ORIGINAL SOURCE - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4215490
MIRRORED - archive.is/137Of

A hypothesis testing case-control study was undertaken to evaluate the relationship between exposure to Thimerosal-containing hepatitis B vaccines administered at specific intervals in the first 6 months among cases diagnosed with specific delays in development and controls born between 1991-2000, utilizing data in the Vaccine Safety Datalink database.

Cases were significantly more likely than controls to have received increased organic-mercury from Thimerosal-containing hepatitis B vaccine administered in the first, second, and sixth month of life.


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Bump for interest

Inb4 shills trying to consensus crack that "Holla Forums isnt antivax only hippy liberals are"


Reminder: You only catch hep b from sharing needles, fucking drug users, or fucking someone who has fucked drug users. There is absolutely no reason to give that shit to an infant.

If you live in a major city then used needles are something you encounter daily, but the solution isn't a vaccine. It's gas.


Could you be more specific?

Zyklon B



something tells me liberals still wont give a shit.

ITT: Hey Holla Forums take up a bunch of fringe beliefs and swallow every possible conspiracy theory there is. Please make yourselves as unappealing and anti scientific advancement as possible. Did you hear about the gay frogs? Lets talk about chem trails! It would make our jobs so much easier if you'd just buy all the bullshit Jonestein spews out.

Fuck off, we know your game.

What are you sliding Mordecai?

Bad vaccine batches happen, but drug companies cover it up.
No difference from back when car manufacturers covered up fatal defects.

Most childhood vaccinations don't have thimerosal in them anymore anyways. It was taken out in 2007.

I know because I was looking into making a replacement vaccine preservative that wouldn't contain mercury, but when I found they didn't use it anymore, I gave up.

This. Thimerosal has been almost entirely phased out.

Take your own advice.

But I don't have autism… or do I?!

The paper is from 2014, which is fairly recent. By all means if they've removed thimerosal from vaccines then it's a good thing. But it makes me wonder what they replaced it with, and what other vaccine components may have dangerous substances such as mercury.

Judging by what anime you watch, yes.

oh gee, injecting mercury into infants fucks them up, who would've thought? not shitlibs, they don't think at all

The paper is recent, yes, but if you look at it it's using cases from 1991 to 2000 and it even explicitly calls out Thimerosal as the probably agent.

You don't belong here

No shit, that doesn't mean we abandon one of the main contributing factors to our elevated life expectancy. Pharmaceutical companies are shady as hell. But you plan for the likely option, not the outlying possibility.

So what's the agenda here then user hm? What do they gain by deliberately giving a bunch of kids autism?

Patently fucking false. These vaccinations are going out to every conceivable demographic in the Western world. If anything this would be an attack on the working and middle classes assuming it's even deliberate. The more likely outcome is occasionally big companies fuck up and cover it up, surprise, surprise. How is this shit relevant to Holla Forums?


Whites are the Protoss. The Elves. Few in number, but exceptional ability. An autistic black baby is a far smaller blow to the black world than an autistic white baby is to the white one. This is a form of attrition.

Vaccinations work, but they won't be safe until every kike is dead.

>no autism here! just happy bubbly dead children!
>also try to forget we are the ones who are bringing in the migrants goy

Okay. Then why not just tell your children not to fuck AIDS patients? Mumps, Measles, etc, were all common illnesses back in the day which rarely ever saw a complication, and it's only now becoming an issue because of the shitskin invasion.

Priorities user.

Mumps causes your balls to shrivel up in around 50% of cases. Sterility often follows.


inb4 thread deleted or pruned

An obvious problem with this study is that it doesn't compare Hg containing vaccinations with Hg free vaccinations, it compares Hg containing vaccinations with Hg free OR NO VACCINATION.
This means that the differences could be due to characteristics associated with mothers who decide to vaccinate.
Lo and behold:
So this study could just as well be showing us that niggers are more likely to have developmental delays.

>inflammation of the testicles (orchitis) in males who have reached puberty; rarely does this lead to fertility problems
Maybe I missed something?

You think that only adults can catch it?

This study needs to have a racial breakdown of the "developmentally delayed" kids to show that the "delay" isn't simply Black IQ at work.
But it doesn't so nothing much to see here.

the true problem is the removal of all liability from the manufacturer of vaccines.


I think that, according to the CDC, only adults see inflammation of the testicles and of those reproduction problems rarely occur because of it.

I'm not saying the conclusion is false, but the evidence for association is also not that strong.
(For example one situation this study would miss would be if the parents who give their children this vaccine are more likely to visit the doctor/psychiatrist and get mental illness diagnoses.)

This is another covariates effect that would be missed.

wear shoes faggit

how about we dont let them in


You people are so stupid. Bill Nye literally said hundreds of times that Autism is caused by National Socialism.

TRS did a show debunking all of this last year.


Get your vaccines, then donate your autismbux to Mike Peinovich.



That is actually a fairly good point.

We were talking about young children you fucking retard


I was only vaccinated for maybe 6 things when I was younger, otherwise, I probably avoided a few dozen inoculations and I'm still kicking.


This. Medical science has advanced significantly in many fields since 2014, let alone since 1991-2001. When I read OP I had to double take. I was like "well no shit fucking mercury can cause developmental delays you dumb shit, it's mercury." Thus why it isn't used anymore. Shit there's probably plenty of anons who work in companies handle drug study documents containing the agents formulation/recipe. If something sketch like OP cropped up in a recent clinical study, it'd be posted by now. Personally haven't seen any in my studies (luckily).

t. drug study faggot

are there more of these?
polite sage for off-topic

For the vast majority of things keeping your immune system boosted is all you need. And hell most diseases simply disappear with adequate sanitation and hygiene. AND fuck look what disease prevention has rewarded us.. A fucking huge percentage of the population are untermensch who would have been naturally culled just 100 years ago.

ok fam

as opposed to studies funded by (((the pharmaceutical industry)))?


I get where you're coming from but some diseases do not give a flying fuck how strong your immune system naturally is. A bunch of anti-vax parents refused to vaccinate their kids a while back on the west coast. Know what happened? A fucking measles outbreak happened that's what.
If you wanna pin the pharma jew for SSRI's and the like, be my guest. But don't go labeling an invention refined by the great white scientist Edward Jenner as kike trickery because of the vaccine-autism meme.

The majority of clinical studies aren't funded by the pharma jew. They're funded by the NIH through grants.

Because it's pretty much a given the migrants are going to be allowed in, right Schlomo?

Ask me how I know you're a goddamned filthy kike.

you wouldn't catch immigrant diseases if you didn't import immigrants, Chaim. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

And too, thimerosal was deemed "safe to use." What else is "safe to use" but is actually dangerous?

And who brought the measles over, my man? It didn't pack its bags and catch the red eye into LA. It was in Paco and Consuela and Juan and Lupe who crossed over from a filthy shit hole into a clean nation. Should those spics never have crossed over, there would have been no measles outbreak. I'm sure we're all quite aware that disease and illness care not for race, but you have to also be aware that nothing happens in a vacuum. If you have a room full of healthy people, they're not all going to come down with AIDS or tuberculosis because they aren't vaccinated.

If you're here user you have autism it's almost mandatory in order to lurk and learn how to fit in here our autism is what keeps the normies out.

Well it depends. While people can be healthy, they still have a lot of their own natural fauna. We generate/breed the stuff naturally because it's a part of our life systems and are good for us. But if you take a group of healthy people and stuff them in an enclosed space (with or without vaccine), disease will develop. That's how we get mutated virus outbreaks. Also, I'd have to research it more, but I'm pretty sure the group of anti-vax parents and the school their kids were in was all upper class whites.

Granted, I will 100% agree with you on shitskins being disease ridden, considering their "healthcare" is laughable bull shit.

Wew, lad, how much time ya got? GMO's, aspartame, every other artificial sugar, high fructose corn syrup, pharmaceuticals…

I can see where you're coming from with this, and it has merit. However I keep thinking back to that graph that showed the prominence of diseases like tuberculosis, typhoid, and the like and how, as time went on, as living standards were raised, cases dropped exponentially before vaccines began to really circulate. Clean living and clean people are typically safe from disease.

It's a bit of a conundrum though, because in the ideal society, vaccines would be safe, so this conversation would be pointless. However, since we aren't in that ideal society and vaccines can be said to be a detriment to one's health, I suggest simple hygiene and health standards. If you get sick, there are steps and procedures to take to remedy this. I truly don't think it's that big of a deal. Granted, I've never been sick but a handful of times in my entire life.

Oh I know about all of that. I just mean that if it happened once, what stops it from happening again?

I just finished getting my hep a and b vaccines. Made me feel like shit for a while after, but one of my positions at work puts me at risk of exposure. If there is a good reason for it, then it can be an acceptable risk. However I am also over 30 and can make that assesment. Kids though? Its probably not worth it that early in life.

You're assuming they don't want it to happen.

The kikes think there's too many people. As long as they think this, please understand that everything about this society is set up to soft kill you.


Take a chill pill, install Ublock, restart your browser and come back.

no one is falling for your false flagging yourself, imkikfey

I'm not saying I buy anything, but if Jonestein was right about the fucking gay frogs, then God only knows the end of the (((madness))). If the government can produce fag frogs, is messing around with chemicals on its own citizens really that farfetched? Anyone have a quick rundown on the whole "vaccines over a period of time" path Carson and Trump briefly mentioned?

Shekelbergsteinowitz and company, please.

Just kill yourselves.

no way

got a few


Did you know.

Mississippi has the highest vaccination rate of more than 90%…

They also have the most children dead before two.
And the most children with diabetes


I'm not saying the OP is false but it's also got the highest population % of

but bill nye said they were safe…

what's the song?

The concept of vaccines are interesting if you realize some of the implications of its use. A possible progression is:
1. Vaccines become available
2. Vaccines are heavily pushed by everyone, under the clause that it prevents illnesses.
3. Vaccines for fetuses are developed (assuming it's possible) and are heavily pushed under the same clause
4. Gene therapy is developed. Again, it's promoted under the clause that if you don't have your baby pre-emptively immunized against all possible complications then you're a monster.
5. With gene therapy now accepted as a form of removing complications, the line between complication and straight up body improvement is blurred (Removal of relatively minor visual impairments. Therapy promoting "healthy" muscle growth genes.)
6. ???
7. Designer babies become a requirement for everyone. If you do not engage in gene therapy then your child is at an disadvantage against those who do and cannot compete.

I'm not saying this is going to happen, but the jump between "Vaccinate your baby against diseases" and "Gene Engineer your baby against diseases" isn't a huge one in my opinion.

Supposing the technology to do this evolves as quickly as Cas-9 and other related developments suggests, doesn't this mean we'll see orientals engineering their babies into being genetically aryan? What does this mean for us?

Go eat granola, faggot yes that's sarcasm

So why don't the gold miners/refiners exposed to mercury chronically develop autism or have kids with it?

Dihydrogen monoxide.

I got a seizure like 20 minutes after a tetanus shot. It felt like a brain reboot. Thank god my mom was driving or i woulda died

FBI here…. kill all doctors, big pharma lobbyists, judges and teachers

That's some ancient memeing user.


You fell for the media pro government pharmaceutical bullshit. The kids that caught measles had been vaccinated as well. The more vaccines you give at once the less they work because in some people their b cells shut down when they become overloaded. This results in the reactivation of latent viruses that cause viral encephalitis. This inflammation of the brain can lead to damage to the parietal lobe and meninges which causes autism.

Most of the faggots at the nih are Jews who went to Yale.

The gay frogs thing is real, not in that specific capacity, but their hormones did get pretty fucked up. It wouldn't surprise me if injecting developing children with certain diseases has negative effects


Because mercury is a red herring. Just like gmos are, glyphosate and agent orange sprayed on food is a much bigger problem.

Probably hhv8 reactivating.

Not every vaccine contains Thimerosal.

You both wouldn't know if you were stupid, because that's how stupid works. An IQ can only look below, not upwards.

that's a solid



Is this the study that was supposedly "debunked" for claiming vaccines cause autism?


We already knew this way back in 04 and there was sporadic outcry during the 80's-90s. The farma industry has been pushing hard to prevent this from being studied let alone become mainstream; people will stop vaccinations et all.

For the people who still don't get it;

Thimerosal contains mercury, they call it a organic compound, which is true in the sense that it comes from our earth, but there is nothing organic about it as it in the sense that it does NOT belong in the human body. The science industry DENIED that intravenous injection would have any impact on the human body, especially relating to the brain. They always maintained the injection site would be localized and the immune system would learn from the injection virus strains to fight off future infections.

Mercury is one of the most poisonous metals that cause neurological damage and it is true that when the immune system begins to attack the injection site, white bloodcells remove the metals and spread it throughout the body. The liver receives the highest dose, but even in the cleaned bloodcells trace amounts remain and get spread again throughout the body.

People become neurologically damaged, a result of this damage can be Autism! Over time, the effect may lessen due to the disbursement of the metals/chemicals but the incurred neurological damage is permanent.

Since a mercury based vaccine causes neurological damage of which Autism is prevalent, then all other mercury based vaccines have the same neurological damaging effect if not worse! All most all vaccines use mercury as a inhibitor!

Injecting your kid is a Kike lead propaganda to damage our children, the only real single vaccine i would defend is a single strain polio vaccine, but even that has some severe side effects.

1 in 6 children now get autism, 1/4 have some form of neurological brain damage. How is this even remotely reasonable compared to a few thousand child deaths who would die from complications due to a weak immune system or genetic dead ends? The weak die, while the strong live; this is basic nature. The same people who deny death as beeing a part of life are the same hedonistic idiots who live for the self who defend all vaccinations and use their little buzzword 'herd immunity' to do this to our children. People who defend vaccines need a head shot!

The governments have given these vaccine companies complete immunity and can not be held responsible for vaccination injuries. Solution? Kill the drug company owners. Vaccines are not tested whatsoever, the FDA calls this fast tracking, you or your child is the test subject!

Mainstream science BTFO yet again!

Fucking moron. Vertical transmission of hep b (mother to child, at birth) is the most common cause of chronic hep b. The transmission rate is in the 70-100% range. Due to the immaturity of the newborn immune system, hep b infection at birth is far more likely to become chronic hep b than an infection contracted as an adult. Immediate vaccination of the neonate (plus immunoglobulin if the mother is acutely infected) is the best prophylaxis if the mother isn't immune. It's less common here, but very common in Asian countries.


K. I rarely post, and generally lurk, but I gotta point something out.

Let's say take all the assumptions of it being pushed to damage whites and not question any of that.

Why should we stop this?

Weaponized Autism isn't just a meme. It's our greatest source of power. Whatever created it, whether intentional or accidental, has given us our greatest source of power. We'd be fools to throw that away.

Weaponized Autism Is Our Strength


no you retard, memes are our strength, weaponized autism is a meme, not a fact.

Remember anonymous? CabinCrew? Lulzsec? Antisec? et cetera. This shit is now fully co opted by the snowflakes in the left as well as the US military. Plenty of us are power users, allot of us are technologically inclined. There is no 'rampant' autism here, that's a meme to diffuse this hive capability as harmless to the normie cancer. The fact you want to use this meme to discard actual scientific data that they had to make triple sure had no lose ends while facing a multi billion industry who will attack them with a vengeance with multiple paid studies to discredit them. Come the fuck on!

We are a hive of people who work towards a common goal per project. I don't agree with things and i don't put any effort into it, if i do i might just start coding, doxing or something else. That is the power of chan culture. You also don't belong here but seem to be from SA or Reddit.

Obviously we're high-functioning and poor socialization is the meat of the "autism" around here but if we were neurotypical then we probably wouldn't be here.

Certain pesticides mimic hormones and fuck frogs up bad, and there's patents for airplane-based aerosol spraying, along with numerous (((geoengineering))) conferences discussing the idea.
You don't belong here.

This is why I dont bother getting "flu shots" … ever. I think I got ONE when I was a kid, after that I told my parents I'd just suffer through the experience if I got it, and if it got rough I'd take cold meds and such to dampen the symptoms until my body got through it on its own. I got it a few times, but each time it was less and less serious.

I haven't had the flu in 10 years despite someone around me getting it every year, I turn 32 in a few months.

Same goes with sinus infections. I used to get at least 2-3 annually, in about 2012 I had 5-6 of them back to back, I'd suffer, get better, immediately get sick again. Know what I took for it? Through all but one of them I took nothing. One of them I had some major things coming up I needed to be in good shape to deal with, so I took some generic antibiotics my father had left over from the last time he'd gotten sick.

Thats it. I've only had one real sinus infection since then, and that was last year when it ended up in my lower left sinus cavity and was truly the most painful experience of my life, it put so much pressure on the nerves going to my mouth that it honestly felt like someone was trying to push my teeth out from the inside using an ice pick. First time I've cried from pain in over 20 years.

Anyway my point is this. Your body is pretty damn good at fighting off infectious agents on its own if you arent constantly giving it crutches and letting it rely on them rather than simply getting stronger/faster on its own.

But that does not have to be any spectrum on the autism scale. Introversion is common occurring characteristic of a human. Social skills don't develop when you were raised on a computer. I don't deny we have autistic or aspergers roaming around here, we also have other people with mental problems around here. But to depict chans as 'weaponized autism' is a terrible meme to somehow make autism a slightly positive thing to have.

Meeting someone with actual full blown autism you can tell they are functioning on a kids level and really aren't all there.

I find this to be bullshit personally. Its just like "ADD" was 15 years ago or so. A condition that exists, but its constantly pushed out as the "answer" to everything because its easy, and people see patterns even where they dont exist. little johnny doesnt want to sit still in class and wants to go play? ADHD! Little timmy doesnt like talking all the time and gets frustrated and hostile when forced to and THEN told hes constantly wrong? AUTISM!

That, and our over feminized education system which does not function well for young men, it leaves them bored and antsy most of the time, and they rebel against it and against socializing the way women WANT us to, because its not in our nature. This happens, and then they get labeled, all because boys dont do well in this cunt-centric society/schools

But thats modern psychology and the pharma-industry along with feminism at work. Feminism seeks male-ness as wrong, so it looks for an "answer" as to why boys dont act like girls, psychology researches autism and other things and expands the definitions to laughable extremes to try to explain it for them and say that clearly there is something wrong with the boys, while big pharm is happy to go along with it and pushes pills and propaganda out to increase its sales.

So its all bullshit. Yeah, autism exists, yeah adhd exists, but BOTH are so over diagnosed that its insane. I'd say as a generous amount probably 1 in 50 kids that are labeled autistic or with adhd are ACTUALLY those things.

Its also that so many inept people are working in the medical and psych fields now. They think they can identify problems based on a few simple things, because it works with things like DID or schizophrenia or ASPD or other things. But those are all MAJOR things with major symptoms, so you see one of them you immediately know something is wrong. Meanwhile, for autism as an example, theyve pushed to the point where shit like "likes things to be in fucking order, doesnt like talking constantly and finds most other people to be annoying" is seen as a god damn warning sign of some kind. No you fucks, its called organizational skills and hating the utter trash that is 99% of humanity.

Anyway this went on for a bit, I just wanted to point out that its bullshit cunt propaganda that 1 in 6 kids actually has autism. No, its just like ADHD was (and still is really), an easy answer shoveled out on everyone to explain why they dont "fit in" to this cunt-centric vaginocracy that sees male-ness as "bad/wrong/broken" and thus tries to label anyone who doesnt fall in line as "broken/damaged" and autism/adhd are just easy answers they've expanded to be insanely easy to shove kids into these days.

Fuck feminism, fuck pharma, fuck quacks. They all need to burn.

This, I like to joke about having an autistic interest in politics or whatever, but I'm by no means some fucking sperg savant who can never amount to anything.

"poor socialization" is no indication of any problem when the society we're supposed to integrate into is a demonic concoction of idol worship and money magick created by jew parasites to enslave our souls and harvest the loosh we were deceived into sacrificing for their sick pleasures. Most anons are schizoid, few are actually autistic, but schizoids do tend to think autistically (but psychodynamically differ entirely from autism spectrum disorders).

Yes, you are right that the feminization of the education system has made it much more problematic for boys. Female teachers, especially with a feminist background make it a hell to go through school. Project based work where everyone is a winner vs the boys way that is individual competitive education where only 1 is recognized as a winner and they compete to achieve is a complete different system. If men are to work together, there has to be a drive behind such things such as the Army, but still men excel in individualistic competitive settings.

Psychiatrists certainly have a take in labeling children adhd or some other of disorder just to push their little pills on children so they can earn a commission from the pharmaceutical company.

These are all valid points you had, the issue is that even with the factors it doesn't explain the abhorrent rampage of neurological disease in our children. The excuse that we now have better diagnosing skills or overdiagnosing skills is defunct. We've been watching and writing down the population ailments since the 1300s in western europe and even before that in lesser degrees. Nowhere in history have we seen these levels of dysfunction and unhealth.

Pharmacist here. I'm not an expert on the link between vaccines and the 'tism, and I haven't had a chance to look at the study yet. Having said that, case control studies are very weak on the scale of quality of evidence. Correlation vs causation and all that. I'll look into this more later when I have free time.

Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about is how the CDC's immunization schedule guidelines are bullshit. They're written for the lowest common denominator, meaning niggers who have absolutely no agency, and so doctors need to give them all their vaccines ASAP because they know the niglet won't come back if given the option of putting them off. But because it'd be "racist" to point this out, they instead encourage everyone to get loaded up with vaccines ASAP. I don't know if it's truly bad for children, but there's actually very little risk in just delaying and spacing them out. Just be insistent with the pediatrician.

Don't even get me started on the insistence that kids be vaccinated for HPV and HBV when they're fucking children, despite these being infections transmitted through shared needles or sex.

no, its a meme and a fact. Memes are reality, and weaponized autism is also a reality, the autism isn't a joke, its on the right spectrum is all.

Abhorrent rampage caused by rebranding autism to instead of being an extremely specific disorder to be a brand, dilluted meaning that means your gifted kid needs to take his medicine instead of parents instead teaching him to focus and learn how to control their intelligence so they don't get held hostage by it.

Because vaccines can totally alter brain structure at a fundamental level, what's next vaccines turn white babies into niggers

That's what the jews do. Constantly muddy the waters.

It should be common knowledge that the healthcare industry is kiked out. But for those that aren't sure about this, just go look up guidelines on any disease state by any of the major health organizations, whterh it's the American Heart Association, American Psychiatric Association, etc. Go look at any of their disease state guidelines and take a gander at the list of authors. There will be more yid names than a jewish cemetary. It's fucking ridiculous.

And it's especially bad in psychiatry, because it's so subjective and arbitrary and has the ability to affect politics. Oh, your son doesn't want to sit down for 8 hours in school when he's 5 years old? Oh, he actually has ADHD, make sure he takes these Good Goy pills. Oh, your son is a little shy? He actually has the autism! Make sure you put him in """special needs""" classes to make sure he's fucked up for good. And god forbid if he feels sad at all at any point in his life, or we'll permanently give him his SSRI bluepills!

Psychiatrists are the fucking worst. I can't tell you how many times I just get some lazy kike shrink that wants to start some young teen on like 3-4 new psych drugs at once when they probably don't need any of them. It's fucking ridiculous.

To be completely honest, the problem with the antidepressant drugs are not its overuse for everyday problems; if these drugs are used for what they SHOULD be used, as in, you use for a less-than-a-year period for treatment of extreme anxiety, then you quit it to not become hooked to it.

But the (((drug companies))) need the good goy shekels, so they make four-five year treatments, at which you're completely hooked by year 2, making anything you do without Xanax a fucking drag.

t. anxiety-treated user for how it was supposed to be; six months and out of the anti-depressants that actually numb every nerve of your body and either make you a fucking robot that numbs pleasure or a snail that can't get anything done

I meant the "biggest problem are not its overuse if they are used how the should", AKA, you don't get addicted and can be set free with zero effort.

Very true. But it's not just the drug companies doing it. It's the doctors. The doctors who are too fucking lazy to actually bother assessing their patients properly, and instead just throw drugs at the problem without a second thought. And when any problems arise, they just throw more drugs to counteract the problems of the first set of drugs, and so on.

Ultimately, blame lies with the doctor. The drug companies can shill all they want, but it's the doctor who's choosing to treat people incorrectly by just taking the easy way out.

It's the Final Countdown Solution.

More like gas the poster

I can attest to this being the case. I actually majored in psychology, at some point I'll be going back for my grad degree in counseling. Right now I'm working at a rehab group home for teenagers

Our therapists are the laziest, most selfish, entitled, spoiled, indifferent, most useless pieces of trash I've EVER had the displeasure of dealing with. They do not actually give a damn about any of these kids, they put them off and put them off, they have as little interaction with them as they can manage to get away with, they know nothing about their actual personalities or behaviors despite them living in a fucking group home where they can be monitored literally 24 hours a day. They reward ones who very clearly should not be rewarded, and punish ones very harshly for minor things when their overall level of improvement is going well.

"We" (and I say that loosely, as over the last 2 years my ability to do my job has been removed slowly but steadily until I'm now just a glorified babysitter, as the management has staffed the place with inept dullards and women who cant relate to the male clients on their own level and thus cannot even talk to them most of the time, and back when we had female clients the women DESPISED them and would treat them incredibly poorly in your typical "old used up unwanted cunt hates pretty young girl" situation, seriously the unrestrained bitterness I've seen out of some of these old cunts is hilarious, you can FEEL the fucking anger and resentment radiating off them, or you could before we stopped taking girl clients, which also pisses me off, the boys used to tell the girls things to impress them, the girls would gossip to the male staff to try to get cozy with them and curry favors, and me and another guy knew how to use this/them to help keep the place safe, since we stopped taking girls? there have been numerous instances of the boys sneaking in drugs or phones or other things.. but nah it was "to difficult to deal with" according to the all female ownership/therapists, or in other words "fuck those young pretty girls, they make me feel bad about myself"… oh right then theres the fact that THREE TIMES now we've had female employees who have gotten grossly inappropriate with the kids, one was rumored to have even jerked one boy off while in an area without cameras, another was very touchy feely with a girl kid but her termination came after she was caught taking a nap in said girls bed during the day, the last was basically a stalker who was pursuing one of the males, but NONE of them were fired for the sexual infractions, they were all fired for unrelated things, one woman hit a boy, the napping thing, and the other for showing up late… which means they can all go on to do the same thing again at another place, all because management was to lazy to compile evidence and give it to the state and have them charged for their actions, that and they dont want the "blemish" on their own record so they'd rather shove the problem off on some other place) only have a successful rehab rate of like 30% or some shit, ie: only 30% graduate the problem AND remain sober for 6+ months or until they're off probation.

Oh right, did I mention all our therapists are female and currently all our clients male? Also they're all old women in their 40s or older, and cannot in any way relate to these teenage boys? The prescribing shrink on staff doesnt even bother to ever meet with the kids after their initial meeting when they first get there. He just reads reports from the therapists about what they think should be done, and then does it. Hes also the most feminine faggot you could imagine and in his 50s or so, so ALSO unable to relate to masculine teenage boys.

Yeah… this is the average state funded facility dealing with teenagers with behavioral and drug problems. The rest in the area are even worse than this place. None of these places help or improve these kids lives. And it all boils down to two things. The management/therapists not giving one fucking damn and being lazy as hell, and EVERYONE being totally unable to relate to or talk to these kids on their own level.

I mean, fuck all, we had a kid at one point with VERY FUCKING OBVIOUS bipolar disorder… he was never once treated for it nor was it even considered by either the initial outside clinical review of him by the state, nor by the "therapy team" at our facility.

So yeah, thats about how this whole shebang works/looks from the inside. Its laughable and terrible at the same time.

I should point out that the only reason the shrink meets with the kids at all is because it's illegal to prescribe meds to someone without seeing them in person at least once. (The law is that way to prevent internet doctors from writing scripts)

And yes, absolutely nothing about that situation surprises me in the least. I've never seen these places in person, but it's easy to put together from the interactions I've had with them on my end at the pharmacy.

Does this mean I can sue?

I'm criminally underinformed on this topic. Do vaccines in general cause autism, or do kikes add unnecessary chemicals that cause autism? Can vaccines be a good thing if used properly?

They started doing aggressive propaganda against anti-vaxxers around the same time. Before, the propaganda said "vax are harmless" but now it's "anti vaxxers are stupid"

Check the shots before taking them.

Yep. All you need to take care of is to see if it belongs to a bundle which is contaminated. If its not, take it. Autism rise has very little to do with vaccines; its the psychiatric commities changing the definition of autism to a broader spectre. Though you can be the odd one out in 1 out of a ten million to receive a bad shot, the diseases are much more of an issue. Its like you deciding to snip yourself instead of using a condom because one in a million break with use.


So the real story here is, whore mothers with Hepatitis B may cause autism. So much confirmation bias in this thread it is pathetic.

then don't fucking use it? Shit if it's not even a vital component, give it to the dindus in Africa.

I DO believe vaccines are important and even vital to modern society. HOWEVER, the big pharma industry pushing for numerous shots over the course of a childhood NEED to be audited more. I believe there is absolutely NOT enough scrutiny against these large pharmaceutical companies who just want to sell drugs to children to line their pockets. Wither or not these drugs are actually beneficial is completely besides the point. Bottom line is it is never a good thing when peoples freedom is being affected by large drug suppliers. We need to do more as a society to scrutinize these people more than we currently are. Fucking big pharma kikes.

The OP is a faggot though, vaccines don't cause autism- the Mercury in them bio-accumulates and can cause a host of diseases/abnormalities in developing children.

tldr; vaccines without mercury = good. Vaccine with mercury = serious health risk for developing babies.
Solution? Don't use the mercury preservative, or for the more risk-lenient - only use it for persons past the age of 3. or 18, why not

Thank you for the reasonable response user. The science behind vaccines has been out there for a long time, and it's plain that vaccines are effective with clear results. The problem is that the kikes have subverted it and ruined something that was beneficial.

We need to keep a closer eye on pharmaceutical companies and rigorously test the science. Science always holds up on its own, and can always be tested. We need to quit putting blind faith into these companies and the government, and do real research and investigations into the hard science at work.

Hell, its not just big pharma and the government. Its also Cult Science (in contrast to hard science). Cult Science is run by hacks like Bill Nye and the thousands of "Climate Scientists" who always talk about how humans are causing climate change on mainstream news and then drive home in their smog machines. Cult Science is the religion of the 21st century. Only there is no Gods or morals this time.

Problem is most preservatives will have the same issues.
ANother issue is that these vaccines need to stimulate an immune system response, which means they need to do damage to the body.

That's spot on, I should have mentioned it as well. Normies don't understand what science actually is. They think because "expert" with an inflated ego said something on TV, that makes it science.

Normies have a need to be told. We should encourage as many people as possible to become independent thinkers and come to their own conclusions, which naturally leads to the red pill. However, there are always people who will simply never understand no matter how much you explain something in every conceivable way. This is why we need to be as smart as possible, so that we can speak with confidence and be 100% knowledgeable in order to take on these pseudo-science faggots.

Don't even get me started on the cancer that is the social sciences




Do Jews avoid vaccinating their children? Religious reasons or otherwise?


Value of Vaccine to you = Marginal reduction in risk of desease - Risk of Bad Side Effects from vaccines.

Vaccine adverse effects reporting (probably under reported) cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/

Side effects here: nvic.org/Vaccines-and-Diseases.aspx

Pro Tip: Even by (((official))) numbers often the risk of serious side effects or death from vaccination out outweigh the small reduction in risk of the disease being prevented. Your results may vary. If you live next to a bunch of unvaccinated somalis than you may want to get vaccinated.

Vaccines don't have mercury anymore but watch out for aluminum. Babies probably shouldn't be vaccinated because vaccine triggered immune activation can cause brain inflammation and permanent changes (autism ? possible but not proven). It's well known fact that Autism onsets after immune reaction but the question is whether it would have happened after vaccine anyway. But initial immune reaction is part of the autism trigger so it makese sense not to pump your baby full of poorly tested vaccines made by companies protected from any liability by law.

Best if some expert told us, but I doubt it. The thing is that there are often several grades of vaccines. One is for common rabble, the other for those willing to pay more.

I bet the one regular kids get is made in cauldron together with mercury, while construction workers are spitting in it.

That assumes an environment where the vast majority are being vaccinated. When compared to polio, etc, the numbers are immediately justified. What is at issue is the number of vaccinations given so quickly, and the quality of the fillers used in them.

Thank you user for your effortpost. You seem to be the only one there who cares about those kids.
I wish you well and I hope they get out of the chemical jew.

I don't need vaccinations, as like many Americans, I occasionally sample the dust on my STEM degree, and work in what is essentially a stew of disease in a call center. I could be immune to everything at this point, based solely on my constant exposure to the dirtiest people in the area that aren't Indian.

It makes no links to autism only "development delays". If you read further you will see that the cases in the study were from 1991-2000. In 1999 they got rid of most of the thimerosol in most vaccines. Just make sure you have single doses and don't give them the hep b shot at birth. Wait till six months to even think about starting vaccination.
Also if you live in rural areas with no imported third world shitskin hordes invading your area there is probably very little actual reason to get vaccinated.

The average autist has an IQ of 70.

What's the name of the girl dance group?

Vaccines don't case autism. Vaccines in their "pure" form are just a dead/weakened virus that the body then learns how to fight. If vaccines on their own did cause autism, we would see the highest rates of autism in those with high levels of exposure to viruses. Admittedly, I don't know the specific numbers but I do know that those in the first world have far higher rates of autism than those in the third world; supporting the idea that viruses (and therefore pure vaccines) don't cause autism.

Thimerosal might though. Do keep in mind, the only reason thimerosal is in vaccines is because the alternative preservatives are far more expensive.

That is passé, man.
Netflix Censors Classic Bill Nye Show That Says Chromosomes Determine Gender
lifesitenew s.com/pulse/netflix-censors-classic-bill-nye-show-that-says-chromosomes-determine-gende

I know they recategorized Asperger's under the autism "spectrum", but there's still major disagreement over whether the two are the same thing. I don't personally believe that they are.

This user is correct, though I think the number of spergs and high functioning autists around here would surprise him. An user once said that autism just means that you're a white male. (Not the low functioning kind.) With how they've recategorized so many different things under "autism", that's pretty much the case. So yeah, weaponized whiteness, Holla Forums hive mind, R1b psychic gestalt… The name isn't important. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

It's fairly convenient for the Jews to have created a catch-all term that allows them to label as "mentally ill" pretty much any white male that calls them out. They're being pretty stupid about it though. They've diluted the meaning of the term to the point that it's about as stigmatized as "racist" is. If all white people are racist just because they're white, then what's wrong with being racist?

Vaccines work if you inoculate the entire population… But our dear leaders import unvaccinated third-worlders by the boatload now, defeating much of the point. So many diseases we eradicated in the civilized world are now making a comeback because of the invaders.

Add to that our current meds have less of an effect than before due to growing tolerance levels.
Immigrants from Africa are a literal biological weapon. People think of "white genocide" as a birth rate issue, or crazy islamist chopping off your head, but the possibility of an antibiotic-resistant epidemic increases proportionally with immigration.

In what kind of shithole do you need a hepatitis-B vaccination for your kids?

Are hep B vaccines even applied to children? Also, there have been several tests regarding other vaccines that gave no correlation whatsoever.

I'm inclined to believe that the most likely cause behind the increase of autism in the West is simply too much sensorial stimulation, basically lazy parents leaving their kids on the front of the TV all day long.

Or I might just be biased because I think that anti-vaxers are ridiculous.