Ivanka Trump to Head Review of U.S. Role in Paris Climate Change Agreement



Why? Why fucking that global warming support slut Princess Ivanka?!

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Keke he really doesn't give a shit about this.
It's quite an insult to send her.

the only one of trumps children worth saving is baron

She has the eye color of a subhuman

Her husband is a zio-Kike, what did you expect?

sage because it's quite obvious

She is a mother so she shouldn't be out working.

Say it with me
president she kike

send this race traitor to the fire

Donny Jr. and Eric are /ourguys/, IIRC.

At least w.r.t. guns.

I guess all those West Virginian coal miners can kiss their jobs goodbye after all. Will they go back to voting democrat again, now that they've been stabbed in the back by democrats AND republicans?

I wouldn't like to draw conclusions before we have a more stable picture of what's going to happen on that department. It is a bad scenario that seems pretty troubling though. I think this would lead to them not voting. I sense that this might create an atmosphere of apathy in America if this and other events come into fruition that turn away campaign promises that the voting blocks desperately voted for. That or they would go to the lolbergs to seek refuge.

Trump needs to defoo the jew.

Well Scott Pruiet is with her as well, and he's strongly against the Paris agreement. I still think Trump will back out though.

is like poetry

Fix your subject line, OP.
America is tripling their efforts and commitment to Paris climate agreement'


Good luck re-industrializing America without coal, dumbass.

They're going right back to the Dems in 2020 over this. Miners in PA and Ohio as well. They're not getting their jobs back like Trump said if we keep with the Paris Climate shit.

Nice try, Chaim. All you had to say was she's a race traitor, but that would have implicated your tribe.

The saying is "like pottery" you fucking newfag.

"America is tripling their efforts and commitment to Paris climate agreement"

That's so much more based than Trumps initial campaign speeches to his voting support base where he promised during the campaign
"Trump 'will definitely pull out of Paris climate change deal"

There aren't enough known dimensions in the ultraworld to describe his multidimensional chessplaying skillz

He truly is the most based zionist controlled candidate in the known universe

Don't you see, Trump is going to make them overdose on money! If you defund your enviro-marxists, they win.



When will you get tired of playing this game, shills? Not even the pay can be that good. Do you honestly have no other marketable skills beyond "Jewish tool"?

It's genuis
he knows that marxists love to spend all their cash on frivolous things like candy and drugs and he's secretly pushing them to OD on massive amounts of drugs, booze, m&ms and prostitutes.

Truly he is the ninja chess grandmaster we've been crying out for!

Good goy.

You got a link for that faggot?

Filtered and reported :^)

I've gotten pretty tired of this hook nose slut being first princess.

Well, obviously I had to unfilter to respond.
Your fear is palpable. But back into the filter you go!

Aryans are the best whites, no contest.
I can understand why you're angry why you'll never be a supreme aryan but that doesn't mean you're not white, dumb fucks.

So… no link?

The chessboard is in your heart.

This is like getting angry that he quoted the Holocaust Museum site word for word in his weekly address. It's climate change, who fucking cares?

Lurk 10 more years faggot. "Climate change" is an ongoing marxist plot to de-industrialize western nations and redistribute their hard-earned wealth to subhuman 3rd worlders.

"Climate change" is also losing all of it's UN funding. So I ask again, who the fuck cares?

Do you have that infograph on the big bux behind climate change's foreign lobbies?

Yeah who gives a fuck about campaign promises? Us realpolitiks only care about getting chesscucked.

They shift the funding to things like the 2030 project which just the same shit restated with a new brand name.

It’s literally not. Kill yourself.

Thanks for your opinion, moishe. No one cares about it.


False equivalence. You're embarrassing yourself.


Mulvaney fucking confirmed it during a press briefing you dumb nigger. At least know what you're talking about.

…said nobody in this thread.

hopefully she actually goes to france and dies, weren't there a bunch of dubs posts in other threads about how a muslim would kill her?

Pretty sure I saw that, something about her going to some nigger country and then getting raped and killed. Be even better if it was in France though.


Killing this board with that shit.

Nigger in 4000 years this place is going to act as a case study about how ancient neets developed the word shill and the word faggot.

That would be poetic.

Top tier shilling Mr shill.

>I know I'll call him a shill that will convince everyone

I see this is the containment thread.

Hopefully this is just PR bullshit. Ivanka and her husband don't work for Trump or the American people. They speak and act for the globalists. Push harder "Ivanka and Kushner have too much influence in the WH" and see how it goes. The MSM did it against Bannon since day one. The goal is to get rid of Kushner within the next 3 years or so (the sooner the better).

I'm expecting civil war everywhere somewhere within the next 10-15 years. But if Trump's kike daughter gets killed by a truck of peace I am legitimately interested in how he would react. Sure he'd be sad, but how would he react politically?

Trump won't fire family.

There's my case you silly shill. Also you faggots can't help but show off goebbels' law every chance you get.

That's the point you dim-witted faggot. This board has devolved into nothing but baseless accusations of shillery by worthless faggots.

Does shilling transpire? Oh fuck yes.
Is everyone who disagrees with you a shill? Oh fuck no.
Every comment you've made in this thread was either calling someone shill or defending your calling of someone shill.

Do you understand that Ivanka is an advocate of climate change?

Also, this comment alone makes you sound like a legitimate admin shill.
What about it does that?
Trump loves his daughter, you incompetent stooge, so to suggest he's sending her as some side thing, 'sending his retarded daughter', as though that were some sort of insult, is incredibly disingenuous or just downright stupid.

The only way this plan could be any better is if the managed to remove macaroni at the same time.

Your Trump-themed Taken fanfiction is neat and all, but come the fuck on lad.

What's the point of making entire fake threads, imkamphy?

I think it was post 24 that first used the word shill. You faggots are so new it hurts

I didnt realize loves now means "allows massive policy shifts from" also fuck you she's an idiot and is only in the white house to act as muh women PR.

Screencap it, it's going to happen.

Yeah, I sort of realised that as I pressed reply. I would say it'll be the war where we finally gas the kikes but knowing the kikes they'll just hide out in the bunkers again.
Jews sure like to make shit obvious, I'm surprised no one has caught on yet.

Accusations of kikery are no better than accusation of shilling if we're honest here lad.

Holla Forums has really fallen hard into this shit, and it needs to stop. Instead of accusing everyone you don't like of being a shill or a Jew, focus on the retardation of their commentary - like you did in the first part of your post.

More baseless accusations, with lies on top.

Now you do.
Bullshit, she's Trump's favorite. She's definitely there for some PR shit, but your implication is ridiculous.

You're embarrassing.

I find that highly dubious, but those digits...


Stop astroturfing, imkamphy.


This is what a moderator considers "D&C"… No wonder things are so shit.

no u

Despite your dubs, Eric is most definitely not. Remember when he said he wanted to kill Dr. Duke? Fuck Eric. Don Jr. is okay to my knowledge, he tweeted a Pepe and there's nothing I know of that he really did wrong.

Except, ya know, marrying a Jewess.

Well, at least the policy they push isn't jewish. Unlike Ivanka.

i warned you

Christian/Anti-Christian D+C is banned on Holla Forums. It's a pointless subject to argue about since neither side will ever budge on the issue. Both sides are firmly convinced that they're obviously right and the other side is obviously under the influence of jews. It's an issue at an impasse.

I think that anti-Christian D+C is harmful to Holla Forums, but this sort of heavy-handed moderation seems counterproductive. This sort of thing tends to just throw fuel on the fire…

remember goyim, trump is the le god emperor and will solve all our problems praise kek fellow nazis t. ImKampfy and /r/the_donald

I am so sick of looking at this kike loving whore and her stupid face.Its gets the gas!! along with her wanna be antichrist.. hurr dur (666 building) zio rat husband.


D/C Saxons have historically had brown eyes and brown hair. The Angles (from where we get anglo) were the ones who looked like 'angels' or elves with blue eyes and blue hair.

Needless to say, Hitler was wrong about the Chinese.


I can only hope Prueitt stands his ground and tells Ivanka were pulling out

He will once Kushner keeps getting exposed for all his lying and shady dealings. When is he supposed to even testify in Congress already?

Keep in mind that China wasn't a commie shithole devoid of humanity in 1945. At least back then they could use the 'muh thousands of years of dynastic history' excuse, but turning red fully cemented their place as heartless ant people with no history.

China was a backwards uncivilized shithole before then. Just look at how they fought the Boxer rebellion. Insect mindedness and administrative incompetence are the Chinese M.O.

Bug people.

(checked) every key position in the process of the bolshevik destruction of china was jew rat infestation.Chiang Kai‑Shek was a chink freemason with soviet kike handlers and they started the subversion long before 45.Fuck those chink insects yet it was the soviet (((rodents))) influence that turned them commie.

Oh trump

Don Jr. gave the best speech at the RNC. It was basically everything his father was trying to say but even more convincing. If there's going to be another Trump in the near future worth getting behind it's him. Eric is ok but he has some really bad moments and lacks the necessary charisma.

You do realize this is exactly why your board is dying? At least you didn't delete my posts this time, must be because this isn't a sticky.

Can't help but notice the chessfags becoming quieter and quieter with each passing day…

Don't gloat to hard, you might make some of them revert.

Something isn't right about her face

too much surgery

Ivanka deserves death by detergent

user, this is not how it works. If you can't provide a link you're simply making yourself look like an idiot. Here is a bunch of listed press briefings. All I did was use one simple search and bam first page results.


Guess we are staying in the agreement.


Thank god my godess will protect us.

He fired his own brother before

wow, eastern kikes bringing up shitty jew forged hitler quotes, kill yourself.


Cant fire the jew.

Watch me.

Blond haired blue eyed Europeans have done fuckall except be giant cucks in the modern age, fuck off.

I can't believe you retards are still falling for the "Ivanka controls Trump" meme.

Yes, she's his favorite child and he does listen to her opinions but in the end of the day he does whatever the fuck he wants. It has always been like this.

Did it cross your mind that she knows a lot of compromising stuff about his business and he can't simply dump her uncerimoniously?

Bear in mind that she's also Ivana's daughter, which means it wouldn't take her much to destroy her father out of scorn and ambition, especially when she has a pet kike who owns a newspaper.

For the time being he needs to appease her and make her feel like Daddy's princess but we all know it doesn't mean shit because if it did, things would be a lot different at this point.

Deep inside she knows it as well. Her frustration is palpable. Her liberal friends deposited all their hopes on her acting like a trojan horse inside the White House but they're starting to notice she can't deliver what she promised. She's getting hate from both sides of the argument and narcissist bimbos like her don't have enough emotional resilience to resist that. Her polished veneer is slowly cracking.

I don't agree with everything Trump does and definitely find some of his decisions questionable but I don't believe for one second that kike Barbie and Ken would manipulate him into doing something he doesn't want to. He wouldn't piss off a lot of people with money and power who supported him to cater to the whims of a spoiled handbag designer.

i wonder who wrote this post

So how much is the JIDF paying to patrol the mean streets of Holla Forums these days?

How the fuck did that happen?

Not only that but the highest ranking this place has ever been overnight, yet our total daily/weekly/monthly post average is falling.

I think it was those ShareBlue faggots although I can't remember.

I know imkampfy samefags to hell and back, but the amount of proxyfagging required would make the place much more artificially active then it is. From actually looking at the post statistics the big spike in post activity is right after April 1st, incvidentally this is also when Holla Forums's activity spiked upwards and imkampfy and that other Mod wasn't able to ban anybody. Then it lulls for a while after incidentally last week was the lowest post count this year for Holla Forums while Holla Forums steadily fluctuates in a stable fashion.

What if its ours?

WEW get a load of this banker

Have you looked at cuckchan lately? The slide threads and b-tier bait posts have gotten out of control. Even though this board is owned by a Jew who is datamining all of us not using a VPN at least we can still have real discussion.

Tell me more about pic related?

Once and for all, Trump must be made to understand that even though she is attractive and stuff, Ivanka WAS NOT elected to office.

I'd love to know the chess-spin on this one