

Oh, and do not take advice from tripfags like . They are utterly useless.


Can you link the actual video, not your channel?

OOOOoooops forgot to take off shitposting flag

Don't listen to anyone who uses a tripcode - they are all posturing, self-obsessed pricks who don't know nearly as much as they are pretending too

Regard anyone who uses flags with a distrustful eye too

Flags are a necessary evil of ideological warfare.

No… they're not

Like I said user, ignore flagposters

Especially Rebel

(This is Rebel)


Common starters are:

Critique of the Gotha Programme
State and Revolution
The Conquest of Bread

This is a okayish infograph, but don't buy into the Engels was Marx idea, they had fundamental differences in their interpretation of communism.

My most important suggestion is to not be a idiot and start calling yourself a ML/trot/stirnerite because you read one book or their wiki page. Admit your own lack of knowledge.

It's okay fam
You can read this manga (about Kapital). it's great for beginners and helps you to understand some issues.

Start with David Harvey.

Leftypol doesn't know shit, most of the people who post here are borderline idiots.

Stay away from this place and just read books.

If it sounds like Greek, read the Greeks!

Must reads for newfriends
The Ego and it's Own
The Manifesto
What is Property?

Why on earth would you read ego as a beginner?

Start with contemporary Marxists writers that don't employ a lot of jargon. Like this book by Eagleton, for example.

Forgot picture.

I appreciate this joke, dad.

Because it's easy to read and maybe it can prevent people misusing le smoking man with glasses meme?

Read in this Order


DAS KAPITAL!!!!!!!!!!!
There you go famalam, that helped me a lot when I started

Christ, talk about scaring people away.

Read some lighter stuff, man.

Oh fuck off,the prince is 60 pages and you don't even need to read the Discources,unless you want to learn more about his political philosophy/

Lurk Holla Forums, engage in the non-shitposting conversations. When people explain why you're wrong, listen to them. When people meme at you, ignore them. When someone mentions literature that seems of interest to you, read it. Don't ever take literature as gospel. The greatest theorist ever is still just a person; none of them know everything. Use your best judgment and figure out your own understanding.

To get started, go read the Communist Manifesto and the manga version of Capital. Also look at the Introducing series that summarizes the works of various people. It follows the Introducing [Subject] pattern: "Introducing Slavoj Zizek," "Introducing Foucalt" etc. These are short books that can help you decide which writers you want to explore further.

A corollary to this is that ever since school started, I always come back home fucking exhausted and unwilling to read anything other than some shit posts. I fucking hate commuting 3 hours a day.

Jesus Christ

Uh, watch some Zizek I guess. You can zone out and back in any time because he constantly goes all over the place.

I don't think I'm gonna survive my program next year if I can't find a place nearby.

Also, quit your job, stop having friends, and ignore your wife. You will need all that time.

Honestly? People here know very little about Marxism and the history of left politics. They throw around lots of buzzwords but don't do much reading/research that doesn't involve memes and social media.
You will not get educated here.

My recommended intro reading list:
Marx & Engles - Communist Manifesto
Engles - The Origin of Private Property, The Family, and the State
Lenin - The State and Revolution

I recommend Chomsky for more contemporary readings.

Also, if you find yourself learning about socialism by watching youtube videos of some kid lecturing a webcam, stop. The only things you will learn is some random kid's opinion.

Does richard wolff count as a little kid?

you should read wolff's "contending economic theory" its great intro reading

welcome lad, try the communist manifesto, lasalle and maybe zizek vids. they nail it on a superficial level, then you can delve into the sources on
everyone starts somewhere.

i have always thought of this frog as a Sartre pepe

What job? What friends? What wife?

I have it downloaded, and I'm thinking about reading it after finishing the capital come winter break. It's fuggen hard trying to find the time to read when I have school

Holla Forums should have some kind of starter pack in the sticky

There's this.


boi he said he wanted to learn about economics and politics, introducing him to your videos is the blind leading the blind

contrary to popular belief, asking questions and for reading material won't earn you ire. it will earn you answers. don't be afraid of asking.

I'm new af too. Tbh before I came here I was one of those hates-reading-and-proud-of-it types.

I've been reading a bit of basic lit so far (btw Kapital gets much easier after chapter 3, and kapitalism101 and David Harvey can help you up until then.)

don't worry too much. The important things is that you're trying. Most people here are pretty stupid I've found and just pretend to read shit (there are a couple of geniuses but like 90% are pseuds, A.W. for example ). Just find essential lit threads and newfag guides and things get better. I'm still a dumbass, but I'm probably less of a dumbass than most people now.

Also I found this phil starter shit ( on another thread and Imma get started as soon as I have time. (btw to anybody who has taken college philosophy courses would this be a waste of time? do they cover all this shit at the beginning and if so is it still worth reading ahead of time).

Jason Unruhe has some great books. Especially economics of fallout society. Don't worry if you don't understand Marxism at first. It's a science and like all sciences it takes time to learn. Some people on this sub don't even understand third-worldism yet.

Don't worry my friend.

There is nothing here of any substance to understand


It's a degenerate website, but I'll link you to a great reading list to start.

Well, go to shibe's profile, because he is more knowledgeable on this than I am and has been studying it longer. I can give you a masterlist of reading material, but at the end of the day, it is something you have to choose to learn. And by learn, I mean spend hours studying it.

I used to be a libertarian. Well, it's more like libertarian to moderate to social democrat throughout high school and my first year in uni. Then I read Einstein's "Why Socialism" and I realized that capitalism itself is the root problem, not corrupt politicians or mismanaged corporations.

Here, I'll link it for you.

And here is George Orwell's Homeage to Catalonia. Orwell was a libertarian socialist, or an anarchist, who fought for Revolutionary Catalonia as it was being invaded by fascist Spain and Nazi Germany. 1984 and Animal Farm were criticisms of state power, 1984 criticizing fascism, and Animal Farm criticizing Stalin's regime.

If you ever want to actually start learning what Marxism is, here's a master list on where to begin. I would recommend reading Democracy At Work, by Richard D. Wolff as well to get a basic sense of it before diving into all the heavy reading.

Masterlist courtesy of shibe: /hating/491267#491267

[Masterlist here: I'm still sorta new as well, I've really only been studying for a year and a half, but I've learned a LOT in that time. Academic Marxism sends you on a fuckin journey.

I won't go on a huge rant right now, mainly because I don't want to, but I can point you the way to learning by yourself.

So, you want to become a smart Marxist? Well, then I'll create a guide for you!

I'll create a rough guide of who to sorta know, and then I'll go in depth with the Marxists, and understand that this will be a lot of people and it will take a long time before you're well ready to study the contradictions of the modern capitalist system.

Basically, be familiar with: Parmenides, Heraclitus, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Locke, Rousseau, Leibniz, Hume, Kant, and Hegel. Also maybe understand some early Socialist thought and stuff leading to early Socialist thought like Thomas More, Saint Simon, Robert Owen, Godwin and Proudhon. Reading them in order is probably the best. I'm skipping a few people like Hobbes and some medieval philosophers, but I think you won't have a trouble understanding everyone if you follow those people in order. Hegel is definitely the titan on there, and it's best to understand his critique of Kant and his special love for Heraclitus. Kant is also pretty hard to understand, I'd mostly just try to understand his epistemological and ethical thought, however his political ideas sorta give you a good idea of what's being thought of in the enlightenment. Also, you may never understand Hegel and that's okay, I don't either. I'd at least try to understand why he's important to Marx.

And we come to Marx, because I want to go really in depth, I'm gonna create another post for Marx.


Finally, Marx.

1. The Communist Manifesto, all of it, is a decent starter. But beware, it's terrible for understanding the complex and thorough philosophical thought of Marx that was at least in his early years based a lot on Hegel.
2. Theses On Feuerbach, essential to understand why Marxism is the philosophy of praxis.
3. Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy, it's really by Engels but it helps expands on Marx's critique of Feuerbach and even sorta dabbles with the epistemological break that's sorta mentioned by Althusser.
4. Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, also by Engels. Gives you a decent understanding of Scientific Socialism and what Marx and Engels were trying to achieve.
5. A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, gives you a rough draft of what Marx were to do in his massive capitalism killer of Das Kapital.
6. Das Kapital Volume 1, specifically Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 29, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33. This is volume 1 of the totality of all of Marx's thought. I've only read Volume 1 and because of this I'm really behind on Marxist economics, as I'm more interested in the Sociology and Historical aspects of Marx. However, I don't wanna downplay this, so if you really wanna understand the economic side of Marx, be sure to also understand Adam Smith and especially Ricardo before you start debating people telling you Marx never understood value like fuck, the first 4 chapters of Capital talk specifically on value and it's dense as shit, it's not as simple as the Labour Theory of Value that ricardo pushes out.

After Marx, I'd maybe read a little bit more of Engel. He takes Marx and makes him much easier to read and understand, however he had more faults and definitely was philosophically weaker.

After Engels, read up on Lenin. Like basically just whatever by Lenin. While I may disagree with him on a lot of stuff, he is pretty important for Marxist thought in the 20th century, so it's good to have a decent understanding from it.

After that, make sure you're comfortable with those of the continental tradition in philosophy. People like Heidegger, Sartre, Butler, Foucault. Whatever the cool continental kiddies are reading these days, be sure to read it. It's hard and confusing and I don't entirely get it, but it helps because Marxism and Continental philosophers were definitely close because they both maybe liked Hegel a little bit too much.

Also read Gramsci, Debord and Althusser. Those guys changed my life more than Marx, and they also help if you don't understand Zizek because he basically just stole their ideas and then just mixed in some Lacan.]

Democracy At Work ( )

Learning socialist theory is not easy. There are no shortcuts. It requires hours of study, and just like liberal economics, socialist economics have a diverse cast of characters who criticize each others' ideas. For example, Rosa Luxemburg thinks Lenin fucked it up because he created a massive state.
The website I got all this from.

Don't be put off by new thinkers like Zizek and how hard it is to understand them. Zizek has a habit of making his work need a ton of background knowledge and "letting go of your ideology".

Just read Max Stirner and you're good to go

NationaI Socialism is easier.
Love your people, do everything you can that makes your people thrive.

Sure, you'll get bombed by kike golems in the end, but you will be loved more than anyone for a while, and your country will be extremely great during your rule.

GG Nazi-poster




I'm not illiterate.
Neither am I trying to smokescreen a simple principle to claim "oh, it wasn't implemented right ;^)".

Because that way, the Jews can just keep on duping whitey (of which you are most likely one) into fizzling away some more.

You're just jealous of true love and bonding.
Like some sort of tranny kvetching at an expecting mother because "having children is so last tuesday and getting fucked on the weekend while shitfaced is so much better."
Or something.
Filled with hate and a burning jealousy of something you will never have, and rather than bettering yourself you fight against sanity like that.

These women truly loved Hitler.

They are women, that's what everyone does to them.

Oh man, you have to start on the basics. Capital is an incredibly difficult book, and you dont really need it to understand how capitalism fucks you up.

Read this and you should have a very good ground on Dialectical Materialism and Marxism-Leninism. Take your time and interiorize what you learn before going to the next thing.

This nigga knows. Politzer is the fucking best to learn Dialectical Materialism.

Also, I agree 100% with what you said about Holla Forums being pretentious. I realized this when I started to militate seriously in the Communist Party of my country. The things you learn from militant practice cannot be taught, they cannot be learned through books. The perspective I have now on Commnunism doesnt even compare to what I used to think.

If you REALLY want to learn and get useful knowledge about communism, start militancy on a CP. They might have the wrong or the correct line, if you are clever enough, time and their actions will tell you that, but the best way to learn politics is by doing them.

Also, just in case this comes up:

Yeah, he made Germany into a powerhouse ironically and resented all the love from the German population, too.

I bet he found it awful to be truly revered and supported.
I'm sure anyone in here would feel the same way.

"Ew, they actually really love me. Ew. Ew. That's so disgusting, but let me act like I love them too, so they don't stop loving me and doing things. Sigh, I wish they would just serve me without loving me. But they revere me so. Oy vey."


He was playing the long con, I'm sure.

There are barely any books about the USSR ITT, but I shouldn't have expected a memelord like to know that

Dont fucking insult Machiavelli you ignorant prick.

I swear I will DDOS anybody who insults that man.

Machiavelli is a must-to ot anybody who wants to get into politics.

Oy vey, guess the spiel is up again over here.
Next time we will do it right, cause this time it was wrong again ;^)

No, no, goy. If you had read ALL the books then you knew that things went wrong againt this time.

It's not safe here anymore, bye bubbele!
Keep on reading!

Bubbele died in umpteenth commie purge in a western country

Because there is a shitton of ideas how those means of labor can be owned, how one can achieve such system and then what kind of political apparatus should be used. I know it would be nice to have somebody to boss you around and tell you what's right and wrong, but it doesn't work here :^)
stay classy

Right, I forgot about that fact.
I mean, Karl Marx, for example, is not a jewish name.
And it would be preposterous of me to claim that he might still be jewish, despite the name.

Never said that. But hardly any notable left-wingers from eg. France, Britain or Spain were Jewish, because the number of Jews in those countries was quite small in comparison with Central Europe, pic related.
You're talking about that guy raised as Lutheran who later became atheist? That guy, whose "On the Jewish Question" is often called an anti-semitic work?

Okay in his defense, Marx's parents actually were Orthodox Jewish, and his father was a Rabbi (before converting to Lutheranism so he could leave Prussia and avoid military service.)



Love is a spook designed to justify political marriages in fuedal times and making sure the peasents blobbed out enough babies to keep the kingdom afloat so they can harvest grain.
You have to realise that your emotions are leftovers from evolution (e.g: fear and aggression are just the flight or fight instinct) and to be enenlightened rising above them to pursue higher causes such as god and your fellow workers. Fill your physical desires with one-night stands if you must but never let "love" distract you from what is really important

A good place to start is the Manifesto itself. Some of the specific topics are a bit outdated, but the message is still clear and present, as well as being short and easy to understand.

Essentials for everyone would probably be Ego and Its Own, State and Revolution, Conquest of Bread, something by Richard Wolff(Democracy at Work is a good place to start) and some book summarizing Marx and his ideas(Marx: A very short introduction does this well, but there are plenty of longer, more in-depth options or entire books made up entirely of selections considered to be the most important aspects of his works).

After reading these, you should have a good enough idea about what you want to read about more. If you enjoyed Conquest of Bread, try to read some Proudhon or Bakunin. If you liked State and Revolution, read more Lenin, as well as Luxembourg, Trotsky, maybe Stalin and Mao as well. Liked Wolff's ideas and proposed solutions? Look into Market Socialism and Vanek's studies on the Economics of Cooperation. Stirner? Read Nietzsche.

After you feel like you've gained enough of a basis in this, as well as a general understanding of many concepts of socialist thought, go back and try Capital, but never start your understanding of socialism with Marx. Thats like reading Adam Smith's wealth of nations without any prior knowledge of Economics.

*downloads pdf*
I'm just reading the passage that starts with
and ends with
and I'm like, whoa, 1930s France had leftypol tripcancer.

I started with Capital volume one and I'm fine.

No, it's not.

The progressive/marxist/modern/liberal version of it is, though.

Just like a jew changing his name to a western one, "enabling", "orgasm", "pleasure" and co have taken on the guise of "love".

Same with beauty and strength.

Nowadays being a chimera/simulacrum of the other gender, being a hormone swiller, being a gang banging homosexual is beauty, strength, love, etc.

Love is for procreation, stability, not pleasure.
But the things you listed, especially the second on sounds pleasure based.

Trust issues and depression is normal under todays worldwide human and social experimentation, too.
Who propagates any of that? Not so much the right, by the way.

I have said in other threads already, that negative eugenics are being applied to anyone who is buying into any of this.
Especially gay pride.

The jews chant "every baby is a needle in hitlers eyes" (paraphrasing, but still).
But the useful idiot goyim get tasked to propagate a myriad of "progressive improvements" that make any of that more difficult.
From gender spectra to shunning the opposite sex, to thiings like homosexuality worship instead of curing it (since it's a form of infertility that makes one scratch ones head at the biological counterpart of ones self).

That's a reason why the right and conservatism will never die out, either.
No matter the propaganda.
Enough of them keep on breeding, etc, they still know basic biology, etc.

They don't see the point in exorcising it from themselves, forgetting everything important about it in the process.

( Aka, if you don't pop out some brats, your bloodline is done for, and many other things that depend on continuation of the species)

You are affected by the very same poison the left in the west peddles so hard.

Races are naturally suspicious of one another, this lowers trus.
Cultures are still different, mixing them clashes. This nurtures strife, and lowers trust.

Immigration skims off higher status people from developing countries, transfers them to already developed countries, while the developing countries then birth way more than have been migrating.

This increases the divide between developing and developed.

If the immigrants are not of higher status then it merely drains the new host country while the native country, again, pops out babies again, filling the gap and overflowing it.

Nothing is fixed with immigration, at the very best it's a temporary bandaid for a few people, but it will not solve important world problems.

Et cetera.

Unless you are a jew, any leftist stuff will harm you and your people.
Only jews benefit from it. Nobody else.
Everybody has a homeland, the nigs, the spics, the gooks, et cetera.

Only jews (and other dreck, like gypsies) need open borders and inclusive mindsets.
Everybody else has a homeland that could be so much better if the elevated people didn't always get skimmed off elsewhere.

I mean, have you taken a look at Africa sometimes? What a fucking beautiful country that is. Imagine not just the dumbest nignogs living there, but full of Degrasses and co.

And all the niggers who constantly get hated on in whitey land would be among their own kind, where they don't stick out like sort thumbs, etc.

Hitler transformed Germany into a powerhouse in 5 years thanks to his ideology.
Not many like him, but a billion failed communists.
Their shit gets tried again and again, but never Hitler.
Even though you can only fault Hitler losing the war, the people though, they thrived.

Why don't you guys try that one again? Instead of another instance of "Read a billion books, maybe then it won't be a murderfest among ourselves."?

I don't get it.


Your spooks are a spook.

Hitlers system was nothing new. He privatized industry and used the banks to finance industry of war. Germany was already industrialized, it was just a matter of taking that industry back. Comparing the task of Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany(who lost to the Soviets by the way) are not even comparable.

I'm glad you realized it.

Follow ur beloved leader and kill yourself

Yeah, Hitler was at the helm of Barbarossa.
Also, the system worked. It worked better than anything else in the past hundreds of years.

Unlike some other things.
But, again, keep on poisoning yourselves based on "spooks".

Lol, sperm and ovaries are spooks, I'm too progressive for that.

Actually, I do think that the left is pretty smart, or at least has high IQ (well, no wonder, it's whitey that is being instrumentalized the most by our greatest allies, the jews, who are such an important part of the west that thinking not to humor some desert tribe goes against human nature.)

But a high IQ also brings neurosis and other things with it.
You have people who are too smart to procreate.
They realize that there is some fluidity in genders and whatnot, but take the wrong approach.
The pragmatic intellectual would see anything that goes against basic principles like "fertility" and would try to remedy it.
But since nurturing it weakens your people, foreigners will do well to advocate it for you.

Because, in their mind, they will become stronger in comparison.

The sad truth, however, is, that Hitler is always right.
Jews are dumb, he knew this, maybe not dumb-dumb, but they have a kind of stupidity about them.

Or should I say, lack of sense of civilization, they never had one, built one, maintained one, after all.
Their evolution was of parasitism and observation.
That's why there will be no utopia for them.
They don't know jack diddly squat about anything, and that's why *their* peddled goods, bought by the goyim, will always fail in their setting of civilization.

But no matter how hard you try, how often you try and repeat this shit, the right alignment, since it is based on reality, will always come back.

The left is the most spooked position you can have.
It goes beyond anything real and paints these realities as unreality. Even though it all emergest naturally.

The battle against communism, marxism, etc, is a natural thing, and will be a natural thing as long as there are sane people around.
Being tribal and nationalistic has worked through the ages.
Yes, there was migration and mixing, but I'm pretty sure our current era is the only one that has so much anti biological and natural shit as nothing before.

If the ancient buttfucking greeks saw what we have, they would run away in disgust.

But, again, if you are not a jew, or foreigner with ties to your non western homeland:
Stop. You will serve only them, not yourself.

You won't believe me, I'm sure. You will rationalize with your IQ, you will cling to this retarded ideology because you think it's good, while it's not.
You shun something that worked based on how everyone else reacted to it, and not the people who were doing it, themselves.

It was extremely good for Germany, and standing up against everyone else is true sovereignity.
I'm not denying that there is a thing like foreign politics, but is it really peace and "life" if you only ever do what the rest of the world tells you to do?

Of course not, that's why you fight for communism and stuff.

So you have two pariah things, but you always choose the thing that has harmed its people more than helped them.
The thing that curiously often had a lot of jewish influence.

I don't think he actually killed himself, maybe he did, I wouldn't blame him for that, the bad guys won, after all.
And they had little taste for civility.

But, yes, following Hitler would be something we all should do again.

Unless you enjoy the "current year" so much, of course.

Top kek cuck

You know Hitler didn't actually save anything pre-WWII, right? That is literal Holla Forums propaganda. All he did was create a bubble based around financing the rearmament through credit, which led to Germany near default in 1939, with a 50% yearly deficit and its gold reserves exhausted. The debt Hitler created from rebuilding the Wehrmacht was insanely high, and one of the reasons he occupied Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland and seized their reserves. The amount of money Germany still owes today because of Hitler's games is absurd.

don't take the banter serious
most people here know jack shit
it's completely pretentious faggotry for the most part

if you're new and things are hard to grasp
no worry
we all have been there (at least those of us who actually read shit, not second hand summaries and hearsay opinions)

i envy you
there's this sweet moment of enlightenment
when you start to see the patterns and you get all giddy about it
when you start thinking dialectically and more and more things naturally fall into place
it'll be glorious and it's only a matter of time

no hurry, chillax and read at your own pace

stay determined